Showing posts with label Tina Gayle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tina Gayle. Show all posts

Oct 22, 2015

CEO's Widow on #Thursday13 with #MFRWAuthor Tina Gayle

MFRW Author Tina Gayle shares with us her novel CEO's Widow and also suggests 13 things we can do for fun.
Tina Gayle grew up a dreamer and loved to escape into the world of books.

After years of working in the business world doing a variety of jobs, she decided to try her hand at writing and hope to incorporate the joy of being a mother into her books.

Currently working on a series about four executive wives, she is excited about combining elements of women fiction with the passion of romance. Married twenty-five years, she and her husband love to travel and play golf. She can’t wait for Mike to retire so they can do more of both.

CEO's Widow
Executives' Wives' Club series

  After surviving the grief from her husband’s death, Marianne Clark has built a new life with the help of the other Executive Wives. She plans to enjoy grandchildren and friends until her doctor tells her he found a lump in her breast. Her world turned upside down. She re-evaluates her priorities and decides she grab hold of life with both hands.Knox Turner lost is first wife to cancer. He’s determined not to let Marianne face this challenge alone. Can this couple face the trails ahead and build a future together?
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13 Things to Do for Fun
1. Play a round of golf
2. Play volleyball with a balloon no net
3. Try out a new recipe
4. Go shoe shopping an try on 4 inch heels (can you walk?)
5. Read a kid's book without a kid.
6. Visit a city where you've never been.
7. Look up an old friend on FB. Where are they now?
8. Send a love letter to your husband.
9. Search for a girlfriend/boyfriend for your kids...just don't let them know.
10. Color outside the lines and see how it changes things.
11. Wish someone you don't even know a great day.
12. Look through an old photo album and see the old you.
13. Pat yourself on the are pretty awesome.

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Nov 6, 2014

#Thursday13 Favorite Foods @AuthorTinaGayle #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Tina Gayle shares her favorite foods and her newest book.
Tina grew up a dreamer and loves escaping into a good romantic book. She is currently working on two different series the Executive Wives’ Club and the Family Tree series both combine elements of women fiction with the passion of romance. Read the 1st chapter of any of her books on her website.

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13 Favorite Foods in no particular order.
Mainly, because on any given day my taste can change.

1. Nachos
2. Cheesecake
3. Ham with strawberry sauce (I make this every year for Christmas eve)
4. Divinity - love to make this too.
5. Lasagna 
6. Pizza – all meat with a thin crust
7.  Fudge with walnuts
8. A thick steak – medium with a baked potato 
9. Salad – Red Robin – Barbque Chicken salad (oh, oh, really like this)
10. Manicotti
11. Pineapple coconut cake (have a great recipe I cook for this one too)
12. Kolaches (make these too with apricot filling. So good)
13. Mexican food – name it I probably love it. 

Tina released Stormy, an Erotic Contemporary Romance, in October 2014.

Can friends become lovers? Even after the age of forty?

His wife is dead.
She’s divorce with adult children.

For two years, Daniel and Karen have consoled each other during the trails of losing their spouses. Now, they are ready to turn their friendship into a loving relationship. After sharing a night of passion, all appears golden for a bright future for Karen and Daniel until she receives a call from her children saying her ex has had a heart attack.

Torn between, her need to support her children and her desire to be with Daniel, Karen leaves him and flees to the hospital. Coming face to face with  her ex-husband’s new trophy wife, Karen begins to question exactly why her marriage fell apart. Was she to blame, and if so, should she try again?
On the outside looking in, Daniel must now convince Karen to let go of her past mistake and share a future with him?

What Reviewers Are Saying...
Samantha Chase (Reviewer): "I loved this story, There is nothing better then reading about finding love all over again. The characters are older then most stories out there and this makes the book so much better. I enjoyed this book so much and I was able to read it in one sitting. This was the first story i have read from Tina and I for one can't wait to pick up her next work...."

Sam Destiny (Reviewer): This was a sweet story and an easy read. I am actually a fan of Daniel because he seems to be a truly amazing man. You need distraction? Something that you can drown in and yet won't need weeks to get through This book absolutely is it! The steam is well written and amazing, the love scenes ultimately cute. Nice read, really.

“Daniel, if you’re in the bathroom come out this minute.”
The entrance opened, and he stood in the doorway.
Problem, he wore only a towel.
Awe, shit...she didn’t need to see his bare chest covered in crisp dark hair, the sculptured muscles of his arms and shoulders, developed pecs, and thick thighs.
Damn, how was she supposed to resist such temptation?
Desire added with the anxiety she’d already experienced on her drive here, lit her anger. “Why the hell didn’t you answer your phone? I’ve been calling and texting you for the last two hours.”
A confused frown passed over his handsome face. Instead of responding, he stepped to the bedside table. He lifted his cell phone and clicked a few buttons.
Unable to contain her impatience, Karen stalked forward.
He glanced up when she grew closer and showed her the phone. “I don’t understand it. I don’t show receiving any messages or calls. The signals must have gotten lost because of the storm.”
She’d suspected as much. Still, she refused to let him off the hook because he could’ve contacted her before he left town. “You should’ve called me. But no...”
Having endured his inability to communicate for months now, she stabbed her finger through the air at him. “You never call. You always expect me to phone you. Well, I’ve had it.”
The distance closed between them and she stood inches from him. Her fingertip tapped his chest. Static electricity sparked between them and her fist unfolded. She stumbled backward.
“Whoa.” Daniel caught her around the waist with one hand and held her close. His phone landed on the bed before he circled his other arm around her. His strong grip held her steady and didn’t allow her to step away. “You’re right. I guess I’m just use to...”
“Don’t say it. I’ve heard it too many times. Sharon might have resented the interruptions but I’m not her. I’m never in any type of meeting that you could possibly disrupt.” Karen spread her hands over his chest and worked to maintain a smidgen of distance. Nevertheless with him so near, his warmth surrounding her in a seductive cocoon, she had to fight the urge to melt against him.
“Yes, but if I called you whenever I wanted we’d never get off the phone.” The husky tone of his voice pulled her gaze upward.

May 5, 2014

Book Spotlight: FALLEN LEAVES @AuthorTinaGayle #MFRWorg

MFRW Author Tina Gayle released Fallen Leaves, the second book of Family Tree series, a Paranormal Romantic Suspense on April 14, 2014.

As autumn comes to the Winston estate in Ohio, Amber Harrison learns further lessons in her new position as keeper for the spirits and ghosts who haunt the estate--and further lessons in love, too. She and her love, Carter Miller, grapple with the fears and passions of new love, while caught up in the storm of ancient family drama.

This is the second book in the unfolding saga of the psychics and talents associated with the Winston estate, a sheltered place where past, present, and future are woven into a single dramatic tapestry of love and desire. The tale spans multiple generations, multiple eras, and offers something special for all ages of reader. A sexy winner, with an assortment of couples to appeal to most tastes.

Learn More about Tina Gayle
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Apr 24, 2014

Getting DOWN & DIRTY with #MFRWorg @AuthorTinaGayle

We're getting Down & Dirty with MFRW Author Tina Gayle.

Tina Gayle grew up a dreamer and loved to escape into the world of books. She is currently working on two different series. The last book in the Executive Wives’ Club series will be coming out 2014. This series combines elements of women fiction with the passion of romance.

The Family Tree series has two books out with Fallen Leaves release in April of 2014. A paranormal romantic suspense series, the books follow the keeper of the Winston manor and the trials she has to overcome to remain in the house of her ancestors.

Tina answers some of our questions...

Q. Generally, how long does it take you to write a book?
A. Three to six months. I write every day for a few hours.

Q. Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?
A. I have changed throughout the years. I write a brief outline then let it flow.

Q. Tell us about your latest book. 
A. My current book, Fallen Leaves is a romantic paranormal mystery so you can see it cross several genres. I love romance so all my books have romantic elements. It could also be described as an inspirational tale because of the spiritual guide elements in the story.
Q. How do you come up with story ideas?
A. They come from shows I’ve seen on TV, books, conversations, from anywhere. I have an active imagination so I’m seeing the world through a crazy lens that see stories in the strangest places.

Q. What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
A. You got to have them. I realize the heat level is different for every person but a romance isn’t a romance without some type of love scene.

Q. What does your husband/wife think of your writing?
A. My husband is not a fan of romance but he understand how much I enjoy them so he supports my writing and celebrates my publishing accomplishments.

Q. Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
A. Yes, but his answer is to kill off the character or blow something up not usually very helpful.

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Fallen Leaves
Series: Family Tree
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense
Release Date: 4/14/2014

As autumn comes to the Winston estate in Ohio, Amber Harrison learns further lessons in her new position as keeper for the spirits and ghosts who haunt the estate--and further lessons in love, too. She and her love, Carter Miller, grapple with the fears and passions of new love, while caught up in the storm of ancient family drama.

This is the second book in the unfolding saga of the psychics and talents associated with the Winston estate, a sheltered place where past, present, and future are woven into a single dramatic tapestry of love and desire. The tale spans multiple generations, multiple eras, and offers something special for all ages of reader. A sexy, erotic winner, with an assortment of couples to appeal to most tastes.

Buy Links
AMAZON  |  AllRomanceEbooks

The light from the bathroom exposed the cracks running through the worn tile floor. Add in scarred furnishings and shifting shadows playing across the off-white walls from the window; the eerie atmosphere in the cramped dorm room didn’t evoke a homey appeal.
The girl, standing in front of the dresser, didn’t notice. She stood like a statue with her gaze glued to the mirror. The reflection, staring back at her, had the same color eyes, nose, and facial features. Except for the permed hair on one head, they were identical.
“Delilah, why are you so interested in me visiting Amber?” Lilia queried, convinced her sister wasn’t sharing everything she knew concerning the woman. “You’ve never even met her.”
“Yes, but she lives in Hawkins County, near Newark. That’s where the lawyer lived who handled our adoption,” the apparition stated, driving home the fact as if it was new information.
 “But he’s dead. He can’t help us now.” Lilia shifted restlessly, irritated with the interruption and unwilling to deal with her sister’s restless spirit at the moment. She had a shitload of assignments due tomorrow.
“I know,” Delilah responded sarcastically. “Who do you think was in the car with him when he hit the tree?”
Lilia waved the comment aside. “Yes, but Amber doesn’t know anything about the accident. She only moved here from California a few months ago, and I don’t have time right now to track down leads on where our mother is.”
The reoccurring argument played through her head, and she fought to dampen her sister’s excitement. “It’ll have to wait until I get settled here at school.”
“But that’s the point.” Delilah didn’t let the subject drop. “Susan’s friend might be able to help you with the search.”
“She won’t want to take on our problem.”
“You can ask.”
Lilia stared at her twin, who in appearance resembled her in every way. Her sister had a very compulsive personality, which had driven her to seek answers about their parentage and had caused her death. Why couldn’t she just let go? 
 “Okay, I’ll call her. Between you and Susan, you’d think the lady was the best thing since sliced bread.” Lilia turned away from the mirror and refused to glance back at the image. “Now, leave me alone. I have homework to do.”

Feb 20, 2014

#Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor @AuthorTinaGayle

Tina Gayle presents this week's Thursday Thirteen post.
Tina Gayle grew up a dreamer and loved to escape into the world of books.

After years of working in the business world, she decided to try her hand at writing. Currently working on a series about four executive wives, she is excited about combining elements of women fiction with the passion of romance. The first three books have been released and the last one is coming out in 2014.

Married twenty-five years, she and her husband love to travel and play golf. Read the first chapter of any of her books by visiting her website.

Social Media Links:
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Tina's newest release is Summer's Growth, a Paranormal Romantic Mystery. It's the first book in her Family Tree series.

Trophy child, Amber Harrison drops out of college to claim her inheritance from a distance relative. Soon after arriving at Winston Manor, she discovers she’s the new Winston’s family keeper. Forced down a paranormal path, she uncovers a dark family secret which puts her new job as well as her life in jeopardy. Determined to find answers, Amber investigates the mystery with help from a ghost, the ex-keeper of the estate, and a handsome contractor working on the estate. 

Can she solve the mystery and remain the keeper?
Or fail and return to the meaningless life she had in California? 

Inside the book's pages are thirteen spirits... 
1. Jonathan Winston - the leader of the family
2. Helen Winston – Jonathan’s first wife and mother to all of this children except one.
3. Samuel Winston – the artist of the group
4. Luke Winston – a doctor (though medicine in the early 1600 wasn’t what it is today.)
5. Opal – married and had a large family of her own Mattie is one of her descendants.
6. Troy Winston – the Politician of the family.
7. Rachel Winston – never married and is completely devoted to her father.
8. Aggie Winston – youngest daughter of Jonathan and Gwen, (his second wife) also Amber is her descendant.
9. Arnold Winston – an artist and the son of Luke. Caused major heartache in the future.
10. Beth Winston – a spirit that loves to cook
11. Molly Winston – Amber’s deceased grandmother.
12. Juke Winston – a spirit that’s handy around the house.
13. Gwen Winston – who is not a spirit at all but a ghost and Jonathan’s second wife who disappeared over two hundred years ago. She is also Amber’s great, great, great, great, great, grandmother.
Want to Read about these Spirits?

May 9, 2013

Book Spotlight ~ Summer's Growth ~ @AuthorTinaGayle #mfrworg

Author:  Tina Gayle
Book:  Summer’s Growth
Release Date:  2/1/2013
Publisher:  Smashwords
ISBN: 9781301589142
Genre:  Paranormal Romance
Length:  355 Pages
Price:  $3.99
Warnings:  None
Heat Level: R
Format: Print, or E-Book in Multiple Formats
Author Website:
Author Blog/s:

Forced by the family spirits to get a life, Mattie Winston has to train her replacement as the new keeper of the Winston estate.  Mattie forms a bond with Amber Harrison, when strange accidents start happening which threaten their lives and an unknown ghost makes an appearance.

Mattie faces old wounds of rejection when the general contractor for Amber’s redecoration project is an old flame. In constant contact, Mattie realizes she still in love with her childhood sweetheart.

Learning her new role in the family, Amber wants to discover the identity of the ghost and searches for clues.

Mattie and Amber are both challenged when the family spirits decides Amber shouldn’t be the keeper.  Mattie comes to realizes she wants a life outside the Winston estate.

Amber needs her new spiritual family and works to solve the mystery of the ghost’s death.

Can these two women achieve their goals?

Aug 29, 2012

A New Me

My personal image changed after several important pieces in my life were removed. In the fall of 2010, my youngest son headed off to college. At the same time, my husband and I moved from Nebraska to Southern California. My empty nest had a new home. A few weeks after we moved into our new house, my father also died. Talk about stress factors in your life, I had plenty, but I also felt as if self-image was being torn to shreds.

Who could I claim to be?

Yes. I was still a mother, but the full-time job wasn’t what it once was. Now I had nights and weekends with just my husband in a new place. No constant chatter, no kids running in and out, no hello kisses and good-bye hugs—instead silence.

My dad dying added another element. With my mother having passed away a number of years before him, I now felt like an orphan, alone and abandon by my parents. I know it sounds silly, but that’s the way I felt.

So what did I have left?

I am extremely lucky. I have a solid marriage and a wonderful husband. My career as a writer was moving along with having published a number of books. I reconnected with friends from when I lived in Southern California a few years prior.

Yes, my energy level was low, but I’ve exercised for most of my life. I knew I could lose weight and turn things around if I got moving.

But none of that helped my spirit. I needed something to feed my soul and spark a passion for life. So I did what I always do when I’m lost. I threw myself into my latest release – Birth.

The second book of the Executive Wives’ Club, Brie Sullivan’s whole life has changed too. She’s a widow, a new mother, feeling alone and afraid. I put myself into her shoes and found her a man who could love her. No, she not kick-butt strong, she’s feeling lost with no self-confidence but like me she has friends and a man who cares.

Slowly, Brie began to see herself in a new light, a person who has more to give than she thought.

Traveling on this journey with my character helped me see I have a bright future, a great life and a passion to share the heartaches of being a woman with others. We all can make it through the hard times, we just need to remember to follow our dream and let the words flow.

Excerpt from “Birth”

Pasting a smile on her face to hide the dark cloud hanging above her head, she lifted a plate in each hand and turned just as Jason strolled around the corner leading into the living room. His quick pace ate the distance between them. Dark hair, athletic build, sexy brown eyes, Jason epitomized what every woman would desire in a man, not counting that he was also caring and kind.
Why then, wasn't he married?
Unwilling to reveal the depths of her despair, she lowered her gaze as unwanted desire tingled down her spine. Not him, nor any other man in his right mind, would ever find her desirable. She drew in a breath, struggling not to torture herself by believing one ever would.
Stepping forward, she placed the plates on the counter, which separated the kitchen from the breakfast nook. “I'm sorry, but I haven't been to the grocery store since my parents left. All I have are fast easy meals for the kids.”
“No problem.” Jason paused by the bar and brushed his hand through the air, indicating the food. “You really didn't need to go to this much trouble. I could have fixed something for myself when I got home.”
Flustered by his comment when she hadn’t gone to any trouble at all, Brie shuffled to the cabinet and pulled down two glasses. “What would you like to drink?”
“Iced tea is great.”
She plopped the glasses down beside the plates, avoiding his gaze by staring at her footwear. The tiger head positioned on top of her slippers bobbed up and down as she walked across the room to the refrigerator. Opening it, she withdrew the pitcher. Her hand hovered over the condiments in the door. “Would you like some barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, or something else to go with the chicken nuggets?”
“No, I like them plain.” The sound of his voice drew near. The weight of the container in her hand lightened. He brushed his free hand along her back. “I’ve got this.”
His rich scent teased her taste buds more than the flavorful aroma of the chicken and his welcoming warmth tempted her to collapse into his arms.
She wrestled with the overwhelming impulse. He didn't need her problems. Yes, he’d been there when she needed him, and he’d been a good friend. A damn good friend, but she couldn’t continue to lean on him. He deserved a woman who could love him, not one with a built-in family, or one who was still in love with her dead husband.
Tears clouded her eyes as she realized a man would never hold her again. Her heart ached and then slowly broke in two at the thought of her children never having a father. Defeated, she closed the refrigerator door.

Want to read the first chapter of “Birth”? Visit my website –

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            Tina Gayle was born in Texas, the place of her heart and where most of her family still lives. The youngest of four daughters, she grew up a dreamer.
            She worked for years in the business world doing a variety of accounting jobs. Then when her two sons were little, Tina decided to go back to school to get a degree in MIS. She only used this degree a few years before deciding to follow her passion for writing romance.
            Her first book, Pregnancy Plan was published by The Wild Rose Press in 2007. Next, she tried her hand at writing a paranormal story. Mating Rituals came next and is a farther step away from her other contemporary stories with more off-world fantasy elements. Then she wrote two more contemporary, Baby Decision and Youthful Temptations. She is currently working on a series about four executive wives. The ebooks will come out in 2012 and 2013.
            Married twenty-five years, she and her husband love to travel and can’t wait for Mike to retire so they can do it more.
            Always working on perfecting her craft, Tina is a member of RWA, attends writing conferences, and can be found in a number of writing classes. She also loves to hear from her readers. You can email her at tinagayle (at)

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