Angela Scavone
Soulmate Publishing
Stephanie Tyler’s sole job is to fly overseas to war torn areas of the world to retrieve and escort the bodies of fallen soldiers back home to the United States. It is a tough and emotional job but she is honored for the privilege. Her duty also helps her to escape her past and her failed marriage.
But those flights have become increasingly more dangerous and she is forced to have a partner accompany her. Much to Stephanie’s surprise and dismay, she is partnered up with her ex-husband, Captain “D.A.” Douglas Aston.
From the moment Captain D.A. enters the scene, he irritates her. It could have something to do with the fact he slept with her best friend while they were married.
Then, Stephanie’s cheating, husband stealing, ex-best friend is killed in Afghanistan and Stephanie and D.A. must escort her body home. While executing this difficult duty, a myriad of conflicting emotions makes Stephanie ponder how short life really is . . . and to question her own ability to forgive.
ABOUT Angela Scavone
Angela lives in Ontario, Canada sharing her home with her father and much-loved trio of pups (and one evil cat). She currently works for the Board of Education behind the scenes supporting and analyzing student data, however, in her spare time, apart from her avid love of story telling, she likes to read and spend time with family and friends.
Website: http://angelascavone.com
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/angela.scavone.52?ref=bookmark
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/busterwhyte
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6683076-angela-scavone
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