Nov 30, 2014

Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush with #MFRWauthor @VictoriaPinder

MFRW Victoria Pinder has a great book... and is here today to talk to us about it!
Victoria Pinder grew up in Irish Catholic Boston then moved to Miami. Eventually, found that writing is her passion. She always wrote stories to entertain herself. Her parents are practical minded people demanding a job, but when she sat down to see what she enjoyed doing, writing became obvious.

The Zoastra Affair, Chaperoning Paris, Borrowing the Doctor, and Electing Love, Mything the Throne and Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush will be published in 2014.

Now she is represented by Dawn Dowdle of Blue Ridge Literary Agency. Also she’s the Vice President for the Florida Romance Writers. Her website is

Author Interview
Generally, how long does it take you to write a book?
Before engagement, it took two months to draft a book. Wedding brain took over, but I'm learning a new way now. Ask again later when I'm settled now that the wedding is over.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?
I believe in writing daily to keep forging ahead.

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres?
I started my first novel in contemporary romance, not that anyone read it. But it was my stepping stone. I went into sci fi/fantasy romance because I wanted to write those books, but contemporary romance held me together with hope. (Not that I ever expected a billionaire to be my best friend who falls in love with me.)

If so, what are they? How do you come up with story ideas?
Just imagine the world, and let the imagination soar. Ideas are like pennies. They are everywhere and everyone has at least one. Now the stick to your guns to write the novel is different question entirely. Most people are too busy.

What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
I don't write erotic, but I've read it. I don't write inspirational, but I've read it. The books I liked tended to have sex scenes, and honestly sex is a natural expression of love. And romance novels are love novels.

What does your husband/wife think of your writing?
Part of what made my now husband probably remember me is how I corrected his courting in a funny way. I said things like this... 'You guys' he said. My immediate answer on our first date,  ""I'm not a guy in case you haven't noticed.' I'm comfortable in my skin now and so is he. It made dating and even the wedding fun. Writing romance empowers me to be a better wife, so it's all good.

Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
Funny enough I wish I knew him when I wrote the Zoastra Affair. Science is what he does for a living and it would have been nice. If I ever get to his specialities, I'll ask him.

Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?
Leigh Michaels book on Creating Romantic Characters. I read this book before I admitted to myself I wanted to write romance. (One would think buying and taking the yellow highlighter to the book would have given it away to me...

What can we expect from you in the future?
More contemporary romance novels and talking about my silly life on social media.

How do we find out about you and your books?

How can readers/fans contact you?
I received my first hug from a cancer survivor yesterday on my book Chaperoning Paris. So if we meet in person now, I do like hugs.

Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush

Erotic Contemporary Romance
Jupiter Gardens Press

Penny moves back to Miami to start her a job with a list of things to accomplish.

1. Find a place to live.
2. Avoid her gold-digging mother.
3. Reconnect with old high school friends: her best friend Sandra, the dramatic Eva, the dark Michael, her half-brother Wyatt, and her former crush Jay.

Jay may have kept her firmly in the “friend zone”, but that didn’t stop her from wanting more. Her five friends have stood by her through some difficult times and she’ll need their help now to accomplish her first two goals.

As soon as Jay sees Penny, he puts his plan into motion. His investors need to see him with a stable woman, one who isn’t all flash and no brains; Penny fits the bill perfectly. There’s just one hitch—he wants more.

Their pretend date sets off a whirlwind of plots. From mothers who want to control their children’s lives to the loss of her exciting new job, Penny’s world turns upside down. She knows she can overcome all obstacles except one—she’s falling for Jay all over again."


“Home, sweet,”
Getting out of her car, Penelope brushed her worn jeans to get out a small wrinkle. Not that it mattered. She smelled the coffee drawing her to the door. The delicious aroma of freshly brewed java that could wake her up waited inside. Gainesville had coffee shops, but nothing that held her heart like this place. In high school, this place was her Mecca. Her stomach grumbled for the familiar drink.
The coffee shop looked almost the same as it had years ago, except for the aluminum tables and wooden chairs with red cushions. She remembered the plaid chairs and brown tables, but the place still calmed her, like she was coming home.
She stepped up to the counter. “I’ll have a cinnamon dulce non-fat latte, please.”
Leaving Gainesville after college had always been the plan. Just never back to Miami, but she’d changed. She could live here now.
She checked her lip gloss while she waited for the latte at the counter.
When she accepted the promotion from part-time to full-time position, she knew she would have to face her mother and the catch of the month, Lars, her mother’s plastic surgeon. What that woman would do for a free tummy tuck.
The job she’d accepted had offered to triple her salary provided she moved to the Coral Gables office. Somehow, she’d avoid her mother until necessary. What was the man’s name with money this week? Penny ignored that last call, knowing the man with the largest wallet always took precedence over whatever Penelope needed. Getting the non-fat milk, she watched the barista finish her latte. She’d succeed here, now. She had to.
She’d call Sandra, Eva, John, and Michael later. Wyatt, her half-brother, was stationed overseas, so she’d wait for his weekly call. These people were her real family.
The man handed her the latte. The first sip gave her the strength to do this. The tightness of the ride dissipated while she tasted her liquid savior. Sighing, she tasted heaven, the wake-up to her day.
Though the unmistakable voice was deeper, she knew who it was without even turning. Her high school crush, who never noticed her beyond her brain, with a deeper tone. Pulling at her pink tank top, she wished she wore better clothes. “John Jay.”
His steely blue eyes and sandy blond hair were the same color, but his build had grown more muscular. The leanness of his youth gave way to broad shoulders and hard, muscular arms. He had a straight, faded scar on his left cheek that was new--probably a bar fight. Rich boy wore his fancy perfectly fitted polo and jeans, and was definitely hotter with age. His million-dollar smile and devastating dimples sparked a warm flush that sped through her all the way to the tips of her toes.
“I’m going by Jay these days. It’s less formal.” He winked at her, turning off his tablet, pointing her to his table.
“It’s a good name, but I still prefer Dimples,” she teased. “It’s what I called you on online whenever I needed you.”
His rich, deep laugh sent that familiar spark through her.

Nov 28, 2014

#MFRWauthor @MardiMaxwellRom is QUICK and QUIRKY! Read This Author Interview!

Some QUICK and QUIRKY answers from MFRW Author Mardi Maxwell.

Tell us about yourself.
I was born in Utah but I’ve traveled throughout America and lived in sunny California, west Texas and the mountains of Colorado. I wrote my first erotic romance in the summer of 2013. It was accepted and published that same year. Since then I’ve written three more books in the Doms of Club Mystique series. At this time I’m busy writing the fifth and final book in the series.
Other than writing, I love to read, travel, garden, swim and hike with my family, as well as go to the local drive-in movie with a carload of friends and a huge container of home-made cheese popcorn.

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Actually I’d like to travel all over the world and live in one location in each country for 3-4 months before moving on.

If you were a tool, what would people use you to do? 
I’d be a multi-tool because they’re so handy. You can screw with them, cut, clamp, you name it.

What song would best describe your life? 
Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles.

Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there? 
An old west dry goods store full of a little bit of everything from food to tools to household goods.

What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Cheese popcorn. I love it and can’t get enough of it.

If you were stranded on a tropical island, who would it be with?
Wolf Meyer from Siren in Bloom by Sophie Oak. He’s sexy and a protector.

Tell us about the scariest thing that ever happened to you.
When I was pregnant with my son I had a nightmare about a child calling my name and I went into the room we’d planned as the nursery except the walls were red instead of the soft green we’d painted them. There was a toddler bed with a little boy on it and he was sitting up crying so I walked toward him and as I did a man moved out of the shadows and began stabbing me. I woke up screaming and hysterical. Needless to say I won’t have a room in my house with red walls.

If you were on a reality show, what one would it be? 
Naked and Afraid, except I’d hate to be sent to the jungle. Bugs!

City life or country life? 
City with lots of things to do. Preferably in a high-rise apartment with a great balcony and a view.

Ebook or paperback? 
Mostly ebooks these days.

Mardi recently released Zane's Choice (The Doms of Club Mystique, book 4), an Erotic Romance with Siren Publishing.

Beautiful, curvy, Ravyn Templeton saw Zane Ramsey in a BDSM club in Houston three years ago. He’s haunted her dreams ever since. 
Zane is an Assistant District Attorney and co-owner of Club Mystique, the BDSM club he and his brothers built on their Texas ranch. When Ravyn’s ex-husband is arrested for trying to have her killed the case is assigned to Zane. 
The moment Zane meets Ravyn he wants her and even though he knows having an affair with her will jeopardize his career he can’t resist her. When Ravyn’s ex-husband accuses her of laundering money for a drug cartel, and she refuses to answer Zane’s questions he leaves her. 
Fate steps in and brings them together again. Zane has the power to save Ravyn but only if he loves her enough to fight for her.

Zane cursed, then stalked toward her. He clenched his fist in the hair at her nape then curved her into him until their noses were almost touching.
Ravyn looked into his angry eyes and shivered. “Let go, Zane.”
“You need to leave, Ravyn. Now.”
“No. I’m hiding from the press and everyone else who wants to put me behind bars—people like you.”
“Dammit, Ravyn. I told you I would protect you.”
“No you didn’t. You said you would get me the best deal you could if I would turn state’s evidence.” She tried to move away from him and he tightened his hand and pulled her head farther back while curving her pelvis against his. His erection pressed into her belly and she breathed a swift sigh of relief at the proof that he still wanted her.
“I told you from the beginning if you were guilty I wouldn’t lie for you,” Zane said, the words gritted out between clenched teeth.
“Then you shouldn’t have fucked me.” Ravyn reached up and tried to pry his fingers from her hair. “Let go, Zane.”
“This time you’ve gone too far. Be still or I’ll beat your ass.”
“You can’t. You’re the one who set the limits of our relationship.” She gave up trying to pry his hand loose. “You said fucking only. Nothing else.”
“Tell me the truth then—tell me what you know.”
“Nothing. I don’t know anything.”
“You lie to me and then you question why I won’t—” He pulled her head back until the tendons in her neck stood out. “Just don’t lie to me again. It really pisses me off.”
Ravyn used her peripheral vision to look to her right. Everyone’s attention was focused on them. “Zane, let go. Everyone’s watching.”
“Don’t mind us,” Cade said. “You’d be surprised how often something like this happens around here lately.”
Zane shot a dirty look toward the room’s occupants then focused on her again. “Everyone out.”
A moment later Cade picked Addison up then settled in the chair behind his desk and smiled.

How can readers connect with you?

Nov 27, 2014

#Thursday13 Things #MFRWauthor @CeciliaTan Learned Writing #BDSM Romance

13 Things I Learned While Writing BDSM Romance
By MFRW Author Cecilia Tan 
Cecilia is "simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature," according to Susie Bright. Her BDSM romance novel Slow Surrender (Hachette/Forever, 2013) won the RT Reviewers Choice Award in Erotic Romance. In a career that spans 23 years, Tan is the author of over a dozen novels including The Hot Streak, The Prince's Boy, and Daron's Guitar Chronicles, as well as the founder of Circlet Press. Her short stories have appeared in Ms. Magazine, Nerve, Best American Erotica, Asimov's Science Fiction, and tons of other places. Connect with Cecilia on her blogfacebook, and goodreads.

1. My reality is other people's fantasy. 
I was first swept off my feet by a brassy male dominant, put in bondage and mercilessly pleasured when I was 24 years old. It's every bit as passionate and rapturous as it sounds, and as a good romance novel should be.

2. Sometimes research is fun.
Even with firsthand experience, I haven't tried everything. I get to read the most interesting how-to books and blogs in the name of research!

3. Sometimes research is really REALLY fun!
The BDSM community has plenty of obliging folks in it, too. For the books SLOW SURRENDER and SLOW SEDUCTION I went and tried out a few things, including a little rope bondage and glass sex toys!

4. No one likes reading instruction manuals.
It was important to me that my BDSM scenes be sexy and seductive and sweep the reader away. I didn't want them getting stuck trying to figure out what kind of knots were being tied or what kind of rope was being used. Fortunately my heroine, Karina, didn't know a lot of the details, so it was very easy to leave them out of her point of view!

5. Teasing is a kink for readers, too.
James, the dom in SLOW SATISFACTION, has a delayed gratification kink. Fortunately that means the readers who love the way he brings Karina to the brink and then leaves her begging for release tend to be the ones with the patience to wait between books! (Fortunately all three books are out now, though!)

6. Balance the exotic with the familiar.
Just like in a BDSM scene, when you want to introduce a new kink, you rely on other familiar elements to keep the bottom or sub grounded, it's important in a book where you're pushing the characters to exotic, erotic extremes to have familiar ground for readers to tread, too.

7. Variety is the spice of life.
One of the great things about having BDSM in a book is that no two sex scenes are ever alike, even when they are plentiful and frequent, as they are in SLOW SURRENDER, SLOW SEDUCTION, and SLOW SATISFACTION.

8. Use all the senses.
They say good writing evokes all the senses, including scent and sound and touch and taste. In a BDSM scene there is no shortage of sensory hooks, from the scent and creak of leather, the feel of sting or tickle or burn, the taste of the glove or the whip when kissed...

9. BDSM is bonding.
A great romance shows how the bond between two characters grows and strengthens. BDSM gives the characters not only a lot of ways to interact, but lots of bonding material, everything from intense shared experiences to the private language or names they might share.

10. No pain, no gain.
Spanking, anyone?

11. Fear without fear. 
One of the great elements of BDSM role play is you get to include thrills, chills, and ""threats"" to the heroine without having to introduce actual jeopardy or threat of rape. The heroine and the reader get to experience a rollercoaster ride, not a plane crash.

12. Doms are bedroom alphas.
Sometimes I just can't read another ""alpha"" male who just comes across as a stalkerish, self-centered asshole. Doms put their power to the best use, in the bedroom (or dungeon), and don't abuse it elsewhere.

13. It never gets old. 
My next book series is going to have BDSM in it also, but there are so many combinations and kinks and roles to explore, no twosome will ever be exactly like another. I can't wait to get started on my next one!

MFRW Author Cecilia Tan released Slow Satisfaction (Struck by Lightning Series, Book 3), an Erotic Contemporary BDSM Romance, with Hachette/Forever in August 2014.

James has finally pushed Karina beyond her limit--not her limit for kinky sex play, but for his extreme secrecy. She has had enough and breaks things off. But James won't give up on Karina and will do whatever it takes to get her back. He's ready to share his deepest, darkest secrets, but is Karina ready to hear them? 

James offers Karina not only the truth but a place at his side... onstage. He wants Karina to star in his final musical production and enter his life and his world fully and completely. As the two work together, they rekindle the trust and love they'd lost. But James's world is full of deceit. When he is blackmailed by an unscrupulous music industry executive, James must give in to unreasonable demands or risk exposure of his and Karina's secret sex life. 

Will Karina and James's love be strong enough to withstand the many obstacles being thrown their way?

Unlimited pleasure. But passion has a price. The thrilling conclusion to the award-winning Struck by Lightning trilogy.

Nov 24, 2014

Scarlet Ties: Taste BOOK SPOTLIGHT @SamaraKing #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Samara King released Scarlet Ties: Taste, an Erotic Interracial Paranormal Romance, with Totally Bound Publishing.

A recluse vampire hotelier meets his match with a sexy reporter.

Reporter Ashlyn Douglas always gets what she wants. Her target—an interview with the elusive Rayven brother Cyrus, and to get the goods on the notoriously erotic-themed hotel that only a chosen few are able to visit. Ashlyn won’t admit to anyone the instant connection she feels towards Cyrus during her research on him and his twin brother, Coye. She has no intention of starting an affair. She plans to stick to the business at hand and get the truth behind the history of Rayven clan. But is Ashlyn ready for what Cyrus requests of her in return?

Cyrus Rayven isn’t a man of many words. His need for communication with the outside world left him the moment his mate, Jordana, died years ago. Though he has his choice of lovers, no woman has moved him since. That is until Ashley’s shapely curves and wicked tongue make everything within his cold vampire heart run scalding hot. He’ll grant the exclusive interview she seeks, but not before she spends five nights in his bed. Will Cyrus accept the newfound love between them?

The Manor made no distinction when it came to how a client chose to execute their
fantasies. They offered their services to an exclusive few, and the amenities afforded to those lucky enough to be chosen would keep the brothers in business for a long time to come. All clients were required to sign a waiver that forbade them to talk about their encounters with members of the media, and, as an extra precaution, patrons were driven to the facility blindfolded. So far, they had managed to avoid any major lawsuits or television coverage, not that the press and several magazines hadn’t tried every game in the book to gain access to the infamous Rayven brothers. If his brother, Coye, would be more discreet about his own affairs, their chances of keeping their secrets hidden would be even greater.
Cyrus scowled as he thought of his brother. Coye was never denied an opportunity to indulge. Sleeping with the mayor’s daughter had almost cost them their business a year ago. His sibling’s lack of restraint was merely one difference between them. Coye believed in utilizing his heritage as a Deiwalker to the hilt, while Cyrus saw it as a handicap.
ABOUT Samara King
Samara is the author of eighteen multi-genre works within romance fiction in novel and novella lengths as well as poetry. Writing romance has been a part of Samara’s world since her days of sneaking to the back of the library in grade school with a love story in tow; soon after, she wrote her own.

She was a Poet of the Year nominee in 2011 by African Americans on the Move Book Club and is a current member of The Romance Writers of America, several sister RWA chapters, and Sisters In Crime. Samara has penned stories for Totally Bound, Cobblestone Press, Loose Id, sexy mobile reads for Ether Books, and also writes under her imprint, Blush Novellas.

Samara previously co-hosted SoundNOff, a poetic format for poets and spoken word artists and hosted InCharacterN10, a former showcase for authors on Samara’s first poetry collection, The Ebony Kryptonite, was well received and was followed with Stripped Barefoot, a sultry mix of poetry and spoken word, which went on to reach #20 in Chicago’s Top 40 on Reverbnation in September 2013. Her next poetic endeavor, The Naked The Bare is slotted for 2015. To find out more about Samara’s poetry visit: or listeners may also find her on Spotify.

Currently, Samara is hard at work on her next romance series.

Nov 23, 2014

Cooking Up A Storm with #MFRWauthor @AshleyLadd

MFRW Author Ashley Ladd released Cooking Up A Storm, an Erotic GLBT Contemporary Romance with Totally Bound in July 2014.

Brooks and Rique desperately want to win the head chef’s position offered by an eccentric millionaire Jonah Verleun on his beautiful, private but peculiar island that includes a zoo full of exotic animals, an amusement park and a monster shark tank beneath Jonah’s bedroom floor. While Brooks wants the job to escape his heartache and the lover who thwarted him, Rique is hiding from the mob, hoping to live long enough to pay them off with the prize winnings. Fierce competitors, they cook up a storm in a series of cooking challenges while trying to turn down the heat on their intense attraction. When a hurricane strikes the island, the storm Rique has been cooking up explodes, and no heart—or body—is safe. Brooks and Rique desperately want to win a coveted chef’s job offered by an eccentric millionaire in paradise. Even more, Rique desperately wants to stay alive.

They ran, hunched over, zigging and zagging as bullets flew around them. Rique damned himself for putting Brooks in this mess. He wondered if the mob held the others prisoner and that’s why they didn’t answer the door.
He turned the first corner they came upon and then the next. He stopped dead and the air left his lungs. A moment later Brooks ran into his back almost knocking him over. He swayed dangerously but managed to stay upright and spread his arms wide to keep Brooks from stumbling forward.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. One of Jonah’s tigers lay in their path crouching low, baring his teeth, and eying them as if they were dinner.
He tried to quell the jitters attacking his stomach so the animal wouldn’t smell his fear then whispered to Brooks through clenched teeth, “What do we do now? Freeze or run?”
“Run. But where?” Brooks whispered back, a frown trembling on his lips.
“To the closest protection.” He prayed their hunters had lost them, that they wouldn’t run back into a barrage of bullets. As Rique bunched his muscles to run, already feeling the animal’s fangs ripping into him, he noted how the tiger’s thick muscles corded in his shoulders, and how saliva ran down his snarling lips.
“Dear God, we’re going to die.” Panic laced Brooks’ voice. “If we get out of here alive, let’s both turn down the job and move in together.”
Swallowing hard, Rique couldn’t reply so he nodded. Besides, as much as he wanted to live with Brooks, he couldn’t do it as long as he was indebted to the mob. However, the point was moot. He couldn’t see a scenario in which one of them didn’t die in the next five minutes.
Feeling responsible, Rique couldn’t let anything happen to Brooks as long as he was alive. He would take on the tiger giving Brooks time to reach safety. “On the count of three, run!”
As Rique whispered, “One,” hisses, then a blood-curdling growl wrenched the air. It was a different sound than the tiger was making. Then a crocodile bellowed and jumped out of the bushes and snatched the tiger by its belly. As it dragged the struggling creature back to the bushes, the tiger howled in surprise and pain. It clawed the air in vain as the reptile’s powerful jaws clamped tighter biting through flesh and bone.
ABOUT Ashley Ladd
Ashley lives in South Florida with her husband, five children, and beloved pets. She loves the water, animals (especially cats), and playing on the computer. She's been told she has a wicked sense of humor and often incorporates humor and adventure into her books. She also adores very spicy romance, which she weaves into her stories.


If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Cincinnati, Ohio. I miss my hometown. It’s the most beautiful place on earth and I’m homesick. I made a wish when I was sixteen that I wanted to live in sunny Florida—and guess what? I’ve been living in my dream land for the past twenty-five years. Be careful for what you wish. Now I’m ready to go home.

If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?
A jigsaw. So they could build beautiful furniture.

What song would best describe your life?
This is a toughie. “Fuckin’ Perfect” by Pink

Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
Cat and kittens and products to make them happy and healthy. I’m the original cat lady. 

What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Milk duds when I’m at the movie theater.

If you were stranded on a tropical island, who would it be with? You can choose any living, deceased or mythical figure.
Indiana Jones

Can you describe the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
I was one of our newscasters in high school, and I had to read a newscast to the entire school off a roll of toilet paper while sitting on a toilet. My cousin, who is also one of my classmates, will never let me forget it.

Tell us about the scariest thing that ever happened to you.
When I was six, I was learning how to ride my bicycle in my front yard with my parents and several of my friends watching. I was doing quite well until the phone rang and both my parents ran inside to answer it. Then I made a wrong turn and went down the steep hill on the side of our house—straight into our woods. I couldn’t stop. I rode straight into a three-pronged tree, broke my nose, and knocked loose a lot of teeth.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?
Besides sitting on a toilet reading a newscast off a roll of toilet paper in front of the entire school? I think that was also my most embarrassing moment. Nothing else comes to mind.

If you were on a reality show, what one would it be?
What Not To Wear (at least that’s the one my daughter wants to send me to)

City life or country life?
I used to think I’d love to live in the country, but I’m too spoiled by city living now so I’ll have to say city. I love the conveniences too much.

Ebook or paperback?
Ebook! I love e-readers. They feel so Star Trek and I’m such a Trekkie. Plus I’m far-sighted and even with glasses it helps that I can adjust the font large with ebook readers.

Zebras or elephants?
Zebras—because I love horses and they’re similar to horses.

Nov 21, 2014

#MFRWorg gets DOWN AND DIRTY with #MFRWauthor Savannah Morgan @AuthorSavvyM

An Interview with Savannah Morgan.
Savannah lives in the Deep South with her husband and two dogs. She loves animals, travel, and reading. She has traveled and lived throughout the US and Europe during her 25 year marriage and has looked at every move as a new adventure. She enjoys meeting new people, seeing new things, and any type of adventure. She has often thought she would have been an anthropologist if she hadn't started writing first.

How long does it take you to write a book? Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?
It takes me about three to four months to write a complete manuscript, if I can get the time to actually write. Because of hectic schedules, life interruptions and all the rest, I don't have a writing schedule and usually just go with the flow, writing when I get the chance. I do take a notebook with me everywhere I go so I can jot down ideas, sketch out new characters, and add to existing characters, etc..., otherwise, I would lose a lot of my ideas.

How do you come up with story ideas?
I don't really have a process where I sit down and brain storm for ideas. My story ideas come to me from any and all sources and then while I sleep I dream of the characters, what they are going through, what of their story is important and needs to be told. Once I wake up I usually have a pretty good idea of who, what, when, where and why.

What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
Well, of course I'm all for them. I think they are needed and I personally love to read a smokin' hot love scene between the hero and heroine.

What does your spouse think of your writing?
Well he calls my erotica, my smut novels all the while he is snorting trying not to laugh. He is a great fan of my Suspense/Thriller Romances and my fantasy book, neither of those genres have been published at this time, but just wait they will be soon.

Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
Yes, he helps me crawl into the mind of a man. He has saved me numerous times by telling me the male perspective on any given situation. He’s very honest and has no problem telling me, 'A man wouldn't do that, say that, act that way'.

Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?
Mostly other authors, Sherrilyn Kenyon was giving a workshop and I had the chance to chat with her. She gave me encouragement and talked to me about my concerns of how dark some of my writing is. She told me sometimes we just have to write dark to get it out of our system. I think that is where the character of Allen McKinnon came from, that dark place, deep inside of me, that just had to come out. At times, while writing him, he frightened even me. A lot of Allen ended up in the chopped file, but I have to say he is the most terrifying villain I've ever written. Honestly though, I've drawn either some sort of inspiration or encouragement from nearly every author I've read.

What can we expect from you in the future?
As I mentioned previously, I have several things in the works. The second and third books of Sapphire Springs will hopefully be out next year. I have a new contemporary suspense/thriller series about seven female cousins who band together to form their own private security team. Each of the seven women have their own specialties, martial arts, weapons, explosives, technology. Along with their fighting and expertise in weaponry they are each professionals, one is a biochemist, another a trauma surgeon, and another is an expert at international law and holds a law degree. The others have just as exciting careers, but each has faced something in their career or personal life that has driven them to ban together to form this group. The first book in that series will hopefully be out sometime this coming winter. I'm also working on a fantasy story set in another realm with magick, dragons, and curses.

How do we find out about you and your books? How can readers/fans contact you?

Do you fans’ comments and letters influence you in any way?
I'm a new author; therefore, my fan base is rather small at present. I do answer every email and private message I get personally. I’m a firm believer that if someone takes the time to write me, whether it is to tell me how much they enjoyed the book or to give me constructive criticism, I should take the time to thank them and respond to their correspondence. Will I always be able to answer them as quickly as I am doing now? I don’t know, but I can promise I will try.

Do you have a favorite comment or question from a reader?
One of my readers wrote a very nice review. She said I wrote evil very well. Another review congratulated me and said I had found my calling. Both of those reviews made me feel as if I was doing what should be. They made me feel great.

Do you have a favorite author? Favorite book? Favorite series?
I have so many favorite authors it would take another post to list them all, but to name a few, Sherrilyn Kenyon, her Dark Hunter and League series is a favorite; Christine Feehan, her Dark, Drake and Sisters of the Heart series are some more favorites, Kallypso Masters’ Rescue Me series has me completely hooked and dying to know what comes next. Recently I’ve read Danielle James’ Forbidden Love series and I really liked, enough that I have every book she’s written. Like I said, I have a lot of favorite authors and series and this isn’t even the tip of the list."

Tell us about your latest book, including genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If so what are they?
Dreams: A Sapphire Springs Novel is my first book released. It is designated Adult Contemporary/
Erotica, but I think it is also a Romantic Suspense...just with language and hot sex.

Dreams is the story of Devin Blackthorn and Kylie James. Devin is a lot older than Kylie and Kylie had at one time been in a relationship with Devin's half-brother, Allen McKinnon. Devin had been attracted to Kylie from the start, but knew she was too young for him. He also wasn’t going to go after a girl that was with his brother. Through the years Devin developed strong feelings for Kylie, emotional and sexual, but felt he didn't have the right to make anything happen between them because of all the issues separating them. When Devin finally has enough of being tortured by erotic dreams of Kylie, he decides to claim her for his own, his brother and anyone else who wants to object be damned. But when Devin and Kylie finally get together, Allen returns and Devin learns some truths about Kylie, Allen and their real relationship. From that point on everything goes sideways and Devin has no choice but to protect Kylie and Jamie from his own brother. The action and sex in Dreams is both exciting and explosive, but I do warn my readers there is a part in the book that could be a trigger for rape survivors. You can read the entire interview where I talk about writing Dreams on my website

Book BLuRB
Devin’s taken care of Kylie and her son, Jamie, ever since his brother, Allen, abandoned them eleven years ago. Never allowing his feelings for Kylie to show or asking for anything in return, Devin’s tortured nightly by erotic dreams of Kylie. At his limit, Devin is now ready to admit he wants Kylie for himself.

Kylie has made mistakes in her life, but her son is not one of them. For eleven years she has kept the secret of Allen’s betrayal and remained quiet of his crimes. But when Allen returns, Kylie is afraid he is coming after her once again. To stop Allen from destroying her son, Kylie must confront her past and reveal the painful secrets she’s kept.

When Devin learns Allen has targeted Kylie and Jamie, once again he must put all his resources into protecting them, even if it means destroying his brother to do it.
5 out of 5 stars... This is the first in a series......Savannah has written an excellent book. The characters are very well developed and the story of Kylie and Devin is awesome. Didn't think they'd ever get together and I HATE Allen Savannah can write evil really well) Ready for next one!!!!!!! It is an easy read and once you get started, you will not put it down!!!!!!!... August 2, 2014, Wendy Higgs, Kindle Edition

Nov 20, 2014

#Thursday13 Things @SydneyJaneBaily Can't Write Without #MFRWorg

MFRW Author Sydney Jane Baily shares 13 Things She Can't Write Without.
Sydney Jane Baily completed her first novel at the tender age of 17. Thankfully, that manuscript was soundly rejected and resides in an undisclosed location. She went on to get degrees in English literature and history (inducted into Phi Beta Kappa's alpha chapter), and has spent her professional career in publishing. She has been a copy editor, cat snuggler, proof reader, production editor, mother of two, developmental editor, indexer, dog walker, among other things literary and not. Besides writing historical romances, she continues to edit for fellow writers, and resides in New England with her family—human, feline, and canine.

13 things I can't write without
1. my dog Perry snoozing nearby
2. chocolate (preferably dark, organic, sometimes with coconut or sea salt)
3. a theme song for the story or for one of the main characters (often a popular song on the radio that gets stuck in my head months before I start to write)
4. a messy desk (just because it always is)
5. endless cups of strong Irish tea with a tspn of honey and whole milk
6. a bathroom nearby (see #5)
7. a pad of lined paper for writing when out in the world
8. a Uni-ball Signo pen (I'm very particular; these flow smoothly and keep up with my thoughts)
9. a comfy chair
10. a little peace and quiet
11. no one standing close or looking at my work
12. easy Internet access for researching 19th century
13. personal care items: lip balm, hand moisturizer, and more chocolate

Check out Sydney's latest release...

The Defiant Hearts Series Box Set

Mainstream Historical Romance
ePublishing Works!

From critically acclaimed author, Sydney Jane Baily, comes the first two stories in her Victorian Romance series, Defiant Hearts.

AN INTRIGUING PROPOSITION (Prequel): Intent on keeping the news of foreclosure from her grieving, funds-starved family, Elise answers the bank summons and faces Michael Bradley, an old flame who still owns her heart. When Michael extends an unseemly dinner invitation, Elise invents a nameless suitor as an excuse. Now, to save face, she must produce him.

AN IMPROPER SITUATION (Book One): Desperate to keep the children she's come to love, Charlotte heads for Boston to find Reed Malloy, the heart-stealing lawyer who left the orphans in her care, only to discover that Boston's glittering high society intends to keep them apart.


What Reviewers Are Saying...
""...a glittering tale of star-crossed lovers, threatened by a web of lies... a great new book in a new series."" ~Adrienne deWolfe, Bestselling Author of Scoundrel for Hire (

""...a tantalizing glimpse of the author's delicate writing style as she melds romance with humor, conflict, and adventure. An entertaining read."" ~Bestselling Author, Marliss Melton (

Nov 18, 2014

#MFRWauthor BOOK SPOTLIGHT: If... Then @Emerald_theGLD

MFRW Author Emerald recently released If... Then: a collection of erotic romance stories with 1001 Nights Press.

In these tales of sizzling erotic romance, deep affection and the warmth of familiarity underlie the erotic connection between longtime lovers. “The Plant on the Mantel” explores the unexpected implications of a generations-past affair on a young married couple. “Honey Changes Everything” finds Kim wondering how to lead her husband out of his state of despair upon losing his job; inspiration comes when breakfast in bed serves up more than just pancakes. And “If…” and “…Then” examine what happens when Valerie finds herself intensely attracted to someone other than her boyfriend—and what he does when he finds out.

With original stories (“Soft and Gray” and “Shattered Angels”) joining the eight previously published tales in this collection, If… Then is a testament to the scorching eroticism that can so seamlessly subsist with long-term romance. " In these ten tales of sizzling erotic romance, deep affection and the warmth of familiarity underlie the erotic connection between longtime lovers. If… Then is a testament to the scorching eroticism that can so seamlessly subsist with long-term romance.

Amazon BUY LINK  |  Barnes & Noble BUY LINK  | Smashwords BUY LINK

I entered the bedroom as Sylvia was turning down the sheets, already in her nightgown.  Her countenance was thoughtful, as it had been since our return from her grandparents’ estate.

“What’s going to happen to the plant?” I asked her.

“What?” She straightened and turned to me.

“The plant. At your grandparents’ house. Where’s it going to go?”

“Oh,” her voice sounded casual, but for some reason I suspected the thought wasn’t new to her. She paused. “I don’t know.”

“It just seems kind of important, it being so old. Seems like someone should take care of it.”

Sylvia looked introspective and nodded.

“I never really knew my grandmother,” she said after a silence.

I looked at her, unsure where this new thread was going.

“I mean, we lived much further away from them when I was growing up, and I was only 19 when she died.” Sylvia sat on the bed, still not looking at me.

“Her affair seemed...mysterious. I wonder if there are more letters that we didn’t find, or how it ended, or why. I wonder if my grandfather found out. My mom and sister and I found the letters—we decided not to mention them to him,” she added.

I had wondered those things briefly too, but since she hadn’t volunteered any information, I hadn’t wanted to ask. I watched her. She still hadn’t looked at me.

“They were very...explicit. The letters, I mean.” I thought I saw Sylvia blush faintly, and a soft, spontaneous smile lifted my lips.

She looked at me then and saw it. “Yeah, I know, you think I’m a prude,” she said with a self-deprecating smile, huffing a little as she looked back down.

I went to the bed and sat beside her. “No, I don’t think you’re a ‘prude,’” I said. I didn’t. She tended to be somewhat reserved verbally and publicly about sex, but it didn’t stop her from letting loose when it came down to the act. I smiled. “I just think it’s interesting that you would seem surprised that your grandmother may have been sexually ‘explicit.’”

Sylvia blushed more and laughed a little, still looking down. “Well, it’s admittedly not something I ever thought about in relation to her. I just experienced my grandparents as so...stiff. You know?”

I shrugged. “Maybe that’s why she did it. Maybe she didn’t fit in with that environment and needed more than she was getting.”

Sylvia looked up at me, slight surprise in her expression.

“I’m sorry,” I said immediately. “I didn’t mean to be disrespectful to your grandfather.” I paused. “I almost forgot who we were talking about for a minute.”

She looked back down, nodding. “Yeah. I know what you mean. That happened to me earlier this evening when you talked about the plant. What it had seen.” Her voice trailed off. “It’s weird to think that it was sitting there that whole time, all those years, in that same place. It’s been alive and sitting on that mantle for more than half a century.”

I pictured the motionless collection of sturdy leaves, twined together and looped around each other and the surrounding objects, growing languidly for six decades in the best seat in the room for anything that took place there.
-from ""The Plant on the Mantel""

ABOUT Emerald
Emerald is the pen name of Emily McCay, an erotic fiction author whose work has been featured in anthologies published by Cleis Press, Mischief, and Logical-Lust. She is an advocate for sexual freedom, reproductive rights, and the rights of sex workers, and she serves as a Facebook group moderator and assistant newsletter editor for Marketing for Romance Writers (MFRW). Her first single-author collection, If…Then: a collection of erotic romance stories, is out now from 1001 Nights Press. Find her online at


Nov 17, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: The Misfits by #MFRWauthor Brenda Jernigan @bkj1608

MFRW Author Brenda Jernigan released The Misfits, a Mainstream Historical Western.

They were misfits that no one wanted.  Watch how they come together to become a family against all odds.

What Reviewers Are Saying...
If you love Julie Garwood’s “For the Roses”, I think you will enjoy The Misfit series. The author, somehow, was able to make me care for all the characters throughout the entire trilogy. Each book is a stand-alone story, but if you read all three you will see just how brightly the writing talent of Brenda Jernigan shines! Past characters, such as Thunder, return for an encore. Be warned that there is a lot of adventure in the fast paced novel, so do not begin reading until you have plenty of time with no interruptions. Unputdownable! Reviewed by Detra Fitch of Huntress Reviews.

"Until September is definitely Brenda’s BEST book so far.  I’ll be looking forward to the next one and the next one.  Claire and Billy have earned their places in my heart.”  Merry Cutler - Annie’s Book Shop

“Ms Jernigan writes with such passion for her characters, that they come alive for the reader.  The plot setting are accurate and very believable and will make you feel as if you were right there in the stagecoach.  I truly enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the next book in the series to come out.  This is a definite keeper!”  Deb Kepler - A Romance Review

Finally everyone was gone. Brandy moved back to the gravesite one last time before they went home. Amy had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and Brandy had to switch her to the other arm to ease the weight. “Goodbye, Father,” she whispered, then added, “Promises are sometimes hard to keep, but I’ll try.”
Before turning to leave, she glanced up at a nearby hill. There, seated on a large horse, sat a powerfully built man. Animal and rider stood perfectly still while long, black hair blew around his square jaw. Brandy couldn’t make out the rest of his features but something about the man impressed her.
Fascinated, she stared boldly at the stranger. Who was he? And why did he stay in the background instead of coming closer?
“Come on, Brandy,” Mary called.
Though Brandy would rather have looked at the stranger just a little longer, she knew it was time to leave.
Before stepping up onto the buckboard, she turned and looked back toward the hill, but the stranger had disappeared. It was as if he’d vanished into thin air.
A wave of disappointment washed over her. She didn’t understand this odd reaction to someone she didn’t know and would probably never meet.
But for just a moment, she’d felt an odd excitement as if she were dancing on the wind.
Brandy smiled for the first time in days.

ABOUT Brenda Jernigan
Brenda Jernigan grew up living the life of a tomboy – climbing trees, playing ball, and excluding starry-eyed romance from her daily repertoire.  Brenda discovered the love of books while taking her son to Story Hour at the local library -- she was hooked.  She set an ambitious goal and began work on her first novel.  She continued to write six more novels in rapid succession.  She figured having the same birthday as Ernest Hemingway couldn’t hurt.
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A Short And Sweet #MFRWauthor INTERVIEW @Sherry_Ewing

Welcome MFRW Author Sherry Ewing.
Sherry Ewing is a self-published author who writes historical and paranormal romance novels to awaken the soul one heart at a time. Her debut historical romance, If My Heart Could See You, hit Amazon’s top ten bestseller list only two days after the paperback release. Always wanting to write a novel but busy raising her children, she finally took the plunge in 2008 and wrote her first Regency. She is a national and local member of Romance Writers of America since 2012 and is currently editing her second novel, For All of Ever, to be released soon.
website  |  blog  |  facebook  |  pinterest

Why did you decide to write romance novels?
My first experience reading a historical romance was as a teenager. Once I read The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, I was hooked. It was only natural that I would attempt to follow in her footsteps and write one myself someday.

What genre is it? 
If My Heart Could See You is an historical romance set in twelfth century England.

Tell us about your latest book.
If My Heart Could See You, takes place at the border between Scotland and England. Berwyck castle has been taken over by the English and a conquering knight, Dristan, the Devil’s Dragon of Blackmore. The heroine, Amiria, is one of the last remaining descendants of clan MacLaren and would rather be in boots, hose, and tunic than stuck in a solar with needle and thread.

Where did the idea come from?
I was actually working on my Regency, One Moment in Time, when the idea came to me and I couldn't wait to get started. I had no idea If My Heart Could See You would inspire me to write the next four books including a work in progress all with secondary characters from this novel!

When did you first think about writing and what prompted you to submit your first manuscript?
I always wanted to write but raising my children was my main priority. It wasn't until 2008 when I was talking with a friend during a rough period in my life that I mentioned I should write that novel that’s been waiting for me to tell its story for years. He asked, “What’s stopping you?” A light bulb went off inside my head and I've been writing ever since.

What is your writing routine once you start a book?
I really have no routine. I write by the seat of my pants but also chapter by chapter. I can’t move forward with the story until I’m satisfied with what I've already written. I get my idea’s at all hours of the day, so when I have them, I have to stop what I’m doing and write it down even if it’s in the middle of the night.

What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing – or are there constant interruptions?
I do my best writing sitting at my mother’s house on NASCAR Sunday’s listening in the background to the roar of the engines. My oldest daughter has all but given up trying to have conversations with me in the evening if I’m writing but she understands. She’s a writer too.

Sherry released If My Heart Could See You, a Mainstream Historical Romance, with Kingsburg Press.

When you're enemies, does love have a fighting chance?
For Amiria of Berwyck, defeat does not come easily as she watches her home and clan being ripped asunder. When the very enemy who has laid siege to her home demands her fealty, she will do whatever it takes to protect her people including a hastily concocted ruse that quickly begins to unravel. All too soon, she starts to question whether she can forgive herself for betraying those she has sworn to protect.

Dristan of Blackmore, champion knight of King Henry II, has a reputation to uphold as the Devil’s Dragon. After his invading army conquers Berwyck castle, he sets out to manage the newly claimed estate by training its knights in the art of proper defense. At first, everything appears as it should be, or is it? Betrayed by those he believed he could trust, he must first set aside his anger before he can make room in his heart for love.

Together they are tied by an unspoken bond. As they begin to rebuild the land and unite their people, forces beyond their control attempt to tear apart their fragile truce and only time will tell if love will forever bring them together.

"Heart Pounding Action! ""This is an outstanding first novel by this promising new author. It was very hard to put down and I spent many nights staying up until the wee hours of the morning! What sets this book apart from other historical romance books that I've read is the character development. I felt that I really understood each of the characters, and not just the main ones. I cared what happened to them and found my heart pounding out of fear when something was about to go wrong. I'd love to see another book in which we get to see the two main characters again. This is an author to watch...I truly believe we will see more five star books!""

A Great Read!!! ""I love this read. This is the kind of medieval conquest romance I love. It was filled with adventure, intrigue and hot romance. The h/h were very likeable because the hero was stern, yet very humane, and the heroine was a warrior type woman, but also very feminine and did not over do herself in terms of wanting to behave like a man. She was tough, but practical. I just could not put this book down. I would recommend this book to whomever loves a great medieval conquest romance where not only does the the hero conquers the heart of the heroine, but of the reader's as well.""

Young knight MacLaren stood with steady feet upon the narrow parapet and looked down into the inner bailey, surveying the destruction and devastation below. Ian, the guardsman ever by the youth’s side, had the same grim expression as his charge.
The constant thunder of a battering ram slamming upon the solid oak door echoed harshly throughout the keep. Afore long, the wooden portal would give way, and with its demolition, all hope would surely depart from the occupants who had fled inside to find safe haven. Too soon, the enemy would be within, causing more lives to be lost in the castle’s defense. The siege had been bloody, lasting more than two fortnights, and, in truth, ’twas surprising the battle endured as long as it had, given the small number of knights available to defend the castle walls.
For nigh unto sixty years, Berwyck Castle had known peace over its land while governed by the last remaining descendants of the Scottish clan MacLaren. The castle and its people, however, had grown accustomed to constant upheaval, being between two kings struggling for power and control over the region. Situated on a cliff high above the raging sea, the castle towered over a prime port for transporting goods into the interior of the country, both north and south. Its location, bordering Scotland and England, had been the cause of many a battle over the centuries, and the fortress had changed liege lords more often than most could remember. With the arrival of the enemy, and the breaching of the curtain wall, ’twas but a matter of time afore England would once again call this castle its own in the name of their king.
Although young in years and slight of frame, the fledgling knight had fought valiantly and bravely, never giving quarter, even whilst the enemy relentlessly pressed forward in determination to win the day. Only at the command of the castle’s laird and chieftain of the clan did the knight order the garrison to fall back into the keep to protect the family within. Moments earlier, all had watched in horror as a sword laid low their liege and his eldest son, though they continued to pray that perchance the leaders had been spared and yet lived.
Blood, of those whom the young MacLaren’s loyal garrison had slain, covered their armor, and the stench assaulted their senses. The cries of the wounded and dying were but a soft whisper on the wind and had all but quieted. MacLaren knew all of Berwyck’s inhabitants were now focused on the newest threat to come, as the castle’s last defense was about to fall. The distinct sound of splintering wood rang out into the chilled air. The warriors atop the battlement grimaced at the forecast of what their future held.
“Ach, ’twill not last much longer now,” Ian predicted.
“Aye Ian, our fate it seems has been sealed,” the young knight said, retrieving the sword that had been carefully laid up against the stone wall. “We shall soon be held accountable for those lives we have taken this day.”
“I do not relish swearing fealty to some English pig,” Ian cursed loudly, “especially as our laird and the dead of our fellow clansmen lay scattered on these cold grounds, awaiting a decent burial.”
The young knight flinched at the mention of their lord.
Ian mumbled his apologies for his loose tongue.
“My sire and brother died in battle . . . in truth they would have had it no other way,” was all young MacLaren said.

Nov 16, 2014

#MFRWorg Book Spotlight: TETHERED @pippajaygreen #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Pippa Jay released Tethered, an Erotic Sci-Fi/Futuristic Romance, with Breathless Press.

For Tyree of the Su, being an assassin isn't simply something she was trained for. It's the sole reason for her existence. A genetically enhanced clone—one of many in Refuge—she's about to learn her secluded lifestyle, and that of all her kind, is under threat by a race capable of neutralizing their special talents to leave them defenseless.

For Zander D'joren, being a diplomat has not only cost him his appearance, but also the love of his life. Scarred, grieving, he must nonetheless continue in his role as co-delegate to the fearsome Tier-vane or risk a conflict that could only end one way.

Now both of them need to keep each other alive and maintain a perilous deception long enough to renegotiate the treaty with the Tier-vane, or throw their people into a war that could wipe out Terrans and Inc-Su alike. But there's more at stake than humanity, whether true or modified. Can the love growing between them save them both? Or merely hasten their destruction?" She can kill with a kiss. But can assassin Tyree also heal one man's grief, and bring peace to a galaxy threatened by war?

"The book is beautifully written, full of vibrant language and visuals befitting the science fiction genre. And the love story she weaves between Zander and Tyree adds to the overall plot rather than detracting..."
Cate Peace, Going from Nobody to Somebody

"I really enjoyed this sci-fi romance. Pippa Jay has an elaborate style that paints a vivid world around her characters. The setting is interesting with quite a bit working around the central struggle of the main characters. I felt the turmoil between the characters as I could relate to their struggles, even though they live in a fictional future."
Elle Clouse, Goodreads

Tyree spun on her heels, her long hair lashing around her as she faced the council. ""You want me to be a what?""
Thirteen elderly Inc-Su met her scream of outrage with angry stares. The last syllable echoed around the chamber. If sound could penetrate metaglass, it would have scattered the saurian lowri gliding past the panoramic windows on membranous wings.
Tyree swore G'vorek, one of her former mentors, winked at her, and her irritation eased a fraction at his silent support. Some of the other council members shifted in their hover seats as she cast her gaze over them. Several scowled. Beyond the oval table and the council members, clouds drifted past the window obscuring the slender sky towers of Refuge, a serene background that conflicted with the turmoil suddenly seething in her chest.
""I didn't think the phrase 'co-delegate' would be considered such an offensive term even by you, Tyree,"" Great Mother M'roc said.
Tyree latched her attention onto the matriarch. Unlike the majority of the Inc-Su, M'roc had a generous, matronly figure and caramel-colored skin. Dark braids tinted with gray framed her broad face. There was a saying among the Inc-Su, twisted from the old Terran phrase—as solid as M'roc. Unbending, reliable, consistent, and strong. Good traits in a leader, but it meant once she'd made a decision, nothing could change her mind. If she'd chosen this role for Tyree...
""I'm an assassin, not a frigging diplomat,"" Tyree retorted, but the initial fire of her resistance had guttered. Arguing already felt like a lost cause, but she had to make the point.
Several members of the council tsked at her insolence. G'vorek smiled, deepening the vast collection of wrinkles on his thin, seamed face. Like the other ancients, the charcoal black of his skin had faded to gray, giving him a stone-like appearance.
""Your skills are many, and you are perfect for this role,"" M'roc continued.
""Perhaps you should explain the situation more thoroughly,"" G'vorek said, his voice like layers of slate sliding over one another.
M'roc clasped her gnarled hands and threw her co-councilor an exasperated glare before looking back at Tyree. ""I was about to. The Terrans are once more negotiating their centennial peace treaty with the Tier-vane.""
Tyree waved a hand, dismissing the news as unimportant.
""Perhaps you'd be less indifferent if I told you there have been three assassination attempts on the co-delegates? According to tradition, once the delegates on both sides have been chosen, no others may substitute. It would be taken as a sign of deception. An attempt at trickery.""
""I didn't know that,"" Tyree murmured, but she was more interested in the revelation about the assassination attempts. Whoever had committed those attacks couldn't have been Inc-Su. It would never have taken three tries, and all of them failures. If it had—and it would be a first in their history—was that why she was being assigned? Somehow three Inc-Su had failed, and now they were sending her?

After spending twelve years working as an Analytical Chemist in a Metals and Minerals laboratory, Pippa Jay is now a stay-at-home mum who writes scifi and the supernatural. Somewhere along the way a touch of romance crept into her work and refused to leave. In between torturing her plethora of characters, she spends the odd free moment playing guitar very badly, doing freestyle street dance, and studying the Dark Side of the Force. Although happily settled in historical Colchester in the UK with her husband of 21 years and three little monsters, she continues to roam the rest of the Universe in her head
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Nov 15, 2014

#MFRWAuthor Feature Author for November Kayelle Allen Shares an Excerpt

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A Romance for Christmas
By Kayelle Allen
A cop at the door on Christmas Eve brings an unexpected gift.
A sweet holiday romance showcasing love, loss, and the spirit of giving.
It's Christmas Eve, and the end of a year in which everything Dara loves has been lost. Everything but her little girl and a fierce determination to survive. When a cop brings Christmas to her door, he brings another gift she never expected to get.

Dara was gaining strength daily, and would finish therapy the first week of January and return to work. Disability paid for the basics - lights, phone, water, trash collection, and she'd never bought anything on credit, refusing to dig herself into a hole she'd never escape once it got started.

She went to the closet and pulled down a box with a ball, crayons, paper, and three books. A friend had brought over a few things as well. This wasn't the grand Christmas Dara had wanted for her daughter, but all the other valuables had been sold. There was nothing left but her wedding ring.

She didn't wear it. Removing it had been part of saying good-bye to Jack.

They said it would help, and it had. Sort of. But not much.

Dara sank into one of the kitchen chairs and put her face in her hands.

Sometime later, when the doorbell rang, she grabbed a paper towel and dried her eyes. The clock over the stove said nine o'clock. Who would be calling at this hour on Christmas Eve? She stuffed the wet towel in her robe pocket on the way to the door.

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Buy Links

Barnes and Noble


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This giveaway is for everyone. Click below to download an illustrated pdf containing an excerpt, the history of the story, the meaning behind the names, and more. A Romance for Christmas is a sweet holiday romance that makes you feel great about giving. Visit my website to download a free 22p Christmas cookbook you can share with friends. You don't have to sign up for anything, click anything, or register for something. It's really free.

Early Merry Christmas!

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Kayelle Allen is a multi-published, award winning Science Fiction Romance author. She was first published in 2004. In 2006, she founded Marketing for Romance Writers, a peer-mentoring group open to the entire literary community. The site is now the largest online author group of its kind, and provides no-cost training in book marketing skills as well as promotional services.

In 2009, Kayelle opened her Romance Lives Forever blog for authors, publishers, and blog tour companies. The blog now has an online reach of over one million.

In 2011, she launched The Author's Secret which offers editing, eBook conversions for manuscripts, custom and premade book covers, and graphics for authors. Kayelle teaches workshops online, and is an invited speaker on numerous online conferences. She has been a featured speaker at Outlantacon since its founding, is a former board member of Gaylaxicon, and a panelist at DragonCon. Kayelle's books have won multiple awards, including the EPIC eBook Award for Science Fiction Erotic Romance, and became an EPIC finalist in Fantasy. Her motto is "romance lives forever" and she is known for books with unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion.

Social Media Links

Unstoppable Heroes Blog
The Author's Secret
Marketing for Romance Writers

Nov 14, 2014

Getting DOWN and DIRTY with #MFRWauthor Nicole Hurley-Moore @nhurleymoore

We're interviewing Nicole Hurley-Moore, MFRW Author.
Nicole has always been a lover of fairy tales, history and romance. She grew up in Melbourne and has traveled extensively, whilst living her life through the romance of books.

Her first passion in life has always been her family, but after studying and achieving her BA Honours in Medieval Literature, she devoted her time to writing historic romance.

She is a full time writer who lives in the Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia with her family, where they live in the peaceful surrounds of a semi-rural town.

1. How long does it take you to write a book?
It usually takes me somewhere between 1-4 months to write a book.

2. How often do you write?
I try and write every day – hopefully the muse and the flow are with me.

3. Where do your ideas come from?
Ideas seem to spark for anything and everything.

4. How does your husband feel about your writing?
My husband has always supported my writing. He’s my beta reader and biggest fan.

5. Do you ask his advice?
Yes, I ask his advice... and sometimes I even listen ;)

6. What are you working on now?
At the moment I’m finishing off an Australian rural romance. It’s a contemporary romance, which I generally don’t write but it’s been a lot of fun. I live in the middle of gold and sheep country, so I thought why not use it for inspiration.

7. How can readers contact you?
You can find out more about me and my books on my website, and also these sites: blog, facebook, twitter, and goodreads.

8. Tell us about your latest book.
Seizing Heaven is a historical romance which is the follow up to my medieval tale Capturing Bliss. It concentrates on the same family, estate and betrothal ring but is set a century after the first story. 

Nicole released Seizing Heaven, a Mainstream Historical Romance, with Jupiter Gardens Press.

Can the Reynard family betrothal ring really choose his true bride? Lord Savaric Reynard is about to
find out.

Lord Savaric Reynard is intent on marrying the widow of Blackstone Manor, that is, until fate and the Reynard betrothal ring get in the way. On his way to meet the widow, Savaric is waylaid by Rosamund, a travelling artist.

He doesn’t believe in magic or the old family legend that the Reynard betrothal ring has the power to choose the right and true bride. Savaric soon discovers he can try and run from Fate, but one way or another it just might catch up with him.

The Reynard legend says that the betrothal ring will choose the true bride... always.

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The girl straightened and her eyes narrowed when she addressed him. “Sir, I do not want your coin.”
“Then what do you want? Come, you came to Foxwoods with a purpose.”
“I want nothing from you, Lord Reynard. I was honour bound to return the ring and I need no money for that.” Her voice was even but he saw a spark of indignation spark in her eyes.
“And what do you know of honour?” The words slipped out of Savaric’s mouth before he could stop them.
“Savaric!” Aunt Amice gasped.
“More than you, I wager,” Rosamund said as her hands fisted by her sides. “I have returned your possession and yet you choose to insult me. You may be a fine lord, but I have found better manners and more kindness from the woodcutter I passed on the road.”
She stepped away from the hearth and dropped into curtsy before Amice. “May God grant you blessings, Lady. I thank you for your sweet words but I should leave. ‘Tis better that way.”
“Nay, I will not have it. I will not allow you to go back into the tempest. I insist that you accept our hospitality. You will have dry clothes, a warm bed and food. We are in your debt, child and once Savaric recovers his manners he will be in agreement.” Aunt Amice stood up and took the girl’s hand. “Now, I shall not hear another word about it.”
Savaric saw the hurt in Rosamund’s eyes and another wisp of guilt fanned over him. She made him react and it confused him beyond reason.
 “Forgive my words. My Aunt is correct, Rosamund. You are welcome and safe at Foxwoods,” he said before he turned on his heels and strode to the door. He would avoid the girl as best he could. In the morning she would leave and everything would fall back into place.

Nov 13, 2014

#Thursday13 Favorite Things @PJDeanwriter #MFRWauthor

Author P. J. DEAN shares her Thirteen Favorite Things
P. J. has always loved making up stories for as long as she can recall. Fiction book writing was a no-brainer. She writes historical and paranormal romances with diverse characters. Her interest in history coupled with a B.A in French Civilization helped her write her first book, a historical romance set in late 16th century France with the court of Charles IX as the backdrop. The need to see people of color in more romance books led her to create her own paranormal romance series with an interracial duo and lots of different people. In addition to the aliens. She hails from the mid-Atlantic USA and enjoys the change of seasons there but here are the things most favored...

1) Cats, 2) Chocolate, 3) Gummy Bears, 4) my old Netbook, 5) a land line, 6) yoga, 7) candles, 8) Autumn, 9) Linvilla Orchards, 10) apples, 11) '70s funk bands, 12) Science fiction movies, 13) Equally weighted heroes and heroines in romance books

P. J. DEAN released PARADOX, Book 4, The Felig Chronicles, a Mainstream Paranormal, with Extasy Books in September.

Taken! Tina has been taken by Felig from the home she and Nate shared and had believed Felig-proof. Just when the couple had smoothed out and polished the jagged edges of their relationship. Just when everything had fit together so perfectly. Nate is on a mission now and is learning nowhere is safe and no one untouchable. And most importantly, that allies can be found in the most unexpected of places.

Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is your best friend, especially when they are your last resort.

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