Ayla Ruse talks with MFRW.
Ayla bakes away in the sunny south but dreams of warm fires in a cabin anywhere it might be snowy. Then she could let her muse loose on a writing rampage that would probably result in the loss of limb function! Instead, she sits in front of noisy fans and types in waves while fielding the needs of her family. She loves to hear from readers and you can find her almost anywhere on the web.
Website: http://www.aylaruse.com
Blog: http://www.aylaruse.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ayla.ruse
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ayla-Ruse/e/B006Z1JMXY
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4819758.Ayla_Ruse
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AylaRuse
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/aylaruse/
1. How long have you been writing?
ANSWER: I've written my entire life and yes, I've always dreamed of being a writer. My greatest day was when one of my stories was accepted for publication.
2. How many books have you written?
ANSWER: It took me a long time to actually write a book start to finish. All told, I've probably written around 25 stories (varying lengths). At this time, 22 are published.
3. List two authors who have influenced you.
ANSWER: James Rollins and Cherise Sinclair.
4. What book has been easiest to write?
ANSWER: Soulless. I imagined this story for a couple years before sitting down and typing the rough draft out in all of one day.
5. What book has been hardest to write?
ANSWER: Any of my stories with a darker edge. I thoroughly enjoyed writing them, but they tapped into parts of me that don't *seem* like me. When I write darker themed/scenes in stories, I have to ignore that part of me that wants to go, ""ooh, that's not so nice, or 'appropriate'.""
6. What book has been the most fun to write?
ANSWER: Emmy's Wish. It was my first time writing fantasy. The story involves Christmas and elves and wishes come true. I love that it's short and sweet but oh, so sexy!
7. What is important to you about writing?
ANSWER: It keeps me sane. Seriously. Writing has always been cathartic for me. If I didn't put the proverbial pen to paper, I would be an emotional and mental wreck.
MFRW Author Ayla Ruse released Jolly Rogered, an Erotic Historical Romance with Totally Bound in July 2014.
Raphael de la Torres, the pirate captain El Angel, is notorious for kidnapping travelers to the
colonies. His actions cleverly cover another purpose—getting close to the cousin who betrayed him.
With the currents stirring up between the two, will the sweet taste of revenge shift to a deeper passion, and will the control Elise is running away from, be exactly what she needs?
“It is so blasted hot,” Lady Elise Clifton complained. She’d stripped down to her chemise and was pacing the cramped cabin, praying for a cool wind to slip through the tiny porthole.
“You could go up on deck, you know,” stated her companion, Brianna. “There’s wind there.”
“I know, but I have to make sure I’m packed. You go on ahead if you want.”
“I might. I’ve watched you go through this bag every day for the past week.” Brianna upended the cloth satchel and repacked it, naming each item as she did so. “Look, you have a pair of slippers, a day dress, a corset with your money sewn in, the breeches and shirt I stole from my brother for you, a brush and ribbons. Same as yesterday. Same as the day before. Nothing’s changed. Besides, if we are attacked, I’m sure the pirates won’t be gentleman like and ask for your luggage.”
“You’re probably right, but if I’m to go through with this—”
“If we’re attacked, that is.”
“Yes, if we’re attacked, then I want to be ready. I’ll not begin my new life empty handed and shy.”
“Like there ever was a shy bone in your body,” Brianna mumbled.
Elise heard and chuckled. “You know me well. And you do know what you’re to do if a pirate comes for us, right?”
“Do exactly what he says.”
“You sure you’ll be all right?”
“Elise, I’m here, aren’t I? I could have stayed in London, but I’m the one you’ve confided in all these past months. I couldn’t let you do this alone.”
Brianna’s brother, Elise had discovered several months ago, was a sailor in the British Navy, and he’d often write to Brianna with tales of the pirates they’d captured or those who had run away. When Elise’s father had determined she move to the colonies, Elise had paid closer attention and latched onto the tales, yearning to live the life of a pirate, a life full of independence.
“I’m this close,” she said, pinching her fingers nearly together, “to having the freedom I want, Brianna.”
“Well, your idea of freedom and mine are two different things. I still say we should have switched places. You could’ve been me and I would’ve assumed your identity. No one on this ship knew us when we boarded and surely no one will know us in the colonies.”
“And you know I wanted to, but my uncle would recognize the falseness in an instant. I told you that my father sent him a portrait of me barely a year past.”
Brianna screamed. “What was that?”
Elise turned to the sound and rushed to the window. “Damn, I can’t see from here. It sounded like a cannon.”
Another shot rang out and Elise spun around. “I bet we’re being attacked,” she said excitedly. “It’s time.”
Elise caught Brianna’s wide-eyed stare and laughed. “Don’t look so aghast. You know this has been my dream for months. With any luck, by nightfall I’ll be onboard the pirate’s ship and, if things continue my way, I’ll be debauched, lying in the captain’s bed and free from marriage.”
“You’re crazy, you know that,” Brianna said, a tremor in her voice. “Remember my brother writing about how violent pirates can be? And smelly? And ugly? You could wind up dead in the pirate’s bed.”
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