Showing posts with label Indie Published. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indie Published. Show all posts

Nov 22, 2016

#PNR Book Spotlight: Dark Velvet @LisaCBooks by #MFRWauthor Lisa Carlisle

MFRW author Lisa Carlisle released Dark Velvet, an Erotic Paranormal New Adult Romance.

When grad student Savannah Evans is accepted to a prestigious art colony, she’s thrilled. When else would she be able to hone her poetry--writing craft in a medieval-style castle? More than that, the remote New England island provides a respite from her hectic city life. But her benefactor, a mysterious French sculptor, throws her expectations of carefree days writing near the ocean out the window. Soon, she becomes consumed by unprofessional fantasies about her mysterious sponsor.
Antoine Chevalier built Les Beaux Arts on DeRoche Island to bring purpose back to an existence that had long ago lost meaning. He’s wandered the earth for decades, and still, his only solace is his art.

When Savannah applies for a residency, something about her words touches him. After her arrival, a physical attraction grows between them, one he must fight against. She deserves more than someone of his kind.

Despite his misgivings, Antoine proposes they become lovers during her stay. But the situation turns complicated when Savannah discovers his secret. She had suspicions about his identity, but the truth is even more overwhelming. Consumed by her desire for Antoine and faced with a tough decision, Savannah is soon at the mercy of the newest danger to arrive at DeRoche Island.

Several times over the course of the evening, Savannah caught Antoine’s dark eyes watching her. Her emotions roiled in confusion while the performers played Barber’s Adagio for Strings. The way he held her gaze without blinking made her squirm in the burgundy armchair. The rising tension and resolution from the violin and cello underscored her tumultuous emotions.
She smiled at him briefly and focused on the musicians, aware of how her heartbeat had escalated. When she glanced again at Antoine, he still watched her unabashed, as if unconcerned about what the others would think. He took a sip of Porto, nodded her way, and then returned his attention to the musicians. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs at the ankles, then uncrossed them, and crossed them again.
The attraction was becoming more difficult to ignore. In light of how he breached the physical distance by touching her so earlier, she feared she’d be unable to keep her desires hidden much longer. She’d developed an instant crush since she arrived at the castle three months before. How could she not be—he was a renowned sculptor with a devastating, dark appeal. What was she to him than just another young resident who would be gone in three months, replaced by another.
Was she reading more into the brief exchange than was warranted?
It’s just a look. Only a casual glance her way. Even as she attempted to fool herself, she knew she was full of shit.
ABOUT Lisa Carlisle
USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. Her romances have been  named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks. When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries, before returning to the U.S. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two kittens, and too many fish.
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May 22, 2016

Book Spotlight: Knights of Stone @LisaCBooks #MFRWauthor

MFRW author Lisa Carlisle released Knights of Stone: Mason, an Erotic Paranormal
After a bloody and divisive battle twenty-five years ago, the inhabitants of the Isle of Stone—namely, gargoyles, tree witches, and wolf shifters—have lived apart, divided by borders none are permitted to cross. But when Kayla, a tree witch, hears about the unconventional rock concerts that are the talk of gargoyle territory, she sneaks away from her coven to see for herself. Night after night, she returns, not just for the music, but for one particular gargoyle who shifts into human form to play guitar at these avant-garde shows.
Her attention has not gone unnoticed. For several nights, Mason has kept watch for the pixie-like female. He plans to seduce her, unaware that she’s not just a visitor from another island. But when he discovers she’s one of the tree witches, he knows that no matter how strong the temptation, anything between them would be forbidden.
Despite the obstacles that should keep them apart, Kayla and Mason can’t resist their dark attraction and meet in secret, but other elements on the isle command their attention. The magical cloak created by the three clans on the island is thinning, leading to repercussions for all. Kayla and Mason are soon caught in the middle of it, and their actions may change the fate of the isle forever.

“Kayla and Mason fall in love despite their differences, despite being different. It is a new way of telling Romeo and Juliet. You cannot be with them because of something their ancestors did, and the kids saying I do not care about that, I want to be with them regardless. A lesson many of us need to learn. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting something a little different from their normal.” ~ 5* from Books and Beyond Fifty Shades

“I love a paranormal book that has multiple beings, in this book there are Gargoyles, witches and  wolf shifters. The plot has twists and turns taking you through such a unique and mysterious world… Great story, great characters… Very unique!”  ~ Up All Night, Read All Day Book Reviews

Murmurs of astonishment burst from the crowd as the transformation began. Their cries of fervor grew louder as the monstrous statues transformed into taller, slimmer figures with the bronzed skin of warriors who battled under the midday sun. The tartan fabric fell over their thighs as they stood erect, covering their nudity.
Kayla barely blinked, mesmerized as always, as the statue before her stood to full height, taking on the form of a human male, but with beautiful raven wings. Hair just as black snaked rebelliously past his chin. The stony eyes flickered with animation, turning to a mossy green. His deep gaze seared the audience, seeming to burn anything in the path. When he found Kayla, he stopped. His expression was unreadable, but the intensity in his unblinking eyes made her swallow. She froze under the scrutiny as if hypnotized, unable to break eye contact. Her stomach lurched, heart pounded, and every muscle in her body tightened, fueled with blood now scorching through her veins. His penetrating appraisal affected her so. When his eyes took on a smoldering glint, her skin tingled and a red-hot awareness grew between her thighs.
He broke the stare and continued to assess the audience. She gasped, not realizing she had been holding her breath, and panted while she tried to breathe at a normal rate.
He turned on robust legs and strode to a guitar stand. She tore her eyes from him to note the other gargoyles. They, too, had shifted into the form of striking males. One had black hair draped further down his back, one had long blond hair, and two had reddish-brown hair—one wavy and shaggy, the other straight. They took their place at other instruments. She sought the guitarist again and caught the first sound of the pick striking the strings. On hearing the guitar projected through the amp, the crowd roared again, pressing Kayla forward.
The freak show was about to begin.
Spotlights flooded the musicians, powered by solar panels near a massive amplifier. The guitarist continued playing and the others joined in, playing a raucous crossover between hard rock and heavy metal. The one with long blond hair grabbed hold of the microphone and belted out a shattering cry that sounded like a call to battle. The crowd went pin drop silent to listen and then cheered in unison as the band played on. The front man sang piercing growls and low croons about the Knights in Stone, the protectors of the ancient forests, battling against the evil tree witches.
Kayla’s coven.
ABOUT Lisa Carlisle
USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. Her romances have been  named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks. When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries, before returning to the U.S. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two kittens, and too many fish.

May 15, 2016

A Quick and Dirty Dozen @LisaCBooks #MFRWauthor

Get QUICK and DIRTY with MFRW Author Lisa Carlisle.
USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. Her romances have been  named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks. When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries, before returning to the U.S. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two kittens, and too many fish.
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Day or Night?

Pen and paper or Computer?

Fruit or Chocolate?

Coffee or Tea?

Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds?
Roller coasters

Bath or Shower?

City life or Country life?

Soft or Hard?

Ebook or Paperback?

Cats or Dogs?

Fast or Slow?

What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Sometimes I ignore the To Do lists and start the day reading a book chapter in bed while drinking coffee. The lists aren't going anywhere!

Lisa's latest book is Knights of Stone: Lachlan, an Erotic Paranormal Romance.

As the new alpha of his gargoyle clan, Lachlan takes on a leadership role at the historic peace talks between the wolf shifters and tree witches. Cooperation is crucial to their survival. The magical veil over the Isle of Stone is weakening. But unity is hard to achieve when tensions are running high. So is Lachlan’s concentration when a sexy wolf shifter rushes to the talks. Her wild beauty is mesmerizing.

Raina has her hands full with pack problems, from pack mates succumbing to blood lust to animosity toward her species. The source of her problems is clear-the gargoyles. If they hadn’t lured the humans to the island with their unconventional rock concerts, she wouldn’t have to deal with the fallout. She wants nothing to do with them, especially their alpha. His not-so-surreptitious glances are hard to miss. Nope. Not the kind of attention she needs. She’s heard rumors of the rebellious, attention-seeking rockers–and of their endless string of females.

But when humans come to investigate the wolf attacks, Lachlan and Raina must work together to coerce them off the island. And time spent together sparks a forbidden attraction. If unexpected love were their only problem, they’d be able to deal with it. It’s not. Time is running out, for them and their island.

A forbidden romance between the alpha of the gargoyle clan and the beta of the wolf pack on a mystical island. BUY LINK

Jun 12, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Her Ladyship's Ring @PJMacLayne

Her Ladyship's Ring
Book 2 of the Oak Grove Mysteries
P.J. MacLayne

Harmony Duprie is back, and so is trouble in Oak Grove.

When a man is murdered in the back yard of the old Victorian house she is remodeling, Harmony is determined to locate his next-of-kin so he can be put to rest properly. But with her ex-boyfriend Jake out of prison, back in town and one of the suspects in the murder, she takes on the challenge of solving the crime.

With Eli, her current love interest, in Florida and Jake close by, old emotions come back to haunt her. Can Harmony clear Jake's name and solve the mystery of her own heart?

We tromped up the steps and I headed to my kitchen to start another pot of coffee, my cut-back-on-caffeine resolution forgotten.  Then I took my place on the loveseat next to Eli. “Have you figured out who shot the window yet?” I asked.
“No, but we determined that the blast that broke the window was from a shotgun.”
“Pellets?” Eli asked.
Freddie nodded. “Explains why the glass shattered so badly. A bullet from a rifle likely would have punched a solitary hole in the window, but left it otherwise intact. That means it was from a different gun than the one used to kill the victim. We don't have the results back on its make, but we can rule out a shotgun based on the wound.”
“So are you back to your theory about a dumb kid testing out the gun he got for Christmas?” I asked.
“Yes. Still trying to track down the lead we got yesterday.”
The coffeemaker beeped and I jumped up to bring out the pot and the cups. “How long until I can get back to work?”
“Don’t rush it. We’ve got the back yard marked off as a crime scene. Someone from the department will let you know when we’ve finished processing the area.”
I felt bad that I couldn’t go back right away. At least people would be nearby to keep the house company.
“Why are you in such a hurry to get back to the house?” Eli asked after Freddie had left. I was washing the dirty dishes; he was drying them and putting them back in the cupboard.
“I have a connection to it, and don't want it to be lonely,” I confessed. “Alone all these years, and it has such potential. Can’t you imagine what it will be like all fixed up? And hopefully a young couple will buy it and fill it up with kids and cats and dogs.”
Eli grinned as he put down the towel and wrapped his arms around me. “You know how they make kids, right?”
“Maybe you should show me,” I answered, my voice a breathy whisper.
ABOUT P.J. MacLayne
Born and raised among the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania, P.J. MacLayne still finds inspiration for her books in that landscapes. She is a computer geek by day and a writer by night who currently lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. When she's not in front of a computer screen, she might be found exploring the back roads of the nearby national forests and parks.

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Jan 5, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Princess of the Light @NNP_W_Light #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author N. N. Light released Princess of the Light, a Mainstream Urban Fantasy/
Inspirational Romance.

Mary Miller never thought much about destiny until God’s Archangel and Messenger, Gabriel, appears. Gabriel reveals she is destined to vanquish Darkness by spreading the Light and she has a revelation: she is the key.

Her first assignment is to restore the soul of a homeless man known only as the Walking Man. She’s thrust face to face with evil all the while losing her heart to her new love, Joe Deacons. Can she win the battle the Lord placed her in without losing all she loves?" Mary Miller never thought much about destiny until God’s Archangel and Messenger, Gabriel, appears. Gabriel reveals she is destined to vanquish Darkness by spreading the Light and she has a revelation: she is the key. Can she win the battle without losing all she loves?

Barnes and Noble:

"This book stretched and blew my mind away. Amazing job on the structure of the book form the cover, background story, and content. Nicely done. The read was easy, smooth and attention-grabbing. Your story packed with action, angels vs demons, light vs darkness. Battles of the unseen realm. I loved the changing point-of-views, which helped to follow the characters through their thoughts, emotions, and actions, bringing me closer to them." -Amazon

“Who...? Who...? Who are you?” She stammered. In an effort to gain control, she straightened her back and breathed slowly.
“I know a lot about you. My name is Gabriel, and I have a message for you from God.”
“A message for me?” Her voice squeaked, betraying the lack of fear she was beginning to put back into her demeanor.
He continued. “You have been chosen to be The Lord’s bearer of the Light and His Princess.” He wanted to speak more informally, but her reaction required him to be slightly aloof. She must not question the seriousness of the message he was relaying.
The woman crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Gabriel in disbelief. “Oh, come on. This can’t be real. How can any of that be true?” She shook her head, and then continued her rant of disbelief: “I must be dreaming or something. This doesn’t happen to ordinary people. Sure, I believe what they say in the Bible is true. I have always told myself that if God chose me, I wouldn’t hesitate.”
She paused, seeming to consider the magnitude of what she had just said.
“Who are you, anyway? Why are you here telling me this? Could it really be true? Could I be the Lord’s Princess?” As she ran her fingers through her red hair, the woman took a ragged breath. She abruptly stopped and placed her hand over her chest.
“What if I can’t do it? What if I fail? Will I go to Hell? Will the Lord punish me? Oh, Lord, please help me to understand.” Before Gabriel had a chance to respond, the woman closed her eyes and simply fainted.
Gabriel folded his wings behind him and gently sat down beside her on the bed. His strong Light dimmed in compassion, and he carefully adjusted her head so that it was leaning back naturally. Then, he started to situate pillows behind her back for a more comfortable position, so that when she woke up, she might be calmer.
He stole a side-long look at her face again and jumped a bit. He was astonished to see that she was just quietly watching him. Now he could see the courage and strength. He decided to try again.
“You may not believe me, but you’re a very special woman. Mortals call the daughter of a king Princess. You are a daughter of God and he has chosen you to be His carrier of the Light.” This time she didn’t argue, but she still shook her head, nonetheless.
Gabriel silenced her by lightly pressing a finger to her lips. “No. Let me finish, please,” he said on the verge of sounding a little too stern. “The message I have for you is very important.” When she didn’t try to interrupt, he continued. “You have been blessed, and the same Light that the Virgin Mary carried is also inside of you. That Spirit is in all those with faith, but you have a special purpose. Not only do you carry the Light, but you will be the Lord’s Warrior Princess.” A car horn trumpeted a warning outside. The woman didn’t appear to notice, but Gabriel knew he must finish delivering this message, because he would soon be needed elsewhere.

ABOUT N. N. Light
N. N. Light was born in Minnesota, lived in Southern California only to move to chilly Ontario, Canada to marry her beloved husband MR N. She is blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports and baking. Most of the time you can find her on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest.

Part of the proceeds of Princess of the Light will go directly to food banks in order to feed the hungry and help those in need. With only 7,500 books sold, N. N. Light will be able to set up a monthly endowment for the local food bank.

Amazon Author Page:

Jan 2, 2015

Quick and Quirky Questions with #MFRWauthor @Marcia_James

MFRW Author Marcia James writes hot, humorous romances and finaled in eleven Romance Writers of America contests before selling her first comic romantic suspense, At Her Command.  Her latest releases are Sex & the Single Therapist (a comic romantic mystery) and Love Unleashed (a sexy novella). In her eclectic career, she has shot submarine training videos, organized celebrity-filled nonprofit events and had her wedding covered by People Magazine. After years of dealing with such sexy topics as how to safely install traffic lights, she is enjoying “researching” and plotting her novels' steamy love scenes with her husband and hero of many years.

Today, Marcia visits with MRFW to answer a few quick & quirky questions.

1. If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Las Vegas, with the option to fly anywhere I want to go on a moment's notice.

2. Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
Everything humorous -- from whoopee cushions to velvet paintings of dogs playing poker.  :-)

3. What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Video poker! I love playing it, whether it's with a handheld video game or the video poker machines at the Bellagio in Vegas.

4 If you were stranded on a tropical island, who would it be with?
I'd pick my husband and best friend, Jim, of course! Hopefully one of us would remember to pack SPS 100 sunscreen and snacks!

5. What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I entered a celebrity downhill ski event, and it turned out I was the worst skier there.  :-(  My team captain asked me to snowplow all the way to the bottom of the run to make sure I wouldn't miss any of the gates. I was embarrassed, but I completed the race. And looking back, I'm glad I stepped outside my comfort zone and supported the charity involved.

6. Ebook or paperback?
Ebook, because... 1. I love being able to change the font of the book to 14 point. 2. It's very convenient having lots of books loaded on my ereader for vacations. 3. Holding the ereader and turning pages is easier with an ereader than a paperback.

7. We noticed you have dogs (and some cats) in all of your books. Can you tell us why?
I love talking about how much fictional pets contribute to a plot and ""humanize"" the grouchiest of characters. And I especially enjoy pairing a tiny Chinese crested hairless dog with a big, Alpha-male romance hero.  :-) Also I support local and national pro-animal organizations, such as pet rescue groups.

8. How can readers find out more about you?

9. Tell us about your newest book.
At Her Command, a Mainstream Contemporary Romantic Mystery, was released in September 2014.
DEA agent Domino Petracelli is chasing a career-making promotion and nothing will keep her from getting her man. She’d rather infiltrate a Columbian drug cartel than go undercover as a dominatrix at D.C.’s Xecutive Branch sex club. But she’s no quitter. As Mistress Bella, Domino investigates the club while juggling a roster of kinky submissives—and resisting one sexy client who’s not what he seems.

Detective Dalton Cutter is determined to avenge his partner, who was murdered investigating the club. Retracing his partner’s steps, he goes undercover as a club client. Dalton’s handled killers, junkies and pimps, but can the Alpha-male cop act submissive long enough to fool Mistress Bella? And will their sexual chemistry derail Dalton’s investigation?

This R-rated romantic suspense pokes fun at the alphabet soup of Washington, D.C. law enforcement agencies. Imagine if several agencies unknowingly put operatives undercover at the same location. Let the sparks fly!

“Ms. James has written a great book full of action, suspense and really erotic love scenes.”
-- Rating: 4 ½ Hearts – Maura Frankman, The Romance Studio

“This book starts off with a sex club and drugs, with murder and mistaken identities thrown in…a fun book.”
-- Rating: 4 Cups – Lainey, Coffee Time Romance"

Nov 17, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Misfits by #MFRWauthor Brenda Jernigan @bkj1608

MFRW Author Brenda Jernigan released The Misfits, a Mainstream Historical Western.

They were misfits that no one wanted.  Watch how they come together to become a family against all odds.

What Reviewers Are Saying...
If you love Julie Garwood’s “For the Roses”, I think you will enjoy The Misfit series. The author, somehow, was able to make me care for all the characters throughout the entire trilogy. Each book is a stand-alone story, but if you read all three you will see just how brightly the writing talent of Brenda Jernigan shines! Past characters, such as Thunder, return for an encore. Be warned that there is a lot of adventure in the fast paced novel, so do not begin reading until you have plenty of time with no interruptions. Unputdownable! Reviewed by Detra Fitch of Huntress Reviews.

"Until September is definitely Brenda’s BEST book so far.  I’ll be looking forward to the next one and the next one.  Claire and Billy have earned their places in my heart.”  Merry Cutler - Annie’s Book Shop

“Ms Jernigan writes with such passion for her characters, that they come alive for the reader.  The plot setting are accurate and very believable and will make you feel as if you were right there in the stagecoach.  I truly enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the next book in the series to come out.  This is a definite keeper!”  Deb Kepler - A Romance Review

Finally everyone was gone. Brandy moved back to the gravesite one last time before they went home. Amy had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and Brandy had to switch her to the other arm to ease the weight. “Goodbye, Father,” she whispered, then added, “Promises are sometimes hard to keep, but I’ll try.”
Before turning to leave, she glanced up at a nearby hill. There, seated on a large horse, sat a powerfully built man. Animal and rider stood perfectly still while long, black hair blew around his square jaw. Brandy couldn’t make out the rest of his features but something about the man impressed her.
Fascinated, she stared boldly at the stranger. Who was he? And why did he stay in the background instead of coming closer?
“Come on, Brandy,” Mary called.
Though Brandy would rather have looked at the stranger just a little longer, she knew it was time to leave.
Before stepping up onto the buckboard, she turned and looked back toward the hill, but the stranger had disappeared. It was as if he’d vanished into thin air.
A wave of disappointment washed over her. She didn’t understand this odd reaction to someone she didn’t know and would probably never meet.
But for just a moment, she’d felt an odd excitement as if she were dancing on the wind.
Brandy smiled for the first time in days.

ABOUT Brenda Jernigan
Brenda Jernigan grew up living the life of a tomboy – climbing trees, playing ball, and excluding starry-eyed romance from her daily repertoire.  Brenda discovered the love of books while taking her son to Story Hour at the local library -- she was hooked.  She set an ambitious goal and began work on her first novel.  She continued to write six more novels in rapid succession.  She figured having the same birthday as Ernest Hemingway couldn’t hurt.
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Aug 5, 2014

Diane Burton: Short & Sweet #MFRWauthor INTERVIEW @dmburton72

We asked. Diane answered.
MFRW Author Diane Burton combines her love of mystery, adventure, science fiction and romance into writing romantic fiction. Besides the science fiction romance Switched and Outer Rim series, she is the author of One Red Shoe, a romantic suspense. She is also a contributor to the anthology How I Met My Husband. Diane and her husband live in Michigan. They have two children and two grandchildren.

Why did you decide to write romance novels?
I write romance novels because I love to read them. My favorite romance sub-genres to read and write are science fiction romance and romantic suspense.

What kind of research do you do for a book?
Research: for romantic suspense, I visit, use maps, tourist info, search online about weapons, etc. For sci-fi rom, I have to use the internet, but I wish I could visit other worlds.

When did you first think about writing and what prompted you to submit your first ms?
I began writing seriously (for publication) when my children were preparing for college--empty nest. After years of putting them first, I wanted to do something for me so I began writing. That was 20+ years ago. First manuscript was a romance with a mystery. Rejected. Won't see the light of day. LOL

What genre is your newest book?
My latest book is a sci-fi romance about a woman who isn't what she seems. Total ditz covers up a brilliant mind. I love the dichotomy. People aren't always as they appear. I just took it to an extreme.

Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?
Humor is extremely important. It gives us (readers) a break from intense situations.

What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?
My family is extremely supportive. Since my husband and I are retired, I have the freedom to write when I want. He is very respectful of my writing time.

What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?
One thing that makes me relax is a visit from my grandkiddies (ages 4 & 6). They are so much fun. They love to write stories with me--they tell me the story and I type it. After we print it out, they illustrate their story. Good division of labor. LOL Another way I relax and recharge is to watch movies. Love action/adventure, romantic comedy, sci-fi. Oh heck, I love all movies except horror and intense drama. And, of course, I read.

Who are some of your other favorite authors to read?
Favorite authors. There are so many. Earlier favs include Phyllis Whitney, Victoria Holt, Daphne DuMaurier, Mary Stewart. More recent: Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, Linnea Sinclair, Janet Evanovich, Ann Aguirre, Kristen Hannah.

Diane released The Chameleon (An Outer Rim Novel: Book 2), a Sci-fi/Futuristic Story, in May 2014.

Legally Blond meets Mata Hari...

Socialite Jileena Winslott appears to be the spoiled, bubble-headed daughter of an industrial magnate. In reality, she’s her father's smart, savvy aide, who yearns to run the family business. When her father sends her on a covert mission to the Outer Rim, she has the chance to prove herself. But he insists she take along a fake fiancé—the man she’s secretly loved for years.

Adventure and Romance in another world.
Connect with Diane Burton...
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May 23, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: This Time Forever by #MFRWauthor Denise Devine @dmeinstad

MFRW Author Denise Devine released This Time Forever, a Mainstream Inspirational Romance on April 4, 2014.

Does time really heal all wounds?

Libby Cunningham has finally found the daughter her father forced her to give up for adoption nearly sixteen years ago. She has never forgiven herself and now desperately wants to make it up to Amber for the years they’ve lost. However, she has also learned that Cash MacKenzie, Amber’s father, has custody. Libby has never forgotten that Cash broke her teenage heart and deserted her when she needed him the most. Now he holds the key to her future happiness. Can she overcome her memories of the past or will her feelings jeopardize the present?

From Cash’s viewpoint, Libby couldn't have picked a worse time to intrude upon their lives. Amber’s rebellious attitude reminds him of Libby at that age. He doesn’t need interference from the woman who abandoned her own child and realizes he’s never forgiven her. What guarantee does he have that Libby won’t walk away from Amber a second time? Libby’s feelings for Amber may be genuine, but he will never allow her to hurt Amber—or him—ever again.
ExcerptLibby Cunningham had risked heartbreak before, but not like this. Never had she come so close to finding the child her father forced her to give up for adoption almost sixteen years ago. Years spent praying and trusting God for a breakthrough had led to disappointment again and again—but not tonight. This time her heart possessed an unexplainable peace, giving her renewed hope. Had God finally answered her plea?
Then she saw the girl.
“That can’t be my daughter,” Libby murmured as she watched a teenager ascend the stairs of a crowded bleacher at the River’s Edge High football game. “That young lady has someone else’s genes.”
Medley Grant reached over and squeezed her hand. “Lib, Lib, you’ve got to keep an open mind. I warned you that Amber might not be what you expected.”
The crowd roared and Amber MacKenzie pivoted, gazing down at the play in progress. Towering floodlights cast a silvery sheen upon the tall, slender girl wearing a neon pink sweater and hip-hugging jeans.
Waist-length hair hugged her shoulders and arms like a luxurious black shawl.
Libby studied every detail of the girl she could glean from a distance, desperate to find some connection. “I expected to see something of myself in her,” she confessed. Instead she’d come to a dead end, once again facing the reality that the odds of finding her daughter didn’t lean in her favor. “She doesn’t resemble me at all.”
“Yes, she does!” Medley leaned back and stared past Libby’s right shoulder, perusing Amber with a smile of approval. “She reminds me precisely of you at that age.”
On the field, River’s Edge cheerleaders led the raucous crowd into a frenzy of school spirit. Clad in maroon skirts and gold sweaters, they swung matching pom-poms and kicked their legs high. “Push ‘em back, push ‘em back, w-a-y-y-y back! G-o-o-o Otters!” Behind them, both teams joined arms in their respective huddles, discussing their next plays.
Libby ignored the game and the crush of boisterous spectators seated elbow-to-elbow on the hard, metal bleachers. The crisp, September evening provided perfect weather for football, but she and her cousin never intended to spend their time watching the game. They came here on a mission—to spy on Amber MacKenzie. Ever since the girl walked into Medley’s salon last week to get a trim, Medley had pressured Libby to attend this event and observe Amber for herself.
Libby twisted at the waist, her gaze sliding from Amber back to her cousin. “What do you see that I don’t? I’m blonde and fair. She’s so...totally like her father.”
Medley paused, holding a couple kernels of popcorn to her burgundy-tinted lips. “She inherited Cash MacKenzie’s looks, but I see other ways you two are exactly alike. That day she came into the salon, I noticed aspects about her that reminded me of you. She has your tall, slender frame. You both frown the same way when you’re reading. Oh, and another thing,” Medley paused to sip her soda, “Amber’s voice...”
Medley’s fine, penciled brows arched. “She sounds exactly like you.”
“I wish I knew for sure.” Libby sighed and looked away, not wanting Medley to see her doubt. A couple of similar attributes didn’t prove a thing. “If she’s almost sixteen she could be mine. If she’s younger, then she’s his daughter by someone else.”
Even though it happened long ago, the thought of Cash MacKenzie marrying so soon after he’d severed all ties with her still touched a nerve. How could he have forgotten her so easily? Had he been seeing someone else all along? That could explain why he’d turned his back on her when she needed him the most...
She stared hard at Amber, wishing with all her heart this girl could be the one. For a moment, she dared to entertain the possibility.
“All these years I’ve believed total strangers adopted my baby,” she declared. “If, in fact, Amber is my child and her own father raised her...” Libby’s throat tightened as a simple question hovered in her mind. How did Cash end up with Amber? The only answer possible proved difficult to bear. The people closest to her, the ones she’d trusted, had deceived her.

About Denise Devine
Denise has had a passion for books since the second grade when she discovered Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She wrote her first book, a mystery, at age thirteen and has been writing ever since. She's been a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) since 1991 and has won or placed in numerous writing contests. In 2008, her contemporary inspirational romance, This Time Forever, was a finalist in RWA’s Golden Heart contest for unpublished writers.

Denise lives on six wooded acres in East Bethel, Minnesota with her husband, Steve and her three problem (feline) children, Mocha, Lambchop and Tigger. She loves to read, write, study and travel.

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May 6, 2014

Book Spotlight: RECKLESS @JessiGage #MFRWauthor

A woman in a coma learns how to forgive as she visits the dreams of the man who caused her near-fatal accident.

MFRW Author Jessi Gage released RECKLESS, a Contemporary Romance, on March 15, 2014.

Divorced construction worker Derek has anger management issues. Acting rashly on the freeway, he causes
an accident. His truck escapes unscathed, but he can’t say the same for his conscience. Visions of the wreck haunt his dreams, but they’re always followed by the sweet caresses and soothing words of a beautiful woman who calls to everything male in him.

Cami assumes she is dead. With no memory of her past, all she knows is endless fog and the occasional visit to a darkened bedroom where she comforts a man battling nightmares. When she wakes in a hospital bed and regains her memory, she assumes the ruggedly handsome Derek was no more than a figment of her concussed mind.

As Cami recovers, she learns that Derek is not only real but also the driver charged with causing her accident. She should be furious with him, but their inexplicable nights together showed her a tender side beneath his rough exterior. Will she let one reckless mistake drive them apart, or will forgiveness have the right of way? 
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

What Reviewers Are Saying
“This story was magical in every way, and I was unable to put it down. I consumed it in one evening, and I found myself excitedly telling friends and family that there wasn’t one emotion that this author wasn’t able to engage me in as a reader.”-Angela Rose, Satin Sheets Romance Reviews

About Jessi Gage
Jessi lives with her husband and children in the Seattle area. She’s a passionate reader of all genres of romance, especially anything involving the paranormal. Ghosts, demons, vampires, witches, weres, name it, she’ll read it. As for writing, she's sticking to Highlanders and contemporaries with a paranormal twist (for now). The last time she imagined a world without romance novels, her husband found her crouched in the corner, rocking.

Website | Newsletter | Blog | Facebook Fan Page | Twitter | Goodreads

Apr 21, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: His Source @YolandaAshton #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Yolanda Ashton released a Contemporary Multicultural Romance, His Source,
on March 18, 2014.

Love is the best revenge.....
Devastated after an emotional break-up, Alexis decides to finish her fall semester and leave East Brook College and the town of East Brook forever, certain starting over in a new place will soothe her wounded heart. Her plans are derailed when her ex-lover returns wanting another chance. Despite the chemistry between them and their sensual history, should she risk her heart again for a man who told her she wasn’t good enough for him or his tribe?
Bowing to tribal pressure, Sean Yonah was forced to hurt his best friend and lover, the one woman he couldn’t get enough of. Now the Spirits say she may be his “other.” Sean knows what he did was deplorable, but if he doesn’t convince Alexis to forgive him, he’ll lose a lot more than the love of his life.

Read Reviews! |  Buy Book!

Mar 18, 2014

Getting Down&Dirty with #MFRWauthor @MerryBond

We're getting Down & Dirty with MFRW Author Meredith Bond.
Meredith is an award-winning author of a series of traditionally published Regency romances and indie-published paranormal romances. Known for her characters “who slip readily into one’s heart”, Meredith’s paranormal romances include Magic In The Storm, Storm on the Horizon, and the short story “In A Beginning”. Her traditional Regencies include The Merry Men Quartet of which An Exotic Heir and A Dandy In Disguise have recently been republished.

Welcome Meredith. Tell us, generally, how long does it take you to write a book?
It takes me around five months to write a book from plotting through editing.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow? 
I write every afternoon – or at least that’s the goal, and pretty much, I stick with it.

Meredith also teaches writing at her local community college. If you want a taste of her class in book form, Chapter One is available at your favorite e-retailer. 

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres?
It covers too many genres! It’s a New Adult Medieval Fantasy Romance. I get tired just writing all that out every time.

I love the New Adult genre. It’s actually what I’ve been writing for years, only they were called “traditional Regencies” when I first wrote them. LOL! Now I’ve got a new one with early 20-somethings who are trying to find themselves amidst the chaos of destiny coming to call and an evil power-hungry Lady Nimuë who is trying to take over Britain.

So, I’ve got New Adult – 20 somethings trying to figure out who they are.  I’ve got Medieval – it’s set 200 years after King Arthur’s death and has Lady Nimuë, the Lady of the Lake as the villain, Lady Morgan le Fey plays a role, as does Sir Dagonet, a knight of the Round Table (actually, he plays a very large role). Merlin pops in a few times as well. It’s a Fantasy – magic! Loads of magic and fun. And it’s a romance. Each book in the trilogy features one of the trio of lead characters in a romance and they all end happily ever after. 

How do you come up with story ideas? 
I came up with the idea for the Children on Avalon because I was trying to discover the beginning of the world I created in my Regency Paranormal Romance, Magic In The Storm. I created a world where there are a magical people called the Vallen who have magical abilities with which they help ordinary people. So anyone extraordinary (think Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Shakespeare) are actually Vallen. 
I knew that Morgan le Fey and Merlin had to play a role because I love them so much, and I knew that the world had to begin with younger people trying to learn who they were. It just built from there. As with many of my books, I started with the characters and created a story around them.

What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
I love love scenes that are passionate and romantic. I don’t need to have all the body parts described, I know what they are. Most of all they need to pluck at my emotional strings and usually they lead to some conflict. 

What does your husband/wife think of your writing?
My husband reads just about everything I write. Admittedly, he doesn’t love the paranormal so much as the historicals, so he’s a little behind on this current series. But he’s extremely supportive of my work. 

Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
Always. He’s great at analyzing my work for character consistency, plot holes and just what works and what doesn’t.

Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?
Georgette Heyer started me writing – I grew up reading her Regencies. Julia Quinn showed me what great characters can do for a story and just how important they are.  Mary Jo Putney taught me to love the modern Regency novel and now she’s writing paranormals too that are fantastic.

What can we expect from you in the future?
I’ve got much, much more to come! Way too many books, in fact. LOL!

After the Children of Avalon series is published (March, April and May, 2014), I’m going to get started revising and editing the two traditional Regencies to which I just got my rights back from Kensington Publishers. Then I’ve got another Regency I started a few years ago when I wrote a “Book In A Month” which will build on the characters in A Dandy In Disguise (one of my traditional Regencies which I re-released last year). And then more to come in my Vallen world. As I said, too many books!

How do we find out about you and your books?
You can sign up for my newsletter at my website. And I blog on the topics of writing and self-publishing every weekend. 

How can readers/fans contact you?
         Want to know more about Meredith? Check out her Social Media Links: 
         Pinterest  |  Twitter  |   Goodreads

Do your fans' comments and letters influence you in any way?
Absolutely! In fact, as soon as I’m done writing Fire (almost there!), the third book in my Children of Avalon trilogy, I’m going to take a break and write a short story specifically requested by my readers who read Storm on the Horizon and then Magic in the Storm. They needed a bit of a bridge between loving my heroine in SOTH, Tatiana to understanding how she became the villain in MITS. So, that’s up next for me.

Do you have a favorite comment or question from a reader?
I had a reader write to me after she received my last newsletter. She loved it so much, she said, that she forwarded it to six of her friends! Now that’s a fantastic fan! 

Do you have a favorite author? Favorite book? Favorite series?
Too many. My favorite book of all time is The Princess Bride by William Goldman. Right now I’m really enjoying Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series – slowly making my way through them. And I love Kerrelyn Sparks Vampire series – so much fun, she’s an auto-buy for me.

Cherries or Bananas?  Leather or lace?  Black or red?  Mud Bath or Oily Massage?
Cherries. Leather. Red. Oily massage – tonight would be fine, thank you.

And, the best question of all... if you came with a warning label, what would it say?
“Silly geek who loves to laugh. Handle with care.” 

Meredith's newest book is a New Adult Medieval Fantasy Romance published with Anessa Books is being released TODAY, March 18, 2014!

Blurb: In one day Scai has gone from being considered just unusual by the people of her little Welsh village to an outcast fleeing for her life. Left on the church steps as a baby, she knows nothing of her history—or her abilities. Did she really stop the rain just by wishing it to stop? But she is determined to learn all she can. Travelling alone to find her family seems to be the only way she’s going to find the answers she seeks.

Her journey leads her to the comical old knight Sir Dagonet, who tells her that she is one of a magical people called the Vallen. Together they continue on, joined by the handsome Dylan and the fiery Bridget on a new quest—to find the fabled Merlin’s Chalice, said to hold all the power of the entrapped wizard. Together, Scai, Dylan and Bridget discover that they are the long awaited Children of Avalon, destined to save the world from power-hungry Lady Nimuë—unless she kills them first.

Along the way, Scai finds magic—both in the wind and air that she can control at will, and in the sweet ache of a first love that she cannot.
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Feb 21, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Scorching Mini Tales @jelquinnauthor Jane Leopold Quinn #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jane Leopold Quinn released Scorching Mini Tales: The Education of Eris, My Parisian Sabbatical, a self-published Contemporary Erotic Romance, on January 18, 2014.

My Parisian Sabbatical
Angry and broken hearted, Madeline Stuart recovers from a failed love affair. The last thing she expects and wants is an attraction to a stranger in a Parisian café. Charlie Bemis can't take his eyes off the woman he wants to paint, and he doesn't care she's a tad bit older than he is. In this first person short romance, live through Maddie's eyes and sexual awakening as Charlie paints her in every way possible.

The Education of Eris
Eris and Nora are best friends. Nora has fought her attraction to her friend since the day they met. Now that Eris' marriage is on the rocks, Nora comforts her, a comfort that turns into sexual feelings. Shocked and aroused, Eris must decide. Does she leave her husband to pursue a same sex relationship? Can she accept this change in her life and move forward with her best friend?
Warnings: Explicit Sex
Heat Level: R

More About Jane Leopold Quinn 
Author Blog  |  Exquisite Quills  |  Twitter

Feb 17, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Wishing For A Highlander @JessiGage #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jessi released Wishing For A Highlander, a time-travel historical highlander romance, on February 1, 2014.

Single-and-pregnant museum worker Melanie voices an idle wish while examining a Scottish artifact, that a Highland warrior would sweep her off her feet and help her forget her cheating ex. The last thing she expects is for her wish to be granted. Magically transported to the middle of a clan skirmish in the sixteenth-century Highlands, she comes face to face with her kilted fantasy man.

Tall, handsome, and heir to his uncle’s lairdship, Darcy Keith should be the most eligible bachelor in Ackergill. Instead, thanks to a prank played on him in his teenage years, he is known for being too large under his kilt to ever make a proper husband. “Big Darcy” runs his deceased father’s windmills and lives alone at his family manor, believing he will never marry.

But a strangely dressed woman he rescues from a clan skirmish makes him long for more. When the woman’s claims of coming to Ackergill by magic reach the laird’s ears, she is accused of witchcraft. Darcy determines to protect her any way he can, even if it means binding her to him forever.
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Size might have its advantages when it came to fighting, but those few boons didn’t compensate for the problems it caused. Being the biggest and the strongest had gotten him into far more trouble than it had gotten him out of. Swallowing his regret for how careless he’d been with her, he sought to determine whom she belonged to, whom, saints forbid, he might owe.

“Whose wife are ye, then? Not a Gunn’s or I wouldna have had to rescue you from one.”
“I’m not married,” the lass said. “And thank you for the rescuing, by the way. I can’t believe I dropped the dirk. Stupid.” She shook her head.

His heart warmed at her thanks. He didn’t hear many kind words from the lasses and would take what he could get, even from a dishonored woman who had caught a bairn out wedlock. Oddly, he didn’t think poorly of her. Whether it was her vexed brow, her guileless, soft mouth, or her vulnerable size, he had not the heart to condemn her.

He didn’t even mind so much that she found him distasteful for being overlarge, although talking with her now, she didn’t seem overly upset to be in his arms. He endeavored to keep her talking, keep her distracted from her disgust.

“You never answered my first question,” he said. “Who are you? And where are you from if ye’re no’ English?”

“Ugh. I don’t know. Is there an answer that won’t get me burned at the stake or locked up in a ward for the hopelessly insane?”

Like most things out of her mouth, that had been a peculiar answer. “You could try the truth,” he offered, slowing his pace since he heard Archie’s voice not far off.

“No,” she said flatly. “I couldn’t. At least not the whole truth. How about we just go with my name, Melanie, and with the honest fact that I’m a long way from home and have no idea how to get back.” Her green eyes pierced his. “I’m afraid you might be stuck with me, Darcy Keith.”
About The Author
Jessi lives with her husband and children in the Seattle area. She’s a passionate reader of all genres of romance, especially anything involving the paranormal. Ghosts, demons, vampires, witches, weres, faeries…you name it, she’ll read it. As for writing, she’s sticking to Highlanders and contemporaries with a paranormal twist (for now).

Jessi brings her love of research to her worlds and characters. She believes good always triumphs over evil, but in the most compelling stories, evil gives good one heck of a run for its money. The last time she imagined a world without romance novels, her husband found her crouched in the corner, rocking.

Jessi strongly believes in embracing community. She loves her neighborhood and loves getting together with

her writing friends, mom friends, church friends, and, well, anyone who shares an interest. She can often be found having coffee at one of the many neighborhood coffee spots she frequents, or indulging in sweets with The Cupcake Crew, her wonderful critique group.

Find Out More About Jessi:
Website | Blog | Facebook Fan Page | Twitter | Goodreads

Feb 11, 2014

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: L.A. Sartor @LesannSartor #MFRWauthor

We are talking with MFRW Author L.A. Sartor today. Leslie Ann Sartor (aka L.A. Sartor) began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at Leslie’s insistence, wrote them down and Leslie illustrated them. As an adult she writes suspense and action adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she's had a contracted adaptation! She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date. Leslie loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey.

MFRW: If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Hawaii. I went to school there, and would love to have a house with a pool overlooking the ocean. And still live in Colorado with the mountains as a backdrop and back bone.

MFRW: How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
Leslie: Wow, I write from experience. Some people say write what you know, but I think that's too narrow or intrepreted to narrowly. We've all experienced the major turning points in life. If you haven't lost a loved one, I'll bet you've lost a pet, or a goldfish. Not quite the same, but so close. Or fallen in love, to have it be requited or unrequited. That's writing what you know. That's writing from experience. I may not be a nurse, but I can research that and I know my emotions from either being sick or dealing with a sick person.

MFRW: What kind of research do you do for a book?
Leslie: Good segue from last question. A huge amount. Right now I'm researching the Vikings and just a tiny bit of my new book, the 2nd in the Carswell Adventures will deal directly with that, but I have to know what I'm talking about. And SCUBA diving in cold water up to 1l2 mile deep. Possible, yes, but you'd die trying. 

MFRW: Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?
I'm a screenwriter as well as novelist, and have learned that humor gives one respite from drama. Humor, be it black or bald is vital. We all need to laugh or snort, or even cry at humor because it touches something you're familiar with.

MFRW: What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
I used to write love scenes that made me blush, now I even wonder if they're necessary. So many love scenes are repetitive and boring. I often skip over them. Sad but true, and honestly, I'm not a prude, but the lead up is often more exciting that the real "action."

MFRW: Have you always wanted to be a writer?
I've been writing since I was 4. Really. I used to tell stories and my Mom would write them down. Then in Jr. High I had a young teacher who told me along with my parents that I would never be a writer, because all I wanted to do was tell stories, not learn grammar. Okay Ms. Teacher, I'm now a Best Selling Author! Grammar can be learned at any age and with a great editor which I have. Story telling not so much.

L.A. Sartor self-published a holiday romance in November 2013.
The Children's Author …
Annie Hamilton's children's series Star Light~Star Bright is a mega hit. She loves kids and wants nothing more than a family of her own, but twice burned, thrice shy. When a gorgeous man with two young boys moves next door, Annie can't help but dream her impossible dream.

And The Widower Who Moved Next Door …
Cole Evans is a brilliant scientist, but finds fatherhood a challenge. When his son develops a bond with their enchanting neighbor, the boy’s favorite author, Cole discovers just how much he's lost—and how much he needs.

Will Their Wish Come True This Christmas Night?
Can Cole overcome family meddling and alleviate Annie's fears so they can be a ready-made family?



MFRW: How can readers/fans contact you?
I love, I mean LOVE hearing from my readers. You can, and please do, contact me at And I have a newsletter that comes out, I'd be honored to add you to my mailings.

Connect with Leslie Ann here: WEBSITE  |  FACEBOOK  |  TWITTER  |  PINTEREST  |  BLOG
Leslie is also one of the Five Scribes at

MFRW: List two authors we would find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.
J.D Robb and Audra Harders. Totally different, both wonderful.

Talk to Leslie Ann
What authors do you enjoy reading?

Feb 5, 2014

Sassy & Classy #MFRWAuthor @VickiBatman

Like some of her characters, award-winning author, Vicki Batman has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything gal” at a financial services firm--the list is endless.

Writing for several years, she has completed three manuscripts, written essays, and sold many short stories to TRUE LOVE, TRUE ROMANCE, TRUE CONFESSIONS, NOBLE ROMANCE PUBLISHING, LONG AND SHORT REVIEWS, MUSEITUP PUBLISHING, and THE WILD ROSE PRESS.

She is a member of RWA and several writing groups and chapters. In 2004, she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010. She's active on the Plotting Princesses

Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking "What if??"

Today, Vicki Batman keeps it Short & Sweet as she sits down to talk with MFRW about her newest book, a self-published Romantic Comedy, released on February 4, 2014.

From sassy writer Vicki Batman comes three hilarious short reads.

"Bug Stuff"
A co-worker unites with the hunky, new accountant to fight a pesky adversary.

"With This Ring"
The Unimaginable. When Katherine forgets her little black dress for a must-attend event, all turns into something utterly romantic and unforgettable in the end.

"Just Desserts"
A political dinner gone disastrous brings together a reluctant attendee and her handsome seat-mate.

MFRW: Tell us about your latest book. What motivated the story? Where did the idea come from? 
VICKI: Bug Stuff…and other stories follows my other two shortie collections, Man Theory and Little Birdie Who. I'd submitted them to a popular magazine, but they were turned down. A few had nice notations included. The stories weren't bad, just not what they were interested in acquiring because they'd already had something or wanted something specific. I couldn't let them languish; so I decided to indie pub them.

MFRW: Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?
VICKI: I do. For me, writing humor in my stories comes naturally. And it is more real life (at least, with the people who surround me). 

MFRW: What is your writing routine once you start a book?
VICKI: An idea goes Bing! And I take off, usually in dialogue with a smattering of the other stuff as it pops in my head. My first draft is very, very rough. I read over and over and edit and edit to get it perfect for my critique partners. When I get my critique back, I'd hoped all would be good to go, but alas, it never it. So I work and work it again. Then one day, I let go…

MFRW: What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?
VICKI: My family is gone during the day. They don't bother me usually. But when there are those interruptions, I welcome the time with them.

MFRW: What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?
VICKI: Sounds crazy but I always workout. Every single day. I do needlepoint and chill in front of the TV with Handsome.

MFRW: A biography has been written about you. What's the title in six words or less?
VICKI: Sass and Class

Get To Know More about Vicki:

QUICK FACTS about Vicki:
Bubble Baths or Steamy Showers? Shower!
Ocean or mountains? Mountains
Puppies or kittens? I love both-vbg.
Chocolate or Caramel? Chocolate covered caramels. lol

Jan 13, 2014


Paloma Beck released Touch My Heart in November 2013. This is the second book in the Heart And Soul series, a contemporary BDSM-lite romance series that contains explicit sex scenes, including consensual adult spanking.

William knows exactly what he wants. He saw what his parents had and he plans to have that kind of love for himself. He just has to convince Aubrey she’s perfect for him. He attempts to take it slowly, cautious of her weariness and his own preoccupations. Then he bargains, persuades and seduces until Aubrey agrees to be his. That’s where the rest of his life begins… 

… even while another part of his life begins to crumble. He finds the foundation of his own family rocked. With William’s future not in his control anymore, he needs Aubrey as much as she needs him. There’s solace in knowing you don’t have to go through life’s heartache alone. 

Want to Know More about Paloma?
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Jan 6, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Immortal Relations Coming Out by #MFRWauthor Guy Ogan @thecarphotoguy1

Guy D. Ogan released a Paranormal Romance, Immortal Relations Coming Out on 11 November 2013. It's offered exclusively through AMAZON.

Immortal Relations Coming Out is about political intrigue against the good vampires who have done so much to safeguard the world. The regime in Washington, who behind the scenes had supported China’s invasion of Siberia, realizes the vampires had put a stop to their gangsterism. Washington had a deal with the Chinese that would have ”feathered their nest” and given them a clear road to ultimate control over the American people, so they want revenge against those who they didn’t realize at first were vampires. Of course there has to be some action to save the planet thrown in for good measure!

Heat Level: R
Warnings: Since Gary has two mates and there is some fighting and death it is for Mature Adults

Want to Know More about Guy?
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Oct 17, 2013

Gay Romance: Changing Tide #MFRWauthor @dpdenman @MFRW_ORG

Changing Tide 
Book: Changing Tide
Genre: Contemporary Gay Romance
Publisher: North Shore Press (Indie)
Release Date: 10/3/13

For Jack Lewis love comes from unexpected places…so does tragedy. When David arrived on Vancouver Island, he was just another tourist. A few hours on the water together proves he is more than that. Attraction draws them together but an attempt at a meaningless fling fails one touch at a time when Jack feels more than he thought he would. The love affair sparks fear in David and jealousy in Emerson, the man who frequents Jack's bed.
At odds with the men in his life, Jack tries to talk David into staying and Emerson into going but the attempt could leave him empty handed.

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Ebook ($2.99):


Jack ran a hand along smooth, tan skin and leaned close to kiss the same spot before he shoved back the blankets and slid out of bed. He padded the short distance to the chair piled with his clothes and pulled them back on a layer at a time. That chair said a lot about his relationship with Emerson Reid. When they'd first started their recurring tryst, it had been hot, wild and full of passion. They'd tossed clothes on the floor, thrown them across the room, abandoned them wherever they happened to drop resulting in the inevitable treasure hunt to find them again. That didn't happen anymore.
"You don't have to leave, you know," Emerson rolled onto his back with a petulant scowl.
"Yes, I do," he slid the shirt over his head and tugged it in place before running fingers through his hair. "I've got things to do."
Emerson tried a different tactic and rolled onto his stomach, chin rested on his crossed arms, half his body exposed. Batting long, dark lashes at him, Emerson turned petulant into a pretty, little pout. There was a time when that look had drawn him back to his bed. Hell, there was a time when just the sight of that much bare skin had done it. He was a beautiful kid with eyes so brown they were almost black, dark hair and a natural tan to his skin. Everything on him was long and slender and begged to be touched. It just didn't have the same impact any more. He aimed for alluring and innocent as he lay stretched out on the bed with that look and the pout. He missed it by several yards but Jack saw no reason to tell him that. He just pulled on his boxers and let that make the statement for him.
"Fine," Emerson huffed and pillowed his head in his arms, turning his face to the wall. "If you're going to treat me like a whore then I'm not going to bother getting up to make you coffee."
"I can make my own coffee," he stepped into his jeans and zipped them. "And I'm not treating you like a whore," he crouched beside the bed and slid fingers into Emerson's hair, gripping the strands to tug his head back and kiss the pout.
Emerson tried to turn it into something more but he broke it before he had a chance. He knew that game and like a lot of things, it didn't work anymore. Over the past year, he'd grown immune to Emerson, to a certain extent, most of the time.
"One of these days I'm going to put my foot down, Jack," Emerson called after him as he headed for the door. "None of this coming and going whenever you please, bullshit. I deserve better than that."
"Funny, but I've never heard you complain about the coming part," he tossed him a smile, stepped outside and pulled the door closed on the rest of the argument.

DP Denman

About the Author

DP Denman is an M/M (gay) contemporary romance author from the soggy splendor of the Pacific Northwest. She is an eclectic reader, obsessed writer, and determined LGBT rights activist who lives with her fur babies and a pair of hyper-caffeinated muses.

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