Day or Night?
Day! I used to be a night person, now I'm an early morning person. Love the sunrise and awakening of nature.
Pen and paper or Computer?
Computer. It's faster and can save stuff.
Fruit or Chocolate?
Hard choice. Both, actually. And when they are combined? Absolute heaven.
Coffee or Tea?
Tea, tea and only tea -- forever!
Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds?
Used to be roller coasters, now it's merry-go-rounds. Life is thrilling enough.
Bath or Shower?
Love a bath, but never have time for one, so it's shower for me.
City life or Country life?
A bit of both. I live most of the year in New York City, but retreat to the country to write for the summer.
Soft or Hard?
Soft, for sure. Depending on what you're talking about. Oops. Gotta keep this clean.
Ebook or Paperback?
Love an ebook - flexible, take tons of them anywhere, but paperback is still great.
Cats or Dogs?
Too allergic for cats anymore, so it's definitely dogs.
Fast or Slow?
Fast. I'm a speey, impatient person.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?
I love to watch The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I'm always rooting for one guy or girl and love a happy ending.

Uh oh. Amber signed her sister’s name on a pen pal letter to a Marine. As usual, Jory Walker was stuck fixing her sister’s little white lie.
When letters poured in from SSGT Trent Stevens in Afghanistan, Jory had no choice but to correspond. Sure he’d be drooling over Amber’s bikini photo, thinking it was Jory. Since they’d never meet, what harm could it do if she sent him a few letters?
Would her charade boomerang replacing happiness with pain? What started off as an innocent ruse, morphed into a monstrous web of deceit. Maybe unpredictable love was destined to break her heart.
"Once again Ms. Joachim has created a story that touch your emotions. This author has a way with words that brings the towns and characters to life creating an almost 3D picture of the events taking place. The characters a real people, easy to relate too and their actions and reactions only help to bring the story to life. Jory longs for love but is shadowed by her beautiful sister. Always compared and feeling lacking she doesn't think there is a prince charming for her. Trent is a soldier needing a connection to home while he serves his country and Jory's letters bring him hope for the future. This was a well written and a well thought out storyline. The main charterers are easy to like, their journey to find each other is filled will detours and distractions, twist and turns and sometimes their greatest obstacles were themselves." - Amazon
Jory Walker plucked three letters from the mailbox in front of the house. Two bills and one envelope addressed to her that looked like it had been through a war. It had, according to what was scratched in the upper corner: SSGT. T. Stevens.
Anger bubbled up inside her. She made a beeline for the house, only to collide with her sister.
“Amber! What the hell?” She waved the envelope in the young woman’s face.
“I just sent him one letter.”
“This is the fourth you’ve gotten from him. When are you going to write back?”
“It was a mistake…”
“You can say that again. Especially the part where you signed my name!”
“Laura was so convincing. I thought she meant one time. Only one letter.”
“She asked people to sign up to write to guys in the military. Not to write only one letter and include a lewd photo.”
“It wasn’t lewd, whatever that means. Just me in a bikini. I’m not good at writing. Much better at pictures.” Her beautiful, blonde sister, with a Miss America figure, grinned.
“And the reason you signed my name?”
“I always liked yours better. Besides, if he wanted another letter, I knew you’d write it for me. So, it might as well have your name on it.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit smile. I’m on to you. And the answer is ‘no.’” Jory shoved the envelope from T. Stevens into Amber’s hand.
“Please? Pleeeaassseee, Jory. You’re the writer. Not me.”
“That’s right. You’re the pretty sister, and I’m the smart one.”
Amber nodded. “I don’t mean it like that. You’re so much better than me.”
“Than I.”