Showing posts with label erotic romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erotic romance. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2019

Summer Solstice: Event, Book, Did you know...? Brenda Sparks @Brenda_Sparks #MFRWauthor #Romance #SummerSolstice

13 Interesting Facts about the Summer Solstice by Brenda Sparks

Summer Solstice: Event, Book, Did you know...? Brenda Sparks @Brenda_Sparks #MFRWauthor #Romance #SummerSolstice1.         The term "solstice" is derived from the Latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). The term Solstice was chosen because the sun's position in the sky at noon does not appear to change much during the solstice.
2.         During the solstice, the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer.
3.         The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.
4.         The sun is the highest in the sky on the summer solstice.
5.         The summer solstice is also called “midsummer”.
6.         The summer solstice is not exclusive to Earth. In fact, every planet in our solar system has a summer solstice.
7.         Stonehenge in England is thought to have been built to celebrate the summer solstice. In fact, each summer a celebration is still held in the ancient structure.
8.         According to pagan folklore, evil spirits appeared on the summer solstice. Ancient people would wear protective garlands of herbs and flowers to ward them off. One of the most powerful of these plants was called “chase devil,” and today we call it St. John’s Wort.
9.         In northern Iceland, there is a cliff overlooking the sea where you can sit and watch the sun not set. The sun goes down just to the horizon, brushes the water, then starts to rise back up.
10.       In Alaska, they celebrate the summer solstice with a midnight baseball game. The game starts at 10:30 p.m. and continues into the next morning.
11.       If you are in the Tropic of Cancer during the solstice, you’ll notice that you can’t see any shadows at noon. That’s because at that precise time the sun is directly overhead at a 90-degree angle to the Earth.
12.       The summer solstice stresses out rats and other nocturnal creatures. Just as some humans get sad or anxious during winter due to there being less daylight, some rats experience the same thing during the summer solstice. The longer days can produce stress in the nocturnal animals.
13.       On the summer solstice, St. Petersburg experiences almost 19 hours of daylight, and Russians make the most of it by having a White Nights festival. Ballet and opera events take place outdoors because the light never completely fades to full darkness.

Under a Blood Moon by Brenda Sparks from Summer Solstice

Fill yourself with the heat of summer with these paranormal and fantasy reads.
From shifters to goddesses, vampires to aliens, there's something for everyone within these pages. Look no further for sizzling romances and thrilling adventures that are bound to leave you desperate for a cool down.
Genre Paranormal Romance
Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
Tall, strong, and powerful, Caden is the last werewolf on earth most people would ask for a favor. As the leader of his pack, it is his job to keep the pack members safe—and Caden takes his job very seriously. But when a ballsy stranger shows up on his doorstep begging for help, he cannot turn her away. Unfortunately, helping her means blurring the lines of pack law and with the Blood Moon setting everyone on edge, pack rule is precarious enough.
Once a member of a formidable pack, Kate now finds herself an outsider. When her brother is imprisoned by his Alpha for helping her, it’s up to Kate to come to his rescue. Alone and lost, it seems Kate’s stars have aligned when she stumbles upon Caden—until he refuses to help. With her brother’s life in escalating peril and her faith in Caden shattered, Caden will have to risk everything while facing the most intense fight of his life…the battle for Kate’s heart.
Under a Blood Moon is part of a collection of short romance stories in Summer Solstice: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy and Paranormal Romances.

Where to buy Under a Blood Moon

Brenda Sparks Social Media

Brenda Sparks has always loved all things spooky and enjoys incorporating paranormal elements in her writing. She refuses to allow pesky human constraints to get in the way of telling the story. Luckily the only thing limiting her stories is her imagination. Her characters are strong, courageous, and she adores spending time with them in their imaginary world.
Her idea of a perfect day is one spent in front of a computer with a hot cup of coffee, her fingers flying over the keys to send her characters off on their latest adventure.
Amazon Author Page

Feb 17, 2017

#MFRWauthor @KateHillRomance Writes What She Knows BOLT @CompBeastsBlog

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, MFRW Author Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels.

When she's not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, spending time with her family and pets and running the Compelling Beasts Blog, dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes and paranormal creatures. She also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.

You can connect with Kate on her website, blog, Compelling Beasts Blog or on twitter.

Today she talks about WRITING WHAT YOU KNOW...
It's been said write what you know. Since I write mostly erotic paranormal romance, it's impossible to take that advice literally. Even if I didn't write paranormal romance, my books would be quite limited if I stuck to only things I know or do in my daily routine. I've found that regarding fiction, writing what you know must be open to interpretation. For example, even though I don't know any werewolves, I needed to know my fictional wolves pretty well before I started writing my latest book. It's a made up world, but there needs to be consistency and good character development.  
Research also helps me write what I know. If I want a character to use a particular skill, I need to study that skill to make their experiences authentic. That doesn't always mean I have to practice the actual skill, but I talk to people who might have it, read about it and do my best to check facts. Sometimes it means trying something new myself. For example, I've written a few characters who belly dance and for research I took lessons. I was horrible at it, but I had a lot of fun and I feel it helped me know my characters better. 
So I guess I'd say that you should write what you know, but that statement itself is open to interpretation.
Kate recently released Fangs and Fists: Bolt, an Erotic Paranormal Romance, with Changeling Press.
In a futuristic world ruled by demons, werewolves are enslaved to fight in gladiatorial matches for the amusement of their evil masters.

Kiara remembers what life was like living free -- before she was taken by demons and bred to gladiators so that the new generations of wolves would retain their ferocity but forget their freedom. Mated to top gladiator Grit, she has a son with this surprisingly gentle lover who is also planning their escape. When Grit is killed in the arena, his close friend Bolt upholds his promise to protect Kiara and the cub.

Bolt and Kiara have loved each other from the moment they met, but they buried their feelings because she was mated to his best friend. When Grit dies, despite their guilt, Bolt and Kiara surrender to their desire for each other. Will their love be strong enough to help them win freedom?

Is love stronger than magic? Wolf mates Kiara and Bolt are about to find out.
Startled, Kiara jumped to her feet, her senses alive.

Two guards shoved Bolt inside. Naked and covered from head to toe in dried blood, he stood, trembling visibly. His blue gaze found hers and Kiara felt a bit ill. She'd never seen him like this.

""She's yours now,"" said one of the guards. ""We'll remove the cub of her previous mate.""

Kiara nearly panicked. She growled, her inner wolf on the verge of attacking the guards, futile as it would be. Still, she'd rather die fighting to protect Jett than willingly surrender him to these monsters.

""No,"" Bolt said. ""The cub is too young. Let her keep him for now.""

""Very well,"" said the second guard. ""But it will soon be weaned. Do your duty, wolf. She's a healthy female and ripe for more offspring.""

The guards marched out, leaving Kiara and Bolt facing each other.

Kiara wasn't sure about the severity of his injuries. The blood covering him didn't look fresh, which was good. Apparently any wounds he'd sustained had started to heal.

She couldn't begin to guess what he'd endured.

""Come sit."" Kiara reached for his hand. It was ice cold and he jerked away.

""I'm a mess.""

""It's not the first time I've had blood on me,"" she said, remembering the days when she'd hunted with her pack.

This time when she took his hand, he tightened his grip so that it was almost painful and followed her to the washroom. She turned on the water in the black tile shower.

Author will provide an ebook copy for review. Contact Kate directly HERE.

Feb 14, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Daring Proposal @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

A NEW RELEASE from Jeanne St. James!
Daring Proposal
The Dare Menage Series, Book 2

Since losing her husband years ago in a tragic accident, Eve Sanders hasn't dated. Her husband's death proved life is short, so why waste time denying her unfulfilled desires. Eve desires two men, but not just any two. Both happen to be former Super Bowl champions and best friends.

When both men participate in a Celebrity Date Night charity event, Eve's determined to not only be the winning bidder for the retired NFL quarterback Lawrence ""Long Arm"" Landis, but also Cole Dixon, his former Boston Bulldog's teammate. However, Ren not only has a problem with another man dating the same woman, but he definitely isn't planning on sharing her in the same bed. Even if it's with his best friend.

Openly bi-sexual, Cole is sexually attracted to Ren and has secretly wanted him for years. He's never acted upon it, assuming Ren wouldn't want to be with another man. Eve's daring proposal gives Cole hope his dream with Ren will come true.

Being with two men is one of Eve's fantasies, but never in her life has she been so bold. Not only is she nervous about proposing something so daring to the two men, but will both be willing?

Never in her life has she been so bold to propose something so daring...
Amazon 5 star Review: ""Jeanne St James has worked herself right next to many of my favorite authors. This book, just like all the others I have read, are easy to escape into.""

Amazon 5 Star Review: ""A really well-written story into the emotional considerations and challenges of a menage relationship.""

He placed a hand over hers, which was resting on her thigh. “Where to now?”
“Somewhere quiet?”
His fingers flexed over hers. “Have you ever driven stick?”
She shook her head.
He interlaced his fingers with hers and placed their linked hands over the gear shift. “You don’t know what you’re missing. All that power within your fingertips.” With his hand guiding hers, he shifted the restored classic Camaro into first gear. He let out the clutch and the big block engine roared to life as he pulled away from the club, the tires chirping a bit. He continued to drive through the city with her hand under his on the gear shift. Her hand felt tiny in comparison to his broad palm and long fingers.
She didn’t bother to ask where he was headed. She didn’t even care. The warm, long fingers intertwined with hers had such promise. She hoped he was just as skilled with them as Ren had been the night before.
That thought made her sit back in the bucket seat. This was what she wanted. What she intended. But could she live with herself for being so open to sex on the first date with two different men? Two men she only had knowledge of because they had lived a very public life?
She had picked them for a reason. They were both men who had played the field. And she wasn’t thinking about football. Both had been sexually active with women, and in Cole’s case, also with men, but didn’t take relationships seriously. She figured they’d be more open-minded to what she would propose. If they agreed, she hoped it would eventually work out to be long-term but reminded herself not to be disappointed if it didn’t. Either way, she wanted to explore her sexuality, wanted to explore something new. Both men seemed to be secure enough in their sexuality, from what she could see.
He worked his way through the city with skill. It was clear he knew it well, and it wasn’t long before he pulled into a parking garage below what had looked like the same building where they dropped him off the night before.
He had taken her to his place. Her pulse jumped from the sudden awareness of what he intended to the anticipation of what was to come.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Amazon Author Page:"
Email the author directly HERE if you'd like to review this book.

Feb 13, 2017

In My Opinion... #MFRWauthor Vonna Harper Writes What She Knows... Do You?

Writing What You Know aka Writing What Fascinates You
In an effort to be as honest as possible, I admit I’ve long fantasized about becoming some hunk’s captive. The thought of ropes around my wrists turns me on. For years I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Then I started reading erotica with BDSM elements as well as the edgier capture/bondage stuff. That's when I decided to learn all I could about the appeal.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

In purely psychological terms, Freud didn't know what he was talking about. In 1908, he declared that, ""a happy person never fantasizes, only a dissatisfied one.""

Fortunately, a great deal has changed since those uninformed days with such experts as psychologists Harold Leitenberg and Kris Henning doing extensive studies on peoples' sexual fantasies. Their conclusion: only about 5% of people don't dream up sexy romps.  In fact, it's now considered pathological not to have such fantasies.

Erotica fiction banks on readers' need and desire for the aforementioned.  But it isn't enough for an erotica writer like me to simply open the bedroom door wide.  There has to be a plot to go with the sex. Many times I decorate the plot around bondage.

The late psychiatrist Ethel Person of Columbia University reported that 51 percent of women imagine being forced to have sex and  another third get off on pretending to be a slave who must obey a man's every wish.

So why do scenes full of ropes and chains touch so many women's hot buttons?  As Leitenberg and Henning said, ""Women who find submission fantasies sexually  arousing are very clear that they have no wise to be raped in reality.  In their fantasies, women control every aspect of what happens.""
According to the article, ""Power, Desire, and Pleasure in Sexual Fantasies"" by Eileen Zurbriggen in the Aug, 2004 Journal of Sex Research, women who fanaticize about submission have a more positive attitude about sex and are less sexually guilty and more open to a variety of sexual experiences.  Female submissive fantasies may be one aspect of an open, positive, guilt-free sexuality. (That’s good to know)

As Leitenberg and Henning put it, ""Women tend to envision something being done to them and to concentrate more on their partner's interest in her."" So if, like me, you're intrigued by certain aspects of the sexual human being, I encourage you to write about it.

Vonna's newest book is The Wolf's Mate, an erotica novel with Stormy Night Publishing.
A year ago, the man Aileen loved fell into a raging river deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness, and she has returned to the spot to say goodbye. Instead of finding closure, however, she encounters a wolf who transforms into the man she had thought lost.

Since he plunged to his death only to be brought back to life in a new form by some power beyond his understanding, Slade has grown used to his wolf's body. When he sees the woman he loved, he finds himself again with the body of a man, but his primal lusts remain strong and he is driven to reclaim her as his mate.

Slade gives Aileen little time to ponder the situation. Instead he strips her, spanks her, and sets about teaching her to surrender to him, but can he stay in human form long enough to truly make her his?

Disbelief clutched Aileen. The unexpected sexual energy had morphed into something she didn’t understand or want.
She was staring at a wolf, a creature that hadn’t been seen around here since man had hunted them into extinction in this area. Wolves had been reintroduced to the wild but none had yet migrated here. At least that’s what the experts declared.
To hell with what she as a forest ranger had bought into as gospel. She was face to face with a pure predator. Everything about the beast spoke of pride, courage, and determination—except for his eyes.
A second wave of disbelief slammed into her, briefly stilling her heart. As it started beating again, she forced herself to face a simple fact. Instead of a wolf’s yellow eyes, this creature’s were deep brown.
Even more incomprehensible, she’d seen and been turned on by those eyes, but not for a year. Not since Slade had drowned while she helplessly watched.
Oh, God, Slade! Please tell me you didn’t die after all.
The longer she stared at the creature, the less she saw of Slade. Other than those beautiful eyes, the wolf was what nature had designed it to be, a hunter and killer. Its muscles were finely honed, rangy and powerful. Most compelling were fangs meant for one thing, killing. Studying that perfect body filled her with equal parts of fear and admiration. She could barely think. Like most humans, she wore countless hats and shouldered countless roles, but a wolf had no such complexity. It hunted, ate, slept, fucked. Existed.
“Slade?” Despite swallowing repeatedly, she couldn’t utter another word.
The wolf returned her stare. Yes, the eyes were brown, rich and glistening. More to the point, they were pulling her deep into something incomprehensible. Inescapable.
Slade Nashel had been the sexiest man she’d ever met, although whether that was because his body was cleanly masculine or because his touch destroyed her she’d never known.
For too long after his death, she’d suspected she’d died along with him, but the passing minutes, hours, and then days and weeks had helped her heal so she once again believed she had a reason to go on living. Her tears had finally dried and she’d found things to laugh at. Sometimes she’d felt guilty for embracing what he’d been denied, but she couldn’t change reality. He was dead, she alive.

ABOUT Vonna Harper
Vonna Harper isn't sure how many erotic romance books, novellas, and short stories she's written since she's just along for the ride. Many have capture/bondage elements in part because studies show that a majority of women fantasize about giving up control, and Vonna wants to give them what they're looking for. Also, as a woman herself, she wants to write what fascinates her.  |

If interested in reviewing this book, contact the author directly by clicking here.

Jan 27, 2017

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT! Brothers in Blue: Max @JeanneStJames

Another book by MFRW Author Jeanne St. James!
Brothers in Blue: Max
Loose Id

Big city party-girl Amanda Barber has been spoiled most of her life. But life for Amanda suddenly becomes a major challenge: adapting to small town life, dealing with her handicapped brother and constantly butting heads with a frustrating local cop.

As a police officer and former Marine, “responsibility” is Max Bryson’s middle name. Never having been in a serious relationship, he has no plans for being in one in the near future. He likes being his own man. And even if he were interested in a serious relationship, he certainly wouldn’t choose it to be with someone so immature and irresponsible as Amanda. But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get sexy Amanda out of his head or his heart. Watching her mature in front of his eyes, his protectiveness towards her only strengthens.

Bossy and possessive aren’t the only words Amanda uses to describe this frustrating cop. She can’t deny just looking at the man makes her tremble. But she’s done with having anyone control her and this man isn’t going to be any different. Or is he? " Big city party-girl Amanda Barber has been spoiled most of her life. But life for Amanda suddenly becomes a major challenge: adapting to small town life, dealing with her handicapped brother and constantly butting heads with a frustrating local cop.

She laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled her nose into his neck. She could feel his strong pulse against her cheek.
It felt so good to be in his arms. She circled his tattoo with her finger. Semper Fi. Mary Ann had made sure to tell Amanda that it meant “always faithful.”
“Did you always want to be a cop?”
He had one hand on her hip and the other on her thigh, rubbing it slowly back and forth. “Yes.”
She waited a moment, and when he said nothing further, she prodded. “Why?”
His deep voice resonated through his chest. “I was always in awe of my grandfather and my father. That’s why I followed in their footsteps. That’s why all three of us did. The Marines first, to serve our country, and then the police department, to serve our community.”
“To protect and serve, huh?”
The pride exuded from his words. “It’s the Bryson family motto.”
She moved her nose up to nuzzle him behind the ear. “Well, you can protect and serve me anytime.”
“I’d planned to since the minute you bitched me out in that parking lot when you first came to town.”
She raised her head, pushing herself up with a palm against his chest. “You were only trying to get into my pants.”
“True…” he said slowly.
Amanda grabbed a nearby decorative pillow and whacked him.
“Hey! You didn’t let me finish. True, but when you saw me in my uniform, you just wanted a big ol’ piece of this bad boy.”

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2016 and 2017. So keep an eye on her website at or sign up for her newsletter.

Amazon Author Page:

Jan 17, 2017

READ The Assignment @JadeAWaters #MFRWauthor. Get Lessons In Control.

What would you do if someone offered to fulfill your wildest fantasies? 

Seductive. Charming. Dominant.

Dean Sova is everything Maya Clery craves. From the first touch, their connection is intense. After leaving her troubled past behind, Maya thought she was happy—she is happy—but meeting Dean forces her to acknowledge dark needs she longs to explore yet has never had the courage to face.

Her perfect match, Dean encourages Maya to set loose the submissive urges inside her in a series of assignments intended to open her mind and test the limits of pleasure…but Maya isn't sure she can fully let go of her inhibitions.

What would you do if someone offered to fulfill your wildest fantasies?

The answer seems obvious. You take the offer and hope the price isn't too high.

Jade A. Waters recently released The Assignment, book one of Lessons in Control, an erotic romance, with Carina Press. This book is approximately 81,000 words. 
"While there have been many books written about dominance and submission, this tale takes a completely different and refreshing approach."" -B. Nakia Garner, RT Book Reviews

"I really enjoyed reading about these two and how they connected. The secondary characters were great as well... I look forward to reading the next book in the series. Thank you Jade A. Waters for a great hot and sexy read."" -M. Austin, Alpha Book Club Reviews

I lost track of time once we left the table. There was an abrupt wave at the hostess, a quiet walk across the wooden slats of the pier and an awkward wait for the elevator. Dean didn’t take his eyes off mine as three other people boarded with us. His chest kept lifting, widening like a promise of what would happen the moment he had me alone. When the elevator doors parted on our floor, he looped his arm in mine and tugged me close.
The earlier tease had me ready and curious. The alcohol in my body didn’t hurt either, and as Dean led me down the hall, I pinched his side playfully.
“You’re so serious. Are you always like this?”
He backed me against our suite door, twisting his mouth while he fumbled in his pocket for the key. “Honestly?” he said.
“I’m incredibly turned on and trying not to fuck you right here in this hallway.”
He had the key out in the next second and swiped it over the sensor. The lock process lagged, but Dean moved ahead anyway, blocking me between him and the door. His cock was firm on my belly, his hips urging me.
“I want you,” he said.
The door fell open as he lowered his lips to mine, and he had to catch me when I tumbled backward. Then it was a race—Dean slamming the door and yanking me against him, his hands cupping my ass, his mouth taking mine in a more masterful kiss than he’d bestowed me with before dinner.
I sucked in a breath, lost in the movements, the force of his lips. His body overpowered me, a mass of muscle that smothered and caressed. I rocked up my hips and he groaned, one hand sliding between my cheeks and the other gripping my waist, my back and my shoulder. When he twined his fingers in my hair, he jerked back my head.
“Wait,” he said. I froze, my lips parted.
What the fuck? “I—”
“Shh.” Dean tightened his hold on my hair, and my heart pounded loudly. He pulled my head farther back, exposing more of my neck. “Fuck, you’re irresistible. I just want to slow down and take you all in.”
I’d never had a man look at me as entranced as Dean did now, and it made my knees wobble.
ABOUT Jade A. Waters
Jade is an erotica author and poetess in sunny California. A lover of candy, coffee, dancing, and endless karaoke, she is happiest when surrounded by words—be they on the page or shared in good conversation. Her short fiction and poetry is featured in over a dozen anthologies from Cleis Press and Stupid Fish Productions, and currently, Jade is hard at work finalizing the last book in the Lessons in Control series from Carina Press. Visit her at, or follow her at

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Jan 6, 2017

It's A DOUBLE DARE from #MFRWauthor @JeanneStJames

Double Dare
by Jeanne St. James

Quinn Preston, a financial analyst, is not happy when her friends dare her to pick up a handsome stranger at a wedding reception. What better reason to give up men when her previous long-term relationship had not only been lackluster in the bedroom but he had cheated?

Logan Reed, a successful business owner, can't believe that he's attracted to the woman in the ugly, Pepto-Bismol pink bridesmaid dress. And to boot, she's more than tipsy. After turning down her invitation for a one-night stand, he finds her in the parking lot too impaired to drive. He rescues her and takes her home. His home.

The next morning Quinn's conservative life turns on its ear when Logan introduces her to pleasures she never even considered before. And to make things more complicated, Logan already has a lover.

Tyson White, ex-pro football player, is completely in love with Logan. He has mixed emotions when Logan brings home Quinn. But the dares keep coming...

What could be better than waking up next to a hot guy? Waking up sandwiched between two of them. BUY LINK
You Gotta Read Reviews:
"Jeanne St. James writes a compelling story keeping the reader entertained from start to finish. With it's great characters and hot scenes this book does not disappoint and should be on many a readers to be read lists."

There was a groan. He didn't know whom it came from. Her? Him? He didn't care. His hand at the small of her back slipped lower, to just where the rise of her ass was. The fabric of the dress kept him from feeling details, but his imagination took over.
One song transitioned into another, and they weren't even aware of the other couples dancing nearby.
His hips kept a steady side-to-side rhythm, while his hand on her back kept her close and in perfect time with him.
He was hard. There was no doubt she could feel it. Even with the yards of fabric around her midsection, her belly brushed against his length, teasing his cock.
“What kind of sex do you like?” His voice sounded low and gruff to his own ears.
“The kind when I get to come.”
Logan chuckled against her temple and slipped the hand he had around her neck to her shoulder. His fingers brushed her skin lightly. He couldn't help but notice goose bumps suddenly appearing everywhere he touched her. Which meant her nipples were probably hard and aching for his fingers and mouth.
Her dress had slipped down a bit, and the neckline rode low on her chest. The fabric rested just on the crest of her breasts; he could see she wasn't wearing a bra. In fact, he thought he could see the crescent edge of one nipple, even in the dim light.
He wanted to dip his tongue between her breasts.
“Why did you ask me to dance?”
“Because my friends…” Her soft voice faded off.
“Your friends?” He prodded.
“My friends dared me to. They think I am such a loser when it comes to men.”
“I always pick Mr. Wrong.”
“Am I supposed to be Mr. Right?” He brushed the backs of his knuckles over the rise of her breasts.
“No. Just Mr. Right Now.”
She was direct. He wondered if it was just the alcohol talking. “So you just want to use me.”
Her boldness wavered, disappointing him a bit.
He raised his eyebrows. “Huh. And you don't think I'd care?” He leaned back a bit and looked down at her, her skin a canvas for the colorful light bouncing off the mirrored disco ball above the dance floor.
She wouldn't meet his gaze. “Do you?”

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2017 so keep an eye on her website or sign up for her newsletter.

Amazon Author Page:

Jan 2, 2017

Where Does #MFRWauthor @CailinBriste Get Her Story Ideas? @LooseID

MFRW author Cailin Briste shares how she gets her story ideas.
For years, I’ve been expecting features of the Jetson’s lifestyle, a cartoon family from my childhood, to appear in my life. Where is my robot maid? Where is my flying car? And above all where is my food replicator? I’m still waiting, but that hasn’t stopped my love of science fiction or science possibility.

My mind is full of futuristic ideas from the many books, movies and television shows I’ve devoured for several decades. The future has yet to be written, except by those of us who like to play with “what ifs.” I’m a big time “what iffer.”

My first novel was created as an answer to the following question: What would happen to alpha men on a matriarchal planet where the women are not Dommes in the strictest sense but have the attitude down pat? Shane’s struggles in Shane: Marshal of Tallav were the result. As his story unfolded in my mind, another “what if” defined the main female character. What if girls born on their new planet developed empathic senses? And so, Adrianna became an empath.

Shane’s story is just one possibility on a female-run planet. Maon’s story came next in Maon: Marshal of Tallav. He’s an alpha male marshal, whose preference in the bedroom is to submit to a sexy Domme.

The third book in the series, Rand: Son of Tallav is still being written. If anything, Rand has bigger problems than Shane or Maon. He’s not only an alpha male but also a sadist and owner of a BDSM club, a pariah on his home planet Tallav.

Each of these books began with that initial “what if”. Characters come knocking on the door of mind, and I throw them into the Tallavan setting, typing madly as their stories unfold.

Cailin's latest book is Maon: Marshal of Tallav, a Sci-Fi/Futuristic Erotic Romance, with Loose Id.
Maon Keefe has always been told he’s doomed to fail as a husband. He decides never to marry instead focusing on living life as a player and becoming a capable marshal of Tallav. When he is shot and the most-wanted criminal he’s escorting escapes, he fears that his career, his one success in life, is doomed. Assigned to ferret out the cause of missing shipments for a VIP aristocrat, he meets Selina Shirley CEO of the House of Shirley. He finds himself inexplicably attracted to her despite her frumpy appearance. When he meets a hooded and masked, scorching hot Domme, Lasair, at his friend’s BDSM club, he’s torn between the two women. Both fire his imagination and call to his submissive nature. Either might be the woman to change him into successful husband material.

Maon Keefe has always embraced the player lifestyle, until he discovers a mysterious Domme who brings him to his knees.
The underlying frisson of unease that always attended Selina in space was sliding up and down her spine. But the churning in her stomach, while she walked along the companionway from the private ship docks, wasn’t caused by her fear of space. Her father’s death over a year ago had cemented a number of things in her mind. One was the need to acquire a husband. Knowledge that she was on the marriage market would set in motion the machinations of the aristocratic mamas of Tallav—some because of her wealth and others for the connection. She wrinkled her nose. Not going that route.
Her Domme lessons with Randolph were the initial step in a concise plan to find her perfect husband. Emphasis on her. Implementing that plan was the root of her anxiety, akin to the strain of her first business negotiation for the House of Shirley.
A couple, the woman tipping along in platform heels, were cuddling and cooing while they walked toward Selina. She averted her face, seeing but not really taking in the concourse bar she was approaching. Then her gaze met a stranger’s, and for an interminable moment, his eyes ensnared hers. She blinked, and the spell was broken. His lips moved in a smirk while he continued to stare at her.
Damn playboy.
When she yanked her head away, the oversize art case slipped down her arm, the strap tangling in her long dark hair. Rather than stop to fix the problem, she kept walking while struggling to release the strands that were pulling painfully on her scalp. Portfolio back in position, she sped up.
That man was the exact opposite of her ideal mate, although he was Tallavan. The string tie he wore made his Tallavan citizenship a possibility, but the badge clipped to his belt settled it. He was a Tallavan marshal. Despite his tousled sandy-brown locks that were made to comb through and pull, he wouldn’t make the cut on her very exacting list of requirements. Even before he’d smirked at her, it was apparent he was a player. He’d been sitting still on a bar stool, but swagger oozed from his pores. His navy-blue eyes were full of a boldness that reached out to her and offered her more fun than she could imagine.
What the heck are you thinking, Selina? He’s a snack and nothing more.

ABOUT Cailin Briste
Cailin has been writing fiction for five years and non-fiction for two decades. Her non-fiction work has been published in magazines and in a non-fiction anthology. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America, the RWA Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Chapter, and the RWA Passionate Ink Chapter.

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Dec 24, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book: Naked on Holiday #Christmas @AdamMannAuthor

Naked on Holiday
by Adam Mann

Hector and Helen who are both in their sixties find mutual attraction can overcome a lot of problems, whilst at the same time trying to help out Horace and his girlfriend Hannah.  This is a love story for the over sixties!
On one hand a couple are happy and unconcerned with public opinion, whilst the other couple are fraught with family problems and legal complications.

Dec 13, 2016

Book Spotlight: RIP CORD The Reunion and the Weekend @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

Rip Cord: The Reunion & The Weekend
by Jeanne St. James

The Reunion:
Gil Davis hated high school. Ever the geek, he has no intentions of attending his 10th year class reunion. The last thing he wants is to relive the taunting and teasing he received during his teenage years. However there is one thing he misses from high school: the star Varsity football player. The one he had a crush on from the first day he laid eyes on him. But the last thing he expects is the now pro football player to come back to their home town to attend a lame high school reunion. Known as the Bad Boy of the NFL, Ripley “Rip” Cord, not only shows up, but shows up without a date and an eye for Gil.
The last thing Gil expects is the now pro football player to come back to their home town to attend a lame high school reunion. Known as the Bad Boy of the NFL, Ripley “Rip” Cord, not only shows up, but shows up without a date and an eye for Gil.

Ripley “Rip” Cord was just as tall as Gil remembered. Around five inches taller than him, not that Gil was a squirt. The football player was at least six foot two.

And every inch of him was muscle. Not lean muscle, but heavy muscle. Heavy, rounded, lickable muscle.

Gil glanced at Katie. “You’re drooling.”

Katie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “As if you aren’t.”

Gil snagged her wrist and backpedaled until he rammed into something hard. It was the table with the place settings.

Gil peered over Katie’s shoulder to see if his klutziness had caught Rip’s attention.

Luckily it hadn’t. The man was completely surrounded by their old classmates clamoring for his attention.

Throughout the years, he’d followed Rip’s career in the newspapers, on the evening news, on ESPN.

And in the tabloids.

Rip was well-known. Unfortunately it was as the “bad boy” of the National Football League. He started out with a great career in the NFL, drafted straight out of college. He was one of the best wide receivers in the league, but it was all his rumored problems that kept him in the spotlight, not his stats.

And that famous wide receiver was here. Now.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2016 and 2017. So keep an eye on her website at or sign up for her newsletter.

Amazon Author Page:

Nov 28, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: RIP CORD The Ever After @JeanneStJames

Rip Cord: The Ever After
by MFRW Author Jeanne St. James

Rip Cord, the infamous Bad Boy of the NFL, ends up on Gil Davis’ front porch drunk as a skunk. Not only has he been fired by his franchise, but also his sports agent. His last brawl on the football field during a prime time game was the final straw.

Accounting geek Gil Davis hasn’t seen his on-again, off-again lover since the summer when the professional football player whisked him away for a kinky sex-filled getaway weekend. But immediately after, Rip returned to the NFL and was on the road leaving no time for Gil.
 Now Rip wants to come back into Gil’s life one more time, this time to not only make a future with him, but to finally admit who he really is deep down inside. After hiding his sexual preference since he was a teen, Rip realizes he’s made too many bad choices along the way. It’s time to make the right choice with Gil.

But is Gil ready to forgive Rip for keeping him at a distance? And more importantly, after two false starts, can they finally live happily ever after?
He’d never cared for anyone before. Never. His mom had died when he was young, and his pop had been a complete asshole. And, fuck, he did not want to end up like him. Unfortunately, he seemed to be headed down that same path.

First as being deemed The Bad Boy of the NFL—not without good reason—and now with Gil. He never meant to hurt Gil. He liked Gil. He always had. Even in high school. Yeah, so they hadn’t been actual “friends” because they ran in different circles. Gil with the geek squad and Rip with the jocks. But that was normal high school shit. Right?

He had never picked on Gil in high school like the other students had. No, it wasn’t just being picked on. It was downright bullying. The night of their tenth year class reunion, Gil had asked Rip why he hadn’t ever come to his rescue. Rip’s lame answer was that he’d had a reputation to uphold. He was the captain of the varsity team. He was a jock. It was a bullshit excuse and he had apologized, of course. But it came too late for high school. However, here he was again… trying to live up to his reputation of being a badass pro football player.

And look where that got him…

Sobering up in his gay lover’s house. The lover whom he’d been ignoring because Rip was too much of a damn coward to come out of the closet and be his true self.
That’s because he always had to hide who he really was. Always.
All he’d known most of his life was how to be a good football player.
And now he didn’t even have that.
He emptied the mug and handed it back to Katie. “Thanks…and sorry.”
Katie pushed to her feet. “You’re apologizing to the wrong person.”
She beat feet it out of the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her.
The Bad Boy of NFL was no longer.
Now he was just a fuck up.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Amazon Author Page:

Nov 22, 2016

#PNR Book Spotlight: Dark Velvet @LisaCBooks by #MFRWauthor Lisa Carlisle

MFRW author Lisa Carlisle released Dark Velvet, an Erotic Paranormal New Adult Romance.

When grad student Savannah Evans is accepted to a prestigious art colony, she’s thrilled. When else would she be able to hone her poetry--writing craft in a medieval-style castle? More than that, the remote New England island provides a respite from her hectic city life. But her benefactor, a mysterious French sculptor, throws her expectations of carefree days writing near the ocean out the window. Soon, she becomes consumed by unprofessional fantasies about her mysterious sponsor.
Antoine Chevalier built Les Beaux Arts on DeRoche Island to bring purpose back to an existence that had long ago lost meaning. He’s wandered the earth for decades, and still, his only solace is his art.

When Savannah applies for a residency, something about her words touches him. After her arrival, a physical attraction grows between them, one he must fight against. She deserves more than someone of his kind.

Despite his misgivings, Antoine proposes they become lovers during her stay. But the situation turns complicated when Savannah discovers his secret. She had suspicions about his identity, but the truth is even more overwhelming. Consumed by her desire for Antoine and faced with a tough decision, Savannah is soon at the mercy of the newest danger to arrive at DeRoche Island.

Several times over the course of the evening, Savannah caught Antoine’s dark eyes watching her. Her emotions roiled in confusion while the performers played Barber’s Adagio for Strings. The way he held her gaze without blinking made her squirm in the burgundy armchair. The rising tension and resolution from the violin and cello underscored her tumultuous emotions.
She smiled at him briefly and focused on the musicians, aware of how her heartbeat had escalated. When she glanced again at Antoine, he still watched her unabashed, as if unconcerned about what the others would think. He took a sip of Porto, nodded her way, and then returned his attention to the musicians. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs at the ankles, then uncrossed them, and crossed them again.
The attraction was becoming more difficult to ignore. In light of how he breached the physical distance by touching her so earlier, she feared she’d be unable to keep her desires hidden much longer. She’d developed an instant crush since she arrived at the castle three months before. How could she not be—he was a renowned sculptor with a devastating, dark appeal. What was she to him than just another young resident who would be gone in three months, replaced by another.
Was she reading more into the brief exchange than was warranted?
It’s just a look. Only a casual glance her way. Even as she attempted to fool herself, she knew she was full of shit.
ABOUT Lisa Carlisle
USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. Her romances have been  named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks. When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries, before returning to the U.S. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two kittens, and too many fish.
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Nov 18, 2016

Book Spotlight: In His Keeping by #MFRWauthor Mia Frances @maszyd

An Erotic Romantic Suspense from MFRW author Mia Frances!

Jealous and angry, her relationship with Connor in tatters, Sylvie decides to escape her penthouse prison. She flees to an isolated cottage in the Catskill Mountains where she hopes to lick her wounds and mend her broken heart. She may have escaped her lover, but not the killer. He knows where she is…and he's coming to claim her!
An erotic romance murder mystery thriller series!

5.0 out of 5 stars: Loved it!!! 
By O. Chambers on March 10, 2016
This was truly a wonderful trilogy. Sylvie and Connor are my newest favorite couple. Ms. Frances blew me away with her wit, humor and erotic sex scenes. This will definitely be a re-read for me. Connor definitely redeemed himself in this last book and I've not quite met a heroine like Sylvie before. Their love story was different than the usual poor girl meets billionaire plot line and romance readers will definitely love this series. Great job Ms. Frances. I wish you had a 4th book in this series. I'm sad that I've finished and its been a while since I read a book that kept be guessing until the very end. Loved it!

Her jaw dropped.  Connor hadn't left it at threatening calls.  He'd barged into the offices of Bookworm Press and had a verbal and physical altercation with Jameson.  Sylvie couldn't believe what she was reading.  Words led to shoves and their subordinates had to step between them, to stop them from throwing punches at one another.  Sylvie sat shaking her head.  They were fighting over who she was going to work for?  How immature!  She didn't blame Jameson.  She blamed Connor for causing the scene.  This was the same man who couldn't be bothered seeing her Saturday night, who treated her like a discarded toy, a possession he no longer wanted, and now he's threatening to fight people for her?  The whole thing was ridiculous!  Why all this macho posturing? 
Saturday he didn't want her.  Now he wants her?  Make up your frigging mind Connor! 
She didn't understand men.  If you throw something away, if you leave it on the curb, and someone else picks it up, you have no right to demand they give it back.  You don't want it, but you don't want anyone else to have it either?  Connor couldn't have it both ways. 
She didn't belong to him.  He had no say in the matter.  He'd lost that right.
Sylvie decided not to respond to the last email.  Though Jameson was obviously gloating over the fact that Connor was apoplectic about Sylvie leaving his employ, she was afraid that on further reflection he might not want to get in a pissing contest with Connor after all.  Articles on the internet portrayed Connor as a ruthless adversary, a coldhearted corporate cutthroat.  From what she'd been told, he and Jameson had engaged in this stupid competition, this dick-slapping contest, for years.  Maybe it wasn't as big a deal as Sylvie thought it was.  Maybe it was just business as usual for them.
Mia Frances writes across several genres under this pseudonym and others. Her published Science Fiction/Fantasy works include novels: The Ark, The Colony, The Land, and Source of Evil, and a novella, The Hand of My Enemy. In addition to her erotic romance murder mystery thriller series In His Keeping: Taken, Banished, and Claimed, she's also the author of Worship the Night, a tale of horror and the occult, mainstream novel Silent Song, and four children's books.

Her short stories, articles, children’s stories, essays, and poems have appeared in anthologies, books, magazines, newspapers, and on the web.

Nov 17, 2016

#MFRWauthor @AnniFife tells all about Luke's Redemption on #Thursday13

MFRW Author Anni Fife left a successful career in television to fulfill her lifelong passion, writing. In the space of one month, she shut her business, packed up her city life, and moved to a small seaside village to begin her new life…as an author. LUKE’s Redemption is Anni’s debut novel. Anni loves spending hours on the beach searching for pansy shells, more hours drinking red wine with her gals, and the most hours writing steamy romance novels filled with hot alpha men, and the sassy intelligent women they can’t live without. She is currently working on her second novel, GRAY’s Promise.

Luke's Redemption

Genre: Contemporary, erotic
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press 
Red-hot sex. Searing betrayal. A passionate and elusive love…

Chased by her crime-boss father, Katya Dalca runs to New Orleans and straight into the arms of Luke Hunter. Sucked into the carnal world of the French Quarter, she succumbs to Luke’s potent sexuality. He not only steals her breath, he steals her heart, and the only leverage she has against her father. She’s left with no choice but to pick up the pieces and rebuild her life alone.

Undercover DEA agent Luke Hunter thought his newest assignment was like any other. But his target brings him to his knees. After one taste of her intoxicating beauty, he's in too deep. Doing his job means walking away with nothing but a promise to reunite. It's a promise he can't keep.

When Katya's past reaches out and her world unravels, her only hope is the man she is most vulnerable to—Luke.

  Buy links: Amazon

 13 Sentences From Luke's Redemption

1. For as long as I cared to remember my father’s idea of good parenting was locking me in a cage made up of security alarms, bodyguards and curfews.
2. The first time Luke Hunter saw Katya Dalca in the flesh she was running towards him.
3. So close I could smell the coffee on his breath as it lightly brushed my lips.

4. Something was off, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

5. And just when I thought it couldn’t get any hotter, the opening cords of Muddy Waters’ ‘I Just Want To Make Love To You’ slid over us with all of its sensual power.

6. “You taste of innocence and hot sex,” he rasped.

7. My hair draped over the edges of the toilet and stuck to my clammy face but I didn’t have the strength to hold it back as my stomach continued to heave uncontrollably.

8. Breathing deep, Luke called on his training to force her from his mind, replacing his guilt and her evocative image with the stillness necessary to complete his mission.

9. I’d learned from experience that the seal would never stay true, it was like the pain was just too huge to ever be completely contained.

10. “Babe,” he drawled. “We prefer to be known for our views of the Verrazano Bridge and Statue of Liberty, than John Travolta strutting his stuff to Stayin’ Alive.”

11. He took my security, my warmth and worst of all, he took all that beauty and turned it to nothing.

12. Our tongues danced and then, like he had so many years before, he caught my lower lip between his teeth and bit down.

13. Were midnight-blue eyes and a husky ‘babe’ all it took?

 Find more about the author here:

Nov 14, 2016

A Quick and Quirky Dozen: Unpredictable Love with #MFRWauthor Jean Joachim

Jean Joachim is a best-selling romance fiction author, with books hitting the Amazon Top 100 list since 2012. She writes mostly contemporary romance, which includes sports romance and romantic suspense.
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Day or Night?
Day! I used to be a night person, now I'm an early morning person. Love the sunrise and awakening of nature.
Pen and paper or Computer?
Computer. It's faster and can save stuff.
Fruit or Chocolate?
Hard choice. Both, actually. And when they are combined? Absolute heaven.
Coffee or Tea?
Tea, tea and only tea -- forever!
Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds?
Used to be roller coasters, now it's merry-go-rounds. Life is thrilling enough.
Bath or Shower?
Love a bath, but never have time for one, so it's shower for me.
City life or Country life?
A bit of both. I live most of the year in New York City, but retreat to the country to write for the summer.
Soft or Hard?
Soft, for sure. Depending on what you're talking about. Oops. Gotta keep this clean.
Ebook or Paperback?
Love an ebook - flexible, take tons of them anywhere, but paperback is still great.
Cats or Dogs?
Too allergic for cats anymore, so it's definitely dogs.
Fast or Slow?
Fast. I'm a speey, impatient person.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?
I love to watch The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I'm always rooting for one guy or girl and love a happy ending.

Jean Joachim's latest book is Unpredictable Love.
Uh oh. Amber signed her sister’s name on a pen pal letter to a Marine. As usual, Jory Walker was stuck fixing her sister’s little white lie.  

When letters poured in from SSGT Trent Stevens in Afghanistan, Jory had no choice but to correspond. Sure he’d be drooling over Amber’s bikini photo, thinking it was Jory. Since they’d never meet, what harm could it do if she sent him a few letters?

Would her charade boomerang replacing happiness with pain? What started off as an innocent ruse, morphed into a monstrous web of deceit. Maybe unpredictable love was destined to break her heart.

"Once again Ms. Joachim has created a story that touch your emotions. This author has a way with words that brings the towns and characters to life creating an almost 3D picture of the events taking place. The characters a real people, easy to relate too and their actions and reactions only help to bring the story to life. Jory longs for love but is shadowed by her beautiful sister. Always compared and feeling lacking she doesn't think there is a prince charming for her. Trent is a soldier needing a connection to home while he serves his country and Jory's letters bring him hope for the future. This was a well written and a well thought out storyline. The main charterers are easy to like, their journey to find each other is filled will detours and distractions, twist and turns and sometimes their greatest obstacles were themselves." - Amazon

Jory Walker plucked three letters from the mailbox in front of the house. Two bills and one envelope addressed to her that looked like it had been through a war. It had, according to what was scratched in the upper corner: SSGT. T. Stevens.
Anger bubbled up inside her. She made a beeline for the house, only to collide with her sister.
“Amber! What the hell?” She waved the envelope in the young woman’s face.
“I just sent him one letter.”
“This is the fourth you’ve gotten from him. When are you going to write back?”
“It was a mistake…”
“You can say that again. Especially the part where you signed my name!”
“Laura was so convincing. I thought she meant one time. Only one letter.”
“She asked people to sign up to write to guys in the military. Not to write only one letter and include a lewd photo.”
“It wasn’t lewd, whatever that means. Just me in a bikini. I’m not good at writing. Much better at pictures.” Her beautiful, blonde sister, with a Miss America figure, grinned.
“And the reason you signed my name?”
“I always liked yours better. Besides, if he wanted another letter, I knew you’d write it for me. So, it might as well have your name on it.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit smile. I’m on to you. And the answer is ‘no.’” Jory shoved the envelope from T. Stevens into Amber’s hand.
“Please? Pleeeaassseee, Jory. You’re the writer. Not me.”
“That’s right. You’re the pretty sister, and I’m the smart one.”
Amber nodded. “I don’t mean it like that. You’re so much better than me.”
“Than I.”
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