Aug 31, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Romancing the Wolf @HVLong #MFRWauthor

Romancing the Wolf

by Heather Long

Sexy and we know it! They’re on the hunt after your heart. Discover 10 brand new passionate tales of friendship, desire, wolves, survival, and redemption. Escape to another world, another place, and another romance.

Warning: Contains wild heroes and heroines, tempestuous passion, old secrets, new discoveries, and pack ties binding them together. Sometimes love’s greatest challenge is romancing the wolf… " "Sexy and we know it! They’re on the hunt after your heart. Discover 10 brand new passionate tales of friendship, desire, wolves, survival, and redemption. Escape to another world, another place, and another romance.

Warning: Contains wild heroes and heroines, tempestuous passion, old secrets, new discoveries, and pack ties binding them together. Sometimes love’s greatest challenge is romancing the wolf…

Chewing the inside of her lip and maybe some of her pride, she nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” Taking the stairs two at a time, she headed for the bathroom where she washed then ducked inside her bedroom. From there, she stole a peek from her window. Sure enough, Matt leaned against his car across the street.
He straightened, and his gaze met hers as though he’d been expecting her. In fast strides, he crossed the yard, climbed the tree and alighted on the ledge outside her window before she could even get the locks undone. “You said to call you, dumbass. If my mother catches you up here…”
“She won’t,” he said with a grin, crouching to peer inside. “Damn, with the My Little Pony Shi. You still keep that crap?”
“Ignore the girly frills since I have photos proving you played with ponies, too.” Had in fact given her several over the years for her birthday.
“Stalking them is not the same as playing.” He winked, then settled his arm as if he planned to hang out. “So, how you doing?”
“I’m doing great. Everyone is so happy to see me they can only stare. My mother can barely look at me, and I’m on probation. How much better can it get?”
Scratching his chin as though to give the matter some thought, Matt scrunched his face. “Break any mirrors lately?” At her snort, he grinned again. “What? You asked me. How much better it could get?”
Her mother yelled from downstairs, and she sighed. “I gotta go. She’s freaking out and, until she accepts that I’m not going to go rob a bank or something, she’s going to keep freaking out.”
“Okay. I’ll be around. Call me later. After they go to sleep, I’ll stage a jail break, and we can get a beer.”
“Oh man.” A drink sounded like heaven. “I don’t want to make her any madder.”
The sharp, hard syllables of her name reverberated from downstairs.
“Yeah, not thinking that’s possible.” Matt winced, the rubbed his ear.
“Beer. You. Me. Let’s say midnight to make sure she’s really asleep.”
A slamming pot jerked through her. A motor down the street caught her attention. Dad was home. “You got it. Go, before they see you.”
“Later, babe.” Matt didn’t leap to the ground. Instead, he climbed higher, then over the house. Damn, he could move. Weird as it seemed, he’d gotten taller, or at least she thought so. Maybe she’d forgotten how tall he was. Retreating from her room, she made it to the first floor as her father came in from the garage.
“Hi, Dad.”
“Shiloh.” Chilly.
Damn, dinner would be fun. Maybe her brothers and sister would ignore her, too. She couldn’t wait.
ABOUT Heather Long
National bestselling author, Heather Long, likes long walks in the park, science fiction, superheroes, Marines, and men who aren’t douche bags. Her books are filled with heroes and heroines tangled in romance as hot as Texas summertime. From paranormal historical westerns to contemporary military romance, Heather might switch genres, but one thing is true in all of her stories—her characters drive the books. When she’s not wrangling her menagerie of animals, she devotes her time to family and friends she considers family. She believes if you like your heroes so real you could lick the grit off their chest, and your heroines so likable, you’re sure you’ve been friends with women just like them, you’ll enjoy her worlds as much as she does.


Aug 30, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Stormy Passion by Brenda Jernigan @bkj1608

Stormy Passion
by Brenda Jernigan

In a winter storm or a fierce hurricane, passion can strike at any time.  Will it be love at first glance or a lost love you cannot forget? Sometimes choices are hard. Fall in love all over again.

It was the wrong time ...
It was the wrong place ...
to fall in love.

When Danielle Kapur wakes up in bed with a stranger, she doesn’t think things can get worse.  But she is dead wrong.  With a hurricane bearing down on North Carolina’s Barrier Islands, Danielle will have to rely on the stranger she just slept with.

What Reviewers Say...
“The story hooked me and didn’t let go.” Huntress Reviews - The Choice
“This is an entertaining second chance of love and romance with a strong cast.”  Harriet Klausner - The Choice

ABOUT Brenda Jernigan
Brenda Jernigan is a bestselling author.  Her books have been nominated for many awards -  Book Seller’s Best Award, The Maggie Award, and The Holt Medallion Award.  Publisher’s Weekly said, “Brenda Jernigan writes Romance, Adventure and Magic.”

THE CHOICE finished in the top 100 - Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award CHRISTMAS IN CAMELOT  has been on the Amazon Bestsellers list - #1 in Mythology, #1 in Medieval, #3 in Historical, and #4 in Holiday.

Aug 28, 2015

I Think I Love You BOOK SPOTLIGHT @_iris_b Iris Blobel #MFRWauthor

I Think I Love You
Iris Blobel
Limitless Publishing

Markus DeLeon and Sarah Winter’s lives couldn’t be more different…

After three years away as the goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus has been happy to be back in Australia. He’d missed his family and friends, including Sarah. He’s known her since childhood, and often protected her from the teasing of other children and the troubling consequences of a broken home.

When they attend their friends’ wedding, a new light is cast on their friendship…

Sarah is fresh out of a bad relationship, and Markus has always been the one she can confide in. Maybe it’s the magic of the wedding—or how stunning he looks in a tux—but the attraction between them intensifies in ways they’d never imagined.

But sometimes when risking what you have, you might lose everything…

Following a passionate encounter, Markus isn’t sure how to handle this new aspect of his relationship with Sarah, and literally flees the scene for the coast. Sarah is unsure how to react to his sudden departure, but is soon knocked off course by misunderstandings and a frightening family emergency.

Markus realises his mistake and wants to make things right, but he also faces obstacles. He’s been offered an exciting new job, and an attractive newcomer to the neighbourhood is eager to claim his attention, though the last thing Markus needs is another confusing relationship.

Can Sarah and Markus face the fear and doubt—and the potential loss of their lifelong friendship—to give their love a chance?
“You sure this is what you want?” he asked.
Unable to speak, she nodded. It was everything
she wanted tonight. Tomorrow would be another
day, and she’d deal with it then. This was today and
today she wanted to feel. Wanted to touch him. And
wanted to be loved.
She knew Markus wouldn’t hurt her.
“Yes, I’m sure,” she answered.
“I’ll ruin you for all other men to come,” he said
against her skin. “You sure you wanna make that
He was teasing her. Sarah looked up and saw his
eyes lit with mischief. “Just get on with it,” she
Markus nipped her ear. “What if your mother
finds out? She’ll send me to hell and back.”
Placing her hand on his hard chest, she pushed
him away. “No wonder you haven’t been with a girl
for a long time. Your foreplay sucks, Marky.”
A bark of laughter filled the room.
“You’re such an ass. Honestly.”
ABOUT Iris Blobel
Iris Blobel was born and raised in Germany and immigrated to Australia only in the late 1990s.
Having had the travel bug most of her life, Iris spent quite some time living in Scotland and London, as well as in Canada, where she actually had met her future husband. Her love for putting her stories onto paper has only recently emerged, but now her laptop is a constant companion.

Iris resides west of Melbourne with her husband and her beautiful two daughters, as well as her two
dogs. In addition to her job at a private school she also presents a German Program at the local
Community Radio.

My Blog:

Aug 27, 2015

To Survive the Maelstrom on #Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor @BarbCaffrey

MFRW Author Barb Caffrey shares on  #Thursday 13 what it means
                                 To Survive the Maelstrom

Barb Caffrey is a writer, editor, and musician from the Midwest who's written AN ELFY ON THE LOOSE and co-written "To Survive the Maelstrom," "On Westmount Station" and "A Dark and Stormy Night" (all with late husband Michael B. Caffrey). She's a huge baseball fan (Go, Brewers!), and hopes that one day, she'll be able to see the World Series in person.

Publisher: Elfyverse.wordpress
Genre: Sci-Fi (military)
Authors: Barb Caffrey and Michael B. Caffrey
Blurb: Command Sergeant-Major Sir Peter Welmsley of the Atlantean Union has lost everything he holds dear. He wonders why he lived, when so many others died at Hunin — including his fiancée, Lydia, and his best friend Chet.
Into his life comes Grasshunter’s Cub, an empathic, sentient creature known to those on Heligoland as a “weremouse.”

Weremice are known for their ability to help their bond-mates. But how can this young weremouse find a way to bring Peter back from the brink of despair and start living again?

Buy link: Amazon
Barb shares 13 sentences from the novel:

He went to forage for some deadwood. As he bent down to gather the not-too-green wood, he scowled at his smooth skin, courtesy of a complete epidermal regeneration due to the severe burns he'd suffered at Hunin over most of his body. He grabbed the wood, taking it back to camp without the effort it would've taken him three weeks ago—three weeks in his own, subjective time, once he was out of the damned medically induced coma and could mark the passage of time again.

Not that he had any reason to mark time anymore, but . . . small favors.

As he continued to gather wood and mindlessly bring it back to camp, he bent, stretched and placed. Granted, it was nice not to hurt. But he'd liked his scars, no matter how strange the damned doctors found it. He was sixty-nine, not eighteen, and it was right that his body showed some wear. And he was tired of everyone—his friends, his family, his doctors—telling him to make the best of a very bad bargain.

Or worse, that he should be happy, when so many had died at Hunin.

You can find Barb here:-Website
                                   Google +
                        (Barb):  Amazon

                    (Michael): Amazon


Aug 25, 2015


Forward Pass
by Desiree Holt, Kensington

Shay Beckham grew up idolizing her brother’s best friend, star quarterback Joe Reilly. There was no one in their Texas town who had the moves to match Joe on or off the field. Years later, he’s still a player who has what it takes to drive any hot-blooded woman wild. But Shay isn’t a kid with a bad case of hero-worship anymore. She’s grown-up and independent. In fifteen years Joe Reilly hasn’t forgotten the skinny little kid who used to follow him around. What he can’t get over is that the skinny shadow has grown into one hell of an incredible woman. One any man in his right mind would kill to get his hands on. And one who seems to be completely immune to him. He knows he and Shay could have something special together. If he could only convince her he’s about more than just the game.

Get ready to play rough.... AMAZON Buy Link

“Did they clear away the wreck? We’re finally moving, right?”
“Yes, miss.” He shrugged. “But slowly.”
She’d been sitting in uncomfortable seats since she got in the shuttle to the airport and every muscle in her body ached. The hot shower was looking better and better. Or maybe she’d fire up the hot tub Hank had installed on the rear deck.
Hopefully, with all this delay caused by the wreck, by the time she got to the house Laura would be packed and gone. They pulled off the interstate and she mentally crossed her fingers and silently chanted, Let her be gone. But bad luck was still with her. When they turned onto her street and she spotted the car parked in the driveway, she swore under her breath. Laura Whoever was still here. Well, she’d better be getting ready to leave. Shay was in no mood to put up with bullshit. Sighing, she hauled her suitcase into the house, closed the door, and headed through the living room to her bedroom.
And stopped.
A hissing sound came from the shower in the bathroom connected to her bedroom and the guest room. Damn it! The least Hank could do was tell his little friends to leave hers alone. He had promised her that she’d have complete privacy.
“I travel a lot,” he’d told her. Then grinned. “And I’ll keep the sleepovers to those times you’re in New York.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So how come this female hadn’t gotten the message?
Crap! The door wasn’t even closed. Clouds of steam billowed in the bathroom and obscured the figure in the frosted-glass shower enclosure. Okay, enough.
Shay stepped into the bathroom and banged her hand on the glass.
“This is my bathroom,” she ground out. “I’ve had a tough day and you don’t want to mess with me. Next time use Hank’s bathroom. This one is off-limits. Get your ass out of here in five seconds, or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”
She turned away, not the least bit interested in a glimpse of Laura Whoever’s nudity.
The water stopped and the door slid open.
“Okay. I don’t want to cause you any more stress. But Hank said I should use this one.”
The deep voice shocked her and she turned around…and nearly swallowed her tongue. A very wet, very naked Joe Reilly stood in her shower stall, grinning.
Just when she’d made up her mind to stop obsessing over him.
At that exact moment her cell phone chimed. A message from Hank.
“BTW, Joe’s in town, Take good care of him.” 
ABOUT Desiree Holt
Known the world over as The Oldest Living Erotic Romance Author, Desiree Holt has won an EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and many other awards. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The London Daily Mail and numerous other national and international publications  |  |

Aug 24, 2015

#MFRWauthor @TheAnnaDurand has INTUITION. How About You?

MFRW Author Anna Durand released Intuition, a Romantic Paranormal Suspense, with Jacobsville Books this summer.

Ultimate power comes at the ultimate price.

Torn apart by their haunted pasts, Grace Powell and her fiancé David Ransom are struggling to reclaim their passionate bond and build a normal life — one without danger and paranormal powers. But David can't renounce his obsession with hunting down Karl Tesler, who abducts and tortures psychics. David endured Tesler's tactics himself, but despite what Grace believes, he's not out for revenge.

Tesler covets her unprecedented abilities and her connection to a source of limitless psychic power. David will do anything — even abandon and lie to her — to protect Grace.

With a psychic stalker on her trail, Grace charges into a desperate mission to uncover the truth about David's obsession. But Tesler's agents are closing in on her, and a terrifying new enemy is rising…" Torn apart by their haunted pasts, Grace and David struggle to reclaim their passionate bond and defeat a terrifying enemy.

"Very well done...I loved seeing how David’s and Grace’s relationship continues to change during the book. If there is a book three I would pick it up in a heartbeat."
-- Fanatical Paranormal Romantical

Psychic energy crackled through her. Behind you. She whirled around, thrusting the gun up, clamped in both hands, and confronted—
The lamp.
Hell. She'd let her unease blossom into paranoia. Nobody hunted her anymore. Probably. Tesler wouldn't find her here.
Her cell phone buzzed. A text message had arrived.
David. She snatched up the phone, tapping the screen until the message popped up. As she scanned the words, a shiver rattled through her.
""Come to me,"" it said, ""I can help you. 1325 Meroz Road.""
She didn't recognize the phone number the message came from, and no name was given. Oh sure, she'd rush right out to the address texted to her by an anonymous whackjob.
The phone buzzed again. Another text message: ""Your lip is bleeding.""
Her lip? She dabbed a finger on her mouth. It came away wet. Blood stained her skin. How did the texter know she bit her lip? Her heart pounded. Without moving, she searched the shadows for a figure, a camera, something to explain this, though she knew she'd find nothing. A thick curtain shielded the window. The person sending the messages could either see through solid objects or had another means of viewing her. Extrasensory means.
The phone tumbled from her hand, clattering on the floor.
No, she was jumping to conclusions. An intruder must've stolen into the house. With the revolver in hand, she sprinted out of the bedroom, down the hallway, through the kitchen, and into the living room. Vacant. All vacant. She rushed back to the bedroom and dug through the closet, scoured the dresser, even dropped onto her belly to investigate the space under the bed. No cameras. No stealthy intruders. Not a damn thing. Which left her with one unthinkable possibility.
Maybe she should call the police.
What for? They couldn't help her with this kind of problem.
""You belong with me.""
She jumped. Her head smacked into the bed frame. She clutched the gun tighter. Where had the voice come from?
No, no, no, not again. Nausea swelled in her stomach, bile rising high in her throat. The voice did not originate in this room, or from outside. The source was much, much closer. Someone rammed the words into her mind.
A psychic intruder just hacked her brain.
ABOUT Anna Durand
Anna Durand is a multi-award-winning writer, a freelance librarian, and an audiobook addict. She specializes in sexy romances, both paranormal and contemporary, featuring spunky heroines and hunky heroes. In her previous life as a librarian, she haunted the stacks of public libraries but never met any hot vampires hunting for magical books.

Aug 23, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: His Womanly Ways @WriterKLynn #MFRWauthor

His Womanly Ways
K. Lynn
Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance
Torquere Press

Not satisfied to be tossed aside as just another notch in Alex's bedpost, his one-night-stand curses him to “know what it was like for a woman.” He's about to find out what she means, embarking on a genderswap journey that he can't stop. Alex starts slowly gaining secondary female characteristics; his body becoming more like a woman than the man he used to be. He tries to hide the changes he's going through, but keeping this quite literally “under wraps” might be impossible before the curse runs its course.

With the help of his female best friend, Eve, Alex tries to deal with who he is becoming. He feels like he's lost his identity, his mind not matching the body he now has. But what started out as friendship may become something more before Alex's journey is over. Perhaps this curse was actually a blessing in disguise.
What Reviewers Are Saying...
Four stars! This story was very interesting. I liked how Alex deals with the curse and his increasingly female body. His best friend Eve is a rock for him to handle everything and truly supportive of him. She’s got a bit of a hairpin temper and it tends to be at wrong times. However she means well and wants Alex to be happy. ~ Molly Lolly

It was tough for Alex to face up to what was happening to his body. That night of lust that turned sour set him on a path that was to change everything. The platonic relationship with Eve was Alex's saviour. A very enjoyable story. ~ Anne Oni

“I don't need you to courier anybody, okay?” he growled. “This is more serious.”
She gave him a raised eyebrow. “I'm not helping you get rid of a body either. That was just a joke. You can't hold me to anything I say when I'm drunk.”
“Shut up, there's no dead body,” he said, untying the strings on the front of his sweatpants. “There's something wrong with me.”
“For fuck's sake, Alex, I don't want to see your diseased dick,” Eve said, covering her eyes. “Go to the clinic.”
“I don't think the clinic can help me with this,” he said, pulling his pants and underwear down and sitting on the edge of the bed in front of her. Alex pushed his legs apart, splaying them so there was no way she could miss the problem when she opened her eyes again.
“Eve, just look,” he urged, looking up at her.
“No!” she said, keeping her eyes fully covered.
“Please, Eve, I'm freaking out here and you're the only person I knew to call,” his tone was pleading now and he was starting to freak out again. “Just look at me.”
“I told you,” she began as she started taking her hand away from her face, “I don't want to see...what the hell is that?!” Her eyes widened as she saw him in full glory, her face losing all trace of color as she stumbled back.
“You should know, you've got one yourself,” he said with a pasted-on smirk, but his attempt at humor fell flat.
While in college, K. Lynn increased her involvement in LGBT issues and writing within the LGBT fiction genre. She has become a long-time fan of the authors that seek to explore the commonality that exists within all sexualities and genders. Most of K. Lynn's work features LGBT characters, many of whom are in established relationships and show how love perseveres through every trial and tribulation that life holds. She also has a particular interest in seeing transgender characters gain a larger foothold within the LGBT fiction genre, hoping that the market for these works expand in the future.


Aug 21, 2015

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Shakedown @MRoth_author


Diamond and Diamond Private Investigators 1
Michelle Roth
Erotic Suspense, Thriller, Mystery
Evernight Publishing

Private Detective Mike Diamond is the low man on the totem pole. More often than not he finds himself investigating insurance fraud or cheating spouses. When he's assigned a dog-napping case, he is on the brink of refusing until he meets the client. One look at her changes everything.

When the police refuse to investigate her case, Cassidy Werner turns to Diamond and Diamond Private Investigators. Despite the bad first impression he's given her, Cassidy still hires Mike to help her find her prize Tibetan Mastiff. As she gets to know him, she realizes that he's not only dedicated to getting Roddy back for her, but also a pretty great guy.

Right after she receives a ransom demand, things begin to heat up between them. Will Mike be able to crack the case and save her dog? And if he can, does that mean that he gets the girl too?

Diamond and Diamond: Cold as ice undercover, smokin' hot between the sheets... BUY LINK

He was relieved to find the lobby was empty, so he stopped back at Lara's desk and asked, “Can you believe that shit? A dog napping?”
He didn't think for a minute she hadn't overheard every word. That woman was like the KGB and Secret Service all in one. Anything happened in this office, she had it under immediate surveillance.
Lara cuffed him on the arm and said, “She's in the bathroom, idiot.”
Mike winced, feeling bad he'd probably been overheard. But, seriously, who hired a PI to find a lost dog?
Seconds later, the bathroom door slowly opened. He almost did a double take as the woman stepped out. Aside from red eyes that had clearly been crying, she was a looker.
She was elegantly dressed and somewhere near his age, with a riot of auburn curls trailing down her back, like some sort of mermaid siren. All ripe, lush curves. He'd always liked his women soft.
And, he was ogling this obviously distraught woman like she was a steak. Not that he wouldn't be more than interested in taking a bite, but it was clear that now wasn't the time. So instead of voicing his thoughts, he stuck his hand out and said, “Mike Diamond. And you are?” 
“Cassidy Werner,” she said, not bothering to stick her hand out.
Well, apparently she'd heard him. He'd need to apologize, if the look on her face was any indication. He dropped his hand and said, “My office is this way.”
She gave him a look that screamed 'You're on thin ice, buddy' but moved toward the open office door that Mike had gestured to. He followed her, once again appreciating the hourglass waist and full hips. Damn.
He moved behind his desk and gestured to one of the worn chairs. When she had settled in, he asked, “So I understand your dog has been kidnapped?”
ABOUT Michelle Roth
Michelle Roth is a novelist from the Great White North (Toronto, ON). When she’s not disappearing into foreign lands, or making two perfect strangers that she invented fall in love, she’s probably curled up somewhere with a glass of wine and a good book.

Aug 20, 2015

Coming Home to You on #Thursday13 #MFRWauthor Barbara Lohr

MFRW Author Barbara Lohr highlights 13 themes in her book.

Barbara Lohr writes contemporary romance, both adult and new adult. A flair for fun and subtly sexy love scenes are her trademarks. In her Windy City Romance series, feisty women take on hunky heroes and life’s issues. Her Man from Yesterday series, launched in 2015, promises the same dynamics. Family often figures in her stories. “No woman falls in love without some family influence, either positive or negative.” Dark chocolate is her favorite food group, and she makes a mean popover. When she's not writing, she loves to bike, kayak or golf. Barbara lives in the Midwest and the South with her husband and a cat that insists he was Heathcliff in a former life.
                           Coming Home to You

                                                            Contemporary Romance

                                                           Purple Egret Press

In this heartwarming beach romance, a family emergency calls Kate Kennedy back to Gull Harbor. Can Cole, her high school crush, convince her to stay? Kate can’t give in to the SOS her heart is sending since the handsome contractor plans to change her beloved Gull Harbor. If there’s one thing Kate can’t stand, it’s change. Still, his daughter and his Great Dane are irresistible. With summer kisses and moonlight swims, Kate and Cole discover what might have been ten years ago. Can the man she left behind become the man she wants forever?

 Coming Home to You touches on 13 themes:
1. High school crushes
2. The guy who seemed right...but wasn't
3. Going home
3. Family issues
4. Mother daughter relationships
5. Single parenthood
6. Summer time rituals
7. Beauty of the beach
8. Recipes that say summer
9. Supportive friendship
10. Hallowed home towns
11. Healing past hurts
12. Pets who act human

Buy link  Amazon

Fans can find Barbara at: 

Aug 18, 2015

It's a Heavenly Desire from #MFRWauthor @JL_Sheppard

Heavenly Desire, Elemental Sisters #3
 J.L. Sheppard
Erotic Paranormal Romance
The Wild Rose Press

Jade Ashley has a past she’d like to forget and a destiny she isn’t aware of. A stranger, Clyde, saves her from an attack and demonstrates extraordinary abilities she believed only she possessed. She soon realizes he’s her guardian angel sent to reunite her with her long lost sisters, who like her are part of a new breed of immortals, Elementals, prophesied to determine the outcome of the upcoming war.

Clyde, an angel, battles the one thing he believes will lead to his fall from heaven—his new found emotions, forbidden among his kind. Nonetheless, the Angel Lords promise to promote him to warrior when he completes his last assignment—to find Jade. When he does, emotions he never knew possible arise. For the first time in two thousand years, he curses his existence, knowing she can never be his. Will he sacrifice his wings for a woman he loves but can’t keep?

What Reviewers Are Saying
"…Love this series… [Heavenly Desire] is full of romance, surprises and secrets… If you love paranormal romance, do not miss this series.” – Paranormal Romance Guild, 5 Stars
“...Scenes that capture the imagination while the suspense and drama draw the reader into the story and the characters are strong, bewitching and ensnare the readers from the very beginning.” – Night Owl Reviews, 5 Stars

He bent toward her, wrapped one arm around her waist, the other around her back, then buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled. Relishing the feel of her body melded against his, he forgot the worries consuming him. She soothed his ache with a mere touch, with a mere embrace. Exactly what he’d wanted, exactly what he needed. She then pressed her full lips against his cheek, kissing him lightly. An innocent kiss. There was no passion behind it, but an unconscious consuming need, one he’d never felt, swelled inside him—desire. It was exciting, overwhelming and terrifying, blocking logic and reason. All he wanted now was a single kiss. All he could think about was how her soft lips would feel pressed against his. Marvelous, he concluded. It was absurd to want what he did and feel what he felt, for he was an angel. Carnal desires even as insignificant as kisses were for others, for all others except his breed, and yet he felt it so deeply it seared him. The desire that gripped him didn’t release him even after she unhooked her arms from around his neck, and the warmth of her body melted away. There he stood, immobile, battling the desire she’d sparked. He didn’t want to leave yet knew he had to before he’d acted out his longing. He willed his body to move. Finally, he placed one foot behind the other, stepped back and strode away praying the yearning he had no right to feel for a woman who would never be his would soon subside.
ABOUT J.L. Sheppard
J.L. Sheppard was born and raised in Miami, Florida where she still lives with her husband and son. As a child, her greatest aspiration was to become a writer. She read often, kept a journal and wrote countless poems. She attended Florida International University and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors in Communications. During her senior year, she interned at NBC Miami, WTVJ. Following the internship, she was hired and worked in the News Department for three years.

It wasn’t until 2011 that she set her heart and mind into writing her first completed novel, Demon King’s Desire, which was published in January of 2013. Besides reading and writing, she enjoys traveling and spending quality time with family and friends.

Aug 17, 2015

Meet #MFRWauthor @AideeLadnier and her Klockwerk Kraken

MEET Aidee Ladnier.
Aidee Ladnier began writing fiction at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.
We Asked. Aidee Answered.
Why did you decide to write romance novels?
Because I love to read romance. There's so much hope and promise in characters falling in love, being in love, and living happily ever after.

How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
I think all authors put something of themselves in their work. Although I write science fiction, my characters are still very recognizable as humans with foibles and flaws.

When did you first think about writing?
I started writing at twelve. Predictably, it was science fiction with a kidnapped space princess, a dashing hero, and lots of space ships.

What prompted you to submit your first ms?
I was listening to Kevin Allison's excellent podcast RISK. At the end of every show he says, ""Today's the day. Take a risk."" And I knew my risky thing to do would be to send in the story sitting on my hard drive.

What genre(s) do you write?
I write science fiction and mystery romance. My characters are often LGBT as well.

Would you like to write a different genre than you do now, or sub-genre?
I'd really like to try writing a YA novel. There is a dearth of LGBT YA novels and a desperate need for them.

Tell us about your latest book. What motivated the story? Where did the idea come from?
My novel The Klockwerk Kraken actually had a title before it had a story. My friend Gina Storm Grant came up with the title when I told her I'd like to write a novel about a character with tentacles. Yes, I know that's kind of weird, but I'd just attended a panel about taboos at RainbowCon 2014. They encouraged everyone to write outside their comfort zone and so I was determined to meet the challenge. As a result, my character Teo Houdin, the tentacled bartender was born--and he owned a bar, The Klockwerk Kraken.

The Klockwerk Kraken

Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
MLR Press

As the supply shipments stop coming, Teo Houdin needs all his tentacles to keep his waystation bar open. Facing a riot by thirsty miners stranded in the backwater of the galaxy, Teo helps a greenie space pilot buy a ship in return for a regular haul of liquor. But he longs for the courage to invite the enigmatic spacer to fill his lonely bed as well.

Still smarting from his newly implanted navigational ports, Jimenez knows owning his own ship will prevent him from ever being bought and sold again. For a former slave, transporting cargo through the emptiness of space sounds like paradise, but after meeting the compassionate and sexy Teo, his heart feels empty, too.

At the edge of the galaxy's spiral arm, can Teo convince Jimenez that the heart has its own tentacles and theirs should be entwined forever?" When the right space pilot walks into his bar, a desperate bartender uses all his wiles (and tentacles) to talk the man into business and his bed--but the spacer is still enslaved by his past and isn't sure he can deal with a two-armed lover, much less one with six.

Jimenez slid into an empty spot at the pale stone bar and caught sight of the clearest, happiest eyes he’d ever seen, a shade lighter than the man’s tousled brown mop above. A dimple quirked at the side of his full lips, mesmerizing Jimenez. The loud voices behind him slid away and for a moment, it was quiet in his mind. Jimenez flinched when his shoulder was jostled and the spell broke.
“Hey, you okay, buddy? First time? What can I pour for you?”
Jimenez blinked, realizing the tall bartender was speaking to him. The man’s smiling eyes crinkled at the corners of his bronzed face. Jimenez swallowed, and he ducked his chin, trying not to stare again, trying to hide his hot cheeks. He’d never been so close to such a handsome man.
“Did you want a drink?” The bartender quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah… I mean yes. Whiskey neat.” His voice came out gruffer than he expected.
“Bourbon, Scotch, Rye…?”
“Surprise me.” It was a game Jimenez played. He’d order whiskey and discover what the bartender served. If he reached for the rail bottle closest to hand, it meant he would pour either the cheapest or the local favorite. If he pulled something from the top shelf, the bartender angled for a bigger tip. But if he grabbed a decanter off to the side or behind another bottle, he’d score the bartender’s personal pick.
“Coming right up.”
The bartender raised a tentacle in greeting, calling out to another patron.
Oh, God. The man was a Pod.
Of course he was.
In a joint named the Klockwerk Kraken, who better to tend the bar than a tentacled man?

Aug 14, 2015

#MFRWauthor Roz Lee Pushing the Envelope @IWriteRomance

Pushing the Envelope
Lesbian Office Romance Series #3
Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance
by Roz Lee

A real life hero, Air Force Captain Dawn Early has seen her share of combat and lived to tell about it. Pressed into service as part of a group to sing the national anthem before a game at Yankee Stadium, the decorated helicopter pilot arrives in New York City short one hotel room and most of her patience. Accepting the offer to share a room with sexy Air Force Intelligence Officer, Captain Skye Hale, takes pushing the envelope to a whole new level.

Love in unexpected places... Buy Link

There wasn’t water cold enough to douse the flames licking at her insides. Dawn cursed herself for the underhanded trick she’d played, correctly assuming Skye would drop the towel the second she heard the bathroom door close. Timing was everything, and she’d timed it perfectly. Even played it pretty cool, if she did say so herself. Hell, men didn’t think anything of running around naked in front of each other, so why should women?
She’d expected no more than a peek before Skylar hid behind some article of clothing, but she’d been treated to a nice long look at all that creamy skin. And, shit, those tits! The way they sat up, all perky, the nipples tight—whether from the room’s air conditioning or from Dawn’s interest, she didn’t know. Didn’t care. She’d seen what she wanted, confirmed the magnificent body the tailored uniform had promised. She’d have that image to both comfort and torment her for the remainder of the weekend because she didn’t do military women.
The official stance on sexuality remained “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask about her new roommate’s preferences.
But you’d show her yours.
In a heartbeat…if she asked.
She won’t ask.
No, she won’t.
Dawn adjusted the mixer valve to a warmer setting and moved under the spray, tilting her chin up to let the water cascade down her body. Soaping her hands, she cupped her breasts, massaging the ache that began there and ended with an insistent throb between her legs. She pinched her nipples, tugging and rolling them between her fingers until the longing turned to pain—a sharp reminder of her solitary existence.
She’d been too determined to achieve her goal of becoming a pilot to consider the type of life she would be committing herself to when she entered the Academy. At eighteen, she’d thought she could have it all, a glamorous, exciting career, as well as a satisfying personal life. She’d accomplished the former beyond her wildest imagining and failed miserably at the latter.
In a profession dominated by males with testosterone-fueled egos, many viewed femininity as a weakness, so she ruthlessly buried that side of herself at work, smiling inwardly at what they didn’t know. Her love of sexy lingerie was none of their business, and since returning stateside, she indulged that love, wearing lace and satin under her flight gear. Fuck regulations.

USA Today Best-Selling author Roz Lee is the author of twenty erotic romances. The first, The Lust Boat, was born of an idea acquired while on a Caribbean cruise with her family and soon blossomed into a five book series published by Red Sage. Following her love of baseball, she turned her attention to sexy athletes in tight pants, writing the critically acclaimed Mustangs Baseball series.

Roz has been married to her best friend, and high school sweetheart, for over three decades. Roz and her husband have two grown daughters (and a new Son-in-law) they couldn’t be more proud of.
Even though Roz has lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, “You can’t ever really leave.”

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of travel.

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Aug 13, 2015

Ella's Gifts revealed on #Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor Melody Jerva

MFRW Author Melody Jerva hosts today's Thursday13 and reveals Ella's Gifts
Melody Jerva is the pen name of Melody Dzierwa, yes that's how it's really spelled. Phonetically it's Jerva, so that's what she went with. Ella's Gifts was her first romance novel. Reviews, good or bad, are appreciated.
She's a registered nurse from central Ohio with 5 children, an adoring husband and two dogs. She's currently working on the next installment of "The Badges of Boston" series, "The Impressionist".

                                Ella's Gifts: Badges of Boston - Book 1
                                                     Romantic Suspense 
A murderous psychopath is stalking the city of Boston, leaving ominous clues, and taunting detectives. Little does Ella know, she's the ultimate prize.
At six-years-old, Ella survived a horrific car crash that took her mother's life. Ella has been petrified of water ever since. Now a nurse, living in Boston with her best friend Jess, Ella meets Rett and immediately senses an electrifying connection. She's led to believe he's a landscaper. He has his own reasons for letting her believe her assumption. He's actually a Boston PD detective. He's working to solve his first case. The Butcher of Boston has been leaving gruesome crime scenes across Boston. Rett's world is centered around the bleak, decaying dregs of Boston. He's mesmerized to find a luminous entity through the seemingly never ending display of death When faced with a direct threat against Ella, Rett believes he must push her away for her own safety. The lies and omissions keep piling up for Ella. How can she trust Rett? How can they be together when it seems that their lives are pulling them apart?

Buy link  Amazon

13 sentences the author shares from Ella's Gifts:
Tears streamed down her face. The man stopped and looked toward her. Ella tripped a little as she tried as hard as she could to move toward him, and he rushed to her.
She collapsed into his arms. She whimpered as a sharp pain shot through her abdomen. The man lowered her to the ground, cradling her in his lap. Ella heard him say something she couldn't quite understand. Everything was so muddled. He caressed her face. She looked up at him, blinking. His face was blurry, but strangely familiar. Then his face came into focus. "You," she whispered, just before everything went black.

 Readers can find Melody at:

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