Oct 31, 2016

Book Spotlight: Unforgettable Lover #PNR by #MFRWauthor Rosalie Redd

Unforgettable Lover
by MFRW Author Rosalie Redd

The Betram ritual is a sexual rite for all unbonded Stiyaha of age. For Leonna, Betram offers a night free of her destiny to manage the family honey cart. Drawn to a formidable male whose tenderness burrows into her soul, she discovers his identity and loses her heart to a male she can never have.

Prince Nicholai must participate in the Betram ritual despite his fear of getting close to anyone. The intensity of his hunger for a certain honeyed female takes him by surprise, but as much as he longs to forget her, he can’t, for she’s unforgettable.

There she was. The female he’d commissioned to paint his portrait. She brushed a stroke of paint over her canvas, the movement sensual, beautiful. That she used her damaged hand was remarkable. Her thumb and index finger grasped the brush with ease. Mesmerized, he could gaze upon her face for not just hours, but days on end. As he walked past the other artists in the room, none caught his attention, not like this female.
Nicholai’s body responded as if he knew her, as if she was the one he’d been with during the Betram ritual. But she was not. As a qithan female, she wouldn’t have been allowed to participate. Then, why did he respond to her this way? He ground his teeth. The last time they’d talked, he’d failed to get her name. He would rectify that immediately.
Her back to him, she didn’t appear to notice his approach. He gazed upon her fine, blond hair. The stands fell down her back. The tips graced the top of her rounded behind. He had a sudden urge to get close, introduce himself by showing her what she did to him. That was inappropriate, but his beast liked the idea.
Not wanting to startle her, he stepped past her so that he’d be in her line of sight. She jumped anyway, and a drop of red paint from her brush landed on her cheek. The bright spot made her all the more delectable. She didn’t seem to notice.
Her eyes widened.
“Oh, you’re here.” She blushed a bright shade of pink that blended well with the dab of paint. He longed to wipe it away, but contained his desire.
“Yes, as promised.” He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lip. She brought that out in him. The smile overtook him and turned into a full grin.
If possible, her cheeks colored even darker shade of pink, and his chest expanded from the warmth she exuded.
“I have a fresh canvas.” She removed the painting she’d been working on and pulled a white board from her stack. “It’s brand new, and—”
“What’s your name?” A burning desire to know ate at him.
She bit her lip.
A warmth spread into his groin. He wanted to nibble her lip as well.
“Leonna.” The way her name rolled around on his tongue was like a gentle caress. So, he said her name again. “Leonna. What a beautiful name. I am Nicholai.”
“I know.” She stiffened. “I mean…I recognize you, Nicholai…you’re the prince. Everyone knows who you are.”

ABOUT Rosalie Redd
After finishing a rewarding career in finance and accounting, it was time for Rosalie to put away the spreadsheets and take out the word processor. She writes Fantasy/Science Fiction Romance inspired by classics from the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres layered with a good, hot dose of romance.

She lives in Oregon, where rain is just another excuse to keep writing. When not at her computer, you can find her at Jazzercise, waterfall collecting in the Pacific Northwest, or relaxing with her husband and their pesky cat, Snookums.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosaliereddauthor
Goodreads:   https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/34148783-rosalie-redd
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/rosalieredd/
Website:  http://www.rosalieredd.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/rosalieredd

Oct 28, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Spindrift Gifts @AideeLadnier

MFRW author Aidee Ladnier announces another book... Spindrift Gifts with MLR Press.

When his memories begin endangering his happily-ever after on Celos, Jimenez is forced to choose between forgetting his lover Teo, or accepting the sometimes painful gifts of Spindrift.

Scars and a tattoo may be the only physical reminders from his years as a slave, but when Jimenez suffers a setback in his medical treatment, the only option is a therapy that will wipe away all his memories of the past including his time with Teo. Teo, torn between supporting his lover's decisions and the good intentions of his family, sets out to teach Jimenez about Spindrift Gifts and how memories are celebrated on Celos even when they are painful.
"I had a blast reading this and look forward to seeing what other stories this author has out. I would definitely recommend it." --Pixie, MM Good Book Reviews

"...I sunk right into the story and became invested so easily. And just like before, Teo and Jimenez wormed their way into my heart, and I was anxiously awaiting the resolution." -- Kris, Joyfully Jay Reviews

Scars and a tattoo may be the only physical reminders from his years as a slave, but when Jimenez suffers a setback in his medical treatment, the only option is a therapy that will wipe away his all memories of the past including his time with Teo. Teo, torn between supporting his lover's decisions and the good intentions of his family, sets out to teach Jimenez about Spindrift Gifts and how memories are celebrated on Celos even when they are painful. Can Teo and Jimenez weather the storm to find their happily-ever-after on Celos?" "“Is it a memory box?”Teo set it on the table with a clack. “Same principle. It's our Spindrift gift for the rev. We each put a memory in one to add to the family collection. And then at the gala they all glow on the lighted tree.”“Tree? Do you grow trees on Celos?”Teo chuckled. “Not really. It's a light-painted representation of a tree, like one of those from old Earth. It's a family tree. Each branch holds the most important memories for the rev from that branch of the family.”“A shared memory?” Jimenez ran a finger along the smooth top of the tiny cube. It blushed a delicate pink at his touch.“No. It's personal, a gift, a painful or a pleasant one. One you share because it hurts, and you smooth the edges by giving it away, or one of your favorites you want others to experience. But you give one from the past rev.”Their conversation grew hushed. Teo attempted to lighten the mood. He grabbed the leftover paper from his package and folded it into the shape of a little boat. “I've been trying to think of one that would be suitable for family viewing.” He wiggled his eyebrows.Jimenez glared at him. “That's not the all we've done this rev.”He picked up the cube and activated it. Teo stared transfixed as Jimenez pulled it close to his mouth and breathed a puff of air over it, his fingers whitening at the tips as he remembered. Teo wondered which memory put that serene smile on his lover’s face, smoothing the furrows lining his brow. Was it onboard his ship in the Nothing? Or maybe one with Teo on Switchpoint?“What did you record? Can I see it?” He whispered, unwilling to break the spell of Jimenez's memory.Jimenez opened his eyes, and his fingers clutched the small cube. But he smiled at it like it held a secret.“I'm not sure this is one to give away. Do you have extra cubes?”
ABOUT Aidee Ladnier
Aidee began writing fiction at twelve years old but took a hiatus to be a magician’s assistant, ride in hot air balloons, produce independent movies, collect interesting shoes, and amass a secret file with the CIA. A lover of genre fiction, it has been a lifelong dream of Aidee's to write both romance and erotica with a little science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.

Website: http://www.aideeladnier.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aideelad
Google+: https://www.google.com/+AideeLadnier
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aideelad
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Saw1kr
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6570769.Aidee_Ladnier
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AideeLadnier
Tumblr: http://aideemoi.tumblr.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgWpL5IF28ACmXIMyzdshA

Oct 27, 2016

The Bowdancer Saga on #Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor @JanieFranz

MFRW AuthorJanie Franz comes from a long line of liars and storytellers. Retired from freelance journalism, Franz now writes fantasy, anthropology paranormal thrillers, and contemporary romances through MuseItUp Publishing.

Franz hosts seminars based on her self-help book: Standing Strong: Honoring the Unexpected Changes in Our Lives (Lessons along the Journey of Becoming a Woman of Power).

Previously, Franz ran an online music magazine, was a band agent/publicist, a radio announcer, a book reviewer, a yoga/relaxation instructor, a pet/housesitter, a music festival publicist, and a private chef.

She lives in Santa Fe, NM. When not writing, you’ll find her on a dance floor.

                                                    The Bowdancer Saga
Genre- Fantasy, GLBT
Publisher - MuseItUp Publishing 

 The Bowdancer series chronicles the life of Jan-nell, a young healer and keeper of tribal lore, who seeks belonging as she discovers a vast world outside of her village. The Bowdancer Saga presents her early years in that quest as she discovers rogues, bards, kings, beespinners, and muscular sword dancers with as much grace as the bowdancer herself, and many unusual beliefs and lifeways as she seeks to create family in some form.

Buy link Amazon

 My 13 Favorite Authors
1. J.K. Rowling (Do I need to say more?)
2. Stuart Clark (author of the Project U. L. F. series)
3. Joan Hess (author of the Maggody Mysteries)
4.C.S. Marks (author of the Elf Hunter series)
5. Agatha Christie (the grand dame of mystery)
6. Gregg Hurwitz (the Godfather of Thriller)
7. Teresa Reasor (Navy Seal Romance Thrillers)
8.Trace Conger (He writes incredible thrillers)
9.Marian Allen (She writes everything)
10. Dan Jolley (A master of fantasy)
11.Gil Hough (Writes great heroic characters)
12.Lynn Tincher (She writes strong women)

13. Kim Smith (she writes romance, fantasy, YA, everything)

You can stalk the author here:
Anasazi Dreams (blog where I host other writers)

Oct 25, 2016

SPOTLIGHT: A Too Convenient Marriage by #MFRWauthor Georgie Lee @GeorgieLeeBooks

A Too Convenient Marriage
by MFRW Author Georgie Lee

A secret carried down the aisle!

Late one night, Susanna Lambert, the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Rockland, bursts uninvited into a stranger's carriage, turning both their worlds upside down. Suddenly, fun-loving Justin Connor finds himself forced to consider marriage!

For Susanna, marrying Justin is a chance to finally escape her cruel stepmother and forget about the rake who ruined her. But as wedding bells begin to chime, Susanna discovers she's carrying a huge secret…one that could turn to dust all promises of happiness as Justin's wife!


"Lee continues to captivate. Book two in her Business of Marriage series is another great marriage of convenience. There’s tension, turmoil and drama on every page. Riveting."
-  4 Stars RT Book Reviews on A Too Convenient Marriage

EXCERPT: London—May 1818
'Marry you?' Helena Gammon sat back from Justin Connor, her ungloved hand stilling on his chest beneath his shirt. A horse snorted from somewhere outside his chaise where it sat parked in a long row of conveyances in front of Vauxhall Gardens.

'I'm quite serious. We get on well together, especially at night,' Justin murmured against the buxom little widow's neck. 'Soon, I'll have the resources to establish myself in the wine trade. I'll need a wife who can manage as well in my business as in my bed.'

She shifted out of his embrace and laid her hands in her lap as though they were at tea. 'There are other matters to consider.'

Her lack of enthusiasm wasn't how he'd imagined this proposal unfolding.

'Such as?' Justin leaned back against the squabs, sure he wasn't going to like what he was about to hear.

'You aren't likely to make a go of it.' She shrugged as though his failure was predetermined. 'Not after what happened with the last one.'

'The storm sank the ship.' And my business. He pulled his gaping shirt closed. He thought everyone understood that little fact. Apparently he was wrong. 'There was nothing I or anyone could have done to prevent it.'

Despite months of careful planning, researching, investing, hiring the most capable captain and the sturdiest ship, his first foray into business had dropped to the bottom of the English Channel, taking with it a considerable amount of his money. He hated ships.

'Even if you did manage to make a go of it, I'm tired of being some unpaid servant to my husband's ventures. I worked myself to the bone with Mr Gammon. Now I want to be free of such concerns.' She tugged her bodice up higher over her ample breasts. 'Mr Preston asked me to marry him this morning and I accepted.'

'You did what?' He hadn't realised the old furrier was sniffing around the widow, much less falling on his knees in front of her in infatuation.

'He's rich and has people to take care of his business for him.'

'He's well over sixty and not likely to keep you amused in the evenings.'

'That's why I'm here.' She laid her hand over the open flap of his breeches. 'I thought we could continue.'

He caught her fingers. 'After a year, you should know I won't dally with another man's wife, or help a woman break her marriage vows.'

She pulled back her hand. 'When did you become so serious about anything except Mr Rathbone's business?'

'I tend to be serious when there's the possibility of violence,' Justin growled, seeing Helena's true colours for the first time and despising them. He'd thought their convenient arrangement was based on some measure of respect and affability. He'd been mistaken.

ABOUT Georgie Lee
A lifelong history buff, Georgie Lee hasn't given up hope that she will one day inherit a title and a manor house. Until then, she fulfills her dreams of lords, ladies and a season in London through romantic fiction. Her Regency romances have won first place in the ACRA Heart of Excellence Contest and the OKRWA International Digital Awards.

When not writing, she can be found reading non-fiction history or watching any movie with a costume and an accent. To learn more about Georgie Lee and her books, please visit www.georgie-lee.com.


Oct 24, 2016

Book Spotlight: Letterbox Love Stories #Anthology @WRWWorldRomance #MFRWauthors

Letterbox Love Stories
Mainstream (PG13) Contemporary, Historical, Sci-Fi/Futuristic
World Romance Writers

What if a life-changing letter arrived in today's mail? Now imagine it leads to love and adventure!
From the northern British Isles, across the mainland of Europe, and on to Turkey, nine international romance writers share spellbinding love stories told across time. And each begins with a letter...

This collection includes contemporary and historical romance, futuristic time travel romance, and romance touched by magic by Award-winning and Multi-published Authors: Rose Anderson, Denyse Bridger, Lynn Crain, Helena Fairfax, Gemma Juliana, Marie Laval, Cara Marsi, Lindsay Townsend, and Jenny Twist.

MORE THAN WISHES by Rose Anderson
Raised on a sailor’s tales of adventure and eager for her own, Stella Cunningham answers an advertisement for a traveling companion to the Orient. There she purchases an ancient bronze lamp with a secret. In the land of flying carpets and genies, Stella is about to have the adventure of a lifetime.
ALL OR NOTHING by Denysé Bridger
Casino Coranthos is a playground for wealthy, bored people, but for some, it’s also a place where dreams and promises change lives forever. When a letter becomes part of an unexpected inheritance for Ryann Thomson, her aunt’s past brings her face to face with Ariston Katsaros, a man haunted by loss and driven by anger. As the attraction between them sizzles and grows, can Ryann convince him she isn’t looking to rob him or his father of anything, or will she become a casualty of Ari’s vengeance? In this dangerous game of all or nothing, her heart is at stake as well as her future happiness…
In 2084, time travelling detective, Tandi Reynolds, tipped off by a letter, needs to stop an assassin before he kills a newly elected leader. When she finds him in 1874, Vienna, it’s clear a cold blooded killer is only one of her problems. Time is fleeting, so falling in love with her contact, the charismatic Count Leopold Radetzky von Radetz, is a bad idea, but keeping her feelings in check is not easy when she relies on him for her every need.
COME DATE ME IN PARIS by Helena Fairfax
When Alice receives a letter telling her she's won a place on a TV blind date show, she should be excited - only trouble is, the show involves cooking for your date...and Alice can't cook. Forced to throw herself on the mercy of her chef neighbour, Edmond, Alice asks him for lessons. But will she be cooking up a romance...or cooking up disaster?

Plus more from authors Gemma Juliana, Marie Laval, Cara Marsi, Lindsay Townsend, and Jenny Twist.
Website: https://WordRomanceWriters.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldRomanceWriters/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WRWWorldRomance
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/denysebridger/world-romance-writers/

Oct 23, 2016

Where Story Ideas Come From with #MFRWauthor Linda Hoover

MFRW Author Linda Hoover shares where her story ideas come from.
Linda Hoover lives in west-central Ohio with her husband, daughter, son, grandson, and a cat who thinks he owns the house. Linda earned a degree in psychology at Anderson University where she learned the voices in her head were actually characters from stories waiting to be told.

By day, Linda works as a library assistant at a branch of the county’s public library system where two of her duties include choosing books for the young adult and Christian fiction areas. As a result, she has a very long “To Read” list. In her spare time she writes the stories her voices tell her.

My story ideas come from my surroundings.
I look at a landscape arch and wonder, "What if it's a portal to another world?"
Or pass someone on the highway and think about what it might be like to be them.
I find myself constructing a life for many of the people I see. I guess that makes me naturally creative. I like writing romantic elements into my stories because it's fun to watch the hero and heroine work out their differences along the way to a happy ending.
My personality definitely shows up in my writing. I like snark and humor and try to include both.

Mountain Prophecy is set in 1918, but the problems could be in any time period. Intolerance, suspicion and holding grudges get in the way of solving problems. Dusty, Darla and Aidan each have life changing goals. The question is, will they see beyond the negative attitudes around them and realize they need to work together?
The idea for Mountain Prophecy came from a short story I wrote for a writing class I took several years ago. I kept revisiting it, expanding the story and allowing the characters to come to life. Eventually I could see I had no choice but to turn it into a novel.
I hope readers will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Mountain Prophecy
Young Adult, Historical, Inspirational
by Linda A Hoover

For the three family groups living in the Appalachian valley superstition, intolerance and suspicion rule the day. Dusty and Darla deal with it every year when they visit their relatives, but this summer is different. Young women have disappeared into an abandoned mine and the people believe they might have been enchanted by trolls looking for brides. The teen twins find themselves at odds over what to do about it. Aidan, who will soon be leader of the group of people living in the cavern at the end of the mine tunnel, knows exactly what needs to happen, and Darla is key. Darla believes God has called her to help whoever lives in the mine, but by doing so will she be savior or sacrifice?

https://www.LindaHooverBooks.com  |  https://www.Facebook.com/LindaHooverAuthor

Oct 21, 2016

#Historical Romance Book Spotlight: Caroline and the Captain @Maggi_Andersen #MFRWauthor

Caroline and the Captain
Historical Romance

Captain Nicholas Bonham of Wellington’s Peninsular Regiment, the 52nd Light Infantry, returns from fighting the Napoleonic wars to see his brother laid to rest. A skilled rider, George’s death remains a mystery, as does the parlous state of his finances. Debenham Park must be sold unless Nicholas can find a swift solution.

George’s former fiancée, Miss Caroline Mirringham, harbors a secret. She has trusted no man except her father and George, and now considers her future to be a desolate one. When her father proposes that Caroline marry Nicholas, she is filled with dread. The captain is nothing like his amiable brother. He looks altogether too strong and harsh. He would demand far more from her than she could give.

Freedom. That’s all Lady Honor Baxendale wants—for her sisters and for herself. Honor has a bold plan to become financially independent, using a skill she learned at her father’s knee. She seeks the help of a solicitor and is pleased with her choice…as long as she can resist the solicitor himself.
"With a glance at the overcast sky, Nicholas stood with her on the bank before an expanse of rippling grey water, observing the water birds swimming and diving into the murky depths. The breeze smelled of mud and rotting vegetation. Why were they here? If they were to tackle this apparently thorny subject, they could have done it in relative comfort in the drawing room.
He grew annoyed. Something must be done to stir this difficult lady into revealing more of herself. He cleared his throat.
Without warning, the skies opened. In a few minutes, they’d be drenched to the skin.
“Come this way,” Miss Mirrington called, a blurred figure in the misty rain, running ahead of him. Farther along the shore, a marble columned gazebo offered some shelter. She was quite fleet of foot, picking up her skirts and showing a good deal of slim calf, her bonnet dangling by its ribbon. Wishing himself elsewhere, Nicholas loped along beside her.
They ducked into the shelter of the arched roof, and stood gazing at each other. Nicholas took out his handkerchief and offered the cambric square to her.
She declined his offer with a shake of her head, pushing back a wet lock of hair and settling her bonnet on her head, the soggy daisies adorning it now drooping sadly.
Nicholas wiped the rain from his face, congratulating himself on his remarkable restraint in resisting the temptation to say he told her so. He should be angered by this ridiculous display of bad manners, but was distracted by the thin muslin of her gown clinging to her body, exposing the jutting shape of her full breasts. His gaze roamed to where the damp dress pressed against her slim thighs outlining an enticing curve at the base of her stomach. His body tightened and he looked away disconcerted. With all that had happened, he hadn’t even thought about sex for far too long.
“You’ll catch cold.” Unsettled by his inappropriate thoughts, he shrugged out of his coat and placed it around her shoulders, wondering if she’d reject this gesture also.
“Thank you.” She was so slender she almost wrapped his coat around herself twice. He regretted losing that beguiling view.
“I suppose you know why I’ve come,” he said, determined to get to the point before they both came down with pneumonia.
Her damp, dark-blonde hair framed a heart-shaped face, and a pair of intelligent grey eyes studied him. “Father did mention it.”
“Then we should talk about it, don’t you think?”
“I expect so,” she said without a shred of enthusiasm.
“First, there is something I need to ask you,” Nicholas said.

Maggi Andersen lives with her husband, a retired lawyer, in a quaint old town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia. She has a BA in English and an MA in Creative Writing.
When not creating stories, Maggi reads, enjoys her garden, the theater and movies. She supports the local wildlife, the IFAW and the RSPCA. Her kookaburras (Australian Kingfishers) prefer to be hand fed.

An Amazon No. 1 bestselling Regency author, Maggi has published over 25 novels and novellas of different genres from historical romances, mysteries, romantic suspense and young adult novels. She has been nominated for the RONE Award 3 times and the BTS Red Carpet Book Review Awards. She's been a finalist in the Emerald Pro Award. Her first novel was a semi finalist in the Amazon/Penguin Breakthrough novel award.

Amazon Author Page. http://amzn.to/1rXRweP
Blog: http://www.maggiandersen.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maggiandersenauthor/
Website: http://www.maggiandersenauthor.com
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1TApe0A
Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/maggiandersen/

Oct 20, 2016

The Renegade Wife #CaroWarfield comes visiting on @MFRWorg #Thursday13

MFRW award winning author Caroline Warfield has been many things: traveler, librarian, poet, raiser of children, bird watcher, Internet and Web services manager, conference speaker, indexer, tech writer, genealogist—even a nun. She reckons she is on at least her third act, happily working in an office surrounded by windows while she lets her characters lead her to adventures in England and the far-flung corners of the British Empire. She nudges them to explore the riskiest territory of all, the human heart.

The Renegade Wife, Children of Empire  
Book 1

Genre: Historical 
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing 

Reclusive Rand Wheatly finds contentment in his remote cabin in Upper Canada, intent on making his fortune in timber, until his precious solitude is disrupted by a woman running from an ugly past. He quickly realizes she isn't what she claims, but now she's on the run again and time is running out for him to save her.

Buy link:   Amazon

13 Favorite Book Characters

1. Crawford of Lymond, The Game of Kings
2. Amelia Peabody, Crocodile on a Sandbank.
3. Jo March, Little Women
4. Sebastian St. Cyr, What Angels Fear
5. Marcus Didius Falco, The Silver Pigs
6. Wulfric Bedwyn, Slightly Dangerous
7. Jane Eyre
8. Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird
9. Gaius Petreius Ruso, Medicus
10. Anne Elliot, Persuasion
11. Mma Ramotswe, The Number 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
12. King Arthur, any book I find him in
13. Gaius Petronius, Que Vadis

Find more about Caroline here:


Oct 17, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: Maverick Meets His Match @AnneCarrole #KindleUnlimited

The Maverick Meets His Match
Hearts of Wyoming Book 2
Contemporary Western Romance
Kindle Press

Rodeos, wedding bells, and one crazy will!

When Mandy Prescott’s grandfather dies, this determined cowgirl expects to head up the family’s stock rodeo company. But JM Prescott’s last will and testament not only gives that honor to Ty Martin, a man who broke Mandy’s heart a decade ago, it contains a crazy provision: to wrest back control, she must agree to marry Ty Martin for a period of six months. Mandy has three days to decide—marry a man she doesn’t trust but is still attracted to, or risk her company being sold. Risking her company is one thing. Risking her heart is another

She wants her company back and him to disappear. He wants her…for a while at least.
She fears she’s risking her heart; He fears he’s playing with fire.
Are they ready to gamble on their future?

Mandy Prescott misstepped on the tan carpet of the law office’s hallway almost causing her to stumble. Ty Martin stood in the conference room doorway, looking like he’d strode out of an Old West wanted poster, given his six-foot height, the stubble shadowing his firm jaw, and the black suit jacket outlining his broad shoulders. Dark eyes peered at her from under the brim of a Stetson pulled low enough for the back of his ebony-colored hair to feather the crisp white collar of his shirt. Neater than an outlaw, maybe, but no less threatening.
 “I didn’t know Ty would be here, did you, Mandy?” her mother whispered, leaning closer as they walked and bringing a whiff of Chanel No. 5 with her movement.
Her heart pounded hard against her ribs, like it wanted out.
Brian Solomon, the family attorney, had said only the main beneficiaries of her grandfather’s will would be in attendance. To her that had meant family. But there was Ty, leaning against the doorjamb with arms crossed and an annoying smile gracing a face she’d once found attractive.
Devils were always tempting. 
Anne Carrole writes about men who have grit and integrity and the women who love them. She’s an eastern girl with a western heart who was raised on a farm (yes, they have them in the east) with horses, dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits and whatever other animals she could convince her parents to shelter. Besides a good book, she loves gardening, history, tennis, and watching football. Married to her own suburban cowboy she’s also the proud mother of a twenty-something cowgirl.

Website: http://www.annecarrole.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annecarrole
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnneCarrole
Blog: http://annecarrole.blogspot.com

Oct 16, 2016

#KindleUnlimited Book Spotlight: The Bride Tournament @RuthKaufman #MFRWauthor

The Bride Tournament
by Ruth J. Kaufman

The ""Gone with the Wind"" love triangle meets ""The Bachelor"" in late medieval England.
The king wants Lady Eleanor de la Tour to marry the new earl, but she wants to marry her betrothed.
Richard Courtenay needs to uncover her father’s alchemy secrets and vows to win her even as she arranges a bride tournament to find him a better, and willing, bride. Can they attain what they most desire?

[A]n intriguing and enjoyable story. Kaufman writes well-developed and sympathetic characters with clear motivations. The Bride Tournament is a page-turner of a historical romance that will have readers rooting for a happy ending.  --RT Book Reviews

Do you like historical romances that are full of twists and turns? This is the book for you if you do. ... Had to read this through from beginning to end in one setting. --5 Star Amazon Review
EXCERPT“You’re scaring me.” Eleanor couldn’t keep her voice from trembling.
“You’ll think me the bearer of bad tidings, daughter,” he said. “But ‘tis for the best. You cannot marry Arthur. Not now. Not ever.”
The room tilted. Her empty stomach threatened to rebel. “Why? We’ve pledged our troth, which is akin to marriage.”
Lack of sympathy in her father’s light brown eyes brought tears to her own. “Arthur staunchly supported the old king, Henry. He has been attainted by the new king, Edward. That means—”
“It means he has lost his title.” Eleanor dropped onto a bench, glad for the stone wall to support her back. “His lands are forfeit. There’ll be nothing for any children to inherit.” She jumped to her feet in horror. “He could be executed.”
 “His life will be spared. But King Edward has given Arthur’s titles and estates to another,” her father said. “There’s a new earl of Glasmere.”
“This changes nothing.” Eleanor swallowed against the bitter taste in her mouth. Hope filled her. “Edward himself was attainted several years ago. If God’s anointed can rise so high from such a fall, surely Arthur can be made an earl again. We shall get the bill reversed.”
Her father pressed his lips together, as if biting back more bad news. “What will be is for the best.”
“I must go to him.”
He caught her arm. “Eleanor, stay. You’ll not marry Arthur today.”
“If not today, then soon.” No matter what her father said. Eleanor closed her eyes and imagined all was as she’d planned. She would make it so.
She lifted her chin, determined to behave as the lady she was raised to be. No one would see how the news of Arthur’s attainder or delay of their wedding affected her. “We must tell the guests the wedding has been postponed and send them away.”
“No. They shall remain,” her father replied. “Because you will marry today. You are bound by contract to wed the Earl of Glasmere. So you shall.”
She sucked in a breath. “I am betrothed to Arthur.”
“You were. King Edward asked the archbishop to annul your betrothal and procured a dispensation for the banns. You must wed the new earl instead.”

Ruth Kaufman is a Chicago Amazon bestselling author, on-camera and voiceover talent, freelance editor and speaker with a J.D. who enjoys chocolate peanut butter milkshakes and singing in a symphony chorus.

THE BRIDE TOURNAMENT, the third standalone book in her Wars of the Roses Brides series, joins AT HIS COMMAND and FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Writing accolades include Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® winner and runner up in RT Book Reviews’ national American Title II contest. 

Website www.ruthkaufman.com
Blog http://www.rjkaufman.blogspot.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/RuthKaufman
Facebook Ruth Kaufman Author & Actress https://www.facebook.com/ruthtalks
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7454412.Ruth_Kaufman
Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/Ruth-Kaufman/e/B00JH7Z40S

Oct 14, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Wayward Soul @GlennMaynard64 #MFRWauthor

Wayward Soul, book two in the Desert Son series
Paranormal Romance
Black Rose Writing

When Carter and Brenda visit a psychic, their reading turns tragic as the psychic runs into the street. Their fate is sealed in a coma and they must reach the psychic in the spirit world as they dodge deadly complications in an attempt for answers.

This eerie sequel to Desert Son takes place four years after Carter and Brenda discover that they are a couple reunited beyond the grave. They must pursue the psychic’s message before she dies and takes the reading with her. The spirit of the deceased homeowner returns to haunt them and Carter and Brenda must block him from their world and try to prevent him from tampering with the comatose psychic.

The spirit world becomes intertwined with their own world once again as they attempt to tap into these secrets to uncover disturbing truths about their fate in this paranormal roller coaster will shake your soul.
REVIEW - Marisa Slusarcyk – Hide the Matches 
 Wayward Soul was an amazing read that literally had me glued to it from the first page. It is a stand-alone sequel to Desert Son, meaning that while it is a continuation, you don't need to read Desert Son in order to feel like you have the whole picture. This story is amazing as it deals with love, life, loss, murder, psycho's, reincarnation and OBE (out of body experiences) as well as out of body travel. Sounds like a lot but Maynard has done a wonderful job of explaining things enough to give you goosebumps while not bogging you down with more than the story needs. Not a single boring sentence in this book which is ridiculously hard to come by! If you have ever had vivid dreams and woke up only to think about how real it felt then this book is for you. Without spoiling it, I will say that the twist at the end is enough to raise goosebumps and leave you longing for more. 
When Carter and Brenda ran to the front door, they saw Angie lying in the middle of the street like a limp ragdoll. Brenda put her hands on top of her head and screamed. Carter ran past her and out into the street to Angie’s body, and Brenda soon appeared by
his side. She grabbed Angie’s wrist and checked for a pulse.
“Nothing!” she screamed.
 “Maybe you’ll have better luck.” She jumped up to get out of his way, waving her hand
quickly so that Carter would hurry.
“I’ve never done this before,” Carter said. “I’ve never had to. I don’t know what to look for!”
Carter watched as Brenda bolted to the next house, pounding on the door to get help. The smell of brakes permeated the air.
“Call 911,” she demanded as the door opened. “There’s been an accident and we need an ambulance right away!”
Carter’s world slowed to a crawl as society’s noise followed suit. Slow motion ensued as Carter watched Angie’s spirit drift skyward, looking down on Carter, who could only watch her life slipping away on a thin string. There was nothing that he could do, but he was familiar with this territory. Up and away she drifted.
Carter noticed that the movement was intermittent, as if there was something pulling her from a direct and impactful ascent from what seemed to be an untimely death.
Carter looked up at Angie and felt a connection. It seemed to
him that he had a similar flight path, and could relate to her. He
knew that she took with her a message that he and Brenda so
desperately needed. That look on her face had twisted even her
wrinkles. She had been holding their hands and must have sensed
something terrible. Was it a message for them? Why did she only look at
Brenda when she went into convulsions? Do they now have to live life
looking over their shoulders?
Brenda returned to Carter, who was kneeling next to the body
of Angie and intently peering up at her spirit. “What’s going on
here, Carter? What do you see?”
Carter did not answer right away, but he did hear Brenda. He was mesmerized, yet blown away that he could see Angie, trapped in an out-of-body experience. He believed that because he had lived through an out-of-body experience himself, he could now
become part of others. 
ABOUT Glenn Maynard
Glenn is the author of “Strapped Into An American Dream” which details his one-year journey through the 48 continental states, Canada and Mexico in an RV. He was a travel correspondent for three newspapers during his travels. He is also the author of “Desert Son”, which is a fiction book that involves out-of-body experiences, past-life-regression hypnosis, and reincarnation, and the sequel, Wayward Soul. He is currently working on book three of this trilogy.


Oct 13, 2016

Chasing the Wild Wild Ghost on #Thursday13 with @MargoBondCollins #MFRWauthor

#MFRWauthor Margo Bond Collins is addicted to coffee and SF/F television, especially Supernatural (maybe because of those Winchesters). She writes paranormal and contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal mystery. She lives in Texas with her daughter and several spoiled pets. Although she teaches college-level English courses online, writing fiction is her first love. She enjoys reading urban fantasy and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about heroes, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and the women who love (and sometimes fight) them.

                                               Wild Wild Ghost

Genre - Western Paranormal Romance 
Publisher - Bathory Gate Press 

With everyone she loves in the grave, Ruby specializes in the dead. Trip wants to bring her back to the land of the living.

When Ruby Silver traded in her demon-hunting rifle for a Tremayne Agency badge, she didn't want another partner—losing the last one was too traumatic. But when a new case in the Texas Hill Country pairs her up with the slow-talking, fast-drawing Trip Austin, it will take all their combined skills to combat a plague of poltergeists, and maybe more, in this German-settled town.

 Buy link: Amazon

Thirteen Favorite Mashups

Wild Wild Ghost is a bit of a mashup of a western and a paranormal romance. Here are some of my favorite mashups, western and otherwise:

1. Wynonna Earp (western urban fantasy television series and comic)
2. Wild, Wild West (steampunk western televisions series and movie)
3. Westworld (sci-fi western movie and new HBO series)
4. Erin Hayes' HOW THE GHOST WAS WON (western paranormal romance novel)
5. Blaire Edens' A GHOSTLY WAGER (western paranormal romance novel)
6. Rebecca Hamilton's ORIGIN (dystopian paranormal romance novel)
7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (teen angst with vampires television series)
8. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (sci-fi-horror-comedy-musical movie)
9. Grimm (fairy tale police procedural television series)
10. Sleepy Hollow (classic American literature urban fantasy television series)
11. Marissa Meyer's LUNAR CHRONICLES (sci-fi fairy tales)
12. Outland (sci-fi western movie)
13. Bladerunner (dystopian sci-fi crime thriller movie)


Oct 10, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Sweet Dreams, Miss England @_iris_b Iris Blobel #MFRWauthor

Iris Blobel announces the release of Sweet Dreams, Miss England, a Contemporary Romance, on October 3, 2016.

Sometimes we meet people but not to share the rest of our lives with them, but merely for them to guide us onto a different path.

Set in London and Dublin we follow the life of Beth, a young mother of two who is married to Shane, an actor whose work requires him to be in Los Angeles. When Beth meets Daniel, a fun-loving, spontaneous man from Ireland, she realises how much joy and passion are missing from her marriage, and consequently her life. Beth is torn between her marriage to Shane and her love for this Irish charmer.

  • Author Iris Blobel walks a fine line between romance and women's fiction, and this tale of love, loss, and growth touches both sides of that fence.
  • A pleasant story that I recommend with a cup of tea!

ABOUT Author Iris Blobel
Iris Blobel was born and raised in Germany and only immigrated to Australia in the late 1990s. Having had the travel bug most of her life, Iris spent quite some time living in Scotland, London as well as Canada where she met her husband. Her love for putting her stories onto paper has only emerged recently, but now her laptop is a constant companion. Iris resides west of Melbourne with her husband and her two beautiful daughters. Next to her job at a private school, she also presents a German Program at the local Community Radio.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrisBlobel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_iris_b
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4067254.Iris_Blobel
Instagram: https:/www.instagram.com/iris_blobel/
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bQ68rL

Oct 6, 2016

Till Life Do Us Part, let's enjoy#Thursday13 with @Carmen Stefanescu

#MFRWauthor Carmen Stefanescu resides in Romania, the native country of the infamous vampire Count Dracula.  
High school teacher of English and German in her native country, and mother of two daughters, Carmen Stefanescu survived the grim years of communist oppression, by escaping in a parallel world, that of the books.
Several of her poems were successfully published in a collection of Contemporary English Poems, Muse Whispers vol.1 and Muse Whispers vol.2 by Midnight Edition Publication, in 2001 and 2002.
 Her first novel, Shadows of the Past, was released in 2012 by Wild Child Publishing, USA.
            Till Life Do Us Part

 Genre: Paranormal. mystery, romantic suspense
  Publisher: Solstice Publishing

Buy linkAmazon.com

Barbara Heyer can hear voices of dead people. They whisper of their deaths, seek comfort for those left behind, and occasionally even warn her about future events. But when Barbara’s brother, Colin, is accused of murder, it will take more than her gift to prove his innocence.
Becoming smitten with the handsome investigator, Detective Patrick Fischer, is a serious complication given his assignment to her brother’s case. Barbara senses there is something far deeper—and perhaps much older—than the surface attraction between them. Could that be why she’s visited by a mysterious woman named Emma in her dreams? Could past life regression tie all the seemingly unconnected events together?
Barbara and Patrick must overcome heartache to find the truth to save Colin, and perhaps themselves.
A video teaser of the book

Thirteen songs Carmen enjoys:
(press click on the titles to watch the video and listen to the song)

                                   Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
                      Unchained Melody ('Ghost' Soundtrack) - Righteous Brothers
                     Where the Wild Roses Grow - Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue
                                           Delilah - Tom Jones
                                     One Way Ticket - Eruption
                                Romanian Folklore Entities - MARIA LATARETU    from my country
You can stalk the author here:

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