Showing posts with label erotica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label erotica. Show all posts

Feb 13, 2017

In My Opinion... #MFRWauthor Vonna Harper Writes What She Knows... Do You?

Writing What You Know aka Writing What Fascinates You
In an effort to be as honest as possible, I admit I’ve long fantasized about becoming some hunk’s captive. The thought of ropes around my wrists turns me on. For years I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Then I started reading erotica with BDSM elements as well as the edgier capture/bondage stuff. That's when I decided to learn all I could about the appeal.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

In purely psychological terms, Freud didn't know what he was talking about. In 1908, he declared that, ""a happy person never fantasizes, only a dissatisfied one.""

Fortunately, a great deal has changed since those uninformed days with such experts as psychologists Harold Leitenberg and Kris Henning doing extensive studies on peoples' sexual fantasies. Their conclusion: only about 5% of people don't dream up sexy romps.  In fact, it's now considered pathological not to have such fantasies.

Erotica fiction banks on readers' need and desire for the aforementioned.  But it isn't enough for an erotica writer like me to simply open the bedroom door wide.  There has to be a plot to go with the sex. Many times I decorate the plot around bondage.

The late psychiatrist Ethel Person of Columbia University reported that 51 percent of women imagine being forced to have sex and  another third get off on pretending to be a slave who must obey a man's every wish.

So why do scenes full of ropes and chains touch so many women's hot buttons?  As Leitenberg and Henning said, ""Women who find submission fantasies sexually  arousing are very clear that they have no wise to be raped in reality.  In their fantasies, women control every aspect of what happens.""
According to the article, ""Power, Desire, and Pleasure in Sexual Fantasies"" by Eileen Zurbriggen in the Aug, 2004 Journal of Sex Research, women who fanaticize about submission have a more positive attitude about sex and are less sexually guilty and more open to a variety of sexual experiences.  Female submissive fantasies may be one aspect of an open, positive, guilt-free sexuality. (That’s good to know)

As Leitenberg and Henning put it, ""Women tend to envision something being done to them and to concentrate more on their partner's interest in her."" So if, like me, you're intrigued by certain aspects of the sexual human being, I encourage you to write about it.

Vonna's newest book is The Wolf's Mate, an erotica novel with Stormy Night Publishing.
A year ago, the man Aileen loved fell into a raging river deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness, and she has returned to the spot to say goodbye. Instead of finding closure, however, she encounters a wolf who transforms into the man she had thought lost.

Since he plunged to his death only to be brought back to life in a new form by some power beyond his understanding, Slade has grown used to his wolf's body. When he sees the woman he loved, he finds himself again with the body of a man, but his primal lusts remain strong and he is driven to reclaim her as his mate.

Slade gives Aileen little time to ponder the situation. Instead he strips her, spanks her, and sets about teaching her to surrender to him, but can he stay in human form long enough to truly make her his?

Disbelief clutched Aileen. The unexpected sexual energy had morphed into something she didn’t understand or want.
She was staring at a wolf, a creature that hadn’t been seen around here since man had hunted them into extinction in this area. Wolves had been reintroduced to the wild but none had yet migrated here. At least that’s what the experts declared.
To hell with what she as a forest ranger had bought into as gospel. She was face to face with a pure predator. Everything about the beast spoke of pride, courage, and determination—except for his eyes.
A second wave of disbelief slammed into her, briefly stilling her heart. As it started beating again, she forced herself to face a simple fact. Instead of a wolf’s yellow eyes, this creature’s were deep brown.
Even more incomprehensible, she’d seen and been turned on by those eyes, but not for a year. Not since Slade had drowned while she helplessly watched.
Oh, God, Slade! Please tell me you didn’t die after all.
The longer she stared at the creature, the less she saw of Slade. Other than those beautiful eyes, the wolf was what nature had designed it to be, a hunter and killer. Its muscles were finely honed, rangy and powerful. Most compelling were fangs meant for one thing, killing. Studying that perfect body filled her with equal parts of fear and admiration. She could barely think. Like most humans, she wore countless hats and shouldered countless roles, but a wolf had no such complexity. It hunted, ate, slept, fucked. Existed.
“Slade?” Despite swallowing repeatedly, she couldn’t utter another word.
The wolf returned her stare. Yes, the eyes were brown, rich and glistening. More to the point, they were pulling her deep into something incomprehensible. Inescapable.
Slade Nashel had been the sexiest man she’d ever met, although whether that was because his body was cleanly masculine or because his touch destroyed her she’d never known.
For too long after his death, she’d suspected she’d died along with him, but the passing minutes, hours, and then days and weeks had helped her heal so she once again believed she had a reason to go on living. Her tears had finally dried and she’d found things to laugh at. Sometimes she’d felt guilty for embracing what he’d been denied, but she couldn’t change reality. He was dead, she alive.

ABOUT Vonna Harper
Vonna Harper isn't sure how many erotic romance books, novellas, and short stories she's written since she's just along for the ride. Many have capture/bondage elements in part because studies show that a majority of women fantasize about giving up control, and Vonna wants to give them what they're looking for. Also, as a woman herself, she wants to write what fascinates her.  |

If interested in reviewing this book, contact the author directly by clicking here.

Dec 24, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book: Naked on Holiday #Christmas @AdamMannAuthor

Naked on Holiday
by Adam Mann

Hector and Helen who are both in their sixties find mutual attraction can overcome a lot of problems, whilst at the same time trying to help out Horace and his girlfriend Hannah.  This is a love story for the over sixties!
On one hand a couple are happy and unconcerned with public opinion, whilst the other couple are fraught with family problems and legal complications.

Nov 24, 2016

The Warrior in Me on #Thursday13 with @AnitaPhilmar

#MFRWauthor Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.
Influenced by old movies, she likes to develop places where anything can happen and where special moments come to life in a great read.
Naughty or Nice?
Read her books and decide.

                                                           The Warrior in Me 
Genre: Suspense, Erotica, murder mystery 
Publisher:The Wild Rose Press 

Special Security Agent Sebastian Berlin is eager to track down his partner's killer. Instead, he’s assigned the job of baby-sitting a scientist. His boss thinks she's the key to an Ancient Warrior Prophecy. Science never interested Sebastian, but she might persuade him to do a little experimenting. That is, if he can keep his Neanderthal Warrior genes from taking control.

DNA specialist Lily Sinclair is in need of a vacation. Arriving in chilly Alaska instead of sunny Cancun, she's tired and cranky and so not in the mood for her bodyguard's he-man tactics. Still, there's something about the sexy man that tempts her.

Then Lily's ex is poisoned, and Sebastian is certain the two murders are connected and she could be next. She knows he's hiding something, but with the worldwide release of Neanderthal DNA project only days away, she needs protection. Still can she trust him with her heart?
 Buy link: Thewildrosepress

13 Reasons I love Men
1. The way they think fascinates me.
2. The way they walk. Some with a swagger, other with a purposeful gate.
3. Their sense of humor. Can't always follow along but love the journey
4. Hands - big and strong, and yet, they can be delicate with a lover
5. Jobs they're willing to do - Fighting for their country to maintain freedom.(this is not to say women don't do the same)
6. The define strength in their bodies. Muscle which create a work of art in their beauty.
7. Competitiveness -- willing to give it their all to win.
8. Voices - deep and rough to smooth and sexy.
9. Their need to protect the ones they love.
10. Determination - the single-mindedness which helps them achieve great things.
11. The rough hair on their chin, can be so very sexy.
12. Laugh - this in some way is like humor but the sound can bring such joy.
13. How completely different they are from me.

Find more about the author here:

Nov 8, 2016

How #MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune Created Her Newest Book: TAKEN BY TWIN DOMS.

MFRW author Kryssie Fortune talks about how her newest book came to life.
Kryssie Fortune writes erotic romance. Addicted to coffee, she’s a serial dieter who’s never far from her Kindle. When she’s not reading or renovating her recently purchased bungalow, she enjoys long walks on the beach with her husband.

Kryssie’s a girl who grew up climbing trees and chatting with imaginary dragons. Her passion for nature, myths, and magical creatures spills over into her books. She loves hot Lykaes, sexy vampires, and muscular Fae, but dragons fascinate her.

Kryssie’s active on Facebook, Twitter, and occasionally Pinterest. She’d love you to drop by and chat with her.
website  |  blog  |  facebook  |  Google+  |  twitter

Manually, I'm the most uncreative person you'll ever meet. I paint, and it's a blob. I sculpt and it implodes, but I do have a vivid imagination. Add in that I love words, and you see why I write.
I'm a sucker for true love and anything paranormal. A lot of the places in my books are drawn from things I've seen and done, but I've never yet met a werewolf.  On consideration, that’s probably a good thing.

My latest book is a new departure for me. Nothing paranormal and nothing supernatural, just two Doms with sex toys and a repressed heroine born to be wild. I wrote this one by accident.

I saw a special call on the Luminosity website for short stories on ""One night in a dungeon."" Sometimes lightning strikes and I know a story right off. Since it was a 1500 word limit, I wrote it in two weeks. Usually I take months.

I was so excited I hadn’t read the rest of the call -until it was time to submit.
OMG- M/M only. Mine didn't fit. I polished it up and added  some details I’d had to drop to make the word count. It came out even better this time around so I submitted it to Luminosity as a stand alone.

And guess what? They took it. The best serendipity ever.

Taken by Twin Doms
Too scared to step out of her comfort zone, Molly dreams of submitting to a powerful man’s will. When her cousin tricks her into visiting the Pearson twins’ Pleasure Hotel, she realizes she could play out her fantasies. Despite the sexual games going on around her, she still refuses to accept her sensual nature.

Steve and Brett Pearson want a sub with fire in her soul. Deceived by Molly’s cousin, they believe Molly craves a kidnap and interrogation scene where two men torment her with sex toys before taking her to sexual heights. They’ll stop the instant she says the safe word. As their reluctant prisoner, she has no idea what the safe word is.

After the way Molly responded to their dominance, the Pearson twins want to know her better. Can they win her heart after they’ve bound her, blindfolded her, and forced their BDSM games on her?

One repressed heroine, twin Doms with sex toys, and a relationship based on a lie.

The various activities spelled out on that questionnaire sent a hormone surge through her blood. Cheeks and breasts scarlet, thoughts whirling as though caught up in a tornado, she wondered what sexual games the other hens had planned for tonight. Thoughts of letting a stranger explore her body, maybe even letting him spank her, consumed her. Afterward, they’d share sex so hot the bed sheets caught fire.

That list of rules showed how well this hotel protected their guests’ privacy, but what sort of scenes went on in the dungeon that she might interrupt? Maybe a Dominatrix flogging a disobedient sub? Perhaps a blindfolded slave giving their master a blowjob? Being bound, blindfolded, and naked with a Dom’s cock pumping down her throat only happened in her best dreams. In them, she was totally open and vulnerable, willing to do whatever it took to please her twin lovers. Pulse rate rocketing, eyes closed, she savored her favorite daydream.

So far the questionnaire seemed innocuous, but over the page, it was set out like a menu. The inner two pages detailed everything on offer, from suspension to pet play or fisting. Three tick boxes sat alongside each one. The instructions said to tick the things that were acceptable in the first column, soft limits in the second, and hard limits in the third. Since this form was for her eyes only, she grinned and worked her way down the list.

Asphyxiation was a definite hard limit, as were knife play, golden showers, and gags. A dildo or butt plug would be acceptable, but suspension? Maybe, with the right partner, she’d enjoy it.

Just reading down the list left her hot and bothered, her body more sexually aware than it had been for months. Since no one else would ever see this form, she ticked bondage and multiple partners as acceptable. After all, this game just passed the time until dinner.

The back page demanded every detail of the fantasy she wanted to play out. For those lacking imagination, it even offered a few suggestions. Prancing around like a pony with a bit between her teeth and a butt plug holding a false tail in her ass didn’t appeal. Neither did rape fantasies or anything that reeked of medical.

Aug 18, 2016

Dragon Knight's Ring on #Thursday13 with @Mary Morgan

Scottish paranormal romance#MFRWauthor Mary Morgan,  resides in Northern California, with her own knight in shining armor. However, during her travels to Scotland, England, and Ireland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.
Mary's passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. She spent far too much time daydreaming and was told quite often to remove her head from the clouds. It wasn't until the closure of Borders Books where Mary worked that she found her true calling--writing romance. Now, the worlds she created in her mind are coming to life within her stories.


                Dragon Knight's Ring, 
        Order of the Dragon Knights,  Book 5

 Genre  Paranormal, Erotica
 Publisher The Wild Rose Press

Crusader, Adam MacFhearguis is on one last quest to the standing stones in Scotland where he seeks to bury the past. However, a silent prayer sends him to an unknown future and to his beloved Meggie. When he uncovers a shocking revelation, Adam questions everything about the woman he thought he knew and loved. He may have traveled the veil of ages, but time is now his enemy.

Margaret MacKay lives a life in the future without the memories of her past—her death. When Adam arrives at her door confessing he knows her, she is confused and wary. With each passing day, she yearns to learn more from this stranger. Yet, when a truth is revealed, can she trust the man to unlock the chains from her mind and heart?

Will love free the bonds to unite the two lovers who were doomed centuries ago? Or will evil finally claim victory over the Dragon Knights?

Buy link: Aamazon

Mary Morgan’s 13 most favorite movies

1. Braveheart – Will never forget his speech, or the epic music played throughout.

2. Pride & Prejudice—I love both versions: 1995 and 2005. Loved the music in both!

3. Knight’s Tale—I enjoyed the humor and again, the music. (Do you see a pattern in my favorites?)

4. Pillow Talk—Comedy and music. Adorable!

5. Robin Hood—all versions!

6. Sense & Sensibility—1995 version with Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant.

7. The Master of Ballantrae —Errol Flynn in Scotland…oh my!

8. The Sound of Music —My first indoor movie. It’s a must see around any holiday.

9. The Ugly Dachshund —Since I owned a dachshund, this 1966 comedy was a family favorite.

10. Ever After —A twist on the Cinderella story.

11. Ben-Hur —Charlton Heston…need I say anything more?

12. Titanic —Beautiful, tragic, and I loved the music.

13. Rob Roy —I’ve always been fascinated with the hero and the actor, Liam Neeson.
                             Trailer for the whole
Dragon Knights  series:

 Find Mary here:
 Facebook Book Page

Jul 24, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Woodsman by #MFRWauthor Belle Scarlett

An Erotic Paranormal Fairytale by MFRW author Belle Scarlett!

The Woodsman: Enchanted Lovers Book 1

What if the Big Bad Wolf was the good guy?

Once upon a moonlit night in the Enchanted Forest, where cursed beings are consigned until the spells that bind them are broken…

After he captures Lady Lily Rouge's carriage, Sir Marrok Ulfang, aka The Biggest Baddest Wolf the Enchanted Forest has ever seen, has only one day to win her heart and claim her first sexual surrender, even if it means giving the nosey pixies fluttering outside his cottage window an eyeful.

Otherwise, a wolf shapeshifter he'll stay, damned to remain in the lonely Enchanted Forest forever.

But while he can arouse her virginal body to fever pitch, he quickly learns that his spirited, saucy Lily has a mind and will of her own.

And the daylight is fading fast.

“beautifully written… powerful and exciting.”

"...masterfully written... Her characters are passionate, gritty, gripping and charming.  The love scenes are H.O.T. hot and worth reading.  I can't wait to read the next book ..."  – Manic Readers

EXCERPT: Chapter One 
Once upon a moonlit night in late October in the Enchanted Forest where cursed beings are consigned until the spells that bind them are broken…

An autumn breeze ruffled the massive male wolf’s fur. Its thick pelt shone glossy under the moonrise that crested the treetops. In the midst of stalking a juicy rabbit, the predator froze. Catching a whiff of something far more interesting on a current of air, it lifted its nose and inhaled, hardly daring to hope. A delectable scent wafted into its sensitive nostrils.

A maiden was close by. In his wood. And the harvest moon above would wax full on All Hallow’s Eve tomorrow night! Fortune was spreading her shapely legs for him this night. At last…

Pricking his ears forward, the wolf padded in and out of the tree shadows, turning his proud head this way and that. His keen hearing detected the creaking, jangling sound of a moving carriage. It was rattling along on the north road, just before Troll’s Bridge! His blood raced when he realized his maiden would pass by the Hexed Waterfall and directly through the heart of his territory very soon.
She would never leave the boundary of his lands, vowed the wolf silently.

The approaching woman’s exciting scent grew stronger, further teasing and intoxicating his senses. All of the wolf’s considerable hunting instincts sprang to life. Through sheer self-will, he prevented himself from dashing off into the bushes after her erotic perfume like a yappy cur chasing a peddler’s cart.

The powerful, dark creature pointed his nose toward the silver moon and unleashed a fearful howl that slashed through the night air.

ABOUT Belle Scarlett
By day, she’s a mild-mannered story consultant, film producer, and award-winning screenwriter in Lost Angeles. By night, she assumes her super-secret identity as Belle Scarlett, author of futuristic and paranormal romances with a high sizzle factor. Belle is also a SAG-AFTRA commercial voice over actress and audiobook producer who narrates all of her own books…. Look for them on!

Aiding Belle in her quest for kick-ass, magical romance and out-of-this-world, passionate-ever-afters are her trusty sidekicks, Tall-Alpha-Blue-Eyed Boyfriend, upon whom her heroes are based, and The Evil Feral Cat, upon whom her villains are based." "By day, she’s a mild-mannered story consultant, film producer, and award-winning screenwriter in Lost Angeles. By night, she assumes her super-secret identity as Belle Scarlett, author of futuristic and paranormal romances with a high sizzle factor. Belle is also a SAG-AFTRA commercial voice over actress and audiobook producer who narrates all of her own books…. Look for them on!

Aiding Belle in her quest for kick-ass, magical romance and out-of-this-world, passionate-ever-afters are her trusty sidekicks, Tall-Alpha-Blue-Eyed Boyfriend, upon whom her heroes are based, and The Evil Feral Cat, upon whom her villains are based.

May 1, 2016

Book Spotlight: Absolutely Alpha by #MFRWauthor Belle Scarlett @ScarlettWoman1

An Erotic Paranormal from MFRW author Belle Scarlett...
Absolutely Alpha: Tempting the Alpha Book 1

Four magical romances from Belle Scarlett's enchanted quill.

Alien Seductions: How the Alien Stole Christmas
On board a deep space station Capt. Christmas Trent learns her sexy cyber lover, who may not be human, wants to steal her for his own.

Timeless Lovers: Valentine
Valerie buys a South Carolina plantation and discovers a Valentine addressed to her from a previous owner who bids her to return to him in 1865.

Blood Mates: How to Blackmail a Vampire
In the spring, a powerful vampire’s fancy turns to the blood lust mating hunt. A pretty, human blackmailer becomes the object of his thirst, but she’s not into vampires. Yet.

Pack Masters: The Bermuda Love Triangle
Castaway in the Bermuda Triangle, Trista finds herself torn between two sexy shifters. Neither will share her so she must choose between them. Decisions, decisions…

Note to reader: This story is not a ménage tale.

"What a stunning collection...If you are a paranormal romance lover then this is a must read collection! ... Each story is a masterpiece!" - Roxie's Romance Reviews

"Great little gems all in one package!!!" - Nikki Brooks

Chapter One“I know you’re a vampire.”
Caden Chase blinked. It was rare for anyone or anything to surprise him, but the slim woman in the yellow blouse and tailored slacks sitting in the chair on the other side of his office desk had managed to do just that. If nothing else, the past three months should have taught him to expect the unexpected where Serena Bliss was concerned.
“Do you mind repeating that?” Caden drawled his words, playing for time to assess the seriousness of this sudden crisis. He kept his tone low and controlled, striving for a cross between puzzlement and amusement, neither of which he felt at the moment.
His gaze ran over Serena’s form, searching the telltale pulse points at her throat and wrists with his heightened senses, trying to detect whether or not she was telling the truth or merely making a wild guess. As usual his attraction for this human female was distracting him. His jaw clenched. Damn, she looked good. Like a joyful drop of sunlight splashed on the coarse fabric of his dark world too full of midnight blacks and blood reds. But she was the last human he should be thinking of for a casual fling. And the more he got to know her, the more he wanted her for more than that.
Serena arched an eyebrow in blatant challenge. The action showed admirable bravado for one who believed she was at that moment in the presence of a bloodthirsty monster. One who could drain her in less time than it took for her next heartbeat to sound.
“I’m pretty sure you heard me, Mr. Chase. I understand that a vampire’s hearing is quite keen.”
It was true. Her throaty, melodic voice, for example, could arrest his attention from three floors away even in the middle of a busy workday.
“I think you’ve been reading too much Twilight, Ms. Bliss.” He didn’t like this new formality she was imposing like a barrier between them. Last week they had called one another by their first names, sometimes even with flirty smiles that made him look forward to each workday with her all the more. He was determined to find out the cause of her distinctly guarded shift in tone with him.
She tossed her caramel colored hair over her shoulders in clear impatience. Hellfire. She had sexy hair. Thick, shiny, and long enough to wrap around his knuckles while he held her still for his kiss…or his penetration. Or a love bite on her elegant neck. Hey, a vampire could dream, right?
ABOUT Belle Scarlett
By day, she’s a mild-mannered story consultant, film producer, and award-winning screenwriter in Lost Angeles. By night, she assumes her super-secret identity as Belle Scarlett, author of futuristic and paranormal romances with a high sizzle factor. Belle is also a SAG-AFTRA commercial voice over actress and audiobook producer who narrates all of her own books…. Look for them on!

Aiding Belle in her quest for kick-ass, magical romance and out-of-this-world, passionate-ever-afters are her trusty sidekicks, Tall-Alpha-Blue-Eyed Boyfriend, upon whom her heroes are based, and The Evil Feral Cat, upon whom her villains are based.

Good Reads:

Belle is also a proud member of The Naughty Literati!

Aug 23, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: His Womanly Ways @WriterKLynn #MFRWauthor

His Womanly Ways
K. Lynn
Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance
Torquere Press

Not satisfied to be tossed aside as just another notch in Alex's bedpost, his one-night-stand curses him to “know what it was like for a woman.” He's about to find out what she means, embarking on a genderswap journey that he can't stop. Alex starts slowly gaining secondary female characteristics; his body becoming more like a woman than the man he used to be. He tries to hide the changes he's going through, but keeping this quite literally “under wraps” might be impossible before the curse runs its course.

With the help of his female best friend, Eve, Alex tries to deal with who he is becoming. He feels like he's lost his identity, his mind not matching the body he now has. But what started out as friendship may become something more before Alex's journey is over. Perhaps this curse was actually a blessing in disguise.
What Reviewers Are Saying...
Four stars! This story was very interesting. I liked how Alex deals with the curse and his increasingly female body. His best friend Eve is a rock for him to handle everything and truly supportive of him. She’s got a bit of a hairpin temper and it tends to be at wrong times. However she means well and wants Alex to be happy. ~ Molly Lolly

It was tough for Alex to face up to what was happening to his body. That night of lust that turned sour set him on a path that was to change everything. The platonic relationship with Eve was Alex's saviour. A very enjoyable story. ~ Anne Oni

“I don't need you to courier anybody, okay?” he growled. “This is more serious.”
She gave him a raised eyebrow. “I'm not helping you get rid of a body either. That was just a joke. You can't hold me to anything I say when I'm drunk.”
“Shut up, there's no dead body,” he said, untying the strings on the front of his sweatpants. “There's something wrong with me.”
“For fuck's sake, Alex, I don't want to see your diseased dick,” Eve said, covering her eyes. “Go to the clinic.”
“I don't think the clinic can help me with this,” he said, pulling his pants and underwear down and sitting on the edge of the bed in front of her. Alex pushed his legs apart, splaying them so there was no way she could miss the problem when she opened her eyes again.
“Eve, just look,” he urged, looking up at her.
“No!” she said, keeping her eyes fully covered.
“Please, Eve, I'm freaking out here and you're the only person I knew to call,” his tone was pleading now and he was starting to freak out again. “Just look at me.”
“I told you,” she began as she started taking her hand away from her face, “I don't want to see...what the hell is that?!” Her eyes widened as she saw him in full glory, her face losing all trace of color as she stumbled back.
“You should know, you've got one yourself,” he said with a pasted-on smirk, but his attempt at humor fell flat.
While in college, K. Lynn increased her involvement in LGBT issues and writing within the LGBT fiction genre. She has become a long-time fan of the authors that seek to explore the commonality that exists within all sexualities and genders. Most of K. Lynn's work features LGBT characters, many of whom are in established relationships and show how love perseveres through every trial and tribulation that life holds. She also has a particular interest in seeing transgender characters gain a larger foothold within the LGBT fiction genre, hoping that the market for these works expand in the future.


Aug 14, 2015

#MFRWauthor Roz Lee Pushing the Envelope @IWriteRomance

Pushing the Envelope
Lesbian Office Romance Series #3
Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance
by Roz Lee

A real life hero, Air Force Captain Dawn Early has seen her share of combat and lived to tell about it. Pressed into service as part of a group to sing the national anthem before a game at Yankee Stadium, the decorated helicopter pilot arrives in New York City short one hotel room and most of her patience. Accepting the offer to share a room with sexy Air Force Intelligence Officer, Captain Skye Hale, takes pushing the envelope to a whole new level.

Love in unexpected places... Buy Link

There wasn’t water cold enough to douse the flames licking at her insides. Dawn cursed herself for the underhanded trick she’d played, correctly assuming Skye would drop the towel the second she heard the bathroom door close. Timing was everything, and she’d timed it perfectly. Even played it pretty cool, if she did say so herself. Hell, men didn’t think anything of running around naked in front of each other, so why should women?
She’d expected no more than a peek before Skylar hid behind some article of clothing, but she’d been treated to a nice long look at all that creamy skin. And, shit, those tits! The way they sat up, all perky, the nipples tight—whether from the room’s air conditioning or from Dawn’s interest, she didn’t know. Didn’t care. She’d seen what she wanted, confirmed the magnificent body the tailored uniform had promised. She’d have that image to both comfort and torment her for the remainder of the weekend because she didn’t do military women.
The official stance on sexuality remained “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask about her new roommate’s preferences.
But you’d show her yours.
In a heartbeat…if she asked.
She won’t ask.
No, she won’t.
Dawn adjusted the mixer valve to a warmer setting and moved under the spray, tilting her chin up to let the water cascade down her body. Soaping her hands, she cupped her breasts, massaging the ache that began there and ended with an insistent throb between her legs. She pinched her nipples, tugging and rolling them between her fingers until the longing turned to pain—a sharp reminder of her solitary existence.
She’d been too determined to achieve her goal of becoming a pilot to consider the type of life she would be committing herself to when she entered the Academy. At eighteen, she’d thought she could have it all, a glamorous, exciting career, as well as a satisfying personal life. She’d accomplished the former beyond her wildest imagining and failed miserably at the latter.
In a profession dominated by males with testosterone-fueled egos, many viewed femininity as a weakness, so she ruthlessly buried that side of herself at work, smiling inwardly at what they didn’t know. Her love of sexy lingerie was none of their business, and since returning stateside, she indulged that love, wearing lace and satin under her flight gear. Fuck regulations.

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of twenty erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.

Roz has been married to her best friend, and high school sweetheart, for over three decades. Roz and her husband have two grown daughters (and a new Son-in-law) they couldn’t be more proud of.
Even though Roz has lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, “You can’t ever really leave.”

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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Aug 6, 2015

#Thursday13 #MFRWauthor @AdamMannAuthor in Black High Heels

MFRW Author Adam Mann tells us who are his 13 favorite characters.

Adam Mann has lived and worked in Africa and Asia for many years. He has always been fascinated by personal relationships, and in real life is now enjoying his fourth marriage, after being widowed, divorced, had one marriage annulled as this ‘wife’ had forgotten to get divorced.
As a result he has extensive experience of social and sexual activities, which he brings into all his books in explicit detail. Underlying all these activities is a quest for a loving and ongoing relationship with his partner. Two novels have been based in Africa. Adam now lives in Vietnam, and has written eight romance books, all based in Asia, and his last two based in Europe and Canada.
Adam Mann is a pen name. 

                            Black High Heels

                       Publisher Butterfly Books


Love in the boondocks, and thank goodness an Aussie comes to the rescue! READ ON:
An internationally sponsored agricultural project in a remote part of Vietnam consists of an international advisor and a project team. They decide to stop at a restaurant in the district town, and then the team decides to stay at the adjoining hotel before moving to work in a village.
The owner of the restaurant is happy to meet the international adviser, but then suddenly finds her emotions changing as they talk together. Her background in Australia helps, but she also finds that the local authority has different ideas when weeks later she applies to marry the foreigner!
They have to make a decision…

Buy link Smashwords

13 favorite characters from my books:
Ivan from West African Project,
Pujita from West African Heat,
Colin from the Road to Beira,
Denis from Singapore Heat,
Nick from Serendepia,
Nick from Safari Heat,
Roger Browne from Red High Heels,
Princess Le Ngoc Han from Quang Trung,
Tony from Keep Off This Grass,
Harry from Kandy Heat,
Angela from It’s Just Not Cricket!
Amelia from All the Nice Girls Love a Sailor, and
Helga and Her Red Thigh Boots

You may find the author here:



Jul 3, 2015

#Christmas In July: BOOK SPOTLIGHT Merry 'Chris'Mas @Clare_Dargin #MFRWauthor

Merry 'Chris' Mas
The Love Play Matchmaking Service 1
Menage, Contemporary, Erotica, Paranormal
Clare Dargin
Siren Bookstrand

Jilly Reimers wants love but can't find it. Chris Spinell is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who suffers from PTSD and a haunting feeling that something is missing in his life. Chris Poole is also an Afghanistan war veteran is ready to break out of his shell but is unsure how. 

With Christmas just around the corner, they decide not to spend it alone. Believing The Love Play Matchmaking Service to be just what they need for a night of fun and passion, they sign up. But when the guys show up and see that they've been set up on a menage, the only one happy about it is Jilly.  

Their consultant, called an Eros, assures Jilly that the service has a perfect track record but she's certain they'll be the first ones to get their money back. Will they have a very merry Christmas? Or will the three spend yet another one alone?

Sometimes You Need A Little Help To Make Your Dreams Come True... BUY LINK
ABOUT Clare Dargin
Clare lives in Michigan.
Author of Scifi and Romance.
Fangirl and Geek.

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Jun 29, 2015

Gabriel's Rule BOOK SPOTLIGHT @Sloane_Kennedy #MFRWauthor

Gabriel's Rule

Sloane Kennedy
Erotic Contemporary

After nearly ten years of moonlighting as a professional escort, Gabriel Maddox is good at giving women the forbidden pleasures they crave. They don’t need to know that something inside of him dies a little each time he does it or that his desperate need for cash is the only reason he can’t walk away. They just need to know that to get what they want, they have to play by his rules.

Riley Sinclair is starting over. She’s left dry, dusty Texas and her ultra conservative, fanatically religious parents and cheating fiancé behind for a new life in Seattle. But one look at her stunningly gorgeous new neighbor Gabe brings back all the insecurities she’s trying to escape.

Gabe can only offer Riley pleasure, but when she discovers that his perfect outside hides something terribly broken on the inside, will she risk her heart to give him what he needs?

"Words can't express how much this book got to me! Oh wow! I did not expect such a deeply emotional, troubling and touching story."  - MTE, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer

ABOUT Sloane Kennedy
When Sloane Kennedy is not doing her "grown-up" job you can find her writing about strong, passionate and slightly damaged men and women who are looking for love, even though they don't always know it. She lives in Wisconsin (where it is usually either too cold or too hot for her!) with 2 dogs and 3 (incredibly spoiled) cats.


Jun 26, 2015

Meet #MFRWauthor @BritaAddams

MEET Brita Addams
Born in a small town in upstate New York, Brita Addams has made her home in the sultry south for many years. In the Frog Capital of the World, Brita shares her home with her real-life hero—her husband, and a fat cat named Stormee. All their children are grown.

Given her love of history, Brita writes both het and gay historical romance. Many of her historicals have appeared on category bestseller lists at various online retailers.

Story ideas come from every direction. Maybe a research book she read, something someone says, or strictly from her own imagination. Love scenes happen naturally and not for titillation or because there hasn't been one in fifty pages. They should further the story, showing an advance in the couple's relationship. The depth and graphic details should also fit the story and should be up to the author to determine.

Tarnished Gold, the first in her gay romance Tarnished series for Dreamspinner Press, was a winner in the 2013 Rainbow Awards, Historical Romance category. The book also received nominations for Best Historical and Best Book of 2013 from the readers of the Goodreads M/M Romance Group.

Along with the re-release of the books she had with Musa, including the Sapphire Club titles, Dreamspinner Press will publish Beloved Unmasked in October. The story begins in Storyville in New Orleans just before World War One and is about the son of one of the Storyville prostitutes. A great deal of life happens to him and the circumstances of his birth alone presents problems for the future he so desperately wants.

A bit of trivia—Brita pronounces her name, Bree-ta, and not Brit-a, like the famous water filter. Brita Addams is a mash-up of her real middle name and her husband's middle name, with an additional d and s.

Check out Brita's newest book...
Lucien & Serenity
Brita Addams
Historical Erotica
Fireborn Publishing

Fulfill your wicked fantasies at the Sapphire Club... USA Today Recommended Read

Serenity Damrill has returned to her husband, Lucien, after a ten-year absence. She carries with her a secret that could destroy her life and possibly all that Lucien has built. She needs Lucien's protection, and she is determined to repair her marriage.

Quite happy running the Sapphire Club, where his clients live out their wildest fantasies, Lucien has no need for the frigid wife who deserted him the day after they were married. Though he still desires her, he doubts she'll consent to the type of intimate relationship he craves.

But in the Sapphire Club, where rules don't exist, anything is possible...

CONNECT with Brita...
Fan page
Monthly column at The Novel Approach
Cold Coffee Café
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