Showing posts with label military romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military romance. Show all posts

Jan 30, 2017

Book Spotlight: True Surrender @TraceyCramerKel #MFRWauthor

True Surrender: a Military Romance by Tracey Cramer-Kelly
When Major Aaron Bricewick is rescued from Afghanistan terrorists, he thinks the worst is over. But his biggest struggle is just beginning…

The first surprise is the amputation of his leg.

The second is the woman he left behind, now a widow with a 4-year-old son – and his new prosthetist (artificial limb maker).

He vows that losing his leg won’t derail his career. But maintaining his outward appearance as a got-it-together officer becomes increasingly difficult as he faces one personal demon after another – and sees his career aspirations slipping away. And though he has no intention of expanding his life to include a woman, his heart has other ideas – and he finds himself questioning the very foundation of his personal beliefs.

When violence – and unexpected redemption – touch his life again, Aaron must make a stand. Which will he choose: duty or love?
I fell for the hero from the first page. I promise you will keep turning the pages in this book. The characters’ intimate and personal and spiritual journeys converge and it is one heck of a ride!! ~ Jennifer

Mere words cannot express how impressed I am with this novel.  Tracey Cramer-Kelly has out done herself on this military romance. This author has fully convinced me that she is a voice that will quickly earn her high marks in the book world. ~ Suzie

Impossible, she thought.
And then she saw him: motionless on the floor, a dark stain spreading underneath his body. A stain that she recognized instantly.
Oh my God, the terrorists found him!
This first irrational thought was immediately followed by a more trained response. She assessed the situation in the few moments it took her to cross the room. She hit the button on the intercom system, identified herself and requested help.
She dropped to her knees next to Aaron. She spoke as she ran her hands across the back of his neck. “Aaron! Can you hear me?” As soon as she was certain he had no neck or spinal injury, she shook him gently. “Aaron, it’s Holly. Talk to me, Aaron.”
His arms snapped up, flailing for a moment before his good hand clamped onto her wrist—hard. His eyes were wide open, and in them she saw terror…confusion… pain…
They engaged in a macabre tug-of war as Holly stated repeatedly, “Aaron, it’s me—Holly. You’re okay. Take it easy.”
After what seemed like a long time, she saw recognition seep into his eyes. But then he shut them tight, and his body went limp. He released her wrists and dropped his hands over his face. “Go away,” he whispered, his chest heaving.
“I can’t do that, Aaron.”
“You shouldn’t see me,” he said. “Not like this.”
Unexpected tears stung her eyes.
“This isn’t who I am,” he rasped.
“You asked me to leave once already,” she said. “And I honored that request. Maybe I shouldn’t have. So please…”
She locked her eyes onto his, which were open again. Surely he could see that she was close to tears, but she didn’t care. “Don’t ask me to walk away again.”
ABOUT Tracey Cramer-Kelly
Tracey's writing draws from her experience as an Army-trained combat medic as well as over 20 years of being a ""biker chick."" She's also done other crazy things, like producing music videos as well as a stage play.

When she's not writing or running the family motorcycle accessories business, she enjoys hanging out with her husband and kids, especially in the great (but sometimes cold) Minnesota outdoors.

Jan 16, 2017

A Few QUICK Questions and A Few QUIRKY Answers with #MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune

Meet MFRW Author Kryssie Fortune.
Alpha males and their sassy mates rule in Kryssie Fortune's books. If the hero's a shapeshifter, then so much the better. Werewolves prowl through her Scattered Siblings series, along with the occasional Fae and vampire.

Kryssie grew up climbing trees and playing with imaginary dragons. She still loves dragons, and if she can sneak one into her books she will. Her pet hates are unhappy endings and books that end on a cliffhanger.

Kryssie's books are hot and explicit but the plot always comes before the sex. Since she writes erotic romance, she guarantees a happy ending. Visit her author website, author blog or facebook.

A Few QUICK Questions and A Few QUIRKY Answers
Day or Night? - Day
Pen and Paper or Computer - A mixture of both
Fruit or Chocolate - Can I have both? If not, fruit.
Coffee or Tea - Peppermint tea.
Roller Coasters or merry-go-rounds - Merry-go-rounds.
Bath or Shower - Shower
City life or Country Life -Country live, preferably near a beach
Soft or hard? Soft
E-book or paperback - e-book
Cats or Dogs - I've had both.
Fast or slow - Fast
What is your secret guilty pleasure - Laying in bed and reading until the small hours.

Kryssie's newest book is Marriage, Mobsters, and the Marine, a Contemporary BDSM
Romance, with Loose id.
Abigail Montgomery, a small town schoolteacher with zero self-confidence, dreams of the Dickensian Christmas her family never enjoyed. Each month she attends a masked BDSM club, but her next visit will be her last. If she doesn’t marry within the next year, her brother won’t inherit Montgomery Hall. Desperate, she advertises for a husband.

Jared Armstrong, a former Marine sharpshooter and occasional Dom needs to $125,000 to get his family out of a hole. His solution—to marry Abigail Montgomery for her money. His only regret is his wife won’t accept his spanking lifestyle.

Gradually, Abigail comes to dream of making their marriage real, but she promised Jared a divorce two years after their wedding. Can they share some Christmas magic as their relationship faces extortion threats, a kidnapping, and an attempted murder? Or will Jared break her heart when he walks away?

Abigail and Jared marry for mutual convenience, each unaware of the other’s BDSM lifestyle. Can love blossom despite extortion threats, kidnapping, and attempted murder?
God, he wished she’d get on with it, but she studied the unopened menu as though her life depended on it. Finally, she lifted her head. “Are you married?”

His eyes narrowed. “Your advert said no ties. I’m single, HIV free, and I don’t screw anyone for cash.”

She choked on her drink, coughing and splattering water over the table. Jared watched and waited, unwilling to make it easier for her when she was the one who placed the advert.

Across the table from him, Abigail curled her hands into fists and laid them on her lap. Her smile faded and her voice trembled. “Will you marry me?”

“Are you pregnant?” he shot back.

Her cheeks turned scarlet. “No. In fact, I came on my period two days ago. But I do need a husband. I know I’m not what you imagined in a wife, but I’m willing to pay a $75,000 advance as well as house, feed, and clothe you for two years. After that, I’ll pay you another $150,000 when we divorce.”

He stared at her intently, trying to decide if she needed therapy—or perhaps a few weeks in the local insane asylum. “You’re serious?”

She took a sip of mineral water. “I am.”

His eyes narrowed, and his forehead furrowed in anger. “I’ll feed and clothe myself. Can I still put time in with my business, or should I get a job local to where you live?”

When she finally smiled, it felt as though the sun had come out on a cloudy day.

Putting her glass on the table, she took looked anywhere but at him. “I’m glad you want to do so. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I chose you. You have values and goals. All I have is an insane great-aunt, or I did until recently.”

“Tell me about it,” he demanded.

Nov 6, 2015

Support Wounded Warrior Charity with Her First Night by #MFRWauthor @LiviaQuinn

Her First Knight: Under-Cover Knights, the prequel
by Livia Quinn
Contemporary Military Romance
Campbell Hill Publishing

“Tucker, Tucker.”

Ridge is an inventor, ex-Ranger, a billionaire CEO on a mission for veterans. So with the big vote on his bill coming up, how had he wound up on stage beside two cover models, with a hundred women shouting, “take it off”? That’s the question his friends and family would be asking tomorrow, if they found out. That, and “Who’s Tucker?” He’d just have to make sure no one found out about his little side trip. It could turn into his worst nightmare.

It had seemed like a recipe for harmless fun. A curious CEO on the way to his room follows a gorgeous redhead onto the wrong floor. Add a hundred romance writers and readers attending a conference. Toss in some false assumptions, throw out a lifetime of good behavior and Ridge was up to his Special Forces tattoo in manure.

""There is a part near the end of this book that brought me to tears...I was sobbing. This book is dedicated to veterans and it's just a beautiful scene. If you haven't read it you'll know which one it is, if you have.... well you know what scene I'm talking about."" Amazon

""I really enjoyed this book. The characters were wonderful and the story was great. Most of all, it brings up the troubles that vets are having getting help from the VA for their ptsd and other medical problems. My dad was a proud WW11 vet til the day he passed and he had many problems getting help from the VA. I hope all of you that read this find a way to give a helping hand to our wounded warriors."" Amazon

PROCEEDS DONATED to the Wounded Warriors Charity between November 5-15, 2015.

"Whether congress votes yes or no, we will move forward.”
“I’ve heard about some of the problems veterans face but didn’t realize the extent of it,” Buffy said, refilling his coffee.
 “The burden on the VA is growing, with so many veterans between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five. With the agency’s recent problems, horror stories abound of vets dying or starving while waiting on diagnosis, care, or treatment. Many of them travel great distances to the nearest VA and face an overwhelming stream of paperwork, in addition to financial hardships on their families. Others end up on the street due to mental disorders or lack of appropriate care. It’s unacceptable.
“There's a vast disparity between what the government promises and what it can actually provide in terms of medical services and after care. Our consortium partners will also deal with other issues—housing, education, family support, even file paperwork, and provide transportation.”
“I’ve been talking to Sally Freeman, you remember her?” Buffy asked.
“Yes. The author with the WWP fund.”
“Sally told me women are more than twice as likely to have PTSD. And I didn’t realize that the majority of amputees were in the Army.” Like Ridge’s brother. “It seems overwhelming.”
“There’s a lot of need.” Ridge got up and poured himself another cup of coffee. He seemed unsettled suddenly. Buffy suspected the discussion brought the circumstances with his brother closer. “My concentration has been on prosthetics in the past, but replacing a limb isn’t the worst thing that can happen. These are the days of true bionics, where the replacement can add flexibility and advantages the human limb couldn’t.”
He looked out onto the backyard. “Even more important is the diagnosis of mental disorders so soldiers can be treated and find value in life again, and share in the support of their families. It’s the minimum they deserve. These are proud men and women who don’t like to have to ask for handouts or even treatment that’s due them. I want to see that end.”

ABOUT Livia Quinn
Livia Quinn grew up near DC—go Redskins!—then moved to the bayous of Louisiana—go Saints! Yes, she’s a huge football fan. With a life long fascination, read that: phobia of storms, and with severe weather a part of life in Louisiana, it was only natural that it would play a big part in her world. Livia’s Storm Lake series encompasses paranormal on the West end of the lake in Destiny and military romance and contemporary to the East in Larue and Thunder Point. But there’s always magic because what would life be without a little magic?

***All profits from the sale of HER FIRST KNIGHT from November 5 through the 15th will go toward wounded warrior charities. See the vets links page on my website.*** 

Aug 27, 2015

To Survive the Maelstrom on #Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor @BarbCaffrey

MFRW Author Barb Caffrey shares on  #Thursday 13 what it means
                                 To Survive the Maelstrom

Barb Caffrey is a writer, editor, and musician from the Midwest who's written AN ELFY ON THE LOOSE and co-written "To Survive the Maelstrom," "On Westmount Station" and "A Dark and Stormy Night" (all with late husband Michael B. Caffrey). She's a huge baseball fan (Go, Brewers!), and hopes that one day, she'll be able to see the World Series in person.

Publisher: Elfyverse.wordpress
Genre: Sci-Fi (military)
Authors: Barb Caffrey and Michael B. Caffrey
Blurb: Command Sergeant-Major Sir Peter Welmsley of the Atlantean Union has lost everything he holds dear. He wonders why he lived, when so many others died at Hunin — including his fiancée, Lydia, and his best friend Chet.
Into his life comes Grasshunter’s Cub, an empathic, sentient creature known to those on Heligoland as a “weremouse.”

Weremice are known for their ability to help their bond-mates. But how can this young weremouse find a way to bring Peter back from the brink of despair and start living again?

Buy link: Amazon
Barb shares 13 sentences from the novel:

He went to forage for some deadwood. As he bent down to gather the not-too-green wood, he scowled at his smooth skin, courtesy of a complete epidermal regeneration due to the severe burns he'd suffered at Hunin over most of his body. He grabbed the wood, taking it back to camp without the effort it would've taken him three weeks ago—three weeks in his own, subjective time, once he was out of the damned medically induced coma and could mark the passage of time again.

Not that he had any reason to mark time anymore, but . . . small favors.

As he continued to gather wood and mindlessly bring it back to camp, he bent, stretched and placed. Granted, it was nice not to hurt. But he'd liked his scars, no matter how strange the damned doctors found it. He was sixty-nine, not eighteen, and it was right that his body showed some wear. And he was tired of everyone—his friends, his family, his doctors—telling him to make the best of a very bad bargain.

Or worse, that he should be happy, when so many had died at Hunin.

You can find Barb here:-Website
                                   Google +
                        (Barb):  Amazon

                    (Michael): Amazon


Aug 14, 2015

#MFRWauthor Roz Lee Pushing the Envelope @IWriteRomance

Pushing the Envelope
Lesbian Office Romance Series #3
Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance
by Roz Lee

A real life hero, Air Force Captain Dawn Early has seen her share of combat and lived to tell about it. Pressed into service as part of a group to sing the national anthem before a game at Yankee Stadium, the decorated helicopter pilot arrives in New York City short one hotel room and most of her patience. Accepting the offer to share a room with sexy Air Force Intelligence Officer, Captain Skye Hale, takes pushing the envelope to a whole new level.

Love in unexpected places... Buy Link

There wasn’t water cold enough to douse the flames licking at her insides. Dawn cursed herself for the underhanded trick she’d played, correctly assuming Skye would drop the towel the second she heard the bathroom door close. Timing was everything, and she’d timed it perfectly. Even played it pretty cool, if she did say so herself. Hell, men didn’t think anything of running around naked in front of each other, so why should women?
She’d expected no more than a peek before Skylar hid behind some article of clothing, but she’d been treated to a nice long look at all that creamy skin. And, shit, those tits! The way they sat up, all perky, the nipples tight—whether from the room’s air conditioning or from Dawn’s interest, she didn’t know. Didn’t care. She’d seen what she wanted, confirmed the magnificent body the tailored uniform had promised. She’d have that image to both comfort and torment her for the remainder of the weekend because she didn’t do military women.
The official stance on sexuality remained “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask about her new roommate’s preferences.
But you’d show her yours.
In a heartbeat…if she asked.
She won’t ask.
No, she won’t.
Dawn adjusted the mixer valve to a warmer setting and moved under the spray, tilting her chin up to let the water cascade down her body. Soaping her hands, she cupped her breasts, massaging the ache that began there and ended with an insistent throb between her legs. She pinched her nipples, tugging and rolling them between her fingers until the longing turned to pain—a sharp reminder of her solitary existence.
She’d been too determined to achieve her goal of becoming a pilot to consider the type of life she would be committing herself to when she entered the Academy. At eighteen, she’d thought she could have it all, a glamorous, exciting career, as well as a satisfying personal life. She’d accomplished the former beyond her wildest imagining and failed miserably at the latter.
In a profession dominated by males with testosterone-fueled egos, many viewed femininity as a weakness, so she ruthlessly buried that side of herself at work, smiling inwardly at what they didn’t know. Her love of sexy lingerie was none of their business, and since returning stateside, she indulged that love, wearing lace and satin under her flight gear. Fuck regulations.

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of twenty erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.

Roz has been married to her best friend, and high school sweetheart, for over three decades. Roz and her husband have two grown daughters (and a new Son-in-law) they couldn’t be more proud of.
Even though Roz has lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, “You can’t ever really leave.”

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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Jun 25, 2015

The Rebel's Redemption on #Thursday13 #MFRWauthor@Jacquie Biggar

MFRW Author  Jacquie Biggar  is the guest in today's Thursday13 post.
Jacquie Biggar lives in paradise along the west coast of Canada with her her husband, daughter, and grandson. Loves reading, writing, and flower gardening. Spoils her German shepherd, Annie and calico cat, Harley.
And can't function without coffee.

 The Rebel's Redemption- Book #2 in Wounded Hearts series
contemporary, romantic suspense
Annie Campbell has made a good life for her and her young son in the mountain town of Tidal Falls. She’s dating the sheriff, owns a successful business, and has the support of the community.

So why isn’t it quite enough?

Jared Martin left Tidal Falls a hotheaded youth, and now, after eight years in the military, he returns a bitter, disillusioned man.

Then he finds out he’s a father.

When an old enemy follows and causes mayhem in the small town, can Jared overcome the odds to protect the woman he’s always loved and the child he never knew, or will it be too late? 

 Buy link

Here are the 13 quotes Jacquie shares from her book

The slam of a trunk across the street drew his gaze. There. He caught a glint of chrome when a car door opened in a tree-lined driveway. A shadowy figure climbed behind the wheel. Jared dropped the phone and ran.
The engine screamed to life and the car roared onto the road with no lights, narrowly missing him as he jumped out of its path. It took off down the street and Jared gave chase until long after it disappeared from view. He stumbled to a halt and stood breathing harsh, hands braced on his knees and head hanging low, gaze focused on the inky darkness descending like a shroud of doom.
When he could no longer hear the fading rumble of the motor, he turned and made his way back to the tinny roar of Frank’s voice coming through his phone.
“Talk to me, Martin. So help me God, if you don’t answer…”
“They’re gone, Chief.” Jared hated even putting voice to the words. “That dirty mother-fucker took them and I couldn’t stop him.” 

Fans can find Jacquie here:

Jun 22, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Journey Home by Angela Scavone @busterwhyte

A Journey Home
Angela Scavone
Soulmate Publishing

Stephanie Tyler’s sole job is to fly overseas to war torn areas of the world to retrieve and escort the bodies of fallen soldiers back home to the United States. It is a tough and emotional job but she is honored for the privilege. Her duty also helps her to escape her past and her failed marriage.
But those flights have become increasingly more dangerous and she is forced to have a partner accompany her. Much to Stephanie’s surprise and dismay, she is partnered up with her ex-husband, Captain “D.A.” Douglas Aston.

From the moment Captain D.A. enters the scene, he irritates her. It could have something to do with the fact he slept with her best friend while they were married.

Then, Stephanie’s cheating, husband stealing, ex-best friend is killed in Afghanistan and Stephanie and D.A. must escort her body home. While executing this difficult duty, a myriad of conflicting emotions makes Stephanie ponder how short life really is . . . and to question her own ability to forgive.
ABOUT Angela Scavone
Angela lives in Ontario, Canada sharing her home with her father and much-loved trio of pups (and one evil cat).  She currently works for the Board of Education behind the scenes supporting and analyzing student data, however, in her spare time, apart from her avid love of story telling, she likes to read and spend time with family and friends.


Dec 9, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Building Ties @TeresaReasor #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Teresa Reasor recently released Building Ties, an Erotic Military Romantic Suspense.

Navy SEAL Brett 'Cutter' Weaver is on a mission to Nicaragua when he learns his bride-to-be, Tess Kelly, has been injured in a car bombing. At Homeland Security’s demand, he’s rushed home on the next available transport and arrives to find Tess embroiled in three controversial stories. One may offer the key to her attacker.

On top of the emotional and physical upheaval of the bombing, Tess has been offered the journalistic opportunity of a lifetime at the Washington Post. If she accepts the job, she and Brett face living on opposite sides of the country. With their wedding two weeks away, she has temptations to face and tough decisions to make.

Serving as her security detail, Brett sees Tess’s remarkable investigative reporting skills in action, and acts as her sounding board and partner. He’s willing to sacrifice to ensure her happiness, but more, he wants to keep her safe. Because there’s a killer stalking her, and one interview at a time, they mean to catch him.

What Reviewers Are Saying...
Teresa Reasor kept me captivated with this edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense.

We met these characters in the previous SEAL Team Heartbreakers series and their original love story was developed in Breaking Through. Reasor has amped up their relationship by throwing Tess into serious danger just weeks before their wedding in this story.

She has also introduced us to Brett's new SEAL team, and several new hunky men that we hope she decides they need their own story.

As a military wife, I love that Reasor has brought to this story the realism that military men (and women) are moved from one place/company/team to another where they must make new bonds and prove themselves worthy.
The phone rang on the nightstand across the bed from him. She started to turn toward it.
“Let it ring,” he urged.
Obnoxious and persistent, it rang again. “It may be the police officers in the building. They’ve been calling to check on me.”
He released her with a sigh. Her movements stiff, she rolled away from him to reach for it.
Whoever was on the other end of that line was officially at the top of his shit list.
He stared at the slender length of her back. Two nickel-sized spots of dried blood stained her white T-shirt at shoulder blade level. Fuck. While he listened to her end of the conversation, he struggled with the emotions the sight had triggered. Concern for her hit him in the solar plexus, then rage overtook it. When guilt kicked in, he ground his teeth. He should have been here for her.
She hung up and rolled back to him. “That was a detective I’d contacted before my car blew up. He’s been waiting his turn to interview me. He’s on the way here.”
“Of course he is,” Brett said dryly.
Tess laughed, then snuggled up to him. “We’ll make up for lost time later.”
He brushed her temple with his lips. “After I’ve put something on your back, Tess. You’re bleeding and your shirt has stuck to it.”
She sighed. “It’s just a little road rash.”
Brett drew back so he could look into her face. He smoothed her hair from her cheek. “How many times have you pampered me through little nicks and bruises since we’ve been together?”
“Nicks and bruises? Nicks and bruises? Jesus, Brett. It was a bullet hole.”
The indignation in her expression, triggered the urge to laugh and he bit his bottom lip to suppress it. If he laughed, she’d punch him. “It wasn’t exactly my fault I got shot, honey. I didn’t know Moussa was up on the cliff with a sniper’s rifle while we were surfing. We didn’t even know he was in the country until then.” He jerked the conversation back to the point he wanted to make. “What I’m getting at is, I want to be there for you, like you were for me. Isn’t that part of being a couple? Being married people?”
Her expression cleared and softened, her sherry brown eyes misting. “We’re not married yet.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t practice the together ‘in sickness and in health’ part.” He leaned forward and kissed her, because in that moment she looked so freaking beautiful he couldn’t not kiss her. “You don’t have to hide your injuries from me. It only makes me feel like more of an asshole for not being here for you when you needed me.”
She ran her fingertips up and down his forearm in a comforting caress. “You wouldn’t have been able to do anything if you had been here.”
“Maybe not, but I’m here now, and you might as well use me.”
“Use you?” One perfectly arched auburn brow went up.
He couldn’t suppress a grin this time. “For whatever you need, honey, but I was thinking a body guard, driver, and corpsman.” He wiggled his brows. “And your own personal love machine.”
Tess laughed. She ran the fingers of one hand over his close-cropped hair, moved in and kissed him. “I never laugh as much with anyone as I do you. But that is one of the cheesiest things I’ve ever heard you say.”
“What about your, ‘I’ve handled your weapon, and now I want to touch your gun’ comment?”
Tess chuckled. “As I remember, you were all for having me handle your gun.”
“Yeah. Want to do it again?”
She dropped her gaze to his chest and ran a fingertip down between his pectoral muscles to the thin line of hair that bisected his abs. His muscles clenched in response and his cock stood at attention.
“I’ll even oil it if you want me to,” she breathed. “But you’re going to have to wait until after Detective Buckler has his interview.”
“Do you sense a theme happening here?” Brett asked. “Later, later, later.”
Tess laughed.
About Teresa J. Reasor
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Teresa Reasor was born in Southeastern Kentucky, but grew up a Marine Corps brat. The love of reading instilled in her in Kindergarten at Parris Island, South Carolina made books her friends during the many transfers her father's military career entailed. The transition from reading to writing came easily to her and she penned her first book in second grade. But it wasn’t until 2007 that her first published work was released.

After twenty-one years as an Art Teacher and ten years as a part time College Instructor, she’s now retired and living her dream as a full time Writer.

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Apr 23, 2013

Book Spotlight ~ Made For Her ~ @jsubject #mfrworg

Author:  Jessica E. Subject
Book:  Made For Her
Release Date:  January 15, 2013
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
ISBN: 9781613334348
Genre:  Military Science Fiction Romance
Length:  55 Pages
Price:  TBA
Warnings:  Explicit Sex, Anal Sex
Heat Level:  R+
Format:  E-Book in Multiple Formats
Author Website:

After terrorists murder the love of her life, Colonel Mikayla Jones trains squadron after squadron of the clones he brought to life, to take to the skies. When she discovers a young clone of her husband in her newest class, her world spins out of control. How can she command the look-a-like when she can’t help but yearn for him to fill an ache in her heart?
Dare was created to be the best. As the first Daniel clone to leave Onatria labs, he needs to prove he is more than just a DNA copy. To do that, he must rely on the wife of the man who donated his genes. But when she refuses to train him, Dare faces discharge and returning to the labs. Can he convince Colonel Jones to finish his training and find a way into her bed? Or will long-kept secrets unhinge the entire clone project?

Jan 22, 2013

Book Spotlight ~ Love Lost & Found

Author:  Jean Joachim & Ben Tanner
Book:  Love Lost & Found
Release Date:  September 25, 2012
Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-61885-387-5
Genre:  Military Contemporary Romance
Length:  250 pages
Heat Level: R 3 out of 5 flames
Format: E-Book in Multiple Formats

Author Website: 
Twitter:  @jeanjoachim

What do a Marine who received a “Dear John” letter and a journalist who dumped her cheating fiancé have in common? Nothing, outside of being heartbroken over lost love. But when they accidentally end up next to each other jetting to a Caribbean paradise, they do share one thing: mutual attraction. Friendship between Tara Mason and Sergeant Mick Peterson grows quickly through a few dates on St. Thomas. An argument coupled with a blunder strand them on a small deserted Caribbean island.

In the midst of nothing but sand and water, possible starvation leading to death, old wounds heal. While working together to survive, Mick and Tara fall in love. Love found in their own private Eden is soon challenged in life-threatening ways when they return to the mainland. Long separations, danger and loneliness test their devotion. Is the love they’ve found strong enough to withstand what life throws at them?
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#MFRWAuthor #Thursday 13 #Thursday13 #excerpt 1001 Nights Press A. Catherine Noon A.B. Gayle A.C. Arthur A.D. McLain AC Katt Abbie St.Claire Adam Mann Adele Downs Adelle Laudau Adera Orfanelli Adite Banerjie Adriana Kraft Aidee Ladnier Aileen Fisher Aithne Jarretta Akaria Gale Alethea Williams Alice Orr Alison McMahan Allison Knight Ally Shields Amber Kallyn Amber Polo Amy Quinton Ana E Ross Andrea Cooper Andrea Parnell Angela Benedetta Angela Benedetti Angela Drake Angela Quarles Angela Scavone Angela Smith Anita Philmar Anna Alexander Anna Durand Anna James Anne Ashby Anne Carrole Anne Kane Annemarie Brear Ashley Ladd Ashley York Author Interview Author Spotlight Autumn Piper Ava Martell Avril Ashton Ayla Ruse Azure Boone BA Tortuga Barb Caffrey Barbara Donlon Bradley Barbara Edwards Barbara Lohr Barbara Meyers Barbara White Daille Ben Tanner Berengaria Brown Berkley Heat Bet Trissel Beth Barany Beth Caudill Beth Rhodes Beth Yarnall Betty Jean McLain Bev Irwin Black Opal Books Blaine D. 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