#MFRWauthor Mae Clair has been chasing myth, monsters and folklore through research and reading since she was a child. In 2013 and 2015, she journeyed to West Virginia to learn more about the legendary Mothman, a creature who factors into her latest release.
Mae pens tales of mystery and suspense with
a touch of romance. Married to her high school sweetheart, she lives in
Pennsylvania and numbers cats, history and exploring old graveyards among her
passions. Look for Mae on her website at
Where secrets make their home…
Genre Supernatural mystery/suspense
Publisher Kensingtonbooks

As a
sergeant in the sheriff’s office of the famously uncanny Point Pleasant,
Officer Ryan Flynn has learned to tolerate reports of puzzling paranormal
events. But single mom Katie Lynch
appears to be in very real danger—and somehow Ryan’s own brother, Caden, is
caught up in the madness, too. What the skeptical lawman discovers astounds
him—and sends him into action. For stopping whatever evil forces are at play
may just keep Katie and Caden alive….
Buy links Kensingtonbooks
of My Favorite Urban Legends/Myths
I’m delighted to be here today sharing
thirteen of my favorite urban legends and myths. My newest release, A COLD
TOMORROW is a mystery/suspense novel with a romantic subplot. The story is
based on the urban legend of the Mothman, UFOs, and mysterious “Men in Black.”
I’m a fan of urban legends and folklore in general, so sharing just thirteen
was hard to narrow down, but here goes:
1. The
Given I’ve done two years of research on
this winged cryptid, including visiting the area where he was sighted in
1966-67, of course he has to hold the number one position!
2. The
Lochness Monster
I’ve been fascinated by Nessie since I was
a kid. I honestly hope no one ever discovers she’s “real.” The mystery is far
more compelling.
3. The
Van Meter Monster
This gargoyle like creature haunted the
town of Van Meter, Iowa during the autumn of 1903. Most of the eyewitness
accounts were made by businesses men and other professionals who couldn’t
afford to be viewed as “crackpots,” thus lending credence to the sightings.
4. Jellyfish
of the Air
In 1953 William Reich and an assistant
raised an “orgone-charged” rod into the air in the hopes of attracting
invisible beings he believed co-existed in our in our dimension, but were
invisible to the naked eye. Within five seconds, a huge jellyfish-like creature
attached itself to the rod, becoming visible long enough for Leistig to capture
it in a photograph.
5. The
I love the name! This Pennsylvania creature
is reputed to be so hideous in appearance it spends its entire life sobbing and
will vanish in a pool of tears if captured.
6. The
Hopkinsville Goblins
Extraterrestrial visitors who descended on the
Sutton family farm in August of 1955, terrorizing the Suttons and their guest.
No evidence of a hoax was ever discovered, causing many to believe the events
an authentic UFO encounter.
7. Men
in Black
Mysterious men in black suits descended on
the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia in 1966-67 with the sole intention of
warning UFO witnesses not to talk about their encounters.
8. Scotland’s
Dog Suicide Bridge
Since the 1960s more than fifty dogs have
leapt to their death from the Overtoun Bridge in Scotland. Even stranger, all
the dogs jumped from the exact same spot, and each apparent “suicide” has
occurred on pleasant, sunny days.
9. Ley
It’s believed many of the old places of the
Earth resonate with power—hillforts, crossroads, standing stones and old funerary
paths among them. When these and other “ley markers” align in a geographical
pattern, they create a hypothetical link capable of releasing powerful energy.
10. Elephant Graveyards
Throughout the centuries, men have sought
these secret places, hoping to reap a fortune by harvesting the ivory tusks.
But elephants are wise, and know the locations must remain hidden.
11. The Snallygaster
Maryland’s half-bird/half reptile creature
was given enough credence in 1909 that Teddy Roosevelt almost canceled an
African Safari to hunt it.
12. Ghost
Often referred to as ‘foolish fire’ for the
propensity to lead night time travelers astray, these lights have various names
including will-o-wisps, elf light, fox fire, and spook lights among others.
They’ve always fascinated me!
13. The
Wild Hunt
A band of ghostly phantoms on spectral
steeds, this macabre host races across the night-blackened sky, surrounded by
undead hounds. The chilling sound of the Hunt’s horn strikes fear into the
hearts of all who hear it.
Wow, thirteen are gone so quickly! If you
would like to know more about any of the above, along with a host of other
legends and myths, visit my blog,From the Pen of Mae Clair,and use the category Mythical Monday.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the blurb
for A COLD TOMORROW, my newest release based on legend:
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Kensington Publishing