Showing posts with label urban fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urban fantasy. Show all posts

Dec 17, 2016

Holiday Books: A Little Elfy In Big Trouble @BarbCaffrey #MFRWauthor

Book 2 of the ELFY Duology
Young Adult Urban Fantasy
by Barb Caffrey

Young Bruno the Elfy and Sarah, his mostly-human teenage girlfriend, are in deep trouble. Bruno’s Elfy mentor Roberto the Wise is about to be sacrificed by a Dark Elf, and Sarah’s parents have decided to help the Elf rather than the Elfy. Things look bleak and are getting worse by the minute, but Bruno and Sarah have a number of allies — human, Elfy, and ghosts — that the Dark Elf can’t possibly expect. Can young love, desperation, and great unexpected power win out despite it all?

Young Bruno the Elfy and Sarah, his mostly-human teenage girlfriend, are in deep trouble. Can young love, desperation, and great unexpected power win out despite it all?

Jun 12, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Owning the Night @AuthrAnnJacobs #MFRWauthor

Owning the Night (Hunting the Dark Lord series, #4)

Determined to honor the memory of her lost lover, Mara Leone has dedicated herself to tracking down the vicious vampire Louis Reynard. When the trail leads her to Alexandre d’Argent, Mara feels a hunger she hasn’t felt in years. Struggling to protect her heart even as she surrenders to the undeniable passion that flares between them, Mara must decide if she’s ready to let go of the past for a sensuously erotic future.

Alexandre has followed Reynard to the site of his latest killing spree, but before he can lay his trap and slay the sadistic vampire at last, he meets the gorgeous and alluring Mara. She is the first woman in centuries to reawaken his deep sensual nature, and Alexandre knows he must protect her from Reynard if he’s to have any hope of making her his for all eternity.

As Alexander indulges Mara’s every burning desire and seduces her with the promise of eternal vampire life, he must expose himself to draw Reynard into their final battle. But like all hunted creatures, Reynard is even more dangerous when he’s cornered, and Alexandre must destroy him before Reynard destroys Mara and any chance they have for eternal love. " Determined to honor the memory of her lost lover, Mara Leone has dedicated herself to tracking down the vicious vampire Louis Reynard. When the trail leads her to Alexandre d’Argent, Mara feels a hunger she hasn’t felt in years. Struggling to protect her heart even as she surrenders to the undeniable passion that flares between them, Mara must decide if she’s ready to let go of the past for a sensuously erotic future.
Mar 05, 2016 HEA Addict rated it really liked it
Shelves: erotica, paranormal
Owning the Night (Hunting the Dark Lord #4) by Ann Jacobs is a quick erotic read. Ann Jacobs is able to pack so much detail in just a few paragraphs; it took just six chapters to delve into a world of cops, hunters, and vampires.

“Fuck.” The epithet slipped through Alex’s lips, a guttural cry that echoed against the heavy air that surrounded him. ""You’re certain?""

""Reynard landed right outside the gate to this deserted estate on Biscayne Bay and went inside. There’s only one way out, and I’ve been watching it. I swear he hasn’t gone anywhere unless he’s found a way to slip through stone walls. But since he’s been in Miami, three women have died. His work. I’m sure of it, though I don’t know how he gets in and out.""

Most vampires, Alex included, could move with stealth when circumstances demanded it. But Alex had been studying Louis Reynard since his pattern of serial killings began, and he’d never observed that the bastard could cloak his presence from fellow vampires—or that he could move through solid walls the way Alex and his clansmen could if they were sufficiently motivated. Still, the wily vampire had obviously managed to sneak out from under Philippe’s watchful eye. Three times so far.

It became more evident every time Alex encountered Reynard that while he might be old and battered, even for a vampire, he possessed an unequaled arsenal of powers. Alex shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, Louis had been honing his supernatural abilities for evil since centuries before Alex had been born.
What should I do? Philippe’s tone broadcast his frustration, a sentiment Alex echoed.

""It’s all right, my friend. I should be there very soon—assuming the winds don’t change direction."" Damn. He, Stefan and Claude shouldn’t have expected a made vampire, no matter how well Philippe was motivated, to be able to destroy Reynard or even keep him under surveillance once Reynard had sensed his presence. 
They themselves had failed to end the serial killer’s life, and they’d been three against one. Alex let out another oath as he broke through the clouds and zeroed in on the bright lights of Florida’s Gold Coast. 
No. Reynard still lived to wreak havoc on mortal women. And to horrify and terrify Alina, his cousin and the d’Argent clan’s beloved queen. Alex concentrated hard, cut through the damp air with a satisfying whoosh and sped toward his destination with hardened resolve. 
This time he wouldn’t fail. Louis Reynard would die. And d’Argent honor would be restored.
ABOUT Ann Jacobs
Before settling down to raise a family and write stories about to-die-for Alpha heroes and the women who tame them, Ann Jacobs spent several years on staff of a national CPA firm and a few more as financial manager of hospitals and a health maintenance organization in west-central Florida. She began writing while her children were babies, making her first sale to the Berkley Publishing Group in 1996.

Almost twenty years and more than a hundred books and novellas later, she still lives in Tampa, Florida, with her own personal hero, her youngest son, a sometimes neglected orchid collection, and four very spoiled and much-loved cats.

Ann loves hearing from readers and tries to meet as many fans as possible at one or more conferences each year. You can learn more about Ann by visiting her website at (My blog is on my website-click on ""Blog"")

Aug 7, 2015

It's a CRAZY STORM with #MFRWauthor @LiviaQuinn!

Storm Crazy

Storm Lake: Destiny Paramortals, #1
Livia Quinn
Paranormal Urban Fantasy
Campbell Hill Publishing

He’s looking for normal, but has he found Mayberry or Middle Earth?

To say I was having a bad day would be like saying Katrina dropped a little rain on the Gulf Coast. I’m Tempest Pomeroy, a mail carrier and Paramortal like my family. Or I’m supposed to be. If I didn’t have a few little talents, I’d think I was adopted.
I’ve denied my heritage for too long. Now, my mother’s out of pocket, my brother’s genie bottle is missing and the sheriff thinks I’m the cause of all the trouble. Hmm, he could be right.
Oh, and the sheriff? He thought he’d settled in a normal small town to raise his teenage daughter. Like Mayberry. Not…

Things better settle down soon ‘cause I’m about to go Storm Crazy

Destiny, Louisiana is a place much like Mayberry— except for the Tempestaeries, Djnn, vamps and a few other... elements. Okay, to be honest, it’s more like Middle Earth.

“Loved the story and the characters…A really great read.” -Amazon reviewer
“I'd recommend this book for anyone who wants a taste of southern supernatural fantasy. A great read.” -Amazon reviewer

Palm up, I concentrated, willing menori inside me to obey. Nothing. I squeezed my eyes shut, grit my teeth, and whispered hopefully, “Come to me.”
Blast! I sounded like a bad vamp movie. Separating my index finger, the one with the tiny tattoo-like image on the tip, away from my other fingers, I turned it up toward the darkening sky. The cells in my body began to vibrate. Like an energy solar panel, menori tapped the unstable air and focused it like a laser through the tattoo, accumulating until my head felt like it would explode.
The rumble beneath my feet was the only notice I had of the electric strike that rode straight up my legs, curling in my midsection and crawling swiftly along my right arm to produce my own version… of a Fourth of July sparkler, emanating out of that fingertip. Then the sparks changed. Brilliant bolts of crackling white light spit and sizzled in my palm, sending jagged streamers of acrid smelling blue fire ten feet into the air. I just gawked.
A car entering a nearby street freed me from the mesmerizing light display. This was different from any of the charging I’d previously experienced. Bigger. Usually it just sort of replenished on its own. Panicked, I looked over my shoulder, and exhaled. So far so good.
Now what? I needed to command the fire in my hand to... what? Before I could say, “Be gone,” or “Go thither,” the light subsided to a small crackly glow. So, that was it.
Instinct took over. I knelt by Mr. Jackson, placing my glowing index finger against his chest. With a single szzwaattt, I zapped him, right in the heart. His chest arched up only the barest of seconds as it met my magical defibrillator, then his body relaxed.
Momentarily deafened and somewhat addled as my faculties came back online, I groped for the pulse in his neck. For a second I thought I’d failed. But then, his tired, smoke glutted organ started beating. Thank the gods.
Only the slight whiff of burnt flesh remained on the wind. Drained of energy, I swiped my hand across my forehead. Then, I saw the mark.
“Zeus’ rechargeable bolts! That better be temporary.”
On his skin where I’d zapped him, a pale image was forming. It looked like a pale, mini version of… well… me.
ABOUT Livia Quinn
Livia Quinn is a D.C. native living in Louisiana. Livia's Storm Lake series was born after a layoff and a little known event in 2005 called Katrina. With several interruptions in her career involving weather, it’s only natural that storms would be at the center of many of her stories. She's a business owner, professional singer and salesperson; has been a plant manager, computer trainer, and mail lady.

She's written eight books based in the communities surrounding Storm Lake, an infamous, though fictional lake in Southern Louisiana, including Destiny, Larue, Thunderpoint, and Campbell Glen.

Mar 20, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: AEquana's Quest @LindaMooney #MFRWauthor

AEquana's Quest (AEquana, Book 2)
Linda Mooney
Erotic Urban Fantasy
Music And Press

She was unique in every way, including the way she loved him.

It will take a long time before AEquana heals from the abuse and torture she endured growing up in those government labs. But Talon's love is helping her vanquish those demons and go forward with life.

Unfortunately, they stumble onto a multi-million dollar gem heist, and are targeted by those who think they're easy prey. Their enemies have no idea who they're up against when they try to take on the ex-Navy SEAL and his mermaid.

Warning! Contains a mountain-side pool, phone bashing, lubricating oil, vicious attacks, the absence of cuffs and chains, and a plea and a promise that will test the strength and depth of two people's love.
  Bright sunlight poured into the kitchen, where she could smell the remaining odors of breakfast. The incessant pounding came from outside. As she descended the stairs, she looked outside, past the double sliding doors, to where a beloved figure was working on the new deck.
  Taking a slice of bacon from the plate warming in the oven, she slowly opened the door and stuck her head outside. Colorado in late summer was green and verdant, yet anxious for the arrival of autumn. The leaves on the trees behind their log home appeared ready to turn. Despite the crisp morning, the sun kept the chill at bay.
  Talon had his back to her. He was shirtless, and his copper-colored skin was covered in a sheen of perspiration. His long black hair was gathered at the back of his head with one of her hair claws. A tool belt hung on his hips as he bent over the boards on his hands and knees. She took another bite of her bacon strip when he paused but didn't turn to look at her.
  ""Sorry if I woke you.""
  ""I'm not complaining,"" she replied. It used to creep her out, how he could detect her presence, even when she took great care not to make a sound. But once she got used to it, she often tried to make a game out of it. ""What was the tip-off?"" she inquired.
  ""The smell of bacon.""
  She glanced at the remaining bite she held with her fingers. ""This little piece?""
  ""Coming from the kitchen,"" he corrected himself. He glanced over his shoulder to take in her appearance. ""How do you feel?""
  ""I feel good."" She smiled. ""Thanks for the flower.""
  ""You could use some more rest. At least enough to remove those dark circles under your eyes.""
  She wrinkled her nose at him. ""I feel fine, Dr. Eagletalon."" Glancing over the half-finished deck, she breathed in the smell of freshly-cut and planed wood. ""If you're not careful, you might have this finished before winter sets in.""
  ""Give me another week and I will."" He eyed the sweatshirt that covered her to almost mid-thigh. ""It's a bit cool out here. If you're planning on staying a while, you might want to put on some pants.""
  ""I told you, I'm fine. Besides, I don't want to miss any of the show.""
  ""What show?"" He grinned at her, then returned to his hammering.
  Æquana stepped onto the boards and slowly padded over to where he was kneeling. She ran her fingertips across his muscular shoulders, and delighted in the sight of gooseflesh rising in their wake. Leaning over, she slowly licked the warm skin. Talon paused.
  ""Do you know how sexy you look right now? All sweaty and masculine,"" she purred.
  He sat back on his heels and gave her a cautious stare. ""Maja, you need to rest. Why don't you go back into the house and eat your breakfast?""
  ""What makes you think I didn't already eat it?""
  He raised an eyebrow at her. ""Did you?""
  Æquana sighed. It was of no use to try and lie to him. The few times she had in the past, he'd seen right through her. ""Nope. Not yet.""
  ""Aren't you hungry?""
  Yes, she was, but not for food. At least, not at that moment.

ABOUT Linda Mooney
Linda loves to write sensuously erotic romance with a fantasy, paranormal, or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel.

She has numerous best sellers, including 10 consecutive #1s. In 2009, she was named Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Author of the Year, and her book MY STRENGTH, MY POWER, MY LOVE was named the 2009 WCPT Book of the Year. In 2011, her book LORD OF THUNDER was named the Epic Ebook ""Eppie"" Award Winner for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Romance.

Connect with Linda
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Jan 5, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Princess of the Light @NNP_W_Light #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author N. N. Light released Princess of the Light, a Mainstream Urban Fantasy/
Inspirational Romance.

Mary Miller never thought much about destiny until God’s Archangel and Messenger, Gabriel, appears. Gabriel reveals she is destined to vanquish Darkness by spreading the Light and she has a revelation: she is the key.

Her first assignment is to restore the soul of a homeless man known only as the Walking Man. She’s thrust face to face with evil all the while losing her heart to her new love, Joe Deacons. Can she win the battle the Lord placed her in without losing all she loves?" Mary Miller never thought much about destiny until God’s Archangel and Messenger, Gabriel, appears. Gabriel reveals she is destined to vanquish Darkness by spreading the Light and she has a revelation: she is the key. Can she win the battle without losing all she loves?

Barnes and Noble:

"This book stretched and blew my mind away. Amazing job on the structure of the book form the cover, background story, and content. Nicely done. The read was easy, smooth and attention-grabbing. Your story packed with action, angels vs demons, light vs darkness. Battles of the unseen realm. I loved the changing point-of-views, which helped to follow the characters through their thoughts, emotions, and actions, bringing me closer to them." -Amazon

“Who...? Who...? Who are you?” She stammered. In an effort to gain control, she straightened her back and breathed slowly.
“I know a lot about you. My name is Gabriel, and I have a message for you from God.”
“A message for me?” Her voice squeaked, betraying the lack of fear she was beginning to put back into her demeanor.
He continued. “You have been chosen to be The Lord’s bearer of the Light and His Princess.” He wanted to speak more informally, but her reaction required him to be slightly aloof. She must not question the seriousness of the message he was relaying.
The woman crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Gabriel in disbelief. “Oh, come on. This can’t be real. How can any of that be true?” She shook her head, and then continued her rant of disbelief: “I must be dreaming or something. This doesn’t happen to ordinary people. Sure, I believe what they say in the Bible is true. I have always told myself that if God chose me, I wouldn’t hesitate.”
She paused, seeming to consider the magnitude of what she had just said.
“Who are you, anyway? Why are you here telling me this? Could it really be true? Could I be the Lord’s Princess?” As she ran her fingers through her red hair, the woman took a ragged breath. She abruptly stopped and placed her hand over her chest.
“What if I can’t do it? What if I fail? Will I go to Hell? Will the Lord punish me? Oh, Lord, please help me to understand.” Before Gabriel had a chance to respond, the woman closed her eyes and simply fainted.
Gabriel folded his wings behind him and gently sat down beside her on the bed. His strong Light dimmed in compassion, and he carefully adjusted her head so that it was leaning back naturally. Then, he started to situate pillows behind her back for a more comfortable position, so that when she woke up, she might be calmer.
He stole a side-long look at her face again and jumped a bit. He was astonished to see that she was just quietly watching him. Now he could see the courage and strength. He decided to try again.
“You may not believe me, but you’re a very special woman. Mortals call the daughter of a king Princess. You are a daughter of God and he has chosen you to be His carrier of the Light.” This time she didn’t argue, but she still shook her head, nonetheless.
Gabriel silenced her by lightly pressing a finger to her lips. “No. Let me finish, please,” he said on the verge of sounding a little too stern. “The message I have for you is very important.” When she didn’t try to interrupt, he continued. “You have been blessed, and the same Light that the Virgin Mary carried is also inside of you. That Spirit is in all those with faith, but you have a special purpose. Not only do you carry the Light, but you will be the Lord’s Warrior Princess.” A car horn trumpeted a warning outside. The woman didn’t appear to notice, but Gabriel knew he must finish delivering this message, because he would soon be needed elsewhere.

ABOUT N. N. Light
N. N. Light was born in Minnesota, lived in Southern California only to move to chilly Ontario, Canada to marry her beloved husband MR N. She is blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports and baking. Most of the time you can find her on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest.

Part of the proceeds of Princess of the Light will go directly to food banks in order to feed the hungry and help those in need. With only 7,500 books sold, N. N. Light will be able to set up a monthly endowment for the local food bank.

Amazon Author Page:

Dec 4, 2012

Book Spotlight ~ Awakening the Fire

Author:  Ally Shields
Book:  Awakening the Fire (Guardian Witch Book One)
Release Date:  9-14-12
Publisher: Etopia Press
ISBN: 978-1-937976-82-8
Amazon ASIN: B0099ZDHO8
Genre: Romantic Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Length:  245 Pages
Warnings:  None
Heat Level:  PG
Format: E-Book In Multiple Format, Print Coming Soon
Author Website:
Book Trailer URL:  Coming To My Website Soon

Ari Calin has sworn to keep the peace in the Olde Town district of Riverdale, and most of the time the Other-worlders cooperate. The vampires, werewolves and other magical creatures go about their own business, living side by side with humans, until the foreign werewolves arrive and a virtual reality drug hits the streets. When violence erupts, Ari needs more than her witch fire, weapons and potions to stop the madness.

Teaming with a human police lieutenant and a way-too-sexy vampire singer, Ari hunts for the enemy. From the vampire strip clubs to the caverns under the city, every step draws Ari and her companions deeper into an old feud and closer to the brink of a supernatural war.

Nov 4, 2011

Author Jami Gray's Quirky Interview

Ladies and Germs…Jami Gray!

Today we’re talking with Jami Gray, author of Shadow’s Edge, an Urban Fantasy.  (Flashes a comforting smile)  Welcome!
(A quick quirk of lips in return) Thanks for having me.

So, (settling into the chair), tell me why you chose Urban Fantasy, Jami.
(Arches an eyebrow-a true talent)  Not so sure I picked it, more like it picked me. 

How so?
I've always loved the idea of being unique, whether you're the only human in a room full of monsters, or the only monster in a room full of humans, either way creating worlds where magic is integral to who you are, what you do and where you live has always intrigued me. 

Did you ever consider writing in a different genre?
(Thinks for a moment)  When I first set pen to paper, I tried Romance, but even then happy ever after left me asking, "But, why? What happen to the wicked witch/evil stepmother/monster under the bed?" 

(Chuckles) So, no romance in your books?

(Shakes her head) I never said that.   (Gives a small smile) There’s romance in every story, because if you throw a man and woman together regardless of bloodlines, romance will make an appearance. Mine just happens in-between knife fights, hunting down evil scientists and dealing with arrogant demons.

Do your characters control you or do you control them?
(Paling a little) Seriously?  I don’t think I’d want to try to control them. It could be detrimental to my health. Since they tend to walk a thin line between what's considered right, and what's considered wrong, they’re generally armed and dangerous. (Shivers) I feel it’s best to let them tell their own stories.

I’m sure I can figure out the answer to this question, but let me ask anyway.  Leather or lace?
Leather. It’s easier to clean the blood off.

Black or red?
Satin sheets or Egyptian cotton?

(Rubs chin)  Egyptian cotton, everyone needs a soft place to hide.

Ocean or mountains?
Mountains.  They’ve always felt like home to me. However, since I just got back from a  trip to Hawaii, oceans offer their own temptations…hmm…I’d have to think about that one.

Hunky heroes or average Joe?
More like dark, deadly and dangerous, thank you very much.

Okay, last question, Jami.  If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
(A moment of silence passes) If you asked my husband, he’d say “WARNING: Contents highly unstable, may explode upon contact.” 

(Laughing) And if you wrote it?
(Grins) “DANGER: Driver is guessing, follow at your own risk.”

 Shadow’s Edge: Book 1 of the Kyn Kronicles is out November 1st, 2011

You can find Jami and her books here:
 Buy Link: 

Shadow’s Edge

It takes a monster to hunt one, and for Raine McCord, forged in the maelstrom of magic and science, she’s the one for the job. In a world where the supernatural live in a shadowy existence with the mundane, a series of disappearances and deaths threatens the secrecy of her kind and indicates someone knows the monsters are alive and kicking.  Partnering up with the sexy and tantalizing Gavin Durand proves to be a challenge as dangerous as the prey she hunts.

When the trail points back to the foundation which warped Raine’s magic as a child, her torturous past raises its ugly head.  Gavin and Raine sift through a maze of lies, murder and betrayal to discover not only each other, but the emerging threat to them and the entire magical community.
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