Mar 28, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Red Riding Hood @Carly_Carson #MFRWorg

MFRW Author Carly Carson released Red Riding Hood, a Fantasy/ Fairy Tale, with Cupid Publishing on March 1, 2014.

Little Red is a happy-go-lucky young woman who enjoys having the attention of the boys in the village. Then a stranger comes to the forest, a man known only as Wolf. To the dismay of the village boys, he enters the rivalry for her favors. He has all the skills to make her want him. But does she have the strength to choose him in defiance of all her friends and family? Even more importantly, is he the right man for her?
And what she should do about Granny's warnings?
Warnings:  Explicit Sex  |  Heat Level:  R

Meet The Author
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Goodreads

Mar 27, 2014

#MFRWorg Author Suz deMello on #Thursday13 @ReadThis4fun

MFRW Author Suz deMello presents today's Thursday13.
Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including erotica, historical, paranormal and suspense, plus many short stories and non-fiction articles on writing. Currently Managing Editor at Ai Press, she also takes private clients.

Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.

A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US many times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.

Find her books on her website  |  For editing services, email her  |  Befriend her on Facebook and visit her group page  |  She tweets her reading picks @ReadThis4fun  |  Check out her current blog

13 Sentences from Queen's Quest
I knew the moment the Prince of Darkness had espied my glance on him, for the speed of his long strides increased. He bulled his way through the crowd, which parted for him like the stormwind rushing around the turrets of my castle.

I consciously grounded myself, feeling the marble floor beneath my high boots, straightening my back. Deep breaths pressed my breasts against my corset, the lace trim scratching my flesh. My heart pounded.
Managing him would not be easy. If I chose him as my mate, who would rule over Shadow?

“I, Storne, Lord of Darkness, have come to claim my queen.” He approached and stepped onto the dais supporting my throne.

I was offended. “Bow,” I said.

Still standing, he reached up and removed his battered helmet. Darkness had sent their finest champion, for Storne was a prince in the prime of life.

Queen's Quest
Genre: futuristic erotic romance
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Release Date: January 24, 2014
Audryn, Queen of Shadow, has reached that time in her life when she must choose a King to rule with her or fail to bear an heir, casting not only her realm but all of faraway planet Janus into chaos.

Despite her duty, she is reluctant to share power, even a bit distrustful. Janus’ nobles vie for Audryn’s hand. Although she enjoys trysting with all her suitors, none seize her heart. Then Storne, the warrior Prince of Darkness, arrives to claim her as his bride.

Will his masterful ways allure or repel the willful Queen?

Mar 26, 2014

HOOKED by #MFRWhooks

Welcome to Book Hooks, the weekly meme hosted by the MFRW Authors Blog.

Authors, this is a great opportunity for you to reach new readers. We'd love for you to join in. Sign-ups open each Sunday right here on the MFRW Authors Blog.

Readers, here's your chance each week to get hooked on a new book! Authors share a short excerpt from their books. If you enjoy the sample, consider purchasing the full book through their buy link.

Mar 24, 2014

NEW RELEASE: Mistress of Merrivale @ShelleyMunro #MFRWauthor

Shelley Munro released Mistress of Merrivale, an erotic historical romance, TODAY, March 24 2014 with Samhain Publishing.

Jocelyn Townsend’s life as a courtesan bears no resemblance to the life she envisioned in girlish dreams. Desperate to find a new benefactor, one kind enough to accept her mother’s increasingly mad flights of fancy, Jocelyn is nearly overwhelmed with uncertainty when a lifeline comes from an unexpected source.

Leo Sherbourne’s requirements for a wife are few. She must mother his young daughter, run his household, and warm his bed. All in a calm, dignified manner with a full measure of common sense. After his late wife’s histrionics and infidelity, he craves a simpler, quieter life.

As they embark on their arrangement, Leo and Jocelyn discover an attraction that heats their bedroom and a mutual admiration that warms their days. But it isn’t long before gossip regarding the fate of Leo’s first wife, and his frequent, unexplained absences, make Jocelyn wonder if the secrets of Merrivale Manor are rooted in murder…

Amazon  |  BN

Shelley Munro is tall and curvaceous with blue eyes and a smile that turns masculine heads everywhere she goes. She's a university tutor and an explorer/treasure hunter during her vacations. Skilled with weapons and combat, she is currently in talks with a producer about a television series based on her world adventures.

Shelley is also a writer blessed with a VERY vivid imagination and lives with her very own hero in New Zealand. She writes mainly erotic romance in the contemporary, paranormal and historical genres.


Mar 21, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Boyfriend's Brother @MLSky #MFRWorg

MFRW Author ML Skye released Boyfriend's Brother, a Sci-Fi/Futuristic story, on March 1, 2014 with Silver Publishing.

Chloe Timmons and Jason McIvey are each at a crossroads.

On what may be her last weekend as 'just a girlfriend', Chloe quells her restlessness by hitting the town and runs into her boyfriend's brother, Jason, a fellow pilot in the area for an air show. A barroom brawl brings them together.

Chloe thinks her boyfriend Marc may propose, and she's not sure she's ready for marriage. Jason McIvey has to decide if he's staying in the military or going civilian. When Chloe and Jason spend the night together, it doesn't make either decision easier.

Warnings:  Explicit Sex  |  Heat Level:  R
Meet The Author
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |   Facebook  |  Twitter

Mar 20, 2014

#MFRWorg Author Christi Williams presents #Thursday13 @writerchristi

MFRW Author Christi Williams presents this week's #Thursday13.

Christi writes contemporary sensual romance set in Wyoming. My strong heroines love cowboys, lawmen and heroes of all stripes! The Hawk Point series of contemporary Western romances began with the novel Take a Chance on Love, continued with the novel Perilous Promises, and now includes the novella Clay’s Quest, all published by Whiskey Creek Press/Torrid.

Connect with Christi
Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Google+  |  Blog  |  Pinterest

13 Sentences from Clay's Quest
He was peering into the glass case under the pendants, not listening to a word she was babbling. He was looking at rings. Emma’s heart sputtered. Surely he wouldn’t ask to see rings.

“I’d like to see some of those rings,” he said, pointing to the top glass shelf of the old display case. He leaned over oak trim darkened through age and the touch of many hands over the years, his own hand resting where the palms of generations of people who stood before this cabinet to peruse and buy had rested.

So, Emma thought. Clay was changing tactics. No more asking her to come back. He obviously didn’t need her anymore. He’d come in today to announce by this oblique method that he had found someone new. Specifically, she suspected he had probably come in to her shop with every intention of punishing her. Show her what she had thrown away.

Clay's Quest
Genre: sensual contemporary Western romance 
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press LLC 
Release Date: January 15, 2014

She’ll do anything to get her way.Tall, elegant and beautiful, Emma Thorpe has wanted a baby for years. The yearning for a child occupies all her thought, her time, her effort, and any money she and her husband can scrape up for medical intervention. After trying and failing to conceive, the solution that finally comes to her is to leave her husband and hope to find a man—any man—capable of fulfilling her deepest desire.

Big, handsome Clay Thorpe isn’t the kind of man to let his wife just wander away. It takes a few months of Emma’s absence from his bed to devise a plan, but he’s determined. Eventually, Clay lures Emma home with a convoluted strategy only he could concoct, involving an antique diamond ring, sex three times a day, and...a turkey baster?

Buy Links
Kindle  |  Nook

Mar 18, 2014

Getting Down&Dirty with #MFRWauthor @MerryBond

We're getting Down & Dirty with MFRW Author Meredith Bond.
Meredith is an award-winning author of a series of traditionally published Regency romances and indie-published paranormal romances. Known for her characters “who slip readily into one’s heart”, Meredith’s paranormal romances include Magic In The Storm, Storm on the Horizon, and the short story “In A Beginning”. Her traditional Regencies include The Merry Men Quartet of which An Exotic Heir and A Dandy In Disguise have recently been republished.

Welcome Meredith. Tell us, generally, how long does it take you to write a book?
It takes me around five months to write a book from plotting through editing.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow? 
I write every afternoon – or at least that’s the goal, and pretty much, I stick with it.

Meredith also teaches writing at her local community college. If you want a taste of her class in book form, Chapter One is available at your favorite e-retailer. 

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres?
It covers too many genres! It’s a New Adult Medieval Fantasy Romance. I get tired just writing all that out every time.

I love the New Adult genre. It’s actually what I’ve been writing for years, only they were called “traditional Regencies” when I first wrote them. LOL! Now I’ve got a new one with early 20-somethings who are trying to find themselves amidst the chaos of destiny coming to call and an evil power-hungry Lady Nimuë who is trying to take over Britain.

So, I’ve got New Adult – 20 somethings trying to figure out who they are.  I’ve got Medieval – it’s set 200 years after King Arthur’s death and has Lady Nimuë, the Lady of the Lake as the villain, Lady Morgan le Fey plays a role, as does Sir Dagonet, a knight of the Round Table (actually, he plays a very large role). Merlin pops in a few times as well. It’s a Fantasy – magic! Loads of magic and fun. And it’s a romance. Each book in the trilogy features one of the trio of lead characters in a romance and they all end happily ever after. 

How do you come up with story ideas? 
I came up with the idea for the Children on Avalon because I was trying to discover the beginning of the world I created in my Regency Paranormal Romance, Magic In The Storm. I created a world where there are a magical people called the Vallen who have magical abilities with which they help ordinary people. So anyone extraordinary (think Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Shakespeare) are actually Vallen. 
I knew that Morgan le Fey and Merlin had to play a role because I love them so much, and I knew that the world had to begin with younger people trying to learn who they were. It just built from there. As with many of my books, I started with the characters and created a story around them.

What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
I love love scenes that are passionate and romantic. I don’t need to have all the body parts described, I know what they are. Most of all they need to pluck at my emotional strings and usually they lead to some conflict. 

What does your husband/wife think of your writing?
My husband reads just about everything I write. Admittedly, he doesn’t love the paranormal so much as the historicals, so he’s a little behind on this current series. But he’s extremely supportive of my work. 

Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
Always. He’s great at analyzing my work for character consistency, plot holes and just what works and what doesn’t.

Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?
Georgette Heyer started me writing – I grew up reading her Regencies. Julia Quinn showed me what great characters can do for a story and just how important they are.  Mary Jo Putney taught me to love the modern Regency novel and now she’s writing paranormals too that are fantastic.

What can we expect from you in the future?
I’ve got much, much more to come! Way too many books, in fact. LOL!

After the Children of Avalon series is published (March, April and May, 2014), I’m going to get started revising and editing the two traditional Regencies to which I just got my rights back from Kensington Publishers. Then I’ve got another Regency I started a few years ago when I wrote a “Book In A Month” which will build on the characters in A Dandy In Disguise (one of my traditional Regencies which I re-released last year). And then more to come in my Vallen world. As I said, too many books!

How do we find out about you and your books?
You can sign up for my newsletter at my website. And I blog on the topics of writing and self-publishing every weekend. 

How can readers/fans contact you?
         Want to know more about Meredith? Check out her Social Media Links: 
         Pinterest  |  Twitter  |   Goodreads

Do your fans' comments and letters influence you in any way?
Absolutely! In fact, as soon as I’m done writing Fire (almost there!), the third book in my Children of Avalon trilogy, I’m going to take a break and write a short story specifically requested by my readers who read Storm on the Horizon and then Magic in the Storm. They needed a bit of a bridge between loving my heroine in SOTH, Tatiana to understanding how she became the villain in MITS. So, that’s up next for me.

Do you have a favorite comment or question from a reader?
I had a reader write to me after she received my last newsletter. She loved it so much, she said, that she forwarded it to six of her friends! Now that’s a fantastic fan! 

Do you have a favorite author? Favorite book? Favorite series?
Too many. My favorite book of all time is The Princess Bride by William Goldman. Right now I’m really enjoying Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series – slowly making my way through them. And I love Kerrelyn Sparks Vampire series – so much fun, she’s an auto-buy for me.

Cherries or Bananas?  Leather or lace?  Black or red?  Mud Bath or Oily Massage?
Cherries. Leather. Red. Oily massage – tonight would be fine, thank you.

And, the best question of all... if you came with a warning label, what would it say?
“Silly geek who loves to laugh. Handle with care.” 

Meredith's newest book is a New Adult Medieval Fantasy Romance published with Anessa Books is being released TODAY, March 18, 2014!

Blurb: In one day Scai has gone from being considered just unusual by the people of her little Welsh village to an outcast fleeing for her life. Left on the church steps as a baby, she knows nothing of her history—or her abilities. Did she really stop the rain just by wishing it to stop? But she is determined to learn all she can. Travelling alone to find her family seems to be the only way she’s going to find the answers she seeks.

Her journey leads her to the comical old knight Sir Dagonet, who tells her that she is one of a magical people called the Vallen. Together they continue on, joined by the handsome Dylan and the fiery Bridget on a new quest—to find the fabled Merlin’s Chalice, said to hold all the power of the entrapped wizard. Together, Scai, Dylan and Bridget discover that they are the long awaited Children of Avalon, destined to save the world from power-hungry Lady Nimuë—unless she kills them first.

Along the way, Scai finds magic—both in the wind and air that she can control at will, and in the sweet ache of a first love that she cannot.
Buy Links:

Mar 17, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Trailing Kaiwulf @KayelleAllen #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Kayelle Allen released a Sci Fi Romance, Trailing Kaiwulf, on February 12, 2014.

Find an invisible man in another dimension? All in a day's work at TRAIL.

Yanked back from their first vacation in ages, Jee and Dane get handed a top priority mission. The pay is better than any they've earned before as agents for the Trace, Rescue, and Identification League. With this much money, they might not need jobs. They're the best there is, and the item, person, or secret hasn't been invented that these two can't recover.

But locating this quarry might be a bit past even their considerable skills. After all, how do you find an invisible man in another dimension? And who, exactly, is footing a bill this steep? Certainly not the archaeologist in charge. The military wants to get involved, but they have no monetary stake either. So who -- or what -- is behind the request to trail Kaiwulf?
Want to Know More About the Author?

Mar 14, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Clay's Quest @WriterChristi Christi Williams #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Christi Williams has released Clay’s Quest, a sensual contemporary western romance novella, on January 15, 2014 with Whiskey Creek Press LLC.

She’ll do anything to get her way. Tall, elegant and beautiful, Emma Thorpe has wanted a baby for years. The yearning for a child occupies all her thoughts, her time, her effort, and any money she and her husband can scrape up for medical intervention. After trying and failing to conceive, the solution that finally comes to her is to leave her husband and hope to find a man—any man—capable of fulfilling her deepest desire. Big, handsome Clay Thorpe isn’t the kind of man to let his wife just wander away. It takes a few months of Emma’s absence from his bed to devise a plan, but he’s determined. Eventually, Clay lures Emma home with a convoluted strategy only he could concoct, involving an antique diamond ring, sex three times a day, and...a turkey baster?

Warning:  Explicit Sex
Heat Level: R
What Reviewers Say...
"Clay and Emma are not your typical married couple. They have a love for each other that is meant to last a life time and a blazing inferno in the bedroom." - Shanean Read for Just One More Romance

Meet the Author

Mar 13, 2014

#Thursday13 Top Trips with #MFRWauthor LA Sartor @LesannSartor

MFRW Author L.A. Sartor is here today to share a special Thursday Thirteen that goes along with the travel adventure theme of her book, STONE OF HEAVEN.

Leslie Ann Sartor (aka L.A. Sartor) began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at Leslie’s insistence, wrote them down and Leslie illustrated them. As an adult she writes suspense and action adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she's had a contracted adaptation! She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date. Leslie loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey. She has a blog: She is also one of the Five Scribes at or you can check out her website at

For the Adventurer and the Romantic in all of us. Travel to the Yucatan and be a part of the adventure Tori and Reid are about to undertake. I hope you enjoy it.

13 Favorite Trips
Not in order, but these are my most memorable trips taken…so far.

1) Cruise to Western Caribbean, and seeing/feeling/tasting/breathing what the Yucatan Peninsula is like. Then seeing Tulum.  I knew Stone of Heaven had to have a major part of its story set there.

2) No plans, just drive. Southwest drive through Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico. Top down, didn't make reservations.  Just me and my darling husband. 10 days totally free.  Priceless.

3) Hawaii, any time.  I've been a number of times and each was different and wonderful. From Grad school and that fiasco to spending Christmas in Honolulu. To our honeymoon where we had tickets given to us to attend the Pro Bowl with champagne etc, and… we didn't make because we got married in a blizzard and the flight was cancelled out of LAX.  Our luggage went to China and came to us in splinters. To seeing old friends and their families and learning more about real Hawaii.

4) Colorado By-Ways. Colorado in the summer is incredible.  Anywhere in Colorado, except maybe the eastern plains (forgive me for that, but seriously  ) Driving through Rocky Mountain National Park, again with the top down, or in the fall when the elk are bugling. Crested Butte, Independence Pass above Aspen.  Colorado National Monument, again with the top down.  Black Canyon of the Gunnison, very intimidating, but stunning.

5) Disneyland at Thanksgiving.  Disneyland is always a feast for the eyes.  But at Thanksgiving, when the Haunted Mansion is all changed around and features Nightmare Before Christmas, and a ginormous Christmas Tree which graces the plaza in front of the train station. Where garlands of glass balls/tinsel/snowflakes hang across the streets, themed for each land, and snow falls every evening after the fireworks…well it's pretty darn incredible that time of year.

6) Disneyworld in May.  Epcot flower show. WOW, the topiaries are extraordinary.  Watching the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom, while standing on top of the Contemporary Hotel, drink in hand, between dinner courses.  The nightly fireworks show in Epcot with its moving music. Knowing I was only a bus stop away from our room in either the Caribbean Beach Resort or the Coronado Springs Resort on Disney property, so all I had to do was relax.  Unforgettable memories.

7) My own backyard. We've spent a lot of time and resources making our backyard into our own retreat. A pond with two waterfalls, that are actually wide ribbons of water flowing into a black pebble beach (the water flows through and into recycling tanks).  Huge old growth trees, swathes of grass, but not too much, a veggie garden for ripe tomatoes, peppers and herbs (it's snowing as I write and I'm salivating for the off-the-vine flavor). Outdoor heaters so we can stay out way into the evening.  Friends and family sharing food and drink together.

8) Seattle.  Love  the place.  Staying near downtown and close to everything.  When we venture out, we take the bus, it's fun.  Found the Red Hook Brewery and took the tour, then sat in the bar/restaurant and had the best nachos and fresh drawn Wheat beer.  The Japanese Gardens, Public Market, the ferries to other islands.  Every day is an adventure.

9) Maine. Lobster, hands down.  I could eat lobster any time for a week solid.  I went to summer music camp near Waterville where you could have a full "lobsta" dinner for $6.  Now, not so much.  We went to Boston for a good friend's wedding, then drove up the coast. Saw a terrifying water spout in the ocean, near Wells. Ate the best lobster roll in Freeport.  We want to go back and taste test every lobster roll we can.

10) So far, any road trip. We love to drive together, my darling husband and I.  So when the chance arises, we pack up and hit the road. It's being together that's wonderful, talking over plans, learning new things, finding new paths. Sharing dreams.

11) Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. We went for 10 years. Some years the weather cooperated, other times not at all.  But it's a feast of color, sounds, food and people.  And then after the main event in the morning is over, there is NM to discover.  The night balloon glow is almost ethereal .  Even the crowds don't bother you, it's all so fascinating.

12) Yellowstone. Either with a trailer at Fishing Bridge campground or staying in the lodges.  It's a mysterious, sometimes frightening, spectacular place, that has changed from the times we first went, to today.  Geysers  that have changed course and dried up, new ones formed.  The stillness of a forest when you're sure you shouldn't be there, because it feels too quiet, and a bear maybe close by.  The smell of sulphur and unfortunately forest fires.

13) Europe with my family. Germany, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia as it was know then, Russia and Austria. "Remember when" conversations  years later over a cup of coffee, or a phone call is a joy that I hope I can have a long, long time.

Book One of the Carswell Adventure Series 

The Recluse …
Tori Carswell treasures her solitude and simple life. Her identical twin, Abby Carswell, is the polar opposite, seeking increasingly risky adventures. Now Abby has put herself in mortal danger, captive of an ancient Mayan cult. Her only hope? Woefully under-prepared Tori.

And the Treasure Hunter …
Reid Hunter, good-natured and currently broke, aims to beat his ex-partner Abby to the fabled blue jade known as the Stone of Heaven. But when reclusive, aero-phobic Tori overcomes her fear of flying and tracks her sister to a well guarded tomb deep in the Yucatan rainforest, he realizes Abby is in serious trouble.

Can Opposites Accomplish the Impossible?
Abby no longer trusts Reid. Can Tori risk doing so now, and join forces with him to save her sister? Or will Reid put riches before life and love?
TALK TO US: Where have you traveled? What are some of your favorite trips??

Mar 12, 2014

Are You Hooked on Book? #amreading #MFRWorg

Welcome to Book Hooks, the weekly meme hosted by the MFRW Authors Blog.

Authors, we'd love for you to join in. Sign-ups open each Sunday right here on the MFRW Authors Blog.

Readers, here's your chance each week to get hooked on a new book! Authors share a short excerpt from their books. If you enjoy the sample, consider purchasing the full book through their buy link.

Mar 10, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: To The One I Never Forgot @WriterChristi #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Christi Williams released To the One I Never Forgot, a sensual contemporary romance short story, on February 7, 2014.

First love. Lost love. There has only ever been one love for Gianna. Zack was the boy she fell in love with, the boy who went away and—without an explanation—never came back. When Zack went into the military soon after high school, he thought he was making the first move toward a decent future with Gianna. Six years after it all fell apart, Gianna is still looking for the one she never forgot.

Warnings: Explicit Sex  |  Heat Level: R

Smashwords  |  Amazon  |  BN

Mar 7, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Dark Duke @Sabrina_York #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Sabrina York released Dark Duke, an Erotic Regency Romance, on February 12,
2014 with Ellora’s Cave.

Edward Wyeth, the Dark Duke of Moncrieff’s life has been turned on its end. His well-ordered home has been invaded. By destitute relatives. From Scotland. How on earth can he write Lord Hedon’s salacious novels with hellions battling in the garden and starting fires in the library? But with the onslaught has come a delicious diversion. His cousin’s companion, the surprisingly intriguing Kaitlin MacAllister. Determined to seduce her, he convinces her to draw naughty pictures for his naughtier books…and he draws her into his decadent web.

But Kaitlin has a secret. She’s fled Scotland—and a very determined betrothed. When Edward’s cousin is kidnapped and held in her stead, Kaitlin is honor-bound to return to her homeland and rescue her—much to Edward’s chagrin. Suddenly he can’t bear the thought of Kaitlin marrying another man. He can’t bear the thought of losing her at all.

Warnings: Explicit Sex  |  Heat Level: R 

What Reviewers Say...
“This book was freaking phenomenal…I absolutely loved every part of it. Dark Duke is a must read if you love historical with a little BDSM thrown in. Get ready to laugh and drool until the very last page.” – The To Be Read List
Meet the Author
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Mar 6, 2014

#Thursday13 Like Slow Sweet Molasses @MickieSherwood #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Mickie Sherwood presents today's Thursday Thirteen...

I'm a cruise-loving, people-watching, picture-snapping baby boomer with time on her hands. So, I write sweet and spicy relationship-based mainstream contemporary romantic love stories.

Connect with Mickie Here:

Thirteen Sentences from Like Slow Sweet Molasses

Angela was unable to stand one more minute alone in the house with him, afraid she would capitulate and go running into the security Chance’s arms represented. He made her excuses this morning to his family without them being any the wiser regarding their little tiff. Everything muddled along after they took their leave and he did likewise to make the purchases to finish the system. 
Now, he worked at her bedroom door like the mad man he was, hurrying to get the job done in order to vacate the premises. Muscles rippled in his upper arms exposed by the white undershirt he stripped down to. Her eyes tagged each flexing motion as he forced in an uncooperative screw that required extra force. He turned to catch her drooling. That’s why she flew from the room and out of the house. 
Chance knew her destination as he followed her escape down the street as far as the cameras permitted. Most people dulled the pain with alcohol or drugs. Her anesthesia of choice was the sugar rush of a fruit flavored slush from the neighborhood store. He ambled about the house setting things to right, picking up the paraphernalia littering the work areas, reading the gold dedication plaque on the viola lovingly poised on the music stand in her bedroom, and in the interim glimpsed a familiar vehicle trolling by on the surveillance cameras. His long legs had him on the lower floor—the entry door locking behind him—out on the sidewalk and hauling-ass up the street towards the store while keeping the car in his crosshairs.
Like Slow Sweet Molasses 
Genre: Mainstream Interracial Romance
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Release Date: January 2013

Teacher Angela Munso has lost control—of her spiraling life. She can control the fallout of recent news from whose loins she sprang as easily as she can her heart’s pitter-patter. To have feelings for a man who is everything she now wants to hate? That’s the last straw!

Lt. Brock "Chance" Alexander’s arrogance baits Angela. And—he knows it. It’s never so obvious to him as when she lobs that insulting phrase at the side of his head. She pushes all of his hot buttons. But, there’s one he dares her to touch—the one that pushes him out of her life.

Mar 5, 2014

Don't Wait! Get Hooked with #MFRWorg Authors!

Welcome to Book Hooks, the weekly meme hosted by the MFRW Authors Blog.

Authors, we'd love for you to join in. Sign-ups open each Sunday right here on the MFRW Authors Blog.

Readers, here's your chance each week to get hooked on a new book! Authors share a short excerpt from their books. If you enjoy the sample, consider purchasing the full book through their buy link.

Mar 3, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Lost and Found @jelQuinnAuthor #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jane Leopold Quinn released Lost and Found, a Contemporary Erotic Romantic
Suspense, on February 7, 2014 with Ellora's Cave.
Hunky Marine Marc Rahn enlisted after high school graduation to escape the pain of his parents’ fatal car wreck. Now on leave after eight years and multiple deployments, he returns to his small hometown to put to rest his suspicions that the “accident” might actually have been anything but.

What he doesn’t expect is an intriguing flash of a pierced nipple from a new neighbor on move-in day. The breast’s owner, Phoebe Barnes, is a beautiful young jazz singer who plans to make it big in the music business. Her early years in foster care made her hungry for attention and fame, and she’s out to achieve both at almost any cost.

Despite their differing paths, Marc and Phoebe quickly give in to the sizzling attraction between them. But will their passion turn deadly when the person who killed Marc’s family decides two murders might not have been enough?
Meet the Author
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Mar 1, 2014

#MFRWorg Presents our March Featured Author Christine Young @achristay

Meet Christine
Born in Medford, Oregon, novelist Christine Young has lived in Oregon all of her life. After graduating from Oregon State University with a BS in science, she spent another year at Southern Oregon State University working on her teaching certificate, and a few years later received her Master's degree in secondary education and counseling. Now the long, hot days of summer provide the perfect setting for creating romance. She sold her first book, Dakota's Bride, the summer of 1998 and her second book, My Angel to Kensington. Her teaching and writing careers have intertwined with raising three children.  Christine's newest venture is the creation of Rogue Phoenix Press. Christine is the founder, editor and co-owner with her husband. They live in Salem, Oregon.

Christine's Writing Day
When I begin a book, I make notes on each of the characters. There is an extensive character chart on my blog. I use this chart for my main characters. I don’t usually answer all of the questions. I’m always impatient to start writing and once I have enough info on my characters, I begin writing and add to the chart as the story evolves.

When I know the characters, I jot down a basic outline of the story including major turning points and the black moment. I don’t usually do more than a basic outline because my characters always take over the book and tell me what to do. I also plot scene by scene; again I start with the pov of the scene and jot down things like turning point, foreshadowing, important elements etc. Again I have a copy of the scene plotting worksheet on my blog.

My office is an old bedroom. It looks out on my courtyard where in the summer I can hear water running from a waterfall into a pond. Winter is not so beautiful but still a nice view. I have books and papers as well as notes cluttering my desk. I’ve learned to use my computer for my notes so the desk is not as cluttered as it used to be.

When I run in the mornings, I usually come home and take a nap before trying to sit at the computer. When I workout in the evening, I usually set a frantic pace to try and get everything done before I leave the house. Like right now, I’m trying to finish this before I go to Jazzercise.

My newest release, Sweet Misbehavin’, is the third book in the McKenna clan series, beginning with Catching Meara then Sweet Sexy Sadie. I’m loving these characters and enjoying the journey. I began writing in the 90’s and published my first book with Zebra in ’98. Kate Duffy was my editor and a great personality. I went on to publish with awestruck and now Rogue Phoenix Press.

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