Showing posts with label Western Romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Romance. Show all posts

Dec 15, 2016

McKee's Ghost haunts #MFRWauthor @AnitaPhilmar on #Thursday13

#MFRWauthor Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.
Influenced by old movies, she likes to develop places where anything can happen and where special moments come to life in a great read.
Naughty or Nice?
Read her books and decide.

                McKee's Ghost

Genre: Historical, Western, Paranormal 
 Heat: Mainstream (PG13)

 His fiancée called off their engagement after be accosted by a ghost in his house.
Now, a beautiful ghost detective has shown up at his ranch, saying his brother has hired her to take care of the unwanted spirit.
Konnor McKee is more than happy with PSI Agent Ruth Oliva Wilson. One look and he was hooked. Now, if he can only get some help from a ghost, he might be able to secure himself a bride after all.
With the return of his ex-fiancee, his life is turn upside down by an angry ghost, a vindictive woman and a sexy medium. Konnor doesn’t know which way to turn.
Can he get everyone out of this alive and marry the PSI Agent?
Or has he lost all hope of a happy future because of the ruthless ghost of one of his ancestors?

Buy link:  Amazon

13 Things I love about writing historical westerns.

1. It's an adventure in time for me and my readers.
2. I can weave events into the story and give characters reaction to what happen.
3. I inform the reader about events they may not know about.
4. Cowboys, I love the old west and the cowboys who built this great country.
5. Seeing things in another light helps me appreciate how wonderful we have it.
6. Setting are more rural and offer beautiful scenery.
7. The ladies had a different perspective on life.
8. People worked hard and expected good things from their labor, even if it didn't always happen.
9. Guns were an everyday tool.
10. Horse were needed to get around.
11. People thought and acted differently
12. A challenge to explore.
13. It's like visiting my ancestors and getting to know all they went through to get me here.

Find more about the author here:


Dec 5, 2016

Book Spotlight: Comes An Outlaw @KetaDiablo #MFRWauthor

Comes An Outlaw
by Keta Diablo

When a tragic accident claims her husband's life, Jesse Santos must find a way to keep the ranch, the only home her 12-year-old son has ever known. The ranch hands have abandoned her, a gang of cutthroat ranchers want her land and an ancient Yaqui Indian insists a spirit has taken up residence in the house.

After a fifteen-year absence, her husband's brother, Coy, returns to his childhood home. He doesn't plan on staying, and he certainly doesn't intend to settle down with a widow and her son…no matter how pretty she is.

He's an outlaw, after all, and made a decision to put an end to his gun-slinging days long ago. Will his conscience let him walk away from family, or will his heart overrule his head?" "When a tragic accident claims her husband's life, Jesse Santos must find a way to keep the ranch, the only home her 12-year-old son has ever known.

Help just arrived in the form of her late husband's brother who's been gone for 15 years. But the shiny pistols holstered at his hip and his hardened look scream danger. He's an outlaw, no doubt about it.

""I loved all the components of this story. The Indian lore was probably my favorite though.""

""The storyline is brilliant. This novella has many twists and turns. A page turner.""

""Diablo has created a set of compelling characters. Jesse captures the essence of the time, when women had very few options, and even fewer good ones."" "

Jesse Santos speaks to the ghost of her dead husband.

Jesse walked back to the bureau, opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of leather trousers. After pulling the nightshirt over her head, she grabbed Cain’s flannel shirt from a hook, slipped her arms into the sleeves and pulled the trousers over her hips. “I know who the varmints are, all right. Domingo and Benito. Am I right?”

The Torres brothers.

“Yeah, and the low-bellied snakes they ride with, Mutton-Chop Walsh and Digger Newly.” She blew an exasperated breath and looked over her shoulder to the window. “How do you expect me to stand up to them, Cain? I can’t do it, I tell you. Let them have the land because it ain’t worth dying for, or God forbid, losing Grange over.”

You can’t give up the land, love. Been in my family for generations. Ma and Pa will be turning over in their—

“I don’t care. I’m not sacrificing my son, our son, for a piece of scorched earth in the middle of nowhere.”

You’re talking foolish now. You love the land as much as I do, I mean did. You’re tired, worn out; I get that, but….

“But what?”

I never thought I’d hear you say you want to give up the land, give up on life.

“It’s different now that you’re gone. You might as well face it, I’m leaving, Cain. And you should leave too, find that white light you always talked about and forget about this place.”

Help is coming, Jezebel.

“Yeah, and so are monsoon winds, dried up creek beds and taxes. Or did you forget taxes are due…again?”

I’m asking you to hang on for a little while, that’s all.

“You expect me to believe a knight on a big white horse will be riding in soon to save us?”

He rides a Piebald.


I said he rides a Piebald with black and white spots, sixteen hands tall.

“Who…who rides a spotted horse and how do you know he’s coming here?""

I’m fading, Jezebel. Used up everything I got this morning.

“No you don’t! You can’t waltz in here, drop your innuendoes and disappear like a snuffed out candle.”

Trust me. Hang on…please hang on.

“Cain, wait…don’t go! You can’t leave like this!”

Hang on, Jezebel…hang on….

ABOUT Keta Diablo
Keta Diablo lives in the Midwest part of the United States on six acres of woodland. When she isn't writing or gardening she loves to commune with nature. A lifelong animal lover, she also devotes her time and support to the local animal shelters.

Keta's a bestselling Amazon author who writes in several genres, including western romance, historical romance, paranormal romance and the occasional gay romance. Her books have received numerous Top Pick, Book of the Month and Recommended Read reviews.

Author home:
Amazon Author page:

Oct 17, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Maverick Meets His Match @AnneCarrole #KindleUnlimited

The Maverick Meets His Match
Hearts of Wyoming Book 2
Contemporary Western Romance
Kindle Press

Rodeos, wedding bells, and one crazy will!

When Mandy Prescott’s grandfather dies, this determined cowgirl expects to head up the family’s stock rodeo company. But JM Prescott’s last will and testament not only gives that honor to Ty Martin, a man who broke Mandy’s heart a decade ago, it contains a crazy provision: to wrest back control, she must agree to marry Ty Martin for a period of six months. Mandy has three days to decide—marry a man she doesn’t trust but is still attracted to, or risk her company being sold. Risking her company is one thing. Risking her heart is another

She wants her company back and him to disappear. He wants her…for a while at least.
She fears she’s risking her heart; He fears he’s playing with fire.
Are they ready to gamble on their future?

Mandy Prescott misstepped on the tan carpet of the law office’s hallway almost causing her to stumble. Ty Martin stood in the conference room doorway, looking like he’d strode out of an Old West wanted poster, given his six-foot height, the stubble shadowing his firm jaw, and the black suit jacket outlining his broad shoulders. Dark eyes peered at her from under the brim of a Stetson pulled low enough for the back of his ebony-colored hair to feather the crisp white collar of his shirt. Neater than an outlaw, maybe, but no less threatening.
 “I didn’t know Ty would be here, did you, Mandy?” her mother whispered, leaning closer as they walked and bringing a whiff of Chanel No. 5 with her movement.
Her heart pounded hard against her ribs, like it wanted out.
Brian Solomon, the family attorney, had said only the main beneficiaries of her grandfather’s will would be in attendance. To her that had meant family. But there was Ty, leaning against the doorjamb with arms crossed and an annoying smile gracing a face she’d once found attractive.
Devils were always tempting. 
Anne Carrole writes about men who have grit and integrity and the women who love them. She’s an eastern girl with a western heart who was raised on a farm (yes, they have them in the east) with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits and whatever other animals she could convince her parents to shelter. Besides a good book, she loves gardening, history, tennis, and watching football. Married to her own suburban cowboy she’s also the proud mother of a twenty-something cowgirl.


Oct 13, 2016

Chasing the Wild Wild Ghost on #Thursday13 with @MargoBondCollins #MFRWauthor

#MFRWauthor Margo Bond Collins is addicted to coffee and SF/F television, especially Supernatural (maybe because of those Winchesters). She writes paranormal and contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal mystery. She lives in Texas with her daughter and several spoiled pets. Although she teaches college-level English courses online, writing fiction is her first love. She enjoys reading urban fantasy and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about heroes, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and the women who love (and sometimes fight) them.

                                               Wild Wild Ghost

Genre - Western Paranormal Romance 
Publisher - Bathory Gate Press 

With everyone she loves in the grave, Ruby specializes in the dead. Trip wants to bring her back to the land of the living.

When Ruby Silver traded in her demon-hunting rifle for a Tremayne Agency badge, she didn't want another partner—losing the last one was too traumatic. But when a new case in the Texas Hill Country pairs her up with the slow-talking, fast-drawing Trip Austin, it will take all their combined skills to combat a plague of poltergeists, and maybe more, in this German-settled town.

 Buy link: Amazon

Thirteen Favorite Mashups

Wild Wild Ghost is a bit of a mashup of a western and a paranormal romance. Here are some of my favorite mashups, western and otherwise:

1. Wynonna Earp (western urban fantasy television series and comic)
2. Wild, Wild West (steampunk western televisions series and movie)
3. Westworld (sci-fi western movie and new HBO series)
4. Erin Hayes' HOW THE GHOST WAS WON (western paranormal romance novel)
5. Blaire Edens' A GHOSTLY WAGER (western paranormal romance novel)
6. Rebecca Hamilton's ORIGIN (dystopian paranormal romance novel)
7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (teen angst with vampires television series)
8. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (sci-fi-horror-comedy-musical movie)
9. Grimm (fairy tale police procedural television series)
10. Sleepy Hollow (classic American literature urban fantasy television series)
11. Marissa Meyer's LUNAR CHRONICLES (sci-fi fairy tales)
12. Outland (sci-fi western movie)
13. Bladerunner (dystopian sci-fi crime thriller movie)


Jun 2, 2016

Once Upon A Savage Moon on #Thursday13 with @Keta Diablo

MFRWauthor Keta Diablo lives in the Midwest part of the United States on six acres of woodland. When she isn't writing or gardening she loves to commune with nature. She adores animals and donates her time and support to local food and animal shelters.

Keta is a multi-published author in contemporary romance, erotic romance and gay fiction. She's also an Amazon best-selling author. Her erotica novel Decadent Deceptions was a finalist in the MOLLY contest sponsored by Romance Writers of America and was nominated for a Red Carpet Award in 2014. Her paranormal novel Meko’s Woman was nominated for a Bookie Award by Authors After Dark and her historical novel Sky Tinted Water was nominated for a RONE Award by Ind’Tale Magazine. Her latest contemporary romance novel, Season, Unforgettable, was a finalist in the romance category sponsored by Independent Author Network Book Awards for 2015.

Keta's books have received numerous Top Pick, Book of the Month, and Recommended Read awards from top professional review sites.

Once Upon A Savage Moon

This is a 5-part Serial
Brothers Creed and Brand Gatlin love the same woman. One is the father to her child; the other her husband. One left to fight in the Civil War; one stayed home to pick up the tumultuous pieces of their lives.

Sage and Lauren McCain, twins separated at birth, have no idea the other exists...until Fate steps in to reunite them twenty years later.

Once Upon A Savage Moon is a sweeping saga of two families, the McCains and the Gatlins, caught in the crossfire of the Civil War and the Sioux uprising. Journey with them as they struggle through heartache, betrayal, forgiveness and ultimately love.
Buy links: Amazon   (Part 1 FREE)            

Thirteen Love Quotes Keta Enjoys

Love someone who leaves so many holes in you that if they were to walk away, half of your soul would go with them.
-Emery Allen

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all once…
-John Green

The Sun loved the Moon so much he died every night just to let her breathe.

There is only one page left to write on. I will fill it with words of only one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love.
-Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveller’s Wife

We loved with a love that was more than love.
-Edgar Allan Poe

When love is not madness, it is not love.
-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.
-Oscar Wilde

Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.
-Mahatma Gandhi

The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love.
-Henry Miller

I think… if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.
-Leo Tolstoy

You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.
-Oscar Wilde

Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.
Follow Keta on the Net:
Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Amazon 

Sep 24, 2015

A Rancher of Her Own on #Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor Barbara White Daille

MFRW Author Barbara White Daille and A Rancher of Her Own host Thursday 13 today.                           
Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom.

When she was very young, Barbara learned from her mom about the storytelling magic in books—and she’s been hooked ever since. She hopes you will enjoy reading her books and will find your own magic in them!

Ranch manager Pete Brannigan has no interest in playing tour guide to a city slicker like Jane Garland. But spending a few days with the headstrong photographer is a small price to pay for everything her grandfather has given the single dad. Though Pete's drawn to Jane's sharp wit and striking beauty, he won't hurt his young children by falling for another woman who puts her career before family. 

Jane's seen the world through her camera…and used it to shield her emotions. With Pete, she can finally let her guard down. If only he could do the same. Despite their powerful bond, Pete still can't trust Jane with his kids or his heart. But if he keeps pushing her away, he may ruin any chance their relationship has to develop.

 Buy link: Amazon

13 sentences shared by the author from her latest release:

She looked his way again. Even with her back to the sunlight in the doorway, he saw her eyes gleam.

She remembered that summer vacation she’d spent here on the ranch, all right—he’d bet the jar of Buffalo nickels he was saving for his son on that.

“You think you’re going to win old Daffodil over to your side, huh?” he said.

“Yes. With the right incentive.”

As she passed him on her way to the stall, the scents of vanilla and spice drifted toward him, light but noticeable enough to set off a craving for something sweet, and surprising enough to make him blink. She’d never seemed the sweet, vanilla type.

She held out a hand. “What do you say, Daff? Want to be a cover girl?”

At the question, Pete’s shoulders went rigid.

The old mare dipped her head, as if giving Jane a royal nod and permission to do what she liked.

***Dang, the woman has a way with a horse, after all.***

You can find the author here:
Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Amazon Author Page  |  Goodreads

Jul 24, 2015

Meet #MFRWauthor @LoreleiConfer, An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy!

Meet MFRW Author Lorelei Confer.
Lorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her husband, two cats, and AJ, her long haired Chihuahua.

She wrote her first story in the fourth grade in the form of a play which actually was produced by her teacher for parents and students. She continued writing and majored in English in College. She practices every day to improve her craft.

I wrote my first story in the form of a play when I was in the fourth grade. The teacher liked it so much she produced it, using students as actors and invited all the parents to the assembly. It was something to do with fear of going to the doctor. 

An author of romantic suspense she loves reading almost as much as writing. She has filled her book shelves with her favorites, i.e. Harlan Colban, Eliza March, Johanna Lindsey, Kathy Carmichael, Terri Garey, Karen Rose, LuAnn Rice, and Bobbi Smith just to mention a few, as well as all the classics.

A lot of my personality and my life experiences are in my writing, but not all. I've never been trafficked as a sex slave, or thrown off a cliff, left to die, or found a murdered body. The places I've visited many times such as Jackson Hole, WY are in my writings.

I was forced to retire early due to health issues and really thought a lot about my life and what might be in store for me in the future. I had ideas and dreams and bits of dreams that I had to get out of my head. I started writing them in one of my journals and soon after put something together resembling a good story. In 2006, I joined RWA and the local chapter of RWA, TARA, and from there knew the next step was submission. After many rejections, and with some tweaking I received a contract for the first series, The Deadly Series.

She loves hearing from readers so please visit her...
website  |  blog  |  facebook

Tell Us How You Got The Idea For Your Most Recent Book.
An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy, the second in the Saddle Creek series, started with an idea about what happens to high school friends after high school. You have nothing in common anymore but do you remain friends? I thought about men in particular, they lose touch so easily and I came up with the idea about four grown men who each went their own way after high school: one went to college, one bought the horse ranch he worked at, one went into the military and one into police work; yet they reconnected as 'brothers' and all settled down in the shadows of the Grand Teton Mountains where they all grew up. This book is the story of the college grad, Elliott and Sam (Samantha). Elliott is an outfitter with a store of sports gear and a planned schedule of events, i.e. float rafting down the Snake River. He works in Jackson but lives outside in a small town of Saddle Creek. Rosie's Diner is in the center of town where he runs into Sam, an uptown girl from New York City all the way, a wanna be wildlife photographer. They hit it off but unknowingly trouble has followed her there. They both experience tremendous emotional strife before they find each other.

An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy

Romantic Suspense

Samantha Williams, a New York City girl, wanna be photographer, stumbles into Rosie’s Diner in Saddle Creek, Wyoming, outside Jackson Hole. Disheveled from a horrid travel day, Sam finds the only seat available is at the counter beside a cowboy—a burly, staggeringly handsome, strong-muscled cowboy, who she is immediately attracted to and who has some baggage of his own.

Elliott Bouchard, an Outfitter and trainer of therapy horses, thinks he already found his one true love and buried her. He feels responsible for his wife’s death, until he meets Samantha Williams. He wants her for himself; to protect her, not only from the raw elements of the west but from someone following her who wants her gone.

After Sam’s life is threatened, due to murderous evidence she unknowingly has in a picture, Elliott comes to her rescue. But will he be there in time?
EXCERPTMad as hell, she stepped outside. She booted the car door hard. It closed, making a loud noise that echoed in the night quiet. Steam whistled out from beneath the hood and the front tires. She stepped back onto the road, expecting the vehicle to go up in flames at any minute. Walking to the rear of the vehicle, she kick-boxed the back tire.
Remembering her bags in the car, she quickly opened the passenger door and grabbed them, and then stepped away. “You wanted the wide, open spaces, girl,” she muttered. “This is all part of the journey, so deal with it.”
Twisting side to side, she looked up and down the road, but didn’t see another car coming either way. Damn it. She would have to walk. After all, it was only two miles to the nearest town. The sound of her heels on the asphalt sounded like gunshots as she headed toward the silhouette of the towering mountains looming in front of her. Her eyes, now adjusted to the dark, scanned the dim area. No buildings nearby, no lights at all. She shivered. The air, cooling off now since the sun had gone down, would only get colder. She longed for her heavy jacket she’d placed in one of her missing suitcases.
No stores in sight. So isolated. No barn or shed for shelter. No hotels, or motels, no open-all-night 7-Elevens, no gas stations, no shopping malls, no people, and no traffic to flag someone for help. How do people live out here?
She twisted her foot on a small rock on the road, kicking it aside, and heard a crack. She put her now heelless shoe onto the pavement, glanced down, and perused the damage. Moaning at her costly mistake of ruining a pair of expensive shoes, she reached to the ground and picked up the heel. She was reminded of the movie Romancing The Stone. She took off her other shoe and slammed it against the blacktop. Nothing! The damn heel would not come off.

Jul 17, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Question of Honor @MonaKarel

A Question of Honor
A Stormhaven Love Story
by Mona Karel
Mainstream (PG13) suspense
Black Opal Books

Sydney Castleton has worked hard to put her less than savory past behind her…until her sister asks for her help. Devin Starke has fought too many battles, seen too many deaths, to look forward to a peaceful future…until his best friend and partner asks him to help return the horse his wife, Sidney’s sister, took when she left.

Stormhaven, a ranch in northern New Mexico, has become a place for fighting men to readjust to the world, a sort of decompression chamber for those who have seen too much. Devin Starke is such a man. And Sydney isn’t far behind him.

Can a woman with a past find love with a man who thinks he has no future ?

AYLOR JONES SAYS: "This book, like the others Karel has written, shows a depth of understanding of people and their relationships. You can’t help but root for her characters as they struggle to find their way through unique trials and tribulations. The story has a good strong plot that will keep you turning pages, but it’s the charming, heart-warming love story that will have you reading this one again and again."

She knew that walk. With a slight hesitation in one leg, he prowled like a wounded predator, conditioned to succeed against the most dangerous game of all. Even limping, his reactions would be instantaneous, his balance superior. By itself, his body would be a weapon. He’d be the best man to have on your side in a battle. After the battle, he’d unwind with a drink and a woman. The drink would be strong and straight. The woman would be bosomy and not too bright. He’d very likely spend more time with the drink than the woman. 
Sydney Castleton let her mind drift through bitter thoughts and buried memories as she waited for the man who proclaimed danger with every step he took toward her. He was no different from the men who’d worked with her father: soldiers of fortune, whose luck could run out at any minute. 
What trouble had her sister gotten her into this time?
ABOUT Mona Karel
Mona Karel is the writing alter ego of Monica Stoner. After a life time of wandering the country, she settled on the high plains of New Mexico, where she writes about love fought for and found, in an array of genres. When not writing, she is showing and judging Salukis, taking pictures of New Mexico sunsets, and facing life head on.
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