Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Feb 14, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Daring Proposal @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

A NEW RELEASE from Jeanne St. James!
Daring Proposal
The Dare Menage Series, Book 2

Since losing her husband years ago in a tragic accident, Eve Sanders hasn't dated. Her husband's death proved life is short, so why waste time denying her unfulfilled desires. Eve desires two men, but not just any two. Both happen to be former Super Bowl champions and best friends.

When both men participate in a Celebrity Date Night charity event, Eve's determined to not only be the winning bidder for the retired NFL quarterback Lawrence ""Long Arm"" Landis, but also Cole Dixon, his former Boston Bulldog's teammate. However, Ren not only has a problem with another man dating the same woman, but he definitely isn't planning on sharing her in the same bed. Even if it's with his best friend.

Openly bi-sexual, Cole is sexually attracted to Ren and has secretly wanted him for years. He's never acted upon it, assuming Ren wouldn't want to be with another man. Eve's daring proposal gives Cole hope his dream with Ren will come true.

Being with two men is one of Eve's fantasies, but never in her life has she been so bold. Not only is she nervous about proposing something so daring to the two men, but will both be willing?

Never in her life has she been so bold to propose something so daring...
Amazon 5 star Review: ""Jeanne St James has worked herself right next to many of my favorite authors. This book, just like all the others I have read, are easy to escape into.""

Amazon 5 Star Review: ""A really well-written story into the emotional considerations and challenges of a menage relationship.""

He placed a hand over hers, which was resting on her thigh. “Where to now?”
“Somewhere quiet?”
His fingers flexed over hers. “Have you ever driven stick?”
She shook her head.
He interlaced his fingers with hers and placed their linked hands over the gear shift. “You don’t know what you’re missing. All that power within your fingertips.” With his hand guiding hers, he shifted the restored classic Camaro into first gear. He let out the clutch and the big block engine roared to life as he pulled away from the club, the tires chirping a bit. He continued to drive through the city with her hand under his on the gear shift. Her hand felt tiny in comparison to his broad palm and long fingers.
She didn’t bother to ask where he was headed. She didn’t even care. The warm, long fingers intertwined with hers had such promise. She hoped he was just as skilled with them as Ren had been the night before.
That thought made her sit back in the bucket seat. This was what she wanted. What she intended. But could she live with herself for being so open to sex on the first date with two different men? Two men she only had knowledge of because they had lived a very public life?
She had picked them for a reason. They were both men who had played the field. And she wasn’t thinking about football. Both had been sexually active with women, and in Cole’s case, also with men, but didn’t take relationships seriously. She figured they’d be more open-minded to what she would propose. If they agreed, she hoped it would eventually work out to be long-term but reminded herself not to be disappointed if it didn’t. Either way, she wanted to explore her sexuality, wanted to explore something new. Both men seemed to be secure enough in their sexuality, from what she could see.
He worked his way through the city with skill. It was clear he knew it well, and it wasn’t long before he pulled into a parking garage below what had looked like the same building where they dropped him off the night before.
He had taken her to his place. Her pulse jumped from the sudden awareness of what he intended to the anticipation of what was to come.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Amazon Author Page:"
Email the author directly HERE if you'd like to review this book.

Feb 10, 2017

Seeking Reviewers: Lover in Stone #PNR Dark Kynd Novel @SCDaneLove #MFRWauthor

Lover in Stone
A Darkest Kynd Novel, Book 1
by MFRW Author S.C. Dane

To the world they are the Grotesques—hideous chimeras and gargoyles of stone. But before they are locked in their granite prisons, they are Kynd—magnificent beings condemned to prowl the nightmares of every realm.

Their tortures will doom them to stone.

The love of a Chosen One could save them.

Hell hath no fury like a woman who wants her man...

AMAZON Buy Link!

5.0 out of 5 starsShe's done it again...
By Redwood Treasures on September 10, 2016
Format: Paperback
...left me waiting for more!! When do they come out on Audio? Then I can ""read"" and ride and not have to wait until I get home to keep reading!

S C Dane has done it again!
By Gem Davis on July 30, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
S C Dane has done it again! [She] had me into the world she created by the end of the first chapter and sadden by the last page of the book, knowing I’d have to wait for the next book to read what she has planned other Kynds.

EXCERPT: Chapter One
The pose didn’t suit her. Although far be it from Angelia Delacroix to notice she formed the perfect imitation of a long-legged grasshopper. Not when her attention was riveted to the skin-bound book spread open in front of her.
She felt like the member of the bomb squad holding the wire snips: her breath locked in her lungs. And not because the pages of the book were fragile, either. Given its age, the darn thing had defied the ravages of time.
What worried her, and kept her from breathing, was the aura of magic surrounding the thing.
The relic sitting in front of her was volatile as a real bomb. All it would take would be one wrong move, one offensive stumble from her, and the book could do anything.
So, she couldn’t screw up.
As it was, the only reason she sat in the same room with the ancient tome was because she was the only being it allowed to read its pages.
Like the Scriptum had an inkling of its own.
Which made it one scary so and so.
Because, let’s face it, she wasn’t anyone special. Not in this world of faery, vampires, shifters, and ghouls.
And Grotesques.
She would never forget to add the gargoyles and chimerae to her list of supernatural wonders. When she was younger, she used to fantasize about them, spending countless nights conjuring tales of derring-do for her Grotesque heroes.
Which was fine when you were a little kid. Playing make-believe was as normal as snot dripping from your nose. Even as a teenager, she could be excused when she’d gripped tight to her fascination, practically wallpapering her bedroom with pictures of chimerae.
Except she never outgrew her fascination.
Which made her a loser on all counts. She was a mere human, living in a realm populated by creatures with innate talents that left her wanting.
And feeling pathetically inadequate.
Ugh. Yeah. She’d polish that nugget of loveliness later. Right then, she was preoccupied with sliding her silver reading blade along the pages she was translating. She had come to the running end of an unfinished sentence about her favorite subject: gargoyles and chimerae.
So to her, the Scriptum read like a New York Times best-selling novel: a real page-turner. Hastening to devour more, she flicked the blade to roll the page. Only to slice her finger on the vellum—even though she’d been using her knife.
“Ooh, crap!”She jabbed her bleeding finger into her mouth, her eyes dancing like frantic maids to find something, anything, to dab the blood off the ancient page.
“Oh, God, oh God, how could I be so stupid?” Mortified, she jumped to her feet, tipping her stool so it clattered to the floor behind her.
The droplet of blood spread in a widening circle into the page. Like an atomic cloud.
And just as flipping devastating.
She’d marred the ancient Scriptum. With her stupid human ineptitude, she’d scarred a relic which had remained in near pristine condition for centuries.
Stumbling back, she couldn’t peel her helpless stare from her blunder.
Fear snatched her breath as droplets of sweat stung her armpits and prickled the small of her back. Aro, her vampire boss, would be…enraged.
See? Pathetic. Aro would never lay a fang on her. Not when her father was Vampyre, one of the ruling Triumvirate.
Okay, so he wasn’t her real father. But she’d been raised since infancy as Anton’s own, and it was no secret to the vampire realm. Inept human she might be, but Angelia moved freely within her father’s world.
No vampire in their right mind dared touch her.
Including Aro.
Right. Taking a deep breath to calm her panic, she bent to put her stool back onto its three feet. Then bolted upright, her hand clutched to her heart like a clichéd heroine wrapped tight in her corset and long skirts.

S.C. Dane currently lives in Wyoming on a working cattle ranch. When she’s not riding horses on the range, she’s immersed in her second passion: writing. She loves traveling, too, and isn’t sure what adventures her next move will find for her.
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If interested in reviewing, contact the author directly.

Feb 3, 2017

New Release! #MFRWauthor @JuneShaw BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Fatal Romance

June Shaw's NEW RELEASE!
Romance hangs in the air for one divorced sister but not the other as Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn struggle to get their Twin Sisters Remodeling and Repair business going in their south Louisiana town when their newest customer is found down in his pond near a seating area they created. His wife knew he couldn’t swim and pushed him, Sunny concludes after the man’s ashes fly at his funeral and some land in her pocket. She’s determined to give them to the wife, but complications prevent that and sends evidence pointing at them. Becoming murder suspects hurts their business, and a killer’s warning lets the twins know they need to locate the killer before their similar looks drop down to one, while Eve urges Sunny to find romance, but wouldn’t be thrilled to learn the man attracting Sunny is the person she believes is her own soulmate.

Nov 27, 2016, Lisa Morin rated it 5 stars: "It was amazing! This is the first book I've read by this author. June Shaw writes an interesting cozy mystery involving identical twin sisters, Sunny and Eve.
Eve is the more outgoing sister, she has an outgoing personality and loves to flirt with the men. Sunny is a truly unique character. When she's scared, she hums and sings Christmas Carols. Though it may not be appropriate, it does give the reader something to chuckle about. In this story, Eve and Sunny are attending a funeral and when things go bad, Sunny is singing and Eve is embarrassed. Sunny believes that there is something fishy about this death and she refuses to sit back and wait for the police to solve the crime. I really enjoyed this story, it was well written and this book is full of colorful characters. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley."

Nov 30, 2016, Lenore rated it 5 Stars: "I loved this story, the mix of mystery, humor and romance was balanced just right. Adult twins Sunny and Eve are almost identical in appearance, but their life experiences have shaped them into totally different personalities. Sunny added a lot of humor to the story as she investigated the murders of two of their clients. The mystery kept me guessing, and I was satisfied with the final reveal. Sunny’s tentative romance with Dave was sweet, and I hope to read more about them in the next story of the Twin Sisters Mystery Series. I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion."

“Do this one favor for me, please. Stay here. Be nice to him—unless he tries to hurt you.” She smiled wider. “I’m kidding. And I really like him.”
The shadow of a truck crossed the sheers in front of her den.
She returned the pistol to the drawer. “I’ve gotten close to Dave, so he expects that of me—you. Just be nice. You’ll be safe. Promise.”
She waited, letting me make up my mind. She looked so much like me, except for her better clothes and more confident attitude. This idea of performing was intriguing and pulled my mind away from death scenes. She had no reason to think the man would hurt anyone, and my current purpose in life was keeping this sister safe.
“You won’t regret it. I’ll owe you.”
I forced a laugh. “Go on.”
She dashed toward the door to the garage. My mind screamed Are you crazy? to myself while my stomach squeezed into a knot.
Chimes rang out.
Anxiety swelled through my chest. Eve needed the man checked out. If he wasn’t okay, he wouldn’t have stayed in business long. With an unsteady step, I opened the door. “Hello.”
He took my hand with a firm grip. “Hello, Eve. You asked me to come back.”
His greeting brought me to fully recall I was playing a role. My sister would have told this fine-looking businessman to call her by her first name.
“Yes, Dave, please come in.”
Tall and wearing nice dress clothes, he stepped into the foyer. Eve would stand close to him, so I did. Eyes the color of hot chocolate held on my face.
In the den he sat not far from the right end of the sofa. I started to protest but couldn’t tell him not to sit there because I needed to be near my sister’s weapon.
“I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you to sit first. Sometimes I’m not much of a gentleman.”
Remembering to be Eve, I said, “I don’t always want a man to be a gentleman.” I winced, and his lips turned up at one edge. “I’ll just … sit, too.” I squeezed into the tiny space to the right of him, where I could grab that pistol if needed. He carried a light scent of spearmint, maybe toothpaste. And an enticing smell of male.
Enticing? Where did that come from?

ABOUT June Shaw
June lives in south Louisiana surrounded by slow-moving bayous and the large family and group of friends she adores. She has represented the Southern Louisiana chapter of Romance Writers of America and serves on the board to represent her state for Mystery Writers of America's Southwest Chapter. She loves to hear from readers!,,

While I was teaching junior high students and widowed, raising my five children alone, I wrote on Saturday and Sunday mornings and occasionally a little while after school. Now that I'm retired, I get up at about 7:30, read a little prayer in my Daily Word, get a cup of coffee, and bring it into my office that has stacks of papers lying everywhere. I'd love to be an organized person, but when God passed out qualities, I was skipped on that one. I've tried--sometimes. At least my books are more organized. I used to listen to soft music while I wrote but find I'm too easily distracted now, so I keep things quiet. I get coffee all morning, but seldom can write in the afternoon.

This book is available from NetGalley.

Jan 31, 2017

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: A Bend In The Willow @SusanCGoldner

Susan Clayton-Goldner recently released A Bend In The Willow, a Contemporary Romance with Tirgearr Publishing.

Willowood, Kentucky 1965—Robin Lee Carter sets a fire that kills her rapist, then disappears. She reinvents herself and is living a respectable life as Catherine Henry, married to a medical school dean in Tucson, Arizona. In 1985, when their 5-year-old son, Michael, is diagnosed with a chemotherapy-resistant leukemia, Catherine must return to Willowood, face her family and the 19-year-old son, a product of her rape, she gave up for adoption. She knows her return will lead to a murder charge, but Michael needs a bone marrow transplant. Will she find forgiveness, and is she willing to lose everything, including her life, to save her dying son?

Beautifully bittersweet – this is the story of Robin Lee’s childhood, the events that formed and tested her, and what she did to finally move on and become the woman known as Catherine Henry. As Catherine her life is everything she dreamed it would be but it is based on lies and she fears that one day she will be exposed. When her five year old son is diagnosed with leukemia and a bone marrow transplant is all that can save him Catherine has to face people and places she has not seen in twenty years. What she finds is an astounding story of giving, living and love.

It has been a long time since a story has moved me to tears! But reading the last chapter of this book about soaked my pillow! This is a beautiful story written with Southern charm. You live through each character. It has also been a long time since I have found a story so beautifully written that you could be reading a movie script. You can just hear the words coming off the page into your mind.

Willowood, Kentucky (1954)
I was seven years old the first time I wished him dead. I remember everything about that cloudless February day. The sky had a dazzling light to it, the kind that bounced off snowdrifts and caught the sparkle in the spider web frost on the school bus windows. It was the kind of light that made dreams seem possible. Even for me. The bus smelled like tangerines, wet wool and half-eaten peanut butter sandwiches left in lunchboxes.
I scooted closer to the window so Nancy couldn’t see me slip my hand inside my book bag to finger the pink envelope where Wayne Stafford had printed my full name with a heart drawn around it. Robin Lee Carter. As soon as I finished my chores I planned to paint a snowman card with a heart, instead of a carrot, for a nose.
Nancy poked me in the shoulder. “You got a secret in there?”
I shook my head. Nancy Preston and I swore we’d never keep secrets from each other. But this was a new feeling and I didn’t have the words to explain it yet, even to my best friend.
When the doors swung open on Bear Hollow Road, a string of yelping kids hopped from the bottom step and raced toward the sleds they’d left at the crest of the hill. I caught up with Wayne and touched his sleeve. “May I ride your sled?” I was careful to use the proper verb.
Wayne grinned, but before he could say yes, Peggy Thompson, in her red coat with black fur cuffs, stuck her prissy face close to my ear and whispered, loud enough for him to hear, “Robin Lee is nothing but dirty junkyard trash.”
Wayne’s gaze settled on his galoshes before he turned and ran toward the hill.
I stood up real straight, lifted my chin like Momma always said, and pretended it didn’t matter. Although my clothes weren’t as new and fancy as Peggy’s, they were always clean and well mended.
I wanted to brag about the card Wayne had given me, but instead I held my nose and glared at Peggy. “You have cooties and your breath smells like dog poop.”
She gasped, stuffed her hands into a fur muff that hung from a braided cord around her neck and marched away, her finger curls bobbing with each step.
Nancy slapped her palm over her mouth to hold in the giggles, but she couldn’t hide the sparkle in her blue eyes. Her mom worked on Tuesdays and Thursdays and paid my momma to babysit after school. I loved those two days better than any other. Even my daddy seemed happier. But today was Wednesday. I waved to Nancy, then ran toward my house, anxious to get the laundry hung so I could paint the snowman card.
Halfway up the drive, I spotted Daddy’s pickup truck parked at a funny slant, its front tires in the flowerbed Momma had covered with pine needles for the winter. Right away, I figured he’d been drinking. My heart thumped, but not in the good way it had when I found Wayne’s valentine. Daddy’s drinking moods were dangerous, like someone sprayed poison into the air. I knew my life was different and sometimes knowing that was like skin pinched inside the teeth of a zipper.

ABOUT Susan Clayton-Goldner
Susan Clayton-Goldner was born in New Castle, Delaware and grew up with four brothers along the banks of the Delaware River. She is a graduate of the University of Arizona's Creative Writing Program and has been writing most of her life. Her novels have been finalists for The Hemingway Award, the Heeken Foundation Fellowship, the Writers Foundation and the Publishing On-line Contest. Susan won the National Writers' Association Novel Award twice for unpublished novels and her poetry was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies including Animals as Teachers and Healers, published by Ballantine Books, Our Mothers/Ourselves, by the Greenwood Publishing Group, The Hawaii Pacific Review-Best of a Decade, and New Millennium Writings. A collection of her poems, A Question of Mortality was released in 2014 by Wellstone Press. Prior to writing full time, Susan worked as the Director of Corporate Relations for University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona.

Susan shares a life in Grants Pass, Oregon with her husband, Andreas, her fictional characters, and more books than one person could count.


Jan 23, 2017

#MFRWauthor #Historical Book Spotlight: Darcy's Hope @GingerMonette

A NEW RELEASE by Ginger Monette!
Darcy's Hope at Donwell Abbey, A WW1 Pride and Prejudice Companion Book 2

1917. With WW1 raging across the Western Front, Captain Fitzwilliam Darcy has won the heart of Elizabeth Bennet. Finally.

Then she disappears.

Still reeling from the loss, tragedy strikes, plunging him into a dark and silent world.

His heart tells him to hold on to Elizabeth, but his head tells him to take a chance with his extraordinary nurse who reminds him of his beloved Elizabeth.

But Donwell Abbey holds a secret that just might change everything....

*Darcy's Hope at Donwell Abbey is a sequel to Darcy's Hope ~ Beauty from Ashes, but can be read as a stand-alone novel.
""spellbinding story!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

""...story is amazing!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

""Fabulous story!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

Like a tentative knock on the door of his heart, her fingertips brushed his uniform sleeve, then grazed his hand as her fingers fell away. Something answered deep inside him.

ABOUT Ginger Monette
Ginger lives with her family in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she enjoys dancing on the treadmill, watching period dramas, public speaking, and reading—a full-length novel every Sunday afternoon.

Her WW1 flash fiction piece, Flanders Field of Grey, won Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's 2015 Picture This grand prize.
website  |  facebook  |  amazon  |  goodreads
Do you love Jane Austen fan fiction? Author is looking for reviewers even if you haven't read book 1 of series. Contact with "Review Donwell Abbey" on subject line.

Jan 22, 2017

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Bess by Charles Cranston Jett

by Charles Cranston Jett
Bess Parker is only 21 years old when she sets out by herself in 1908, leaving the safety of her childhood home for southwestern North Dakota to establish a homestead. And it takes all the strength she can muster to succeed—facing the perils of the vast prairie, making her homestead productive, conquering the dangers of the frontier, flirting with romance, struggling with the emotional needs of her heart and body, and meeting the challenges of life on the prairie. But this unique young woman has a steely determination, and her story is the epitome of courage and grit in a difficult and sometimes cruel time in the history of the west.

Bess is the story of a young twenty-one year old woman's journey of courage, grit and love.
FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Rochelle Weber, Roses & Thorns Reviews, Dec 8, 2016
Growing up on a farm in Cando, North Dakota, “Bess” Parker is a tomboy. She’d rather be outside helping her dad with farm chores than inside learning to cook or sew with her mother. Obedient child that she is, Bess manages to do both—get up early enough to feed the chickens, gather the eggs, help Mama with breakfast, and then go outside to help saddle up her horse and help her dad tend the sheep. In the spring she even helps with lambing and shearing, while getting good grades in school and mastering the piano, eventually being able to play complex pieces such as Chaupin’s etudes. The only thing is, when a local boy expresses an interest in courting her, Bess just isn’t interested. She wants to move farther west and homestead—on her own. Much to her mother’s dismay, Bess never seems to show any interest in romance at all.

She’s very good at hiding the feelings she has for her best friend. Nor does she tell her parents about Linda, the girl she meets on the train enroute to Haley, North Dakota, the town where she plans to homestead, or the three wonderful days they spend together before Linda leaves for Montana to visit her aunt and uncle.

“Bess” grabbed me at the beginning and held my attention straight through. I had difficulty putting it down. Mr. Jett did a pretty good job of staying in the period with only one anomaly that I found, which wasn’t bad for a first-time historical novel. Mr. Jett’s dialog could also be a bit less stilted, but making the transition from non-fiction business writing to fiction is not easy, and since Mr. Jett had the same publisher, I suspect he had the same editor who may not know as much about working with fiction. Bess is a plucky character—a strong woman who makes her own way in a man’s world. A true pioneer in more than one sense of the word. I highly recommend “Bess.”

ABOUT Charles Cranston Jett
Charles Cranston Jett is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He served in the US Naval Nuclear Submarine Force and has thirty years’ experience in the management consulting and executive recruiting world. A native of the Western Dakotas, Mr. Jett is also the author of WANTED: Eight Critical Skills You Need To Succeed; The Doom Loop; Field Studies; and Super Nuke! A Memoir About Life as a Nuclear Submariner and the Contributions of a “Super Nuke” the USS RAY (SSN653) Toward Winning the Cold War.

Connect with Charles on his blog or on goodreads.

Email Charles for a review copy. Will provide e-book.

Jan 20, 2017

Meet #MFRWauthor @RaineEnglish in Shadows and Lies

MFRW author Raine English recently released Shadows and Lies, a Contemporary Paranormal Romantic Suspense, by Elusive Dreams Press.

When Olivia Lockwood leaves the comfort of her quaint Massachusetts home for an eerie mansion in Louisiana to fulfill her grandfather’s dying wish, she has no idea of the long-buried secrets that await her there. Or whether Jaxon Carter, her grandfather’s right-hand man, might steal her heart or put her life in jeopardy.

A love so strong it transcends time, but can it survive an evil that’s out to destroy?
A haunting romantic suspense on an 1830’s sugar plantation. The story alternates from present day back to 1800’s. Woven seamlessly into the storyline are time travel, ghost story, curses, and romance. A nice, intriguing, quick read. Finding your soulmate from long ago
Source: Comfy Chair Books

As I stood looking at the house, clouds covered the sun, darkening the bright, beautiful day and casting shadows over Turnberry, giving it a much more sinister appearance. My gaze traveled up to the second floor, and I could have sworn I saw someone staring out from one of the large paned windows, but upon second glance, no one was there. Could it have been my imagination, or had someone been watching me arrive?
My fingers curled around the spinel pendant that hung from my neck, and I stroked the cool, smooth stone, hoping it would help to ease my anxiety.
“That’s a lovely necklace, Miss Olivia,” Gerard said, his gaze fixed on the pendant.
“Thank you. My mother gave it to me.”
“Many people confuse spinel with rubies, but I don’t quite know how that’s possible. No other stone gives off that fire. Did you know it has mystic qualities?”
I nodded, thinking back to how my mother had said it would protect me...

ABOUT Raine English
USA Today bestselling author Raine English writes in a variety of genres, including Gothic romantic suspense, paranormal, and sweet small-town contemporary romance. Her books have won many awards, such as the prestigious Daphne du Maurier Award. She was also a finalist for the Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart®. She lives in New England with her family and two French bulldogs, Bailey and Dolly.


This book is available in exchange for reviews. Contact author directly through her website.

Jan 17, 2017

READ The Assignment @JadeAWaters #MFRWauthor. Get Lessons In Control.

What would you do if someone offered to fulfill your wildest fantasies? 

Seductive. Charming. Dominant.

Dean Sova is everything Maya Clery craves. From the first touch, their connection is intense. After leaving her troubled past behind, Maya thought she was happy—she is happy—but meeting Dean forces her to acknowledge dark needs she longs to explore yet has never had the courage to face.

Her perfect match, Dean encourages Maya to set loose the submissive urges inside her in a series of assignments intended to open her mind and test the limits of pleasure…but Maya isn't sure she can fully let go of her inhibitions.

What would you do if someone offered to fulfill your wildest fantasies?

The answer seems obvious. You take the offer and hope the price isn't too high.

Jade A. Waters recently released The Assignment, book one of Lessons in Control, an erotic romance, with Carina Press. This book is approximately 81,000 words. 
"While there have been many books written about dominance and submission, this tale takes a completely different and refreshing approach."" -B. Nakia Garner, RT Book Reviews

"I really enjoyed reading about these two and how they connected. The secondary characters were great as well... I look forward to reading the next book in the series. Thank you Jade A. Waters for a great hot and sexy read."" -M. Austin, Alpha Book Club Reviews

I lost track of time once we left the table. There was an abrupt wave at the hostess, a quiet walk across the wooden slats of the pier and an awkward wait for the elevator. Dean didn’t take his eyes off mine as three other people boarded with us. His chest kept lifting, widening like a promise of what would happen the moment he had me alone. When the elevator doors parted on our floor, he looped his arm in mine and tugged me close.
The earlier tease had me ready and curious. The alcohol in my body didn’t hurt either, and as Dean led me down the hall, I pinched his side playfully.
“You’re so serious. Are you always like this?”
He backed me against our suite door, twisting his mouth while he fumbled in his pocket for the key. “Honestly?” he said.
“I’m incredibly turned on and trying not to fuck you right here in this hallway.”
He had the key out in the next second and swiped it over the sensor. The lock process lagged, but Dean moved ahead anyway, blocking me between him and the door. His cock was firm on my belly, his hips urging me.
“I want you,” he said.
The door fell open as he lowered his lips to mine, and he had to catch me when I tumbled backward. Then it was a race—Dean slamming the door and yanking me against him, his hands cupping my ass, his mouth taking mine in a more masterful kiss than he’d bestowed me with before dinner.
I sucked in a breath, lost in the movements, the force of his lips. His body overpowered me, a mass of muscle that smothered and caressed. I rocked up my hips and he groaned, one hand sliding between my cheeks and the other gripping my waist, my back and my shoulder. When he twined his fingers in my hair, he jerked back my head.
“Wait,” he said. I froze, my lips parted.
What the fuck? “I—”
“Shh.” Dean tightened his hold on my hair, and my heart pounded loudly. He pulled my head farther back, exposing more of my neck. “Fuck, you’re irresistible. I just want to slow down and take you all in.”
I’d never had a man look at me as entranced as Dean did now, and it made my knees wobble.
ABOUT Jade A. Waters
Jade is an erotica author and poetess in sunny California. A lover of candy, coffee, dancing, and endless karaoke, she is happiest when surrounded by words—be they on the page or shared in good conversation. Her short fiction and poetry is featured in over a dozen anthologies from Cleis Press and Stupid Fish Productions, and currently, Jade is hard at work finalizing the last book in the Lessons in Control series from Carina Press. Visit her at, or follow her at

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Jan 9, 2017

Have You Read Baby Count On Me by #MFRWauthor Robin Michaela @RobinsRomances

Robin Michaela releases Baby, Count On Me, a Contemporary Romance, through Amazon Kindle Worlds.
Workaholic CPA Jenna Carmichael has played it safe all her life, except for the one time back in college when she gambled on romance and ended up with heartbreak. Her domineering father controlled every aspect of her world back then, and still does, yet Jenna has been nurturing a tiny spark of defiance and it’s finally ready to blaze to life.

Mechanical engineer Beau Davis saw plenty of excitement during his stint in the U. S. Air Force. Now, he’s ready to settle down in the cozy mountain town of Sweetness, GA. The trouble is, he can’t find a woman who stirs his heart the way his college sweetheart did, and he’s been comparing women to her ever since.

When Jenna comes to Sweetness to audit the small town’s government grant, she and Beau are reunited. Will they be willing to risk everything for a second chance at love?

Love Wasn't Supposed to be Part of the Equation...  BUY LINK

5.0 out of 5 stars Great read! Absolutely would recommend it
By Amazon Customer on December 4, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Great read! Absolutely would recommend it!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great second chance romance!
By Jill Blake on December 2, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
I loved this book! Beau and Jenna were very likable characters, and their romance was beautifully paced. I especially enjoyed seeing Jenna go from passive and helpless victim of her father's (and later her fiancé's) manipulation to learning how to stand up for herself. Ultimately, she's the one who fights for her relationship with Beau, finding solutions to what seems like an overwhelming series of obstacles. If you're looking for a quick, well-written second chance romance, pick up this charming debut by Robin Michaela.
~An advance review copy of the book was provided by the author.~

Jenna shook back her wet hair, rung out the hem of her dripping shirt, and turned a pink shoulder toward Beau. “I’m going to look like a lobster tomorrow,” she said, pulling down the strap of her tank top.

He bent and kissed her exposed skin gently. The soft scratch of his beard reignited her earlier desire. A little frisson of pleasure slid through her and she placed a hand on his chest. “You know, Beau, I’m very, very wet right now,” she drawled, her voice thick with double meaning.

“Hmmm, then we need to get you out of these damp clothes right away.” Beau nipped and licked his way across her shoulder and up her neck, then teased her sensitive earlobe with a flick of his tongue.

She caught his hand in hers. “How far is our hotel room?”

“Not nearly as close as I’d like.”

ABOUT Robin Michaela
Robin Michaela was born with romance in her blood! From the sunny shores of Florida to the wild crags of the Colorado Rockies and over to the southern charms of the Deep South, she’s lived in some of the USA's most romantic places. By day, she's a dental hygienist and, by night, Robin can be found crafting her next novel.

She loves reading romances, as well as writing them. Her favorites are contemporary, sci-fi, paranormal, historical, and western – so, pretty much everything! Robin is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Georgia Romance Writers chapter of RWA.

Amazon Author Page:

10 free copies available for an honest review. To get one, contact me through my website.

Dec 30, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: The Gift by Casi McLean

The Gift
Destiny Series
by Casi McLean

Savanna Bradford's brief sabbatical didn't include getting stuck in a ditch in the middle of nowhere, or spending the night with an enigmatic old woman from the twilight zone. Was it fate, or did her accident thrust her into a comatose dream? The mystical gift from her bizarre encounter holds the secret to her true destiny. Will she discover the key before it's too late?

Award-winning Destiny, was a winner in the AWC writing contest.
Judges’ comments:
At first the story reels you into what appears to be a formula romance. Then it turns the genre on its head, throwing a perfectly aimed, delightful curveball at the surprising and satisfying ending. The writer doesn't rush any part of the story, letting the reader see, hear, and feel the magical eeriness of one fateful night.
Customer Review:
What is really important in life? Love? Money? Your Job? This story answers the question perfectly. It’s not just a nice Christmas Story, but rather a life lesson. “The Gift” that is appropriately named. Casi’s words themselves are gifts to readers of all genres. She is on my watch list. Whatever she publishes, I’ll read. She is definitely an up-and-coming tale weaver.

For a beautiful excerpt, click here.

ABOUT Casi McLean
Award winning author, Casi McLean, pens novels to stir the soul with romance, suspense, and a sprinkle of magic. Her writing crosses genres from ethereal, captivating shorts with eerie twist endings to believable time slips, mystical plots and sensual romantic suspense. You'll see, hear, and feel the magical eeriness of one fateful night. You'll swear her time travel could happen, be mystified by her other worldly images, and feel heat of romantic suspense, but most of all you'll want more.

Nov 20, 2016

Book Spotlight: ALTERED REALITY @DCampbellAuthor #MFRWAuthor

Altered Reality
by MFRW Author Darcy Campbell
Jodi thought she had it all: a successful husband, a beautiful house, and a job teaching kindergartener's how to color in the lines. But when Jodi's fate is twisted by a terrible car accident and she wakes up married to the girl next door she starts to wonder if she really did have it all.

Will Jodi be able to put her past behind her and be able to fall into bed and her new life with Christine? Or will she wake up from her dream to find herself longing for something she's never before possessed?
FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

I just couldn't fight again right now. I was in someone else's clothes and, God help me, someone else's underwear. I needed to get home so I could figure things out. Could they keep me here if I seemed too confused? I decided not to take the chance. I'd play along with Christine till I got home.

Lesbian Lust and Love... Very well written and enjoyable. 
October 18, 2016 by Barbara

This story was amazing, incredibly sweet charming, has everything a great story should October 4, 2016 by faraonadelsol

ABOUT Darcy Campbell
Darcy is returning to the ebook world after an absence of many years. Starting to write on a dare, Darcy fell in love with the worlds and characters she created and wanted to share them with others. When she first started writing all so many years ago, there were very few Lesbian Romance books available and definitely very few with the more steamy view.

She lives in Houston, Texas with her black lab Onyx as her companion as she writes. Her writing of lesbian erotica takes the heat levels up on an already uncomfortably warm summer in Texas.
Feel free to contact Darcy at Her website was just published  and is filled with fun and exciting reading opportunities so be sure to join her Readers Club today.

Nov 15, 2016

#MFRWauthor @Jamaila Brinkley loves happy endings! READ Thieves' Honor.

Jamaila Brinkley loves happy endings.
Jamaila is the author of historical romance with a hint of magic. Her first book, ‘Thieves’ Honor,’ released in May 2016 from Soul Mate Publishing. She came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.

The most common place I get ideas is, oddly enough, in the car. Sometimes it's because I'm deep in thought; other times, an interesting road sign will spur my imagination. I always start with characters, and characters can be inspired by almost anything. Many times, for me, it's small businesses! There's a story in my drafts folder with the quirkiest pair of detectives who were inspired by side-by-side businesses in the middle of nowhere on our way to the beach; another by the name of a quarry!

I write romance because I love happy endings. I'm infamous for not wanting to watch movies unless they have princesses in them; I hate dramatic television; and the depressing books I had to read to complete my degree in English made me grind my teeth. Sometimes, you just want your characters to be happy in the end, right? (We won't talk about the torture we put them through in the middle!)

My current book is a historical fantasy romance. I love (LOVE) historical romance, especially those with big families and lots of humor – you know the ones I mean. But I also deeply love fantasy and science fiction – those are the books I grew up reading. And I think there’s nothing that could make Regency London better than magic. Add in a shy wizard, a thief, and an interfering duchess, and you have a lot of fun waiting to happen. I write what I want to read!

Thieves' Honor

Thomas Dalton is the heir to a duke and a talented wizard. When he’s asked to investigate a crime, the shy earl is quickly out of his depth in London’s underground; especially when he’s confronted with the prettiest thief he’s ever seen.

Em Stackpole grew up on the streets, but preys on the Ton by using her skills at illusion to fit in among them at elegant Mayfair events. When Thomas asks for her help finding a missing jewel, she strikes a bargain: she’ll help him learn to think like a criminal if he’ll teach her the magic she needs to get off the streets for good.

Falling in love was never part of the deal. But as Em and Thomas navigate magic, Mayfair, and Thomas’ charmingly interfering family, the wizard and the thief will have to decide if they can ever be more than just partners-in-crime.

Magic. Mayhem. Mayfair. Will Society ever be the same? When a wizard, a thief, and an interfering duchess take on the ballrooms of London, love is only one of the complications they'll find.
FREE with Kindle Unlimited
""This book will keep you entertained and keep you guessing up until the end. It was a really great read."" -Addicted to Reviews

Twitter link:

Nov 14, 2016

A Quick and Quirky Dozen: Unpredictable Love with #MFRWauthor Jean Joachim

Jean Joachim is a best-selling romance fiction author, with books hitting the Amazon Top 100 list since 2012. She writes mostly contemporary romance, which includes sports romance and romantic suspense.
website  |  blog  |  facebook  |  goodreads  |  pinterest

Day or Night?
Day! I used to be a night person, now I'm an early morning person. Love the sunrise and awakening of nature.
Pen and paper or Computer?
Computer. It's faster and can save stuff.
Fruit or Chocolate?
Hard choice. Both, actually. And when they are combined? Absolute heaven.
Coffee or Tea?
Tea, tea and only tea -- forever!
Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds?
Used to be roller coasters, now it's merry-go-rounds. Life is thrilling enough.
Bath or Shower?
Love a bath, but never have time for one, so it's shower for me.
City life or Country life?
A bit of both. I live most of the year in New York City, but retreat to the country to write for the summer.
Soft or Hard?
Soft, for sure. Depending on what you're talking about. Oops. Gotta keep this clean.
Ebook or Paperback?
Love an ebook - flexible, take tons of them anywhere, but paperback is still great.
Cats or Dogs?
Too allergic for cats anymore, so it's definitely dogs.
Fast or Slow?
Fast. I'm a speey, impatient person.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?
I love to watch The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I'm always rooting for one guy or girl and love a happy ending.

Jean Joachim's latest book is Unpredictable Love.
Uh oh. Amber signed her sister’s name on a pen pal letter to a Marine. As usual, Jory Walker was stuck fixing her sister’s little white lie.  

When letters poured in from SSGT Trent Stevens in Afghanistan, Jory had no choice but to correspond. Sure he’d be drooling over Amber’s bikini photo, thinking it was Jory. Since they’d never meet, what harm could it do if she sent him a few letters?

Would her charade boomerang replacing happiness with pain? What started off as an innocent ruse, morphed into a monstrous web of deceit. Maybe unpredictable love was destined to break her heart.

"Once again Ms. Joachim has created a story that touch your emotions. This author has a way with words that brings the towns and characters to life creating an almost 3D picture of the events taking place. The characters a real people, easy to relate too and their actions and reactions only help to bring the story to life. Jory longs for love but is shadowed by her beautiful sister. Always compared and feeling lacking she doesn't think there is a prince charming for her. Trent is a soldier needing a connection to home while he serves his country and Jory's letters bring him hope for the future. This was a well written and a well thought out storyline. The main charterers are easy to like, their journey to find each other is filled will detours and distractions, twist and turns and sometimes their greatest obstacles were themselves." - Amazon

Jory Walker plucked three letters from the mailbox in front of the house. Two bills and one envelope addressed to her that looked like it had been through a war. It had, according to what was scratched in the upper corner: SSGT. T. Stevens.
Anger bubbled up inside her. She made a beeline for the house, only to collide with her sister.
“Amber! What the hell?” She waved the envelope in the young woman’s face.
“I just sent him one letter.”
“This is the fourth you’ve gotten from him. When are you going to write back?”
“It was a mistake…”
“You can say that again. Especially the part where you signed my name!”
“Laura was so convincing. I thought she meant one time. Only one letter.”
“She asked people to sign up to write to guys in the military. Not to write only one letter and include a lewd photo.”
“It wasn’t lewd, whatever that means. Just me in a bikini. I’m not good at writing. Much better at pictures.” Her beautiful, blonde sister, with a Miss America figure, grinned.
“And the reason you signed my name?”
“I always liked yours better. Besides, if he wanted another letter, I knew you’d write it for me. So, it might as well have your name on it.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit smile. I’m on to you. And the answer is ‘no.’” Jory shoved the envelope from T. Stevens into Amber’s hand.
“Please? Pleeeaassseee, Jory. You’re the writer. Not me.”
“That’s right. You’re the pretty sister, and I’m the smart one.”
Amber nodded. “I don’t mean it like that. You’re so much better than me.”
“Than I.”

Nov 11, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Elusive Radiance @AideeLadnier #MFRWauthor

Elusive Radiance
A young bodyguard finds her special abilities are no match for a flirtatious delegate willing to gamble everything on the galaxy trade talks.

Assigned to guard a diplomat at the galaxy trade talks, Security Officer Anais wants to shine during her first solo mission for the Chezeray Palace Conglomerate. An Elusive with the ability to make herself invisible, Anais knows her modified genes designate her servant class, but she yearns to be more than simply a protector to the beautiful delegate.

Savea Blackmun arrives alone to the trade talks with the weight of her planet’s future resting on her slim shoulders. Flirting with her pretty bodyguard reveals Anais’ knowledge of the colony markets and Savea realizes there’s much more to her protector than meets the eye.

As their attraction grows, will the diplomat and the bodyguard reject society’s rules to give in to desire instead?

"I really enjoyed this! The setting is good, and although there are a lot of names, races, and politics mentioned in a relatively short number of words, Ladnier did a good job of presenting the invented world in a way that had me wanting to know a lot more about it. The writing style is pleasant too, with a good pace and flow. The two erotic scenes are well written; the first is short but hits all the right spots. The second is deliciously kinky and I laughed out loud at the cheeky concept." - Rainbow Book Reviews

Delegate Savea Blackmun lounged against the doorframe, ogling me. She swept her dark glittering eyes from my toes to my head.

 “Are you supposed to be my bodyguard?”

Her overflowing breasts strained at the corseted front of her evening dress while her black hair cascaded from an intricate topknot. The sleeves of her burnished gold robe cupped her arms, half-revealing the tiny quatrefoil-shaped shoulder tattoos that signified her status and caste on her home planet.

“I am Sec Anais.” Feeling dowdy in my dun-colored jumpsuit, I offered a small bow. “Councilor Armen of the Chezeray Palace Conglomerate assigned me to you for the duration of your stay at the Levantar Los Ojos Spindle.”

She snorted. “I thought he’d send a male.”

My eye twitched. I’d been warned not to be offended by her ways and speech. Off-worlders from conservative planets like hers often had outmoded ideas. “I am female, but I assure you I am more than capable of protecting you while you conduct your business here.”

She raised an eyebrow but moved away from the doorway and spun into the room, her skirt billowing around her like a cloud. “Come in. I’m not quite ready.” Delegate Blackmun glided into the adjoining dressing room.

I hesitated but stepped over the threshold, the biometric scanner in the door confirming my identity even if the delegate had neglected to ask for it. I closed the suite door, my gaze sweeping the wide glass windows and ornately molded doors, checking entrances and weaknesses despite the fact that I knew this area well. This was my first solo assignment, but I’d been part of details around the hotel all my life.

ABOUT Aidee Ladnier
Aidee began writing fiction at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.


Nov 7, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: CHASING YOU @Kris_Jayne

Kris Jayne shares where her story ideas come from.
Kris Jayne is a devoted writer, reader, and traveler. She spends her days blissfully sweating out the writing process in the Dallas area with her dogs, Otis the Shih Tzu, Rocco the Terrier, and Red the Foxy Mutt. Her passion for writing is only matched by her passion for the adventures of travel. In 2008, she let a friend talk her into sleeping outside for the first time in her life when she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.
P.S. If you're buying her a gift, she has a penchant for single-malt Scotch and scarves.

I start writing my stories from a kernel of an idea -- an event in my life, a funny thing a friend says, or an interesting place I've visited. Then, my imagination takes over. At any given moment, I have two or three ideas tumbling in my head. Right now, I'm plotting a new series based around places I've been or where I'd like to visit. Italy, anyone? I'm always up for a trip to ""research.""

My latest book isn't set anywhere exotic. The first three books in my Thirsty Hearts series are set in Dallas, but I set book four in Austin, where I lived for two years. Chasing You started as an idea to have a love triangle with a woman who isn't interested in love... until she meets the right guy.

Alexa is a little bit of me, but is mostly fantasy. She owns a gym and is in the kind of shape I'd be in if I didn't love chicken fried steak and whiskey. Her story starts in a novella that I wrote while visiting London last year for my birthday. In Chasing You, I deliver her back home in Texas and throw a couple of hot men and some drama at her to see if I can get her to fall in love. Spoiler alert: She does.

Chasing You
Alexa Stevens doesn’t do commitment. The ex-model turned personal trainer and gym owner lives a jet-set life. With all the exciting adventures to have in this world—especially of the masculine variety—why get tied down?

Keeping it light suits Graham Ryan just fine—especially since mixing business with pleasure is bound to cause complications he doesn’t need.

When her old flame Adam Gadsby arrives in town to win her heart, suddenly Alexa's take on long-term love starts to shift. Graham sees her drifting away and wonders if he doesn’t want more. Adam knows what he wants — if only he can convince Alexa she wants the same.

For Alexa, the question is: how do you know who’s the one? With two men chasing her, can she make the right choice before it’s too late?
FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

"A sexy romantic story that I didn't want to stop reading. This book is great!"" - Goodreads

"The characters are well developed and relatable... I will be going back to read 1-3."" - Goodreads
“Are we going to talk about marriage and kids?” She grimaced again.

“No. What’s your favorite sexual position?” Alexa palmed her face. Graham snapped his fingers over her head. “New topic. You’re welcome.”

She raised her head. “There’s room for conversation between those two topics.”

Graham covered the base of the wine glass with his fingers and circled it on the table, swirling his wine.

“Okay. Here we go.”

Alexa watched his strong, neatly trimmed fingers work the glass and swallowed. She hoped his next question didn’t have anything to do with sexual positions.

“What’s your type? Guys, I think, mostly don’t have a type, but women tend to have a type of guy that they’re looking for. You all are very specific.”

“I don’t know.” Alexa examined the raw wood beams of the ceiling above as she considered his theory. “I’ve dated different kinds of guys.”

“So, eighty percent of the guys you’ve dated haven’t all been doctors? I know a lot of women who really zero in. They want to date a lawyer or a guy who owns a boat…or a lawyer who owns a boat.”

“It sounds like you’ve been dating gold-digging women. Doctors, lawyers, and boats? I mean, I will admit I don’t want to have to pay guy’s rent. But I’m also not looking for a guy to pay mine.”

“An independent woman.”

“So everyone says. What about you? If I went through a scrapbook of your past girlfriends, would eighty percent of them be blonde or all be kindergarten teachers?”

Alexa wasn’t sure she actually wanted the answer to that question. She didn’t usually spend much time contemplating the other women in a man’s life.

“No kindergarten teachers, but I’ve dated all kinds of women—professional women, cocktail waitresses, women who own their own gym. All kinds.”

Graham splayed his hands wide in front of him.

“So, I’m squarely in your demographic? Female and breathing.”

He grinned and gave her a thumbs up. “Precisely. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I like beautiful women, but what man doesn’t? Personality wise? Mostly, it’s just about chemistry. I know when I meet a woman if I’m going to see her again tomorrow. That’s my only qualification.”

A shred of her heart sank, but she scraped it up and forced some humor. “Dammit. Now I don’t feel special and all.”

“Oh, you’re special."

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Oct 14, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Wayward Soul @GlennMaynard64 #MFRWauthor

Wayward Soul, book two in the Desert Son series
Paranormal Romance
Black Rose Writing

When Carter and Brenda visit a psychic, their reading turns tragic as the psychic runs into the street. Their fate is sealed in a coma and they must reach the psychic in the spirit world as they dodge deadly complications in an attempt for answers.

This eerie sequel to Desert Son takes place four years after Carter and Brenda discover that they are a couple reunited beyond the grave. They must pursue the psychic’s message before she dies and takes the reading with her. The spirit of the deceased homeowner returns to haunt them and Carter and Brenda must block him from their world and try to prevent him from tampering with the comatose psychic.

The spirit world becomes intertwined with their own world once again as they attempt to tap into these secrets to uncover disturbing truths about their fate in this paranormal roller coaster will shake your soul.
REVIEW - Marisa Slusarcyk – Hide the Matches 
 Wayward Soul was an amazing read that literally had me glued to it from the first page. It is a stand-alone sequel to Desert Son, meaning that while it is a continuation, you don't need to read Desert Son in order to feel like you have the whole picture. This story is amazing as it deals with love, life, loss, murder, psycho's, reincarnation and OBE (out of body experiences) as well as out of body travel. Sounds like a lot but Maynard has done a wonderful job of explaining things enough to give you goosebumps while not bogging you down with more than the story needs. Not a single boring sentence in this book which is ridiculously hard to come by! If you have ever had vivid dreams and woke up only to think about how real it felt then this book is for you. Without spoiling it, I will say that the twist at the end is enough to raise goosebumps and leave you longing for more. 
When Carter and Brenda ran to the front door, they saw Angie lying in the middle of the street like a limp ragdoll. Brenda put her hands on top of her head and screamed. Carter ran past her and out into the street to Angie’s body, and Brenda soon appeared by
his side. She grabbed Angie’s wrist and checked for a pulse.
“Nothing!” she screamed.
 “Maybe you’ll have better luck.” She jumped up to get out of his way, waving her hand
quickly so that Carter would hurry.
“I’ve never done this before,” Carter said. “I’ve never had to. I don’t know what to look for!”
Carter watched as Brenda bolted to the next house, pounding on the door to get help. The smell of brakes permeated the air.
“Call 911,” she demanded as the door opened. “There’s been an accident and we need an ambulance right away!”
Carter’s world slowed to a crawl as society’s noise followed suit. Slow motion ensued as Carter watched Angie’s spirit drift skyward, looking down on Carter, who could only watch her life slipping away on a thin string. There was nothing that he could do, but he was familiar with this territory. Up and away she drifted.
Carter noticed that the movement was intermittent, as if there was something pulling her from a direct and impactful ascent from what seemed to be an untimely death.
Carter looked up at Angie and felt a connection. It seemed to
him that he had a similar flight path, and could relate to her. He
knew that she took with her a message that he and Brenda so
desperately needed. That look on her face had twisted even her
wrinkles. She had been holding their hands and must have sensed
something terrible. Was it a message for them? Why did she only look at
Brenda when she went into convulsions? Do they now have to live life
looking over their shoulders?
Brenda returned to Carter, who was kneeling next to the body
of Angie and intently peering up at her spirit. “What’s going on
here, Carter? What do you see?”
Carter did not answer right away, but he did hear Brenda. He was mesmerized, yet blown away that he could see Angie, trapped in an out-of-body experience. He believed that because he had lived through an out-of-body experience himself, he could now
become part of others. 
ABOUT Glenn Maynard
Glenn is the author of “Strapped Into An American Dream” which details his one-year journey through the 48 continental states, Canada and Mexico in an RV. He was a travel correspondent for three newspapers during his travels. He is also the author of “Desert Son”, which is a fiction book that involves out-of-body experiences, past-life-regression hypnosis, and reincarnation, and the sequel, Wayward Soul. He is currently working on book three of this trilogy.!/GlennMaynardFanPage

Aug 28, 2016

#MFRWauthor Mia Francis @maszyd Shares her Writing Day

MFRW Mia Frances talks about her writing day. 
Mia writes across several genres under this pseudonym and others. Her published Science Fiction/Fantasy works include novels: The Ark, The Colony, The Land, and Source of Evil, and a novella, The Hand of My Enemy. In addition to her erotic romance murder mystery thriller series In His Keeping: Taken, Banished, and Claimed, she's also the author of Worship the Night, a tale of horror and the occult, mainstream novel Silent Song, and four children's books.

Her short stories, articles, children’s stories, essays, and poems have appeared in anthologies, books, magazines, newspapers, and on the web.

I’m an insomniac which is very helpful when you’re a writer. Once I get an idea in my head, I work out the plot and dialogue at night when it’s quiet. I don’t use an outline, but I do write down specific dialogue or scenes that I want to use in the book. I come up with a very definite idea of what I want each major character in the book to look like, then I go through magazines till I find a model, actor, actress, etc. that looks like them. I pin those pictures up on the wall labeled with my characters names in front of my laptop. I also do short character sketches of each character’s appearance, education, employment, habits, family, behavior traits, etc.

Every day I that I work on a particular chapter, I start my day by going back to the beginning of that chapter and reading and rewriting it where necessary, for clarity, to tighten dialogue, to add needed description, etc. When I finish the chapter, I go back and reread and rewrite it yet again. Then I give it to my husband to read and edit. After he’s done I read it again incorporating his corrections and suggestions and put it aside until the entire book is done. Then we both reread the whole book again for continuity and to make sure that the story isn’t bogging down in places. You need another pair or eyes, another person to read your work and catch your mistakes: formatting mistakes, typos, misspellings, redundancies, inconsistencies in the plot, characters, descriptions, obvious factual mistakes in your stories, etc.

MFRW author Mia Frances released IN HIS KEEPING: BANISHED, an Erotic Romantic Suspense.
Sylvie Jenkins' life is upended when boss and lover, billionaire Connor Hudson, becomes the prime suspect in a string of grisly murders. Those who love him...die! He sends her away; exiling her to his Park Ave. penthouse. They meet in secret, but he's changed. He has a dark cruel side that frightens her. What she discovers in a hidden closet, leaves her wondering...could he be capable of murder?

An erotic romance murder mystery thriller series!
5.0 out of 5 starsAmazing, 5+ stars
By Paola on January 4, 2016
Amazing, I am 100% In love with these books, I can't wait for the third . I am counting the days for the third book.

5.0 out of 5 starsGreat page turner!
By Carrie on December 15, 2015
Really thrilled with pace of this trilogy. I left book 1 (Taken) dying to know what would happen next. Banished (book 2 in the series) does not disappoint! The book picks up in NYC where Connor sent Sylvie to protect her from the killer. Mia Frances introduces a number of slimy characters who could all easily be the killer. I am dying to know who the killer is and if my suspicions are correct. The relationship between Sylvie and Connor continues to intrigue me -- Sylvie seems to struggle with her position in Connor's bedroom and Connor is starting to struggle with putting her in that position. Cant wait to see where Book 3 ends up!

Jul 31, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Visual Effects @Joyce_Holmes

Joyce M. Holmes released Visual Effects, a Contemporary Romance, with The Wild Rose Press.

Drey Winston is a fierce competitor who enjoys challenging her mind and body. But when it comes to her heart—no one ever gets close enough to compete for it. Having grown up believing she was an unwanted burden to her parents, she prefers to keep her feelings well hidden. Just when her hard-fought goals are finally within reach, the audacious Jesse Devlin comes along to breach her carefully guarded defenses.

After a disastrous marriage early in life, Jesse Devlin prefers strings-free relationships. Confident and outgoing, he gets along well with women, but his natural charm can’t seem to penetrate Drey Winston’s aloofness. While attempting to win her over, he’s the one who ends up losing his heart.

Can this commitment-phobic bachelor convince the stubbornly independent woman he loves that his feelings—and hers—are the real deal?
"A great read! I was immediately drawn to the characters in Joyce Holmes latest romance, Visual Effects.. A terrific story that is a must for your summer reading stash. - Goodreads Reader

Jesse leaned against a tree to draw in a few deep breaths. As he straightened, he plucked his ball cap off his head and wiped his forearm across his brow, then hooted a victory cheer. “Hard work’s over. Time for the reward.”
He dropped the cap onto the sand and emptied his pockets into it. Then he pulled his T-shirt over muscled shoulders, dropped it onto the sand on top of his cap, and made quick work of his footwear. Drey stared in disbelief as he beelined down the beach and ran straight into the low surf. When he was hip-deep in the water, he slipped smoothly beneath the surface. He reappeared several feet out and turned to wave.
“Join me,” he called. “The water’s great.”
“Not a chance. The ocean is cold in summer, I can only imagine how frigid it must be today.”
“Wuss,” he scoffed and splashed water in her direction.
Shivers that had nothing to do with feeling chilly shot through Drey as she watched him emerge from the water a few minutes later. Rivulets ran down his chest, following the ridges and planes of his brawny body. Wet shorts clung to muscular thighs.
He ran his hands over his face and then shook himself like a playful pup. “You don’t know what you missed. Nothing like a dip in the salt chuck to get the heart pumping. Well, almost nothing.” He stalked deliberately up the beach toward her, and the look on his face made her back away, but she didn’t react fast enough. He caught her up in his arms, laughing at her shrieks of protest.
“Lemme go, Jesse. You’re cold. Come on, Jesse, lemme go. You’re getting me all wet.”
“That’s the whole idea. Get you wet and me warm.”
She gave him a firm push in the wrong direction as she sprinted down the beach. “Not if you can’t catch me,” she threw over her shoulder as she went.
ABOUT Joyce M. Holmes
Joyce Holmes lives with her husband and very small dog in the beautiful Okanagan region of British Columbia. The award-winning author is happily living her dream of being a stay-at-home writer. Photography and blogging about her travels are two of her passions, along with visiting her kids and grandkids. When she's not dreaming up stories in her head or planning her next great adventure, she’s off enjoying the great outdoors.

Jul 17, 2016

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Knight Protector @RueAllyn

An Erotic Medieval Romance from MFRW author Rue Allyn!

Knight Protector, Knight Chronicles # 2
Crimson Romance

Blackmailed into marrying her family’s enemy, then swiftly widowed by illness, Lady Sorcha Marr must take charge of a clan she hates as much as they hate her. But fate intervenes in the form of her husband’s twin—the man who betrayed her and led to her downfall.

Sir Colin Marr fled his Highland home in disgrace, believing he would never again see the woman he loved. Returning a decade later to root out Scottish traitors who have infiltrated his family stronghold, he must persuade Sorcha to set aside her hostility and treat him as her husband in his brother’s place.

He needs the cover not only to save Scotland but her inheritance his resentful clan would gladly confiscate. Has fate set them up to even an old score, or is it giving them a new shot at learning to trust … and love?
"I love a good historical romance and I thought this one was great! Delicious knights, secrets and intrigue kept me on the edge of my seat and reading. Rue weaves a tale of Medieval Highland Romance that will melt your heart."

Colin wanted her to believe that he was truly happy for her. And he was. It was just … Better nae put too much into precise thought, lest he speak his mind.
“Regardless of my hopes, I may nae be able to return for some time,” he hedged, unable to admit even to himself how much he regretted leaving. If only she wasna to wed Brice. “Please, I beg you, grant me a kiss of peace to bless my travels?”
“Of course. When Brice and I are married, I’ll have the Strathnaver priest say masses for you every week, as well.”
“Thank you.” He stood, pulling her up with him.
She tilted her face, and he lowered his mouth to hers.
He intended only the lightest brush of lips, but she lifted herself onto her toes in the same moment, and her soft flesh yielded beneath the added pressure. She opened, and impulsively, he took the chance to taste her, to lick and savor her sweetness.
Her arms went around his neck, and she answered his advance with an artless passion that he wanted to believe came from her heart. She trembled against him. He embraced her, crushing her breasts to his chest. Her tongue’s small forays tantalized him. Desire raced in his heart, and his head swam. Could she love me? How could that be? He dinna know, but he would share this joy with her for as long as heaven allowed.
“Brother, release my betrothed.” Audible but slurred, the menacing whisper pricked his ears the way Brice’s blade stung Colin’s neck.
ABOUT Rue Allyn
I love to hear from readers about your favorite books and real life adventures. Crazy Cat stories are always welcome. You can send me your words of wisdom . . . Don’t shake your head at me; all words are wise in one context or another. You can trust me on this; I’m an author. As I was saying, you can send your words of wisdom, humor, and friendship to me at contact Can’t wait to hear from you.,

Jul 10, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Staking A Claim @DevonMcKay2014

A Contemporary Romance from MFRW author Devon McKay!
Staking A Claim
The Wild Rose Press

For most people, seeing Alaska is a dream come true. For Miami Beach resident, Samantha Held, it is merely a job assignment. Creating an advertisement for vacationing in the state gets her one step closer to achieving her career goal—partnership in Kolinsky’s Advertisement Agency.

Blake Langford is not willing to accept any exploitation of his beloved state, no matter how desirable the striking, southern blonde bombshell with fiery green eyes is, and he’s determined to sabotage Sam’s goal in every way. Falling in love with the enemy, however, was never part of the plan.

5.0 out of 5 stars
Excellent Book
By Christina on October 3, 2015
Excellent read! If you love a book that's steamy with a great love story than this book is for you! It's the kind of book that once you start you can't stop until it's done. I love the author and how she makes the book come alive!! Looking forward to the next book!!!

5.0 out of 5 stars
Travel to Alaska through the pages of ""Staking a Claim""
By Laura Freeman on December 8, 2015
In Staking a Claim by Devon McKay, she hits on all the elements of a romantic conflict. Sam is a Miami advertiser visiting Alaska to sell it to tourists while Blake is a naturalist trying to preserve and protect Alaska from invasion by ignorant visitors. The rugged outdoorsman and pretty city girl have instant chemistry but have to navigate their opposing goals. Devon may be an Ohio native but her years living in Alaska bring the adventures to life as Blake decides to educate Sam in the mysteries of the wilderness. She shows him the beauty and wonder of the land through fresh eyes. Devon develops the romance with an ebb and flow that keeps the reader turning the pages. The likeable characters are easy to befriend, and Devon mixes humor with adventure to move the romance along. When Sam is lost in the woods, the suspense of her fate builds to a final confrontation between civilizations.

Fuming, Sam held his gaze as she considered his offer. She couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to be dropped into her lap. She could learn everything she needed to know about Alaska and have a handsome, but overly protective, guide of the state to show her. Not to mention what his knowledge could do for the brochure.
It would also mean more time in his temperamental company.
Sam considered her options. She had gotten lucky finding Carlton Landing, but what about locating her elusive hotel? As proven last night, it was more than evident she couldn’t even read a map correctly. So, what real choice did she have?
She pictured her new office…the view of the ocean…the partnership. She was willing to take the chance. Besides, she’d never been the kind of girl who shied away from a challenge. Hell, so far, her life had been a series of challenges.
“It’s a deal.” Her voice came off cool and professional despite the quickening of her heartbeat. She offered her hand to shake on the agreement. “We haven’t officially met. Samantha Held. I go by Sam.”
“Blake Langford.” He extended his, grasping her hand and repeating the name she already knew by heart. He held onto her grasp for a minute longer than necessary. “I go by Wolf.”
Again, the breathtaking grin resurfaced, and an odd pulsation spiked through Sam, leaving her insides quivering like a bowl of gelatin as she second guessed her decision.
What kind of fool makes a deal with a man called Wolf?
ABOUT Devon McKay
Living in Alaska for 27 years, Devon McKay has many exciting stories to tell about the state. On several occasions, she was chased by a mother moose defending her young, stalked by a bear, endured temperatures of forty below and once was even trapped in an avalanche. She loved every minute of it!

After writing her first novel, Cowboy On The Run, she now calls a small ranch in Ohio home with her loving husband and teenage son. Although the farm life is slightly more laid back then the perils of Alaska, Devon enjoys the slower pace of the country lifestyle which gives her plenty of time to follow her passion of writing.
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