Showing posts with label historical romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label historical romance. Show all posts

Jan 23, 2017

#MFRWauthor #Historical Book Spotlight: Darcy's Hope @GingerMonette

A NEW RELEASE by Ginger Monette!
Darcy's Hope at Donwell Abbey, A WW1 Pride and Prejudice Companion Book 2

1917. With WW1 raging across the Western Front, Captain Fitzwilliam Darcy has won the heart of Elizabeth Bennet. Finally.

Then she disappears.

Still reeling from the loss, tragedy strikes, plunging him into a dark and silent world.

His heart tells him to hold on to Elizabeth, but his head tells him to take a chance with his extraordinary nurse who reminds him of his beloved Elizabeth.

But Donwell Abbey holds a secret that just might change everything....

*Darcy's Hope at Donwell Abbey is a sequel to Darcy's Hope ~ Beauty from Ashes, but can be read as a stand-alone novel.
""spellbinding story!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

""...story is amazing!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

""Fabulous story!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

Like a tentative knock on the door of his heart, her fingertips brushed his uniform sleeve, then grazed his hand as her fingers fell away. Something answered deep inside him.

ABOUT Ginger Monette
Ginger lives with her family in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she enjoys dancing on the treadmill, watching period dramas, public speaking, and reading—a full-length novel every Sunday afternoon.

Her WW1 flash fiction piece, Flanders Field of Grey, won Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's 2015 Picture This grand prize.
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Do you love Jane Austen fan fiction? Author is looking for reviewers even if you haven't read book 1 of series. Contact with "Review Donwell Abbey" on subject line.

Jan 22, 2017

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Bess by Charles Cranston Jett

by Charles Cranston Jett
Bess Parker is only 21 years old when she sets out by herself in 1908, leaving the safety of her childhood home for southwestern North Dakota to establish a homestead. And it takes all the strength she can muster to succeed—facing the perils of the vast prairie, making her homestead productive, conquering the dangers of the frontier, flirting with romance, struggling with the emotional needs of her heart and body, and meeting the challenges of life on the prairie. But this unique young woman has a steely determination, and her story is the epitome of courage and grit in a difficult and sometimes cruel time in the history of the west.

Bess is the story of a young twenty-one year old woman's journey of courage, grit and love.
FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Rochelle Weber, Roses & Thorns Reviews, Dec 8, 2016
Growing up on a farm in Cando, North Dakota, “Bess” Parker is a tomboy. She’d rather be outside helping her dad with farm chores than inside learning to cook or sew with her mother. Obedient child that she is, Bess manages to do both—get up early enough to feed the chickens, gather the eggs, help Mama with breakfast, and then go outside to help saddle up her horse and help her dad tend the sheep. In the spring she even helps with lambing and shearing, while getting good grades in school and mastering the piano, eventually being able to play complex pieces such as Chaupin’s etudes. The only thing is, when a local boy expresses an interest in courting her, Bess just isn’t interested. She wants to move farther west and homestead—on her own. Much to her mother’s dismay, Bess never seems to show any interest in romance at all.

She’s very good at hiding the feelings she has for her best friend. Nor does she tell her parents about Linda, the girl she meets on the train enroute to Haley, North Dakota, the town where she plans to homestead, or the three wonderful days they spend together before Linda leaves for Montana to visit her aunt and uncle.

“Bess” grabbed me at the beginning and held my attention straight through. I had difficulty putting it down. Mr. Jett did a pretty good job of staying in the period with only one anomaly that I found, which wasn’t bad for a first-time historical novel. Mr. Jett’s dialog could also be a bit less stilted, but making the transition from non-fiction business writing to fiction is not easy, and since Mr. Jett had the same publisher, I suspect he had the same editor who may not know as much about working with fiction. Bess is a plucky character—a strong woman who makes her own way in a man’s world. A true pioneer in more than one sense of the word. I highly recommend “Bess.”

ABOUT Charles Cranston Jett
Charles Cranston Jett is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and the Harvard Graduate School of Business. He served in the US Naval Nuclear Submarine Force and has thirty years’ experience in the management consulting and executive recruiting world. A native of the Western Dakotas, Mr. Jett is also the author of WANTED: Eight Critical Skills You Need To Succeed; The Doom Loop; Field Studies; and Super Nuke! A Memoir About Life as a Nuclear Submariner and the Contributions of a “Super Nuke” the USS RAY (SSN653) Toward Winning the Cold War.

Connect with Charles on his blog or on goodreads.

Email Charles for a review copy. Will provide e-book.

Jan 19, 2017

#MFRWauthor @GingerMonette speaks about Darcy's Hope on #Thursday13

 #MFRWauthor Ginger Monette, Grand prize winner of Charlotte/Mecklenburg libray's 2015 "Picture This" contest, lives in Charlotte, NC where she enjoys dancing on the treadmill, watching period dramas, public speaking, and reading--a full-length novel every Sunday afternoon.

Darcy's Hope 
Beauty from Ashes, A WW1 Pride & Prejudice Variation (Great War Romance Book 1)

Genre Historical

Escape to the era of Downton Abbey and experience all the drama of World War 1 alongside literature's iconic Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy. You'll watch their tender love unfold as they learn to work together and reconcile their differences at a field hospital only miles from the Front.

Buy Link:

Enjoy a video teaser:

13 Favourite Period Romance Dramas
1. Pride & Prejudice. I love Matthew Macfadyen (With Colin Firth a close second!)
2. Downton Abbey. I loved it so much, it was THE inspiration for my Darcy's Hope saga!
3. Outlander. 'Nuf said : )
4. Young Victoria. It's hard to believe the hero in this one plays the rake in Pride & Prejudice!
5. Poldark. Aidan Turner could have been a killer Darcy with his smouldering good looks!
6. North & South. Doesn't everyone love Richard Armitage?
7. Emma. Jonny Lee Miller holds a special place in my heart.
8. Mansfield Park. Ditto above
9. Little Dorrit. See, I told you I like Matthew Macfadyen : )
10. When Calls the Heart. I'm a sucker for Daniel Lissing.
11. Jane Eyre. I used Toby Stephens as inspiration for one of my characters.
12. Anne of Green Gables. I grew up with this one.
13. Gone With the Wind. Doesn't get more perfect than this!

What's your favourite period drama?

Find more about the author here:

Dec 27, 2016

FREE with #KindleUnlimited: The Gossip of an Earl @LindaRaeSa #MFRWauthor

The Gossip of an Earl
by Linda Rae Sande

xtra! Extra! Read all about it ...

The Earl of Fennington has a secret identity—that of Mr. Pepperidge, editor of London's premiere gossip rag, The Tattler. While attending a garden party as Fennington, he meets and falls in love with Lady Emelia. The attraction is mutual, for despite knowing better, she allows him to kiss her behind a hedgerow. Who will know but them?

Why, Mr. Pepperidge, of course! Desperate to spend more time with Emelia, Fennington employs a bit of blackmail to force Emelia to meet with him once a week. Disguised as Pepperidge, he insists she provide him the on-dit she hears. That, or he'll print the news of her kiss in The Tattler!

With mistaken identities ruling the reports in The Tattler and a new Gossip Goddess sharing news of obscure aristocrats, is it any wonder the members of the ton love to hate gossip? Or do they really love The Gossip of an Earl?

Free with Kindle Unlimited!
The nuance of the gossiper being played and the ensuing tidal waves that come from this are entertaining and funny. Linda Rae pulls me into this time period again and again with her well-developed characters. Brava!!  Moonlit Night on Amazon

This book is a great read. The author knows how to write a book to keep you wanting to read more. Linda Brown on Amazon

“I have no intention of leaving you alone tonight.”

Pulled from her reverie by the odd statement, Jane stared at Andrew. “Oh?” was all she could think to say.

Andrew allowed a chuckle. “I do hope I haven’t scandalized you, my sweeting.”

My sweeting.

Goodness, they had just become reacquainted after eighteen years, and he was already using an endearment only suitable for couples who were ...


Jane inhaled sharply. Is that what Andrew Burroughs intended? To make her his mistress? To offer carte blanche?

“Oh, Christ, I have scandalized you,” he said with a roll of his eyes. He straightened in the squabs and gave a quick shake of his head. “I apologize, my lady. It’s not my intention to take liberties, nor to ...”

“I am rather flattered, actually,” Jane interrupted with a shake of her head. “No one has ever called me ‘sweeting’. Not even my husband, but then I suppose you already knew that.” This last was said in a quieter voice, as if she realized her place in her husband’s life was well known to others.

How many women in the ton knew of her despair at being left alone for months at a time as her late husband spent all his time away from London? He was only ever at their mansion in Westminster when Parliament was in session, and even then, he spent most of the time when he wasn’t in the House of Lords at his club, Boodles.

“I did not,” Andrew said with a shake of his head. He sighed and was about to say something else when the coach suddenly halted.

ABOUT Linda Rae Sande
A former technical writer, Linda Rae’s interest in the Regency has resulted in fourteen books set during that era. After spending her days running a small print shop, she can frequently be found at the local cinema enjoying the latest movie. Although she no longer hosts any tropical fish, she follows the San Jose Sharks. She makes her home in Cody.

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Dec 20, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book: The Marquess and the Midwife: A #Christmas Novella @AlinaKField

The Marquess and the Midwife
by MFRW Author Alina K. Field

Once upon a time, the younger brother of a marquess fell in love with his sister's companion. He was sent off to war, and she was just sent off, and they both landed in very different worlds.

Now Virgil Radcliffe has returned from his self-imposed exile on the Continent to take up his late brother's title and discover the whereabouts of the only woman he's ever loved.

Abandoned by her lover and dismissed by her employer, Ameline Dawes has found a respectable identity as a Waterloo widow, a new life as a midwife, and a safe, secure home for her twin girls.

Called to London at Christmas to attend her benefactress's lying-in, she finds herself confronted by an unexpected house guest--a man determined to woo her anew and win her again.

But, is loving the new Marquess of Wallingford a mistake Ameline cannot afford to repeat?
She knelt before him on the sofa, yanked the shirt down his arms, and studied his chest. Small cuts marked his side and his belly, but the mottled scar was the worst. It would have taken months to fully heal a wound like this from the inside out.
Her vision blurred so she couldn’t see. But her hands, trained to examine a babe in the womb, they could see. She flattened her palms and set a course over the ridges knots, and hard ripples.
He surely had almost died. A world without Virgil, without his laughter, and his generally kind heart. He’d used her, true, as men did. It was in a man’s animal nature, wasn’t it? And she’d used him also, hadn’t she? Both of them grieving over his sister’s death, and comforting each other. And she was left with her girls, and things had turned out all right, hadn’t they?
Her hands cupped his shoulders and slipped over to his back. No scars there that she could feel. The ball, or saber, or…what else did men use to kill each other?…had not gone clean through. It had merely dredged a hole in his front and wreaked havoc inside him.
And nearly killed him.
She’d always pictured a wounded Virgil, binding up a minor slash and heading off to the Continent, maybe taking a wife there himself, and bringing her back to breed pretty, cheerful children. Virgil, rich, content and happy.
How she’d wallowed in that vision.
The feel of the scarred skin melted away her resentment. Let him have that happy life.
“Ameline.” Virgil’s breath touched her cheek.
Large hands cupped both of her hips.
Warmth spurted through her. Too late, she realized her error. She’d got too close again.
She pulled the sides of his shirt up, her gaze sliding over the rip and…
Right. He was fully erect.
Hot need shrieked inside her, and she battered it down and found her breath. “I apologize. My infernal curiosity.” She patted his shoulders and eased away.
His eyes had gone dark and feral, his lips parted like a hungry man ready to chomp down on a long-awaited meal. Inside, she melted more.
She took in a great breath. She must keep him talking. “How did the wound happen?” she asked.
His eyes shuttered and he yanked her hard against him, smashing his lips to hers.

ABOUT Alina K. Field
Award winning author Alina K. Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature, but her true passion is the much happier world of romance fiction. Though her roots are in the Midwestern U.S., after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California and hasn’t looked back. She shares a midcentury home with her husband, her spunky, blonde, rescued terrier, and the blue-eyed cat who conned his way in for dinner one day and decided the food was too good to leave.

Dec 18, 2016

#MFRWauthor Holiday Book Spotlight: A Regency Yuletide @BeckyLower1

A Regency Yuletide
by Becky Lower
Historical Romance with Sass

After a disappointing season in London, Sophie Davenport returns home without a marriage proposal, which she doesn’t mind. However, her mother and her uncle do mind, and set about getting Sophie married to the vicar’s son. When Jeremy Wyatt wanders into their lives, Sophie wonders whether a loveless marriage is what she wants, and Jeremy begins to question his lifestyle. It takes Christmas, and mistletoe, to upend their lives. 

Being of good English stock, Sophie Davenport loved the rain. At least most of the time, since it made the rolling hills of Carlisle a pretty, bucolic green in the summer. Today however, she took her knitting to the window seat in the library and gazed into the darkening countryside while her fingers flew, making stitches from the fine wool. It had been raining for days now, which, in and of itself, was not an uncommon event during the month of December. But this afternoon the gloom settled over her as if it were a heavy blanket. She had lost so much time by trotting to London for her first season on the marriage mart at the insistence of her Uncle Harry, that she was unable to tend to her gardens and her charitable pursuits this year. He had hoped to foist Sophie off to a gentleman of means, so he could be rid of both Sophie and her mother.

The season had been an abysmal failure, at least in Mother’s eyes. And in the eyes of Uncle Harry, since Sophie had returned home empty-handed. Not one man had danced with her unless you counted pimply-faced Freddie, her cousin, who had done so out of family duty rather than real interest. Sophie, however, breathed a sigh of relief at returning home without sparking the interest of a gentleman, since the men of the Ton were, for the most part, more interested in their own appearances than in hers. If she had to cast her fortunes in with someone, it would most certainly not be with a man who had a larger wardrobe than she.

Dec 15, 2016

McKee's Ghost haunts #MFRWauthor @AnitaPhilmar on #Thursday13

#MFRWauthor Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.
Influenced by old movies, she likes to develop places where anything can happen and where special moments come to life in a great read.
Naughty or Nice?
Read her books and decide.

                McKee's Ghost

Genre: Historical, Western, Paranormal 
 Heat: Mainstream (PG13)

 His fiancée called off their engagement after be accosted by a ghost in his house.
Now, a beautiful ghost detective has shown up at his ranch, saying his brother has hired her to take care of the unwanted spirit.
Konnor McKee is more than happy with PSI Agent Ruth Oliva Wilson. One look and he was hooked. Now, if he can only get some help from a ghost, he might be able to secure himself a bride after all.
With the return of his ex-fiancee, his life is turn upside down by an angry ghost, a vindictive woman and a sexy medium. Konnor doesn’t know which way to turn.
Can he get everyone out of this alive and marry the PSI Agent?
Or has he lost all hope of a happy future because of the ruthless ghost of one of his ancestors?

Buy link:  Amazon

13 Things I love about writing historical westerns.

1. It's an adventure in time for me and my readers.
2. I can weave events into the story and give characters reaction to what happen.
3. I inform the reader about events they may not know about.
4. Cowboys, I love the old west and the cowboys who built this great country.
5. Seeing things in another light helps me appreciate how wonderful we have it.
6. Setting are more rural and offer beautiful scenery.
7. The ladies had a different perspective on life.
8. People worked hard and expected good things from their labor, even if it didn't always happen.
9. Guns were an everyday tool.
10. Horse were needed to get around.
11. People thought and acted differently
12. A challenge to explore.
13. It's like visiting my ancestors and getting to know all they went through to get me here.

Find more about the author here:


Dec 12, 2016

#Historical Book Spotlight: Darcy's Hope by #MFRWauthor Ginger Monette

Darcy's Hope ~ Beauty from Ashes
A WW1 Pride & Prejudice Variation
by MFRW Author Ginger Monette

Escape to the era of Downton Abbey and experience all the drama of World War 1 alongside Jane Austen's iconic Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy.

Watch their tender love unfold as they learn to work together and reconcile their differences at a Belgian field hospital only miles from the bloody front lines of battle.

Austen's Pride & Prejudice meets Downton Abbey. - books2read reviewer

I absolutely loved this book. …. I will definitely re-read this one! 5 stars for me! - goodreads reviewer

This story… immediately pulled me in… - goodreads reviewer

Darcy sighed. Despite the harsh words between them, something inside him still stretched towards Elizabeth. It was more than her fine eyes, pretty face, and pleasing figure.

He sipped his coffee, stealing another glance at her. Elizabeth was also intelligent, passionate, sharp-tonged, quick-tempered, stubborn—maybe even pig-headed...just like him. He froze. That was it. That was why he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She was his perfect mate—er, match. He shifted in the bed, replacing the cup now trembling in his hand.

But if their conversation in the last few minutes held any indication of their future association, clearly they were doomed.

Bah! What difference did it make? He’d determined not to allow his heart to be plundered again. He narrowed his gaze, clenching his teeth and fist while repeating to himself, no comrade, no dog, and no woman!

**Additional audio excerpt here: Audio Sample

ABOUT Ginger Monette
The teacher always learns the most. And in homeschooling her children, Ginger Monette learned all the history she missed in school. Now she's hooked—on writing and World War I.

When not writing, Ginger enjoys dancing on the treadmill, watching period dramas, public speaking, and reading--a full-length novel every Sunday afternoon.

Her WW1 flash fiction piece, Flanders Field of Grey, won Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's 2015 Picture This grand prize.

Ginger lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she happily resides with her husband, three teenagers, and two loyal dogs.

Amazon Author page:

Dec 8, 2016

#MFRWauthor Ruth A Casie comes visiting on #Thursday13 The Highlander's English Woman

#MFRWauthor Ruth A. Casie is a USA Today bestselling author of swashbuckling action-adventure time-travel romance about strong empowered women and the men who deserve them, endearing flaws and all. Ruth also writes contemporary romance with enough action to keep you turning pages. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, three empty bedrooms and a growing number of incomplete counted cross-stitch projects. Before she found her voice, she was a speech therapist (pun intended), client liaison for a corrugated manufacturer, and international bank product and marketing manager, but her favorite job is the one she’s doing now—writing romance. She hopes her stories become your favorite adventures.

The Highlander’s English Woman
Genre - Historical romance, Medieval, Scotland, Fantasy 
Publisher - Timeless Scribes Publishing 
 Laura Reynolds and long-time friend of Jamie Maxwell Collins are in love. She adores his playful sense of humor, caring nature as well as his strong sense of honor. They have known each other from the time Jamie trained with her older brother at their home on the English side of Scottish border. Jamie has become an excellent soldier except he won’t fight and while she knows him well, she has no idea why.
Jamie Maxwell Collins lives on the Scottish side of the border. Carefree and open, he hides a dark secret so powerful it could destroy his family and those he cares for. He can’t involve Laura in this deception. He mustn’t give her hope for a future together. Instead, he ends their relationship.
While visiting Jamie’s uncle, Laura stumbles upon Jamie’s secret, but has nowhere to turn. The only person with the answer, her brother is gone, killed on a Welsh battlefield. In her heart of hearts she knows Jamie is innocent. Their relationship in tatters and with no hope of reconciliation, she plays a deadly game to find a way to exonerate Jamie even though it means agreeing to a political marriage. She has no idea the entire game has been orchestrated by her future husband, Jamie’s greatest enemy.

Buy link Amazon
 Cover reveal video

Thirteen sentences form The Highlander's English Woman

Her lungs filled with air as she tried to object.

“It’s not your family I’m concerned about, it’s you. I could’ve lost you. I won’t let that happen again.” Her heart hammered in her chest. The frightened exhilaration of flying through the air settled between her legs.

Jamie bent close. He covered her mouth with his and captured her lips in a passionate possession. Heat swept away remanence of her anger. In a moment, panic rushed through her veins, then disappeared in a rush of heat.

He released her lips and held her close, cradling her head on his chest. A smile played across her mouth and broadened. His heart pounded as hard as hers. How often she’d dreamt of his touch, his kiss. It was better than she imagined.

Find more about the author here:
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