Louisa lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she has a long-standing love affair with the sensual pleasures of life: wine, bubble baths, ice-cream and books. Nothing gives an illicit thrill like reading a sexy story on the train while those around you are oblivious. Get into a sexy state of mind and feel that thrill with Louisa’s books!
Hee hee! If money were not an object, I would have no fixed address. I might have a base of operations in Melbourne, because that's where my family is, but I'd spend most of the year traveling, setting myself up in different but equally amazing cities around the world for months at a time.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Erm - it's not so much a secret, but I have an ongoing love affair with food that's not good for me. I have been known to be secretive about its consumption, because if nobody knows, it never happened!
If you were on a reality show, what one would it be?
I'm going to be boring with this one, and choose something in the home renovations line. I'm not a terribly adventurous person, so anything that involves perilous activity is automatically off the list!
City life or country life?
City, definitely. Although I'd like to have access to the country for the occasional weekend escape.
Zebras or elephants?
If I don't say zebras, my sister-in-law may hurt me. She has a weird thing for them, and she may be tiny, but she's fierce. So, um, zebras. Although I do love the shape of elephants' ears....
Ebook or paperback?
This is an impossible question! While I love the convenience of ebooks, and the way they've opened the market to so many possibilities, I also love being able to hold a paperback, flip through the pages - and most importantly for me, check the ending is a happy one (I know a lot of people are horrified by that). I also love being able to pick up a paperback and read the blurb. You just can't do that with ebooks. Having said that, I read almost exclusively in ebook format these days, just because I have no room for more paperbacks.
Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
Books. Lots of books. Ice cream, chocolate and pastries. Shoes - but only pretty ones.
And probably stationery, because who can resist paperclips in a dozen colors?
a book in the Emerald Isle Fantasies series
Contemporary Erotic Romance
Ellora's Cave
Jillian is planning a wedding for the bride from hell—who suddenly decides to move the event to Ireland with less than a month to go. Lucky for Jillian, the groom’s brother is available to lend a hand.
Sexy, charming Fin clearly has more on his mind than just helping Jillian with the wedding. But she knows Bridezilla will not tolerate the hired help consorting with her future brother-in-law. Jillian can’t risk being blackballed, so it’s seriously hands off Fin, no matter how irresistible he is and how energetically he pursues her. If only Castle Tullamore weren’t so romantic—and if only she could stop tearing off his clothes every time she gets into that antique elevator with him.
Someone cleared their throat behind her, and a shudder ran down her spine. Surely she couldn’t be this unlucky?Turning, she smiled weakly. “Hi, Fin.”“Jillian.” He raised an eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you for a while. Were you waiting?” He gestured at the lift, door open, and she flushed. Of course he’d catch her daydreaming about him.“Er.” She stepped into the elevator. “I was—distracted.” He followed her in and pushed the button for his floor, then hers. The door closed.Her fingers started to itch. His hair looked so soft. She wanted to run her hands through it, tug a little, use her grip to guide his head down…Fuck it…
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