Showing posts with label Aidee Ladnier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aidee Ladnier. Show all posts

Jan 29, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Applicant @AideeLadnier #MFRWauthor @Dreamspinners

Aidee Ladnier released The Applicant, a GLBT Science Fiction Romance with Dreamspinner Press.
How can something so cuddly and adorable be so destructive? The teddy bear robot decimating his lab is only the first disaster of the day for roboticist Forbes Pohle. If he can figure out how to end its rampage, he still has to interview applicants for the position of research assistant and convince the time traveler on his doorstop that they should be making their future right now.

Oliver Lennox didn’t travel back in time to have a quickie in the blast chamber—but it certainly is fun. This younger Forbes is a sweeter, more innocent version of his lover. And it will be hard to leave him behind in the past.

"I love the time travel trope and how this brief story really captured the relationship between Forbes and Oliver and leaves us with perfect set-up into the second book in the Busted Labs series – “The Break In” – where Oliver and Forbes actually meet for the (real) first time. This is an impressive short story and I highly recommend it!" - Gay Book Reviews

The teddy bear robot hadn't powered down when Forbes sent the command code.
     The tiny whirlwind of metal and fur was still running full tilt into one wall, extracting itself from the plaster and then turning to run the other way, taking out chairs, filing cabinets, and tables in its way. A sharp smell of mechanical smoke and damaged wiring permeated the air. Forbes swallowed, trying to cleanse his mouth of the metallic taste.
     They watched the bear plow into a workstation cabinet leaving a large hole at the bottom. The sound of wood splintering and glassware breaking ensued as it ran down the inside of the cabinet to burst out the other end.
     Forbes winced as he spied the mainframe monitor black and dead, toppled onto the floor. It was unfortunately in the path of the bear, who didn't hesitate to tread into the sparking electronics. A retry of the shutdown code was not going to be possible.
     ""Hey, your little doll is running into your stuff.""
     The applicant stepped around Forbes to stand in the route of the robot, reaching down to pick it up.
     ""NO!"" Forbes yanked the other man out of the way as the robot ran past. It still managed to clip his visitor’s leg with one of its fast pumping furry arms.
     ""Ow!"" The man hopped back, and Forbes grabbed his arm to keep him from falling on the splinters of a chair. The little bear pulled itself out of a skid on some broken glassware and headed back their way.
     ""In here."" Forbes pulled the limping man into the blast chamber where he'd tested the indestructibility of the bear the previous evening.
     He closed the door as the little robot clanged against it, a teddy bear-sized indention popping through on their side.
ABOUT Aidee Ladnier
Aidee, an award-winning author of speculative fiction, began writing at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, fold origami, send ping pong balls into space, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.

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Nov 11, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Elusive Radiance @AideeLadnier #MFRWauthor

Elusive Radiance
A young bodyguard finds her special abilities are no match for a flirtatious delegate willing to gamble everything on the galaxy trade talks.

Assigned to guard a diplomat at the galaxy trade talks, Security Officer Anais wants to shine during her first solo mission for the Chezeray Palace Conglomerate. An Elusive with the ability to make herself invisible, Anais knows her modified genes designate her servant class, but she yearns to be more than simply a protector to the beautiful delegate.

Savea Blackmun arrives alone to the trade talks with the weight of her planet’s future resting on her slim shoulders. Flirting with her pretty bodyguard reveals Anais’ knowledge of the colony markets and Savea realizes there’s much more to her protector than meets the eye.

As their attraction grows, will the diplomat and the bodyguard reject society’s rules to give in to desire instead?

"I really enjoyed this! The setting is good, and although there are a lot of names, races, and politics mentioned in a relatively short number of words, Ladnier did a good job of presenting the invented world in a way that had me wanting to know a lot more about it. The writing style is pleasant too, with a good pace and flow. The two erotic scenes are well written; the first is short but hits all the right spots. The second is deliciously kinky and I laughed out loud at the cheeky concept." - Rainbow Book Reviews

Delegate Savea Blackmun lounged against the doorframe, ogling me. She swept her dark glittering eyes from my toes to my head.

 “Are you supposed to be my bodyguard?”

Her overflowing breasts strained at the corseted front of her evening dress while her black hair cascaded from an intricate topknot. The sleeves of her burnished gold robe cupped her arms, half-revealing the tiny quatrefoil-shaped shoulder tattoos that signified her status and caste on her home planet.

“I am Sec Anais.” Feeling dowdy in my dun-colored jumpsuit, I offered a small bow. “Councilor Armen of the Chezeray Palace Conglomerate assigned me to you for the duration of your stay at the Levantar Los Ojos Spindle.”

She snorted. “I thought he’d send a male.”

My eye twitched. I’d been warned not to be offended by her ways and speech. Off-worlders from conservative planets like hers often had outmoded ideas. “I am female, but I assure you I am more than capable of protecting you while you conduct your business here.”

She raised an eyebrow but moved away from the doorway and spun into the room, her skirt billowing around her like a cloud. “Come in. I’m not quite ready.” Delegate Blackmun glided into the adjoining dressing room.

I hesitated but stepped over the threshold, the biometric scanner in the door confirming my identity even if the delegate had neglected to ask for it. I closed the suite door, my gaze sweeping the wide glass windows and ornately molded doors, checking entrances and weaknesses despite the fact that I knew this area well. This was my first solo assignment, but I’d been part of details around the hotel all my life.

ABOUT Aidee Ladnier
Aidee began writing fiction at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.


Oct 28, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Spindrift Gifts @AideeLadnier

MFRW author Aidee Ladnier announces another book... Spindrift Gifts with MLR Press.

When his memories begin endangering his happily-ever after on Celos, Jimenez is forced to choose between forgetting his lover Teo, or accepting the sometimes painful gifts of Spindrift.

Scars and a tattoo may be the only physical reminders from his years as a slave, but when Jimenez suffers a setback in his medical treatment, the only option is a therapy that will wipe away all his memories of the past including his time with Teo. Teo, torn between supporting his lover's decisions and the good intentions of his family, sets out to teach Jimenez about Spindrift Gifts and how memories are celebrated on Celos even when they are painful.
"I had a blast reading this and look forward to seeing what other stories this author has out. I would definitely recommend it." --Pixie, MM Good Book Reviews

"...I sunk right into the story and became invested so easily. And just like before, Teo and Jimenez wormed their way into my heart, and I was anxiously awaiting the resolution." -- Kris, Joyfully Jay Reviews

Scars and a tattoo may be the only physical reminders from his years as a slave, but when Jimenez suffers a setback in his medical treatment, the only option is a therapy that will wipe away his all memories of the past including his time with Teo. Teo, torn between supporting his lover's decisions and the good intentions of his family, sets out to teach Jimenez about Spindrift Gifts and how memories are celebrated on Celos even when they are painful. Can Teo and Jimenez weather the storm to find their happily-ever-after on Celos?" "“Is it a memory box?”Teo set it on the table with a clack. “Same principle. It's our Spindrift gift for the rev. We each put a memory in one to add to the family collection. And then at the gala they all glow on the lighted tree.”“Tree? Do you grow trees on Celos?”Teo chuckled. “Not really. It's a light-painted representation of a tree, like one of those from old Earth. It's a family tree. Each branch holds the most important memories for the rev from that branch of the family.”“A shared memory?” Jimenez ran a finger along the smooth top of the tiny cube. It blushed a delicate pink at his touch.“No. It's personal, a gift, a painful or a pleasant one. One you share because it hurts, and you smooth the edges by giving it away, or one of your favorites you want others to experience. But you give one from the past rev.”Their conversation grew hushed. Teo attempted to lighten the mood. He grabbed the leftover paper from his package and folded it into the shape of a little boat. “I've been trying to think of one that would be suitable for family viewing.” He wiggled his eyebrows.Jimenez glared at him. “That's not the all we've done this rev.”He picked up the cube and activated it. Teo stared transfixed as Jimenez pulled it close to his mouth and breathed a puff of air over it, his fingers whitening at the tips as he remembered. Teo wondered which memory put that serene smile on his lover’s face, smoothing the furrows lining his brow. Was it onboard his ship in the Nothing? Or maybe one with Teo on Switchpoint?“What did you record? Can I see it?” He whispered, unwilling to break the spell of Jimenez's memory.Jimenez opened his eyes, and his fingers clutched the small cube. But he smiled at it like it held a secret.“I'm not sure this is one to give away. Do you have extra cubes?”
ABOUT Aidee Ladnier
Aidee began writing fiction at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.


Aug 17, 2015

Meet #MFRWauthor @AideeLadnier and her Klockwerk Kraken

MEET Aidee Ladnier.
Aidee Ladnier began writing fiction at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.
We Asked. Aidee Answered.
Why did you decide to write romance novels?
Because I love to read romance. There's so much hope and promise in characters falling in love, being in love, and living happily ever after.

How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
I think all authors put something of themselves in their work. Although I write science fiction, my characters are still very recognizable as humans with foibles and flaws.

When did you first think about writing?
I started writing at twelve. Predictably, it was science fiction with a kidnapped space princess, a dashing hero, and lots of space ships.

What prompted you to submit your first ms?
I was listening to Kevin Allison's excellent podcast RISK. At the end of every show he says, ""Today's the day. Take a risk."" And I knew my risky thing to do would be to send in the story sitting on my hard drive.

What genre(s) do you write?
I write science fiction and mystery romance. My characters are often LGBT as well.

Would you like to write a different genre than you do now, or sub-genre?
I'd really like to try writing a YA novel. There is a dearth of LGBT YA novels and a desperate need for them.

Tell us about your latest book. What motivated the story? Where did the idea come from?
My novel The Klockwerk Kraken actually had a title before it had a story. My friend Gina Storm Grant came up with the title when I told her I'd like to write a novel about a character with tentacles. Yes, I know that's kind of weird, but I'd just attended a panel about taboos at RainbowCon 2014. They encouraged everyone to write outside their comfort zone and so I was determined to meet the challenge. As a result, my character Teo Houdin, the tentacled bartender was born--and he owned a bar, The Klockwerk Kraken.

The Klockwerk Kraken

Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
MLR Press

As the supply shipments stop coming, Teo Houdin needs all his tentacles to keep his waystation bar open. Facing a riot by thirsty miners stranded in the backwater of the galaxy, Teo helps a greenie space pilot buy a ship in return for a regular haul of liquor. But he longs for the courage to invite the enigmatic spacer to fill his lonely bed as well.

Still smarting from his newly implanted navigational ports, Jimenez knows owning his own ship will prevent him from ever being bought and sold again. For a former slave, transporting cargo through the emptiness of space sounds like paradise, but after meeting the compassionate and sexy Teo, his heart feels empty, too.

At the edge of the galaxy's spiral arm, can Teo convince Jimenez that the heart has its own tentacles and theirs should be entwined forever?" When the right space pilot walks into his bar, a desperate bartender uses all his wiles (and tentacles) to talk the man into business and his bed--but the spacer is still enslaved by his past and isn't sure he can deal with a two-armed lover, much less one with six.

Jimenez slid into an empty spot at the pale stone bar and caught sight of the clearest, happiest eyes he’d ever seen, a shade lighter than the man’s tousled brown mop above. A dimple quirked at the side of his full lips, mesmerizing Jimenez. The loud voices behind him slid away and for a moment, it was quiet in his mind. Jimenez flinched when his shoulder was jostled and the spell broke.
“Hey, you okay, buddy? First time? What can I pour for you?”
Jimenez blinked, realizing the tall bartender was speaking to him. The man’s smiling eyes crinkled at the corners of his bronzed face. Jimenez swallowed, and he ducked his chin, trying not to stare again, trying to hide his hot cheeks. He’d never been so close to such a handsome man.
“Did you want a drink?” The bartender quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah… I mean yes. Whiskey neat.” His voice came out gruffer than he expected.
“Bourbon, Scotch, Rye…?”
“Surprise me.” It was a game Jimenez played. He’d order whiskey and discover what the bartender served. If he reached for the rail bottle closest to hand, it meant he would pour either the cheapest or the local favorite. If he pulled something from the top shelf, the bartender angled for a bigger tip. But if he grabbed a decanter off to the side or behind another bottle, he’d score the bartender’s personal pick.
“Coming right up.”
The bartender raised a tentacle in greeting, calling out to another patron.
Oh, God. The man was a Pod.
Of course he was.
In a joint named the Klockwerk Kraken, who better to tend the bar than a tentacled man?

Oct 7, 2014

Author @AideeLadnier Tells #MFRWorg All About THE BREAK-IN

MFRW Author Aidee Ladnier answers our Questions.
Aidee Ladnier began writing fiction at 12 years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.

Generally, how long does it take you to write a book? 
It depends on the length of the book. A short story under 10,000 words can sometimes be drafted in a weekend. And I did win Nanowrimo one month by finishing 50,000 words in one month. That said, those are rare occurrences. I generally write between 1,000-3,000 words a day comfortably.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow? 
My favorite time to write is at 5 a.m. I have to set my alarm since my body does not want to get up at that time. But it's wonderful to be up and tapping away at the keys while the rest of the house is asleep. I try to do this everyday.

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If so, what are they? 
My new ebook, ""The Break-in"" is predominantly a contemporary LGBT story. However, it has elements of science fiction and time travel in it.

Sounds exciting! How do you come up with story ideas? 
Some of my best stories have been dreams. I tend to dream like I'm watching a movie. Then I just have to wake myself up enough to write everything down!

What does your husband think of your writing? 
My husband is a writer as well and even collaborates with me on some of my stories. So he's pretty okay with it. :)  He's my first critique partner for all my books. He has a literature degree and a love of early 20th century pulp novels, so his contributions are often fun and a good counterpoint to my knowledge of standard romance tropes.

What can we expect from you in the future? 
My next book out will be a Lawrence & Myrna mystery/thriller--the series I write with my husband. It's going to the editor later this year and we hope to have it out sometime early next year.

How do we find out about you and your books? How can readers/fans contact you? 
I have a website and a blog. All my news goes up there first. I'm also on several social media outlets, Twitter, Facebook, GoodreadsTumblr, Pinterest. I hope to hear from you soon!

Aidee released The Break-in (Busted Labs Book Two), a Contemporary GLBT Sci-Fi, with Dreamspinner Press in June 2014.

Ten years ago, roboticist Forbes Pohle received a visit from time-traveler Oliver Lennox. “Wait for me,” Oliver said. Now a decade has come and gone, and Oliver has returned. However, Forbes never dreamed Oliver would reappear as the point man for a gang of technology thieves breaking into his lab. He finds the younger Oliver just as sexy and even more annoying; still, he must convince him their happily-ever-after is meant to be—but he only has the time it takes his robotic cat Jeepers to thwart the thieves to do it. After waiting so long, he could lose everything in the span of seconds.

"Oliver pulled the sleeve up on his jacket and checked the cheap watch strapped to his wrist. He needed to get the door to the lab open before Wilson did something stupid.
“Is your cat gonna give me back my gun?”
The metallic chunk drew his gaze back to the robot cat as it bit through the gun’s cylinder, and the two pieces of the revolver clattered uselessly to the floor.
Oliver smacked the ground, sending a burst of pain up his arm.
“Come on. Guns don’t grow on trees. That was an expensive piece. I had to trade two laptops and a password for it.”
“What was the password to?” The Doc toed the gun pieces to the side, away from the robot pretending to wash its whiskers.
Oliver sighed. “Porn site. ’Course, he didn’t realize it was a gay porn site.”
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