May 29, 2016

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Word of Honor @LaurenLinwood #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Lauren Linwood released Word of Honor, Book #1 in the Knights of Valor
Merryn Mantel and Geoffrey de Montfort have loved each other since childhood. Once betrothed, Geoffrey leaves for the wars in France for five long years. Upon his return, the two marry and spend one blissful night consummating their love and making plans for their future.

But her new husband vanishes the next day without a trace. Merryn grieves for almost seven years—and then Geoffrey returns to her—changed from the boy and man she knew and worshiped. This stranger refuses to reveal where he has been and why he stayed away for so long.

Will her husband’s silence create a rift too large to heal, or can Merryn and Geoffrey recapture the love they once shared?

As Merryn started to nudge Destiny on, she heard hoof beats approaching in the distance. A rider topped the hill and stopped. She watched as his head turned to drink in the view.
Her heart sang as she kicked her heels. Destiny took off like the wind, bringing her closer to her beloved.
She heard his call and watched him gallop toward her. Her heart beat fast. Would he be the same? Would he still care for her? She’d loved him since she was a child. She knew that love had been returned before he left for the wars in France. The one, chaste kiss they’d shared had been her sweetest memory these past five years.
They reached one another. He leapt from his saddle as she dropped her reins. Before she could dismount, he grabbed her waist and pulled her from her horse.
His mouth crashed down on hers. In hunger. In longing. In need. Merryn gave up to his kisses willingly. She wrapped her arms about his neck. He parted her lips and plunged in, his tongue mating with hers, his mouth dominating her, his arms tightening about her.
She felt her knees weakening as he left her breathless. Suddenly, he swept her off her feet. His mouth never left hers as he twirled round and round. She grew dizzy.
So must he, for he slowed and set her back on her feet. He broke the kiss and gazed at her so lovingly, she knew nothing had changed.
Except it had.
Her entire body now vibrated, humming with tension. His kisses had awakened a sleeping giant within her. She’d watched animals mating in the woods. She was ready to do the same. Desire for him flooded her.
“I thought you’d never come home,” she said breathlessly.
“I thought I’d never be home.” He laughed. “But here I am.” He pulled her close. Her breasts pressed against his broad chest. They seemed so sensitive beneath her smock and kirtle.
They stayed in an embrace some minutes, happy in their very nearness. Finally, Geoffrey pulled away.
“I am home for good, my love.”
ABOUT Lauren Linwood
Lauren’s historical romances use history as a backdrop to place her characters in extraordinary circumstances, where their intense desire for one another grows into the treasured gift of love. Her romantic suspense novels feature strong heroes and heroines who unite to defeat a clever antagonist and discover a deep, abiding love during their journey.

A native Texan, Lauren is an avid reader, moviegoer, and sports fan who manages stress by alternating yoga with long walks. She plans to start a support group for Fixer Upper addicts—as soon as she finishes her next piece of dark chocolate.

Amazon Author Page:
Goodreads Author Page:

May 26, 2016

On #Thursday13 learn all about Ghost Walking from #MFRWauthor Ally Shields

#MFRWauthor Ally Shields teaches us Ghost Walking

Ally Shields is a Midwestern writer with a love for mystery and the paranormal. Following a career in law and juvenile justice, she took up full-time writing in 2009. In 2012 her first paranormal was published, and she has two completed urban fantasy series. Ally loves to travel and includes many of those settings in her novels. Readers are welcome—and encouraged—to contact her through her website or track her down on Twitter (@ShieldsAlly).
                    Ghost Walking 

(A Maggie York Paranormal Mystery Book One)
Genre Paranormal/Suspense
Publisher  Etopia Press

New Orleans' homicide cop Maggie York is at the top of her game until a sniper's bullet changes everything. She flatlines, comes back. But not quite the same. She sees and hears things...ghostly things.
Six months later the voices have faded but Maggie's still on medical leave from alleged PTSD. If only. Frustrated, she sets out to track down her shooter, but things get complicated...a ghost wants his own murder solved, and sexy homicide cop, Josh Brandt—her replacement—wants her to butt out of his case.

Unraveling her case draws them down twisted but intersecting paths…and Josh grows wary of how the attractive redhead is staying one step ahead of him. Despite mutual suspicions they continue to track the killer…knowing failure may cost Maggie her life.

  Buy Link Amazon

Since my heroine Maggie York is haunted by ghosts of murder victims, it seemed fitting for her to help me compose a list of thirteen famous ghosts. Here's the group we chose, in no particular order.
1. The Hitchhiking Ghost is a very young girl who appears at the side of a dark road, claiming she's lost and needs a ride home. When rescuers arrive at her address, the girl in the backseat has vanished and occupants of the house report having a daughter who died years before.
2. The Ghost of Christmas Past (A Christmas Carole), a rather harsh dose of truth.
3. Man in Gray, an English aristocrat who haunts Drury Lane in London. Stay out of his way...he carries a sword.
4. King Hamlet is probably the best known of Shakespeare's many ghosts.
5. The Bell Witch (Kate Batts). In Ghost Walking, Maggie York's relatives warn her to avoid ghosts like this notorious, vengeful spirit haunting a Tennessee farm family since 1817.
6. (tied) Slimer, the green ghost from Ghostbusters movies; Casper, The Friendly Ghost from comic books and movies.
7. Anne Boleyn, whose headless spirit haunts the Tower of London where she was executed.
8. Bloody Mary is reputed to have murdered her own children. If you want to see her, repeat her name three times while standing in front of the mirror in a darkened bathroom.
9. Elvis, who hangs around Graceland reportedly hiding from his overzealous fans.
10. The Brown Lady was photographed in 1936 on the stairs of Raynham Hall, Norfolk, England. Lady Dorothy had been confined there by her brutal husband until her death.

And for the last three, we selected some of the White House ghosts, those former inhabitants who have refused to leave.

11. Abraham Lincoln has appeared so often since his death he has earned the title of The White House Ghost. Most reported sightings occur in the Lincoln Bedroom and the Yellow Oval Room.
12. Dolley Madison originally planted the Rose Garden. When attempts were made to change it, she appeared and protects it to this day.
13. Abigail Adams hung laundry in the East Room. Recent staff have reported smelling wet laundry and her scent of lavender.

Watch a short teaser  of the book:


You can find out more about the author here:

May 22, 2016

Book Spotlight: Knights of Stone @LisaCBooks #MFRWauthor

MFRW author Lisa Carlisle released Knights of Stone: Mason, an Erotic Paranormal
After a bloody and divisive battle twenty-five years ago, the inhabitants of the Isle of Stone—namely, gargoyles, tree witches, and wolf shifters—have lived apart, divided by borders none are permitted to cross. But when Kayla, a tree witch, hears about the unconventional rock concerts that are the talk of gargoyle territory, she sneaks away from her coven to see for herself. Night after night, she returns, not just for the music, but for one particular gargoyle who shifts into human form to play guitar at these avant-garde shows.
Her attention has not gone unnoticed. For several nights, Mason has kept watch for the pixie-like female. He plans to seduce her, unaware that she’s not just a visitor from another island. But when he discovers she’s one of the tree witches, he knows that no matter how strong the temptation, anything between them would be forbidden.
Despite the obstacles that should keep them apart, Kayla and Mason can’t resist their dark attraction and meet in secret, but other elements on the isle command their attention. The magical cloak created by the three clans on the island is thinning, leading to repercussions for all. Kayla and Mason are soon caught in the middle of it, and their actions may change the fate of the isle forever.

“Kayla and Mason fall in love despite their differences, despite being different. It is a new way of telling Romeo and Juliet. You cannot be with them because of something their ancestors did, and the kids saying I do not care about that, I want to be with them regardless. A lesson many of us need to learn. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting something a little different from their normal.” ~ 5* from Books and Beyond Fifty Shades

“I love a paranormal book that has multiple beings, in this book there are Gargoyles, witches and  wolf shifters. The plot has twists and turns taking you through such a unique and mysterious world… Great story, great characters… Very unique!”  ~ Up All Night, Read All Day Book Reviews

Murmurs of astonishment burst from the crowd as the transformation began. Their cries of fervor grew louder as the monstrous statues transformed into taller, slimmer figures with the bronzed skin of warriors who battled under the midday sun. The tartan fabric fell over their thighs as they stood erect, covering their nudity.
Kayla barely blinked, mesmerized as always, as the statue before her stood to full height, taking on the form of a human male, but with beautiful raven wings. Hair just as black snaked rebelliously past his chin. The stony eyes flickered with animation, turning to a mossy green. His deep gaze seared the audience, seeming to burn anything in the path. When he found Kayla, he stopped. His expression was unreadable, but the intensity in his unblinking eyes made her swallow. She froze under the scrutiny as if hypnotized, unable to break eye contact. Her stomach lurched, heart pounded, and every muscle in her body tightened, fueled with blood now scorching through her veins. His penetrating appraisal affected her so. When his eyes took on a smoldering glint, her skin tingled and a red-hot awareness grew between her thighs.
He broke the stare and continued to assess the audience. She gasped, not realizing she had been holding her breath, and panted while she tried to breathe at a normal rate.
He turned on robust legs and strode to a guitar stand. She tore her eyes from him to note the other gargoyles. They, too, had shifted into the form of striking males. One had black hair draped further down his back, one had long blond hair, and two had reddish-brown hair—one wavy and shaggy, the other straight. They took their place at other instruments. She sought the guitarist again and caught the first sound of the pick striking the strings. On hearing the guitar projected through the amp, the crowd roared again, pressing Kayla forward.
The freak show was about to begin.
Spotlights flooded the musicians, powered by solar panels near a massive amplifier. The guitarist continued playing and the others joined in, playing a raucous crossover between hard rock and heavy metal. The one with long blond hair grabbed hold of the microphone and belted out a shattering cry that sounded like a call to battle. The crowd went pin drop silent to listen and then cheered in unison as the band played on. The front man sang piercing growls and low croons about the Knights in Stone, the protectors of the ancient forests, battling against the evil tree witches.
Kayla’s coven.
ABOUT Lisa Carlisle
USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. Her romances have been  named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks. When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries, before returning to the U.S. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two kittens, and too many fish.

May 19, 2016

Guess on #Thursday13 who's the Stranger at My Door

#MFRWauthor Mari Manning tells us who's the

                                                 Stranger at My Door

Author Bio
 Let’s start with the fun stuff. I love small towns, mysteries, quiet men, laughter, old-fashioned spaghetti dinners. I love boots and shopping and jokes and Hershey’s dark chocolate and white wine. I love lots of things. But my first love is reading. I love to read. Just about anything, but it has to be well-written. I go through periods where I am into historical novels or romance or mystery or history or biography. I never know when my desires will suddenly change.

Now for the writer-ish, official stuff: Mari Manning is the author of several contemporary romances and three romantic suspense novels set in the Texas Hill Country. Stranger at My Door is the first in her A Murder in Teas series. The second, Stranger in My House will be published by Entangled later this year. The third book in the series is Stranger in My Bed. Currently Mari is working on a series of cozy mysteries.

She and her husband live in Chicago.

Publisher Entangled Publishing

Genre Romantic Suspense

The only thing standing between her and disaster is a man she can’t trust …
As far as Dinah Pittman is concerned, men can’t be trusted. Especially cops. Her own father was a cop and a convicted felon who stole a small fortune before dying in prison. The best part? No one knows where the money is…and someone is willing to kill off everyone who knows anything about it.
And Dinah is next.
Rafe Morales left the Dallas police force to settle down to a simpler life in the small Texas town of El Royo. Instead, he finds himself protecting an infuriating, tough-as-nails, oh-so-sexy victim—and driving himself crazy with a thoroughly unprofessional desire.
But as the body count rises, Rafe and Dinah must find a way to trust each other…before they both end up dead.

Buy link Entangledpublishing

Thirteen things Mari likes:

1. Warm weather (I'm still wearing my winter coat and it's fricking May!)
2. New clothes (I indulge in retail therapy)
3. Long walks
4. Homemade chocolate chip cookies
5. Homemade oatmeal raisin cookies
6. Fireworks on the fourth of July
7. Strolling through downtown Chicago in the summer
8. Cowboy boots (my Frye boots are as old as Urban Cowboy and I still love them)
9. The Arizona desert in the spring
10. Halloween night (especially when the sky is clear and the moon is out)
11. The color blue
12. A surprise bouquet of flowers
13. Last but not least, I love to write

You can stalk the author here:


May 15, 2016

A Quick and Dirty Dozen @LisaCBooks #MFRWauthor

Get QUICK and DIRTY with MFRW Author Lisa Carlisle.
USA Today bestselling author Lisa Carlisle loves stories with dark, brooding heroes and independent heroines. Her romances have been  named Top Picks at Night Owl Reviews and All Romance Ebooks. When she was younger, she worked in a variety of jobs, moving to various countries, before returning to the U.S. She’s now married to a fantastic man, and they have two kids, two kittens, and too many fish.
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Day or Night?

Pen and paper or Computer?

Fruit or Chocolate?

Coffee or Tea?

Roller Coasters or Merry-Go-Rounds?
Roller coasters

Bath or Shower?

City life or Country life?

Soft or Hard?

Ebook or Paperback?

Cats or Dogs?

Fast or Slow?

What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Sometimes I ignore the To Do lists and start the day reading a book chapter in bed while drinking coffee. The lists aren't going anywhere!

Lisa's latest book is Knights of Stone: Lachlan, an Erotic Paranormal Romance.

As the new alpha of his gargoyle clan, Lachlan takes on a leadership role at the historic peace talks between the wolf shifters and tree witches. Cooperation is crucial to their survival. The magical veil over the Isle of Stone is weakening. But unity is hard to achieve when tensions are running high. So is Lachlan’s concentration when a sexy wolf shifter rushes to the talks. Her wild beauty is mesmerizing.

Raina has her hands full with pack problems, from pack mates succumbing to blood lust to animosity toward her species. The source of her problems is clear-the gargoyles. If they hadn’t lured the humans to the island with their unconventional rock concerts, she wouldn’t have to deal with the fallout. She wants nothing to do with them, especially their alpha. His not-so-surreptitious glances are hard to miss. Nope. Not the kind of attention she needs. She’s heard rumors of the rebellious, attention-seeking rockers–and of their endless string of females.

But when humans come to investigate the wolf attacks, Lachlan and Raina must work together to coerce them off the island. And time spent together sparks a forbidden attraction. If unexpected love were their only problem, they’d be able to deal with it. It’s not. Time is running out, for them and their island.

A forbidden romance between the alpha of the gargoyle clan and the beta of the wolf pack on a mystical island. BUY LINK

May 12, 2016

Be Enticed on #Thursday13 by #MFRWauthor Chanta Rand

#MFRWauthor Chanta Rand is a history junkie, a Walking Dead fan, and a recovering shoe addict. She never met a stiletto she didn't like! If you still want more, check her out at or email her at

Genre Contemporary, erotic, multicultural, romantic comedy
Action star, Lucas Stone isn’t afraid of anything—except commitment. When he butts heads with plus-size photographer, Nyla Maxwell, he thinks he may have finally found his real-life leading lady. Too bad she can’t stand his guts. 
 Buy link Amazon

13 Items I never go on vacation without

1. Passport (I like collecting those stamps)
2. Kindle and charger
3. Cell phone and charger
4. IPod and ear buds (For tuning out those chatting folks sitting next to me on the plane).
5. Sinus meds (Sadly, this nose can attract pollen from fifty miles away)
6. Rubber flip flops (For the hotel shower and the beach)
7. Chap stick
8. Sun shades
9. Beer bottle opener (I’ve got one on my keychain—you never know when you might be stranded with a cold beer and no way to open it!)
10. Tampons (Aunt Flow has been known to show up unexpectedly)
11. Pashima (It can double as a shawl or a sarong, depending on the climate)
12. Flashlight (I hate waking up in total darkness in those cruise ship rooms)

13. Switchblade (Just in case I get tied up and thrown into the back of someone’s trunk—I know, I’ve been reading too many suspense novels!)

Find more about Chanta here


May 8, 2016

#MFRWauthor Book Spotlight: The Gazillionaire and the Virgin @LisabetSarai

An Erotic Contemporary BDSM Romance from MFRW author Lisabet Sarai...
The Gazillionaire and the Virgin
When Silicon Valley entrepreneur Rachel Zelinsky meets reclusive genius Theo Moore, she finds him
strangely compelling. Theo is both arrogant and socially awkward, but he has an aura of power that speaks to Rachel’s carefully-hidden submissive side. Disturbed and aroused, she tries to focus on her original objective—a deal to incorporate his Artificial Intelligence software into her company’s popular virtual world. Rachel’s not a woman who lets pleasure interfere with business, but for some reason, she can’t resist Theo’s geeky appeal.

Theo Moore can’t be bought. His past battles with poverty make him deeply suspicious of the billionaire CEO. Still, with her voluptuous curves and brilliant mind, Rachel embodies his ultimate sexual fantasy. Too bad his knowledge about sex derives from extensive research and a stash of kinky porn rather than real-world experience.

That doesn’t bother Rachel, however. In his bed—in his arms—in his bonds—she discovers the bliss of total surrender. Rachel may be Theo’s first lover, but Theo is Rachel’s first true Master—and the first man to truly touch her heart. It seems that love may harmonize their differing goals and values, until Rachel’s unwitting violation of Theo’s trust threatens to tear them apart forever.

I get more annoyed by the second. I am considering honking the horn, which I know will embarrass him, when he appears on the second floor landing. I recognize him by his height and bulk. Otherwise, he’s transformed.
In the custom tailored tuxedo, he’s distinguished and elegant. The sleek black trousers cling to what are obviously powerful, muscular legs. The jacket highlights his broad shoulders and trim waist. Not fat, oh no! He moves with unexpected grace, as if the formal clothing bestowed a sort of gravitas to subdue his usual gawkiness. With his dark hair slicked back from his forehead, he looks like some international man of mystery. The spectacles just heighten the impression of intelligence and sophistication.
Holding the rail of the gallery that runs along the second floor, he scans the parking area.
“Over here, Theo,” I call out of the open window.
He jumps at the sound of my voice. I think he’s about to bolt, to flee back into his condo and slam the door. I can practically see the struggle going on in his body. I hold my breath, waiting for the outcome. Finally he raises his hand in a feeble wave, and fumbles his way down the stairs. The strong, self-assured man of a few moments earlier has vanished. But I remember him. That’s the Theo Moore I need to cultivate.

ABOUT Lisabet Sarai
LISABET occasionally tackles other genres, but BDSM will always be her first love. Every one of her nine novels includes some element of power exchange, while her D/s short stories range from mildly kinky to intensely perverse.

You’ll find information and excerpts from all Lisabet’s books on her website, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance, she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. She’s also on Goodreads and finally, on Twitter.

May 5, 2016

On #Thursday13 find out Where Dragonflies Hover from #MFRWauthor Annemarie Brear

 #MFRWauthor Annemarie Brear has been a life-long reader and started writing in 1997 when her children were small. She has a love of history, of grand old English houses and a fascination of what might have happened beyond their walls. She writes historical and contemporary fiction.
Her interests include reading, genealogy, watching movies, spending time with family and eating chocolate - not always in that order!

Genre Contemporary, Historical
Publisher Choc Lit 
Sometimes a glimpse into the past can help make sense of the future …
Everyone thinks Lexi is crazy when she falls in love with Hollingsworth House – a crumbling old Georgian mansion in Yorkshire – and nobody more so than her husband, Dylan. But there’s something very special about the place, and Lexi can sense it.

Whilst exploring the grounds she stumbles across an old diary and, within its pages, she meets Allie – an Australian nurse working in France during the First World War.
Lexi finally realises her dream of buying Hollingsworth but her obsession with the house leaves her marriage in tatters. In the lonely nights that follow, Allie’s diary becomes Lexi’s companion, comforting her in moments of darkness and pain. And as Lexi reads, the nurse’s scandalous connection to the house is revealed …

 Buy link Amazon

13 Favorite Books

The Woman from Browhead by Audrey Howard
Tilly Trotter by Catherine Cookson
The Greatest Knight by Elizabeth Chadwick
The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Penman
London by Edward Rutherfurd
The Juniper Bush by Audrey Howard
Nancy Wake by Peter FitzSimmons
Kitty McKenzie by Annemarie Brear
To Take Her Pride by Annemarie Brear
The Gentle Winds Caress by Annemarie Brear
The House of Women by Annemarie Brear
The Day Embroidered by Annemarie Brear
To Gain What's Lost by Annemarie Brear

Readers may stalk the authore here:

May 1, 2016

Book Spotlight: Absolutely Alpha by #MFRWauthor Belle Scarlett @ScarlettWoman1

An Erotic Paranormal from MFRW author Belle Scarlett...
Absolutely Alpha: Tempting the Alpha Book 1

Four magical romances from Belle Scarlett's enchanted quill.

Alien Seductions: How the Alien Stole Christmas
On board a deep space station Capt. Christmas Trent learns her sexy cyber lover, who may not be human, wants to steal her for his own.

Timeless Lovers: Valentine
Valerie buys a South Carolina plantation and discovers a Valentine addressed to her from a previous owner who bids her to return to him in 1865.

Blood Mates: How to Blackmail a Vampire
In the spring, a powerful vampire’s fancy turns to the blood lust mating hunt. A pretty, human blackmailer becomes the object of his thirst, but she’s not into vampires. Yet.

Pack Masters: The Bermuda Love Triangle
Castaway in the Bermuda Triangle, Trista finds herself torn between two sexy shifters. Neither will share her so she must choose between them. Decisions, decisions…

Note to reader: This story is not a ménage tale.

"What a stunning collection...If you are a paranormal romance lover then this is a must read collection! ... Each story is a masterpiece!" - Roxie's Romance Reviews

"Great little gems all in one package!!!" - Nikki Brooks

Chapter One“I know you’re a vampire.”
Caden Chase blinked. It was rare for anyone or anything to surprise him, but the slim woman in the yellow blouse and tailored slacks sitting in the chair on the other side of his office desk had managed to do just that. If nothing else, the past three months should have taught him to expect the unexpected where Serena Bliss was concerned.
“Do you mind repeating that?” Caden drawled his words, playing for time to assess the seriousness of this sudden crisis. He kept his tone low and controlled, striving for a cross between puzzlement and amusement, neither of which he felt at the moment.
His gaze ran over Serena’s form, searching the telltale pulse points at her throat and wrists with his heightened senses, trying to detect whether or not she was telling the truth or merely making a wild guess. As usual his attraction for this human female was distracting him. His jaw clenched. Damn, she looked good. Like a joyful drop of sunlight splashed on the coarse fabric of his dark world too full of midnight blacks and blood reds. But she was the last human he should be thinking of for a casual fling. And the more he got to know her, the more he wanted her for more than that.
Serena arched an eyebrow in blatant challenge. The action showed admirable bravado for one who believed she was at that moment in the presence of a bloodthirsty monster. One who could drain her in less time than it took for her next heartbeat to sound.
“I’m pretty sure you heard me, Mr. Chase. I understand that a vampire’s hearing is quite keen.”
It was true. Her throaty, melodic voice, for example, could arrest his attention from three floors away even in the middle of a busy workday.
“I think you’ve been reading too much Twilight, Ms. Bliss.” He didn’t like this new formality she was imposing like a barrier between them. Last week they had called one another by their first names, sometimes even with flirty smiles that made him look forward to each workday with her all the more. He was determined to find out the cause of her distinctly guarded shift in tone with him.
She tossed her caramel colored hair over her shoulders in clear impatience. Hellfire. She had sexy hair. Thick, shiny, and long enough to wrap around his knuckles while he held her still for his kiss…or his penetration. Or a love bite on her elegant neck. Hey, a vampire could dream, right?
ABOUT Belle Scarlett
By day, she’s a mild-mannered story consultant, film producer, and award-winning screenwriter in Lost Angeles. By night, she assumes her super-secret identity as Belle Scarlett, author of futuristic and paranormal romances with a high sizzle factor. Belle is also a SAG-AFTRA commercial voice over actress and audiobook producer who narrates all of her own books…. Look for them on!

Aiding Belle in her quest for kick-ass, magical romance and out-of-this-world, passionate-ever-afters are her trusty sidekicks, Tall-Alpha-Blue-Eyed Boyfriend, upon whom her heroes are based, and The Evil Feral Cat, upon whom her villains are based.

Good Reads:

Belle is also a proud member of The Naughty Literati!
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