Showing posts with label Loose Id. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loose Id. Show all posts

Feb 14, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Daring Proposal @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

A NEW RELEASE from Jeanne St. James!
Daring Proposal
The Dare Menage Series, Book 2

Since losing her husband years ago in a tragic accident, Eve Sanders hasn't dated. Her husband's death proved life is short, so why waste time denying her unfulfilled desires. Eve desires two men, but not just any two. Both happen to be former Super Bowl champions and best friends.

When both men participate in a Celebrity Date Night charity event, Eve's determined to not only be the winning bidder for the retired NFL quarterback Lawrence ""Long Arm"" Landis, but also Cole Dixon, his former Boston Bulldog's teammate. However, Ren not only has a problem with another man dating the same woman, but he definitely isn't planning on sharing her in the same bed. Even if it's with his best friend.

Openly bi-sexual, Cole is sexually attracted to Ren and has secretly wanted him for years. He's never acted upon it, assuming Ren wouldn't want to be with another man. Eve's daring proposal gives Cole hope his dream with Ren will come true.

Being with two men is one of Eve's fantasies, but never in her life has she been so bold. Not only is she nervous about proposing something so daring to the two men, but will both be willing?

Never in her life has she been so bold to propose something so daring...
Amazon 5 star Review: ""Jeanne St James has worked herself right next to many of my favorite authors. This book, just like all the others I have read, are easy to escape into.""

Amazon 5 Star Review: ""A really well-written story into the emotional considerations and challenges of a menage relationship.""

He placed a hand over hers, which was resting on her thigh. “Where to now?”
“Somewhere quiet?”
His fingers flexed over hers. “Have you ever driven stick?”
She shook her head.
He interlaced his fingers with hers and placed their linked hands over the gear shift. “You don’t know what you’re missing. All that power within your fingertips.” With his hand guiding hers, he shifted the restored classic Camaro into first gear. He let out the clutch and the big block engine roared to life as he pulled away from the club, the tires chirping a bit. He continued to drive through the city with her hand under his on the gear shift. Her hand felt tiny in comparison to his broad palm and long fingers.
She didn’t bother to ask where he was headed. She didn’t even care. The warm, long fingers intertwined with hers had such promise. She hoped he was just as skilled with them as Ren had been the night before.
That thought made her sit back in the bucket seat. This was what she wanted. What she intended. But could she live with herself for being so open to sex on the first date with two different men? Two men she only had knowledge of because they had lived a very public life?
She had picked them for a reason. They were both men who had played the field. And she wasn’t thinking about football. Both had been sexually active with women, and in Cole’s case, also with men, but didn’t take relationships seriously. She figured they’d be more open-minded to what she would propose. If they agreed, she hoped it would eventually work out to be long-term but reminded herself not to be disappointed if it didn’t. Either way, she wanted to explore her sexuality, wanted to explore something new. Both men seemed to be secure enough in their sexuality, from what she could see.
He worked his way through the city with skill. It was clear he knew it well, and it wasn’t long before he pulled into a parking garage below what had looked like the same building where they dropped him off the night before.
He had taken her to his place. Her pulse jumped from the sudden awareness of what he intended to the anticipation of what was to come.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Amazon Author Page:"
Email the author directly HERE if you'd like to review this book.

Feb 2, 2017

#MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune on #Thursday13 with Sex, Scandal, and the Sheriff

#MFRWauthor Kryssie Fortune's bio 
Move over Lindsey Wagner, there's a new bionic woman in town. I6 years ago, an amazing surgeon fitted me with a carbon fiber heart valve and I haven't looked back since. I visited places I'd only dreamed of, and I’ve written the romance novels I always said I would. Last year, I moved to the sea side, and when I’m not writing, I’m walking on the beach with my husband of over 40 years.

                                                      Sex, Scandal, and the Sheriff
Genre contemporary erotic romance 
Publisher Loose id 

Jasmine Stewart (Jazz to her friends) falls for the blond stranger when he spanks and seduces her at a Washington soiree. Later, when she discovers her flatmate is trying to draw her into a spy ring, she goes to the authorities. The ensuing publicity costs her her job, her security, and her future. Starting over in Westhorpe Ridge is her only option.

Sean Mathews, former SEAL and Westhorpe Ridge’s sheriff, can’t forget the woman he spanked when he visited Washington, but he thinks she’s a spy. When she turns up in Westhorpe Ridge, he tries everything to make her leave town. Despite their misunderstandings, though, they can’t keep their hands off each other.

As Year’s Eve looms, the spy ring resurfaces. Jazz will need all of Sean’s SEAL prowess to survive. But because his wounded leg cost him his speed in the water, will it be enough?

Buy link Amazon 

Since Jazz, my heroine is mistaken for a spy, here’s 13 Famous Real Life Spies
1 Mata Hari -was a Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan who was executed by firing squad in France for being a German spy during WW1.
2 Giacomo Casanova – more famous for his love life, he also spied for the Venetians
3 Melita Norwood – She spent 37 years as assistant to the director of Britain’s atomic research center. A communist sympathizer, she constantly passed Britain’s atomic secrets to the Russians.
4 Virginia Hall - aka the Limping Lady. She worked in France during WW2 and often carried secret documents in her wooden leg.
5 Francis Walshingham - Elizabeth the First’s spymaster who ordered the death of Mary Queen of Scots
6 Harold “Kim” Philby – A communist since university, he rose to be head of Soviet Counter Intelligence while mixing in Britain’s highest echelons. He defected to Russia in 1963
7 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Both executed in 1953 for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.
8 Klaus Fuchs – A German physicist involved in the Manhattan Project, he was convicted of passing secrets to the Soviets.
9 Major John Andre - hanged for conspiring with Benedict Arnold to surrender West Point to the British during the American revolution
10 Belle Boyd – Spied for the Confederates in the American Civil war. She passed on information gleaned from opposing Generals who stayed in her family hotel.
11 Oleg Gordievsky – passed information to British Secret Service while the resident KGB contact in London. Later sentenced to death in absentia by the Russians
12 Harriet Tubman – a spy who created escape routes for slaves during the American Civil War.
13 James Armistead Lafayette – He spied on Brigadier Benedict Arnold and his reports were vital in the defeat of the British at Yorktown.

Find more about the author here:

Jan 27, 2017

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT! Brothers in Blue: Max @JeanneStJames

Another book by MFRW Author Jeanne St. James!
Brothers in Blue: Max
Loose Id

Big city party-girl Amanda Barber has been spoiled most of her life. But life for Amanda suddenly becomes a major challenge: adapting to small town life, dealing with her handicapped brother and constantly butting heads with a frustrating local cop.

As a police officer and former Marine, “responsibility” is Max Bryson’s middle name. Never having been in a serious relationship, he has no plans for being in one in the near future. He likes being his own man. And even if he were interested in a serious relationship, he certainly wouldn’t choose it to be with someone so immature and irresponsible as Amanda. But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t get sexy Amanda out of his head or his heart. Watching her mature in front of his eyes, his protectiveness towards her only strengthens.

Bossy and possessive aren’t the only words Amanda uses to describe this frustrating cop. She can’t deny just looking at the man makes her tremble. But she’s done with having anyone control her and this man isn’t going to be any different. Or is he? " Big city party-girl Amanda Barber has been spoiled most of her life. But life for Amanda suddenly becomes a major challenge: adapting to small town life, dealing with her handicapped brother and constantly butting heads with a frustrating local cop.

She laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled her nose into his neck. She could feel his strong pulse against her cheek.
It felt so good to be in his arms. She circled his tattoo with her finger. Semper Fi. Mary Ann had made sure to tell Amanda that it meant “always faithful.”
“Did you always want to be a cop?”
He had one hand on her hip and the other on her thigh, rubbing it slowly back and forth. “Yes.”
She waited a moment, and when he said nothing further, she prodded. “Why?”
His deep voice resonated through his chest. “I was always in awe of my grandfather and my father. That’s why I followed in their footsteps. That’s why all three of us did. The Marines first, to serve our country, and then the police department, to serve our community.”
“To protect and serve, huh?”
The pride exuded from his words. “It’s the Bryson family motto.”
She moved her nose up to nuzzle him behind the ear. “Well, you can protect and serve me anytime.”
“I’d planned to since the minute you bitched me out in that parking lot when you first came to town.”
She raised her head, pushing herself up with a palm against his chest. “You were only trying to get into my pants.”
“True…” he said slowly.
Amanda grabbed a nearby decorative pillow and whacked him.
“Hey! You didn’t let me finish. True, but when you saw me in my uniform, you just wanted a big ol’ piece of this bad boy.”

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2016 and 2017. So keep an eye on her website at or sign up for her newsletter.

Amazon Author Page:

Jan 16, 2017

A Few QUICK Questions and A Few QUIRKY Answers with #MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune

Meet MFRW Author Kryssie Fortune.
Alpha males and their sassy mates rule in Kryssie Fortune's books. If the hero's a shapeshifter, then so much the better. Werewolves prowl through her Scattered Siblings series, along with the occasional Fae and vampire.

Kryssie grew up climbing trees and playing with imaginary dragons. She still loves dragons, and if she can sneak one into her books she will. Her pet hates are unhappy endings and books that end on a cliffhanger.

Kryssie's books are hot and explicit but the plot always comes before the sex. Since she writes erotic romance, she guarantees a happy ending. Visit her author website, author blog or facebook.

A Few QUICK Questions and A Few QUIRKY Answers
Day or Night? - Day
Pen and Paper or Computer - A mixture of both
Fruit or Chocolate - Can I have both? If not, fruit.
Coffee or Tea - Peppermint tea.
Roller Coasters or merry-go-rounds - Merry-go-rounds.
Bath or Shower - Shower
City life or Country Life -Country live, preferably near a beach
Soft or hard? Soft
E-book or paperback - e-book
Cats or Dogs - I've had both.
Fast or slow - Fast
What is your secret guilty pleasure - Laying in bed and reading until the small hours.

Kryssie's newest book is Marriage, Mobsters, and the Marine, a Contemporary BDSM
Romance, with Loose id.
Abigail Montgomery, a small town schoolteacher with zero self-confidence, dreams of the Dickensian Christmas her family never enjoyed. Each month she attends a masked BDSM club, but her next visit will be her last. If she doesn’t marry within the next year, her brother won’t inherit Montgomery Hall. Desperate, she advertises for a husband.

Jared Armstrong, a former Marine sharpshooter and occasional Dom needs to $125,000 to get his family out of a hole. His solution—to marry Abigail Montgomery for her money. His only regret is his wife won’t accept his spanking lifestyle.

Gradually, Abigail comes to dream of making their marriage real, but she promised Jared a divorce two years after their wedding. Can they share some Christmas magic as their relationship faces extortion threats, a kidnapping, and an attempted murder? Or will Jared break her heart when he walks away?

Abigail and Jared marry for mutual convenience, each unaware of the other’s BDSM lifestyle. Can love blossom despite extortion threats, kidnapping, and attempted murder?
God, he wished she’d get on with it, but she studied the unopened menu as though her life depended on it. Finally, she lifted her head. “Are you married?”

His eyes narrowed. “Your advert said no ties. I’m single, HIV free, and I don’t screw anyone for cash.”

She choked on her drink, coughing and splattering water over the table. Jared watched and waited, unwilling to make it easier for her when she was the one who placed the advert.

Across the table from him, Abigail curled her hands into fists and laid them on her lap. Her smile faded and her voice trembled. “Will you marry me?”

“Are you pregnant?” he shot back.

Her cheeks turned scarlet. “No. In fact, I came on my period two days ago. But I do need a husband. I know I’m not what you imagined in a wife, but I’m willing to pay a $75,000 advance as well as house, feed, and clothe you for two years. After that, I’ll pay you another $150,000 when we divorce.”

He stared at her intently, trying to decide if she needed therapy—or perhaps a few weeks in the local insane asylum. “You’re serious?”

She took a sip of mineral water. “I am.”

His eyes narrowed, and his forehead furrowed in anger. “I’ll feed and clothe myself. Can I still put time in with my business, or should I get a job local to where you live?”

When she finally smiled, it felt as though the sun had come out on a cloudy day.

Putting her glass on the table, she took looked anywhere but at him. “I’m glad you want to do so. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I chose you. You have values and goals. All I have is an insane great-aunt, or I did until recently.”

“Tell me about it,” he demanded.

Jan 6, 2017

It's A DOUBLE DARE from #MFRWauthor @JeanneStJames

Double Dare
by Jeanne St. James

Quinn Preston, a financial analyst, is not happy when her friends dare her to pick up a handsome stranger at a wedding reception. What better reason to give up men when her previous long-term relationship had not only been lackluster in the bedroom but he had cheated?

Logan Reed, a successful business owner, can't believe that he's attracted to the woman in the ugly, Pepto-Bismol pink bridesmaid dress. And to boot, she's more than tipsy. After turning down her invitation for a one-night stand, he finds her in the parking lot too impaired to drive. He rescues her and takes her home. His home.

The next morning Quinn's conservative life turns on its ear when Logan introduces her to pleasures she never even considered before. And to make things more complicated, Logan already has a lover.

Tyson White, ex-pro football player, is completely in love with Logan. He has mixed emotions when Logan brings home Quinn. But the dares keep coming...

What could be better than waking up next to a hot guy? Waking up sandwiched between two of them. BUY LINK
You Gotta Read Reviews:
"Jeanne St. James writes a compelling story keeping the reader entertained from start to finish. With it's great characters and hot scenes this book does not disappoint and should be on many a readers to be read lists."

There was a groan. He didn't know whom it came from. Her? Him? He didn't care. His hand at the small of her back slipped lower, to just where the rise of her ass was. The fabric of the dress kept him from feeling details, but his imagination took over.
One song transitioned into another, and they weren't even aware of the other couples dancing nearby.
His hips kept a steady side-to-side rhythm, while his hand on her back kept her close and in perfect time with him.
He was hard. There was no doubt she could feel it. Even with the yards of fabric around her midsection, her belly brushed against his length, teasing his cock.
“What kind of sex do you like?” His voice sounded low and gruff to his own ears.
“The kind when I get to come.”
Logan chuckled against her temple and slipped the hand he had around her neck to her shoulder. His fingers brushed her skin lightly. He couldn't help but notice goose bumps suddenly appearing everywhere he touched her. Which meant her nipples were probably hard and aching for his fingers and mouth.
Her dress had slipped down a bit, and the neckline rode low on her chest. The fabric rested just on the crest of her breasts; he could see she wasn't wearing a bra. In fact, he thought he could see the crescent edge of one nipple, even in the dim light.
He wanted to dip his tongue between her breasts.
“Why did you ask me to dance?”
“Because my friends…” Her soft voice faded off.
“Your friends?” He prodded.
“My friends dared me to. They think I am such a loser when it comes to men.”
“I always pick Mr. Wrong.”
“Am I supposed to be Mr. Right?” He brushed the backs of his knuckles over the rise of her breasts.
“No. Just Mr. Right Now.”
She was direct. He wondered if it was just the alcohol talking. “So you just want to use me.”
Her boldness wavered, disappointing him a bit.
He raised his eyebrows. “Huh. And you don't think I'd care?” He leaned back a bit and looked down at her, her skin a canvas for the colorful light bouncing off the mirrored disco ball above the dance floor.
She wouldn't meet his gaze. “Do you?”

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2017 so keep an eye on her website or sign up for her newsletter.

Amazon Author Page:

Jan 2, 2017

Where Does #MFRWauthor @CailinBriste Get Her Story Ideas? @LooseID

MFRW author Cailin Briste shares how she gets her story ideas.
For years, I’ve been expecting features of the Jetson’s lifestyle, a cartoon family from my childhood, to appear in my life. Where is my robot maid? Where is my flying car? And above all where is my food replicator? I’m still waiting, but that hasn’t stopped my love of science fiction or science possibility.

My mind is full of futuristic ideas from the many books, movies and television shows I’ve devoured for several decades. The future has yet to be written, except by those of us who like to play with “what ifs.” I’m a big time “what iffer.”

My first novel was created as an answer to the following question: What would happen to alpha men on a matriarchal planet where the women are not Dommes in the strictest sense but have the attitude down pat? Shane’s struggles in Shane: Marshal of Tallav were the result. As his story unfolded in my mind, another “what if” defined the main female character. What if girls born on their new planet developed empathic senses? And so, Adrianna became an empath.

Shane’s story is just one possibility on a female-run planet. Maon’s story came next in Maon: Marshal of Tallav. He’s an alpha male marshal, whose preference in the bedroom is to submit to a sexy Domme.

The third book in the series, Rand: Son of Tallav is still being written. If anything, Rand has bigger problems than Shane or Maon. He’s not only an alpha male but also a sadist and owner of a BDSM club, a pariah on his home planet Tallav.

Each of these books began with that initial “what if”. Characters come knocking on the door of mind, and I throw them into the Tallavan setting, typing madly as their stories unfold.

Cailin's latest book is Maon: Marshal of Tallav, a Sci-Fi/Futuristic Erotic Romance, with Loose Id.
Maon Keefe has always been told he’s doomed to fail as a husband. He decides never to marry instead focusing on living life as a player and becoming a capable marshal of Tallav. When he is shot and the most-wanted criminal he’s escorting escapes, he fears that his career, his one success in life, is doomed. Assigned to ferret out the cause of missing shipments for a VIP aristocrat, he meets Selina Shirley CEO of the House of Shirley. He finds himself inexplicably attracted to her despite her frumpy appearance. When he meets a hooded and masked, scorching hot Domme, Lasair, at his friend’s BDSM club, he’s torn between the two women. Both fire his imagination and call to his submissive nature. Either might be the woman to change him into successful husband material.

Maon Keefe has always embraced the player lifestyle, until he discovers a mysterious Domme who brings him to his knees.
The underlying frisson of unease that always attended Selina in space was sliding up and down her spine. But the churning in her stomach, while she walked along the companionway from the private ship docks, wasn’t caused by her fear of space. Her father’s death over a year ago had cemented a number of things in her mind. One was the need to acquire a husband. Knowledge that she was on the marriage market would set in motion the machinations of the aristocratic mamas of Tallav—some because of her wealth and others for the connection. She wrinkled her nose. Not going that route.
Her Domme lessons with Randolph were the initial step in a concise plan to find her perfect husband. Emphasis on her. Implementing that plan was the root of her anxiety, akin to the strain of her first business negotiation for the House of Shirley.
A couple, the woman tipping along in platform heels, were cuddling and cooing while they walked toward Selina. She averted her face, seeing but not really taking in the concourse bar she was approaching. Then her gaze met a stranger’s, and for an interminable moment, his eyes ensnared hers. She blinked, and the spell was broken. His lips moved in a smirk while he continued to stare at her.
Damn playboy.
When she yanked her head away, the oversize art case slipped down her arm, the strap tangling in her long dark hair. Rather than stop to fix the problem, she kept walking while struggling to release the strands that were pulling painfully on her scalp. Portfolio back in position, she sped up.
That man was the exact opposite of her ideal mate, although he was Tallavan. The string tie he wore made his Tallavan citizenship a possibility, but the badge clipped to his belt settled it. He was a Tallavan marshal. Despite his tousled sandy-brown locks that were made to comb through and pull, he wouldn’t make the cut on her very exacting list of requirements. Even before he’d smirked at her, it was apparent he was a player. He’d been sitting still on a bar stool, but swagger oozed from his pores. His navy-blue eyes were full of a boldness that reached out to her and offered her more fun than she could imagine.
What the heck are you thinking, Selina? He’s a snack and nothing more.

ABOUT Cailin Briste
Cailin has been writing fiction for five years and non-fiction for two decades. Her non-fiction work has been published in magazines and in a non-fiction anthology. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America, the RWA Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Chapter, and the RWA Passionate Ink Chapter.

Website  |  Blog
Twitter | Facebook

Dec 13, 2016

Book Spotlight: RIP CORD The Reunion and the Weekend @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

Rip Cord: The Reunion & The Weekend
by Jeanne St. James

The Reunion:
Gil Davis hated high school. Ever the geek, he has no intentions of attending his 10th year class reunion. The last thing he wants is to relive the taunting and teasing he received during his teenage years. However there is one thing he misses from high school: the star Varsity football player. The one he had a crush on from the first day he laid eyes on him. But the last thing he expects is the now pro football player to come back to their home town to attend a lame high school reunion. Known as the Bad Boy of the NFL, Ripley “Rip” Cord, not only shows up, but shows up without a date and an eye for Gil.
The last thing Gil expects is the now pro football player to come back to their home town to attend a lame high school reunion. Known as the Bad Boy of the NFL, Ripley “Rip” Cord, not only shows up, but shows up without a date and an eye for Gil.

Ripley “Rip” Cord was just as tall as Gil remembered. Around five inches taller than him, not that Gil was a squirt. The football player was at least six foot two.

And every inch of him was muscle. Not lean muscle, but heavy muscle. Heavy, rounded, lickable muscle.

Gil glanced at Katie. “You’re drooling.”

Katie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “As if you aren’t.”

Gil snagged her wrist and backpedaled until he rammed into something hard. It was the table with the place settings.

Gil peered over Katie’s shoulder to see if his klutziness had caught Rip’s attention.

Luckily it hadn’t. The man was completely surrounded by their old classmates clamoring for his attention.

Throughout the years, he’d followed Rip’s career in the newspapers, on the evening news, on ESPN.

And in the tabloids.

Rip was well-known. Unfortunately it was as the “bad boy” of the National Football League. He started out with a great career in the NFL, drafted straight out of college. He was one of the best wide receivers in the league, but it was all his rumored problems that kept him in the spotlight, not his stats.

And that famous wide receiver was here. Now.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 started writing when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2016 and 2017. So keep an eye on her website at or sign up for her newsletter.

Amazon Author Page:

Nov 28, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: RIP CORD The Ever After @JeanneStJames

Rip Cord: The Ever After
by MFRW Author Jeanne St. James

Rip Cord, the infamous Bad Boy of the NFL, ends up on Gil Davis’ front porch drunk as a skunk. Not only has he been fired by his franchise, but also his sports agent. His last brawl on the football field during a prime time game was the final straw.

Accounting geek Gil Davis hasn’t seen his on-again, off-again lover since the summer when the professional football player whisked him away for a kinky sex-filled getaway weekend. But immediately after, Rip returned to the NFL and was on the road leaving no time for Gil.
 Now Rip wants to come back into Gil’s life one more time, this time to not only make a future with him, but to finally admit who he really is deep down inside. After hiding his sexual preference since he was a teen, Rip realizes he’s made too many bad choices along the way. It’s time to make the right choice with Gil.

But is Gil ready to forgive Rip for keeping him at a distance? And more importantly, after two false starts, can they finally live happily ever after?
He’d never cared for anyone before. Never. His mom had died when he was young, and his pop had been a complete asshole. And, fuck, he did not want to end up like him. Unfortunately, he seemed to be headed down that same path.

First as being deemed The Bad Boy of the NFL—not without good reason—and now with Gil. He never meant to hurt Gil. He liked Gil. He always had. Even in high school. Yeah, so they hadn’t been actual “friends” because they ran in different circles. Gil with the geek squad and Rip with the jocks. But that was normal high school shit. Right?

He had never picked on Gil in high school like the other students had. No, it wasn’t just being picked on. It was downright bullying. The night of their tenth year class reunion, Gil had asked Rip why he hadn’t ever come to his rescue. Rip’s lame answer was that he’d had a reputation to uphold. He was the captain of the varsity team. He was a jock. It was a bullshit excuse and he had apologized, of course. But it came too late for high school. However, here he was again… trying to live up to his reputation of being a badass pro football player.

And look where that got him…

Sobering up in his gay lover’s house. The lover whom he’d been ignoring because Rip was too much of a damn coward to come out of the closet and be his true self.
That’s because he always had to hide who he really was. Always.
All he’d known most of his life was how to be a good football player.
And now he didn’t even have that.
He emptied the mug and handed it back to Katie. “Thanks…and sorry.”
Katie pushed to her feet. “You’re apologizing to the wrong person.”
She beat feet it out of the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her.
The Bad Boy of NFL was no longer.
Now he was just a fuck up.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Amazon Author Page:

Nov 13, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Unbidden Dragon by Louisa Kelley

Unbidden Dragon
by Louisa Kelley

Maeven’s bold request to leave the dragon’s secret sanctuary has been granted. She’s been sent to Portland, Oregon, on a mission of vital importance to the survival of her shape-shifting species. Mayhem, magic and sensual adventure abounds as Maeven struggles to follow the rules. Rule number one: Keep her true nature hidden. Rule number two: No emotional involvement with humans. Then she meets sexy, devious, adorable Frankie, who tells a wild story about accidentally shape-shifting – into a dragon! Ah. So much for the rules. Maeven’s journey of self-discovery brings her sizzling forbidden love, deeper understanding of her own sexuality and the courage to fulfill her destiny.
Maeven’s wings snapped open, and her sister-self roared out her joy. She gloried in the crack of her bones lengthening, thick and strong. They supported the width and breadth of the enormous bat-like extensions, propelling her with ease through the air. Her elegant muzzle glinted with razor-edged rows of teeth, and shining scales of gold and red covered her muscular body. Eyes slit in pleasure, she surrendered to the irresistible wild call of her shape-shifter nature.

She sped toward her cousins, also ecstatic in their full dragon forms, and joined them in sweeping and circling one another in teasing moves. They owned the sky—winged monsters in play, dancing the ancient aerial dance. The males’ swift, muscular speed taunted her to keep up, yet she followed a split second behind as they dived to the icy waters of a hidden mountain lake. Caen burst to the sky with a captured fish and tossed it to Orrie, who caught the creature in his massive jaws and, with a snap of his head, sent it sailing toward Maeven.

She swallowed the delicious fish, grinned her toothy appreciation at the men, and then aimed back to the clouds. A sense of total safety filled her being with the comforting knowledge they flew in their magically protected sanctuary. Three hundred miles in the more than two million acres of Mount Hood National Forest belonged only to them, secret and hidden from all human senses. A great gift from Nareen when she allowed a select few to venture back to Earth society. The threat of drones and missiles and horrors of modern warfare kept them all very cautious. The need for secrecy was paramount.

Maeven caught an updraft and drifted. She sent silent thanks to the Council for their indulgence of her proposal to carry out her Fieri challenges on Earth. She was already having a grand adventure, despite everything.

Her sister-self, now soothed and languid, allowed her human mind to the fore again, along with more churning questions. Maeven understood why Nareen had put invisible protections into place all around this modern environment. There were multiple backup plans for rescue, should things get too messy—as in, humans finding out about dragons. The thought gave some ease to her worries; however, traces of guilt still remained.

She’d nearly done the unthinkable with Lisa. Orrie was right about Nareen yanking her home if she didn’t pull herself together.

ABOUT Louisa Kelley
Romance and science fiction took firm hold of Louisa Kelley’s imagination at age nine, when she read the books Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott, and the Narnia series, by C.S. Lewis. She is convinced that the genre paranormal romance, which developed years later, came into existence purely for her benefit. After all, it’s what’s been in her heart all these years.

She resides in Portland, Oregon where, in a strangely perfect combination of rainy winters and urban skyline, her writing inspiration abounds. Meet the sexy world that’s been evolving in her fevered brain…She’d love you to join her in some over-the-top erotic adventures with the Draca; dragon shape-shifters of a very different kind.

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Feb 4, 2016

On #Thursday13 find out how To Seduce an Omega from #MFRW author Kryssie Fortune

                                                     To Seduce an Omega

 Genre Paranormal, Fantasy,Erotic
Publisher Loose Id


 The Rock Prowler alpha condemns Viola for her inability to shift. Forced into poverty and isolation, she ekes out a meager existence as a healer. As the pack omega with a crippled knee, she’s forbidden to mate. Her first heat beckons, but no wolf will dare to bed her.

Titus, a wolf rejected by his true mate, overflows with violence and anger. When the Lykae King sends him to take over the Rock Prowler pack, he condemns Viola for and threatens to bring in a new pack healer. With other income, she’d starve.

She-wolves from families who disagree with the alpha have vanished. When Titus investigates, the alpha’s allies imprison both him and Viola. To escape, he must seduce Viola—the she-wolf he insulted and reviled. She steals his heart, but after all that’s happened, how can she accept him when even his fated mate refused him?

Buy link Amazon
 About the author
I grew up with an imaginary pet dragon and have loved anything paranormal since then. I like my heroes hot and dominant and my women sparky enough to stand up to them. Once I dreamed of writing a book. Now I’ve written six and am well on with a seventh.
I have a wonderful husband and family, including the world’s cutest grandsons, but any free time I have is spent writing.

Thirteen things about Wolves and their Cubs
1 Wolves have a social hierarchy, with the pack alpha and his mate at the top of the tree.
2 Only the alpha and his she-wolf have pups.
3 A pregnant she-wolf digs a den up to forty yards long.
4 She gives birth in the chamber at the end of the tunnel and doesn’t leave her pups—even to drink or eat.
5 The birth mother chews through the umbilical cord and eats the placenta. It’s a valuable meal that helps her survive and care for her pups.
6 Other pack members bring her their kills while she keeps the cubs warm and feeds them.
7 Non breeding she-wolves produce milk to help feed the cubs.
8 Male wolves compete to babysit the cubs.
9 Wolf cubs are born blind and deaf, but 10 to 15 days later their eyes open.
10 All wolf cubs are born with blue eyes that gradually darken to brown. Occasionally an adult wolf still has blue eyes.
11 There’s a high mortality rate for cubs—between 30% and 60% but the pack mourns each and every death. They have been known to bury their dead.
12 Cubs love to chase each other and play with toys. They “ kill” their toys—bits of bones or maybe a feather—over and over as if practicing for adulthood
13 The alpha wolf has the right to the choice cuts of his pack’s kill. Once he has pups, he will hand them back and let his offspring eat first. 

 You may stalk Kryssie here

Sep 20, 2015

Have You Read Roz Lee's Suspended Game? @Iwriteromance #MFRWauthor

Suspended Game
by Roz Lee

After five years spent proving his innocence in a gambling scheme, Jimmy Doyle Walker is back on the field for the Washington Diplomats. Given one season to demonstrate he can still contribute to the team, he guards his secrets well, knowing exposure of his unorthodox sex life would create a career-ending scandal. When he meets Evelyn Gardner, she tests his resolve, and he risks everything to show her the delights to be found in his arms.

Living day-to-day as a switchboard operator, Evelyn Gardner loathes the sexual cravings that cost her the home and family she’d always dreamed of. When she meets Jimmy Doyle Walker, the sexy first baseman for the Washington Diplomats, at a church revival meeting, he challenges her beliefs and her expectations. Determinedly, he seduces her through erotic letters, sensual gifts, and sexual play, until she dares dream she can have satisfaction and respectability

"The Natural meets 50 Shades in this erotic story of sex, secrets and seduction. He’s an athlete with a secret that could end his career. She’s a woman with a past that could destroy them both."
What Reviewers Say...
"Suspended Game features everything I look for in a romance; an intricate plot, characters I want to know and I care about, interesting dialog, just enough drama to make it interesting without bogging down the story, steamy intimate scenes and a relationship that develops out of respect, communication and deep feelings. Author Roz Lee offered all of that and more in this book making it one hell of a story."  - 5 Stars from Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

His eyes met hers, held her gaze. “I want to see your hands.” He tugged on the fingers, one at a time until the worn glove slid free, leaving her bare fingertips resting on his skin. Fuck. He was going to lose it right there, and that was not acceptable.
Sliding his hand beneath hers, he clasped his fingers around her wrist. Her pulse raced as fast as his, another reason he shouldn’t be doing what he was. Neither one of them was ready for what he wanted to do with her, but it was only her hand, he reasoned. Touching her this way was inappropriate as hell, but he couldn’t stop. He needed to feel her skin, and it was imperative that she get used to him touching her. It was never too soon to begin teaching her to accept him.
“Keep your eyes on mine, sugar. Don’t look away, no matter what.” He explored her fingers with his thumb, rubbing it along the length of each one before repeating the process, this time gently nudging into the soft flesh between each digit as he went from one to the next. When her eyes dilated and her breath grew shallow, he almost came in his pants. Shit, she was a natural submissive, and he couldn’t wait to have her completely under his spell. The things he’d do to her body. The pleasure he’d wring from both of them.
“Your hand is incredible, sugar. I can imagine these fingers shoving in, pulling out. All. Day. Long.” He turned her hand over and began massaging her palm with his thumb. “Does your hand cramp at the end of the day?”
“Sometimes.” Her lips barely moved as she formed the word.
He pressed his thumb hard into the center of her hand. Her fingers instinctively curled inward, encasing his thumb in the sweetness of her embrace. He returned to stroking her skin. “And do you massage the ache away? Alone? In your bed?”

USA Today Bestselling author Roz Lee has penned over a dozen erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.
When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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Apr 23, 2015

Lucky Seven #Thursday13 Favorite Books of #MFRWauthor @E_L_Esch

MFRW Author E. L. Esch shares her 13 Favorite Books on Thursday13.
I do not believe there is a linear way to write a romance, or any genre for that matter. I like books that make me think, the ones that make me work to understand the characters and what they go through, because "you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." :)
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13 Favorite Books
Lovers, Dreamers, and Me
Diary of a Seducer
Skin Hunger
Pride of Baghdad
The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
Lovers and Souls
Player's Ruse
The Last Wish
Guardians of Ga'Hoole
The Name of the Wind
The Drowned Cities
No. 6

EL Esch published her latest book, Lucky Seven, an Erotic New Adult Contemporary
Romance, with Loose ID.

Dante Mathers, college student, fifth year, has a track record for being dishonest with himself, and is about to undergo the biggest, scariest change of his life.

Dante's forced himself to go out with girls in the past and he does it again when he's approached by the beautiful Serena one day on campus, desperate to prove to himself that he's ""normal."" But when he loses a drinking contest and is dared to go to the next campus GLBT meeting by his best friend, he’s not sure how to handle it. Sure he could blow it off and say he went, but something nagging at the back of his mind compels him to go anyway. After all, he’s had problems with intimacy in the past and his first crush was a boy in high school. But is he really forcing himself to go, or is he finally starting to be honest with himself? No need to over think this, Dante tells himself. It'll be get in, get out. No need to talk to anyone. Easy, right?

But then he meets Sven. Sexy, toned, wearing a leather jacket with spiked up bleach-blond hair, Sven's bad-boy flare sticks out on campus and catches Dante's eye. But there's more to Sven than his punkish looks, and Dante's about to find out all the sultry little details.

Are you up all night to get Lucky?
Newly released Romance Novel from Loose ID publishing--Lucky Seven.

""Oh yes...I really liked this...I love me some angst but not all the time...This one had a little angst but not too much and a lot of sweetness which was just right....I'm off to read Seeing Red....""

“I’m Mandy, and I’m bi.”
“My name’s Cole, and I identify as gay.”
“Terry, and if you can’t tell I’m gay, you need your brain checked, okay?”
The room chuckled, and then everybody’s gaze fell on me. “Uh…” I coughed. My throat felt like it was filled with sand, and I practically had to spit out my next words, “I’m Dante.” That’s it, just Dante. Now move along…
Fortunately when he realized I wasn’t going to say any more, the man next to me piped up with his introduction.
I whistled a sigh of relief. When I got out of this frigging trust circle, I was going to wring Greg’s scrawny neck!
I felt like a huge asshole sitting in this circle of ten people in a secluded underground room of the student union. They were here because they wanted to share with other people like them, to hang out and not be judged. Well, I wasn’t judging by any means, but the only reason I’d found my way to this LGBTQ meeting was because I’d lost a bet and my friend was still immature enough to find this kind of thing amusing.
The guy next to me nudged me in the shoulder, and I nearly flew ten feet out of my chair. I looked around the room. Introductions seemed to be over, and now everyone was just talking.
“You’re a fourth year, right?” he asked. His voice was smooth and rich. It reminded me of syrup, or tree sap.
“Fifth.” I swallowed. “I’m only finishing up electives this semester. I already have a job in my field.”
“Ah, must be nice.” He threw back his head over the edge of his chair and sighed. “In this little town it’s hard to find an internship close to home. I’ve been going through hell trying.” He grinned. “What’d you study?”
“Physical therapy.”
“Ah, that explains it. There are so many old folks and people who work with their backs around here. You’ll be in business for a long while yet. Or did you have plans to leave town?”
Part of me wondered if this was the kind of small talk I’d thought about making with that girl before. This guy was a hell of a lot better at it than I would’ve been. But whatever his motives, I didn’t mind. Greg was the only close friend I had on campus, and he hated talking about school life and work. The change of topic from girls and clubbing was refreshing.
“Nah, not leaving.” I shook my head. “Born and raised here in the country and no plan on leaving. I stick to my roots.”
He nodded. “I feel the same.” He held out his hand to me. “James.”
“Dante.” I took his hand warmly.
“So…” James leaned back in his chair and gestured at the whole of the room. “I haven’t seen you at one of these before.”
“Hey, it’s cool if you don’t wanna talk about it. Just making an observation. This place is so no pressure.”
It certainly didn’t feel like no pressure to me, but maybe it was the overwhelming guilt that made my stomach feel like it was tangled in knots. I wasn’t going to lie—I’d been curious in the past, but nothing ever came of it. Then again I’d never had a girlfriend either, which was why Greg had thought this would be so hilarious. I found men and women attractive in their own way, but that hardly made me gay or bisexual. Damn, if Greg knew how much stress this was really causing me inside, he’d probably look at me like I’d grown another head.
“Terry over there…” James set a hand on my shoulder and pointed to the guy who’d introduced himself earlier. “Biggest flamer in the whole damn school, and proud of it. You’ll see him at every drag show, and he’ll probably win. Sets the rest of the competition on edge, I tell ya.” He chuckled and pointed to another guy sitting three seats to my left. “The guy with the lumberjack beard is Carl. He’s quiet, not too wild. You two would probably get along.”
“Why are you telling me all this?”
James laughed. “Because you’re new, and I can tell you’re the shy type. Just put yourself out there. Nobody here bites…” He winked. “Often. Ah, I just noticed Seven is missing. Bummer. Not surprised, though. He’s a shy guy too. He’d be the perfect one for you to talk to. Better than me.”
“Seven?” What kind of a name was that?

Mar 26, 2015

Werewolves on #MFRWorg #Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune

MFRW Author Kryssie Fortune joins us for Thursday 13.
Kryssie Fortune is a Yorkshire lass who is lucky enough to live within driving distance of Whitby - the home all things paranormal and strange. Her husband says she’s part cat - always curious. He's probably right, but Kryssie maintains that she’d rather be part dragon. She loves mythology and visiting ancient sites. That's where she gets lots of her ideas. Although she hasn't met any Yorkshire werewolves yet.

Kryssie has two grown up children of whom she is inordinately proud and a husband she still adores after thirty-eight years of marriage.
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Whitby is one of my favorite towns. Both Curse of the Fae King and my new book To Mate A Werewolf open in the Abbey grounds. 

Thirteen Things About Whitby
1. Bram Stoker wrote Dracula whilst staying in Whitby.
2. Dracula came ashore in Whitby when his ship The Dementer was driven ashore on Whitby’s east cliff. He took the form of a black dog
3.  Captain Cook spent his youth in Whitby. He went on to map a large portion of Canada and New Zealand.
4.   William Scorsby – the whaler who designed the Crow’s Nest – sailed from Whitby.
5.  Whitby and Whaling were once synonymous. The giant arch atop the east cliff is made from the jawbone of a Bow Head Whale. Alaskan Intuits gave it to the town in respect of their whaling tradition.
6. In medieval times, the peasants believed St Hilda - the founding abbess of Whitby Abbey – beheaded all the local serpents and turned them to stone. This was the only way they could explain the abundance of fossilized ammonites around Whitby.
7. In the 7th century, Whitby Abbey hosted the church synod that decided the date of Easter.
8. Viking slavers regularly raided Whitby Abbey. They sold their captive monks in Dublin’s slave market.
9. Legend tells of a giant serpent sleeping in the cliff beneath the abbey. It’s pictured as a dragon, and called the Whitby Wyrm. He helped inspire me for the baby dragon, Lipstick, in my book, Curse of the Fae King.
10. 199 steps link the Whitby marketplace to Whitby Abbey. They have a resting place for pallbearers half way up.
11 The River Esk runs into Whitby Harbor, and flows on into the North Sea.
12. In 1909 a swing bridge was built across the River. It separates the upper and lower harbors and still operates today.
13. Whitby hosts two Goth festivals a year. Goths roam the streets in Victorian garb. It only adds to town’s charm.
To Mate A Werewolf
Erotic Paranormal Romance

The scars on Ellie’s cheek are a constant reminder of the times she tried to escape from sexual slavery. Two years ago, Joel Blackheart led the rescue party that freed her. She’s loved him ever since.

When their relationship finally explodes into steaming sex, he offers to pay her off. She walks away with her head high and her heart shattered. Then she discovers a plot to destroy him. Now she needs to warn him. 

Joel has to fight to retain his pack. He’s horrified when Ellie turns up on the night of his engagement to a woman he’s never met. Finally, he realizes Ellie’s his true mate. He has to choose between his arranged marriage that strengthens the pack, and the woman he truly loves. Will he choose with his head or his heart?

To Mate a Werewolf is a stand alone story within the Scattered Siblings series.

Feb 16, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Knot Intended @KarennaColcroft #MFRWauthor

Knot Intended
Karenna Colcroft
Erotic Contemporary Romance

Nolie and Joseph have a good marriage. They're still in love, have everything they need, and their careers are in good shape. But lately their sex life and time together has taken a back seat. One morning, Joseph brings up the changes in their sex life and expresses a desire to spice things up. With his encouragement, Nolie confesses her darkest fantasy: Being kidnapped, bound, and ""forced"" to have sex with her ""captor.""

She assumes Joseph will forget the fantasy or decide it's better off left as something to talk about, but a week later, Joseph brings Nolie's fantasy into reality. Nolie is not only excited about the role play, but Joseph's willingness to fulfill her fantasy reminds her of how much they love each other and how much priority they need to put on their marriage.

Nolie and Joseph's marriage has taken a back seat to their careers. How far will they go to bring back the fire?
Joseph nudged and tugged her down the short path between the deck and the gap in the fence. He pushed her ahead of him through the gap to the driveway, then dragged her to
the passenger side of a blue car.
Her car. He was kidnapping her in her own car.
He opened the door and shoved her inside. “I’m going to have to buckle you up, bitch, since you can’t do it yourself. I wouldn’t want you to die before I have a piece of your ass.”
“You could untie my hands,” Nolie said.
“Not a chance.” Roughly, he pulled the seatbelt across her, leaning heavily on her, and she heard the buckle snap into place.
“There,"" he said. ""Now shut up.”
He slammed her door. A few seconds later, cool air brushed against her when he opened the driver’s side door. He shut that door as forcefully as he had Nolie’s and started the car.
She tried to calm herself as he backed down the driveway. Knowing for certain that Joseph was the man in the mask only helped a little. He was being rough and aggressive, exactly as she’d fantasized, and she had no idea what he might do next.
Although she was excited as hell, part of her wanted to call a halt to the game. She hated being so off guard and not knowing what might happen.
No. I’m not stopping. I wanted this. Joseph’s trying to make things better between us. She had nothing to fear. Joseph would stop whenever she spoke the phrase he’d told her, assuming he remembered it when he heard it. But even if he didn’t remember that phrase, she believed she could persuade him to stop if the game became too much.
The car’s tires squealed as Joseph pulled away from the house. Surely that would attract a neighbor’s attention. Nolie had to hope that if anyone looked out a window, the heavy rain would obscure their view of anything other than her car. As long as they didn’t notice Joseph with his face obscured or Nolie blindfolded, any neighbor would see nothing unusual about her car leaving the house at this time of evening, despite the noise.
Nolie settled back as best she could and closed her eyes, which made little difference. Without sight, she didn’t have enough sense of direction to form any concept of where Joseph was going. Not that she needed to know. She trusted him, despite the circumstances.
Eventually, the car stopped. Without a word, Joseph got out and again slammed the door hard enough to rock the vehicle. Over the sound of rain against the roof of the car and distant rumbles of thunder, Nolie could hear nothing else. She waited for Joseph to come to her door, but several minutes passed without the door opening.
Where did he go? He couldn’t just leave her there. People might see her blindfolded and bound in her car. They might not realize it was a game. Joseph wouldn’t risk someone calling the police. He had to take her out of the car soon.
She shivered. Before, the game had been exciting. Arousing. But now she felt completely vulnerable. She couldn’t exit the car on her own because her hands were secured. She couldn’t remove the blindfold to figure out where they were. Alone in the car, she would be unable to defend herself if Joseph walked away and someone else came along. Tied and blindfolded, she would be a perfect target for a predator.
For all she knew, people might already be watching her.
ABOUT Karenna Colcroft
Karenna is the alter ego of a shy, sedate wife and mother. In 2006, she started writing erotic romance on a challenge from a friend, and hasn't stopped since. Karenna firmly believes that love is love, and everyone deserves to find it, and she tries to show this in her books. She lives in the northeastern United States with her two daughters, her real-life romance hero husband, and three cats.

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