Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Jan 3, 2017

Hearts Landing by #MFRWauthor @JaniceCroom1 A #Holiday Romance

MFRW author Janice Croom announces her newest release!

Hearts Landing
Keziah Steelman has to convince the small town of Hearts Landing to approve construction of Galaxy Corporation's mega casino. Since the town has lost its major employer, it should be an easy sell.

Unstoppable force meets immovable object in the person of Ric Hudson, Christian leader of the opposition. Armed with handmade posters and mimeographed fliers, Ric seems woefully lacking to take on Galaxy.

But so did David against Goliath. Although Keziah views Christianity as a flawed belief system, she grew up in a Christian home and doesn't underestimate the threat posed by a true believer. Her plan: go to Hearts Landing, masquerade as a tourist, infiltrate the opposition and destroy it from within.

Keziah left the Lord in her past. Secrets from Ric's past threaten to destroy his future. Can the hearts of this unlikely couple land in a love only God can give?
Every time Keziah walked through the doors of Galaxy Casino’s corporate offices, she could almost taste the money. The lobby recreated the interior of the Sistine Chapel, right down to the fresco paintings on its twelve thousand square foot vaulted ceiling, with one major difference. Where Michelangelo honored God, Galaxy honored money.

Instead of a literal reproduction of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Nathanial Radner III, president and CEO of Galaxy, expelled his two lowest performers.
Christ and his disciples at the Last Supper became Nate seated with his top twelve revenue producers for the year. Known collectively as the wall of shame and the wall of fame, employees vied all year to avoid the former and earn their seat at the latter’s most exclusive of tables.

In two weeks, at the company’s New Year’s Eve party, Nate would unveil the wall’s newest members. From her first day at Galaxy, Keziah dreamed of being immortalized as one of Nate’s disciples. After ten years, it looked like her dream might finally come true. That she’d become the first African-American and one of only a handful of women who’d made the wall was a bonus.

Keziah; Jake, Keziah’s assistant; and Nate were in Nate’s office overlooking the Las Vegas strip. They sat around the inlaid-wood conference table for their weekly meeting on Hearts Landing, Galaxy’s newest casino project. Pulling this off would earn Keziah her rightful place on the wall.

She’d just finished the financial projections—which looked better every time she ran them—and was gathering her things to leave when Nate stopped her. “Tell me you have this SOT under control,” he said.

To have something under control you had to know what it was. Business had all kinds of acronyms: ROI, EBIT, EOD. She didn’t have a clue what SOT was.

Twisting her engagement ring, she hoped the action would somehow switch on her brain. This was just like her recurring nightmare in business school where she’d show up to take a test and not only didn’t know any of the answers, she couldn’t even read the questions. There would be no waking up from this nightmare. This was happening in real time.

Jake’s smirk showed he knew what SOT was. That it wasn’t some arcane acronym she’d forgotten from B-school. It was some important aspect of Hearts Landing. Something Nate would expect her to be totally on top of.

ABOUT Janice Croom
Janice Croom is the author of the Kadence MacBride mysteries and Holiday with Love Romances. She initially studied fiction techniques to improve her non-fiction writing. Given an assignment to write the first chapter of a novel, Janice read hers aloud. The class applauded and the teacher asked, “What happens next?”

“The assignment was to write the first chapter, not what happened next,” Janice said, so she had no idea. By the end of the class, Janice wanted to know what happened next. That quest, to tell her character’s stories, to learn what happens next, drives her as a writer.
Click here to visit Janice's website
Follow Janice on Twitter @janicecroom1
Like Janice's Facebook page@ janicecroomauthorpage

Dec 25, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book A Vacancy at the Inn @AliceOrrBooks #Christmas #KindleUnlimited

A Vacancy at the Inn
A Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series Christmas Novella
by Alice Orr

On a cold December day Bethany Miller and her son Michael arrive in Riverton.
Bethany grew up in a home filled with family drama. She moved away to escape that drama. Now she’s back as a single mom with a young son. She hopes the Miller family will be a Christmas blessing for Michael. She’s less hopeful about what this homecoming will be for her.

FREE with Kindle Unlimited
The last thing Bethany needs is more complication. Which means the last person she wants to see is Luke Kalli. They shared a glorious romantic connection before she fled from here. The power of that encounter was yet another reason to leave the emotional peril Riverton seems to be for her and never return – until today. She has no idea this place will put her son in peril too.

A Vacancy at the Inn is Book 3 of the Riverton Road Romantic Suspense Series. This story introduces the Miller family of Miller’s Inn. A Wrong Way Home is Book 1 and features the Kalli family of Riverton Road. A Year of Summer Shadows is Book 2, and A Villain for Vanessa is Book 4.

Dec 24, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book: Naked on Holiday #Christmas @AdamMannAuthor

Naked on Holiday
by Adam Mann

Hector and Helen who are both in their sixties find mutual attraction can overcome a lot of problems, whilst at the same time trying to help out Horace and his girlfriend Hannah.  This is a love story for the over sixties!
On one hand a couple are happy and unconcerned with public opinion, whilst the other couple are fraught with family problems and legal complications.

Dec 18, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book Spotlight: A Regency Yuletide @BeckyLower1

A Regency Yuletide
by Becky Lower
Historical Romance with Sass

After a disappointing season in London, Sophie Davenport returns home without a marriage proposal, which she doesn’t mind. However, her mother and her uncle do mind, and set about getting Sophie married to the vicar’s son. When Jeremy Wyatt wanders into their lives, Sophie wonders whether a loveless marriage is what she wants, and Jeremy begins to question his lifestyle. It takes Christmas, and mistletoe, to upend their lives. 

Being of good English stock, Sophie Davenport loved the rain. At least most of the time, since it made the rolling hills of Carlisle a pretty, bucolic green in the summer. Today however, she took her knitting to the window seat in the library and gazed into the darkening countryside while her fingers flew, making stitches from the fine wool. It had been raining for days now, which, in and of itself, was not an uncommon event during the month of December. But this afternoon the gloom settled over her as if it were a heavy blanket. She had lost so much time by trotting to London for her first season on the marriage mart at the insistence of her Uncle Harry, that she was unable to tend to her gardens and her charitable pursuits this year. He had hoped to foist Sophie off to a gentleman of means, so he could be rid of both Sophie and her mother.

The season had been an abysmal failure, at least in Mother’s eyes. And in the eyes of Uncle Harry, since Sophie had returned home empty-handed. Not one man had danced with her unless you counted pimply-faced Freddie, her cousin, who had done so out of family duty rather than real interest. Sophie, however, breathed a sigh of relief at returning home without sparking the interest of a gentleman, since the men of the Ton were, for the most part, more interested in their own appearances than in hers. If she had to cast her fortunes in with someone, it would most certainly not be with a man who had a larger wardrobe than she.

Dec 17, 2016

Holiday Books: A Little Elfy In Big Trouble @BarbCaffrey #MFRWauthor

Book 2 of the ELFY Duology
Young Adult Urban Fantasy
by Barb Caffrey

Young Bruno the Elfy and Sarah, his mostly-human teenage girlfriend, are in deep trouble. Bruno’s Elfy mentor Roberto the Wise is about to be sacrificed by a Dark Elf, and Sarah’s parents have decided to help the Elf rather than the Elfy. Things look bleak and are getting worse by the minute, but Bruno and Sarah have a number of allies — human, Elfy, and ghosts — that the Dark Elf can’t possibly expect. Can young love, desperation, and great unexpected power win out despite it all?

Young Bruno the Elfy and Sarah, his mostly-human teenage girlfriend, are in deep trouble. Can young love, desperation, and great unexpected power win out despite it all?

Jul 6, 2015

#Christmas in July BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Evergreen by #MFRWauthor @ErinCMcRae @Racheline_M @Torquere


Racheline Maltese & Erin McRae
Erotic GLBT Romance
Torquere Press

When bisexual polyamorous TV star Liam Campbell returns home to New York City for the holidays he finds out his best friend (with benefits) Charles Ortwin has recently acquired a serious boyfriend.

Thrown by not being the center of everyone's attention, Liam seeks out advice from various lovers and friends. each of whom are tied up with their own sensual pleasures.

When a holiday party ends in a series of arguments between Charles, the new boyfriend, and Liam, it takes a snowy Christmas, a bit of honest communication, and some delightful sexual agony to put everything back as it should be.

An interracial, bisexual, polyamorous, Hollywood, holiday romance.  What happens when a former child star goes home for the holidays?

When Liam gets back to his room Charles is asleep in his bed, at least somewhat undressed judging by the sweater and socks that are scattered on the floor. Liam sighs, but at this point he’s more amused than annoyed at the presumption. After everything that’s been fucked up about tonight, and even with everything they’re apparently going to have to talk about tomorrow, Charles passed out in his bed is comfortingly normal.
So Liam strips, and crawls into bed next to him, and leans over to turn off the light before wrapping an arm around Charles’ side and snuggling close. Above them, the stars on the ceiling glow.
When he wakes up in the morning, though, things feel complicated in that way Liam’s not used to, not with Charles. Charles is still asleep, his arm thrown over his head on the pillow, and Liam traces the long tendon in his wrist with a finger while he waits for Charles to wake up. While Liam’s still not sure that Victor’s right about Liam’s marriage being the trigger for Charles’s bullshit or even right that Liam and Charles are dating, he is right that they need to talk about it.
Finally, Charles stirs, and opens a bleary eye when Liam runs his whole palm along his arm. “What?” he asks, lifting a hand to rub his eyes and then squinting them shut again.
“Are you my boyfriend?”
ABOUT Racheline Maltese & Erin McRae
Racheline Maltese co-writes the Love in Los Angeles LGBT romance series with Erin McRae. Set in the film and television industry, the books (Starling (September 10, 2014), Doves (January 21, 2015), and Phoenix (June 10, 2015)) are available from Torquere Press. Their May/December "gay for you" novella Midsummer will be released Summer 2015 by Dreamspinner Press. You can also find their work in Best Gay Romance 2015 from Cleis Press.

CONNECT with Racheline & Erin
Joint Blog:

Jul 5, 2015

#MFRWorg #Christmas in July: Champagne for Christmas @JeanJoachim AUTHOR INTERVIEW

MFRW asks author Jean Joachim some Quick & Quirky Questions.
Jean Joachim is a best-selling romance fiction author, with books hitting the Amazon Top 100 list since 2012. She was chosen Author of the Year in 2012 by the New York City chapter of Romance Writers of America.

Married and the mother of two sons, she lives in New York City with her family. Early in the morning, you’ll find her at her computer, writing, with a cup of tea, her rescued put, Homer, by her side and a secret stash of black licorice. 

If money were no object, where would you live?
I'd live in several places. Paris in the spring and fall, St.Thomas in the Winter and Upstate New York in the summer. Perhaps with a few weeks in NYC squeezed in.

If you were a tool, which would you be?
I'd be a jack knife, because then people could use me to solve a myriad of problems. I'm a problem solver by nature. Besides, a jack knife is a tool you take with you. I like to go along on trips and outings. I'd be a popular tool and helpful at the same time. Sounds perfect to me.

What song best represents you?
Walkin' on Sunshine. I'm basically a sunny person who likes to laugh, love and be happy. Spending my days writing romance books makes me very happy. I love what I do.

If stranded on a desert island, who would you bring?
I'd choose to be stranded on a desert island with either of my favorite authors, Sinclair Lewis or Jane Austen. I think I could live a lifetime just listening to stories about Regency England. And Mr. Lewis was a prolific American author who could write amazing books. I could learn a lot from him.

Tell us about your most embarrassing moment.
My most embarrassing moment happened during my ad agency days. I was attending a conference and listening to a big lecture with the lights out and slides. Two men in front of me were gabbing. I shushed them two or three times. When the lights went up, I was appalled to see the two men were the president of my company (my boss) and the president of American Express, our biggest client. My boss made introductions and I wished I could sink into the floor.

City life or country life?
I love both city life and country life. I'm fortunate that I get to have both. I live in New York City and we have a little bungalow in upstate New York, where I go to write in the summer. I like to be indoors, cozy and warm in the winter, my least favorite season. But in the summertime, I hate being inside. I become a total outdoor girl. I adore sitting on the deck, watching the birds at the feeder and writing in the fresh air and quiet.

If you were an animal, which would you be?
I'd probably choose to be an elephant. not only do they have no natural enemies except man, but they live a long time are very social and very intelligent. All qualities I hope I possess.

Tell us about your holiday romance.

Champagne for Christmas

Contemporary Romance
Moonlight Books

Can a craving for mint chip ice cream and a passion for the theater keep a summer romance sizzling through a freezing winter? Clint is a high school English teacher and a budding playwright. Nina, a former actress, is now a beautiful and wealthy widow...and more than a little lonely, especially during a glorious Christmas in New York City.

A chance meeting brings them together. Their passion for the stage joins their minds while love blossoms, despite their age gap. The theater, that once united them, may be the one hurdle they can’t clear. A steamy romance with a happy ending you’ll never see coming.

"Ms. Joachim`s holiday book is a joy to read from beginning to end. I was instantly swept up and into the story. Many a time I could imagine myself standing on the streets of New York and seeing what had been so wonderfully described. The romance between an older woman and a younger man was tastefully and sensually penned. This may be one of the author`s best to date. I simply could not put it down. At one point near the end of the book, I begged off chatting with friends on Facebook so that I could find out how things ended! Of course Ms. Joachim delivered a perfect happily ever after just as she always does. If you enjoy Christmas romances you will love Champagne for Christmas." - V.L.

The sultry, August air hung heavy around Nina, quickly melting the ice cream in her sundae. While gazing up at the clear, night sky to look for the Big Dipper, she dribbled fudge sauce on her new, aqua T-shirt. She pursed her lips. That’s what I get for not paying attention. With a disgusted sigh, she reached for a napkin before realizing she’d forgotten to take one. “Damn,” she muttered under her breath and doubled back to the stand before the stain set.
She rushed up to the tiny counter right as a tall, good-looking man holding a double scoop cone turned. They collided. Half of his cold treat fell onto her chest, causing her to gasp at the shock against her skin. She looked up into his light brown eyes as she grabbed the melting ball.
He slipped one arm around her waist to keep her from losing her footing. She stood wobbling, mesmerized by him. He was almost a whole foot taller than she was, with thick, straight, brown hair and shoulders a mile wide. Nina shifted the ice cream from hand to hand, not knowing what to do.
“I don’t think you can put that back on the cone. Maybe the garbage?” he suggested with a grin.
Nina jerked back to reality and stepped toward the trashcan, tossing in what was left of the melting mess. “I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you another one,” she said, reaching for napkins to wipe her shirt and hands.
“It was my fault…completely. You don’t have to buy me anything. Besides, I still have one scoop here. I’ll just…,” he began, approaching her with more napkins, and then stopping, his hand in midair, color suffusing his face.
Nina had raised a hand to halt his actions. “It’s okay. I’ve got this.” The young woman behind the counter offered him a replacement scoop for free. Nina sat down at the picnic table set up for people to eat outside. After a good look at her shirt, she knew it was ruined.
The tall, attractive man joined her. “At least let me pay for a new shirt,” he offered, sitting down next to her on the bench.
“It’s okay. I had a spill on it already. That’s why I was coming back and got in your way,” she said, finishing the last of her sundae.
“What flavor?” he asked.
“Mint chip…is there any other?” She laughed.
“Not for me.”
Nina’s gaze was drawn to his mouth, then his tongue, as he licked the cold confection off the cone first then his lips. She ran her own tongue over her bottom lip unconsciously, in tandem with him. Wonder what it would feel like to kiss him? “I’m Nina Wells.” She offered her hand, as soon as she could rip her stare from his mouth.
He shook it. “Clint Hayworth.”
“You look familiar,” she said, with hooded eyes, admiring his physique.
“I’ve seen you, too…in the garden? Next door?” he asked, looking away from his ice cream.
“You’re renting the Willis place?”
“Thinking about buying it, too.” He stopped eating long enough to shoot her a confident smile, his gaze resting on her face before sweeping over her chest and back again.

Connect with Jean here.
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Jul 3, 2015

#Christmas In July: BOOK SPOTLIGHT Merry 'Chris'Mas @Clare_Dargin #MFRWauthor

Merry 'Chris' Mas
The Love Play Matchmaking Service 1
Menage, Contemporary, Erotica, Paranormal
Clare Dargin
Siren Bookstrand

Jilly Reimers wants love but can't find it. Chris Spinell is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who suffers from PTSD and a haunting feeling that something is missing in his life. Chris Poole is also an Afghanistan war veteran is ready to break out of his shell but is unsure how. 

With Christmas just around the corner, they decide not to spend it alone. Believing The Love Play Matchmaking Service to be just what they need for a night of fun and passion, they sign up. But when the guys show up and see that they've been set up on a menage, the only one happy about it is Jilly.  

Their consultant, called an Eros, assures Jilly that the service has a perfect track record but she's certain they'll be the first ones to get their money back. Will they have a very merry Christmas? Or will the three spend yet another one alone?

Sometimes You Need A Little Help To Make Your Dreams Come True... BUY LINK
ABOUT Clare Dargin
Clare lives in Michigan.
Author of Scifi and Romance.
Fangirl and Geek.

Twitter(Clare_Dargin) -
Goodreads (Clare Dargin)-
Facebook (Clare.Dargin)-
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Author Blog(Clare's Blog 2: The Haven) - http:://
Paranormal Romance Blog (The Embraced: Scribal Love)- http:://

Dec 25, 2014

#Christmas BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Christmas on Wherever Island @AmberPolo #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Amber Polo presents Christmas on Wherever Island, a Contemporary Holiday Romance.

A holiday ebook novella!
A magic Santa brings Caribbean Christmas Joy in this Christmas romance novella to warm your season.

Marti Bell is facing the prospect of a very unmerry Christmas. Reluctantly, leaving her married lover she travels toward ice, snow, and judgmental family until a magic Santa sends her to a surprise destination in the warm waters of the Caribbean.Wherever Island would be a winter paradise except the only place to stay is the beachside cottage of romantic globetrotting photographer Cliff Holmes. Cliff wants to unwind and treat Marti to a little romantic Caribbean Christmas fun but she’s determined to stay in the warm ocean and out of hot water.
ABOUT Amber Polo
Amber is best known for her Arizona romances and her Shapeshifters’ Library series, a light urban fantasy filled with dog-shifting librarians and book burning werewolves.  |  |

Dec 24, 2014

#Christmas BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Cole in My Stocking @JessiGage #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jessi Gage presents Cole in My Stocking, a Contemporary Christmas
Mandy never planned to return to Newburgh, NH, the hometown that unfairly branded her a slut, but when her father dies, she must spend Christmas settling his affairs. She hopes to get in and out of town without notice, but when she runs into a certain Oakley-wearing, Harley-riding cop, an old crush is revived and the rumor mill restarts with a vengeance.

Cole has always been attracted to Mandy, but he has never acted on it. Besides being years older than her, he was friends with her father. The rumors about her were bad enough without an inappropriate relationship adding fuel to the fire. But when Mandy comes home fully adult and more gorgeous than ever, he can’t keep his distance, especially when an old secret of her father’s puts her in danger. He’ll stop at nothing to protect her, but convincing her to stay will take a Christmas miracle.

Mandy’s father is dead. But his secrets live on, putting her in danger. It’s a good thing she has a Harley-riding cop to help her face down her father’s enemies. But facing down her troubled past, even with Cole by her side, will take a Christmas miracle.

He cupped her chin and made her look at him, even if they couldn’t see each other in the dark. “What did he do after?”
“What do you mean?”
“When you freaked out. What did your boyfriend do after that?”
Tension straightened her shoulders. “What any decent guy would do. We stopped. He stopped. He was a perfect gentleman.”
He scoffed.
“What? He was. I was a total spaz and he was cool about it.”
“He was cool about it?”
“What? What’s that superior tone for?” She was getting angry. He loved that about her. She’d stood up to Tooley a few days ago. She was standing up to him now. If she didn’t like something, she let you know about it. Now that was a characteristic he could believe she’d gotten from Gripper.
“You said you freaked like always when things get to a certain point, that you always blow it. You think you blew it with that guy because a single attempt at second base went poorly. I meant what happened afterwards? Was there a conversation? A second attempt after you had some time to process what happened? A third?”
“What guy would want to try again after something like that?”
“This guy would.”
ABOUT Jessi Gage
Jessi lives with her husband and children in the Seattle area. She’s a passionate reader of all genres of romance, especially anything involving the paranormal. Ghosts, demons, vampires, witches, weres, name it, she’ll read it. As for writing, she's sticking to Highlanders and contemporaries with a paranormal twist (for now). The last time she imagined a world without romance novels, her husband found her crouched in the corner, rocking.


Dec 1, 2014

November Feature Author Kayelle Allen - A Romance for Christmas #MFRWauthor #holidayromance

A Romance for Christmas by Kayelle Allen
A Romance for Christmas
by Kayelle Allen
A Romance for Christmas
By Kayelle Allen
A cop at the door on Christmas Eve brings an unexpected gift.
A sweet holiday romance showcasing love, loss, and the spirit of giving.
It's Christmas Eve, and the end of a year in which everything Dara loves has been lost. Everything but her little girl and a fierce determination to survive. When a cop brings Christmas to her door, he brings another gift she never expected to get.

Best Selling Lists:
Amazon Top 20 in Romance, Short Reads
Amazon Top 100 in Holiday Romance 
Amazon Top 100 in Holiday Genre Fiction



Dara was gaining strength daily, and would finish therapy the first week of January and return to work. Disability paid for the basics - lights, phone, water, trash collection, and she'd never bought anything on credit, refusing to dig herself into a hole she'd never escape once it got started.
She went to the closet and pulled down a box with a ball, crayons, paper, and three books. A friend had brought over a few things as well. This wasn't the grand Christmas Dara had wanted for her daughter, but all the other valuables had been sold. There was nothing left but her wedding ring.
She didn't wear it. Removing it had been part of saying good-bye to Jack.

They said it would help, and it had. Sort of. But not much.

Dara sank into one of the kitchen chairs and put her face in her hands.

Sometime later, when the doorbell rang, she grabbed a paper towel and dried her eyes. The clock over the stove said nine o'clock. Who would be calling at this hour on Christmas Eve? She stuffed the wet towel in her robe pocket on the way to the door.
A Romance for Christmas
A Romance for Christmas

Buy Links

Barnes and Noble


A Romance for Christmas

This giveaway is for everyone. Click below to download an illustrated pdf containing an excerpt, the history of the story, the meaning behind the names, and more. A Romance for Christmas is a sweet holiday romance that makes you feel great about giving. 
Visit my website to download a free 22p Christmas cookbook you can share with friends. You don't have to sign up for anything, click anything, or register for something. It's really free. Early Merry Christmas!

Kayelle Allen, founder of Marketing for Romance Writers
Kayelle Allen, founder of Marketing for Romance Writers

Kayelle Allen is a best-selling, multi-published, award winning Science Fiction Romance author. She was first published in 2004. In 2006, she founded Marketing for Romance Writers, a peer-mentoring group open to the entire literary community. The site is now the largest online author group of its kind, and provides no-cost training in book marketing skills as well as promotional services for its members.

In 2009, Kayelle opened her Romance Lives Forever blog for authors, publishers, and blog tour companies. The blog now has an online reach of over one million.

In 2011, she launched The Author's Secret which offers editing, eBook conversions for manuscripts, custom and premade book covers, and graphics for authors. She teaches workshops online, and is an invited speaker on numerous online conferences. 

Kayelle has been a featured speaker at Outlantacon since its founding, and in 2014 was awarded an honorary lifetime membership. She is a former board member of Gaylaxicon, and has been a panelist at DragonCon. Kayelle's books have won multiple awards, including the EPIC eBook Award for Science Fiction Erotic Romance, and have been EPIC finalists in Fantasy. Her motto is "romance lives forever" and she is known for books with unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

Social Media Links

Unstoppable Heroes Blog
The Author's Secret
Marketing for Romance Writers

Music: Piano version O Christmas Tree performed by Vladimir Sterzer, licensed by

Nov 15, 2014

#MFRWAuthor Feature Author for November Kayelle Allen Shares an Excerpt

 photo romcmas200_zpsaa2ba60f.jpg
A Romance for Christmas
By Kayelle Allen
A cop at the door on Christmas Eve brings an unexpected gift.
A sweet holiday romance showcasing love, loss, and the spirit of giving.
It's Christmas Eve, and the end of a year in which everything Dara loves has been lost. Everything but her little girl and a fierce determination to survive. When a cop brings Christmas to her door, he brings another gift she never expected to get.

Dara was gaining strength daily, and would finish therapy the first week of January and return to work. Disability paid for the basics - lights, phone, water, trash collection, and she'd never bought anything on credit, refusing to dig herself into a hole she'd never escape once it got started.

She went to the closet and pulled down a box with a ball, crayons, paper, and three books. A friend had brought over a few things as well. This wasn't the grand Christmas Dara had wanted for her daughter, but all the other valuables had been sold. There was nothing left but her wedding ring.

She didn't wear it. Removing it had been part of saying good-bye to Jack.

They said it would help, and it had. Sort of. But not much.

Dara sank into one of the kitchen chairs and put her face in her hands.

Sometime later, when the doorbell rang, she grabbed a paper towel and dried her eyes. The clock over the stove said nine o'clock. Who would be calling at this hour on Christmas Eve? She stuffed the wet towel in her robe pocket on the way to the door.

 photo romcmas-bnr-cmas-gift_zps824279e4.jpg
Buy Links

Barnes and Noble


 photo romcmas-bnr_zpsb8c16bd7.jpg

This giveaway is for everyone. Click below to download an illustrated pdf containing an excerpt, the history of the story, the meaning behind the names, and more. A Romance for Christmas is a sweet holiday romance that makes you feel great about giving. Visit my website to download a free 22p Christmas cookbook you can share with friends. You don't have to sign up for anything, click anything, or register for something. It's really free.

Early Merry Christmas!

 photo KAllenMFRWAuthor_zps46f934a0.jpg

Kayelle Allen is a multi-published, award winning Science Fiction Romance author. She was first published in 2004. In 2006, she founded Marketing for Romance Writers, a peer-mentoring group open to the entire literary community. The site is now the largest online author group of its kind, and provides no-cost training in book marketing skills as well as promotional services.

In 2009, Kayelle opened her Romance Lives Forever blog for authors, publishers, and blog tour companies. The blog now has an online reach of over one million.

In 2011, she launched The Author's Secret which offers editing, eBook conversions for manuscripts, custom and premade book covers, and graphics for authors. Kayelle teaches workshops online, and is an invited speaker on numerous online conferences. She has been a featured speaker at Outlantacon since its founding, is a former board member of Gaylaxicon, and a panelist at DragonCon. Kayelle's books have won multiple awards, including the EPIC eBook Award for Science Fiction Erotic Romance, and became an EPIC finalist in Fantasy. Her motto is "romance lives forever" and she is known for books with unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

Social Media Links

Unstoppable Heroes Blog
The Author's Secret
Marketing for Romance Writers

Nov 1, 2014

November Featured Author of the Month is Kayelle Allen

 photo KAllenMFRWAuthor_zps46f934a0.jpgFavorite Quote
"Why not?" the Marquis de Lafayette

Kayelle Allen is a multi-published, award winning Science Fiction Romance author. She was first published in 2004. In 2006, she founded Marketing for Romance Writers, a peer-mentoring group open to the entire literary community. The site is now the largest online author group of its kind, and provides no-cost training in book marketing skills as well as promotional services. In 2009, Kayelle opened her Romance Lives Forever blog for authors, publishers, and blog tour companies. The blog now has an online reach of over one million. In 2011, she launched The Author's Secret which offers editing, eBook conversions for manuscripts, custom and premade book covers, and graphics for authors. Kayelle teaches workshops online, and is an invited speaker on numerous online conferences. She has been a featured speaker at Outlantacon since its founding, is a former board member of Gaylaxicon, and a panelist at DragonCon. Kayelle's books have won multiple awards, including the EPIC eBook Award for Science Fiction Erotic Romance, and became an EPIC finalist in Fantasy. Her motto is "romance lives forever" and she is known for books with unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

Social Media Links

Unstoppable Heroes Blog
The Author's Secret
Marketing for Romance Writers

Life as a Writer
 photo romcmas200_zpsaa2ba60f.jpgI love telling the stories inside me and think I would burst if I had to keep them all inside. There are so many to tell! When a reader responds with laughter, tears, enjoyment -- it gives me such a great jolt of energy that I immediately want to run out and write more. I love creating an honest portrayal of characters, escape, adventure, fun, excitement, passion and something new. In fact, I wrote a mission statement for myself as a writer that embodies this. My mission is to give readers a great roller coaster ride of a story that brings excitement, fun, and takes them in directions they didn't expect.

A Romance for Christmas
By Kayelle Allen
A cop at the door on Christmas Eve brings an unexpected gift.
A sweet holiday romance showcasing love, loss, and the spirit of giving.
It's Christmas Eve, and the end of a year in which everything Dara loves has been lost. Everything but her little girl and a fierce determination to survive. When a cop brings Christmas to her door, he brings another gift she never expected to get.

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Buy Links

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This giveaway is for everyone. Click below to download an illustrated pdf containing an excerpt, the history of the story, the meaning behind the names, and more. A Romance for Christmas is a sweet holiday romance that makes you feel great about giving. Visit my website to download a free 22p Christmas cookbook you can share with friends. You don't have to sign up for anything, click anything, or register for something. It's really free. Early Merry Christmas!

Jul 29, 2014

FREE READ! To The Rescue @LSFabre #MFRWauthor

Enjoy a FREE READ!

MFRW Author Liese Sherwood-Fabre released To the Rescue, a Youth Romance with Musa Publishing/ NoiseTrade on June 1, 2014.

Austin had wanted to get to know his neighbor Sally better, but when she knocked on his door in the middle of the night, it wasn't the way he imagined. Who had broken into her apartment? And were they still in there? Austin wanted to get to know his neighbor Sally better, but were they both in danger from a burglar?

About Liese Sherwood-Fabre
Liese has won awards for her thrillers, romance, and literary short stories, and NYT bestselling author Steve Berry describes her writing as ""gimmick-free, old-fashioned storytelling.""

In the second grade, she knew she was destined to write when she got an A+ for her story about Dick, Jane, and Sally's ruined picnic. After obtaining her PhD from Indiana University, she joined the federal government and had the opportunity to work and live internationally for more than fifteen years. She draws upon these experiences to endow her characters with deep conflicts and emotions.
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Feb 11, 2014

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: L.A. Sartor @LesannSartor #MFRWauthor

We are talking with MFRW Author L.A. Sartor today. Leslie Ann Sartor (aka L.A. Sartor) began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at Leslie’s insistence, wrote them down and Leslie illustrated them. As an adult she writes suspense and action adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she's had a contracted adaptation! She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date. Leslie loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey.

MFRW: If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Hawaii. I went to school there, and would love to have a house with a pool overlooking the ocean. And still live in Colorado with the mountains as a backdrop and back bone.

MFRW: How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
Leslie: Wow, I write from experience. Some people say write what you know, but I think that's too narrow or intrepreted to narrowly. We've all experienced the major turning points in life. If you haven't lost a loved one, I'll bet you've lost a pet, or a goldfish. Not quite the same, but so close. Or fallen in love, to have it be requited or unrequited. That's writing what you know. That's writing from experience. I may not be a nurse, but I can research that and I know my emotions from either being sick or dealing with a sick person.

MFRW: What kind of research do you do for a book?
Leslie: Good segue from last question. A huge amount. Right now I'm researching the Vikings and just a tiny bit of my new book, the 2nd in the Carswell Adventures will deal directly with that, but I have to know what I'm talking about. And SCUBA diving in cold water up to 1l2 mile deep. Possible, yes, but you'd die trying. 

MFRW: Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?
I'm a screenwriter as well as novelist, and have learned that humor gives one respite from drama. Humor, be it black or bald is vital. We all need to laugh or snort, or even cry at humor because it touches something you're familiar with.

MFRW: What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
I used to write love scenes that made me blush, now I even wonder if they're necessary. So many love scenes are repetitive and boring. I often skip over them. Sad but true, and honestly, I'm not a prude, but the lead up is often more exciting that the real "action."

MFRW: Have you always wanted to be a writer?
I've been writing since I was 4. Really. I used to tell stories and my Mom would write them down. Then in Jr. High I had a young teacher who told me along with my parents that I would never be a writer, because all I wanted to do was tell stories, not learn grammar. Okay Ms. Teacher, I'm now a Best Selling Author! Grammar can be learned at any age and with a great editor which I have. Story telling not so much.

L.A. Sartor self-published a holiday romance in November 2013.
The Children's Author …
Annie Hamilton's children's series Star Light~Star Bright is a mega hit. She loves kids and wants nothing more than a family of her own, but twice burned, thrice shy. When a gorgeous man with two young boys moves next door, Annie can't help but dream her impossible dream.

And The Widower Who Moved Next Door …
Cole Evans is a brilliant scientist, but finds fatherhood a challenge. When his son develops a bond with their enchanting neighbor, the boy’s favorite author, Cole discovers just how much he's lost—and how much he needs.

Will Their Wish Come True This Christmas Night?
Can Cole overcome family meddling and alleviate Annie's fears so they can be a ready-made family?



MFRW: How can readers/fans contact you?
I love, I mean LOVE hearing from my readers. You can, and please do, contact me at And I have a newsletter that comes out, I'd be honored to add you to my mailings.

Connect with Leslie Ann here: WEBSITE  |  FACEBOOK  |  TWITTER  |  PINTEREST  |  BLOG
Leslie is also one of the Five Scribes at

MFRW: List two authors we would find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.
J.D Robb and Audra Harders. Totally different, both wonderful.

Talk to Leslie Ann
What authors do you enjoy reading?

Jan 20, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Cowgirl's Christmas Gift by #MFRWauthor @Starla_Kaye

MFRW Author Starla Kaye released A Cowgirl’s Christmas Gift, a contemporary romantic holiday story, on December 6, 2013 with Blushing Books Publications.

Kelli Stanton’s life has been tragically changed forever, her beloved brother’s even more so. She gives up her dreams to help care for him, even though he doesn’t want that. But how can she go on with her life when the stubborn man needs her? How can she be happy at holiday time when there’s nothing to be happy about? Worse, how can she possibly be attracted to the man she blames for ruining their lives? A man her brother lured to their ranch for reasons of his own.

A tragic accident that wasn’t Nic Battelli’s fault, took his sister’s life, and left her fiancé, his friend, partially paralyzed tortures him with guilt and grief. He can’t get beyond it; can’t deal with his business, the holidays, or anything else. But his friend is determined to give him a kick in the ass to get him actually living again. Then he meets Kelli and her wrongly blaming him, her smothering Jason with too much attention, and her sassy temptation spark feelings he’d never thought to have again. But she’s too young for him, too innocent, too bratty, and his best friend’s sister. Still…

Warnings:  Discipline elements
Heat Level:  R
Connect with Starla:
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Dec 30, 2013

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Christmas Fling @Beth_Barany #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Beth Barany released A CHRISTMAS FLING, a sweet paranormal romance, on December 6, 2013 with Firewolf Books.

What if falling in love put the life you cherished in jeopardy?

Dahlia, a Santa’s Elf, has 21 days left before Christmas to create the best toy in the world without using magic or revealing her true identity. Stuck on how to complete the prototype, and working as a temp in San Francisco’s financial district with no time for love, will her Christmas fling get her unstuck, or will she turn her back on her beloved career for her heart?

Liam, an up-and-coming financial analyst, swore off women after getting dumped by the love of his life. He just found out his ex is going to the company Christmas party with his rival Michael Hendricks. Up for promotion against Hendricks, Liam has to win the favor of his boss. His best bet is to invite the vivacious secretary Dahlia to the party. Will Dahlia be a welcome distraction, or will she turn his life upside down?
Want to know more about Beth Barany?
Author Website  |  Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Dec 22, 2013

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Winter's Knight Vigil @Shauna_A_Knight

MFRW Author Shauna Aura Knight has a new release! A Winter Knight’s Vigil was released
on December 6, 2013 with Pagan Writers Press.

Sexy, kilt-wearing Tristan has captured Amber’s attention on many occasions. But as members of the Kingsword coven, which has strict rules about intimate relationships inside the circle, dating him is out of the question. When the coven heads to a secluded woodland cabin to celebrate the Winter Solstice, Amber finds herself closer than ever to Tristan. As the Longest Night approaches and their group’s ritual workings intensify, the pair realizes that they can no longer hide from their feelings.

Just as King Arthur held vigil before being knighted, Tristan and Amber face their shadows—and the realization that one or both of them might have to leave the coven. Or can they be together without breaking their honor?

Warnings: Explicit Sex (Heat Level: R)

Get to Know Shauna:
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Apr 2, 2013

Book Spotlight ~ Christmas Eve ~ @FlameArden #mfrworg

Author:  Flame Arden
Book:  Christmas Eve
Release Date:  December 14, 2012
Publisher:  Evernight Publishing
Genre: Erotic Contemporary
Warnings:  Explicit Sex
Heat Level: R
Format: E-Book

In a blinding snowstorm on Christmas Eve, the jaded owner of a posh Las Vegas casino mistakes the stranded real estate agent at his door for the classy call girl he's expecting to heat up his holiday.
Passions ignite. Eve has learned men believe bedding her the most direct route to her wealth. Nick's female companions always want the keys to his Ferrari and to his safe deposit box, never to his heart, so he distrusts the entire lot and expects to simply walk away unscathed when his brief time with Eve ends.
Neither expects to give marriage a try, but hearts have a way of going where cautious souls refuse, and after screwing their heads off for six days and nights Nick and Eve discover without love their former lives were little more than empty shells.

Mar 24, 2013

Book Spotlight ~ Zarakion's Tip

Author:  Ayla Ruse
Book:  Zarakion’s Tip (Santa’s Helpers #1)
Release Date:  November 29, 2012
Publisher:  Changeling Press
ISBN: (BIN) 06076-01950
Publisher Website:
Genre:  Seasonal Paranormal Erotic; Hot Flash
Length:  27 pages
Warnings:  Explict Sex, Demons, Elves, Dark Fantasy
Heat Level:  R+
Format:  E-Book
Author Website:
Author Blog/s:
Twitter:  @aylaruse

Delivery tips come in all shapes and sizes.

SPDS -- Santa’s Package Delivery System -- is in full swing this Christmas. This special co-op of the North Pole delivers packages to the Otherworlders, including demons.

Taryn is a new delivery Elf this year, and she draws the short straw -- having to deliver packages to Hell.

Zarakion, a Cha’horz demon -- the guardians of the dividing line between Earth and Hell -- has to work the unstable drop point. He has to play at receiving; not his favorite job.

When Taryn steps through the Gate, she’s intimidated at first by the huge demon, but Zarakion gives her a delivery tip that’ll have her scrambling to return to the drop point again and again.
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