Feb 19, 2017

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Fangs (Feral Justice) by Vella Munn

Vella Munn released a new book!

As death and danger stalk the southern Oregon coast, Mia Sandas and Jeff Julian must trust each other. Can they handle the truth?

When a poacher leaves a wounded elk cow to suffer, Mia Sandas has no choice but to end its misery. Before she’s forced to do the same to the cow’s orphaned calf, a massive gray dog appears and snaps its neck.

Unknown to Mia, this is the beginning of a test of her courage and comprehension. As she turns to Fish and Wildlife Officer Jeff Julian, the gray and his four-legged companions stalk local animal abusers.

Jeff and Mia are drawn together as they seek understanding of what is taking place in the forested mountains. They canines are committed to primitive justice but why? Who are the targets and what will be the outcome?

Can Jeff and Mia stop more bloodshed—and do they want to?
Crack! Crack!
Her heart pounding and breath caught, Mia Sandas stopped. The explosion wasn’t that close, the location impossible to pinpoint. Still, it alarmed Banshee enough that her dog barked and whined until she ordered him to stop. She strained to catch any and all sounds that didn’t belong in the wilderness.
As the seconds passed and the sounds weren’t repeated, her heart rate slowed. Her breathing remained ragged. 
Vulnerable. She was fighting the fight or flight instinct because, alone except for Banshee, she was vulnerable. Rifle shots were common in southern Oregon’s coastal forest during hunting season, but it was June. If someone had been target shooting he or she would have fired more than twice, right? 
Prompted by Banshee’s tension, Mia abandoned the deer trail she’d been on and followed the Rottweiler-bullmastiff cross-country. The change in direction took her straight up Dark Mountain. Her hundred pound plus, mostly black mutt picked his way around the ground-blanketing vegetation. Because Mia’s business demanded physical labor, the climb didn’t tax her. 
Although nature’s sounds had resumed, Banshee remained determined to find some answers. In the three years they’d been companions, Mia had learned to take him seriously. Banshee could snore with the best of them—usually on the couch near her wood stove—but when his hackles lifted and he exposed his fangs, the dog meant business. 
Despite his solid form, Banshee moved almost soundlessly. So did she, thanks to lessons learned from the uncle and his wife who’d raised her in Alaska. If she was going to continue to live near the wilderness, which she needed to with every fiber she possessed, she had to remain part of her surroundings.
Banshee stopped and looked back at her, prompting her to return his gaze. A little over a hundred feet above them the land briefly leveled and opened up, revealing good summer feeding ground for the coast’s Roosevelt elk.
At the thought of elk, she sucked in clean, cool, damp air. She wasn’t afraid for herself and only marginally so for Banshee, but she might soon see something she didn’t want to. Not far away, a long-abandoned logging road crawled up this side of the mountain. Only a few people knew of its existence, most of them hunters.
Not hunters this time of the year. Poachers. 

ABOUT Vella Munn
Vella has been writing for so long, she no longer has any other marketable skills, not that she wants to do anything else. With over 70 books in a multitude of genres under her belt, it's obvious she's like a child, curious about everything. The Feral Justice suspense series speaks to her loathing of animal abusers.
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If you'de like to review this book, contact the author directly here.

Feb 17, 2017

#MFRWauthor @KateHillRomance Writes What She Knows BOLT @CompBeastsBlog

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, MFRW Author Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels.

When she's not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, spending time with her family and pets and running the Compelling Beasts Blog, dedicated to antagonists, antiheroes and paranormal creatures. She also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.

You can connect with Kate on her website, blog, Compelling Beasts Blog or on twitter.

Today she talks about WRITING WHAT YOU KNOW...
It's been said write what you know. Since I write mostly erotic paranormal romance, it's impossible to take that advice literally. Even if I didn't write paranormal romance, my books would be quite limited if I stuck to only things I know or do in my daily routine. I've found that regarding fiction, writing what you know must be open to interpretation. For example, even though I don't know any werewolves, I needed to know my fictional wolves pretty well before I started writing my latest book. It's a made up world, but there needs to be consistency and good character development.  
Research also helps me write what I know. If I want a character to use a particular skill, I need to study that skill to make their experiences authentic. That doesn't always mean I have to practice the actual skill, but I talk to people who might have it, read about it and do my best to check facts. Sometimes it means trying something new myself. For example, I've written a few characters who belly dance and for research I took lessons. I was horrible at it, but I had a lot of fun and I feel it helped me know my characters better. 
So I guess I'd say that you should write what you know, but that statement itself is open to interpretation.
Kate recently released Fangs and Fists: Bolt, an Erotic Paranormal Romance, with Changeling Press.
In a futuristic world ruled by demons, werewolves are enslaved to fight in gladiatorial matches for the amusement of their evil masters.

Kiara remembers what life was like living free -- before she was taken by demons and bred to gladiators so that the new generations of wolves would retain their ferocity but forget their freedom. Mated to top gladiator Grit, she has a son with this surprisingly gentle lover who is also planning their escape. When Grit is killed in the arena, his close friend Bolt upholds his promise to protect Kiara and the cub.

Bolt and Kiara have loved each other from the moment they met, but they buried their feelings because she was mated to his best friend. When Grit dies, despite their guilt, Bolt and Kiara surrender to their desire for each other. Will their love be strong enough to help them win freedom?

Is love stronger than magic? Wolf mates Kiara and Bolt are about to find out.
Startled, Kiara jumped to her feet, her senses alive.

Two guards shoved Bolt inside. Naked and covered from head to toe in dried blood, he stood, trembling visibly. His blue gaze found hers and Kiara felt a bit ill. She'd never seen him like this.

""She's yours now,"" said one of the guards. ""We'll remove the cub of her previous mate.""

Kiara nearly panicked. She growled, her inner wolf on the verge of attacking the guards, futile as it would be. Still, she'd rather die fighting to protect Jett than willingly surrender him to these monsters.

""No,"" Bolt said. ""The cub is too young. Let her keep him for now.""

""Very well,"" said the second guard. ""But it will soon be weaned. Do your duty, wolf. She's a healthy female and ripe for more offspring.""

The guards marched out, leaving Kiara and Bolt facing each other.

Kiara wasn't sure about the severity of his injuries. The blood covering him didn't look fresh, which was good. Apparently any wounds he'd sustained had started to heal.

She couldn't begin to guess what he'd endured.

""Come sit."" Kiara reached for his hand. It was ice cold and he jerked away.

""I'm a mess.""

""It's not the first time I've had blood on me,"" she said, remembering the days when she'd hunted with her pack.

This time when she took his hand, he tightened his grip so that it was almost painful and followed her to the washroom. She turned on the water in the black tile shower.

Author will provide an ebook copy for review. Contact Kate directly HERE.

Feb 16, 2017

#MFRWauthor Daryl Devore comes on #Thursday13 with news about What Happens in Bangkok

#MFRWauthor Daryl Devore (@daryldevore) lives in an in old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, a large salt water aquarium full of fish, a black cat named Licorice and some house ghosts. Her daughter is grown and has flown the nest. Daryl loves to take long walks up her quiet country road, or snow shoe across the back acres and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth and a meteorite. She's been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life's an adventure and Daryl's having fun living it.

                                  What Happens in Bangkok
                                      Book 1 Two Hearts One Love Trilogy

Genre - Contemporary erotic romance 
Publisher - eXtasy Books 


To save Darien's life his brother asks, "Can you walk in high heels?"
Erika Bailey, owner/manager of a drag queen club in Bangkok, Thailand has happily settled into all aspects of her new life, except for her lack of a love life. When a new diva auditions, Erika is bewildered over her instant attraction to the blond God, Apollo.
Darien Scott is on vacation after a world tour and mistakenly figures the safest place to be is at The Black Dragon with the head of a Triad. When the club is hit, Darien is the only person to get out alive. Now he's running from the police and a Triad. Mistake number 1.
Disguised as a drag queen, he's hired by Erika, but falls hard for his new boss, then struggles with not coming clean with her. Mistake number 2.
Can he fix his mistakes and find a life filled with love or is he headed straight for mistake number 3?

Buy link:Amazon 

 Thirteen Random Favourites from a Laid-Back Author
1. My favourite food – Creme Caramel
2. My favourite season – summer
3. My favourite colour - purple
4. My favourite animal - cat
5. My favourite clothes – jeans and a t-shirt
6. My favourite drink – Diet Coke
7. My favourite movie – The Bird Cage
8. My favourite non-writing activity – yoga
9. My favourite location - beach
10. My favourite holiday - Christmas
11. My favourite gemstone - diamonds
12. My favourite theatre experience - ballet
13. My favourite cake- chocolate

Find more about Daryl here:

Feb 14, 2017

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Daring Proposal @JeanneStJames #MFRWauthor

A NEW RELEASE from Jeanne St. James!
Daring Proposal
The Dare Menage Series, Book 2

Since losing her husband years ago in a tragic accident, Eve Sanders hasn't dated. Her husband's death proved life is short, so why waste time denying her unfulfilled desires. Eve desires two men, but not just any two. Both happen to be former Super Bowl champions and best friends.

When both men participate in a Celebrity Date Night charity event, Eve's determined to not only be the winning bidder for the retired NFL quarterback Lawrence ""Long Arm"" Landis, but also Cole Dixon, his former Boston Bulldog's teammate. However, Ren not only has a problem with another man dating the same woman, but he definitely isn't planning on sharing her in the same bed. Even if it's with his best friend.

Openly bi-sexual, Cole is sexually attracted to Ren and has secretly wanted him for years. He's never acted upon it, assuming Ren wouldn't want to be with another man. Eve's daring proposal gives Cole hope his dream with Ren will come true.

Being with two men is one of Eve's fantasies, but never in her life has she been so bold. Not only is she nervous about proposing something so daring to the two men, but will both be willing?

Never in her life has she been so bold to propose something so daring...
Amazon 5 star Review: ""Jeanne St James has worked herself right next to many of my favorite authors. This book, just like all the others I have read, are easy to escape into.""

Amazon 5 Star Review: ""A really well-written story into the emotional considerations and challenges of a menage relationship.""

He placed a hand over hers, which was resting on her thigh. “Where to now?”
“Somewhere quiet?”
His fingers flexed over hers. “Have you ever driven stick?”
She shook her head.
He interlaced his fingers with hers and placed their linked hands over the gear shift. “You don’t know what you’re missing. All that power within your fingertips.” With his hand guiding hers, he shifted the restored classic Camaro into first gear. He let out the clutch and the big block engine roared to life as he pulled away from the club, the tires chirping a bit. He continued to drive through the city with her hand under his on the gear shift. Her hand felt tiny in comparison to his broad palm and long fingers.
She didn’t bother to ask where he was headed. She didn’t even care. The warm, long fingers intertwined with hers had such promise. She hoped he was just as skilled with them as Ren had been the night before.
That thought made her sit back in the bucket seat. This was what she wanted. What she intended. But could she live with herself for being so open to sex on the first date with two different men? Two men she only had knowledge of because they had lived a very public life?
She had picked them for a reason. They were both men who had played the field. And she wasn’t thinking about football. Both had been sexually active with women, and in Cole’s case, also with men, but didn’t take relationships seriously. She figured they’d be more open-minded to what she would propose. If they agreed, she hoped it would eventually work out to be long-term but reminded herself not to be disappointed if it didn’t. Either way, she wanted to explore her sexuality, wanted to explore something new. Both men seemed to be secure enough in their sexuality, from what she could see.
He worked his way through the city with skill. It was clear he knew it well, and it wasn’t long before he pulled into a parking garage below what had looked like the same building where they dropped him off the night before.
He had taken her to his place. Her pulse jumped from the sudden awareness of what he intended to the anticipation of what was to come.

ABOUT Jeanne St. James
JEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

Website: http://www.jeannestjames.com
Blog: http://jeannestjames.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeanneStJamesAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneStJames
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/jeannestjames"
Email the author directly HERE if you'd like to review this book.

Feb 13, 2017

In My Opinion... #MFRWauthor Vonna Harper Writes What She Knows... Do You?

Writing What You Know aka Writing What Fascinates You
In an effort to be as honest as possible, I admit I’ve long fantasized about becoming some hunk’s captive. The thought of ropes around my wrists turns me on. For years I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Then I started reading erotica with BDSM elements as well as the edgier capture/bondage stuff. That's when I decided to learn all I could about the appeal.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

In purely psychological terms, Freud didn't know what he was talking about. In 1908, he declared that, ""a happy person never fantasizes, only a dissatisfied one.""

Fortunately, a great deal has changed since those uninformed days with such experts as psychologists Harold Leitenberg and Kris Henning doing extensive studies on peoples' sexual fantasies. Their conclusion: only about 5% of people don't dream up sexy romps.  In fact, it's now considered pathological not to have such fantasies.

Erotica fiction banks on readers' need and desire for the aforementioned.  But it isn't enough for an erotica writer like me to simply open the bedroom door wide.  There has to be a plot to go with the sex. Many times I decorate the plot around bondage.

The late psychiatrist Ethel Person of Columbia University reported that 51 percent of women imagine being forced to have sex and  another third get off on pretending to be a slave who must obey a man's every wish.

So why do scenes full of ropes and chains touch so many women's hot buttons?  As Leitenberg and Henning said, ""Women who find submission fantasies sexually  arousing are very clear that they have no wise to be raped in reality.  In their fantasies, women control every aspect of what happens.""
According to the article, ""Power, Desire, and Pleasure in Sexual Fantasies"" by Eileen Zurbriggen in the Aug, 2004 Journal of Sex Research, women who fanaticize about submission have a more positive attitude about sex and are less sexually guilty and more open to a variety of sexual experiences.  Female submissive fantasies may be one aspect of an open, positive, guilt-free sexuality. (That’s good to know)

As Leitenberg and Henning put it, ""Women tend to envision something being done to them and to concentrate more on their partner's interest in her."" So if, like me, you're intrigued by certain aspects of the sexual human being, I encourage you to write about it.

Vonna's newest book is The Wolf's Mate, an erotica novel with Stormy Night Publishing.
A year ago, the man Aileen loved fell into a raging river deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness, and she has returned to the spot to say goodbye. Instead of finding closure, however, she encounters a wolf who transforms into the man she had thought lost.

Since he plunged to his death only to be brought back to life in a new form by some power beyond his understanding, Slade has grown used to his wolf's body. When he sees the woman he loved, he finds himself again with the body of a man, but his primal lusts remain strong and he is driven to reclaim her as his mate.

Slade gives Aileen little time to ponder the situation. Instead he strips her, spanks her, and sets about teaching her to surrender to him, but can he stay in human form long enough to truly make her his?

Disbelief clutched Aileen. The unexpected sexual energy had morphed into something she didn’t understand or want.
She was staring at a wolf, a creature that hadn’t been seen around here since man had hunted them into extinction in this area. Wolves had been reintroduced to the wild but none had yet migrated here. At least that’s what the experts declared.
To hell with what she as a forest ranger had bought into as gospel. She was face to face with a pure predator. Everything about the beast spoke of pride, courage, and determination—except for his eyes.
A second wave of disbelief slammed into her, briefly stilling her heart. As it started beating again, she forced herself to face a simple fact. Instead of a wolf’s yellow eyes, this creature’s were deep brown.
Even more incomprehensible, she’d seen and been turned on by those eyes, but not for a year. Not since Slade had drowned while she helplessly watched.
Oh, God, Slade! Please tell me you didn’t die after all.
The longer she stared at the creature, the less she saw of Slade. Other than those beautiful eyes, the wolf was what nature had designed it to be, a hunter and killer. Its muscles were finely honed, rangy and powerful. Most compelling were fangs meant for one thing, killing. Studying that perfect body filled her with equal parts of fear and admiration. She could barely think. Like most humans, she wore countless hats and shouldered countless roles, but a wolf had no such complexity. It hunted, ate, slept, fucked. Existed.
“Slade?” Despite swallowing repeatedly, she couldn’t utter another word.
The wolf returned her stare. Yes, the eyes were brown, rich and glistening. More to the point, they were pulling her deep into something incomprehensible. Inescapable.
Slade Nashel had been the sexiest man she’d ever met, although whether that was because his body was cleanly masculine or because his touch destroyed her she’d never known.
For too long after his death, she’d suspected she’d died along with him, but the passing minutes, hours, and then days and weeks had helped her heal so she once again believed she had a reason to go on living. Her tears had finally dried and she’d found things to laugh at. Sometimes she’d felt guilty for embracing what he’d been denied, but she couldn’t change reality. He was dead, she alive.

ABOUT Vonna Harper
Vonna Harper isn't sure how many erotic romance books, novellas, and short stories she's written since she's just along for the ride. Many have capture/bondage elements in part because studies show that a majority of women fantasize about giving up control, and Vonna wants to give them what they're looking for. Also, as a woman herself, she wants to write what fascinates her.

http://www.vonnaharper.com/index.html  |  https://www.facebook.com/vonna.harper.35

If interested in reviewing this book, contact the author directly by clicking here.

Feb 12, 2017

Coming Soon: Betting on KIncade @DevonMcKay2014 #MFRWauthor

Betting On Kincade
Everyone Cassie Wilcox loved is gone. And now, thanks to her drunken stepfather, her house and family business will be taken from her, too, unless she can find a way to buy back the ranch from the new owner. With less than two months to come up with money she doesn’t have, her options are running out, and apparently, her common sense as she rents out rooms to an eclectic group of strangers.

Returning home for Dalton Kincade is bittersweet. Not a damn thing has changed. Two years on the rodeo circuit weren’t able to shake free the memory of the feisty redhead who’d broken his heart into a thousand pieces. Nor the sting of her parting words…Never trust a Kincade.

Winning her beloved ranch in a drunken bet is the last thing he expected to happen, but at least he saved it for her. Now, he has to figure out how to break that news to a woman who never wants to see him again. Renting a room in the house he now owns might be a risk, but it’s nothing compared to betting his heart on winning back the love of his life.

“Are you going to play or just sit there?” Gary Evans slurred in drunken angst as he kicked back his chair and leaned over the table. Not waiting for a reply, he picked up the crisp piece of paper lodged between them, waved it in the air, and then, slammed the deed to the Wilcox land back down on the hard pressed wood.
      Cautiously, Dalton stationed a deadly stare on the intoxicated fool and noted the shimmering of glee highlighting the steel gray of the man’s eyes. Tapping the top card, he slowly trailed his finger along the swirled red print.
      He was a loser no matter the outcome. Should’ve just walked away. Ignored Gary’s foolish bet and the taunts that followed once the hook had been set. It wasn’t as if Cassie would appreciate his effort anyway. Regardless, he couldn’t walk away and let her lose it all.
     Clenching his jaw, he folded his fingers around the squared edges and paused before picking up the pile.
     “Read ‘em and weep,” Gary squealed gleefully as he tossed his cards next to the deed. “Four deuces.” He stumbled from the end of the table, closing the gap between them in one stride, before managing to shove a quadruple of stubby digits in front of Dalton’s face. “Four.”
     Dalton studied his hand with guarded fury, then stifled the drunkard’s premature victory with a flick of his wrist.
ABOUT Devon McKay
Devon McKay writes contemporary romance with a western flair. If she's not writing, she's busy with chores on her small ranch, working on a stained glass project or walking one of her three dogs through the woods. Her greatest joy is putting a smile on a readers face and hearing from fans.

http://Authordevonmckay.com  |  https://www.facebook.com/DevonMcKay2014
https://twitter.com/devonmckay2014  |  http://devonmckay.weebly.com/

Feb 10, 2017

Seeking Reviewers: Lover in Stone #PNR Dark Kynd Novel @SCDaneLove #MFRWauthor

Lover in Stone
A Darkest Kynd Novel, Book 1
by MFRW Author S.C. Dane

To the world they are the Grotesques—hideous chimeras and gargoyles of stone. But before they are locked in their granite prisons, they are Kynd—magnificent beings condemned to prowl the nightmares of every realm.

Their tortures will doom them to stone.

The love of a Chosen One could save them.

Hell hath no fury like a woman who wants her man...

AMAZON Buy Link!

5.0 out of 5 starsShe's done it again...
By Redwood Treasures on September 10, 2016
Format: Paperback
...left me waiting for more!! When do they come out on Audio? Then I can ""read"" and ride and not have to wait until I get home to keep reading!

S C Dane has done it again!
By Gem Davis on July 30, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
S C Dane has done it again! [She] had me into the world she created by the end of the first chapter and sadden by the last page of the book, knowing I’d have to wait for the next book to read what she has planned other Kynds.

EXCERPT: Chapter One
The pose didn’t suit her. Although far be it from Angelia Delacroix to notice she formed the perfect imitation of a long-legged grasshopper. Not when her attention was riveted to the skin-bound book spread open in front of her.
She felt like the member of the bomb squad holding the wire snips: her breath locked in her lungs. And not because the pages of the book were fragile, either. Given its age, the darn thing had defied the ravages of time.
What worried her, and kept her from breathing, was the aura of magic surrounding the thing.
The relic sitting in front of her was volatile as a real bomb. All it would take would be one wrong move, one offensive stumble from her, and the book could do anything.
So, she couldn’t screw up.
As it was, the only reason she sat in the same room with the ancient tome was because she was the only being it allowed to read its pages.
Like the Scriptum had an inkling of its own.
Which made it one scary so and so.
Because, let’s face it, she wasn’t anyone special. Not in this world of faery, vampires, shifters, and ghouls.
And Grotesques.
She would never forget to add the gargoyles and chimerae to her list of supernatural wonders. When she was younger, she used to fantasize about them, spending countless nights conjuring tales of derring-do for her Grotesque heroes.
Which was fine when you were a little kid. Playing make-believe was as normal as snot dripping from your nose. Even as a teenager, she could be excused when she’d gripped tight to her fascination, practically wallpapering her bedroom with pictures of chimerae.
Except she never outgrew her fascination.
Which made her a loser on all counts. She was a mere human, living in a realm populated by creatures with innate talents that left her wanting.
And feeling pathetically inadequate.
Ugh. Yeah. She’d polish that nugget of loveliness later. Right then, she was preoccupied with sliding her silver reading blade along the pages she was translating. She had come to the running end of an unfinished sentence about her favorite subject: gargoyles and chimerae.
So to her, the Scriptum read like a New York Times best-selling novel: a real page-turner. Hastening to devour more, she flicked the blade to roll the page. Only to slice her finger on the vellum—even though she’d been using her knife.
“Ooh, crap!”She jabbed her bleeding finger into her mouth, her eyes dancing like frantic maids to find something, anything, to dab the blood off the ancient page.
“Oh, God, oh God, how could I be so stupid?” Mortified, she jumped to her feet, tipping her stool so it clattered to the floor behind her.
The droplet of blood spread in a widening circle into the page. Like an atomic cloud.
And just as flipping devastating.
She’d marred the ancient Scriptum. With her stupid human ineptitude, she’d scarred a relic which had remained in near pristine condition for centuries.
Stumbling back, she couldn’t peel her helpless stare from her blunder.
Fear snatched her breath as droplets of sweat stung her armpits and prickled the small of her back. Aro, her vampire boss, would be…enraged.
See? Pathetic. Aro would never lay a fang on her. Not when her father was Vampyre, one of the ruling Triumvirate.
Okay, so he wasn’t her real father. But she’d been raised since infancy as Anton’s own, and it was no secret to the vampire realm. Inept human she might be, but Angelia moved freely within her father’s world.
No vampire in their right mind dared touch her.
Including Aro.
Right. Taking a deep breath to calm her panic, she bent to put her stool back onto its three feet. Then bolted upright, her hand clutched to her heart like a clichéd heroine wrapped tight in her corset and long skirts.

S.C. Dane currently lives in Wyoming on a working cattle ranch. When she’s not riding horses on the range, she’s immersed in her second passion: writing. She loves traveling, too, and isn’t sure what adventures her next move will find for her.
facebook  |  pinterest  |  blog  |  website

If interested in reviewing, contact the author directly.

Feb 7, 2017

Coming Soon: A War Like Ours @SaffronAKent #MFRWauthor Seeking #Reviewers

New Book COMING SOON from Saffron A. Kent!

Three weeks ago, James Maxwell’s wife died in a car accident, but he hasn’t been able to tell his five-year old daughter the heartbreaking truth behind her mother's death. Instead, he packs them up and leaves for a summer resort in upstate New York to spend a few peaceful weeks and to gradually break the news. But a spirited and outspoken maid at the resort has figured out his secret.

After witnessing her mother’s violent death at the hands of her stepfather, Madison Smith has turned aimless and bitter toward the world—men, in particular. Her dead-end job at the local resort and her convenient girlfriend are barely keep Madison from falling apart. When she meets James, however, she’s driven to protect his child from the darkness she sees inside him.

But Madison doesn’t expect to find that very darkness irresistible. Drowning in guilt and memories, James doesn't expect to be drawn to the sharp-witted woman who has made his life miserable. When their tempers flare, a brutal kiss triggers a need that blurs the lines of hate and desire. As their lust spins out of control, they must decide if their attraction is worth fighting for or if love is the real enemy.

Love is the fiercest enemy there is... AMAZON Buy Link

"I've always been an avid reader. I think it comes from my father. Although he used to read spy novels and my interest was and is romance. I spent years reading before I even thought of writing. I read about 200 books per year, sometimes more. My creativity or ideas come from reading. The more I read, the more I write. However, my debut book, A WAR LIKE OURS, comes from a movie. I was watching, The girl with a dragon tattoo and I was struck by a very tiny detail. The heroine in the movie is a victim of sexual assault and because of that she swear off men, and dates girls. I was horrified and fascinated by it. I wondered about the psychology of such a character and from there, Madison, the heroine of my novel took shape. James, my hero, came from a book I was reading at the time. But the basic premise of my story comes from the movie."

My arm had begun to feel numb. I forgot to breathe as I looked at him. He could really hurt me. I knew this in my heart. He could really do it. My fear kicked into high gear. Please no. I didn’t think I could go through that again. Turned out people like me could be scared of some things, too. Surprise, my subconscious chanted, weakly.

I tried to free myself. “Let me go.”

He brought me even closer and puffed his stale breath on my face. I fought hard not to gag. His chest wasn’t touching mine, but one deep breath and it would brush. I stopped breathing.

A soft flick, a caress resonated on my skin where he’d grabbed me. It was so soft that it could’ve been air touching my skin, but I knew it was him. He was circling his thumb on my arm. My heart pounded, furious, afraid, and with a tinge of excitement. In the next second, the caress was gone like I’d dreamt it.

I struggled harder. “Let me go!” And then I broke down and uttered a word I hadn’t spoken like I meant it in a long while. “Please.”

ABOUT Saffron A. Kent
Romance Writer and Reader. Coffee Addict. White Russian Drinker. Imaginary Ballet Dancer. Wanna-be Poet. Lana Del Ray & Gillian Flynn Worshiper.

My stories are grey-shaded and NC-17. I write what I love to read. And what I love to read is always twisted and angsty and emotional. My characters desperately need therapy. They tend to kiss a lot too, among other naughty things.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/SaffronAKent/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaffronAKent
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saffronkent/

Email the author if interested. She's hoping to have the reviews up around the release date.

Feb 6, 2017

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Her Brother's Keeper @JJDiBenedetto

A NEW Book by J.J. DiBenedetto!
Her Brother's Keeper
Jane Barnaby thought she’d planned the perfect Christmas vacation. She’d invited her father and his fiancé to join her in Spain at her archaeological dig. They’d see her work, meet her mentor and enjoy a few days of sunny Mediterranean beaches in the dead of winter. What could go wrong?

Her annoying brother tagging along, and then landing in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, for one thing.

To clear her brother’s name and make her vacation perfect again, all Jane has to do is chase the mystery woman who set her brother up across Europe, find her in a dangerous and unfamiliar city and deal with her accomplices. Oh, and outwit an ex-KGB agent and his personal goon squad, too.

It’s going to be an exciting and action-packed Christmas for Jane, whether she wants it or not!

God, I wish you were here.  Not just because I miss you, although obviously I do.  And not just because this is yet another Christmas we’re not spending together, which is kind of ridiculous when you think about it.  We’ve been dating for three years now, and we still haven’t spent a major holiday together.  That’s just not right.
The biggest reason I wish you were here is that, if you were, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.  Which is on a plane headed to Vienna.
I’m sure you’re asking yourself right now, “Why, Barnaby?  What are you doing flying to Austria?”
Well, I’m flying there to try and find a Russian woman possibly named Natasha who seduced my brother, drugged his drink and left him behind as a patsy for the police to find while she stole jewelry from a princess.  Aren’t you glad you asked?
If you were here, you would have been with us at the hotel, and you would have warned my brother away from Natasha.  By the way, I refuse to believe that’s her actual name.  Does she have a partner named Boris, too?  Does she fight a moose and a squirrel every week?

ABOUT J.J. DiBenedetto
J.J. DiBenedetto is author of the Dream Series and the Jane Barnaby Adventures and lives in Arlington, Virginia with the love of his life and a white cat who rules the roost. His passions are photography, travel, the opera, the New York Giants, and of course writing. Mr. DiBenedetto is devoted to writing books with a sense of mysticism to entertain and perhaps invite his readers to suspend belief in a way they might never have.
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Feb 5, 2017

#MFRWauthor Heating It Up: Where @romanzwrter_grl Elizabeth Harmon Gets Her Story Ideas

Contemporary romance author Elizabeth Harmon loves to read and write romances with a dash of different. A graduate of the University of Illinois, she has worked in advertising, community journalism and as a freelance magazine writer. She feels incredibly blessed to have a career that allows her to spend her days imagining “what if?” and a loving family that keeps her grounded in the real world.  Her debut novel, Pairing Off, the first book in her Red Hot Russians sports romance series, is a 2016 RITA Award Finalist.

Here she talks about where her story idea for her newest book came from...

Heating It Up: A Red Hot Russians Novella, was inspired by a line in Getting It Back, book three in my Red Hot Russians sports romance series.  When heroine Amy asks hero Misha about his family, he tells her that his brother Alexei lives in Antarctica. It was meant to underscore Misha’s loneliness, but the line stuck with me. A few months later, when I needed an idea for a novella, I thought of Alexei, and Heating It Up was born!
The adventure of writing an Antarctic romance meant creating a lovable, relatable couple whose rocky road to HEA could happen anywhere.  Alexei’s been hurt by a previous girlfriend’s secrets, and immerses himself in his work as head of the aging Amity Bay research station.  Architect Nora wants to spend the winter alone in the state of the art guesthouse she designed.  When Alexei discovers the beautiful stowaway, attraction sparks.  But will Nora’s secret that she created the building meant to replace his beloved outpost doom their romance?
It also meant bringing warmth and romance to an isolated setting known for the world’s most extreme climate.  For inspiration, I turned to some of my favorite small-town romances, and to a favorite 1990s TV series, “Northern Exposure.”  Amity Bay has a town watering hole, a fire station, a possibly haunted cabin, and a beautiful bay that’s home to a mysterious sea creature. There’s also a cast of quirky residents, many with fascinating stories of their own.
Writing about a place that few have visited, and portraying it as accurately was a challenge and I’m grateful to the two Ice veterans who fact-checked my manuscript. I hope readers enjoy Nora and Alexei’s story, and their visit to Amity Bay. Cold nights, but warm hearts. What could be better than that?

Heating It Up: A Red Hot Russians Novella
Red Hot Russian Alexei is king of the Ice…Antarctic style

Alexei  Zaikov loves his life in remote Amity Bay, Antarctica, until a new luxury guesthouse threatens the community’s future.  As head of Amity Bay, he’s driven to save it, but first must discover who is hiding out in the supposedly deserted lodge…and why.

Nora Bradford has lost everything; a promising career and the man she loved.  Glacier Ridge Lodge, the architectural masterpiece she designed but was denied credit for, seems like the perfect place to grieve her loss, until a ruggedly handsome Russian arrives on her doorstep, determined to bring her in from the cold.

Desire sparks, leaving them hungry for more. But will the truth about Nora’s role in Amity Bay’s demise, doom their romance?

Praise for Previous Series Titles
RT Book Reviews  |  Library Journal Reviews

The first thing she noticed was that yesterday's sad vulnerability was gone. Now his ice-blue eyes were flinty and determined as he strode inside. Sending him away wasn't going to be so easy this time.
""You're too late,"" he said. ""Fifteen years ago some New Zealander became first woman to winter-over solo. Maybe you already know that. Or maybe you don't care, because we both know that's not the real reason you're holed up in here.""
He knew she wasn't being honest, but not to what extent. Guilty, and too deflated for battle, she leaned against the door. ""You’re right it isn't.""
""Nora..,” the gentleness in his voice felt like a caress. ""Staying here alone only hurts you. And it hurts me too.""
""How's that?""
""Because to keep you secret, I have to lie, not just to IFAR, but to the people who work for me.  People whose trust I don't take lightly.  Staying up here not only puts you in danger, but also them. Down here, people survive because they depend on each other. If one of the systems failed in bad weather, or you had an accident, someone would have to put themselves at risk, and come to help.""
Most likely, that someone would be him. Even with blizz lines strung, making such a trip could be life-threatening. Fear tightened her throat as she considered how it would feel to mourn another man she cared about.
""I know you’ve lost much,"" he said. ""And while I know losing a fiancé is different, I understand the hurt of missing a person I loved dearly.""
“That woman who lied to you?” she demanded, shocked and angry.
“No,” he said. “Not Natalia. I’m talking about my mother.  For a long time, I felt like she was the only person who understood me. But when I came here to Antarctica, I found a place to belong. In time, the pain was not so bad. Up here all alone, you don't have that.""
""No,"" she whispered.
""Ask yourself if this is what he’d want for you. I don't think it is. I know that if I was gone... and the woman I loved was left behind, this isn’t what I’d want for her.""
Her fingers twitched on the doorknob, and she thought of ordering him out, but in her heart, she knew he was right. Even if she weren't drifting through darkened rooms in a ruined wedding gown, she was teetering dangerously close to Miss Havisham territory. In the process, she was putting others in danger.  The weather was turning, and soon the months of darkness would come.  It was time to decide where she would spend them.
CONNECT with the Author
Website: http://www.romancewriter-girl.com
Blog: https://elizabethharmonauthor.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethharmonauthor?ref=hl
Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110498452269248625447/110498452269248625447/posts
Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23440537-elizabeth-harmon
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/elizabeth-harmon
BookLikes: http://elizabethharmon.booklikes.com
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00RY9SY0S

Interested in Reviewing?
Will be posted to NetGalley after February 1st. Otherwise, reach author directly here.

Feb 3, 2017

New Release! #MFRWauthor @JuneShaw BOOK SPOTLIGHT: A Fatal Romance

June Shaw's NEW RELEASE!
Romance hangs in the air for one divorced sister but not the other as Sunny Taylor and Eve Vaughn struggle to get their Twin Sisters Remodeling and Repair business going in their south Louisiana town when their newest customer is found down in his pond near a seating area they created. His wife knew he couldn’t swim and pushed him, Sunny concludes after the man’s ashes fly at his funeral and some land in her pocket. She’s determined to give them to the wife, but complications prevent that and sends evidence pointing at them. Becoming murder suspects hurts their business, and a killer’s warning lets the twins know they need to locate the killer before their similar looks drop down to one, while Eve urges Sunny to find romance, but wouldn’t be thrilled to learn the man attracting Sunny is the person she believes is her own soulmate.

Nov 27, 2016, Lisa Morin rated it 5 stars: "It was amazing! This is the first book I've read by this author. June Shaw writes an interesting cozy mystery involving identical twin sisters, Sunny and Eve.
Eve is the more outgoing sister, she has an outgoing personality and loves to flirt with the men. Sunny is a truly unique character. When she's scared, she hums and sings Christmas Carols. Though it may not be appropriate, it does give the reader something to chuckle about. In this story, Eve and Sunny are attending a funeral and when things go bad, Sunny is singing and Eve is embarrassed. Sunny believes that there is something fishy about this death and she refuses to sit back and wait for the police to solve the crime. I really enjoyed this story, it was well written and this book is full of colorful characters. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley."

Nov 30, 2016, Lenore rated it 5 Stars: "I loved this story, the mix of mystery, humor and romance was balanced just right. Adult twins Sunny and Eve are almost identical in appearance, but their life experiences have shaped them into totally different personalities. Sunny added a lot of humor to the story as she investigated the murders of two of their clients. The mystery kept me guessing, and I was satisfied with the final reveal. Sunny’s tentative romance with Dave was sweet, and I hope to read more about them in the next story of the Twin Sisters Mystery Series. I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion."

“Do this one favor for me, please. Stay here. Be nice to him—unless he tries to hurt you.” She smiled wider. “I’m kidding. And I really like him.”
The shadow of a truck crossed the sheers in front of her den.
She returned the pistol to the drawer. “I’ve gotten close to Dave, so he expects that of me—you. Just be nice. You’ll be safe. Promise.”
She waited, letting me make up my mind. She looked so much like me, except for her better clothes and more confident attitude. This idea of performing was intriguing and pulled my mind away from death scenes. She had no reason to think the man would hurt anyone, and my current purpose in life was keeping this sister safe.
“You won’t regret it. I’ll owe you.”
I forced a laugh. “Go on.”
She dashed toward the door to the garage. My mind screamed Are you crazy? to myself while my stomach squeezed into a knot.
Chimes rang out.
Anxiety swelled through my chest. Eve needed the man checked out. If he wasn’t okay, he wouldn’t have stayed in business long. With an unsteady step, I opened the door. “Hello.”
He took my hand with a firm grip. “Hello, Eve. You asked me to come back.”
His greeting brought me to fully recall I was playing a role. My sister would have told this fine-looking businessman to call her by her first name.
“Yes, Dave, please come in.”
Tall and wearing nice dress clothes, he stepped into the foyer. Eve would stand close to him, so I did. Eyes the color of hot chocolate held on my face.
In the den he sat not far from the right end of the sofa. I started to protest but couldn’t tell him not to sit there because I needed to be near my sister’s weapon.
“I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you to sit first. Sometimes I’m not much of a gentleman.”
Remembering to be Eve, I said, “I don’t always want a man to be a gentleman.” I winced, and his lips turned up at one edge. “I’ll just … sit, too.” I squeezed into the tiny space to the right of him, where I could grab that pistol if needed. He carried a light scent of spearmint, maybe toothpaste. And an enticing smell of male.
Enticing? Where did that come from?

ABOUT June Shaw
June lives in south Louisiana surrounded by slow-moving bayous and the large family and group of friends she adores. She has represented the Southern Louisiana chapter of Romance Writers of America and serves on the board to represent her state for Mystery Writers of America's Southwest Chapter. She loves to hear from readers!

www.juneshaw.com, murderousmusings.blogspot.com, www.facebook.com/june.shaw.338

While I was teaching junior high students and widowed, raising my five children alone, I wrote on Saturday and Sunday mornings and occasionally a little while after school. Now that I'm retired, I get up at about 7:30, read a little prayer in my Daily Word, get a cup of coffee, and bring it into my office that has stacks of papers lying everywhere. I'd love to be an organized person, but when God passed out qualities, I was skipped on that one. I've tried--sometimes. At least my books are more organized. I used to listen to soft music while I wrote but find I'm too easily distracted now, so I keep things quiet. I get coffee all morning, but seldom can write in the afternoon.

This book is available from NetGalley.

Feb 2, 2017

#MFRWauthor @KryssieFortune on #Thursday13 with Sex, Scandal, and the Sheriff

#MFRWauthor Kryssie Fortune's bio 
Move over Lindsey Wagner, there's a new bionic woman in town. I6 years ago, an amazing surgeon fitted me with a carbon fiber heart valve and I haven't looked back since. I visited places I'd only dreamed of, and I’ve written the romance novels I always said I would. Last year, I moved to the sea side, and when I’m not writing, I’m walking on the beach with my husband of over 40 years.

                                                      Sex, Scandal, and the Sheriff
Genre contemporary erotic romance 
Publisher Loose id 

Jasmine Stewart (Jazz to her friends) falls for the blond stranger when he spanks and seduces her at a Washington soiree. Later, when she discovers her flatmate is trying to draw her into a spy ring, she goes to the authorities. The ensuing publicity costs her her job, her security, and her future. Starting over in Westhorpe Ridge is her only option.

Sean Mathews, former SEAL and Westhorpe Ridge’s sheriff, can’t forget the woman he spanked when he visited Washington, but he thinks she’s a spy. When she turns up in Westhorpe Ridge, he tries everything to make her leave town. Despite their misunderstandings, though, they can’t keep their hands off each other.

As Year’s Eve looms, the spy ring resurfaces. Jazz will need all of Sean’s SEAL prowess to survive. But because his wounded leg cost him his speed in the water, will it be enough?

Buy link Amazon 

Since Jazz, my heroine is mistaken for a spy, here’s 13 Famous Real Life Spies
1 Mata Hari -was a Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan who was executed by firing squad in France for being a German spy during WW1.
2 Giacomo Casanova – more famous for his love life, he also spied for the Venetians
3 Melita Norwood – She spent 37 years as assistant to the director of Britain’s atomic research center. A communist sympathizer, she constantly passed Britain’s atomic secrets to the Russians.
4 Virginia Hall - aka the Limping Lady. She worked in France during WW2 and often carried secret documents in her wooden leg.
5 Francis Walshingham - Elizabeth the First’s spymaster who ordered the death of Mary Queen of Scots
6 Harold “Kim” Philby – A communist since university, he rose to be head of Soviet Counter Intelligence while mixing in Britain’s highest echelons. He defected to Russia in 1963
7 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Both executed in 1953 for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.
8 Klaus Fuchs – A German physicist involved in the Manhattan Project, he was convicted of passing secrets to the Soviets.
9 Major John Andre - hanged for conspiring with Benedict Arnold to surrender West Point to the British during the American revolution
10 Belle Boyd – Spied for the Confederates in the American Civil war. She passed on information gleaned from opposing Generals who stayed in her family hotel.
11 Oleg Gordievsky – passed information to British Secret Service while the resident KGB contact in London. Later sentenced to death in absentia by the Russians
12 Harriet Tubman – a spy who created escape routes for slaves during the American Civil War.
13 James Armistead Lafayette – He spied on Brigadier Benedict Arnold and his reports were vital in the defeat of the British at Yorktown.

Find more about the author here:
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