Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Release. Show all posts

Feb 17, 2017

#MFRWauthor @KateHillRomance Writes What She Knows BOLT @CompBeastsBlog

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, MFRW Author Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels.

When she's not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, spending time with her family and pets and running the Compelling Beasts Blog, dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes and paranormal creatures. She also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.

You can connect with Kate on her website, blog, Compelling Beasts Blog or on twitter.

Today she talks about WRITING WHAT YOU KNOW...
It's been said write what you know. Since I write mostly erotic paranormal romance, it's impossible to take that advice literally. Even if I didn't write paranormal romance, my books would be quite limited if I stuck to only things I know or do in my daily routine. I've found that regarding fiction, writing what you know must be open to interpretation. For example, even though I don't know any werewolves, I needed to know my fictional wolves pretty well before I started writing my latest book. It's a made up world, but there needs to be consistency and good character development.  
Research also helps me write what I know. If I want a character to use a particular skill, I need to study that skill to make their experiences authentic. That doesn't always mean I have to practice the actual skill, but I talk to people who might have it, read about it and do my best to check facts. Sometimes it means trying something new myself. For example, I've written a few characters who belly dance and for research I took lessons. I was horrible at it, but I had a lot of fun and I feel it helped me know my characters better. 
So I guess I'd say that you should write what you know, but that statement itself is open to interpretation.
Kate recently released Fangs and Fists: Bolt, an Erotic Paranormal Romance, with Changeling Press.
In a futuristic world ruled by demons, werewolves are enslaved to fight in gladiatorial matches for the amusement of their evil masters.

Kiara remembers what life was like living free -- before she was taken by demons and bred to gladiators so that the new generations of wolves would retain their ferocity but forget their freedom. Mated to top gladiator Grit, she has a son with this surprisingly gentle lover who is also planning their escape. When Grit is killed in the arena, his close friend Bolt upholds his promise to protect Kiara and the cub.

Bolt and Kiara have loved each other from the moment they met, but they buried their feelings because she was mated to his best friend. When Grit dies, despite their guilt, Bolt and Kiara surrender to their desire for each other. Will their love be strong enough to help them win freedom?

Is love stronger than magic? Wolf mates Kiara and Bolt are about to find out.
Startled, Kiara jumped to her feet, her senses alive.

Two guards shoved Bolt inside. Naked and covered from head to toe in dried blood, he stood, trembling visibly. His blue gaze found hers and Kiara felt a bit ill. She'd never seen him like this.

""She's yours now,"" said one of the guards. ""We'll remove the cub of her previous mate.""

Kiara nearly panicked. She growled, her inner wolf on the verge of attacking the guards, futile as it would be. Still, she'd rather die fighting to protect Jett than willingly surrender him to these monsters.

""No,"" Bolt said. ""The cub is too young. Let her keep him for now.""

""Very well,"" said the second guard. ""But it will soon be weaned. Do your duty, wolf. She's a healthy female and ripe for more offspring.""

The guards marched out, leaving Kiara and Bolt facing each other.

Kiara wasn't sure about the severity of his injuries. The blood covering him didn't look fresh, which was good. Apparently any wounds he'd sustained had started to heal.

She couldn't begin to guess what he'd endured.

""Come sit."" Kiara reached for his hand. It was ice cold and he jerked away.

""I'm a mess.""

""It's not the first time I've had blood on me,"" she said, remembering the days when she'd hunted with her pack.

This time when she took his hand, he tightened his grip so that it was almost painful and followed her to the washroom. She turned on the water in the black tile shower.

Author will provide an ebook copy for review. Contact Kate directly HERE.

Feb 14, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Daring Proposal @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

A NEW RELEASE from Jeanne St. James!
Daring Proposal
The Dare Menage Series, Book 2

Since losing her husband years ago in a tragic accident, Eve Sanders hasn't dated. Her husband's death proved life is short, so why waste time denying her unfulfilled desires. Eve desires two men, but not just any two. Both happen to be former Super Bowl champions and best friends.

When both men participate in a Celebrity Date Night charity event, Eve's determined to not only be the winning bidder for the retired NFL quarterback Lawrence ""Long Arm"" Landis, but also Cole Dixon, his former Boston Bulldog's teammate. However, Ren not only has a problem with another man dating the same woman, but he definitely isn't planning on sharing her in the same bed. Even if it's with his best friend.

Openly bi-sexual, Cole is sexually attracted to Ren and has secretly wanted him for years. He's never acted upon it, assuming Ren wouldn't want to be with another man. Eve's daring proposal gives Cole hope his dream with Ren will come true.

Being with two men is one of Eve's fantasies, but never in her life has she been so bold. Not only is she nervous about proposing something so daring to the two men, but will both be willing?

Never in her life has she been so bold to propose something so daring...
Amazon 5 star Review: ""Jeanne St James has worked herself right next to many of my favorite authors. This book, just like all the others I have read, are easy to escape into.""

Amazon 5 Star Review: ""A really well-written story into the emotional considerations and challenges of a menage relationship.""

He placed a hand over hers, which was resting on her thigh. “Where to now?”
“Somewhere quiet?”
His fingers flexed over hers. “Have you ever driven stick?”
She shook her head.
He interlaced his fingers with hers and placed their linked hands over the gear shift. “You don’t know what you’re missing. All that power within your fingertips.” With his hand guiding hers, he shifted the restored classic Camaro into first gear. He let out the clutch and the big block engine roared to life as he pulled away from the club, the tires chirping a bit. He continued to drive through the city with her hand under his on the gear shift. Her hand felt tiny in comparison to his broad palm and long fingers.
She didn’t bother to ask where he was headed. She didn’t even care. The warm, long fingers intertwined with hers had such promise. She hoped he was just as skilled with them as Ren had been the night before.
That thought made her sit back in the bucket seat. This was what she wanted. What she intended. But could she live with herself for being so open to sex on the first date with two different men? Two men she only had knowledge of because they had lived a very public life?
She had picked them for a reason. They were both men who had played the field. And she wasn’t thinking about football. Both had been sexually active with women, and in Cole’s case, also with men, but didn’t take relationships seriously. She figured they’d be more open-minded to what she would propose. If they agreed, she hoped it would eventually work out to be long-term but reminded herself not to be disappointed if it didn’t. Either way, she wanted to explore her sexuality, wanted to explore something new. Both men seemed to be secure enough in their sexuality, from what she could see.
He worked his way through the city with skill. It was clear he knew it well, and it wasn’t long before he pulled into a parking garage below what had looked like the same building where they dropped him off the night before.
He had taken her to his place. Her pulse jumped from the sudden awareness of what he intended to the anticipation of what was to come.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Amazon Author Page:"
Email the author directly HERE if you'd like to review this book.

Feb 7, 2017

Coming Soon: A War Like Ours @SaffronAKent #MFRWauthor Seeking #Reviewers

New Book COMING SOON from Saffron A. Kent!

Three weeks ago, James Maxwell’s wife died in a car accident, but he hasn’t been able to tell his five-year old daughter the heartbreaking truth behind her mother's death. Instead, he packs them up and leaves for a summer resort in upstate New York to spend a few peaceful weeks and to gradually break the news. But a spirited and outspoken maid at the resort has figured out his secret.

After witnessing her mother’s violent death at the hands of her stepfather, Madison Smith has turned aimless and bitter toward the world—men, in particular. Her dead-end job at the local resort and her convenient girlfriend are barely keep Madison from falling apart. When she meets James, however, she’s driven to protect his child from the darkness she sees inside him.

But Madison doesn’t expect to find that very darkness irresistible. Drowning in guilt and memories, James doesn't expect to be drawn to the sharp-witted woman who has made his life miserable. When their tempers flare, a brutal kiss triggers a need that blurs the lines of hate and desire. As their lust spins out of control, they must decide if their attraction is worth fighting for or if love is the real enemy.

Love is the fiercest enemy there is... AMAZON Buy Link

"I've always been an avid reader. I think it comes from my father. Although he used to read spy novels and my interest was and is romance. I spent years reading before I even thought of writing. I read about 200 books per year, sometimes more. My creativity or ideas come from reading. The more I read, the more I write. However, my debut book, A WAR LIKE OURS, comes from a movie. I was watching, The girl with a dragon tattoo and I was struck by a very tiny detail. The heroine in the movie is a victim of sexual assault and because of that she swear off men, and dates girls. I was horrified and fascinated by it. I wondered about the psychology of such a character and from there, Madison, the heroine of my novel took shape. James, my hero, came from a book I was reading at the time. But the basic premise of my story comes from the movie."

My arm had begun to feel numb. I forgot to breathe as I looked at him. He could really hurt me. I knew this in my heart. He could really do it. My fear kicked into high gear. Please no. I didn’t think I could go through that again. Turned out people like me could be scared of some things, too. Surprise, my subconscious chanted, weakly.

I tried to free myself. “Let me go.”

He brought me even closer and puffed his stale breath on my face. I fought hard not to gag. His chest wasn’t touching mine, but one deep breath and it would brush. I stopped breathing.

A soft flick, a caress resonated on my skin where he’d grabbed me. It was so soft that it could’ve been air touching my skin, but I knew it was him. He was circling his thumb on my arm. My heart pounded, furious, afraid, and with a tinge of excitement. In the next second, the caress was gone like I’d dreamt it.

I struggled harder. “Let me go!” And then I broke down and uttered a word I hadn’t spoken like I meant it in a long while. “Please.”

ABOUT Saffron A. Kent
Romance Writer and Reader. Coffee Addict. White Russian Drinker. Imaginary Ballet Dancer. Wanna-be Poet. Lana Del Ray & Gillian Flynn Worshiper.

My stories are grey-shaded and NC-17. I write what I love to read. And what I love to read is always twisted and angsty and emotional. My characters desperately need therapy. They tend to kiss a lot too, among other naughty things.


Email the author if interested. She's hoping to have the reviews up around the release date.

Jan 31, 2017

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: A Bend In The Willow @SusanCGoldner

Susan Clayton-Goldner recently released A Bend In The Willow, a Contemporary Romance with Tirgearr Publishing.

Willowood, Kentucky 1965—Robin Lee Carter sets a fire that kills her rapist, then disappears. She reinvents herself and is living a respectable life as Catherine Henry, married to a medical school dean in Tucson, Arizona. In 1985, when their 5-year-old son, Michael, is diagnosed with a chemotherapy-resistant leukemia, Catherine must return to Willowood, face her family and the 19-year-old son, a product of her rape, she gave up for adoption. She knows her return will lead to a murder charge, but Michael needs a bone marrow transplant. Will she find forgiveness, and is she willing to lose everything, including her life, to save her dying son?

Beautifully bittersweet – this is the story of Robin Lee’s childhood, the events that formed and tested her, and what she did to finally move on and become the woman known as Catherine Henry. As Catherine her life is everything she dreamed it would be but it is based on lies and she fears that one day she will be exposed. When her five year old son is diagnosed with leukemia and a bone marrow transplant is all that can save him Catherine has to face people and places she has not seen in twenty years. What she finds is an astounding story of giving, living and love.

It has been a long time since a story has moved me to tears! But reading the last chapter of this book about soaked my pillow! This is a beautiful story written with Southern charm. You live through each character. It has also been a long time since I have found a story so beautifully written that you could be reading a movie script. You can just hear the words coming off the page into your mind.

Willowood, Kentucky (1954)
I was seven years old the first time I wished him dead. I remember everything about that cloudless February day. The sky had a dazzling light to it, the kind that bounced off snowdrifts and caught the sparkle in the spider web frost on the school bus windows. It was the kind of light that made dreams seem possible. Even for me. The bus smelled like tangerines, wet wool and half-eaten peanut butter sandwiches left in lunchboxes.
I scooted closer to the window so Nancy couldn’t see me slip my hand inside my book bag to finger the pink envelope where Wayne Stafford had printed my full name with a heart drawn around it. Robin Lee Carter. As soon as I finished my chores I planned to paint a snowman card with a heart, instead of a carrot, for a nose.
Nancy poked me in the shoulder. “You got a secret in there?”
I shook my head. Nancy Preston and I swore we’d never keep secrets from each other. But this was a new feeling and I didn’t have the words to explain it yet, even to my best friend.
When the doors swung open on Bear Hollow Road, a string of yelping kids hopped from the bottom step and raced toward the sleds they’d left at the crest of the hill. I caught up with Wayne and touched his sleeve. “May I ride your sled?” I was careful to use the proper verb.
Wayne grinned, but before he could say yes, Peggy Thompson, in her red coat with black fur cuffs, stuck her prissy face close to my ear and whispered, loud enough for him to hear, “Robin Lee is nothing but dirty junkyard trash.”
Wayne’s gaze settled on his galoshes before he turned and ran toward the hill.
I stood up real straight, lifted my chin like Momma always said, and pretended it didn’t matter. Although my clothes weren’t as new and fancy as Peggy’s, they were always clean and well mended.
I wanted to brag about the card Wayne had given me, but instead I held my nose and glared at Peggy. “You have cooties and your breath smells like dog poop.”
She gasped, stuffed her hands into a fur muff that hung from a braided cord around her neck and marched away, her finger curls bobbing with each step.
Nancy slapped her palm over her mouth to hold in the giggles, but she couldn’t hide the sparkle in her blue eyes. Her mom worked on Tuesdays and Thursdays and paid my momma to babysit after school. I loved those two days better than any other. Even my daddy seemed happier. But today was Wednesday. I waved to Nancy, then ran toward my house, anxious to get the laundry hung so I could paint the snowman card.
Halfway up the drive, I spotted Daddy’s pickup truck parked at a funny slant, its front tires in the flowerbed Momma had covered with pine needles for the winter. Right away, I figured he’d been drinking. My heart thumped, but not in the good way it had when I found Wayne’s valentine. Daddy’s drinking moods were dangerous, like someone sprayed poison into the air. I knew my life was different and sometimes knowing that was like skin pinched inside the teeth of a zipper.

ABOUT Susan Clayton-Goldner
Susan Clayton-Goldner was born in New Castle, Delaware and grew up with four brothers along the banks of the Delaware River. She is a graduate of the University of Arizona's Creative Writing Program and has been writing most of her life. Her novels have been finalists for The Hemingway Award, the Heeken Foundation Fellowship, the Writers Foundation and the Publishing On-line Contest. Susan won the National Writers' Association Novel Award twice for unpublished novels and her poetry was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies including Animals as Teachers and Healers, published by Ballantine Books, Our Mothers/Ourselves, by the Greenwood Publishing Group, The Hawaii Pacific Review-Best of a Decade, and New Millennium Writings. A collection of her poems, A Question of Mortality was released in 2014 by Wellstone Press. Prior to writing full time, Susan worked as the Director of Corporate Relations for University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona.

Susan shares a life in Grants Pass, Oregon with her husband, Andreas, her fictional characters, and more books than one person could count.


Jan 23, 2017

#MFRWauthor #Historical Book Spotlight: Darcy's Hope @GingerMonette

A NEW RELEASE by Ginger Monette!
Darcy's Hope at Donwell Abbey, A WW1 Pride and Prejudice Companion Book 2

1917. With WW1 raging across the Western Front, Captain Fitzwilliam Darcy has won the heart of Elizabeth Bennet. Finally.

Then she disappears.

Still reeling from the loss, tragedy strikes, plunging him into a dark and silent world.

His heart tells him to hold on to Elizabeth, but his head tells him to take a chance with his extraordinary nurse who reminds him of his beloved Elizabeth.

But Donwell Abbey holds a secret that just might change everything....

*Darcy's Hope at Donwell Abbey is a sequel to Darcy's Hope ~ Beauty from Ashes, but can be read as a stand-alone novel.
""spellbinding story!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

""...story is amazing!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

""Fabulous story!"" ~Derbyshire Writer's Guild reader

Like a tentative knock on the door of his heart, her fingertips brushed his uniform sleeve, then grazed his hand as her fingers fell away. Something answered deep inside him.

ABOUT Ginger Monette
Ginger lives with her family in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she enjoys dancing on the treadmill, watching period dramas, public speaking, and reading—a full-length novel every Sunday afternoon.

Her WW1 flash fiction piece, Flanders Field of Grey, won Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's 2015 Picture This grand prize.
website  |  facebook  |  amazon  |  goodreads
Do you love Jane Austen fan fiction? Author is looking for reviewers even if you haven't read book 1 of series. Contact with "Review Donwell Abbey" on subject line.

Dec 26, 2016

New Release! Book Spotlight: The Power of Love and Murder @brendawhitesid2 #MFRWauthor

Brenda Whiteside announces her new release!
The Power of Love and Murder, Love and Murder Series book four
The Wild Rose Press

For thirteen years, Penny Sparks has managed to hide from the political powers who murdered her family. When she unwittingly exposes her true identity, not only is she marked for death, but the people closest to her risk meeting the same fate.

Jake Winters is out of rehab and coming to grips with his demons. When he meets his sister’s roommate, Jake believes Penny might be that someone who can help him find life after rock star status…until her secrets blow up his world.

With a government agent turned hit man closing in on her, Penny and Jake race to expose the presidential contender behind the murders of her family. Even if they win the race with death, the murder that stands between them could end their hope for a new life.
Jake nodded, but all he could concentrate on were
Penny’s last words before the officer appeared. When
they were alone again, he threw up his hands. “What do
you mean, go back to Phoenix? Why the hell would I
do that?”
She turned her back on him, went to the open door
of the bathroom, and lifted her clothes from the hook.
Beneath the thin, hospital gown her spine was straight,
her movements tight, as if coiled and ready to spring.
“Penny, I know how much she meant to you.” How
much she meant to both of them. He wanted to hold
her, share their loss. “I’m not leaving you.”
Untying the gown, she let it drop around her feet,
and sidestepped out of the heap. She pulled the dark
gray sweater over her head then stepped into black
velvet jeans, refusing to make eye contact or speak as
she sat on the green plastic chair.
This was killing him. The need to hold her, help
her with her pain—his pain—rushed through him.
Haltingly, he made his way to her, touched her head,
and waited while she zipped her boots. “Penny.” She
resisted, but he tipped her chin, forcing her to look up.
“Come on, baby. You don’t have to worry about me
leaving you.”
“You will.”
“When I tell you the truth, you will.”

ABOUT Brenda Whiteside
Convinced she was born to be an artist, Brenda never took her love of writing seriously…until sometime after college, after marrying a man doing a stint in the army, and after the birth of her son, she found more satisfaction filling a blank page with words than an empty canvas with color.

Brenda and her husband are gypsies at heart having lived in six states and two countries. Currently, they split their time between the pines of Northern Arizona and the RV life. At home or in the RV, she spends most of her time writing stories of discovery and love entangled with suspense.

Visit Brenda at
Or on FaceBook:
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about life’s latest adventure on her personal blog
Amazon Author Page:
Goodreads Author Page:

Dec 4, 2016

FREE with #KindleUnlimited: Loving Jessie's Girl by #MFRWauthor LA Remenicky @RemenickyWrites

Loving Jessie's Girl
Love On The Double Book 1
by MFRW Author L.A. Remenicky

AJ Monroe had made a life for himself in Denver, Colorado, away from his twin brother Jessie, away from Indiana. But when AJ feared for his brother's safety, he left everything behind to step back into the shadow he thought he had outgrown. Finding his brother was AJ's only concern...until he met Jessie's girl.

Fiercely independent, Rina Abbot hid her true situation from everyone, including her best friend, Jessie. Out of money and unable to care for her rescue dogs she had no choice but to accept the help of the handsome stranger with a familiar face. Afraid to trust him, she tried to ignore the feelings he stirred within her as they searched for his missing brother.

But secrets never stay secrets for long. Would Rina’s secrets force AJ to give up his dream of loving Jessie’s girl?
Rina Abbott clutched the mug of coffee tighter as another shiver wracked her body. Knowing Jessie had planned to be away until Tuesday, she was surprised to see him drive past without a wave or his customary toot of the truck’s horn.

She pulled herself up and stepped off the porch. “C’mon, Petey,” she called to her Jack Russell Terrier. She walked across the yard toward the path, which wound along the stream, leading to Jessie’s front yard. He would probably be back before she could walk the distance to his house.

Her vision wavered in and out as she stumbled down the path, her determination to reach her best friend the only thing keeping her moving forward. Once she reached his front porch, she lost consciousness and crumpled down on the steps.

With a bag of groceries in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other, AJ ambled up the front walk, dropping both when he noticed the beautiful woman sprawled out on the porch steps.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked as he reached toward her, stopping when the dog on the porch growled at him. “It’s okay, boy. I just want to help.” He held the back of his hand out to the animal, scratching its ears when it sat and looked at him expectantly.

He touched her arm, alarmed at the heat radiating off her. Brushing her blonde hair away from her face, he was distracted by the curve of her cheek, his fingers itching to trace it, before he noticed the pallor of her skin and bright spots of red on her cheeks. Her clothes were baggy as if she lost weight and hadn’t bought new clothes that fit.

She shifted and opened her eyes. “Love you, Jessie,” she mumbled. He looked into her eyes, mesmerized by the hazel color until she passed out again.

“Jessie lucked out this time. You’re gorgeous,” he murmured as he dialed 911 on his cell phone.

Frustrated as he answered “I don’t know” to most of the dispatcher’s questions, he wondered how long it would take for an ambulance to get there. He rubbed his neck as he listened for the wail of a siren. Anger welled up as he wondered how his brother could leave his girlfriend here alone when she was obviously sick.

ABOUT L.A. Remenicky
L.A. Remenicky is a wife and mother of two fur kids. A payroll professional by day, she writes out the stories in her head by night.

An avid reader all her life, she finally put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) during NaNoWriMo in 2012 and has never looked back. When she’s not typing away on her latest story with music playing in the background, she can usually be found spending time with her family and friends.

Newsletter signup:

Nov 9, 2015

The Sun Rises *Book Spotlight* Southern Legacy Complete Version by #MFRWauthor Jerri Hines @JHines340

Released Today!
Southern Legacy
by Jerri Hines

Now the bestselling serial is under one title— SOUTHERN LEGACY COMPLETED VERSION! Including Belle of Charleston, Shadows of Magnolia, Born to Be Brothers and the dramatic conclusion,
The Sun Rises! 
Set against the backdrop of Antebellum Charleston with the martial clash of brother against brother looming on the horizon--here is an absorbing, tantalizing saga of life during one of our country's most turbulent times--Southern Legacy Series.

Somewhere between love and tomorrow is forever!

"I wept at the end of the book for more than one reason. I was ready for the end of the series but I still want more. I loved this book the most because it pointed out the failure of resolution. It also pointed out that the north held their own prejudices. The most meaningful quote for me was when Jo reflected, "" is not about making an impact on the world as we know it, but on the lives of those you love. I wonder what impact I have made..."" This series is definitely the best I have ever read regarding the War Between the States. It was gripping, romantic, suspenseful and historical. A story well-woven. START with book one. You must! It will be worth it!" - C. Roberts, Amazon Reviewer

"From the very beginning to the end of the 4th book this was hard to put down. The characters and story line were we'll developed and held my interest throughout. I looked forward to the last book and was concerned I might forget some of the story but not to worry. You were able to tie it all together easily. I also loved the ending. Don't cry over many books but this one sure brought on the tears." - Amazon Reviewer

“Cullen!” she cried.
He stood for a moment and stared at her. His eyes grieved. Understanding his hesitation, her eyes widened. “Oh, Cullen, tell me it is not so.”
He rushed toward her. Taking her by the elbow, he uttered, “Come. We will find privacy.”
Jo hurried beside him, her small steps barely in step with his. He did not slow until they reached the Battery.
Standing against the backdrop of the Charleston harbor, utter wretchedness assaulted her, physically weakened and mentally broken. Her nerves were shaken; she made no effort to conceal her feelings.
His eyes lit upon her. She could take no more. “Don’t leave me,” she pleaded. “I can take anything but the knowledge you don’t want me.”
He reached over and caressed her face. “It has nothing to do with my feelings toward you.”
“Papa…Papa wants me…to marry…Andrew,” she said, desperately trying to find her words. She clutched his hand. “I cannot…not when I love you.”
“Oh, my sweet magnolia, I wish things were different. Your father took a great effort to explain your situation. It is complicated. It tears at the ties that bind between honor and duty. If I gave in to my desires, I would sweep you up North.”
“Please, Cullen, I will go.”
He shook his head. “Our love would change. Over time, our passion will turn to resentment, then, God forbid, apathy. I could not live with that. It is best if what we had becomes a remembrance.”
A sudden anger surged through her. She pushed away from him. “Go then! I care not. You are no more than a coward. No better than anyone else in my life. Promises made, only to be broken. Hold on to your honor and duty and know I will give myself to another!”
For a breathless moment, the world stilled. The ocean waves pounded against the stone wall, spewing water all around them. She became oblivious of everything around her except Cullen.
Suddenly, she felt his hand around her waist. He drew her into his arms. He leaned down and kissed her. He deepened the kiss. She couldn’t think; she could only feel…
“I’ll be damned if another touches you,” he whispered against her lips. “I can’t fight this. I choose you, always you.”
ABOUT Jerri Hines
I'm a Southern gal that has lived the last thirty years near Boston with my Yankee husband. The funny thing is that as a Southerner I know I'm Southern; he hasn't a clue he's a Yankee. I believe in love and the power it holds. It is the reason I write romances. My fascination for history has inspired many of my books including the Winds of Betrayal and Tide of Charleston Series both set during the American Revolution. My Civil War saga, Southern Legacy, is my latest series. It is a serial made up of Belle of Charleston, Shadows of Magnolia, Born to Be Brothers and the dramatic conclusion, The Sun Rises.

Sep 29, 2015

Just Released! The Sheriff Meets His Match @JacqBiggar #MFRWauthor

The Sheriff Meets His Match

Wounded Hearts Novella, #4
by Jacquie Biggar
Mainstream Contemporary Suspense

Jack Garrett has been stung by love in the past so he's not in a hurry to get burnt again, but he can't deny his attraction to the new receptionist, Laurel Thomas.

When trouble comes to Tidal Falls, Jack worries that Laurel is in over her head.

Laurel loves her dysfunctional family but dreams of a place to call home. Just as she settles into a new life, her old one catches up to her and delivers chaos to the town.

Can these two strong personalities find a way to trust in each other and find their happy ever after?

Michelle from GoodReads: "I was given an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. A definite must read!!"

Jack hesitated with his hand fisted to knock on Laurel’s pumpkin-colored door. His aunt had this thing about brightly painted doors being good luck, or some such hogwash. The murmur of a voice from within told him Laurel had company. Male company. He tapped the file in his other hand against his thigh and glared a hole through the door.
“Guess it can wait ’til morning,” he grumbled, turning to step gingerly down the snow-covered stairs. Whoever-the-asshat-was, he could have at least shoveled them off for her. Just as he reached the sidewalk an angry shout coming from inside the house startled him. Jack grabbed for his service revolver and jumped for the door. He missed the stairs entirely and dropped the file, allowing it to fall unheeded into the snowbank. The papers from within tobogganed down the slope.
He rammed a fist against the wood. “Sheriff’s department, open the door.” His heart thundered in his chest and there was a ringing in his ears. Was he having a frigging heart attack for crying out loud? He’d never reacted like this before, not even when he’d chased after a murderer a few months ago. But the thought of someone hurting…
“Laur…el,” he shouted, panic clawing the back of his throat. Jack tried the knob but it was locked. He took a step back, angled himself sideways, and prepared to slam his shoulder into the wood. He started forward, slipping a little on the icy deck boards. Good thing, because it slowed him down just enough to narrowly avoid ploughing Laurel over when she pulled the door open.
When she saw him barrelling toward her with a gun in hand her beautiful eyes took over her face. “Yee…ahh,” she cried, tumbling backward and smacking her head against the now swinging door.
Jack tried backpedalling, but the slippery footing beneath his cowboy boots—dumb choice of footwear—had him sailing right into her already off-balanced body.
“Laurel, holy shit.” His hand reached out to grip her shoulder, conscious of the soft womanly feel of her plastered against his rapidly hardening body. Great. “I’m sorry, honey. Are you okay?”
ABOUT AUTHOR Jacquie Biggar
Jacquie lives in paradise along the west coast of Canada with her family. She loves reading, writing, flower gardening, and spoils her German Shepherd, Annie, and Calico cat, Harley. Jacquie swears she can't function without coffee.

Sep 25, 2015

Do You Know #MFRWauthor N.N. Light? We Asked. @NNP_W_Light Answered.

Meet Author N. N. Light
N. N. Light has been creating stories ever since she was little. Her grandfather remembers when she was two years old, she would stand at the top of the stairs and tell him a story filled with emotion (and in a language foreign to him) with her hands on her hips. Let's just say she was a born storyteller.

In addition to being an author, she's also a book promoter/reviewer and social media marketer. She loves books, has ever since she was young. Matching up books and readers is something that gives her great pleasure.

CONNECT with her here:
Amazon Author Page:
Independent Author Network:

We Asked... She Answered...
Day or Night?
Night. I'm a total night person.
Pen and paper or Computer?
Pen and paper. I'm what what many people call old-fashioned. I don't have a smartphone and use my phone primarily to call people. I love writing using a pen and paper. My favorite color is purple and there is something so beautiful about a hand-written note.
Fruit or Chocolate?
Chocolate all the way.
Coffee or Tea? 
I'm not a big coffee drinker but I do love herbal tea.
Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds? 
Merry-Go-Rounds. I did the whole roller coaster thing in my youth and it was fun. Now, I like to slow down and look at the beauty of my surroundings.
Bath or Shower? 
Bath, with lots of bubbles.
City life or Country life? 
This is ironic because my latest release deals with this very question. Truthfully, I'm a country gal. So, my answer is country life.
Soft or Hard? 
Ebook or Paperback?
Paperback. There's nothing like the smell of a book (new or old). Yes, I'm a closet book-sniffer.
Cats or Dogs?
Cats. I'm allergic to dogs.
Fast or Slow? 
Slow. I like to take my time and relax.
What is your secret guilty pleasure? 
My secret guilty pleasure is watching classic Disney movies/shows like Winnie the Pooh and Fantasia

N. N. Light's NEWEST BOOK:

Planting the Seeds of Love: A Novella
Mainstream Contemporary New Adult

Torn between two men, Sally must follow her heart and decide if love will lead her to the city or the countryside.

Twenty-Two year old Sally Rayton returns to the family farm she deserted four years ago to bury her grandfather. Her plan: to settle her grandfather's estate and return to her life in the city with her boyfriend, Trevor Mattson.

Her childhood friend, Jack Smith, has other ideas.

Jack convinces Sally to transform the farm into a brewery and fulfill her grandfather's dream while keeping the Rayton Farm in the family. Sally works side-by-side with Jack while Trevor is hundreds of miles away in the city. The more time she spends with Jack, the stronger her feelings are for him.
When Trevor shows up to propose to Sally right before Christmas and finds her in Jack's embrace, she must make the biggest choice of her life: true love.

"I love this type of story-line. It’s a true-to-life conflict that a lot of us face (well a girl can dream, right? :)) Two hot guys, a successful career, or a budding business, what’s a girl to do? The author does a splendid job of building the internal tension as well as some wonderfully lighthearted interactions that play out perfectly and keep the reader engaged. The secondary characters are well thought out, and bring an added dimension to the setting. ~Jacquie Biggar, Amazon

"Jack looked where she pointed.
""Sally..."" he began.
""Are you planning on selling it when the farm's made a profit?""
Sally sighed.
He turned her body around, his gaze penetrating hers.
""I don't know,"" she whispered. ""I know Grandpa wanted me to keep it in the family."" She furrowed her brow. ""I'm not a country girl; my heart belongs to the city.""
""Hey, it's okay."" He moved a step closer. ""Farming is hard work and you have to love it to make it successful."" He put a hand on her shoulder. ""Don't beat yourself up for following your heart.""
Sally winced.
""Jack, I'm not sure what my heart wants. Part of me loves being here, carrying on the family name.""
""But..."" Jack raised an eyebrow warily.
""But I have a life in the city. I've almost finished my degree --""
""You have Trevor,"" Jack interrupted her. He shook his head.
""What's wrong with that? Yes, I have a life and a boyfriend in the city. I've told you a thousand times my dream is to open my own sidewalk cafe."" She folded her arms over her chest. ""Don't you want me to be happy, Jack?"" Her voice sounded hurt, even to her own ears.
He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.
""This isn't going how I wanted it to."" He glanced up at her. ""I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything. It's just --""
""What?"" Sally cocked her head to one side.
The telephone rang inside.
""Shit, I have to go answer it. I'll be right back."" She ran into the house.
""Hi beautiful."" Trevor.

Jul 19, 2015

Taste the forbidden... NEW RELEASE #MFRWauthor Spotlight! *Not Vanilla* @JenniLynnAuthor

MFRW author Jennifer Lynne released Not Vanilla (Voyeurism), an Erotic Contemporary Romance.

Taste the forbidden in this new series providing a glimpse
into a range of flavors that are definitely not vanilla!

WATCH ME by Jennifer Lynne
I was so afraid, when my husband uncovered my secret. Afraid he’d hate me, or think me disgusting, or be completely turned off. Equally scared this watching game I play with our sexy neighbor might be shut down for good. Can William bring himself to join my addictive Sunday night ritual, or will he force me to choose between the man I love, and the sexual urges that consume me? ~ Isabel

I wish I had never told Travis my deepest, darkest secret—that I like to watch. I should have known he would want to give me my heart’s desire. I love him more than anything, but I hate him for using my weakness to try to win me back. Moreover, I hate myself for not being able to turn down the gifts he brings me. ~ Bailey Rose

Taste the forbidden in this new series from two bestselling authors! These sexy, novelette-length stories, while romantic, will take you into the erotic world of the watcher and the watched.
Amazon: Buy Link

Goodreads review: ""Anyone who reads this and denies being so turned on they are squirming in their seat, is seriously not human.""
AusRom Today review: ""...a scorching hot read that explores at some depth and detail the voyeurism fetish.""

EXCERPT from WATCH ME by Jennifer Lynne
    My hands clutch like claws against the window pane. The glass, frosted by Melbourne’s mid-winter cold, is icy beneath my fingertips. I let the coolness seep into my flesh, grounding me. I am waiting, but he’s late.
    We have an arrangement, this neighbor of mine and me. At the start of every working week, late on a Sunday night while the rest of the city sleeps, we play a game. A dangerous, addictive game.
    I don’t even know his real name, and yet this game of ours, and his presence in my life, has grown to fill the recent emptiness. It consumes me. He consumes me, but in a good way. I am becoming whole again, thanks to this man and our seductive, secret play.
    But it is half past midnight and he is not yet at his post. The window in the apartment across the narrow alleyway is still dark. The red brickwork surround is lit by a street lamp that only serves to enhance the darkness within, making the square appear fathomless. It looks like an empty eyeball socket in a skull whose soul has long departed the physical world.
    A thought grips my heart and squeezes painfully. Perhaps he’s grown tired of it all? Perhaps he no longer wishes to play?
    A whimper slips from my lips and the resultant breath frosts the glass in front of my face, obscuring my reflection. What will I do to satisfy this insatiable need if he’s not here anymore to fill the void? My shoulders slump and even though I’m reluctant to give up this lonely vigil, I am about to concede when a square of golden warmth lights the window opposite. Just like that, between one click of a switch and the next, my anxiety turns to heady excitement.
    Yes! I need this. I need you.

ABOUT MFRW Authors Jennifer Lynne & Roz Lee
Jennifer Lynne writes sensual and erotic romance from her home in Melbourne, Australia. She is published with Red Sage and previously with Breathless Press, and has forged a successful indie career with her popular GODS OF LOVE erotic series about sexy Greek gods searching for love in a modern-day world.

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of over twenty erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.

Sep 22, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: @JL_Sheppard #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author J.L. Sheppard released Heavenly Desire, a Paranormal Romance, with The
Wild Rose Press on September 10, 2014.

Jade Ashley has a past she’d like to forget and a destiny she isn’t aware of. A stranger, Clyde, saves her from an attack and demonstrates extraordinary abilities she believed only she possessed. She soon realizes he’s her guardian angel sent to reunite her with her long lost sisters, who like her are part of a new breed of immortals, Elementals, prophesied to determine the outcome of the upcoming war.

Clyde, an angel, battles the one thing he believes will lead to his fall from heaven—his new found emotions, forbidden among his kind. Nonetheless, the Angel Lords promise to promote him to warrior when he completes his last assignment—to find Jade. When he does, emotions he never knew possible arise. For the first time in two thousand years, he curses his existence, knowing she can never be his. Will he sacrifice his wings for a woman he loves but can't keep?
He bent toward her, wrapped one arm around her waist, the other around her back, then buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled.
Relishing the feel of her body melded against his, he forgot the worries consuming him. She soothed his ache with a mere touch, with a mere embrace.
Exactly what he’d wanted, exactly what he needed.
She then pressed her full lips against his cheek, kissing him lightly.
An innocent kiss. There was no passion behind it, but an unconscious consuming need, one he’d never felt, swelled inside him—desire. It was exciting, overwhelming and terrifying, blocking logic and reason.
All he wanted now was a single kiss. All he could think about was how her soft lips would feel pressed against his.
Marvelous, he concluded.
It was absurd to want what he did and feel what he felt, for he was an angel. Carnal desires even as insignificant as kisses were for others, for all others except his breed, and yet he felt it so deeply it seared him.
The desire that gripped him didn’t release him even after she unhooked her arms from around his neck, and the warmth of her body melted away.
There he stood, immobile, battling the desire she’d sparked. He didn’t want to leave yet knew he had to before he’d acted out his longing.
He willed his body to move. Finally, he placed one foot behind the other, stepped back and strode away praying the yearning he had no right to feel for a woman who would never be his would soon subside.
About The Author
J.L. Sheppard was born and raised in Miami, Florida where she still lives with her husband.

As a child, her greatest aspiration was to become a writer. She read often, kept a journal and wrote countless poems. She attended Florida International University and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors in Communications. During her senior year, she interned at NBC Miami, WTVJ. Following the internship, she was hired and worked in the News Department for three years.

It wasn’t until 2011 that she set her heart and mind into writing her first completed novel, Demon King’s Desire, which was published in January of 2013.

Besides reading and writing, she enjoys traveling and spending quality time with family and friends.

Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon

Jul 25, 2014

NEW RELEASE! Business or Pleasure @AshleyLadd #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Ashley Ladd released Business or Pleasure, an Erotic Contemporary GLBT Romance with Totally Bound today!

Guy Rogers is extremely attracted to his new realtor, Tom Boudreaux. As a passionate vegetarian and animal activist, he’s ecstatic that Tom is a kindred soul. Unfortunately, Tommy isn’t really a vegetarian or an animal activist. In fact, Tommy’s family owns the most popular barbecue restaurant in town.

When Guy finds out that Tommy eats meat and his family owns a restaurant that’s a monument to eating meat, he’s livid and doesn’t know if he wants anything else to do with Tommy.

But then Guy’s life gets crazy—his dad’s paranoia blossoms into violent dementia, he gets arrested for picketing a doggy mill, then he winds up in even more legal trouble. When Tommy sticks by him through all his trouble and does everything he can to help him, Guy wonders if he’s been too militant and narrow-minded. Perhaps he can learn to live with people who have opposite views.

Tommy Boudreaux is extremely attracted to Guy Rogers even though he’s a passionate vegetarian and animal rights activist and Tommy’s family owns the most popular barbecue joint in town.

“I’ll make you—it—my priority. Just give me a couple days.” Damn! A Freudian slip.
Guy reached over as if to put his hand on Tommy’s, but stopped in midair. His eyes softened and hope flickered. “I’d like it if you made me, not my business, your priority.”
Tommy’s throat went dry and his heart flipped over. “Do you mean what I think you mean?”
Guy lowered his hand and took Tommy’s in his. “I think so. I like you—a lot. You’re handsome and charming and I feel a connection. I know it’s quick, but I’m a forthright, fast kind of guy. Besides, if you find me a house as rapidly as I want, you’ll be out of my life before I can do anything about it. Do I have a chance with you?”
Tommy wanted to jump up from his seat and shout, “Hell yeah!” But his inner angel was quarreling with his inner devil about work ethics. It wasn’t as if real estate agents had long-term contracts or dealings with their clients. They found a home, closed the deal then moved on to the next client. He supposed it wouldn’t be the end of his career if he got together with one client. Feeling as if his heart had leapt into his throat, he turned his hand over and squeezed Guy’s fingers. “Yeah. I like you a lot too.”
About Ashley
Ashley Ladd lives in South Florida with her husband, five children, and beloved pets. She loves the water, animals (especially cats), and playing on the computer.

She's been told she has a wicked sense of humor and often incorporates humor and adventure into her books. She also adores very spicy romance, which she weaves into her stories.


May 9, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Parker's Passion @Sabrina_York #MFRWauthor

Parker’s Passion, book 6 in the Tryst Island Series, by Sabrina York is NOW AVAILABLE!
Scarred by a long-ago crime of passion, Parker Rieth has dedicated himself to a cold, emotionless existence as a divorce lawyer. He is utterly unprepared for the effect Kaitlin Stringer has on his heart, mind and soul. Beautiful, ethereal and irresistible, she touches him in a way no other woman has. Though he has vowed to avoid her, he is drawn toward her. 

Psychic healer Kaitlin is just what Parker needs to reconcile his past, to finally set old ghosts to rest, and to claim his destiny. Can he find the courage to step into Kaitlin’s embrace? Does she have what it takes to awaken his sleeping passion?

An Excerpt 
PARKER’S PASSION, Copyright © SABRINA YORK, 2014, All Rights Reserved, Sabrina York

“First aid kit?” she asked in a no nonsense voice.
“In the bathroom. Under the sink.” He nodded in that direction.
When she took off to find it, he carefully peeled back his shirt and frowned. The cut was nasty, but not too deep. He wouldn’t need stitches, but it would have to be wrapped and he’d probably need to go see Doctor Marks first thing on Monday. Maybe get a rabies shot or something.
A gasp from the doorway shot through him like a bullet. He yanked his shirt down but it was too late; he could tell by the expression on her face, she’d seen. “It’s not bad,” he said in a light voice.
She snorted and dumped gauze, peroxide, antiseptic and tape on the bed.
And then she dropped to her knees before him.
Holy Jesus God. She dropped to her knees before him. In his bedroom.
His mortification that she’d seen his scars was swept away by a devastating lust. He nearly lost consciousness. Despite the fact he was in pain, his cock rose.
What was it about this woman?
On her knees before him?
“It needs tending,” she said, ripping open a package of gauze and setting it aside. “Lift your shirt.”
He cringed.
Lift his shirt?
On purpose?
In front of a woman?
A woman he wanted to—
“Lift. Your. Shirt.” Her tone brooked no refusal.
“Kaitlin…” He should warn her. She’d seen it, but maybe she hadn’t really seen it.
“Parker, I need to get some peroxide on it and quickly. Please. Lift your shirt.”
Well hell.
It had been a nice fantasy, while it lasted. Once she saw, she’d run screeching the other way. They all did. Or, if they didn’t screech, their noses would curl up and their faces would go all cold. And then they’d quietly run away.
Slowly, he pulled up the hem.
And hell. Yes. Her nose wrinkled.
But she didn’t run.
She touched him. She touched his scars—mottled and discolored and ugly—thumbing them gently. “Hmm,” she said, turning away to open the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and soaking the gauze with it. She met his gaze saying, “This will be cold,” before daubing it on his cut.
He flinched when she touched him.
“Sorry,” she muttered. “Did that hurt?”
“No.” It didn’t hurt. But then, it wouldn’t.
Most of the nerves there were dead. The only place it burned was on the sides, where his scars weren’t quite so thick.
She gently dabbed at him, making sure to get the antiseptic over the whole cut. “I’m going to cover this, but I need to wrap it around your waist,” she said. “It will be easier if you take off your shirt.”
God. No.
His belly was bad enough. But the rest of him?
“I need to do your arm too.”
“I can do my arm.”
She sent him a mocking pout. “Parker, let me help you. You helped me last night. It would be my honor to return the favor.”
God bless her. She was so damn sincere and genuine. How could he explain?
“I don’t like taking off my shirt,” he said. Well, that didn’t explain much. Then again, it explained everything. “These scars…” He waved to his exposed stomach. Hell he could barely stand to look at it himself. He hated the way he looked. Had since he was five.
He sucked in a breath, steeling his spine. “I have them…all over.”
She set her hand on his knee. Her jaw went slack. Her eyes glazed over. “Wow,” she said after a long moment. She cleared her throat. “That must have hurt a lot.”
He cracked a grin. He did not know why. “Yes. Yes it did.”
“Okay. Now take off your shirt.”
“Just do it, Parker. Let me wrap this up and then you can put your armor back on.” This she said gently, with no discernible derision. It was horrifying how she seemed to see right through to his soul. Then again, it was comforting as well.
Which was probably why he did it…why he took the hem of his shirt in his hands and pulled it off. Exposing himself to another human—not in the medical profession—for the first time in years. 

Fall in Love on Tryst Island
When a group of friends share a vacation house, wild hijinks, unexpected hook-ups and steamy sex ensue. And true love. Did I mention they all find true love? 

Book 1: Rebound
Kristi Cross has had the hots for her friend, Cameron Jackson as long as she can remember, but she knows she’s not his type. She’s nothing like the women he dates. So when he suggests they play for a kiss over a game of Hearts, Kristi can’t resist. Even if she loses, she wins. Because she’s finally going to taste him.
 Of course, one kiss can quickly become something altogether steamier, especially when both parties are on the rebound…
Amazon Erotic Romance #1 Bestseller May 2013

Dylan Deveney has no interest in a wild fling. He simply wants a quiet place where he can try to forget a painful past and, barring that, drink himself to death. But when he catches a glimpse of his exquisite neighbor—in the buff—his passion for life reignites.
Cassie French can’t resist Dylan’s allure. From his scruffy beard to his earring to his intriguing dragonfly tattoo, she’s crazy about him. And sex between them is scorching. Everything seems perfect…until a tragedy from Dylan’s past threatens to ruin everything. 

Book 3: Smoking Holt
Bella Cross has had a thing for Holt Lamm since college, but his scorching dominant energy scares her to death. And his list of conquests annoys her. But when Holt catches her smoking, and offers her something else to fixate on—if only for a night—she simply cannot resist.

Book 4: Heart of Ash
When Emily Donahue sets eyes on Ash Bristol, she is convinced he’s the one she’d been waiting for, her Prince Charming. But wealthy playboy Ash Bristol’ has been burned. He’s sworn off relationships, vowing to have nothing more than a series of steamy one night stands. So when he meets Emily, the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, he resolves to seduce her, possess her…and walk away.
The passion that ignites between them has him questioning his decision. He begins to suspect he just tossed away the best thing that’s ever happened to him…and vows to win her back. Can he survive the erotic punishment she—and her friends— devise?

Book 5: Devlin’s Dare 
Devlin Fox has always been a player. A horny bee flitting from flower to flower. He has no idea why the sexy minx he meets on the way to Tryst Island affects him the way she does. Arousal—for her—hits him like a fist to the gut and he can’t stop thinking about her.
But Tara Romano doesn’t “do” commitments. For good reason. When she proposes they be “friends with benefits,” Devlin can’t figure out why the idea annoys him so much. It should be the perfect scenario. A gorgeous, alluring woman who only wants him for his body… He wants, needs, more from Tara, so he hits upon a plan to turn their no-strings-fling into something lasting. A series of tantalizing dares—dares Tara cannot resist.

About Sabrina York
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York is the award winning author of over 20 hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to scorching BDSM. Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Free Teaser Book: And don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara!


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