Novak's Annual Online Auction for Diabetes Research is geared up for its biggest year yet. Thanks to all who
have participated in the past — both donors and shoppers — we've raised a
cumulative total of $1.6 million. This year we hope to surpass $2 million to
help all those with diabetes, including my son, Thad, and little Ben, whose
picture you see here.

Lauren Hawkeye Jameson is a fabulous author who has
supported my auction year after year. She had no idea when she first got
involved that she'd soon be fighting the diabetes battle in an even more
personal way. Ben is only two years old but started showing symptoms of Type 1
just a few months ago. I'll never forget the night Lauren texted me with his
symptoms to see if I thought she should take him to the ER. He had the constant
thirst and the excessive urination. Fortunately, she was familiar enough with
these symptoms to know something was wrong — and to guess at what it was. She
got him the help he needed and now he's on insulin and doing the daily regimen
faced by so many with diabetes. So I would like to dedicate this year's auction
to Lauren, her husband, and to Ben. Join with me in fighting for a CURE on his
behalf, and on the behalf of millions. Chances are you will be helping someone
in your own family.
I would like to extend a
heartfelt thank you to my co-sponsors:
Rose and Authorbuzz Writer's
York Times Bestselling Author Gemma Halliday
K.M. Daughters Pierce Mattie
Communications, Inc.
Weekly RT
Book Review Magazine
Some Information You Should Know:
Drawing! : This year we're doing something new.
Each person who registers as a shopper for the 2013 auction will be entered to
win a brand new iPad (Value $499). If you are already registered as a shopper,
all you have to do is log in, verify your shipping/billing information and email
Anna that you have done so (tinkabela776@gmail.com), and you will also be
entered! Previous registrants must confirm with Anna before May 1st. New
registrants throughout the month will be included. Drawing will be held May
Prize!! : Each year we offer an amazing prize
package to the person who places the most bids over all. This year we've
decided it will consist of:
A brand
new MacBook Air ($1100 Value)
Autographed Advanced Reading Copy of my new book, Home To Whiskey Creek, the fourth book in my new Whiskey Creek
An Amos
Auto Body T-Shirt in honor of Dylan (from When
Snow Falls, which won RT Reviewer's Choice for Best Contemporary Romance of
A one pound
box of Just Like Mom's cookies (best cookies you've ever tasted!)
A Black
Gold Coffee mug
And a
$200 gift certificate to Macy's!
Drawings: There are only four Opportunity
Drawings each year. We have these because they are a fun, inexpensive and easy
way to participate, but please be aware that occasionally we may (or may not)
put the tickets on sale. This will not change the price or number of the
tickets you have already purchased. It will just be a fun perk--a chance to get
more, if you have bought some, or a chance to jump in and buy all you can if you
haven't. Whenever you decide to purchase the tickets is completely at your
discretion, of course, so you could wait to see if they go on sale, or you
could buy whenever you think it will be luckiest.
Shipping: Shipping inside the United States is covered by the donor
unless otherwise specified on the individual item page. (Thank you, donors!!)
Buyer will pay shipping costs for anything that must be mailed out of the
Payment: We accept Paypal and all major credit cards.