Showing posts with label Siren Publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siren Publishing. Show all posts

Aug 14, 2016

#MFRWorg Gets Quick and Quirky with #MFRWauthor @KateHillRomance

Kate Hill answers a dozen quick questions.
Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, an erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels. When she's not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out and watching horror movies.  |  |  |

Day or Night? I'm definitely a night person. I do my best work after dark.

Pen and paper or Computer? Most of the time I prefer the computer because by typing I keep up with my flow of ideas better.

Fruit or Chocolate? I love fruit and eat it every day. Though I love chocolate as well, I'd give it up before fruit.

Coffee or Tea? Tea. I can't even stand the smell of coffee.

Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds? Merry-Go-Rounds, although I don't like rides in general.

Bath or Shower? Shower. I prefer flowing water to sitting in a tub.

City life or Country life? Country life. I enjoy open spaces and love going for runs and walks on country roads. I'm lucky enough to live on one.

Soft or Hard? Hard.

Ebook or Paperback? Do I have to make a decision? Truly, I love both. Ebooks are great because I can carry around so many books on my reader, but every now and then it's nice to hold a paper book.

Cats or Dogs? Again, I can't decide. I have two of each and I love them all.

Fast or Slow? I tend to go with fast more often than slow.

What is your secret guilty pleasure? The SAW movies.

Kate Hill's newest book is Captain's Mercy, a Historical Suspense, with Siren Publishing.

Mercy Brown's life changes when she accepts a position as companion to the disabled sister of wealthy shipyard owner Jonah Barnes. She is instantly attracted to the rugged former sea captain, even if his brusque manner offends her. Mercy soon finds herself entangled in the quirky family's secrets.

From the first, Mercy is troubled by prowlers, disturbances from the attic, and unearthly howls on the property. After meeting several unusual household members, including a groundskeeper who works by night and the mischievous Maxwell Barnes, Mercy realizes she should flee while she can.

Pages from Mercy's first novel go missing and Jonah's domineering personality causes tension in the house. Only Mercy's fondness for her young companion, Faith Barnes, as well as her fascination with Jonah prevent her from leaving, but will her desire for him endanger her life? " Mercy Brown's life changes when she accepts a position as companion to the disabled sister of wealthy shipyard owner Jonah Barnes. She is instantly attracted to the rugged former sea captain, even if his brusque manner offends her. Mercy soon finds herself entangled in the family's secrets. Will her desire for Jonah endanger her life?
"You don't have much use for polite society, do you?""
""As long as rich men keep buying my ships, I like it well enough.""
""Is that why you partnered with Max?""
""Partly. Max is intelligent and good at business. He knows how to mingle with those kinds of people and put them at ease so they'll make the best deal.""
""I see. The business world is all about using people.""
""It sounds very cutthroat and lonely to me.""
""Maybe, but playing the game is better than being poor, isn't it? I know. I've been on that side of it too. Faith and Max don't remember like I do. They were young when we could barely make ends meet.""
They had reached the library and he gestured for her to sit on the couch. He joined her, but kept a respectable distance.
""So you went to sea to take care of them. Do you ever regret it?""
""Not for an instant. There's nothing I wouldn't do for them. My only regret is what happened to Robert."" Pain glistened in his dark eyes, taking her aback. He always seemed so strong, even cold at times. He rarely displayed any vulnerability.
Strangely, she wished to comfort him.
""I'm sure what happened to him was quite beyond your control.""
""That's not the only thing, it seems."" He stared deeply into her eyes and edged closer--so near that they almost touched.
""Mr. Barnes, please."" She had intended the words to sound like a warning. Instead they came out like a plea.
At the next clap of thunder, she instinctively jumped and flung her arms around him. He held her snugly and while she knew she should pull away, she didn't want to. She felt safe and secure in his embrace, but it was more than that. The feel of his body, his heart beating against her cheek and his divinely masculine scent aroused her in a way she couldn't deny.
""Mercy,"" he murmured. When he covered her mouth in a possessive kiss, she didn't even try to stop him, but surrendered, just like Macie to Captain Bristle.

Jul 24, 2015

Meet #MFRWauthor @LoreleiConfer, An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy!

Meet MFRW Author Lorelei Confer.
Lorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her husband, two cats, and AJ, her long haired Chihuahua.

She wrote her first story in the fourth grade in the form of a play which actually was produced by her teacher for parents and students. She continued writing and majored in English in College. She practices every day to improve her craft.

I wrote my first story in the form of a play when I was in the fourth grade. The teacher liked it so much she produced it, using students as actors and invited all the parents to the assembly. It was something to do with fear of going to the doctor. 

An author of romantic suspense she loves reading almost as much as writing. She has filled her book shelves with her favorites, i.e. Harlan Colban, Eliza March, Johanna Lindsey, Kathy Carmichael, Terri Garey, Karen Rose, LuAnn Rice, and Bobbi Smith just to mention a few, as well as all the classics.

A lot of my personality and my life experiences are in my writing, but not all. I've never been trafficked as a sex slave, or thrown off a cliff, left to die, or found a murdered body. The places I've visited many times such as Jackson Hole, WY are in my writings.

I was forced to retire early due to health issues and really thought a lot about my life and what might be in store for me in the future. I had ideas and dreams and bits of dreams that I had to get out of my head. I started writing them in one of my journals and soon after put something together resembling a good story. In 2006, I joined RWA and the local chapter of RWA, TARA, and from there knew the next step was submission. After many rejections, and with some tweaking I received a contract for the first series, The Deadly Series.

She loves hearing from readers so please visit her...
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Tell Us How You Got The Idea For Your Most Recent Book.
An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy, the second in the Saddle Creek series, started with an idea about what happens to high school friends after high school. You have nothing in common anymore but do you remain friends? I thought about men in particular, they lose touch so easily and I came up with the idea about four grown men who each went their own way after high school: one went to college, one bought the horse ranch he worked at, one went into the military and one into police work; yet they reconnected as 'brothers' and all settled down in the shadows of the Grand Teton Mountains where they all grew up. This book is the story of the college grad, Elliott and Sam (Samantha). Elliott is an outfitter with a store of sports gear and a planned schedule of events, i.e. float rafting down the Snake River. He works in Jackson but lives outside in a small town of Saddle Creek. Rosie's Diner is in the center of town where he runs into Sam, an uptown girl from New York City all the way, a wanna be wildlife photographer. They hit it off but unknowingly trouble has followed her there. They both experience tremendous emotional strife before they find each other.

An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy

Romantic Suspense

Samantha Williams, a New York City girl, wanna be photographer, stumbles into Rosie’s Diner in Saddle Creek, Wyoming, outside Jackson Hole. Disheveled from a horrid travel day, Sam finds the only seat available is at the counter beside a cowboy—a burly, staggeringly handsome, strong-muscled cowboy, who she is immediately attracted to and who has some baggage of his own.

Elliott Bouchard, an Outfitter and trainer of therapy horses, thinks he already found his one true love and buried her. He feels responsible for his wife’s death, until he meets Samantha Williams. He wants her for himself; to protect her, not only from the raw elements of the west but from someone following her who wants her gone.

After Sam’s life is threatened, due to murderous evidence she unknowingly has in a picture, Elliott comes to her rescue. But will he be there in time?
EXCERPTMad as hell, she stepped outside. She booted the car door hard. It closed, making a loud noise that echoed in the night quiet. Steam whistled out from beneath the hood and the front tires. She stepped back onto the road, expecting the vehicle to go up in flames at any minute. Walking to the rear of the vehicle, she kick-boxed the back tire.
Remembering her bags in the car, she quickly opened the passenger door and grabbed them, and then stepped away. “You wanted the wide, open spaces, girl,” she muttered. “This is all part of the journey, so deal with it.”
Twisting side to side, she looked up and down the road, but didn’t see another car coming either way. Damn it. She would have to walk. After all, it was only two miles to the nearest town. The sound of her heels on the asphalt sounded like gunshots as she headed toward the silhouette of the towering mountains looming in front of her. Her eyes, now adjusted to the dark, scanned the dim area. No buildings nearby, no lights at all. She shivered. The air, cooling off now since the sun had gone down, would only get colder. She longed for her heavy jacket she’d placed in one of her missing suitcases.
No stores in sight. So isolated. No barn or shed for shelter. No hotels, or motels, no open-all-night 7-Elevens, no gas stations, no shopping malls, no people, and no traffic to flag someone for help. How do people live out here?
She twisted her foot on a small rock on the road, kicking it aside, and heard a crack. She put her now heelless shoe onto the pavement, glanced down, and perused the damage. Moaning at her costly mistake of ruining a pair of expensive shoes, she reached to the ground and picked up the heel. She was reminded of the movie Romancing The Stone. She took off her other shoe and slammed it against the blacktop. Nothing! The damn heel would not come off.

Jul 3, 2015

#Christmas In July: BOOK SPOTLIGHT Merry 'Chris'Mas @Clare_Dargin #MFRWauthor

Merry 'Chris' Mas
The Love Play Matchmaking Service 1
Menage, Contemporary, Erotica, Paranormal
Clare Dargin
Siren Bookstrand

Jilly Reimers wants love but can't find it. Chris Spinell is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who suffers from PTSD and a haunting feeling that something is missing in his life. Chris Poole is also an Afghanistan war veteran is ready to break out of his shell but is unsure how. 

With Christmas just around the corner, they decide not to spend it alone. Believing The Love Play Matchmaking Service to be just what they need for a night of fun and passion, they sign up. But when the guys show up and see that they've been set up on a menage, the only one happy about it is Jilly.  

Their consultant, called an Eros, assures Jilly that the service has a perfect track record but she's certain they'll be the first ones to get their money back. Will they have a very merry Christmas? Or will the three spend yet another one alone?

Sometimes You Need A Little Help To Make Your Dreams Come True... BUY LINK
ABOUT Clare Dargin
Clare lives in Michigan.
Author of Scifi and Romance.
Fangirl and Geek.

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Author Blog(Clare's Blog 2: The Haven) - http:://
Paranormal Romance Blog (The Embraced: Scribal Love)- http:://

Apr 14, 2015

Meet @BerengariaBrown #MFRWauthor & The Beach Boys @SirenPub

MEET Author Berengaria Brown.
Berengaria Brown is an award-winning, best-selling, multi-published author of erotic romance with over one hundred published digital, print and audio books.  She writes contemporary, paranormal (magic, ghosts, vampires, fairies, dragons, and werewolves), futuristic, medieval, and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: MMF, MFM, FMMM, FFM, MM, FF, and MF. Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.


Q1. If money were not an object, where would you most like to live? 
The beach. Absolutely the beach, somewhere hot.

Q2. Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
I would be a general store, with a little bit of everything. I like to experience things, try new things out, do a bit of everything so this would suit me perfectly. Hm, after question one that'd better be a general store on a beach, somewhere hot.

Q3. What is your secret guilty pleasure?
I adore chocolate.

Q4. If you were stranded on a tropical island, who would it be with?
James Bond. Any of them. All of them. He/ they would catch our supper, build us a shelter, and eventually use some awesome gadget so we were rescued. Meanwhile I'd watch their muscles ripple with the sunlight glinting on their sweat... er,  that is, I'd help them, of course.

Q5. Ebook or paperback?
Both. Paperback for long airplane flights and lazy holidays. Ebook for ease of transportation and the ability to always have plenty of choice as to which one to read next.

Q6. Zebras or elephants?
Zebras. I like to move fast.

Q7. City life or country life? 
I'm a city girl through and through, although I could adjust to being a beach bum real easy!

Q8. Tell us about your latest book.

The Beach Boys: Summer

Book 1 of "The Beach Boys" series
Siren Bookstrand

Craig Darnell and Seth Tyler are both on holidays at Two Waters beach. The moment they meet, the lust between them is instant and fiercely hot. Sex at the beach, in the woods, in the sauna…When they take a break from having sex they discover they have many interests in common and begin to build a relationship outside the bedroom.

Just when they are beginning to evolve from sex partners into a genuine relationship, their romance is interrupted when Seth is called back to the school where he teaches, for a staff meeting about an unexpected school consolidation. Seth is shattered when he and most of his colleagues find themselves suddenly unemployed. His well-ordered life has come to a crashing halt, along with his vacation—and perhaps his romance. Is this the end for both of them? Was it nothing but a vacation fling after all?

As they walked across the grassy slope, Craig said, “I looked around at tattoos and piercings, but I teach high school, as you know. I really wanted something that was my secret. Something that was truly mine. Oh, sure, lovers would know about it. Even other men in the school bathroom maybe. But I didn’t want something like an arm tattoo that everyone in the street would know about. I thought for a long time before I made my decision and I’m still very happy with it.”“Hell yes. I’m very happy with it as well.”This time Craig did give Seth a quick hug. Damn, he loved that man so much already. They were incredibly well suited to each other. It was amazing how perfectly their thoughts, hopes, plans, and ideas meshed, even after such a short time together. Craig was really looking forward to getting to know Seth better and better as time passed.“What about you? Have you ever thought of getting a tattoo or a piercing?”Seth put his ball on the tee, ready to take his shot. “Like you, I don’t really want something everyone can see. I like to wear short-sleeved shirts for work in summer. As you would know from my tan, I don’t wear much clothing in the hottest weather at all. So no matter where I got the tattoo, people would be able to see it. I’m not really into jewelry, so an ear piercing, or an eyebrow ring, or a nose stud, isn’t really me either.”Seth’s shot was good, bouncing and landing on the green near the next hole.Craig concentrated on doing his best, but he must have been distracted by thinking about Seth, because his ball landed right on the very edge of the green. “Damn.”“You’ll just have to admit I’m a better golfer than you,” Seth teased him.“That’s not hard.” As soon as he said it, Craig cock stretched and grew. Damn. He couldn’t even play golf without wanting Seth.

Mar 16, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Welcoming His Man @BerengariaBrown

Welcoming His Man
The Bath House Boys book 2
Berengaria Brown
Erotic GLBT Romance
Siren Publishing

In the small town where he grew up, Jethro Wraight was persecuted, harassed, and traumatized because of his sexual orientation. Now living far away from where he grew up, Jethro’s only just starting to learn that it’s okay to be gay. Jethro goes to the gay bath house and meets Bart Moreton there. Bart still lives at home with his parents, even though his dad keeps telling him to get a real job, because he’s determined to become an artist. His work is good, and sells well at craft markets, but he doesn’t make enough money to survive on alone as yet.

Jethro’s never had a boyfriend before, but the two men instantly form a bond. Jethro is taking his very first steps in displaying affection openly. Bart’s focused on becoming an artist. The immediate friendship between them surprises them both.

Jethro was persecuted, harassed, and traumatized because of his sexual orientation. He meets Bart, an artist. Will he find happiness at last?

A black-haired man walked over to the pool and stuck a toe in the water. Apparently satisfied with the temperature, he laid a towel on one of the chairs and left his sandals neatly beside it. He was wearing plain black board shorts, the first person in this section of the bathhouse that Bart had seen wearing anything other than his bare skin or a towel.
Well, perhaps he was shy or just new.
Bart watched as the man carefully climbed down the ladder into the swimming pool instead of diving in, and then swam a length in a neat style, scarcely making a splash. Everything about him seemed designed to prevent anyone paying attention to him, except for the fact that he wasn’t naked. It was an interesting conundrum. Was he just a neat, quiet person, or did he really wish not to be noticed? If so, why wasn’t he naked? He seemed to have a perfectly nice body. He was average height and build, not flabby or unfit looking. Unless maybe he had some scars hidden under those board shorts. Perhaps that was the reason he kept them on.
After the black-haired man climbed out of the pool and collected his towel and sandals, he walked across to the hot tubs and read the sign on the wall carefully. Once again he laid the towel and sandals neatly on a chair, reread the sign, pressed the button to activate one of the hot tubs, and climbed in.
Bart was fascinated by the man and decided it was time he experienced the hot tub as well. He dropped his towel on the chair next to the black-haired man’s towel and stepped down into the hot tub.
“Hi, I’m Bart. Do you mind if I join you?”
The man seemed a little nervous and hesitant but smiled and said softly, “I’m Jethro.”
Bart smiled back, wanting Jethro to relax. “That’s an old name. What do they call you? Jet?”
“Jet? I like that, but people usually just call me Jethro.”
“My full name’s Bartholomew, but my folks only ever used it to yell at me when I was in trouble. As soon as my mom called out, ‘Bar-thol-om-eeeew’ I knew it was time to start running.”
“Was Bartholomew a family name? I was named for an uncle.”
“Nope. Not that anyone ever said. Was your Uncle Jethro your godfather or something?”
The black haired man shook his head. “I hardly knew him. But he left me his store and his apartment when he died, so I really appreciate that.”
Bart grinned. “I would, too. What kind of a store is it? Are you managing it now?”
Jethro shook his head. “He’d had to close it when he got ill, and I haven’t decided what to do with it yet. I’m living in his old apartment though. I just recently finished cleaning it out and sorting all his furniture and possessions properly.”
Bart leaned back against the edge of the hot tub. “What do you think you might do with the store?”
Jethro looked thoughtful. “It’s in a small row of other stores. So far I’ve been talking to each of the owners about what they think would work best in the area. The consensus seems to be something that will make casual passersby stop and look in. All the stores are opposite a park and sports ground, and there’s quite a lot of foot traffic in the warmer weather. Not so much in winter, I’m told. There’s a café in the block, and people do go there all year around. It’s all very new to me, you understand. I need to think carefully about everything.”
“I do understand, but I also envy you. You have the most amazing opportunity to make it into whatever you chose. Well, within reason. I guess whatever you decide to sell can’t really compete with one of the other stores already there. But it sounds as though you’ve gone about choosing what to do very thoroughly.”

ABOUT Berengaria Brown
Berengaria is an award-winning, best-selling, multi-published author of erotic romance with over one hundred published digital, print and audio books.  She writes contemporary, paranormal (magic, ghosts, vampires, fairies, dragons, and werewolves), futuristic, medieval, and Regency-set historical. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: MMF, MFM, FMMM, FFM, MM, FF, and MF. Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily-ever-after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.  |  |

Mar 6, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Intimate Details @TinaDonahue #MFRWauthor

Intimate Details

Tina Donahue
Erotic Contemporary Romance

As a computer hacker, she demands justice.
As a woman, she craves two powerful and commanding men.

Shana’s been hacking one of Manhattan’s most corrupt executives, making him pay for what he’s done to his victims. Using her skills, she convinces Mike and Cody to hire her at their intelligence-gathering firm, where intimate details help their clients.

Never has Mike met a woman as delicious as Shana. Smart as hell, curvy and assured, she’d be a delightful challenge in bed. Cody’s carnal hunger is equally intense. He and Mike want to know everything about her.

She won’t divulge the secrets of her past. All she can offer is unquenchable desire and her heart.

During weeks of shameless lust and pleasure, Mike and Cody peel away the layers of Shana’s life. The stunning truth changes everything. They’ll do all that they can to keep her safe…and in their arms.

"This story is wonderfully written. The sexual chemistry is hot and explicit with a lot of tenderness but the reader can't help but get caught up in Shana's quest to seek justice for the weaker, poorer and helpless folks that cross her path! - 5 STARS - Barb/Amazon

This book has a amazing story line! It is a you must read book!! Tina Donahue is such an amazing writer and her books are incredible. - 5 STARS - Rose13/Amazon

Shana sucked her bottom lip.
Leaning closer to her, Mike murmured, “Is that a yes?”
Against her better judgment, Shana nodded faintly. She’d send them in the opposite direction of her place then hop on the subway and go home.
Her stomach growled again.
Straightening, Mike brought something up on his phone and handed the device to her. “That menu’s from an all-night deli not too far from here. Decide what you want and I’ll call the order in.”
Shana resisted the urge to sniff his phone to see if it smelled like him. On unsteady legs, she followed him and Cody out of the suite to the bank of gold elevators. Mottled black marble graced the floors and walls of the expansive hall. Art Deco chandeliers rained gentle light on them and the numerous plants. Cody stood to her left, Mike to her right.
She pretended to read the menu. The words swam in front of her. Mike and Cody’s proximity, size and heavenly scents overwhelmed.
The elevator dinged. Her heart jumped. She entered the roomy space, its walls and ceilings lined with gold-flecked mirrors.
Cody and Mike studied her reflection in the glass.
She did the same with them.
After pressing the button for the lobby, Mike inclined his head to the phone. “Anything look good?”
Shana had forgotten about the menu. The elevator’s display showed the floors ticking down. Each whooshing sound marked him and Cody getting closer to taking her where they thought she lived. Them trying to find out more about her that they shouldn’t. Perspiration ran down the back of Shana’s neck and between her breasts. She looked from Mike to Cody then back.
Mike smiled. “What?”
She moved into him without meaning to, her arms wreathed around his neck, her free hand pushing his head toward her. He smelled of coffee and need. Their lips touched. His silky and warm, his cheeks deliciously rough.
A surge of something Shana had never experienced rolled through her. Moaning at the intense pleasure, she brushed her mouth over his and slipped her tongue inside. Wet heat greeted her, tasting clean and fresh. Her knees sagged, bumping his.
Mike wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her close, his rigid cock snuggled against her cunt. He buried his fingers in her hair, holding her still so she couldn’t get away.
Shana had no thought of escape. She melted into him.
They kissed noisily, their movements too eager. Elbows and shoulders bumped the walls in their attempt to get closer, to touch as much of each other as they could, her hands roaming his ass, his fondling and squeezing her breasts. When they were both out of breath, Shana pulled her mouth free, stumbled away from him and moved into Cody’s arms.
He backed her against the wall, his body trapping hers as Mike’s had. Cody kissed Shana’s temple and cheek, then the side of her mouth before he got down to business.
She inhaled sharply at his tongue filling her, his hand on her breast, her tightened nipple pressed against his palm. He squeezed gently before getting a little rough, then paused as if to gauge her reaction.
With her hand on his tight ass, Shana pressed him closer, wanting more.
He fondled her for all he was worth and deepened their kiss, his stubble rasping her skin as Mike’s had. The slight irritation fueled Shana’s passion. They kissed until the elevator came to a gentle stop then dinged.
ABOUT Tina Donahue
Tina Donahue is an award-winning, bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, and Kensington. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic romances were named finalists in the EPIC competition, one of her titles was named Book of the Year, two received Awards of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition, and two more titles won second place in the NEC RWA contest. Tina is featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market.

FB Fanpage:

Dec 5, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Zane's Choice by #MFRWauthor @MardiMaxwellRom

MFRW Author Mardi Maxwell released Zane's Choice (The Doms of Club Mystique 4),
an Erotic Romance, with Siren Publishing.

Beautiful, curvy, Ravyn Templeton saw Zane Ramsey in a BDSM club in Houston three years ago. He’s haunted her dreams ever since.

Zane is an Assistant District Attorney but he’s also a co-owner of Club Mystique, the BDSM club he and his brothers built on their Texas ranch. When Ravyn’s ex-husband is arrested for hiring an assassin to kill her the case is assigned to Zane.

The moment Zane meets Ravyn he wants her and even though he knows having an affair with her will jeopardize his career he can’t resist her. When Ravyn’s ex-husband accuses her of laundering money for a drug cartel, and she refuses to answer Zane’s questions, he leaves her.

Fate steps in and brings them together again. Zane has the power to save Ravyn but only if he loves her enough to fight for her.

What Reviewers Say...
The Book Fairy Reviews - 5 stars - This series just keeps getting better and better! Although I still love the dynamic between Addison and Cade(they are my fave's) I love how conflicted Zane is in this book. The Ramsey family just keeps growing adding more subs with each book, which means more women who really rule in the Ramsey Ranch... see the rest of the review at goodreads.

Beverly Ovalle - 5 stars - Okay, let me just say that I finished Zane's Choice and read it again! Once again Addison is matchmaking, trouble making, the view depends on who she has in her sights. Zane is torn by his job as ADA and Ravyn. Ravyn has secrets she can't afford to tell Zane. Bullied and blackmailed Ravyn does what she has to do, regardless of her feelings for Zane... see the rest of the review at goodreads.

A moment later, Zane Ramsey appeared. His black hair was mussed as if he’d shoved his hands through it a dozen times, and his black suit jacket was rumpled and hung open. His leaf-green eyes blazed with rage and she wanted to slip behind Thor or Mac, or even Ben for protection. Instead, she lifted her chin and dared him to do his worst. He took one step into the room before his eyes zeroed in on her.
“You can’t be here, Ravyn. This puts me in an impossible position.”
Ravyn rested a graceful hand on her hip. “Well, hello to you, too, lover.”
Zane cursed, then stalked toward her. Without pausing, he clenched his fist in the hair at her nape, then curved her into him until their noses were almost touching.
The heat from his body sent a shiver of arousal through her. “Let go, Zane.”
“You need to leave, Ravyn. Now.”
“No. I’m hiding from the press and everyone else who wants to put me behind bars—people like you.”
“Dammit, Ravyn. I told you I would protect you.”
“No, you didn’t. You said you would get me the best deal you could if I would turn state’s evidence.” She tried to move away, but he tightened his hand and pulled her head farther back while curving her pelvis against his. His erection pressed into her belly and she breathed a swift sigh of relief at the proof that he still wanted her.
“I told you from the beginning if you were guilty, I wouldn’t lie for you,” Zane said, the words gritted out between clenched teeth.
“Then you shouldn’t have fucked me.” Ravyn reached up and tried to pry his fingers from her hair. “Let go, Zane.”
“This time you’ve gone too far. Be still or I’ll beat your ass.”
“You can’t. You’re the one who set the limits of our relationship.” She gave up trying to pry his hand loose then lowered her voice. “You said fucking only. Nothing else.”
“Tell me the truth, then—tell me what you know and I’ll help you.”
“Nothing. I don’t know anything.”
“You lie to me and then you question why I won’t—” He pulled her head back until the tendons in her neck stood out. “Just don’t lie to me again. It really pisses me off.”
Ravyn glanced to her right and saw that everyone’s attention was focused on them. “Zane, let go. Everyone’s watching.”
“Don’t mind us,” Cade said. “You’d be surprised how often something like this happens around here lately.”
Zane shot a dirty look toward the room’s occupants, then focused on her again. “Everyone out.”
Cade picked Addison up, then settled in the chair behind his desk and smiled. Addison grinned at Zane, then snuggled into Cade, letting him know they were staying.
“We may have some information you might be interested in knowing, little brother.” Cade smoothed his hand down the length of Addison’s braid.
Ravyn glanced at the wall behind Cade’s desk and saw a large portrait of him and Addison. In it, Addison was over Cade’s shoulder. One of her hands grasped the waistband of his leather pants as she looked down at the camera with a huge smile on her beautiful face. Cade’s large hand nearly covered her entire bottom as he held her in place and looked over his shoulder at someone below them. The dark look of passion on their faces was mesmerizing.
That was the way she wanted to be loved. Passionately, as if her death would totally destroy the man who loved her.
About Mardi Maxwell
"I'm addicted to books. I love reading them and I love writing them. My earliest memories are of my oldest brother reading one chapter a night of The Wizard of Oz to me and my siblings. He had to read it because he was the only one who could read at the time! lol I've loved books ever since.

When I don't have my nose in a book or my laptop I'm spending time with my family and friends, gardening, cooking, traveling, swimming and daydreaming about my next hero."

Nov 28, 2014

#MFRWauthor @MardiMaxwellRom is QUICK and QUIRKY! Read This Author Interview!

Some QUICK and QUIRKY answers from MFRW Author Mardi Maxwell.

Tell us about yourself.
I was born in Utah but I’ve traveled throughout America and lived in sunny California, west Texas and the mountains of Colorado. I wrote my first erotic romance in the summer of 2013. It was accepted and published that same year. Since then I’ve written three more books in the Doms of Club Mystique series. At this time I’m busy writing the fifth and final book in the series.
Other than writing, I love to read, travel, garden, swim and hike with my family, as well as go to the local drive-in movie with a carload of friends and a huge container of home-made cheese popcorn.

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Actually I’d like to travel all over the world and live in one location in each country for 3-4 months before moving on.

If you were a tool, what would people use you to do? 
I’d be a multi-tool because they’re so handy. You can screw with them, cut, clamp, you name it.

What song would best describe your life? 
Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles.

Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there? 
An old west dry goods store full of a little bit of everything from food to tools to household goods.

What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Cheese popcorn. I love it and can’t get enough of it.

If you were stranded on a tropical island, who would it be with?
Wolf Meyer from Siren in Bloom by Sophie Oak. He’s sexy and a protector.

Tell us about the scariest thing that ever happened to you.
When I was pregnant with my son I had a nightmare about a child calling my name and I went into the room we’d planned as the nursery except the walls were red instead of the soft green we’d painted them. There was a toddler bed with a little boy on it and he was sitting up crying so I walked toward him and as I did a man moved out of the shadows and began stabbing me. I woke up screaming and hysterical. Needless to say I won’t have a room in my house with red walls.

If you were on a reality show, what one would it be? 
Naked and Afraid, except I’d hate to be sent to the jungle. Bugs!

City life or country life? 
City with lots of things to do. Preferably in a high-rise apartment with a great balcony and a view.

Ebook or paperback? 
Mostly ebooks these days.

Mardi recently released Zane's Choice (The Doms of Club Mystique, book 4), an Erotic Romance with Siren Publishing.

Beautiful, curvy, Ravyn Templeton saw Zane Ramsey in a BDSM club in Houston three years ago. He’s haunted her dreams ever since. 
Zane is an Assistant District Attorney and co-owner of Club Mystique, the BDSM club he and his brothers built on their Texas ranch. When Ravyn’s ex-husband is arrested for trying to have her killed the case is assigned to Zane. 
The moment Zane meets Ravyn he wants her and even though he knows having an affair with her will jeopardize his career he can’t resist her. When Ravyn’s ex-husband accuses her of laundering money for a drug cartel, and she refuses to answer Zane’s questions he leaves her. 
Fate steps in and brings them together again. Zane has the power to save Ravyn but only if he loves her enough to fight for her.

Zane cursed, then stalked toward her. He clenched his fist in the hair at her nape then curved her into him until their noses were almost touching.
Ravyn looked into his angry eyes and shivered. “Let go, Zane.”
“You need to leave, Ravyn. Now.”
“No. I’m hiding from the press and everyone else who wants to put me behind bars—people like you.”
“Dammit, Ravyn. I told you I would protect you.”
“No you didn’t. You said you would get me the best deal you could if I would turn state’s evidence.” She tried to move away from him and he tightened his hand and pulled her head farther back while curving her pelvis against his. His erection pressed into her belly and she breathed a swift sigh of relief at the proof that he still wanted her.
“I told you from the beginning if you were guilty I wouldn’t lie for you,” Zane said, the words gritted out between clenched teeth.
“Then you shouldn’t have fucked me.” Ravyn reached up and tried to pry his fingers from her hair. “Let go, Zane.”
“This time you’ve gone too far. Be still or I’ll beat your ass.”
“You can’t. You’re the one who set the limits of our relationship.” She gave up trying to pry his hand loose. “You said fucking only. Nothing else.”
“Tell me the truth then—tell me what you know.”
“Nothing. I don’t know anything.”
“You lie to me and then you question why I won’t—” He pulled her head back until the tendons in her neck stood out. “Just don’t lie to me again. It really pisses me off.”
Ravyn used her peripheral vision to look to her right. Everyone’s attention was focused on them. “Zane, let go. Everyone’s watching.”
“Don’t mind us,” Cade said. “You’d be surprised how often something like this happens around here lately.”
Zane shot a dirty look toward the room’s occupants then focused on her again. “Everyone out.”
A moment later Cade picked Addison up then settled in the chair behind his desk and smiled.

How can readers connect with you?

Nov 3, 2014

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Zane's Choice @MardiMaxwellRom

Mardi released Zane's Choice (The Doms of Club Mystique, book 4), an Erotic Romance with Siren Publishing.

Beautiful, curvy, Ravyn Templeton saw Zane Ramsey in a BDSM club in Houston three years ago. He’s haunted her dreams ever since. 
Zane is an Assistant District Attorney and co-owner of Club Mystique, the BDSM club he and his brothers built on their Texas ranch. When Ravyn’s ex-husband is arrested for trying to have her killed the case is assigned to Zane. 

The moment Zane meets Ravyn he wants her and even though he knows having an affair with her will jeopardize his career he can’t resist her. When Ravyn’s ex-husband accuses her of laundering money for a drug cartel, and she refuses to answer Zane’s questions he leaves her. 

Fate steps in and brings them together again. Zane has the power to save Ravyn but only if he loves her enough to fight for her.

The Chronic Romantic: I love erotic suspense, and Mardi Maxwell's Dom's Of Club Mystique series never disappoints! I enjoyed this book immensely. The writing is clean and inventive and the sex is HOT (if you are not a fan of menages or D/s, then this is not the book for you). I have enjoyed the entire series and look forward to Zane's story.

Margie H (Amazon): This is book #3 in Mardi Maxwell's Doms of Club Mystique series. This author has written a hot and sexy story with lots of ""can't stop reading"" intrigue. The main characters have lots of chemistry going for them. Luc and Logan Ramsey aren't ready to settle down but Cassie explodes into their lives and they just can't resist. The story also includes lots of appearances from the main characters from the previous books. This is one of the requirements I have for reading a series and totally enjoying it.

Zane cursed, then stalked toward her. He clenched his fist in the hair at her nape then curved her into him until their noses were almost touching.
Ravyn looked into his angry eyes and shivered. “Let go, Zane.”
“You need to leave, Ravyn. Now.”
“No. I’m hiding from the press and everyone else who wants to put me behind bars—people like you.”
“Dammit, Ravyn. I told you I would protect you.”
“No you didn’t. You said you would get me the best deal you could if I would turn state’s evidence.” She tried to move away from him and he tightened his hand and pulled her head farther back while curving her pelvis against his. His erection pressed into her belly and she breathed a swift sigh of relief at the proof that he still wanted her.
“I told you from the beginning if you were guilty I wouldn’t lie for you,” Zane said, the words gritted out between clenched teeth.
“Then you shouldn’t have fucked me.” Ravyn reached up and tried to pry his fingers from her hair. “Let go, Zane.”
“This time you’ve gone too far. Be still or I’ll beat your ass.”
“You can’t. You’re the one who set the limits of our relationship.” She gave up trying to pry his hand loose. “You said fucking only. Nothing else.”
“Tell me the truth then—tell me what you know.”  
“Nothing. I don’t know anything.”
“You lie to me and then you question why I won’t—” He pulled her head back until the tendons in her neck stood out. “Just don’t lie to me again. It really pisses me off.”
Ravyn used her peripheral vision to look to her right. Everyone’s attention was focused on them. “Zane, let go. Everyone’s watching.”
“Don’t mind us,” Cade said. “You’d be surprised how often something like this happens around here lately.”
Zane shot a dirty look toward the room’s occupants then focused on her again. “Everyone out.”
A moment later Cade picked Addison up then settled in the chair behind his desk and smiled. Addison grinned at Zane then snuggled into Cade, letting him know they were staying.
“We may have some information you might be interested in knowing, little brother,” Cade said as he smoothed his hand down the long length of Addison’s braid.
Ravyn glanced at the wall behind Cade’s desk and saw a large portrait of him and Addison. In it Addison was over Cade’s shoulder. One of her hands grasped the waistband of his leather pants as she looked down at the camera with a huge smile on her beautiful face. Cade’s large hand nearly covered her entire bottom as he held her in place and looked over his shoulder at someone below them. The dark look of passion on their faces was mesmerizing.
That was the way she wanted to be loved. Passionately, as if her death would totally destroy the man who loved her. The sound of Thor’s voice drew her attention away from the portrait and back to the present. He pointed at a chair.
“Better get comfortable, Ravyn. This is going to take a while,” Thor said.
A soft growl of anger emanated from Zane as he released her hair. She smiled and heard him growl again. Knowing he was pissed off made her feel better about their situation.
Ravyn slid into the chair Thor had vacated then crossed her long, slender legs. The skirt of her wrap dress slid apart and she saw Zane’s eyes trace up her legs to her crotch before he shrugged out of his suit jacket then loosened his tie and jerked it away.

Oct 13, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Rustlers and Romance @loreleiconfer #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Lorelei Confer released Rustlers and Romance, an Erotic Romantic Suspense, with Siren Bookstrand in June 2014.

Rosie’s Diner is at the center of the small town of Saddle Creek, Wyoming, in the shadows of the Grand Teton Mountain range. When horse rancher Chase Montgomery first lays eyes on a waitress’s bruised and swollen face, and beautiful green eyes, his first instinct is to kiss the bruises away.

Lauren McCray flees Michigan and heads west to escape another beating from her ex-boyfriend, Clint Jackson. When she sees him looking inside her car outside the diner where she works, she runs again. This time, jumping into the bed of a nearby pickup truck hauling a horse trailer.

Chase’s life is enriched when he pulls back the tarp in the bed of his pick up and finds the green-eyed beauty. Lauren is running and needs protection from something or someone, and he agrees to protect her with his life, but will it be in time?


Chase Montgomery entered his coordinates into the GPS to check his location. Out here in the middle of nowhere, it could sometimes be hard to tell how far he’d come since the last sign. Next time he would remember to check the odometer.

Dammit! Still eighty-eight miles to get to his ranch. He needed a break from his nonstop drive from Colorado. Heading back from the big horse sale in Denver, he was beat and anxious to get to his home not far outside the small town of Saddle Creek, Wyoming. He needed to stable the new horses whinnying impatiently in the trailer, who were just as desperate for a break, too.

His backside was numb, and the rumbling in his belly reminded him of Rosie’s Diner. His mouth watered thinking about the restaurant’s belly-filling comfort food they served. He decided to stretch his legs and grab some food from his favorite stop.

A few miles later, he parked the truck and trailer outside the back door of the family diner. He shoved the truck door open and inhaled. After more than a week of leather and horse odor, the warm, welcoming aroma of hot, fresh coffee and home-cooked food assaulting him was refreshing. After saying hello to some friends, he moseyed up to the counter. “Susan.” He nodded to the manager.

She waved. “Welcome back, Chase. Where have you and your buddies been? Haven’t seen any of you for a while.”

“Ranching. Just workin’ and ranchin’.” He perched on a barstool at the counter, plopped his hat on his right knee, and picked up a menu out of habit. He already knew what he wanted to order. The homemade meatloaf, dripping with ketchup and juices, the mashed potatoes, so real and fresh that he didn’t mind at all if there were a few little lumps in them, and everything smothered with a rich, savory gravy he could have eaten out of a bowl like soup, it was so tasty.

About Lorelei Confer
I live on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with my husband, 2 cats, and AJ, my long haired Chihuahua.

I wrote my first story in the fourth grade in the form of a play which actually was produced by my teacher for parents and students. I continued writing and majored in English in College. I practice everyday to improve my craft.

I love reading almost as much as writing and have filled my book shelves with my favorites, i.e. Harlan Colban, Eliza March, Johanna Lindsey, Kathy Carmichael, Terri Garey, Karen Rose, LuAnn Rice, and Bobbi Smith just to mention a few, as well as all the classics.

I am a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America), TARA (Tampa Area Romance Authors), Kiss of Death, PRO, CSI (Crime Scene Investigations), and I am an editor for The Wild Rose Press.  |

Aug 14, 2014

Their Temporary Sub on #Thursday13 @MardiMaxwellRom #MFRWauthor

Mardi Maxwell shares 13 sentences from her new book, Their Temporary Sub, an Erotic Contemporary Romance with Siren Publishing.

13 Sentences from Their Temporary Sub
1.“I expect you in the playroom at nine,” Luc said before unwrapping her arms and legs from around him then setting her on her bare feet away from him.
2. “I think I hate both of you,” Cassie said, her voice stunned.
3. Logan looked at him and chuckled. “Good one, bro. See you do have a sense of humor.”
4.""Don’t ever underestimate them, Cassie. If Luc and Logan decide they want you nothing will stop them.”
5. “They’re certainly, uh,” Cassie blushed, then stammered, “a team.""
6. “We’ve heard Luc and Logan play this sort of copycat game. One of them does something and the other one has to copy it.”
7. “Speak for yourself,” Logan said. “I’m playing with her every chance she’ll let me. You can join us or not.”
8. Luc slid his finger beneath her chin and lifted her face to his. “Don’t try playing your games with me, Cassie. I’m immune. Now, let go.”
9. Cassie groaned with embarrassment and shoved her dress down. “You two are really good at dressing a girl. You’ve had a lot of practice apparently.”
10. “I don’t want to go,” Cassie said.  It’s not safe.
11. “Yeah, and everybody’s been tiptoeing around her and look where that’s gotten them—nowhere,” Luc said. “You’ve got to get tough before she ends up dead.”
12. Logan lifted Cassie’s hand to his mouth and ran her fingers over his lips. “I promise we will never do anything you don’t want.”
13. Luc lifted her foot and kissed her slender ankle.

“We will never do anything that will not give you pleasure,” he looked up at her, “eventually.”

Eight years ago, Cassie Edwards was kidnapped by three men and held hostage for three days. When she was released, one of her kidnappers warned her that anyone she told would be killed. She’s protected the people she loves by staying away from them. Just when she believed she was safe she was attacked by two men at her apartment and someone has begun following her. Thanks to her Marine father’s training she’s managed to stay one step ahead of her pursuers.

Twin Doms, Luc and Logan Ramsey, operate Club Mystique, the BDSM club they co-own with their brothers. When they meet Cassie Edwards, Logan decides he wants her and he pursues her. Luc suspects she’s keeping secrets and he refuses to get involved with her. Cassie’s tempted by Logan and intrigued by Luc. Now, she has to decide if she can be their temporary sub without endangering them.

Catching Cassie Edwards was the easy part for twin Doms, Luc and Logan Ramsey. Keeping her will be the hard part because the men hunting her want her dead. When Luc and Logan discover she’s in danger they move her into their home to protect her. Can Cassie be their temporary sub without endangering them?


Reviews Say It All...
Diana: Love, love, love Mardi Maxwell!! I had been waiting on this book and definitely was not disappointed. Mardi drew me in with this trio in the the previous book ""Jackson's Sub"" and she took me on a great ride with this book. Not many authors can make me feel the emotions of the characters and Mardi had me laughing and crying throughout the book.

Connie: Loved it! The storyline with Cassie, Logan & Luc was a hot & emotional Doms/Sub theme that included uncovering something tragic from Cassie's past. Found myself wanting to smack Logan & Luc when they didn't trust Cassie. But at the same time found myself wanting to paddle Cassie's behind for forgiving them to quick. (A little groveling never hurt anyone. LOL!) I continue to love this family & their interaction with each other. The subs mischief makes me smile & laugh. Another great book by Mardi Maxwell. Can't wait for Zane's story.

Jul 22, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Their Temporary Sub @MardiMaxwellRom #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Mardi Maxwell released her hot new book, Their Temporary Sub, an Erotic Contemporary Romance with Siren Publishing in April 2014.

“We will never do anything that will not give you pleasure,” he looked up at her, “eventually.”

Eight years ago, Cassie Edwards was kidnapped by three men and held hostage for three days. When she was released, one of her kidnappers warned her that anyone she told would be killed. She’s protected the people she loves by staying away from them. Just when she believed she was safe she was attacked by two men at her apartment and someone has begun following her. Thanks to her Marine father’s training she’s managed to stay one step ahead of her pursuers.

Twin Doms, Luc and Logan Ramsey, operate Club Mystique, the BDSM club they co-own with their brothers. When they meet Cassie Edwards, Logan decides he wants her and he pursues her. Luc suspects she’s keeping secrets and he refuses to get involved with her. Cassie’s tempted by Logan and intrigued by Luc. Now, she has to decide if she can be their temporary sub without endangering them.

Catching Cassie Edwards was the easy part for twin Doms, Luc and Logan Ramsey. Keeping her will be the hard part because the men hunting her want her dead. When Luc and Logan discover she’s in danger they move her into their home to protect her. Can Cassie be their temporary sub without endangering them? 


Reviews Say It All...
Diana: Love, love, love Mardi Maxwell!! I had been waiting on this book and definitely was not disappointed. Mardi drew me in with this trio in the the previous book ""Jackson's Sub"" and she took me on a great ride with this book. Not many authors can make me feel the emotions of the characters and Mardi had me laughing and crying throughout the book.

Connie: Loved it! The storyline with Cassie, Logan & Luc was a hot & emotional Doms/Sub theme that included uncovering something tragic from Cassie's past. Found myself wanting to smack Logan & Luc when they didn't trust Cassie. But at the same time found myself wanting to paddle Cassie's behind for forgiving them to quick. (A little groveling never hurt anyone. LOL!) I continue to love this family & their interaction with each other. The subs mischief makes me smile & laugh. Another great book by Mardi Maxwell. Can't wait for Zane's story.

Cassie looked around curiously and realized Luc and Logan’s house looked like a replica of a huge antebellum house. Soft lights glowed on a broad porch that stretched across the front of the home with an ornate balcony above it. She followed Luc and Logan up two steps and across the porch. They each carried part of her luggage, leaving her free to look around.
     Luc turned the knob, dipped his head down, and slid his lips over hers before pushing the door open and nudging her forward. As she passed Logan, he leaned down and kissed her then nuzzled her neck.
     Cassie smiled and stepped into the large foyer. A pair of paneled doors to her left led into a formal dining room while a twin set of doors to her right led into a formal living room. A large curving staircase was directly in front of her with a hall on each side leading to the back of the house. The entry was empty other than a large round table with a floral arrangement on it and two armless upholstered chairs, one on each side of the hallway against the wall.Behind her she heard Luc and Logan chuckle and then the sound of her luggage hitting the floor.
     “Cassandra, strip,” Luc said.
     Cassie spun around then stepped back. The Dominating Duo was back. Hiding her smile, she untied the bow on the side of her aqua wrap dress then undid the single button that held it together on the inside and shrugged it from her shoulders. She let it fall to the floor behind her.
      Luc drew in a deep breath. “Damn, sugar. You look amazing.” He walked around her, sweeping his fingers over her golden skin and seeing goose bumps rise on her skin. “Where did you find this?” he asked as he touched the cup of her bra that was a light pink lacy flower with satiny green vines as straps.
     “I made it, Luc,” she told him. “It’s my hobby.”
     “Some hobby,” Logan said, kneeling down to get a closer look at
her thong. Another lacy flower covered her bare mound and he could
see her satiny skin through it. He ran his finger under one of the
vineshaped straps that circled her hips then leaned around her and traced the vine that disappeared between her ass cheeks. He chuckled when she shivered with arousal. “I’m beginning to see your fascination with lingerie, Luc.”
     “Not lingerie. Girls in lingerie,” Luc said absently as he traced his finger over the pink nipple that stuck through the opening in the cup of the bra. He flicked his finger over it and watched as it hardened.
About Mardi Maxwell
What is my life like? Very busy. When I'm not writing, I'm doing researching or reading. I love to travel, garden and go swimming and hiking with my family and friends. In the summer I go to the local drive-in movie with a carload of friends and home-made cheese popcorn and ice tea. I’m addicted to erotic romance novels and, oddly enough, zombie novels as well as sci fi shows and programs about surviving in the wilderness.
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