Showing posts with label Roz Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roz Lee. Show all posts

Nov 6, 2016

Book Spotlight: The Backdoor Billionaire's Bride @RozLee_Author #MFRWauthor

Ford Adams had led a charmed life, but if he doesn’t figure out how to make the equivalent of a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, and sell a boat-load of them, he and his mother might find themselves flipping burgers. Determined not to let that happen, he’ll need all the help he can get—especially from his sexy new business partner. If he can get her to take a chance on his crazy new idea, then maybe he can convince her to take a chance on him.

Becky Jean Parker’s life has been anything but what she’d imagined it would be, but she’d been content until a recent turn of events once again left her no choice. Unless she wants to wallow in bankruptcy for the rest of her life, she’ll have to go along with her new business partner’s insane plan and pray he knows what he’s talking about. The only thing crazier than Ford’s plan to sell sex toys is her attraction to him. Typical of her life, she’d had no choice but to fall for the one man she can’t have.

A plan so crazy, it just might work and save the business. But can these two see the opportunity right in front of them for love?
If she were to draw the man of her dreams, he’d be Ford Adams. She’d always been drawn to tall, dark, testosterone-overloaded men. If he had an ounce of compassion in his bones for his new employees, she might consider acting on her attraction, but he didn’t, so she wouldn’t. Then there was the part about him being her boss. She’d checked for a wedding ring, and his father would have mentioned his son becoming engaged. So, unless he had a girlfriend back home….The expiration date on their professional relationship couldn’t have been stamped in more indelible ink, so there wouldn’t be any real harm in sleeping with him. It wasn’t like he could promote her from unemployed to employed. Only her scruples stood in the way of a fling with the sexiest man in Butte Plains.She didn’t do flings. She’d had a brief relationship with a guy she’d met in the library her sophomore year of college. The chemistry between them had been off the charts, but David had been immature, skipping classes in order to party. He’d flunked out of school the spring semester and moved home to Colorado. Last she’d heard, he’d become a ski instructor at one of the smaller resorts in the winter, living off his parents the rest of the year.Her scruples were there for a reason—to protect her from doing stupid things.
USA Today Bestselling Author, Roz Lee is a displaced Texan who lives in New Jersey with her husband of almost four decades, and Bud, an overly large rescue dog who demands regular romps in the woods no matter how busy his parents are.

The mom of two daughters, one a police officer and the other an economist married to a pilot, Roz collects Depression glass, and teacups with rose patterns. Her favorite food is Tex-Mex, and she’s never met a piece of chocolate she didn’t like.

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. Warning—she brakes for antique stores!

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Sep 20, 2015

Have You Read Roz Lee's Suspended Game? @Iwriteromance #MFRWauthor

Suspended Game
by Roz Lee

After five years spent proving his innocence in a gambling scheme, Jimmy Doyle Walker is back on the field for the Washington Diplomats. Given one season to demonstrate he can still contribute to the team, he guards his secrets well, knowing exposure of his unorthodox sex life would create a career-ending scandal. When he meets Evelyn Gardner, she tests his resolve, and he risks everything to show her the delights to be found in his arms.

Living day-to-day as a switchboard operator, Evelyn Gardner loathes the sexual cravings that cost her the home and family she’d always dreamed of. When she meets Jimmy Doyle Walker, the sexy first baseman for the Washington Diplomats, at a church revival meeting, he challenges her beliefs and her expectations. Determinedly, he seduces her through erotic letters, sensual gifts, and sexual play, until she dares dream she can have satisfaction and respectability

"The Natural meets 50 Shades in this erotic story of sex, secrets and seduction. He’s an athlete with a secret that could end his career. She’s a woman with a past that could destroy them both."
What Reviewers Say...
"Suspended Game features everything I look for in a romance; an intricate plot, characters I want to know and I care about, interesting dialog, just enough drama to make it interesting without bogging down the story, steamy intimate scenes and a relationship that develops out of respect, communication and deep feelings. Author Roz Lee offered all of that and more in this book making it one hell of a story."  - 5 Stars from Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

His eyes met hers, held her gaze. “I want to see your hands.” He tugged on the fingers, one at a time until the worn glove slid free, leaving her bare fingertips resting on his skin. Fuck. He was going to lose it right there, and that was not acceptable.
Sliding his hand beneath hers, he clasped his fingers around her wrist. Her pulse raced as fast as his, another reason he shouldn’t be doing what he was. Neither one of them was ready for what he wanted to do with her, but it was only her hand, he reasoned. Touching her this way was inappropriate as hell, but he couldn’t stop. He needed to feel her skin, and it was imperative that she get used to him touching her. It was never too soon to begin teaching her to accept him.
“Keep your eyes on mine, sugar. Don’t look away, no matter what.” He explored her fingers with his thumb, rubbing it along the length of each one before repeating the process, this time gently nudging into the soft flesh between each digit as he went from one to the next. When her eyes dilated and her breath grew shallow, he almost came in his pants. Shit, she was a natural submissive, and he couldn’t wait to have her completely under his spell. The things he’d do to her body. The pleasure he’d wring from both of them.
“Your hand is incredible, sugar. I can imagine these fingers shoving in, pulling out. All. Day. Long.” He turned her hand over and began massaging her palm with his thumb. “Does your hand cramp at the end of the day?”
“Sometimes.” Her lips barely moved as she formed the word.
He pressed his thumb hard into the center of her hand. Her fingers instinctively curled inward, encasing his thumb in the sweetness of her embrace. He returned to stroking her skin. “And do you massage the ache away? Alone? In your bed?”

USA Today Bestselling author Roz Lee has penned over a dozen erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.
When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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Aug 14, 2015

#MFRWauthor Roz Lee Pushing the Envelope @IWriteRomance

Pushing the Envelope
Lesbian Office Romance Series #3
Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance
by Roz Lee

A real life hero, Air Force Captain Dawn Early has seen her share of combat and lived to tell about it. Pressed into service as part of a group to sing the national anthem before a game at Yankee Stadium, the decorated helicopter pilot arrives in New York City short one hotel room and most of her patience. Accepting the offer to share a room with sexy Air Force Intelligence Officer, Captain Skye Hale, takes pushing the envelope to a whole new level.

Love in unexpected places... Buy Link

There wasn’t water cold enough to douse the flames licking at her insides. Dawn cursed herself for the underhanded trick she’d played, correctly assuming Skye would drop the towel the second she heard the bathroom door close. Timing was everything, and she’d timed it perfectly. Even played it pretty cool, if she did say so herself. Hell, men didn’t think anything of running around naked in front of each other, so why should women?
She’d expected no more than a peek before Skylar hid behind some article of clothing, but she’d been treated to a nice long look at all that creamy skin. And, shit, those tits! The way they sat up, all perky, the nipples tight—whether from the room’s air conditioning or from Dawn’s interest, she didn’t know. Didn’t care. She’d seen what she wanted, confirmed the magnificent body the tailored uniform had promised. She’d have that image to both comfort and torment her for the remainder of the weekend because she didn’t do military women.
The official stance on sexuality remained “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask about her new roommate’s preferences.
But you’d show her yours.
In a heartbeat…if she asked.
She won’t ask.
No, she won’t.
Dawn adjusted the mixer valve to a warmer setting and moved under the spray, tilting her chin up to let the water cascade down her body. Soaping her hands, she cupped her breasts, massaging the ache that began there and ended with an insistent throb between her legs. She pinched her nipples, tugging and rolling them between her fingers until the longing turned to pain—a sharp reminder of her solitary existence.
She’d been too determined to achieve her goal of becoming a pilot to consider the type of life she would be committing herself to when she entered the Academy. At eighteen, she’d thought she could have it all, a glamorous, exciting career, as well as a satisfying personal life. She’d accomplished the former beyond her wildest imagining and failed miserably at the latter.
In a profession dominated by males with testosterone-fueled egos, many viewed femininity as a weakness, so she ruthlessly buried that side of herself at work, smiling inwardly at what they didn’t know. Her love of sexy lingerie was none of their business, and since returning stateside, she indulged that love, wearing lace and satin under her flight gear. Fuck regulations.

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of twenty erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.

Roz has been married to her best friend, and high school sweetheart, for over three decades. Roz and her husband have two grown daughters (and a new Son-in-law) they couldn’t be more proud of.
Even though Roz has lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, “You can’t ever really leave.”

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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Jul 19, 2015

Taste the forbidden... NEW RELEASE #MFRWauthor Spotlight! *Not Vanilla* @JenniLynnAuthor

MFRW author Jennifer Lynne released Not Vanilla (Voyeurism), an Erotic Contemporary Romance.

Taste the forbidden in this new series providing a glimpse
into a range of flavors that are definitely not vanilla!

WATCH ME by Jennifer Lynne
I was so afraid, when my husband uncovered my secret. Afraid he’d hate me, or think me disgusting, or be completely turned off. Equally scared this watching game I play with our sexy neighbor might be shut down for good. Can William bring himself to join my addictive Sunday night ritual, or will he force me to choose between the man I love, and the sexual urges that consume me? ~ Isabel

I wish I had never told Travis my deepest, darkest secret—that I like to watch. I should have known he would want to give me my heart’s desire. I love him more than anything, but I hate him for using my weakness to try to win me back. Moreover, I hate myself for not being able to turn down the gifts he brings me. ~ Bailey Rose

Taste the forbidden in this new series from two bestselling authors! These sexy, novelette-length stories, while romantic, will take you into the erotic world of the watcher and the watched.
Amazon: Buy Link

Goodreads review: ""Anyone who reads this and denies being so turned on they are squirming in their seat, is seriously not human.""
AusRom Today review: ""...a scorching hot read that explores at some depth and detail the voyeurism fetish.""

EXCERPT from WATCH ME by Jennifer Lynne
    My hands clutch like claws against the window pane. The glass, frosted by Melbourne’s mid-winter cold, is icy beneath my fingertips. I let the coolness seep into my flesh, grounding me. I am waiting, but he’s late.
    We have an arrangement, this neighbor of mine and me. At the start of every working week, late on a Sunday night while the rest of the city sleeps, we play a game. A dangerous, addictive game.
    I don’t even know his real name, and yet this game of ours, and his presence in my life, has grown to fill the recent emptiness. It consumes me. He consumes me, but in a good way. I am becoming whole again, thanks to this man and our seductive, secret play.
    But it is half past midnight and he is not yet at his post. The window in the apartment across the narrow alleyway is still dark. The red brickwork surround is lit by a street lamp that only serves to enhance the darkness within, making the square appear fathomless. It looks like an empty eyeball socket in a skull whose soul has long departed the physical world.
    A thought grips my heart and squeezes painfully. Perhaps he’s grown tired of it all? Perhaps he no longer wishes to play?
    A whimper slips from my lips and the resultant breath frosts the glass in front of my face, obscuring my reflection. What will I do to satisfy this insatiable need if he’s not here anymore to fill the void? My shoulders slump and even though I’m reluctant to give up this lonely vigil, I am about to concede when a square of golden warmth lights the window opposite. Just like that, between one click of a switch and the next, my anxiety turns to heady excitement.
    Yes! I need this. I need you.

ABOUT MFRW Authors Jennifer Lynne & Roz Lee
Jennifer Lynne writes sensual and erotic romance from her home in Melbourne, Australia. She is published with Red Sage and previously with Breathless Press, and has forged a successful indie career with her popular GODS OF LOVE erotic series about sexy Greek gods searching for love in a modern-day world.

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of over twenty erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.

Jul 10, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Not Vanilla by #MFRWauthor Roz Lee @IWriteRomance

Not Vanilla - Bondage
USA Today Bestselling Author Roz Lee and Bestselling Author Jennifer Lynne, invite you to taste the forbidden in a brand-new series offering a tantalizing glimpse into a range of ""flavors"" that are definitely not vanilla!

NOT VANILLA - BONDAGE, will be out on July 21st, and includes HUNG UP by Roz Lee and ALPHA SUBMISSIVE by Jennifer Lynne. These sexy, novelette-length stories are designed to take you into the erotic world of rope bondage, while still holding onto the romance.
Taste the forbidden.
At sixteen, Colton Barnes had already made a name for himself on the football field, the baseball
field, the debate team, the academic decathlon team, and the junior rodeo circuit. He walked the halls of Jeff Davis High School as if he owned them—and, hell, he did. Every guy wanted to be him, every girl wanted to do him, and every teacher wanted to clone him. Eventually, he chose rodeo over the colleges offering him both academic and athletic scholarships. He was/is too good to be true.

Sometimes I wonder if he regrets the path he chose. He made a fortune on the Professional Bull Rider’s circuit, but the sport took as much as it gave. Forced to retire after a particularly nasty animal stomped on his right leg, smashing the bones to bits, he returned to Ft. Worth with a noticeable limp, and started a business making custom bull ropes. He mostly keeps to himself these days, occasionally showing up at The Lone Star to have a drink with his buddies from high school. That’s where he found me.

I go there every week to drink and laugh with my girlfriends. The group ranges from a few to a dozen, depending on work schedules. We’re all single, except April who’s engaged and Bailey Rose who has a semi-permanent thing going with Travis. Conversation usually revolves around our dates, or lack thereof. Everyone there knows I dance, so it’s not unusual for one of the regulars at the club to drag me down to the dance floor to teach some greenhorn the basic steps. I was headed back to my table after teaching some sorority girl how to two-step when Colton stepped into my path.

At thirty, he is even more handsome than he’d been as a teenager. Age and experience have added character to his features, something I hadn’t been aware of until the moment I crashed into his broad chest.

He apologized profusely, but hell, if I’d had two nickels to rub together, I would have paid him to let me bounce off his chest. He offered to buy me a drink, and, finding the manners bred into me as a Southern woman, I let him. I lost track of how many drinks I consumed at his expense, but when I woke up the next morning with a herd of longhorns stampeding through my skull, I vaguely remembered agreeing to pose for him. I’d found the napkin with directions on it stuffed inside my bra.

“You’re a class act, Bethany.”

CONNECT with Author Roz Lee
USA Today Bestselling author Roz Lee has penned over a dozen erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.
When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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