Showing posts with label Ellora's Cave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ellora's Cave. Show all posts

May 25, 2015

Quick and Quirky Questions for #MFRWauthor Louisa Masters @EllorasCave

MEET Louisa Masters
Louisa lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she has a long-standing love affair with the sensual pleasures of life: wine, bubble baths, ice-cream and books. Nothing gives an illicit thrill like reading a sexy story on the train while those around you are oblivious. Get into a sexy state of mind and feel that thrill with Louisa’s books!

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Hee hee! If money were not an object, I would have no fixed address. I might have a base of operations in Melbourne, because that's where my family is, but I'd spend most of the year traveling, setting myself up in different but equally amazing cities around the world for months at a time.

What is your secret guilty pleasure? 
Erm - it's not so much a secret, but I have an ongoing love affair with food that's not good for me. I have been known to be secretive about its consumption, because if nobody knows, it never happened!

If you were on a reality show, what one would it be?
I'm going to be boring with this one, and choose something in the home renovations line. I'm not a terribly adventurous person, so anything that involves perilous activity is automatically off the list!

City life or country life?
City, definitely. Although I'd like to have access to the country for the occasional weekend escape.

Zebras or elephants?
If I don't say zebras, my sister-in-law may hurt me. She has a weird thing for them, and she may be tiny, but she's fierce. So, um, zebras. Although I do love the shape of elephants' ears....

Ebook or paperback? 
This is an impossible question! While I love the convenience of ebooks, and the way they've opened the market to so many possibilities, I also love being able to hold a paperback, flip through the pages - and most importantly for me, check the ending is a happy one (I know a lot of people are horrified by that). I also love being able to pick up a paperback and read the blurb. You just can't do that with ebooks. Having said that, I read almost exclusively in ebook format these days, just because I have no room for more paperbacks.

Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there? 
Books. Lots of books. Ice cream, chocolate and pastries. Shoes - but only pretty ones.
And probably stationery, because who can resist paperclips in a dozen colors?

Louisa's latest book is Irish Allure
a book in the Emerald Isle Fantasies series
Contemporary Erotic Romance
Ellora's Cave

Jillian is planning a wedding for the bride from hell—who suddenly decides to move the event to Ireland with less than a month to go. Lucky for Jillian, the groom’s brother is available to lend a hand.

Sexy, charming Fin clearly has more on his mind than just helping Jillian with the wedding. But she knows Bridezilla will not tolerate the hired help consorting with her future brother-in-law. Jillian can’t risk being blackballed, so it’s seriously hands off Fin, no matter how irresistible he is and how energetically he pursues her. If only Castle Tullamore weren’t so romantic—and if only she could stop tearing off his clothes every time she gets into that antique elevator with him.

Someone cleared their throat behind her, and a shudder ran down her spine. Surely she couldn’t be this unlucky?Turning, she smiled weakly. “Hi, Fin.”“Jillian.” He raised an eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you for a while. Were you waiting?” He gestured at the lift, door open, and she flushed. Of course he’d catch her daydreaming about him.“Er.” She stepped into the elevator. “I was—distracted.” He followed her in and pushed the button for his floor, then hers. The door closed.Her fingers started to itch. His hair looked so soft. She wanted to run her hands through it, tug a little, use her grip to guide his head down…Fuck it…

Feb 10, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Rock My Senses by Lisa Carlisle @LisaCBooks

Rock My Senses
by Lisa Carlisle
Erotic Paranormal Romance

Computer geek by day, by night Mike Harvey becomes outlandish guitarist Chee Keydood for rock band Velvet Cocks. Spotting two women kissing in a club, he thinks he’s in luck.

Allana Miles isn’t sure what came over her, but she sure as hell recognizes Chee and can’t believe he doesn’t remember her from their one-night stand. But she has no time to think about him—she’s too busy opening her own yoga studio to get involved in a relationship.

When they meet again at a New Year’s party, their attraction reignites, too hot to ignore. But they’ve got issues to overcome. Allana catches glimpses of the man behind the façade, but doesn’t think they can fit into each other’s lives even though the sex is great. Mike has always known he’s a bit different, but is shocked to discover his real nature. Will he be able to protect Allana from danger and convince her to take a chance on him?" Computer geek by day, by night Mike Harvey becomes outlandish guitarist Chee Keydood for rock band Velvet Cocks. While trying to win over yoga instructor Allana Miles, he discovers a new side to himself, which explains how he's always been different.

"What the hell was that about in there? You’ve got blood dripping down your neck.”
She dabbed at her neck and stared at her fingers, now stained dark red. “What the—” A snowflake went straight for her finger and we both watched mesmerized as stark white met velvet red and was swallowed by it.
A few snowflakes fell onto her cheeks and her tiny nose and I felt an urge to brush them away, but they melted once they met the warmth of her flushed skin. She had delicate features and pretty blue eyes. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place how I knew her. Her blonde hair  lay tousled on her shoulders, set off by the black of a dress that clung to her tight little body. My cock had settled down after the freaky incident inside, but twitched back to life again.
“Are you two into some weird-ass drugs and vampire role-play or something?” I asked.
My question distracted her from her blood-covered fingers. She still appeared dazed, but wobbled less. The fresh air and sight of blood must have jolted her back to reality. She reached into her purse and pulled out tissues to blot the blood.
“I’m not judging,” I clarified, in case I embarrassed her. “We all have our things.” When she didn’t answer me, I asked, “Where do you live?”
She focused on me with a dead-eyed stare. “Figures you don’t remember.”
About Lisa Carlisle
Lisa loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent, caring heroines. She feels very honored to be a multi-published author since she's wanted to write since the sixth grade. Her travels have provided her with inspiration for various settings in her novels, including deployments while she served in the Marines. She lived in Parris Island, the California desert, and Okinawa, Japan. She also backpacked alone through Europe, and lived in Paris, France, as an au pair before returning to the U.S. and buying a book store. She now lives in New England with her husband, two children, a cat, and many fish.

Oct 2, 2014

#MFRWauthor @AnneKane gets Quick 'N Quirky with #MFRWorg

Learn more about MFRW author Anne Kane as she answers some pretty quirky questions!
Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy Jack Russell terrier, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, and too many fish to count. She has two handsome sons and three adorable grandchildren. By day, she’s a respectable bean counter, but after hours her imagination soars and she writes romances that span the galaxy and encompass beings of all sizes, shapes and origins. She first started telling stories as a child and she just can’t seem to stop.

Her hobbies include kayaking, hiking, motorcycles, swimming, skating, karate, playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.

If money were not an object where would you most like to live?
Hong Kong - I love it!

What song would best describe your life?
If you're happy and you know it...

What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Melted dark chocolate and berries to dip in it. Messy and soooo good!

What's your most embarassing moment?
When I was talking to someone very close (I thought) at a family reunion and realized they thought I was my sister. We're not even twins! And I bet I really confused the poor guy!

City life or Country life?
Country - hands down. The biggest place I've ever lived had a population of 2,700.

Ebook or paperback?
I love paperbacks, but ebooks are so much easier to carry, and they are available instantly. I love instant gratification!

Zebras or Elephants?
Zebra's of course. Anyone can ride an elephant!

What is the one question you wish an interviewer would ask you?
What's my favorite coffee. Then everyone would know to bring me a cappuccino when they come to visit!

Anne Kane released Her Cyborg Lover, an Erotic Sci-Fi Futuristic Romance, with Ellora's

Natalie’s loved and lost and she’s not so sure she wants to risk her heart again. She’s willing to settle for a challenging career as a space-pilot instructor and a succession of no-strings attached lovers. But that’s before her boss saddles her with the last thing she wants—a new partner.

Jebediah recognizes his perfect match in Natalie from the moment she seduces him on a dare. Everything that makes her a top-notch pilot, from her fearlessness to her passion, make a night in her bed both challenging and unforgettable. Too bad she cuts Jebediah off the moment they’re assigned to a mission in the outer limits of Alliance space.

A dangerous confrontation with a brutal enemy, an exploding drive engine and a traitor close to home throw everything into perspective. Natalie is going to have to put the past behind her and risk it all, because when your partner is also your lover, failure is not an option.

When your partner is also your lover, failure is not an option.

Jeep Divas say...
"Natalie’s loved and lost and she’s not so sure she wants to risk her heart again. She’s willing to settle for a challenging career as a space-pilot instructor and a succession of no-strings attached lovers. But that’s before her boss saddles her with the last thing she wants—a new partner.

"Jebediah recognizes his perfect match in Natalie from the moment she seduces him on a dare. Everything that makes her a top-notch pilot, from her fearlessness to her passion, make a night in her bed both challenging and unforgettable. Too bad she cuts Jebediah off the moment they’re assigned to a mission in the outer limits of Alliance space."

“Delta Class Scout ship. I order you to identify yourself, or be prepared to handle the consequences.”
A deep male chuckle rolled through the comm link. Natalie blinked. Laughter? Was the idiot actually laughing at her? He was so going to eat her dust, and that would be before she grounded his sorry ass for the next decade or two.
Thirty years of practice gave her the edge every single time one of the cadets pulled a stupid stunt like this. Engaging the infrared overlay on the cerebral interface, she mentally plotted the other ship’s most likely course. Only an experienced space jockey understood that the shortest route was rarely the quickest, or the easiest.
Sure enough, the idiot darted between the two large asteroids directly in front of him. A seasoned pilot would know that the combined gravitational fields of the rocks created a braking effect on any smaller object caught between the two of them. Real-life one on one versus theory in the classroom. She could almost feel sorry for the pilot as he struggled to wrest control of his ship from the two inanimate objects.
Almost, but not quite.
She circled around the trap, putting herself directly between the rocket jockey and home base. Let him watch her tail for a while before she slapped him into the brig. Waggling her wings in an insulting salute that the unfortunate pilot couldn’t possibly miss, she veered toward home base.
She hadn’t quite finished congratulating herself on such a swift victory when her ship careened sideways, almost colliding with one of the smaller asteroids in the field. What the hell?
She jerked her head up, hardly able to believe the display in front of her eyes. The smaller ship had freed itself of the gravity well and moved to parallel her before turning so that his thrusters aimed directly at her side. When he fired them, the shock hit the pilot ship with all the force of a herd of thundering moon-cats.
Crap! This kid had balls. Balls and the makings of a star-class fighter pilot—if she didn’t kill him first.
Getting the ship back under control, she reined in her temper and concentrated on chasing the smaller ship. It had been a long time since anyone had actually given her a run for her money. She wasn’t sure she liked it. “Pilot, you just bought yourself a serious amount of time dirt-side. Again, I say, identify yourself.”
No answer.
“Who the hell are you?” Her voice harsh with suppressed rage, she gave the pilot one last chance to reply.
“Obviously a better pilot than you.” His voice was smooth and low, with a trace of male humor showing through. Arrogant, definitely arrogant.
She felt a grudging respect for his lack of deference. He had her on the run and he knew it. “I doubt that. I got careless and you got lucky.”
A disbelieving snort echoed through the com link. “I’m an excellent pilot. I don’t need luck.”
“And your name?” She didn’t recall the last time she’d spent this much time trying to extract information from a cadet. Who the hell was this guy? A few seconds passed, and Natalie realized the cadet was going to ignore her yet again.
Turning the mode to private, she called up the avatar. “Can you get anything on that ship? A registration number? Something to trace the pilot?”
Connect with Anne
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Sep 30, 2014

SpotLight on Featured #MFRWauthor of the Month Suz deMello @SuzdeMello

Things Go Bump in the Night in Suz deMello’s Vampire Stories

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It’s almost October, which means we’re closing in on Halloween. Suz will be featuring her paranormal stories in October but don’t worry—there will be lots of steam!

Here’s an excerpt from Blood is Thicker, a vampire tale set in northern California. A paranormal action-adventure, it features two vampires, one selkie and a kidnapped baby.

I cannot begin to describe the communion that’s created when two immortals connect. Kissing is like an orgasm not only of the body, but of the mind and soul as well. Yes, we have souls, unnatural though they may be.

I tugged him closer, frantic to feel his chest against mine, desperate for his cock to enter me. It had been so long… Besides, up close and personal, John’s sheer masculinity overwhelmed me. I’d forgotten how seductive lust could be. I could become addicted to his kiss, the hard planes of his body beneath my questing fingertips, his raw animal blood-scent.

If you like what you read, find the complete short story here:

About the author:

Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello, a.k.a Sue Swift, has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including erotica, comedy, historical, paranormal, mystery and suspense, plus a number of short stories and non-fiction articles on writing. A freelance editor, she’s held the positions of managing editor and senior editor, working for such firms as Totally Bound, Liquid Silver Books and Ai Press. She also takes private clients.

Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.

A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US over a dozen times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.

find Suzie’s books here: (publisher’s site)


WIN a copy by commenting on this post.

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Kinky Toes is an erotic romance with Ellora's Cave by Suz deMello. 

Shelbie Nathanson resents Rick Saldano's ascension to C.O.O. of her family's shoe company, a job she's wanted all her life. But she can't resist his red-hot, sexy style of lovemaking... one that focuses on her passion: shoes.

The moment they were alone in the elevator, she sprang at him and pressed her lips against his. His arms wrapped around her and held her tight as his tongue invaded her mouth. She sucked at him hard, shoving her hands into his hair. He tasted and felt divine.

Her body was aflame, all light and heat, and he picked her up as though she were made of unsubstantial fire, weighing nothing. She wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to his shoulders. His big hands supported her under her ass, and he rubbed and kneaded the cheeks as he walked, continuing to kiss her hard and deep, the thrusts of his tongue presaging what she hoped his cock would be doing very soon.

He forced her against the wall, keeping her pinned with his solid, muscular body while he found his keys in his pocket and opened a nearby door. Dragging her through, he kicked the door shut.
She was trapped with him in the darkness. It was crazy, but she didn't care. At that moment, she didn't give two farts about the company or anything else except getting this man inside her.

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Favorite Quote

Why did Rick the number-cruncher have to be so pussy-clenching, nipple-hardening, clit-wetting, squirm-inducingly sexy?

Links to Suz

--Find her books at
--For editing services, email her at
--Befriend her on Facebook:, and visit her group page at
--She tweets @Suzdemello
--Her current blog is

Give Away

FREE COPY of her new release! COMMENT for a chance to win.

Sep 15, 2014

Featured Author of the Month Suz deMello - Spotlight on her Release

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Best-seller soon available in print!

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Temptation in Tartan by Suz deMello

One of my more popular books, Temptation in Tartan, will be available in print as well as digital formats on September 24. This book sat at #1 on its list at All Romance Ebooks for a week! If you’re intrigued by the idea of sexy vampires in kilts, this is the book for you. Here’s a snippet to sharpen your appetite:

Stop! You cry. What’s it about?

Okay—here’s the blurbage:

She had to marry a monster…

Rumors had followed the chieftains of Clan Kilborn for centuries. Said to be descended from the Viking Berserkers, they were ferocious in battle, known for tearing off the heads of their enemies and drinking their blood.

But English noblewoman Lydia Swann Williston would marry Kieran, Laird Kilborn, to bring peace to the Kilborn lands after the horror of Culloden and the brutal pacification. A widow, she also brought needed wealth to Clan Kilborn. For her part, eighteen-year-old Lydia wanted children. With her husband killed at Culloden, she would make a new life in the Highlands.

The old chieftain of Clan Kilborn also died in battle, and she hoped that the new young Laird would lack his ancestors' ferocity.

She was wrong.

And now, here’s the excerpt:

Edinburgh, 1747

The dark, mysterious stranger took Lydia’s free hand and led her into the garden surrounding the Menhardie mansion. The broad summer moon cast shadows that shifted with the breeze, so she could see little but could scent much—the fragrance of plants and newly turned earth, the attar of roses she’d touched to her pulse points and, daringly, between her breasts. Most of all, she drew in the male aroma of the stranger who’d taken possession of her hand, a scent reminiscent of midnight and secret longings.

He led her deeper into the knot garden. Trees, swishing in the breeze, blocked the manse from her view. She inhaled sharply, realizing she’d walked willingly, alone, with a man she knew nothing about, into what was not only a compromising position but possibly a dangerous one.

As though he sensed her fear, he released her hand. “Would ye wish to sit?” He waved his hand at a stone bench.

She touched it with a forefinger. Moisture seeped through her glove.

“Dinnae fash yerself.” The stranger sat and held out his arms. “Come here.”

She hesitated. “I’m affianced. ‘Twould offend my new husband.”

“No one can see us, and I’m just asking ye to sit.” His gaze was not merely open and guileless, but oddly compelling.

He seemed so kind, and her worries so silly, that she complied, moving closer. He reached for her waist to help her arrange her skirts and panniers. Finally she’d settled onto his lap, sitting crossways so she was looking at his chiseled features, distinct in the moonlight, as pale as new milk.

A strange energy thrummed through her body. She was acutely aware of the firm, muscular thighs beneath her, for she had never sat on a man’s lap before. Neither her father nor her husband had asked for or taken this intimacy. Did she like it? She wasn’t sure and became even less sure when the stranger, who had one arm touching her waist already, slid his other wide palm up her calf toward her knee.

Though his touch sent a tremor of desire shafting through her being, it unnerved her even more. She squirmed but he held her fast.

“Lassie, what worries ye?”

“You are taking liberties, sir, and we…haven’t been introduced.” What a stupid thing to have said. He must think her a fool. But what did it matter? She’d never see him again.

He chuckled. “Let’s just say that I’m a man who finds you quite alluring.”

Alluring. Lydia blinked. William had never said that.

“Remember, I’m affianced.”

“Ye’re here with me. Do ye love him?”

She cleared her throat. “We’ve never met.”

“Then ye’re sharing a stolen moment with a man you…dare I say a man you like?” He flirted, but his voice held a dark timbre that seduced her soul. And yet a note of humor, kindness even, tinctured his tone.

She hesitated, then looked into his eyes and was immediately calmed. She said, “Yes. You may dare.”

“And what else may I dare?” The hand on her leg rose to her face to play with a curl, stroke her cheek. She quivered and her breasts swelled, her nipples rubbing against the lawn of her shift. Flesh for which she had no words, the secret place at the junction of her thighs, heated, tightened, moistened.

She shifted on his lap, opening her legs and leaning forward a trifle, and that sensitive, secret spot rubbed against his leg, bringing a charge of pleasure she hadn’t known before. She hid her gasp behind her fan.

He smiled at her, his eyes knowing… Did he understand how powerfully he affected her?

This was wrong, wrong. She had to stop.

“Your eyes are warm chocolate on a chilly day.” His voice was as soft as the breeze, as soft as his caress down her cheek to her mouth, which he traced. “Your lips are a temptation that I cannae resist.”

“You presume much, sir.”

“Aye, I do, but I feel I know your heart.”

If he knew her heart, then he knew it beat faster than a racing stallion’s hooves.

He inclined his head toward her. His lips were carved marble in the moon’s silver rays. “Ye desire me, do ye not?”

“Desire isn’t enough.” She’d desired William, and her marriage bed had been either empty of her husband or the scene of brief trysts devoid of pleasure. She wouldn’t be seduced by a handsome stranger. What for?

“Please.” He asked, but then he took. His mouth felt cool on hers but with a touch of fire beneath. That fire raced through her, igniting parts of her she hadn’t known could feel such heat, such rapture. She gasped again from sheer surprise, and something intruded between her lips… Before heaven, was that his tongue?

No, Lydia thought. This isn’t me.

She reached for his wrist to slide her fingers toward his elbow. She wrapped her hand around his arm and dug her thumb into the muscle just in front of the joint.

He yelped and jerked away, dumping her off his lap. She landed gracefully, stood and stepped back a pace.

“Good,” she said. “I must have hit just the right spot.”

His eyes were amazed. “Where did a lady like ye learn such a trick?”

“My brother taught me.” She couldn’t help shooting him a triumphant smile as she tucked her fan into her reticule.

He shouted with laughter. “Ye’ll do, yes, ye will! Ye’ll make a fine wife.”

“I beg your pardon?” she said stiffly.

He grinned at her. “I’m Kieran.”

She gaped at him.

“Kieran Kilborn,” he added helpfully. “The man ye’ll marry.”


If you like what you read, buy it here in print on September 24:

And here in digital, available now!


About the author:
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Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello, a.k.a Sue Swift, has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including erotica, comedy, historical, paranormal, mystery and suspense, plus a number of short stories and non-fiction articles on writing. A freelance editor, she’s held the positions of managing editor and senior editor, working for such firms Total-E-Bound, Liquid Silver Books and Ai Press. She also takes private clients.

Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.

A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US over a dozen times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.

find Suzie’s books here: (publisher’s site)

Apr 25, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Brigand @Sabrina_York #MFRWauthor

It's Here! It's Here! The Fourth Book in the Scorching Regency “Noble Passions” Series by Sabrina York Releases!

Fans of Sabrina York’s steamy Regency series have been eagerly awaiting the release of, the fourth book (following award winning Folly, Dark Fancy and the scorching Dark Duke) which follows the adventures of Violet Wyeth who is captured by a vengeful Scottish Brigand…only to discover he is none other than Ewan St. Andrews, the boy she once loved.

Noble Passions: Follow the decadent exploits of friends and enemies as they find love and passion in the glittering world of the Regency—and its dark underbelly. Each book is a stand-alone read.

If you’re new to the series, download Sabrina’s free teaser book at to read blurbs and excerpts for this popular series. Each book in the series is a stand-alone story.

by Sabrina York
Kidnapped and held prisoner by menacing Scottish brigand, the notorious McCloud, Violet Wyeth does her best to persevere…and resist his rakish charms. But when she realizes The McCloud is really Ewan St. Andrews, the boy who once saved her life, the boy who once kissed her and made her heart flutter, she is lost.

Ewan has every intention of marrying Lady Kaitlin MacAllister. He desperately needs the entrée into the ton this bride can provide. But when his bride is delivered—bound and gagged—it’s not Kaitlin. It’s Violet Wyeth—the girl who betrayed him and ruined his life when he was a boy. He keeps her, determined to punish her for her sins. But when he discovers the truth about what really happened so long ago, and seething passion rises between them, he can no longer hold on to his rusty grudge. By the time he realizes how much he loves Violet—that he always has—he’s lost her.

All he can do is follow her. Follow her into the bowels of hell—and partake in the torment of the glittering London Season, where the harpies are far more dangerous than a Scottish brigand.

An Excerpt From: BRIGAND. Copyright © SABRINA YORK, 2014 | All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please exit this site.

Holy Heaven. She would never take a bath for granted again.

Violet stumbled on the stairs and the contents of the heavy bucket sloshed, dousing her with hot water. She sucked in a breath as pain seared. She set the bucket on the landing and pulled her skirts up. Her skin was red. She ruffled the tatters of her petticoats, waiting for the sting to subside.

The door to the Laird’s solar swung open. She stepped back so it wouldn’t hit her and it slammed into the wall. The McCloud glowered down at her. His gaze stalled on her bare legs. It was riveted—until she dropped her skirts—then he snapped, “What the hell is taking so long?” His glanced back at her damp skirts and his frown darkened. He picked up the last bucket and carried it to the tub, dumping it in himself. “For god’s sake. How long does it take to bring a few measly buckets up from the kitchen?”

A few measly buckets? It had taken twelve trips, each with a bucket that weighed near as much as she. Violet glared at him. “Is that enough?” She probably didn’t need to clip the words quite so much but she had already worked for hours. She was tired and sweaty and her skin ached and Morna was waiting for her to come help prepare dinner.

He swished his hand in the water. “Yes. I suppose that will do.”

Not a thank you. Not a smile. Nothing.


She whirled and started for the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His voice rumbled, a deep tenor. Her steps slowed.

“Back to the kitchen.” She frowned at him over her shoulder. “I have work to do.”

“You have work to do here.”

“I beg your pardon?” What did he want her to do now, wash his bottom?

“You’re going to bathe me.”

Her heart stilled at his words, his intent, and especially his expression. “Wh-what?”

“Come now, Violet. The laird of the manor can’t be expected to scrub his own back, can he now? Be a good girl, close the door and come over here.”

She gaped at him. Gaped. He expected her to remain in a room with a naked man? He expected her to touch him?

“Close your mouth. You look like a trout.”

“But…I c-can’t. I can’t b-bathe you.”

“You can. And you will.” His eyes glimmered with something other than humor. The unspoken threat hummed in the stony chamber. “You may want to turn around while I undress, unless you want an early education.” He began to unbutton his shirt.

With an undignified eep, Violet whirled and showed him her back until she heard the splash and his gusty sigh.

“All right, girl. Get to work. Scrub my back.” He gestured to a chunk of soap and a sponge on a small table. She picked them up, approached the tub and knelt behind him, trying not to stare at the bunching muscles, the broad expanse of tanned skin. She couldn’t help but notice it was covered with scars. Long and short, crisscrossing over one another. As though he’d been brutally beaten and lashed time after time after—“Did you close the door?”

Her bubbling sympathy evaporated in a rush. She stuck her tongue out at him, but only because he couldn’t see. Then, with a heavy sigh, she levered herself off the floor and closed the door. Well, slammed it.

His chuckle annoyed her more.

He leaned forward and peeped at her over his shoulder. “Come along now. My back isn’t going to scrub itself.”

She took her place behind him again, being very careful not to look at his broad, be-furred chest as she approached. She wet the soap and sponge and created a lather. Being very careful not to touch him, she began to scour his back. He winced. “Not so hard.”

His plaintive tone probably shouldn’t have sent a shard of evil satisfaction through her, but it did. This man had been a boor to her from the moment he’d found her on the floor in Callum MacAllister’s cottage. She dug deeper.

He lurched forward. “Ouch!”

“Hold still,” she muttered, making a wide swath across the ridged skin. “You’re filthy. I need to scrub.”

“I am not filthy.”

“You are. Stop wriggling.”

Amazingly, he did, though her efforts bordered on abuse. But my, it felt good.

When she started on his neck and ears, he caught her wrist. “All right. I think that’s enough.”

“I’m not done.”

“Oh, you’re not done.” He tugged her around to the side of the tub so she faced him. She focused on his crooked nose, schooled her attention not to drift lower. “Now it’s time for you to scrub my front.”

She really disliked his tone. There was mischief—and something much darker—coiling in there. “Fine.” She dropped to her knees and wet the sponge again, but rather than dunking it, merely skimmed the surface of the water.

Fortunately the bath was murky, so she couldn’t see anything. But she knew what was down there and she didn’t want to find it by accident. She trained her attention on his chest, and her heart lurched.

A long, nasty scar scored him. Like a puckered lightning bolt, it made its jagged way from his left nipple down to his belly. Her pulse skittered. Her breath snagged in her throat. She’d only ever seen a scar like that once before.

A scar exactly like that.

Her gaze snapped back to his face. She looked at him. Really looked at him, perhaps for the first time. Her mouth went dry. The gray eyes laced by thick black lashes. The broad, smiling mouth. The curve of his jaw.

It couldn’t be. Could it?

“W-where did you get that scar?”

He glanced down and stilled. Annoyance flickered across his features. “Every man has scars.”

“Not-not like that.” She sat back on her haunches. She didn’t realize she was squeezing the sponge until water seeped through her skirts.

“All right. A knife fight.”

“Knives don’t cut like that.” It was uneven and rippled, as though the flesh and been shorn off in places and sliced in others.

“Well, it was a goddamn knife fight. I was in a vicious battle with a man in an alley. I gutted him.” His lip curled into a sneer. “Does it frighten you, my lady?”

“No.” But that was a lie. It did frighten her. Because Ewan, her friend, the boy who had saved her, had gotten an eerily similar wound rescuing her from a watery grave. And surely this wasn’t Ewan. It couldn’t be.

Ewan was gentle and sweet. He had liked her, maybe loved her. He had kissed her. And this man… This man had taken her prisoner and mauled her and put her to work.

And she hated him.

He couldn’t be Ewan. He couldn’t. It would break her heart.

“Goddamn it, girl, finish washing me. The water’s getting cold,” he barked

But she couldn’t. She needed to know. She had to know.

“It wasn’t a knife. It was ice.” A whisper, but he heard it. He froze, his gaze locked to hers. “You jumped in and found me in the water. Lifted me out. But you couldn’t get out yourself.”

“I don’t know what you’re babbling about.”

But he did. She could see it in his eyes. There, for a flash of an instant, she saw that boy in his eyes.

She licked suddenly dry lips. “Ewan? Is it you?”

He rose from the tub in an unholy rush. She didn’t have time to glanced away. The vision of his naked body, hard and lean, scarred and perfect, burned on her brain. He grabbed a cloth and covered his loins.

“This bath is over. Get out.”

She stood. Tried desperately not to tremble. “It is you. It is.”

“Get out. Go!”

“What happened to you, Ewan?”

A dark cloud lowered on his already stormy brow. “What happened to me? You mean how did I become the beast that I am?” The vitriol in his voice made her shake, but she didn’t back down.

“No, Ewan. Where did you go? No one would tell me and I always wondered…”

Every muscle in his body tensed, vibrated. Violet knew, because she could see them all, a magnificent panoply.

She should have been afraid. She should have been horrified. She should have skittered away like a frightened little rabbit. But she wasn’t afraid. She didn’t run.

She knew—knew—her Ewan would never hurt her.

Indeed, as he stared at her, his fury passed. He scrubbed a palm over his broad face. “Go,” he croaked. His tone was laced with an emotion she couldn’t decipher. Desolation? Greif? “Just go.”

This time, she did.

About Sabrina York
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York is the award winning author of over 20 hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to scorching BDSM. Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Grab her Free Teaser Book. And don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara!

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Mar 27, 2014

#MFRWorg Author Suz deMello on #Thursday13 @ReadThis4fun

MFRW Author Suz deMello presents today's Thursday13.
Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including erotica, historical, paranormal and suspense, plus many short stories and non-fiction articles on writing. Currently Managing Editor at Ai Press, she also takes private clients.

Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.

A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US many times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.

Find her books on her website  |  For editing services, email her  |  Befriend her on Facebook and visit her group page  |  She tweets her reading picks @ReadThis4fun  |  Check out her current blog

13 Sentences from Queen's Quest
I knew the moment the Prince of Darkness had espied my glance on him, for the speed of his long strides increased. He bulled his way through the crowd, which parted for him like the stormwind rushing around the turrets of my castle.

I consciously grounded myself, feeling the marble floor beneath my high boots, straightening my back. Deep breaths pressed my breasts against my corset, the lace trim scratching my flesh. My heart pounded.
Managing him would not be easy. If I chose him as my mate, who would rule over Shadow?

“I, Storne, Lord of Darkness, have come to claim my queen.” He approached and stepped onto the dais supporting my throne.

I was offended. “Bow,” I said.

Still standing, he reached up and removed his battered helmet. Darkness had sent their finest champion, for Storne was a prince in the prime of life.

Queen's Quest
Genre: futuristic erotic romance
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Release Date: January 24, 2014
Audryn, Queen of Shadow, has reached that time in her life when she must choose a King to rule with her or fail to bear an heir, casting not only her realm but all of faraway planet Janus into chaos.

Despite her duty, she is reluctant to share power, even a bit distrustful. Janus’ nobles vie for Audryn’s hand. Although she enjoys trysting with all her suitors, none seize her heart. Then Storne, the warrior Prince of Darkness, arrives to claim her as his bride.

Will his masterful ways allure or repel the willful Queen?

Mar 7, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Dark Duke @Sabrina_York #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Sabrina York released Dark Duke, an Erotic Regency Romance, on February 12,
2014 with Ellora’s Cave.

Edward Wyeth, the Dark Duke of Moncrieff’s life has been turned on its end. His well-ordered home has been invaded. By destitute relatives. From Scotland. How on earth can he write Lord Hedon’s salacious novels with hellions battling in the garden and starting fires in the library? But with the onslaught has come a delicious diversion. His cousin’s companion, the surprisingly intriguing Kaitlin MacAllister. Determined to seduce her, he convinces her to draw naughty pictures for his naughtier books…and he draws her into his decadent web.

But Kaitlin has a secret. She’s fled Scotland—and a very determined betrothed. When Edward’s cousin is kidnapped and held in her stead, Kaitlin is honor-bound to return to her homeland and rescue her—much to Edward’s chagrin. Suddenly he can’t bear the thought of Kaitlin marrying another man. He can’t bear the thought of losing her at all.

Warnings: Explicit Sex  |  Heat Level: R 

What Reviewers Say...
“This book was freaking phenomenal…I absolutely loved every part of it. Dark Duke is a must read if you love historical with a little BDSM thrown in. Get ready to laugh and drool until the very last page.” – The To Be Read List
Meet the Author
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Mar 3, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Lost and Found @jelQuinnAuthor #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jane Leopold Quinn released Lost and Found, a Contemporary Erotic Romantic
Suspense, on February 7, 2014 with Ellora's Cave.
Hunky Marine Marc Rahn enlisted after high school graduation to escape the pain of his parents’ fatal car wreck. Now on leave after eight years and multiple deployments, he returns to his small hometown to put to rest his suspicions that the “accident” might actually have been anything but.

What he doesn’t expect is an intriguing flash of a pierced nipple from a new neighbor on move-in day. The breast’s owner, Phoebe Barnes, is a beautiful young jazz singer who plans to make it big in the music business. Her early years in foster care made her hungry for attention and fame, and she’s out to achieve both at almost any cost.

Despite their differing paths, Marc and Phoebe quickly give in to the sizzling attraction between them. But will their passion turn deadly when the person who killed Marc’s family decides two murders might not have been enough?
Meet the Author
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Feb 27, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Dark Cravings @MadelinePryce #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Madeline Pryce wrote her first novel when she was ten, penned with neon-pink ink in a loose-leaf binder. Captivated by romantic literature, yet intrigued by the paranormal, she continues to develop her own voice, writing the kinds of stories that inspired her as a teen.
Interact with Madeline here:

Today, she brings us her latest book, Dark Cravings, an Erotic Paranormal Romance published with Ellora’s Cave Publishing on 12/25/2013.

Book 1 in the Dark series...

Ella Grey's life sucks. A half-breed vampire, she does her best to pass the time killing demons and secretly admiring her Shadow Hunter partner, Micah. He's hot, dangerous and knows it. He'd be just Ella's type if he weren't likely to kill her the moment she put a toe out of line. 
A chance encounter with a succubus changes everything. From the second the succubus' spell washes over them, Ella and Micah are helpless to keep their hands off one another. The sex, when it's not leaving them on the verge of death, is earth shattering and for the first time in ages Ella is connected with someone on a level she'd feared lost forever. But a dangerous prophecy has been set into motion, and if Ella's not careful it'll pull her straight from Micah's arms and into the deepest bowels of the underworld.

Indulge in a fantasy. Succumb to the dark.
We were barely out into the main section of the tunnel when Micah pushed me up against the cold stone wall. I pulled him close. He pressed his mouth to mine and I gave in to complete surrender. I had no idea how long we mingled there, lost in each other.

I was breathless and panting, still silent, when he pulled me from the wall and drew me through the maze of rooms to the exit. The electric buzz of the guitar bouncing off the walls faded. The constant push-pull of conversation disappeared. The rapid click-click of my heels against the ground became nonexistent.

Outside the rain fell like a heavy, pounding beat against the broken gravel road. If it was possible, the District looked even worse through the haze of rain. Darkened and bowed wood blocked the windows of nearby buildings. Rats scampered under awnings, clambering over each other to find shelter. At least half an inch of dirty mud and gravel-laden water spilled over the gutters and flooded the sidewalks.

The wind blew and the slant of pelting rain shifted sideways. None of it mattered. The second we stepped into the storm, we were drenched. We sprinted to the car, and each heavy thud of Micah’s boots against the ground sent up a spray of water to splatter my legs.

In the dark, the black silhouette of Micah’s car was little more than a shadow. The second we reached his car, his arms were around me. He lifted me off the ground, spun me in one fluid movement until my back was against the passenger door. Rain splattered off the roof, a heavy drum that matched our heartbeats.

His hands were wet and slippery against my cheeks. Pulling roughly, he tugged until our lips met, promising things I ached for. I clutched at his wet shirt, desperate to have him closer. I never wanted him to let me go. He slid his hands from my cheeks to my neck and then threaded his fingers through the tangle of my wet hair. 

He used one hot, rough hand to palm my thigh. Heat from his touch spread  and stopped the shivers of cold I hadn't even noticed. Micah pulled, urged my leg around his hip. He slid his hand up, up, and oh, God yes, up. He cupped my sex, rubbed me with sure, deliberate strokes. I was on fire. Pleasure warred with the tightening of my inner muscles. I was on the verge of climax when, instead of sending me over, Micah gripped the crotch of my panties and ripped.

My world spun. That was the only way to describe what was happening, what Micah was doing to me. He pulled the tab on his zipper. The rasp of metal sent a wave of goose bumps across my arms.

Micah pulled his mouth from mine. I opened my eyes and pulled in breath after breath. Our gazes met, held.

“Tell me you want me,” he ordered.

“I want you.”

What Do You Think? Does the Excerpt have you Craving More?

Feb 10, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Beautiful Mistake @Nancy_Corrigan #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Nancy Corrigan released Beautiful Mistake, an Erotic Paranormal Romance, on January 24, 2014 with Ellora's Cave.

Lena will do anything to protect the shifter child her family takes in, even turn herself into bait. Although she knows better than to fall for a shifter, Devin, the man who captures her, is unlike any she’s ever tangled with. Their desire is unquenchable and the draw to him is undeniable, but their relationship is riddled with mistakes and loving him has the potential to destroy her.

After shouldering his twin’s torture, Devin hovers on the verge of insanity. He never thought he’d have a mate or kids of his own until a rescue mission turns deadly. The beautiful female caught in the crosshairs stirs his mating instincts and tames his wild nature. Only her confusion over their intense attraction stops him from finishing their bond, but Devin’s persistent. He’ll convince his stubborn female that he’s the man she’s been waiting for—one passionate encounter at a time.
Get To Know Nancy Corrigan:
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Mar 3, 2013

Book Spotlight ~ Fiery Nights

Author:  Lisa Carlisle
Book:  Fiery Nights
Release Date:  12/28/2012
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
ISBN:  9781419942556
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Length:  Novel, 50,000 words
Price:  $5.95
Warnings:  Explicit Sex
Heat Level:  R
Format: E-Book
Author Website:

He may own a goth nightclub, but Tristan Stone avoids people—the darkness that surrounds them drains him. When he sees Maya for the first time, alone on the dance floor, a light surrounds her. He must discover who she is and what gives her power.
Maya sees a man with haunting eyes watching her from the back of the club. She feels their connection, but thinks it’s merely physical attraction. Their passion ignites, overpowering them, and they must work together to understand their connection. The heat of their passion reflects their fiery personalities, which could send their world up in flames.
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