Showing posts with label Marcia James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcia James. Show all posts

Jun 7, 2015

It's Time! Spring Into Love ANTHOLOGY with 11 Authors including #MFRWauthor @Marcia_James

Spring Into Love
11 Hot Contemporary Romances
From sensual to spicy, this boxed set of ELEVEN contemporary romances includes bestselling, award-winning, and USA TODAY multi-published authors.

Happy Endings - Chantel Rhondeau
Tasting Los Angeles- Kimmie Easley
Taming Romeo - Rachelle Ayala
Consolation Prize - Abbie St. Claire
Sweet Ride! - Bonnie Edwards
Liveon ~ No Evil - Stacy Eaton
Everybody's After Love - Lyssa Layne
Betrayed - Jade Kerrion
Finding Forever- Michele Shriver
Love Unleashed - Marcia James 
Kiss Me, Dancer - Alicia & Roy Street

SPRING INTO LOVE will warm your heart and tickle your senses. This is a limited time offer, so grab your set today! ONLY 99c!

Excerpt from ""Love Unleashed,"" a novella by Marcia James
Cara knew this wasn’t fair to Ron. Even if he hated her afterward, he had a right to know why she’d left him. “We got along great everywhere but in the bedroom. You’re just too...nice for me.”
“What the--? Too nice!” He gritted his teeth. “I was so careful with you--”
        “Did I ask you to be careful? You treated me like a porcelain doll, like I’d break if you looked at me cross-eyed.”
He leaned closer, his arms folded over his muscular chest. “I’m over a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than you. Was I supposed to body slam you to the floor?”
“Yes!” God, it would have been wonderful if he’d been more sexually aggressive. “I loved you, Ron, but I can’t commit to a man whose lovemaking is so...”
“What? Boring?” He was being sarcastic, but his mouth dropped open as something in her eyes must have confirmed his comment. “This is crazy. I put you first every time. You want a selfish bastard who just cares about his own needs?”
He was crowding her personal space, and Cara’s anger spiked. “You can be generous in bed and still open to new things. Selfish and daring aren’t synonymous.”
       “So, Cara, you want spice or kink?”
       “I’m not ashamed of my desires.” She was tired of men scorning her for having a strong sex drive. “You’re the one who’s repressed. Ron Hart, Mr. Perfect Gentleman. Why keep such a tight leash on yourself? I’m not going to faint if you give into your urges.”
His pupils dilated and his jaw clenched, but she wasn’t afraid. Ron would never hurt her, but he might finally let his inner-caveman out. And if he threw off his good-boy manners, there might be a chance for them after all.
Ron’s gaze dropped to her mouth. His voice deep and sensual, he asked, “You want me to give in to my urges, Cara?”
Licking her lips in anticipation, she nodded.

ABOUT Marcia James
Marcia James writes hot, humorous romances and finaled in eleven Romance Writers of America contests before selling her first comic romantic suspense, At Her Command.  Her latest releases are Sex & the Single Therapist (a comic romantic mystery) and Love Unleashed (a sexy novella). In her eclectic career, she has shot submarine training videos, organized celebrity-filled nonprofit events and had her wedding covered by People Magazine. After years of dealing with such sexy topics as how to safely install traffic lights, she is enjoying “researching” and plotting her novels' steamy love scenes with her husband and hero of many years.


Jan 2, 2015

Quick and Quirky Questions with #MFRWauthor @Marcia_James

MFRW Author Marcia James writes hot, humorous romances and finaled in eleven Romance Writers of America contests before selling her first comic romantic suspense, At Her Command.  Her latest releases are Sex & the Single Therapist (a comic romantic mystery) and Love Unleashed (a sexy novella). In her eclectic career, she has shot submarine training videos, organized celebrity-filled nonprofit events and had her wedding covered by People Magazine. After years of dealing with such sexy topics as how to safely install traffic lights, she is enjoying “researching” and plotting her novels' steamy love scenes with her husband and hero of many years.

Today, Marcia visits with MRFW to answer a few quick & quirky questions.

1. If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Las Vegas, with the option to fly anywhere I want to go on a moment's notice.

2. Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
Everything humorous -- from whoopee cushions to velvet paintings of dogs playing poker.  :-)

3. What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Video poker! I love playing it, whether it's with a handheld video game or the video poker machines at the Bellagio in Vegas.

4 If you were stranded on a tropical island, who would it be with?
I'd pick my husband and best friend, Jim, of course! Hopefully one of us would remember to pack SPS 100 sunscreen and snacks!

5. What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I entered a celebrity downhill ski event, and it turned out I was the worst skier there.  :-(  My team captain asked me to snowplow all the way to the bottom of the run to make sure I wouldn't miss any of the gates. I was embarrassed, but I completed the race. And looking back, I'm glad I stepped outside my comfort zone and supported the charity involved.

6. Ebook or paperback?
Ebook, because... 1. I love being able to change the font of the book to 14 point. 2. It's very convenient having lots of books loaded on my ereader for vacations. 3. Holding the ereader and turning pages is easier with an ereader than a paperback.

7. We noticed you have dogs (and some cats) in all of your books. Can you tell us why?
I love talking about how much fictional pets contribute to a plot and ""humanize"" the grouchiest of characters. And I especially enjoy pairing a tiny Chinese crested hairless dog with a big, Alpha-male romance hero.  :-) Also I support local and national pro-animal organizations, such as pet rescue groups.

8. How can readers find out more about you?

9. Tell us about your newest book.
At Her Command, a Mainstream Contemporary Romantic Mystery, was released in September 2014.
DEA agent Domino Petracelli is chasing a career-making promotion and nothing will keep her from getting her man. She’d rather infiltrate a Columbian drug cartel than go undercover as a dominatrix at D.C.’s Xecutive Branch sex club. But she’s no quitter. As Mistress Bella, Domino investigates the club while juggling a roster of kinky submissives—and resisting one sexy client who’s not what he seems.

Detective Dalton Cutter is determined to avenge his partner, who was murdered investigating the club. Retracing his partner’s steps, he goes undercover as a club client. Dalton’s handled killers, junkies and pimps, but can the Alpha-male cop act submissive long enough to fool Mistress Bella? And will their sexual chemistry derail Dalton’s investigation?

This R-rated romantic suspense pokes fun at the alphabet soup of Washington, D.C. law enforcement agencies. Imagine if several agencies unknowingly put operatives undercover at the same location. Let the sparks fly!

“Ms. James has written a great book full of action, suspense and really erotic love scenes.”
-- Rating: 4 ½ Hearts – Maura Frankman, The Romance Studio

“This book starts off with a sex club and drugs, with murder and mistaken identities thrown in…a fun book.”
-- Rating: 4 Cups – Lainey, Coffee Time Romance"

Dec 2, 2012

Book Spotlight ~ Heating up the Holidays

Author:  Marcia James
Book:  Heating Up the Holidays
Release Date:  July 2012
Publisher: Marcia James
ISBN: 978-0-9837033-2-7
Genre: Contemporary romance novella
Heat Level: R-rated
Format:  E-Book in Multiple Formats
Author Website:
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Nicky Paxton is up to her pointed elf ears in work—filling in for a sick Santa’s helper, corralling kittens in a winter wonderland and running her family’s department store. With only 14 shopping days until Christmas, the last thing she needs is her high school heart-breaker.

Lawyer Chris Spencer leaves the LA rat race to raise his five-year-old daughter, Holly, in his sleepy Virginia hometown. He wants Holly to have a wonderful Christmas. His carefully laid plans don’t include a second chance with his first love.

When Holly asks the store Santa for a “fairy pony puppy”, Chris enlists Nicky’s help to track down the elusive item. Despite Nicky’s resolve not to re-gift her heart to Chris, their sexual attraction could power the town’s holiday light display. With the help of mistletoe, a hairless dog and a lonely child, Chris and Nicky just might get their Christmas desires.

Apr 5, 2012

Niche Marketing Tips - Contest Entry

Marcia James' 10 Favorite Niche Marketing Tips

            The audience for genre fiction, particularly romance, is vast.  And the promotion of a single author is easily lost among the thousands of authors working hard to catch readers' eyes.  So niche marketing -- reaching those readers especially interested in your books -- can make the most of your promotional dollars and time.  As a romance author myself, I call this "thinking outside the heart-shaped box."

            First, you need to analyze your books and your author brand to find elements that might appeal to specific readers.  For example, one of the elements in my books is Chinese Crested hairless dog characters.  So I joined an international message board about "crestie" dogs and Friended many of them on Facebook to chat with people who are not only great subject matter experts on cresties, but are also interested in buying books that feature that breed.

[A quick note: The sensuality level of your writing can limit the places and ways you can market your books.]

Here are 10 Niche Marketing Tips, starting with a list of possible marketable book elements:

1. What are your hero and heroine's vocations?

What are your protagonists' professions?  If your heroine is special events coordinator, there's a professional association for people in that field.  If your hero is a veterinarian, you can look into marketing to the veterinarians' professional association.

2. What are your hero and heroine's avocations?

What are your protagonists' hobbies?  You might have a character who collects vintage cars, and there are many groups of vintage car owners.  Your hero or heroine might knit or quilt (okay, your Beta hero might do these things!), and there are knitting and quilting groups online and possibly in your community.

3. What are your hero and heroine's sports/physical activities?

Do your protagonists play softball or volleyball, fish, jog, hike, canoe, etc?  There are groups devoted to all sorts of sports.

4. What are your hero and heroine's charitable activities?

Do your protagonists volunteer for Big Sisters, Special Olympics, homeless shelters, or animal rescue?  Is your hero or heroine dealing with a medical challenge, such as cancer, or a physical disability?  Charities -- and the people who support them -- love to know when their causes are mentioned in a book.

5. Do your books include any four-legged characters -- not counting shape-shifters?  ;-)

There are many, many organizations for those who love animals.  And there might be marketing opportunities at a Humane Society fundraiser (e.g., you could donate a themed basket with a signed copy of your book) or a pet adoption fair.

6. What is the timeframe and location of your novel?

If you write historical novels, there are groups interested in specific historical eras.  E.g., there are Renaissance Fairs and Civil War reenactments that might offer a chance for promotion.  If you set your books in a certain city, state, or country (and maybe feature things specific to that location), there might be events that offer marketing opportunities, such as a state bicentennial celebration, the Kentucky Derby, or a jazz festival.

7. Do your books have paranormal, science fiction (s/f), or fantasy elements?

Quite a few authors whose books include these subgenres promote their books at s/f or fantasy cons.  There are also groups who have paranormal interests, such as vampire, shape-shifter, or dragon lore.

8. Does your book contain elements that would appeal to specific fans?

For example, do you have an Elvis impersonator in your book?  Is your heroine a Bruce Springsteen fan?  Does your hero love film noir or NASCAR?  There are groups for all of these.

9. Now that you've identified your book elements, where do you locate potential niche readers for your books?

There are library reference books offering information (contact name, email, address, phone, website, whether the group has a member newsletter, etc.) for every conceivable type of association and club.  Here are two good reference books that are often available online through library websites: The Encyclopedia of Associations and Associations Unlimited.  Many of the groups listed in these books would be happy to hear from an author who's written a book of interest to their members.  As I mentioned, however, this does work better for books that have a sensuality level from G to PG-13.

10. Another PR "angle" is tying your promotions to specific holidays based on the elements in your books and author brand.

Romances most often tied to February, thanks to Valentine's Day.  And many paranormal romances are promoted around Halloween.  But there are lots of holidays that would work, depending on your book elements.  E.g., I reinforce my dog logo and brand by guest-blogging about responsible pet ownership on pro-animal holidays like National Spay or Neuter Your Pet Day.  A good resource for some of the more obscure or funny holidays is Chase's Calendar of Events.  You can also Google national holidays that fit your book elements and/or author brand.

            Thinking Outside the Heart-Shaped Box is a matter of opening your mind to the possibilities beyond traditional author promotion.  It means considering yourself as not only an expert on fiction writing but also fluent on your genre or subgenre – and on elements within your books.  All it takes to do niche marketing is the same imagination you use to write your books.

Happy promoting!
Marcia James

Marcia James

BIO: Marcia James writes hot, humorous romances and finaled in eleven Romance Writers of America contests before selling her first comic romantic suspense, At Her Command.  Her latest release is Sex & the Single Therapist, a comic romantic mystery. In her eclectic career, she has shot submarine training videos, organized celebrity-filled nonprofit events and had her wedding covered by People Magazine. In addition to writing fiction, Marcia presents author promotion workshops. After years of dealing with such sexy topics as how to safely install traffic lights, she is enjoying "researching" and plotting her novels' steamy love scenes with her husband and hero of many years.

Sex & the Single Therapist is the first of the "Dr. Ally Skye, Sex Therapist" comic romantic mystery series.  Ally helps her detective boyfriend solve crimes in Sin City -- much to his dismay.  This series features humor, an amateur sleuth, cute dogs, and a super sexy romance!

 Sex & the Single Therapist:

A crime of passion…
            To clear an innocent friend, sex therapist Dr. Ally Skye investigates a patient’s murder. Soon she's trading heated words and hot kisses with a sexy cop. Can this free-spirited amateur sleuth and her posse of Vegas insiders solve the crime before the killer targets her?

Sex and the Single Therapist

A sexy complication…
            Cynical homicide detective Zack Crawford has the murder to solve. The last thing he needs is a red-hot sex therapist who haunts his dreams. Ally is trouble and, given her job and his luck, she'd probably grade his performance in bed.

A dynamic duo…
            Zack and Ally form an uneasy and sexually charged alliance. Murderers, extortionists and psychos are no match for these reluctant partners. Crime-solving was never this sexy or this fun!

Sex & the Single Therapist Purchase Links:

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