Showing posts with label Author Spotlight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author Spotlight. Show all posts

Feb 17, 2017

#MFRWauthor @KateHillRomance Writes What She Knows BOLT @CompBeastsBlog

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, MFRW Author Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels.

When she's not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, spending time with her family and pets and running the Compelling Beasts Blog, dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes and paranormal creatures. She also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.

You can connect with Kate on her website, blog, Compelling Beasts Blog or on twitter.

Today she talks about WRITING WHAT YOU KNOW...
It's been said write what you know. Since I write mostly erotic paranormal romance, it's impossible to take that advice literally. Even if I didn't write paranormal romance, my books would be quite limited if I stuck to only things I know or do in my daily routine. I've found that regarding fiction, writing what you know must be open to interpretation. For example, even though I don't know any werewolves, I needed to know my fictional wolves pretty well before I started writing my latest book. It's a made up world, but there needs to be consistency and good character development.  
Research also helps me write what I know. If I want a character to use a particular skill, I need to study that skill to make their experiences authentic. That doesn't always mean I have to practice the actual skill, but I talk to people who might have it, read about it and do my best to check facts. Sometimes it means trying something new myself. For example, I've written a few characters who belly dance and for research I took lessons. I was horrible at it, but I had a lot of fun and I feel it helped me know my characters better. 
So I guess I'd say that you should write what you know, but that statement itself is open to interpretation.
Kate recently released Fangs and Fists: Bolt, an Erotic Paranormal Romance, with Changeling Press.
In a futuristic world ruled by demons, werewolves are enslaved to fight in gladiatorial matches for the amusement of their evil masters.

Kiara remembers what life was like living free -- before she was taken by demons and bred to gladiators so that the new generations of wolves would retain their ferocity but forget their freedom. Mated to top gladiator Grit, she has a son with this surprisingly gentle lover who is also planning their escape. When Grit is killed in the arena, his close friend Bolt upholds his promise to protect Kiara and the cub.

Bolt and Kiara have loved each other from the moment they met, but they buried their feelings because she was mated to his best friend. When Grit dies, despite their guilt, Bolt and Kiara surrender to their desire for each other. Will their love be strong enough to help them win freedom?

Is love stronger than magic? Wolf mates Kiara and Bolt are about to find out.
Startled, Kiara jumped to her feet, her senses alive.

Two guards shoved Bolt inside. Naked and covered from head to toe in dried blood, he stood, trembling visibly. His blue gaze found hers and Kiara felt a bit ill. She'd never seen him like this.

""She's yours now,"" said one of the guards. ""We'll remove the cub of her previous mate.""

Kiara nearly panicked. She growled, her inner wolf on the verge of attacking the guards, futile as it would be. Still, she'd rather die fighting to protect Jett than willingly surrender him to these monsters.

""No,"" Bolt said. ""The cub is too young. Let her keep him for now.""

""Very well,"" said the second guard. ""But it will soon be weaned. Do your duty, wolf. She's a healthy female and ripe for more offspring.""

The guards marched out, leaving Kiara and Bolt facing each other.

Kiara wasn't sure about the severity of his injuries. The blood covering him didn't look fresh, which was good. Apparently any wounds he'd sustained had started to heal.

She couldn't begin to guess what he'd endured.

""Come sit."" Kiara reached for his hand. It was ice cold and he jerked away.

""I'm a mess.""

""It's not the first time I've had blood on me,"" she said, remembering the days when she'd hunted with her pack.

This time when she took his hand, he tightened his grip so that it was almost painful and followed her to the washroom. She turned on the water in the black tile shower.

Author will provide an ebook copy for review. Contact Kate directly HERE.

Feb 13, 2017

In My Opinion... #MFRWauthor Vonna Harper Writes What She Knows... Do You?

Writing What You Know aka Writing What Fascinates You
In an effort to be as honest as possible, I admit I’ve long fantasized about becoming some hunk’s captive. The thought of ropes around my wrists turns me on. For years I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Then I started reading erotica with BDSM elements as well as the edgier capture/bondage stuff. That's when I decided to learn all I could about the appeal.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

In purely psychological terms, Freud didn't know what he was talking about. In 1908, he declared that, ""a happy person never fantasizes, only a dissatisfied one.""

Fortunately, a great deal has changed since those uninformed days with such experts as psychologists Harold Leitenberg and Kris Henning doing extensive studies on peoples' sexual fantasies. Their conclusion: only about 5% of people don't dream up sexy romps.  In fact, it's now considered pathological not to have such fantasies.

Erotica fiction banks on readers' need and desire for the aforementioned.  But it isn't enough for an erotica writer like me to simply open the bedroom door wide.  There has to be a plot to go with the sex. Many times I decorate the plot around bondage.

The late psychiatrist Ethel Person of Columbia University reported that 51 percent of women imagine being forced to have sex and  another third get off on pretending to be a slave who must obey a man's every wish.

So why do scenes full of ropes and chains touch so many women's hot buttons?  As Leitenberg and Henning said, ""Women who find submission fantasies sexually  arousing are very clear that they have no wise to be raped in reality.  In their fantasies, women control every aspect of what happens.""
According to the article, ""Power, Desire, and Pleasure in Sexual Fantasies"" by Eileen Zurbriggen in the Aug, 2004 Journal of Sex Research, women who fanaticize about submission have a more positive attitude about sex and are less sexually guilty and more open to a variety of sexual experiences.  Female submissive fantasies may be one aspect of an open, positive, guilt-free sexuality. (That’s good to know)

As Leitenberg and Henning put it, ""Women tend to envision something being done to them and to concentrate more on their partner's interest in her."" So if, like me, you're intrigued by certain aspects of the sexual human being, I encourage you to write about it.

Vonna's newest book is The Wolf's Mate, an erotica novel with Stormy Night Publishing.
A year ago, the man Aileen loved fell into a raging river deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness, and she has returned to the spot to say goodbye. Instead of finding closure, however, she encounters a wolf who transforms into the man she had thought lost.

Since he plunged to his death only to be brought back to life in a new form by some power beyond his understanding, Slade has grown used to his wolf's body. When he sees the woman he loved, he finds himself again with the body of a man, but his primal lusts remain strong and he is driven to reclaim her as his mate.

Slade gives Aileen little time to ponder the situation. Instead he strips her, spanks her, and sets about teaching her to surrender to him, but can he stay in human form long enough to truly make her his?

Disbelief clutched Aileen. The unexpected sexual energy had morphed into something she didn’t understand or want.
She was staring at a wolf, a creature that hadn’t been seen around here since man had hunted them into extinction in this area. Wolves had been reintroduced to the wild but none had yet migrated here. At least that’s what the experts declared.
To hell with what she as a forest ranger had bought into as gospel. She was face to face with a pure predator. Everything about the beast spoke of pride, courage, and determination—except for his eyes.
A second wave of disbelief slammed into her, briefly stilling her heart. As it started beating again, she forced herself to face a simple fact. Instead of a wolf’s yellow eyes, this creature’s were deep brown.
Even more incomprehensible, she’d seen and been turned on by those eyes, but not for a year. Not since Slade had drowned while she helplessly watched.
Oh, God, Slade! Please tell me you didn’t die after all.
The longer she stared at the creature, the less she saw of Slade. Other than those beautiful eyes, the wolf was what nature had designed it to be, a hunter and killer. Its muscles were finely honed, rangy and powerful. Most compelling were fangs meant for one thing, killing. Studying that perfect body filled her with equal parts of fear and admiration. She could barely think. Like most humans, she wore countless hats and shouldered countless roles, but a wolf had no such complexity. It hunted, ate, slept, fucked. Existed.
“Slade?” Despite swallowing repeatedly, she couldn’t utter another word.
The wolf returned her stare. Yes, the eyes were brown, rich and glistening. More to the point, they were pulling her deep into something incomprehensible. Inescapable.
Slade Nashel had been the sexiest man she’d ever met, although whether that was because his body was cleanly masculine or because his touch destroyed her she’d never known.
For too long after his death, she’d suspected she’d died along with him, but the passing minutes, hours, and then days and weeks had helped her heal so she once again believed she had a reason to go on living. Her tears had finally dried and she’d found things to laugh at. Sometimes she’d felt guilty for embracing what he’d been denied, but she couldn’t change reality. He was dead, she alive.

ABOUT Vonna Harper
Vonna Harper isn't sure how many erotic romance books, novellas, and short stories she's written since she's just along for the ride. Many have capture/bondage elements in part because studies show that a majority of women fantasize about giving up control, and Vonna wants to give them what they're looking for. Also, as a woman herself, she wants to write what fascinates her.  |

If interested in reviewing this book, contact the author directly by clicking here.

Feb 5, 2017

#MFRWauthor Heating It Up: Where @romanzwrter_grl Elizabeth Harmon Gets Her Story Ideas

Contemporary romance author Elizabeth Harmon loves to read and write romances with a dash of different. A graduate of the University of Illinois, she has worked in advertising, community journalism and as a freelance magazine writer. She feels incredibly blessed to have a career that allows her to spend her days imagining “what if?” and a loving family that keeps her grounded in the real world.  Her debut novel, Pairing Off, the first book in her Red Hot Russians sports romance series, is a 2016 RITA Award Finalist.

Here she talks about where her story idea for her newest book came from...

Heating It Up: A Red Hot Russians Novella, was inspired by a line in Getting It Back, book three in my Red Hot Russians sports romance series.  When heroine Amy asks hero Misha about his family, he tells her that his brother Alexei lives in Antarctica. It was meant to underscore Misha’s loneliness, but the line stuck with me. A few months later, when I needed an idea for a novella, I thought of Alexei, and Heating It Up was born!
The adventure of writing an Antarctic romance meant creating a lovable, relatable couple whose rocky road to HEA could happen anywhere.  Alexei’s been hurt by a previous girlfriend’s secrets, and immerses himself in his work as head of the aging Amity Bay research station.  Architect Nora wants to spend the winter alone in the state of the art guesthouse she designed.  When Alexei discovers the beautiful stowaway, attraction sparks.  But will Nora’s secret that she created the building meant to replace his beloved outpost doom their romance?
It also meant bringing warmth and romance to an isolated setting known for the world’s most extreme climate.  For inspiration, I turned to some of my favorite small-town romances, and to a favorite 1990s TV series, “Northern Exposure.”  Amity Bay has a town watering hole, a fire station, a possibly haunted cabin, and a beautiful bay that’s home to a mysterious sea creature. There’s also a cast of quirky residents, many with fascinating stories of their own.
Writing about a place that few have visited, and portraying it as accurately was a challenge and I’m grateful to the two Ice veterans who fact-checked my manuscript. I hope readers enjoy Nora and Alexei’s story, and their visit to Amity Bay. Cold nights, but warm hearts. What could be better than that?

Heating It Up: A Red Hot Russians Novella
Red Hot Russian Alexei is king of the Ice…Antarctic style

Alexei  Zaikov loves his life in remote Amity Bay, Antarctica, until a new luxury guesthouse threatens the community’s future.  As head of Amity Bay, he’s driven to save it, but first must discover who is hiding out in the supposedly deserted lodge…and why.

Nora Bradford has lost everything; a promising career and the man she loved.  Glacier Ridge Lodge, the architectural masterpiece she designed but was denied credit for, seems like the perfect place to grieve her loss, until a ruggedly handsome Russian arrives on her doorstep, determined to bring her in from the cold.

Desire sparks, leaving them hungry for more. But will the truth about Nora’s role in Amity Bay’s demise, doom their romance?

Praise for Previous Series Titles
RT Book Reviews  |  Library Journal Reviews

The first thing she noticed was that yesterday's sad vulnerability was gone. Now his ice-blue eyes were flinty and determined as he strode inside. Sending him away wasn't going to be so easy this time.
""You're too late,"" he said. ""Fifteen years ago some New Zealander became first woman to winter-over solo. Maybe you already know that. Or maybe you don't care, because we both know that's not the real reason you're holed up in here.""
He knew she wasn't being honest, but not to what extent. Guilty, and too deflated for battle, she leaned against the door. ""You’re right it isn't.""
""Nora..,” the gentleness in his voice felt like a caress. ""Staying here alone only hurts you. And it hurts me too.""
""How's that?""
""Because to keep you secret, I have to lie, not just to IFAR, but to the people who work for me.  People whose trust I don't take lightly.  Staying up here not only puts you in danger, but also them. Down here, people survive because they depend on each other. If one of the systems failed in bad weather, or you had an accident, someone would have to put themselves at risk, and come to help.""
Most likely, that someone would be him. Even with blizz lines strung, making such a trip could be life-threatening. Fear tightened her throat as she considered how it would feel to mourn another man she cared about.
""I know you’ve lost much,"" he said. ""And while I know losing a fiancé is different, I understand the hurt of missing a person I loved dearly.""
“That woman who lied to you?” she demanded, shocked and angry.
“No,” he said. “Not Natalia. I’m talking about my mother.  For a long time, I felt like she was the only person who understood me. But when I came here to Antarctica, I found a place to belong. In time, the pain was not so bad. Up here all alone, you don't have that.""
""No,"" she whispered.
""Ask yourself if this is what he’d want for you. I don't think it is. I know that if I was gone... and the woman I loved was left behind, this isn’t what I’d want for her.""
Her fingers twitched on the doorknob, and she thought of ordering him out, but in her heart, she knew he was right. Even if she weren't drifting through darkened rooms in a ruined wedding gown, she was teetering dangerously close to Miss Havisham territory. In the process, she was putting others in danger.  The weather was turning, and soon the months of darkness would come.  It was time to decide where she would spend them.
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Interested in Reviewing?
Will be posted to NetGalley after February 1st. Otherwise, reach author directly here.

Jan 13, 2017

All About SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY @FrancesOThomas #MFRWauthor

Welcome MFRW Author Fran Thomas.
Fran Thomas was born in Pittsburgh. She never intended to live in Florida, but Fate had other plans for her. She resides with her husband on an island in the Gulf of Mexico and spends her time observing its quirky denizens and their antics. Visit her website or find her on pinterest.

She's recently released Southern Hospitality: Book Two of Calusa Town Tales. Here's what she says about her creative process...
Just like Kate in Southern Hospitality, I moved to a barrier island in Florida from Pittsburgh. And like her, I was a fish out of water. After living here a few years, I began writing a column for the local newspaper, highlighting the quirky personalities and colorful social events of the residents. As I grew to know more and more people, I finally felt like I belonged. Eventually I became the editor of that newspaper and gained even more experiences with the opinionated and vocal people who call this home.

When I decided to write fiction, I had plenty of material to draw from. I've changed the name of the town and modified the geography to suit my own purposes. But I hope I have retained the caring qualities of the people who live in what I now call home. Southern Hospitality is Book Two of the Calusa Town Tales series. I will be beginning Book Three very soon.

ABOUT Southern Hospitality

BUY LINK (FREE with Kindle Unlimited!)
Kate Schubert is a woman on a mission. After working her way to a degree and toiling behind a series of check-in counters, she's on her way from Pittsburgh to a town in Florida. The bad news is nobody she knows has ever heard of Calusa. The good news is she has been hired for her very first management position, one she plans to make a stepping stone to the career she's always dreamed of.

Dave Morissey is still friends with every woman he's ever dated--and there have been quite a few. He doesn't believe in permanent relationships, but he's more than willing to add a leggy redhead to his list of temps. Kate Schubert is a woman on a mission. After working her way to a degree and toiling behind a series of check-in counters, she's on her way from Pittsburgh to a town in Florida. The bad news is nobody she knows has ever heard of Calusa. The good news is she has been hired for her very first management position, one she plans to make a stepping stone to the career she's always dreamed of. Dave Morissey is still friends with every woman he's ever dated--and there have been quite a few. He doesn't believe in permanent relationships, but he's more than willing to add a leggy redhead to his list of temps.

Kate Schubert sighed. Loudly. She attempted to stride through the South Florida Airport pulling her animal-print carry on behind her. Her progress, however, was blocked on every side by her fellow passengers arriving from Pittsburgh. Giggling school children on summer vacation bounced alongside slow-moving, silver-haired senior citizens. Two or three middle-aged men shucked lightweight suit jackets and loosened ties as they ambled down the concourse. Would it be too much to ask that they speed it up?
The concourse dead-ended at an escalator rumbling downwards. At the foot of the escalator, Kate made a sharp right towards baggage claim. Near the stilled carousel, a man holding a cardboard sign with her name printed on it slouched in a plastic chair.
Kate approached him. “I’m Kate Schubert.”
The man took a quick inventory from her red hair pulled back in a severe pony tail down through her head-to-toe black outfit and back up again.
He grinned. “Welcome to Florida. I’m Dave.”
He began to unfurl himself from the chair. When he was fully upright, Kate had to look up into his eyes. That was a rarity. She stood nearly six feet tall in bare feet. In the three inch heels she favored, she towered over most men. She had learned to use what had been a drawback in high school to her advantage. Unintimidated, she returned the man’s stare. His grin faded.
“Let’s see about getting your other luggage,” Dave said.
A bell sounded, and the carousel lurched to life. A mishmash of luggage tumbled down a chute and slowly revolved until hauled off by a hand shooting out from the gathered crowd. Kate pointed out her matching bag, and Dave hefted it easily.
 “You travel pretty light,” he said. “I was expecting more suitcases, so I borrowed Seth’s SUV.”
“I shipped the rest,” she said. Her brow puckered.  “So you work for Mr. Connor, er, Seth?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
Kate fell into step beside the tall man. What job could he possibly have at the new hotel she’d been hired to manage? The baggy cargo shorts, flowered shirt, and flip flops he wore weren’t much to recommend him. The only thing he had going for him was his impressive physique. Well, that and eyes a startling turquoise against his tanned face.
“What exactly do you do?” she asked.
“This and that.”
“Not too ambitious, are we?”
Dave shrugged. “Ambition’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Nice use of the royal ‘we’ by the way.”
When the electric doors slid open, a blast of warm, moist air hit Kate in stark contrast to the highly air conditioned building. So this is what Florida felt like. After they left the terminal, Dave led her across the street and into the parking garage. He stowed both her bags in the trunk of the car and then attempted to open the passenger door.
Kate beat him to it. “I can open my own door.”
“Just because you can doesn’t always mean you should.” Dave circled the vehicle and climbed into the driver’s seat.
“I’d rather depend on myself,” Kate said.
“Yes, ma’am. I can see that.”

Jan 2, 2017

Where Does #MFRWauthor @CailinBriste Get Her Story Ideas? @LooseID

MFRW author Cailin Briste shares how she gets her story ideas.
For years, I’ve been expecting features of the Jetson’s lifestyle, a cartoon family from my childhood, to appear in my life. Where is my robot maid? Where is my flying car? And above all where is my food replicator? I’m still waiting, but that hasn’t stopped my love of science fiction or science possibility.

My mind is full of futuristic ideas from the many books, movies and television shows I’ve devoured for several decades. The future has yet to be written, except by those of us who like to play with “what ifs.” I’m a big time “what iffer.”

My first novel was created as an answer to the following question: What would happen to alpha men on a matriarchal planet where the women are not Dommes in the strictest sense but have the attitude down pat? Shane’s struggles in Shane: Marshal of Tallav were the result. As his story unfolded in my mind, another “what if” defined the main female character. What if girls born on their new planet developed empathic senses? And so, Adrianna became an empath.

Shane’s story is just one possibility on a female-run planet. Maon’s story came next in Maon: Marshal of Tallav. He’s an alpha male marshal, whose preference in the bedroom is to submit to a sexy Domme.

The third book in the series, Rand: Son of Tallav is still being written. If anything, Rand has bigger problems than Shane or Maon. He’s not only an alpha male but also a sadist and owner of a BDSM club, a pariah on his home planet Tallav.

Each of these books began with that initial “what if”. Characters come knocking on the door of mind, and I throw them into the Tallavan setting, typing madly as their stories unfold.

Cailin's latest book is Maon: Marshal of Tallav, a Sci-Fi/Futuristic Erotic Romance, with Loose Id.
Maon Keefe has always been told he’s doomed to fail as a husband. He decides never to marry instead focusing on living life as a player and becoming a capable marshal of Tallav. When he is shot and the most-wanted criminal he’s escorting escapes, he fears that his career, his one success in life, is doomed. Assigned to ferret out the cause of missing shipments for a VIP aristocrat, he meets Selina Shirley CEO of the House of Shirley. He finds himself inexplicably attracted to her despite her frumpy appearance. When he meets a hooded and masked, scorching hot Domme, Lasair, at his friend’s BDSM club, he’s torn between the two women. Both fire his imagination and call to his submissive nature. Either might be the woman to change him into successful husband material.

Maon Keefe has always embraced the player lifestyle, until he discovers a mysterious Domme who brings him to his knees.
The underlying frisson of unease that always attended Selina in space was sliding up and down her spine. But the churning in her stomach, while she walked along the companionway from the private ship docks, wasn’t caused by her fear of space. Her father’s death over a year ago had cemented a number of things in her mind. One was the need to acquire a husband. Knowledge that she was on the marriage market would set in motion the machinations of the aristocratic mamas of Tallav—some because of her wealth and others for the connection. She wrinkled her nose. Not going that route.
Her Domme lessons with Randolph were the initial step in a concise plan to find her perfect husband. Emphasis on her. Implementing that plan was the root of her anxiety, akin to the strain of her first business negotiation for the House of Shirley.
A couple, the woman tipping along in platform heels, were cuddling and cooing while they walked toward Selina. She averted her face, seeing but not really taking in the concourse bar she was approaching. Then her gaze met a stranger’s, and for an interminable moment, his eyes ensnared hers. She blinked, and the spell was broken. His lips moved in a smirk while he continued to stare at her.
Damn playboy.
When she yanked her head away, the oversize art case slipped down her arm, the strap tangling in her long dark hair. Rather than stop to fix the problem, she kept walking while struggling to release the strands that were pulling painfully on her scalp. Portfolio back in position, she sped up.
That man was the exact opposite of her ideal mate, although he was Tallavan. The string tie he wore made his Tallavan citizenship a possibility, but the badge clipped to his belt settled it. He was a Tallavan marshal. Despite his tousled sandy-brown locks that were made to comb through and pull, he wouldn’t make the cut on her very exacting list of requirements. Even before he’d smirked at her, it was apparent he was a player. He’d been sitting still on a bar stool, but swagger oozed from his pores. His navy-blue eyes were full of a boldness that reached out to her and offered her more fun than she could imagine.
What the heck are you thinking, Selina? He’s a snack and nothing more.

ABOUT Cailin Briste
Cailin has been writing fiction for five years and non-fiction for two decades. Her non-fiction work has been published in magazines and in a non-fiction anthology. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America, the RWA Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Chapter, and the RWA Passionate Ink Chapter.

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Nov 15, 2016

#MFRWauthor @Jamaila Brinkley loves happy endings! READ Thieves' Honor.

Jamaila Brinkley loves happy endings.
Jamaila is the author of historical romance with a hint of magic. Her first book, ‘Thieves’ Honor,’ released in May 2016 from Soul Mate Publishing. She came to romance as an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction, and found that her favorite historical romances seemed ripe for an injection of magic. Jamaila lives outside Baltimore, Maryland in a house that is perpetually under renovation with her husband and twin toddlers. You can find her blogging about romance, writing, parenting, cooking, and more on her website at, and posting pictures of her lunch on Twitter as @jamaila.

The most common place I get ideas is, oddly enough, in the car. Sometimes it's because I'm deep in thought; other times, an interesting road sign will spur my imagination. I always start with characters, and characters can be inspired by almost anything. Many times, for me, it's small businesses! There's a story in my drafts folder with the quirkiest pair of detectives who were inspired by side-by-side businesses in the middle of nowhere on our way to the beach; another by the name of a quarry!

I write romance because I love happy endings. I'm infamous for not wanting to watch movies unless they have princesses in them; I hate dramatic television; and the depressing books I had to read to complete my degree in English made me grind my teeth. Sometimes, you just want your characters to be happy in the end, right? (We won't talk about the torture we put them through in the middle!)

My current book is a historical fantasy romance. I love (LOVE) historical romance, especially those with big families and lots of humor – you know the ones I mean. But I also deeply love fantasy and science fiction – those are the books I grew up reading. And I think there’s nothing that could make Regency London better than magic. Add in a shy wizard, a thief, and an interfering duchess, and you have a lot of fun waiting to happen. I write what I want to read!

Thieves' Honor

Thomas Dalton is the heir to a duke and a talented wizard. When he’s asked to investigate a crime, the shy earl is quickly out of his depth in London’s underground; especially when he’s confronted with the prettiest thief he’s ever seen.

Em Stackpole grew up on the streets, but preys on the Ton by using her skills at illusion to fit in among them at elegant Mayfair events. When Thomas asks for her help finding a missing jewel, she strikes a bargain: she’ll help him learn to think like a criminal if he’ll teach her the magic she needs to get off the streets for good.

Falling in love was never part of the deal. But as Em and Thomas navigate magic, Mayfair, and Thomas’ charmingly interfering family, the wizard and the thief will have to decide if they can ever be more than just partners-in-crime.

Magic. Mayhem. Mayfair. Will Society ever be the same? When a wizard, a thief, and an interfering duchess take on the ballrooms of London, love is only one of the complications they'll find.
FREE with Kindle Unlimited
""This book will keep you entertained and keep you guessing up until the end. It was a really great read."" -Addicted to Reviews

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Nov 14, 2016

A Quick and Quirky Dozen: Unpredictable Love with #MFRWauthor Jean Joachim

Jean Joachim is a best-selling romance fiction author, with books hitting the Amazon Top 100 list since 2012. She writes mostly contemporary romance, which includes sports romance and romantic suspense.
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Day or Night?
Day! I used to be a night person, now I'm an early morning person. Love the sunrise and awakening of nature.
Pen and paper or Computer?
Computer. It's faster and can save stuff.
Fruit or Chocolate?
Hard choice. Both, actually. And when they are combined? Absolute heaven.
Coffee or Tea?
Tea, tea and only tea -- forever!
Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds?
Used to be roller coasters, now it's merry-go-rounds. Life is thrilling enough.
Bath or Shower?
Love a bath, but never have time for one, so it's shower for me.
City life or Country life?
A bit of both. I live most of the year in New York City, but retreat to the country to write for the summer.
Soft or Hard?
Soft, for sure. Depending on what you're talking about. Oops. Gotta keep this clean.
Ebook or Paperback?
Love an ebook - flexible, take tons of them anywhere, but paperback is still great.
Cats or Dogs?
Too allergic for cats anymore, so it's definitely dogs.
Fast or Slow?
Fast. I'm a speey, impatient person.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?
I love to watch The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I'm always rooting for one guy or girl and love a happy ending.

Jean Joachim's latest book is Unpredictable Love.
Uh oh. Amber signed her sister’s name on a pen pal letter to a Marine. As usual, Jory Walker was stuck fixing her sister’s little white lie.  

When letters poured in from SSGT Trent Stevens in Afghanistan, Jory had no choice but to correspond. Sure he’d be drooling over Amber’s bikini photo, thinking it was Jory. Since they’d never meet, what harm could it do if she sent him a few letters?

Would her charade boomerang replacing happiness with pain? What started off as an innocent ruse, morphed into a monstrous web of deceit. Maybe unpredictable love was destined to break her heart.

"Once again Ms. Joachim has created a story that touch your emotions. This author has a way with words that brings the towns and characters to life creating an almost 3D picture of the events taking place. The characters a real people, easy to relate too and their actions and reactions only help to bring the story to life. Jory longs for love but is shadowed by her beautiful sister. Always compared and feeling lacking she doesn't think there is a prince charming for her. Trent is a soldier needing a connection to home while he serves his country and Jory's letters bring him hope for the future. This was a well written and a well thought out storyline. The main charterers are easy to like, their journey to find each other is filled will detours and distractions, twist and turns and sometimes their greatest obstacles were themselves." - Amazon

Jory Walker plucked three letters from the mailbox in front of the house. Two bills and one envelope addressed to her that looked like it had been through a war. It had, according to what was scratched in the upper corner: SSGT. T. Stevens.
Anger bubbled up inside her. She made a beeline for the house, only to collide with her sister.
“Amber! What the hell?” She waved the envelope in the young woman’s face.
“I just sent him one letter.”
“This is the fourth you’ve gotten from him. When are you going to write back?”
“It was a mistake…”
“You can say that again. Especially the part where you signed my name!”
“Laura was so convincing. I thought she meant one time. Only one letter.”
“She asked people to sign up to write to guys in the military. Not to write only one letter and include a lewd photo.”
“It wasn’t lewd, whatever that means. Just me in a bikini. I’m not good at writing. Much better at pictures.” Her beautiful, blonde sister, with a Miss America figure, grinned.
“And the reason you signed my name?”
“I always liked yours better. Besides, if he wanted another letter, I knew you’d write it for me. So, it might as well have your name on it.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit smile. I’m on to you. And the answer is ‘no.’” Jory shoved the envelope from T. Stevens into Amber’s hand.
“Please? Pleeeaassseee, Jory. You’re the writer. Not me.”
“That’s right. You’re the pretty sister, and I’m the smart one.”
Amber nodded. “I don’t mean it like that. You’re so much better than me.”
“Than I.”

Nov 8, 2016

How #MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune Created Her Newest Book: TAKEN BY TWIN DOMS.

MFRW author Kryssie Fortune talks about how her newest book came to life.
Kryssie Fortune writes erotic romance. Addicted to coffee, she’s a serial dieter who’s never far from her Kindle. When she’s not reading or renovating her recently purchased bungalow, she enjoys long walks on the beach with her husband.

Kryssie’s a girl who grew up climbing trees and chatting with imaginary dragons. Her passion for nature, myths, and magical creatures spills over into her books. She loves hot Lykaes, sexy vampires, and muscular Fae, but dragons fascinate her.

Kryssie’s active on Facebook, Twitter, and occasionally Pinterest. She’d love you to drop by and chat with her.
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Manually, I'm the most uncreative person you'll ever meet. I paint, and it's a blob. I sculpt and it implodes, but I do have a vivid imagination. Add in that I love words, and you see why I write.
I'm a sucker for true love and anything paranormal. A lot of the places in my books are drawn from things I've seen and done, but I've never yet met a werewolf.  On consideration, that’s probably a good thing.

My latest book is a new departure for me. Nothing paranormal and nothing supernatural, just two Doms with sex toys and a repressed heroine born to be wild. I wrote this one by accident.

I saw a special call on the Luminosity website for short stories on ""One night in a dungeon."" Sometimes lightning strikes and I know a story right off. Since it was a 1500 word limit, I wrote it in two weeks. Usually I take months.

I was so excited I hadn’t read the rest of the call -until it was time to submit.
OMG- M/M only. Mine didn't fit. I polished it up and added  some details I’d had to drop to make the word count. It came out even better this time around so I submitted it to Luminosity as a stand alone.

And guess what? They took it. The best serendipity ever.

Taken by Twin Doms
Too scared to step out of her comfort zone, Molly dreams of submitting to a powerful man’s will. When her cousin tricks her into visiting the Pearson twins’ Pleasure Hotel, she realizes she could play out her fantasies. Despite the sexual games going on around her, she still refuses to accept her sensual nature.

Steve and Brett Pearson want a sub with fire in her soul. Deceived by Molly’s cousin, they believe Molly craves a kidnap and interrogation scene where two men torment her with sex toys before taking her to sexual heights. They’ll stop the instant she says the safe word. As their reluctant prisoner, she has no idea what the safe word is.

After the way Molly responded to their dominance, the Pearson twins want to know her better. Can they win her heart after they’ve bound her, blindfolded her, and forced their BDSM games on her?

One repressed heroine, twin Doms with sex toys, and a relationship based on a lie.

The various activities spelled out on that questionnaire sent a hormone surge through her blood. Cheeks and breasts scarlet, thoughts whirling as though caught up in a tornado, she wondered what sexual games the other hens had planned for tonight. Thoughts of letting a stranger explore her body, maybe even letting him spank her, consumed her. Afterward, they’d share sex so hot the bed sheets caught fire.

That list of rules showed how well this hotel protected their guests’ privacy, but what sort of scenes went on in the dungeon that she might interrupt? Maybe a Dominatrix flogging a disobedient sub? Perhaps a blindfolded slave giving their master a blowjob? Being bound, blindfolded, and naked with a Dom’s cock pumping down her throat only happened in her best dreams. In them, she was totally open and vulnerable, willing to do whatever it took to please her twin lovers. Pulse rate rocketing, eyes closed, she savored her favorite daydream.

So far the questionnaire seemed innocuous, but over the page, it was set out like a menu. The inner two pages detailed everything on offer, from suspension to pet play or fisting. Three tick boxes sat alongside each one. The instructions said to tick the things that were acceptable in the first column, soft limits in the second, and hard limits in the third. Since this form was for her eyes only, she grinned and worked her way down the list.

Asphyxiation was a definite hard limit, as were knife play, golden showers, and gags. A dildo or butt plug would be acceptable, but suspension? Maybe, with the right partner, she’d enjoy it.

Just reading down the list left her hot and bothered, her body more sexually aware than it had been for months. Since no one else would ever see this form, she ticked bondage and multiple partners as acceptable. After all, this game just passed the time until dinner.

The back page demanded every detail of the fantasy she wanted to play out. For those lacking imagination, it even offered a few suggestions. Prancing around like a pony with a bit between her teeth and a butt plug holding a false tail in her ass didn’t appeal. Neither did rape fantasies or anything that reeked of medical.

Nov 7, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: CHASING YOU @Kris_Jayne

Kris Jayne shares where her story ideas come from.
Kris Jayne is a devoted writer, reader, and traveler. She spends her days blissfully sweating out the writing process in the Dallas area with her dogs, Otis the Shih Tzu, Rocco the Terrier, and Red the Foxy Mutt. Her passion for writing is only matched by her passion for the adventures of travel. In 2008, she let a friend talk her into sleeping outside for the first time in her life when she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.
P.S. If you're buying her a gift, she has a penchant for single-malt Scotch and scarves.

I start writing my stories from a kernel of an idea -- an event in my life, a funny thing a friend says, or an interesting place I've visited. Then, my imagination takes over. At any given moment, I have two or three ideas tumbling in my head. Right now, I'm plotting a new series based around places I've been or where I'd like to visit. Italy, anyone? I'm always up for a trip to ""research.""

My latest book isn't set anywhere exotic. The first three books in my Thirsty Hearts series are set in Dallas, but I set book four in Austin, where I lived for two years. Chasing You started as an idea to have a love triangle with a woman who isn't interested in love... until she meets the right guy.

Alexa is a little bit of me, but is mostly fantasy. She owns a gym and is in the kind of shape I'd be in if I didn't love chicken fried steak and whiskey. Her story starts in a novella that I wrote while visiting London last year for my birthday. In Chasing You, I deliver her back home in Texas and throw a couple of hot men and some drama at her to see if I can get her to fall in love. Spoiler alert: She does.

Chasing You
Alexa Stevens doesn’t do commitment. The ex-model turned personal trainer and gym owner lives a jet-set life. With all the exciting adventures to have in this world—especially of the masculine variety—why get tied down?

Keeping it light suits Graham Ryan just fine—especially since mixing business with pleasure is bound to cause complications he doesn’t need.

When her old flame Adam Gadsby arrives in town to win her heart, suddenly Alexa's take on long-term love starts to shift. Graham sees her drifting away and wonders if he doesn’t want more. Adam knows what he wants — if only he can convince Alexa she wants the same.

For Alexa, the question is: how do you know who’s the one? With two men chasing her, can she make the right choice before it’s too late?
FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

"A sexy romantic story that I didn't want to stop reading. This book is great!"" - Goodreads

"The characters are well developed and relatable... I will be going back to read 1-3."" - Goodreads
“Are we going to talk about marriage and kids?” She grimaced again.

“No. What’s your favorite sexual position?” Alexa palmed her face. Graham snapped his fingers over her head. “New topic. You’re welcome.”

She raised her head. “There’s room for conversation between those two topics.”

Graham covered the base of the wine glass with his fingers and circled it on the table, swirling his wine.

“Okay. Here we go.”

Alexa watched his strong, neatly trimmed fingers work the glass and swallowed. She hoped his next question didn’t have anything to do with sexual positions.

“What’s your type? Guys, I think, mostly don’t have a type, but women tend to have a type of guy that they’re looking for. You all are very specific.”

“I don’t know.” Alexa examined the raw wood beams of the ceiling above as she considered his theory. “I’ve dated different kinds of guys.”

“So, eighty percent of the guys you’ve dated haven’t all been doctors? I know a lot of women who really zero in. They want to date a lawyer or a guy who owns a boat…or a lawyer who owns a boat.”

“It sounds like you’ve been dating gold-digging women. Doctors, lawyers, and boats? I mean, I will admit I don’t want to have to pay guy’s rent. But I’m also not looking for a guy to pay mine.”

“An independent woman.”

“So everyone says. What about you? If I went through a scrapbook of your past girlfriends, would eighty percent of them be blonde or all be kindergarten teachers?”

Alexa wasn’t sure she actually wanted the answer to that question. She didn’t usually spend much time contemplating the other women in a man’s life.

“No kindergarten teachers, but I’ve dated all kinds of women—professional women, cocktail waitresses, women who own their own gym. All kinds.”

Graham splayed his hands wide in front of him.

“So, I’m squarely in your demographic? Female and breathing.”

He grinned and gave her a thumbs up. “Precisely. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I like beautiful women, but what man doesn’t? Personality wise? Mostly, it’s just about chemistry. I know when I meet a woman if I’m going to see her again tomorrow. That’s my only qualification.”

A shred of her heart sank, but she scraped it up and forced some humor. “Dammit. Now I don’t feel special and all.”

“Oh, you’re special."

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Aug 28, 2016

#MFRWauthor Mia Francis @maszyd Shares her Writing Day

MFRW Mia Frances talks about her writing day. 
Mia writes across several genres under this pseudonym and others. Her published Science Fiction/Fantasy works include novels: The Ark, The Colony, The Land, and Source of Evil, and a novella, The Hand of My Enemy. In addition to her erotic romance murder mystery thriller series In His Keeping: Taken, Banished, and Claimed, she's also the author of Worship the Night, a tale of horror and the occult, mainstream novel Silent Song, and four children's books.

Her short stories, articles, children’s stories, essays, and poems have appeared in anthologies, books, magazines, newspapers, and on the web.

I’m an insomniac which is very helpful when you’re a writer. Once I get an idea in my head, I work out the plot and dialogue at night when it’s quiet. I don’t use an outline, but I do write down specific dialogue or scenes that I want to use in the book. I come up with a very definite idea of what I want each major character in the book to look like, then I go through magazines till I find a model, actor, actress, etc. that looks like them. I pin those pictures up on the wall labeled with my characters names in front of my laptop. I also do short character sketches of each character’s appearance, education, employment, habits, family, behavior traits, etc.

Every day I that I work on a particular chapter, I start my day by going back to the beginning of that chapter and reading and rewriting it where necessary, for clarity, to tighten dialogue, to add needed description, etc. When I finish the chapter, I go back and reread and rewrite it yet again. Then I give it to my husband to read and edit. After he’s done I read it again incorporating his corrections and suggestions and put it aside until the entire book is done. Then we both reread the whole book again for continuity and to make sure that the story isn’t bogging down in places. You need another pair or eyes, another person to read your work and catch your mistakes: formatting mistakes, typos, misspellings, redundancies, inconsistencies in the plot, characters, descriptions, obvious factual mistakes in your stories, etc.

MFRW author Mia Frances released IN HIS KEEPING: BANISHED, an Erotic Romantic Suspense.
Sylvie Jenkins' life is upended when boss and lover, billionaire Connor Hudson, becomes the prime suspect in a string of grisly murders. Those who love him...die! He sends her away; exiling her to his Park Ave. penthouse. They meet in secret, but he's changed. He has a dark cruel side that frightens her. What she discovers in a hidden closet, leaves her wondering...could he be capable of murder?

An erotic romance murder mystery thriller series!
5.0 out of 5 starsAmazing, 5+ stars
By Paola on January 4, 2016
Amazing, I am 100% In love with these books, I can't wait for the third . I am counting the days for the third book.

5.0 out of 5 starsGreat page turner!
By Carrie on December 15, 2015
Really thrilled with pace of this trilogy. I left book 1 (Taken) dying to know what would happen next. Banished (book 2 in the series) does not disappoint! The book picks up in NYC where Connor sent Sylvie to protect her from the killer. Mia Frances introduces a number of slimy characters who could all easily be the killer. I am dying to know who the killer is and if my suspicions are correct. The relationship between Sylvie and Connor continues to intrigue me -- Sylvie seems to struggle with her position in Connor's bedroom and Connor is starting to struggle with putting her in that position. Cant wait to see where Book 3 ends up!

Jul 3, 2016

Where does #MFRWauthor @AnneCarrole get her Story Ideas?

MFRW author Anne Carrole shares where her story ideas come from.
Anne Carrole has been writing stories since she was in elementary school but back then the hero was more likely to ride a bike not a horse and share a stick of gum rather than a kiss. Her muse usually comes wearing a cowboy hat. Raised on a farm with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits and whatever other animals she could convince her parents to shelter, she’s married to her own sweet-talking hero and is the proud mother of a college-aged daughter. They all share their home with a sleek black cat with way too much attitude. 

Anne’s Website   |  Amazon   |   Anne’s Facebook   |   Anne’s Twitter

My story ideas often come from people in real life who inspire me. I have always been fascinated with the history of the American West and that led me to an interest in rodeo and ranching (I’m a farm girl, after all) which infuse the Hearts of Wyoming Series of which The Maverick Meets His Match is Book 2. There are only a few, very few, women who raise livestock for rodeos and Mandy was inspired by one of them, a woman who recently began to run her father’s well-known rodeo company. Intrigued I read a few articles about her, since she is somewhat of a phenomenon, and also read a book on the family’s business. That was all I needed for the imagination to saddle up.

As for why a romance? I love writing romance because you get to explore the characters—their past, their growth, how they change, and how they remain the same. In romance, the characters are the story so having interesting characters to explore is important. As both a reader and a writer, I want that Happily Ever After. At the end of a long day, I don’t want to read about someone else’s misery unless I know that at the end, it is going to be all right. In a world where so little seems in my control, I need to know it is going to come out right. I believe a good story is one where we want to empathize, sympathize, feel for what the character is going through.

One of my favorite book reviews received from a reader was this: “I have just finished reading Loving a Cowboy and I have to say they don't come any better than this! I laughed and I cried (happy tears).”  Reading that review I felt I had done my job. And what is better than the emotional whirlwind you are in when you are falling in love.

Anne Carrole's recent release is The Maverick Meets His Match.

AMAZON Buy Link!
FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Rodeos, wedding bells, and one crazy will!

When Mandy Prescott’s grandfather dies, this determined cowgirl expects to head up the family’s stock rodeo company. But JM Prescott’s last will and testament not only gives that honor to Ty Martin, a man who broke Mandy’s heart a decade ago, it contains a crazy provision: to gain back control, she must agree to marry Ty Martin for a period of six months. Mandy has three days to decide—marry a man she doesn’t trust but is still attracted to, or risk her company being sold. Risking her company is one thing. Risking her heart is another

Ty Martin had never regretted the choices he’d made, until now. Shading his eyes against the sunlight glinting off the dial of his Rolex, he checked the time. Twenty minutes until life changed. Maybe temporarily. Maybe for good.Or bad.Tamping down the unease that always came with loose ends, Ty moved past the corrals where the cowhands were topping off the water troughs. Heads popped up like jack-in-the-boxes, but no one acknowledged him. Not a word, not a wave, not a nod. Instead, they stared as if he were some curiosity on parade.Ty tugged the brim of his Stetson lower. At least being an outsider would make decisions easier.Without breaking stride, he swept by the barn where the stalls were being mucked out and moved on past the low building that served as an office for the livestock rodeo company he would now head. Dust kicked up as he went, coating his custom-made alligator boots and threatening to settle on his black dress pants.A steer bellowed in the distance, part of the ranch herd that had been brought in for culling.He scanned the side parking area for a gray pickup truck. Silver metal glistened just a few feet away from his black BMW. At least he wouldn’t be the last one to walk into the lawyer’s office.For most of his life he had run from anything to do with ranching, working his way through law school, scoring a job at a land development firm, and fighting his way to a partnership—only to eventually walk away. And now, here he was, heading up a livestock operation. A rodeo livestock operation.Just a year. That’s what he had promised. Just enough time to decide the fate of the company that bore another family’s name. And they would hate him for it, or at least one person would hate him for it, if she didn’t already.

Jun 19, 2016

#FREE on #KindleUnlimited! Tides of Hope @DawnTomasko1 #MFRWauthor

Dawn Tomasko tells where her story ideas come from.
Dawn Tomasko lives in New England with her family. Now a published author, Dawn's book Tides of Hope, first in a contemporary romance series set on Nantucket Island, MA is available on Amazon. Besides writing every spare minute, she works in the medical field, loves spending time with her husband, grown children and two grandsons. She reads romance fiction constantly, and has been known to read a book a day. Longtime membership in Romance Writers of America has given her countless opportunities to learn her craft and network with other writers.

website  |  facebook  |  goodreads

My ideas can come from any place or time, experience, even a song. One small thought can fuel an entire project. I have been writing since I was a kid, but seriously writing romance for over 10 years. A great deal of my personality and slices of life experiences are in the writing, however, my characters are their own people, with their own histories, personalities and goals.

Tides of Hope is a book I wanted to write for women in particular. Sara's marriage fails, and the close relationship she has with her daughter is in serious jeopardy. Saying 'yes' to everyone but herself for so long leaves her wondering who she is, and what she wants from life. Gabriel, the sexy male protagonist in the story, makes everything she thinks and feels come into question. He pushes her boundaries, and his presence in her life takes her farther than she ever dreamed possible.

Targeting the 30 plus reader; a story about second chances "It's exciting to publish Tides of Hope, the first novel in a contemporary romance series.  It's set on Nantucket, MA, an historic, unique island I fell in love with a long time ago.

Sara Shepard is refashioning her life after giving it all to her family, job and home.  With her daughter off at college and a failed marriage behind her, it's time to get back to basics. After years of saying yes to everyone and ignoring her own needs, Sara is ready to explore a new future, and do the things she's always wanted to do.

Billionaire playboy Gabriel Donovan finds his family business unfulfilling. He passes the reigns to his younger brother.  Now that he's following his passion professionally, he's ready for a meaningful personal relationship.

When their paths cross and they are forced to spend time together, neither can deny the explosive chemistry between them. Soon their relationship goes beyond the mere physical, and an element of danger puts more than their hearts on the line.

Tides of Hope, Book 1

Follow Sara Shepard to stunning Nantucket Island. Feel the sea breezes and walk perfect beaches in the one place she truly feels at home.

After her estranged husband is medically discharged from the Marines suffering from PTSD, life becomes unsafe. With her marriage over, and her relationship with her daughter in shambles, she starts over on the island. After years of saying yes to everyone and ignoring her own needs, Sara is ready to explore a bright new future, and do the things she's always wanted to do. Without a man.

Billionaire playboy Gabriel Donovan suddenly walks away from it all. Now that he's following his passion professionally, he feels ready to focus on a meaningful relationship. Being away from the drama tearing his family apart is an added bonus.

Gabriel is hired to restore the beach cottage Sara is renting. From the time you open the book, experience the explosive attraction between them.

When their relationship goes beyond physical, a heart pounding element of danger puts much more than their hearts on the line." Sexy, humorous contemporary romance novel in a beautiful island setting. Plenty of conflict, well developed characters and first in a series.       BUY LINK - FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Jun 5, 2016

Where does #MFRWauthor Brenda Whiteside @BrendaWhitesid2 get her Story Ideas?

MFRW Author Brenda Whiteside talks about where her story ideas come from.
Convinced she was born to be an artist, Brenda never took her love of writing seriously…until sometime after college, after marrying a man doing a stint in the army, and after the birth of her son, she found more satisfaction filling a blank page with words than an empty canvas with color.

Brenda and her husband are gypsies at heart having lived in six states and two countries. Currently, they split their time between the prairie in Northern Arizona and the RV life. At home or in the RV, she spends most of her time writing stories of discovery and love entangled with suspense.

My stories are character driven. Many of the characters who populate my novels are inspired by the people who populate my life, past and present. More often than not, a trait, an event, or something as simple as a comment from someone I know will be the springboard for a story.

I’ve always loved to make up stories and write. If how I fared in school was any indication, I was meant to be a writer. But for reasons I can’t remember, I wanted to be an artist. My painting talents were decent, and I received accolades in art classes, too. As an adult, I finally came to enjoy writing more after taking a creative writing course.

I didn’t choose to write romance. Romance chose me. My goal was to write stories of human relationships. What I found was the strongest and most complicated of all is the relationship of love. Choose any genre and a story of romance can be woven into the novel.

Over the years, my stories have progressed from being closely derived from my own life to total fiction. But always there are facets of my own personality that leak into my writing. It could be as simple as a character having my love of flavored coffee to their heritage being part Native American. I always use settings where I have lived or enjoyed lengthy visits.

A Legacy of Love and Murder is set in Austria. I’ve spent time in Austria and have a very good Austrian friend who lives in the area I use in the book. This is the third book in the series and the second book to deal with searching out ancestral connections. Lacy Dahl, from book one, is traveling with her daughter, August. Inheriting an Austrian Castle is an Alpine fairytale for August, until someone begins killing the heirs.

A Legacy of Love and Murder
In Austria to meet her great-grandfather and explore his castle estate filled with priceless art, August
Myer arrives to find he’s died suspiciously. As one of the heirs, her life is in danger, turning this fairytale Alpine adventure into a nightmare of unexplained accidents, neo-Nazi threats, and murder.

Inspector Tobias Wolf splits his time between his profession and fighting the spread of neo-Nazism. But when the beautiful, intriguing American crosses his path during a murder investigation, ensuring her safety challenges his priorities…and his heart.

When August learns the handsome inspector’s involvement with a major female Nazi is more than he’s admitted, and the death of her great-grandfather is somehow connected, she takes the investigation into her own hands. The outcome could be the death of both of them.

Jan 9, 2015

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: @RolynnAnderson #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Rolynn Anderson talks about her writing process and the release of LIE CATCHERS, a Mainstream Suspense, with WILD ROSE PRESS.

Scandinavian, Army Brat, English Teacher, High School Principal, Golfer, Boater, World Traveler, Author... Rolynn Anderson is all of these things. Now add a competitive nature and a love for ‘makeovers.’  As a principal, Rolynn Anderson and the staff she hired, opened a cutting-edge high school; as co-captain with her husband on INTREPID, she cruises from Washington State to Alaska and back.  As a writer, she delights in creating imperfect characters faced with extraordinary, transforming challenges.  Her hope: You'll devour her ‘makeover’ suspense novels in the wee hours of the morning, because her stories, settings and characters, capture your imagination and your heart.

The books I love to read are action-packed contemporaries spiked with those are the books I write.  Here’s how LIE CATCHERS emerged.  It’s 2011 and we’re cruising from Washington State to Alaska on our trawler Intrepid.  Never have we covered that distance, much less navigated such difficult stretches of water.  But when we arrived in Petersburg, Alaska, all the strangeness of a scary virgin voyage fell away.  Petersburg is FULL of Norwegians, just like my husband and me.  The little fishing town felt like home to us…relaxing me to the point I began to enjoy our cruise rather than stress over it.

What’s more Petersburg came with an unsolved crime from 1932 and a rich history of Norwegians, Tlingit, Haida, Chinese and other folk trying hard to make a living centered on fishing.

I had a novel churning in my brain by the time I left the dock.  When we returned to Petersburg on our way south, I had a plot in my mind and research to do.  From then on, writing a suspense novel set in Petersburg, AK, became my new passion.  For the fun of it, I used family Norwegian names for most of the characters in the novel.

By the time I returned to Alaska this year, I'd published LIE CATCHERS and enjoyed several book signings in Alaska!  You can see setting, interesting people and a PERSONAL connection drives my stories!

I've been writing a book a year, choosing the hours from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. as my most creative.  I have a supportive husband, family and friends, but none of them understand and appreciate what it takes to write, publish and market a novel.  Truth is, they think I'm a little crazy...and I dream of a less messy process to 'produce' my novels.

For instance: We took our filthy car to the local ‘detailer’ yesterday; I’m deep into a tricky, tedious revision of my novel and have neither the time or the skill for the back-breaking job of cleaning our MDX .  The poor thing needed an inside-and-out scouring badly; even more it was dying for a thorough waxing and buffing.  We gave the cleaning magicians four hours and out came our car looking, feeling and smelling brand new.  From shampooed carpets to gleaming dashboard to shining body, I’m once again proud to own and drive my car.

I was thinking: why not have my novel ‘detailed?’   Tomorrow morning, I drop off FEAR ITSELF, the normal paranormal suspense novel I’m revising.  The rookie ‘detail’ crew grabs my book and within an hour, eliminates spelling, format and usage ‘dirt,’ and purifies the plot of implausibility.   The second team washes my baby of repetition, tired phrases and dangling participles, then shines up the dialogue and freshens the descriptions.   Next comes the GMC crew, sponging goal, motivation and conflict into every chapter, and polishing the hooks at the beginning and end of each scene.

The final ablution?  The whole detail team gathers for an oral reading of FEAR LAND, making sure my voice is consistent, the prose is crisp and fresh and the dialogue feels real.  I listen in awe to how clean and good my novel sounds, collect my shiny book, pay the crew handsomely and get ready to tell my editor she’s got a gem of a story coming her way…as soon as I polish it a little bit more.  A couple of spots…one scene…a description…a hook.  Sigh.  Is a novel ever perfect?

Fourteen years. Fourteen novels. Six published by the beginning of 2015.  That's me.  Statistics give us a ballpark figure of eight books written or eight years of writing before we get published... I am the poster woman for that statistic.

Two unsolved murders will tear apart an Alaska fishing town unless a writer and a government agent
reveal their secret obsessions.

Treasury agent Parker Browne is working undercover in Petersburg, Alaska to investigate a money scam and a murder. His prime suspect, Liv Hanson, is a freelance writer struggling to save her family's business. Free spirited, full of life, and with a talent for catching liars, she fascinates Parker.

Trying to prove she's a legitimate writer who cares about Petersburg's issues, Liv pens a series of newspaper articles about an old, unsolved murder. When her cold case ties in with Parker's investigation, bullets start to fly.

Parker understands money trails, and Liv knows the town residents. But he gave up on love two years ago, and she trusts no one, especially with her carefully guarded secret. If they mesh their skills to find the killers, will they survive the fallout?


5.0 out of 5 stars A Rich, Intriguing Story December 27, 2013
By Roben
Format:Kindle Edition
I recieved an ARC of this book, and was thrilled to read it. I adored the setting, and the quirkiness of the characters in the small Alaska town. It made me want to go to Alaska. That kind of authenticity comes from an author who knows her setting, who understands its people, and can then convey that knowledge richly. Anderson does just that. Her mystery/suspense, is carefully woven with the right amount of history to engage the reader, and enough mystery to keep the reader guessing. This was my first novel by Rolynn Anderson, and I would definitely read this author again.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Read, June 14, 2014
By Linda Greer - See all my reviews
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Lie Catchers (Kindle Edition)
Enjoyed this book tremendously. The author is very detailed and the storyline is certainly different from the norm. Highly recommended!

Parker touched her shoulder.  “May I have this dance?”  Liv twirled to find him so close to her she could smell a hint of cologne and beer on his breath.  Had he shaved before he came to the bar?  Smiling at the thought he might have done that for her, she gave him her right hand and rested her left hand on his shirt collar, intent on finding a way to touch his chin to answer the shaving question.   But the shave-or-not dilemma was a minor one.  She’d already screwed up with one man tonight, would she make a wrong move with Parker, too? She drew her thumb along his chin and sighed at the silky smoothness.  Forget the man’s mouthful of queries and his intense gaze.  Just dance. While the singer’s lamented over loosing her mind, Liv’s body disappeared into Parker’s.  Soothed, she was and aroused at the same time, stunned that Parker knew not to use words.  A close shave and a close dance spoke volumes.  She was the silent one, afraid to say the one word that might start an avalanche of sentences, lowering her guard, exposing too much to the wrong person at the worst time.  This man who held her or who she was holding—she didn’t know which—was a detective and she was on a list of murder suspects.  Even if Parker was unorthodox as an investigator, he still held the power of his profession.  The reason for his offer to dance wasn’t clear, was it?   The strumming ended, emptying the room of the singer’s piercing ballad.  “Good night, Liv.  And thank you for the dance.”  He kissed her on the forehead, walked out the door and closed it quietly, taking with him all the unasked questions she would never answer. 
CONNECT with Rolynn!/rolynnanderson

Jan 31, 2014

#MFRWauthor SPOTLIGHT: J.L. Sheppard @JL_Sheppard

J.L. Sheppard was born and raised in Miami, Florida where she still lives with her husband.

As a child, her greatest aspiration was to become a writer. She read often, kept a journal and wrote countless poems. She attended Florida International University and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors in Communications. During her senior year, she interned at NBC Miami, WTVJ. Following the internship, she was hired and worked in the News Department for three years.

It wasn’t until 2011 that she set her heart and mind into writing her first completed novel, Demon King’s Desire, which was published in January of 2013.

Besides reading and writing, she enjoys traveling and spending quality time with family and friends.

Connect With J.L. Sheppard

Just Released!
Burdened by Desire, Elemental Sisters II
Paranormal Romance  |  The Wild Rose Press  |  January 31, 2014
Jocelyn, an Elemental, is stuck between the mortal and immortal worlds, yet not quite a part of either. Her power over the elements of the Earth won’t evolve until she meets her mate. Before then she’s an easy prey and a coveted possession for the Malums Inmortalis who wish to conquer the world.
Alpha werewolf, Landon, has been living with the knowledge his fated female, the one woman created for him, is just beyond his reach. For months he’s forsaken her, refusing to accept his mate because she can never grant him a much-needed heir for his nearly extinct pack.
Despite his decision Landon finds himself drawn to Jocelyn and when an attempt is made on her life, he realizes his destiny lies with her. Can they overcome the long-held prejudices of his kind and defeat their enemies in time to find what the future holds?

Amazon Buy Link (ebook)  |  Amazon Buy Link (paperback)

Book Excerpt
His heart-wrenching confession took Jocelyn by surprise. As his eyes continued to bore into hers, her heart skipped several beats. Was he being truthful? She wanted to believe he was. Maybe it was the way he stared at her, consuming her like nothing else mattered, like she was the center of his universe. She wanted to believe he was sorry and that she excited him. It would comfort her knowing he was as drawn to her as she was to him. But were the words he spoke true? 
He pulled her a touch closer, his body rubbing close to her own, she felt every muscle on his chest and his heat, the warmth from his body soothing her. Her eyes settled on his lips and she imagined what would happened if he kissed her again? What would she do? She was supposed to be angry with him but the reason was beyond her grasp.
The endearment caught her off guard, and her eyes drifted to his again. She fought to catch her breath as his gaze enveloped her. If she waited any longer, his scent would once again devour her. Was he waiting for, a response? What was she supposed to say? Did he ask a question? She couldn’t remember. All she wanted now was a kiss. Just one mind blowing, gut wrenching, searing kiss.

May 29, 2013

Author Spotlight ~ J.L. Sheppard ~ @jlsheppard5 #mfrworg

Jenna has lived as a mortal, but is far from one. Lucas, the demon king, is hell bent on fighting evil. When their paths collide, she discovers she’s part of a new breed of immortals prophesized to save or destroy human life, and he discovers she’s the woman he’s been dreaming of for centuries, his fated mate.


“Come in,” she said after he knocked on her door.
He slowly opened the door and found her sitting on the bed with a towel wrapped around her. He instinctively turned around dropping the bag with Jenna’s new clothes on the floor. He closed his eyes hoping to wipe away the memory of her in her towel, but he couldn’t. She looked so mouthwatering with her silky smooth skin.
Oh God, he thought. “I’m sorry, I thought I heard you say to come in.”
“I did.”
“But you’re only wearing a towel.”
“What is it with you guys and towels? It’s not like I’m naked.”
“No, you aren’t,” he said, still turned away from her. “But, Jenna, you do realize the effect you have on men, don’t you?”
“Excuse me,” she said. He could hear her walking over to him.
“Lucas,” she said. “Turn around.” He did as she asked. “Now look at me, Lucas.”
Again, he did. He stared into her eyes and admired the dark brown hue as he ran his hand over the side of her face, feeling its lovely softness. Jenna was all beauty, he thought. She deserved better than him, a monster, a demon.
“You are so beautiful, Jenna. Any man in this world would give up his life to touch you once, just like this,” he said as he continued to caress her cheek.
She gasped. “I can feel it. I never noticed it before, but I can feel it now.”
“What, Jenna,” he asked. “What can you feel?” She could feel what he did because when he was around her, it was hard to keep his emotions in check and hide from her how he truly felt.
“What you’re feeling… I think it’s awe.”
He leaned down and took her lips in a passionate kiss. As with the other times, he couldn’t help himself. He kissed her, and with equal passion and anticipation, she kissed him, their tongues entwined in a battle of desire. Lucas pulled her closer, lifting her off her feet as she wrapped her legs around him, her towel inching higher. He felt her core’s warmth on his stomach, could feel her longing for him. She wanted him like he wanted her. She was his, and he should take her.
But he couldn’t; inside he battled for control. He couldn’t take this any further, not if it put her in danger. If he let this moment go on much longer, he could turn and his demon would demand to mark her as his. He couldn’t mark her. He hadn’t told her she was his yet. Besides, if she saw him in demon form, it would terrify her. He couldn’t let that happen, couldn’t hurt her.
He took a deep breath and focused on using all of the willpower he had learned over his entire existence to set her on her feet and walk out the door.

Price: $6.99
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Cobblestone Press
Release Date: January 18, 2013

Where can your readers find you?

Where’s your favorite place to hang out online? (From the list above.)

J.L. Sheppard was born and raised in Miami, Florida where she still lives with her husband. The product of two Cuban parents, she enjoys both American and Cuban customs. She was raised in a large family with four sisters and numerous cousins.

As a child, her greatest aspiration was to become a writer. She read often, kept a journal and wrote countless poems. She attended Florida International University and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors in Communications. During her senior year, she interned at NBC Miami, WTVJ. Following the internship, she was hired and worked in the News Department for three years.

It wasn't until 2011 that she set her heart and mind into writing her first completed novel, Demon King's Desire, which was published in January of 2013.

Besides reading and writing, she enjoys traveling and spending quality time with family and friends.  
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