Feb 28, 2014

WINNERS! with MFRW Featured Author @DonnaJuneCooper

MFRW's February Featured Author, Donna June Cooper, ANNOUNCES the winners from this month's giveaway!

More Than Magic, Donna's paranormal romance, was released earlier this month with Samhain Publishing and she's treating some lucky winners to a FREE BOOK.

Books of the Kindling, Book 1
A malignant secret could turn her mountain sanctuary into their tomb.

When DEA agent Nick McKenzie arrives undercover on Woodruff Mountain, the beautiful, edgy owner’s awkward attempts to scare him off tell him something’s afoot, and it’s not her secret patch of rare ginseng.

The last thing Grace Woodruff needs underfoot is a handsome, enigmatic writer recovering from a recent illness. Until an accidental touch unleashes a stunning mystical force and Grace senses the wrath of a malicious blight at the heart of the mountain. Now Grace must choose between her need to hide her gift from the world…and her desire to save Nick’s life.

Warning: This book contains a fiery redhead whose magic cannot be contained and a handsome DEA agent whose final case might give him a second chance at life.


William S.
Julie R.
Judy R.
Winners have been notified via email. Thank you to each of you for entering!

Feb 27, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Dark Cravings @MadelinePryce #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Madeline Pryce wrote her first novel when she was ten, penned with neon-pink ink in a loose-leaf binder. Captivated by romantic literature, yet intrigued by the paranormal, she continues to develop her own voice, writing the kinds of stories that inspired her as a teen.
Interact with Madeline here:

Today, she brings us her latest book, Dark Cravings, an Erotic Paranormal Romance published with Ellora’s Cave Publishing on 12/25/2013.

Book 1 in the Dark series...

Ella Grey's life sucks. A half-breed vampire, she does her best to pass the time killing demons and secretly admiring her Shadow Hunter partner, Micah. He's hot, dangerous and knows it. He'd be just Ella's type if he weren't likely to kill her the moment she put a toe out of line. 
A chance encounter with a succubus changes everything. From the second the succubus' spell washes over them, Ella and Micah are helpless to keep their hands off one another. The sex, when it's not leaving them on the verge of death, is earth shattering and for the first time in ages Ella is connected with someone on a level she'd feared lost forever. But a dangerous prophecy has been set into motion, and if Ella's not careful it'll pull her straight from Micah's arms and into the deepest bowels of the underworld.

Indulge in a fantasy. Succumb to the dark.
We were barely out into the main section of the tunnel when Micah pushed me up against the cold stone wall. I pulled him close. He pressed his mouth to mine and I gave in to complete surrender. I had no idea how long we mingled there, lost in each other.

I was breathless and panting, still silent, when he pulled me from the wall and drew me through the maze of rooms to the exit. The electric buzz of the guitar bouncing off the walls faded. The constant push-pull of conversation disappeared. The rapid click-click of my heels against the ground became nonexistent.

Outside the rain fell like a heavy, pounding beat against the broken gravel road. If it was possible, the District looked even worse through the haze of rain. Darkened and bowed wood blocked the windows of nearby buildings. Rats scampered under awnings, clambering over each other to find shelter. At least half an inch of dirty mud and gravel-laden water spilled over the gutters and flooded the sidewalks.

The wind blew and the slant of pelting rain shifted sideways. None of it mattered. The second we stepped into the storm, we were drenched. We sprinted to the car, and each heavy thud of Micah’s boots against the ground sent up a spray of water to splatter my legs.

In the dark, the black silhouette of Micah’s car was little more than a shadow. The second we reached his car, his arms were around me. He lifted me off the ground, spun me in one fluid movement until my back was against the passenger door. Rain splattered off the roof, a heavy drum that matched our heartbeats.

His hands were wet and slippery against my cheeks. Pulling roughly, he tugged until our lips met, promising things I ached for. I clutched at his wet shirt, desperate to have him closer. I never wanted him to let me go. He slid his hands from my cheeks to my neck and then threaded his fingers through the tangle of my wet hair. 

He used one hot, rough hand to palm my thigh. Heat from his touch spread  and stopped the shivers of cold I hadn't even noticed. Micah pulled, urged my leg around his hip. He slid his hand up, up, and oh, God yes, up. He cupped my sex, rubbed me with sure, deliberate strokes. I was on fire. Pleasure warred with the tightening of my inner muscles. I was on the verge of climax when, instead of sending me over, Micah gripped the crotch of my panties and ripped.

My world spun. That was the only way to describe what was happening, what Micah was doing to me. He pulled the tab on his zipper. The rasp of metal sent a wave of goose bumps across my arms.

Micah pulled his mouth from mine. I opened my eyes and pulled in breath after breath. Our gazes met, held.

“Tell me you want me,” he ordered.

“I want you.”

What Do You Think? Does the Excerpt have you Craving More?

Feb 24, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: New Year's Eve @KristenEthridge #MFRWauthor

It's A New Release! MFRW Author Kristen Ethridge released a Contemporary Romance: New Year’s Eve (A Holiday Hearts Novella) on January 24, 2014 with Laurel Lock Books, a Division of the Laurel Lock Publishing Group.


Love Was a Resolution They Didn’t Plan on Making

Eve Larson arranged a solitary New Year’s celebration at her mother’s beach house to give herself the space to evaluate her recent hurts—the death of her mother and a broken engagement. She wants nothing more than to put them behind her and make a fresh start on January 1. When her ex-fiance’s brother, Spencer Canley, shows up with one final demand from her past, Eve worries her plans are sinking like a ship off her beloved Texas coast. Circumstances keep Spencer at the beach longer than either of them initially want, but the delay gives each of them the opportunity to see the other in a different light. As Spencer makes a decision that changes everything about his upcoming year, he realizes he doesn't want to repeat his brother’s mistake of pushing Eve away. A year ago, the changing of the calendar brought news that changed Eve’s whole life. Could this new year bring love back?

Amazon Reader Review (Five Stars) Start your New Year's reading right with Spencer & Eve! A light, quick read, but Ethridge packs a character-soaked punch into just a couple pages. Shifting flawlessly from his to her perspective, and back again, it's a well-rounded tale of end of the road realizations, tough choices, and new beginnings. I would definitely read more about where the next 364 days take this intriguing pair! Looking forward to more installments in the Holiday Hearts series as well.

About the Author
Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Amazon Author Page

Feb 21, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Scorching Mini Tales @jelquinnauthor Jane Leopold Quinn #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jane Leopold Quinn released Scorching Mini Tales: The Education of Eris, My Parisian Sabbatical, a self-published Contemporary Erotic Romance, on January 18, 2014.

My Parisian Sabbatical
Angry and broken hearted, Madeline Stuart recovers from a failed love affair. The last thing she expects and wants is an attraction to a stranger in a Parisian café. Charlie Bemis can't take his eyes off the woman he wants to paint, and he doesn't care she's a tad bit older than he is. In this first person short romance, live through Maddie's eyes and sexual awakening as Charlie paints her in every way possible.

The Education of Eris
Eris and Nora are best friends. Nora has fought her attraction to her friend since the day they met. Now that Eris' marriage is on the rocks, Nora comforts her, a comfort that turns into sexual feelings. Shocked and aroused, Eris must decide. Does she leave her husband to pursue a same sex relationship? Can she accept this change in her life and move forward with her best friend?
Warnings: Explicit Sex
Heat Level: R

More About Jane Leopold Quinn 
Author Blog  |  Exquisite Quills  |  Twitter

Feb 20, 2014

#Thursday13 with #MFRWauthor @AuthorTinaGayle

Tina Gayle presents this week's Thursday Thirteen post.
Tina Gayle grew up a dreamer and loved to escape into the world of books.

After years of working in the business world, she decided to try her hand at writing. Currently working on a series about four executive wives, she is excited about combining elements of women fiction with the passion of romance. The first three books have been released and the last one is coming out in 2014.

Married twenty-five years, she and her husband love to travel and play golf. Read the first chapter of any of her books by visiting her website.

Social Media Links:
Blog  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Facebook

Tina's newest release is Summer's Growth, a Paranormal Romantic Mystery. It's the first book in her Family Tree series.

Trophy child, Amber Harrison drops out of college to claim her inheritance from a distance relative. Soon after arriving at Winston Manor, she discovers she’s the new Winston’s family keeper. Forced down a paranormal path, she uncovers a dark family secret which puts her new job as well as her life in jeopardy. Determined to find answers, Amber investigates the mystery with help from a ghost, the ex-keeper of the estate, and a handsome contractor working on the estate. 

Can she solve the mystery and remain the keeper?
Or fail and return to the meaningless life she had in California? 

Inside the book's pages are thirteen spirits... 
1. Jonathan Winston - the leader of the family
2. Helen Winston – Jonathan’s first wife and mother to all of this children except one.
3. Samuel Winston – the artist of the group
4. Luke Winston – a doctor (though medicine in the early 1600 wasn’t what it is today.)
5. Opal – married and had a large family of her own Mattie is one of her descendants.
6. Troy Winston – the Politician of the family.
7. Rachel Winston – never married and is completely devoted to her father.
8. Aggie Winston – youngest daughter of Jonathan and Gwen, (his second wife) also Amber is her descendant.
9. Arnold Winston – an artist and the son of Luke. Caused major heartache in the future.
10. Beth Winston – a spirit that loves to cook
11. Molly Winston – Amber’s deceased grandmother.
12. Juke Winston – a spirit that’s handy around the house.
13. Gwen Winston – who is not a spirit at all but a ghost and Jonathan’s second wife who disappeared over two hundred years ago. She is also Amber’s great, great, great, great, great, grandmother.
Want to Read about these Spirits?

Feb 19, 2014

Read #MFRWorg Book Hooks #MFRWhooks

Welcome to Book Hooks, the weekly meme hosted by the MFRW Authors Blog.

Authors, we'd love for you to join in. Sign-ups open each Sunday right here on the MFRW Authors Blog.

Readers, here's your chance each week to get hooked on a new book! Authors share a short excerpt from their books. If you enjoy the sample, consider purchasing the full book through their buy link.

Feb 18, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Infamous @IrenePreston #MFRWauthor

Great News! MFRW Author Irene Preston re-released her contemporary romance, Infamous, TODAY, February 18th with Crimson Romance.

"Infamous has everything I love in a romance: witty dialogue, steamy sex, and great characters. … a fun and flirty book that I couldn't put down!" --Emily McKay, bestselling author

As a Hollywood insider, Jessica has spent her life partying with A-list celebrities, shopping on Rodeo Drive, and living through scandal after scandal. When her estranged husband offers her a second chance at a "normal" lifestyle, she can't pass up her shot at real happiness. Soon Jessica's spending her days attending P.T.A. meetings and burning cookies, and her nights in sexy role-play, hoping Morgan will overlook her deficiencies as a homemaker. But what will Morgan do when Jessica winds up back in the tabloids--with his teenage daughter right next to her?
Learn More About Irene:

Feb 17, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Wishing For A Highlander @JessiGage #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Jessi released Wishing For A Highlander, a time-travel historical highlander romance, on February 1, 2014.

Single-and-pregnant museum worker Melanie voices an idle wish while examining a Scottish artifact, that a Highland warrior would sweep her off her feet and help her forget her cheating ex. The last thing she expects is for her wish to be granted. Magically transported to the middle of a clan skirmish in the sixteenth-century Highlands, she comes face to face with her kilted fantasy man.

Tall, handsome, and heir to his uncle’s lairdship, Darcy Keith should be the most eligible bachelor in Ackergill. Instead, thanks to a prank played on him in his teenage years, he is known for being too large under his kilt to ever make a proper husband. “Big Darcy” runs his deceased father’s windmills and lives alone at his family manor, believing he will never marry.

But a strangely dressed woman he rescues from a clan skirmish makes him long for more. When the woman’s claims of coming to Ackergill by magic reach the laird’s ears, she is accused of witchcraft. Darcy determines to protect her any way he can, even if it means binding her to him forever.
Buy Links
Size might have its advantages when it came to fighting, but those few boons didn’t compensate for the problems it caused. Being the biggest and the strongest had gotten him into far more trouble than it had gotten him out of. Swallowing his regret for how careless he’d been with her, he sought to determine whom she belonged to, whom, saints forbid, he might owe.

“Whose wife are ye, then? Not a Gunn’s or I wouldna have had to rescue you from one.”
“I’m not married,” the lass said. “And thank you for the rescuing, by the way. I can’t believe I dropped the dirk. Stupid.” She shook her head.

His heart warmed at her thanks. He didn’t hear many kind words from the lasses and would take what he could get, even from a dishonored woman who had caught a bairn out wedlock. Oddly, he didn’t think poorly of her. Whether it was her vexed brow, her guileless, soft mouth, or her vulnerable size, he had not the heart to condemn her.

He didn’t even mind so much that she found him distasteful for being overlarge, although talking with her now, she didn’t seem overly upset to be in his arms. He endeavored to keep her talking, keep her distracted from her disgust.

“You never answered my first question,” he said. “Who are you? And where are you from if ye’re no’ English?”

“Ugh. I don’t know. Is there an answer that won’t get me burned at the stake or locked up in a ward for the hopelessly insane?”

Like most things out of her mouth, that had been a peculiar answer. “You could try the truth,” he offered, slowing his pace since he heard Archie’s voice not far off.

“No,” she said flatly. “I couldn’t. At least not the whole truth. How about we just go with my name, Melanie, and with the honest fact that I’m a long way from home and have no idea how to get back.” Her green eyes pierced his. “I’m afraid you might be stuck with me, Darcy Keith.”
About The Author
Jessi lives with her husband and children in the Seattle area. She’s a passionate reader of all genres of romance, especially anything involving the paranormal. Ghosts, demons, vampires, witches, weres, faeries…you name it, she’ll read it. As for writing, she’s sticking to Highlanders and contemporaries with a paranormal twist (for now).

Jessi brings her love of research to her worlds and characters. She believes good always triumphs over evil, but in the most compelling stories, evil gives good one heck of a run for its money. The last time she imagined a world without romance novels, her husband found her crouched in the corner, rocking.

Jessi strongly believes in embracing community. She loves her neighborhood and loves getting together with

her writing friends, mom friends, church friends, and, well, anyone who shares an interest. She can often be found having coffee at one of the many neighborhood coffee spots she frequents, or indulging in sweets with The Cupcake Crew, her wonderful critique group.

Find Out More About Jessi:
Website | Blog | Facebook Fan Page | Twitter | Goodreads

Feb 14, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Devlin's Dare @Sabrina_York #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Sabrina York released Devlin’s Dare, book five in the Tryst Island Series, on February 1, 2014.

A No-Strings Fling Becomes Something For Which He Will Risk All

Devlin Fox has always been a player. A horny bee flitting from flower to flower. He has no idea why the sexy minx he meets on the way to Tryst Island affects him the way she does. Arousal—for her—hits him like a fist to the gut and he can’t stop thinking about her.

But Tara Romano doesn’t “do” commitments. For good reason. When she proposes they be “friends with benefits,” Devlin can’t figure out why the idea annoys him so much. It should be the perfect scenario. A gorgeous, alluring woman who only wants him for his body… He wants, needs, more from Tara, so he hits upon a plan to turn their no-strings-fling into something lasting. A series of tantalizing dares—dares Tara cannot resist.

Heat Level: R
Warnings: Explicit Sex, a visit to a (tame) BDSM party, spankings, and bacon

MORE About Author Sabrina York:
Website  |  Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Feb 12, 2014

Don't Wait. Get Hooked! #MFRWhooks

Welcome to a another week of Book Hooks, the weekly meme hosted by the MFRW Authors Blog.

Authors, we'd love for you to join in. Sign-ups open each Sunday right here on the MFRW Authors Blog.

Readers, here's your chance each week to get hooked on a new book! Authors share a short excerpt from their books. If you enjoy the sample, consider purchasing the full book through their buy link.

Feb 11, 2014

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: L.A. Sartor @LesannSartor #MFRWauthor

We are talking with MFRW Author L.A. Sartor today. Leslie Ann Sartor (aka L.A. Sartor) began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at Leslie’s insistence, wrote them down and Leslie illustrated them. As an adult she writes suspense and action adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she's had a contracted adaptation! She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date. Leslie loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey.

MFRW: If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Hawaii. I went to school there, and would love to have a house with a pool overlooking the ocean. And still live in Colorado with the mountains as a backdrop and back bone.

MFRW: How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?
Leslie: Wow, I write from experience. Some people say write what you know, but I think that's too narrow or intrepreted to narrowly. We've all experienced the major turning points in life. If you haven't lost a loved one, I'll bet you've lost a pet, or a goldfish. Not quite the same, but so close. Or fallen in love, to have it be requited or unrequited. That's writing what you know. That's writing from experience. I may not be a nurse, but I can research that and I know my emotions from either being sick or dealing with a sick person.

MFRW: What kind of research do you do for a book?
Leslie: Good segue from last question. A huge amount. Right now I'm researching the Vikings and just a tiny bit of my new book, the 2nd in the Carswell Adventures will deal directly with that, but I have to know what I'm talking about. And SCUBA diving in cold water up to 1l2 mile deep. Possible, yes, but you'd die trying. 

MFRW: Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?
I'm a screenwriter as well as novelist, and have learned that humor gives one respite from drama. Humor, be it black or bald is vital. We all need to laugh or snort, or even cry at humor because it touches something you're familiar with.

MFRW: What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels?
I used to write love scenes that made me blush, now I even wonder if they're necessary. So many love scenes are repetitive and boring. I often skip over them. Sad but true, and honestly, I'm not a prude, but the lead up is often more exciting that the real "action."

MFRW: Have you always wanted to be a writer?
I've been writing since I was 4. Really. I used to tell stories and my Mom would write them down. Then in Jr. High I had a young teacher who told me along with my parents that I would never be a writer, because all I wanted to do was tell stories, not learn grammar. Okay Ms. Teacher, I'm now a Best Selling Author! Grammar can be learned at any age and with a great editor which I have. Story telling not so much.

L.A. Sartor self-published a holiday romance in November 2013.
The Children's Author …
Annie Hamilton's children's series Star Light~Star Bright is a mega hit. She loves kids and wants nothing more than a family of her own, but twice burned, thrice shy. When a gorgeous man with two young boys moves next door, Annie can't help but dream her impossible dream.

And The Widower Who Moved Next Door …
Cole Evans is a brilliant scientist, but finds fatherhood a challenge. When his son develops a bond with their enchanting neighbor, the boy’s favorite author, Cole discovers just how much he's lost—and how much he needs.

Will Their Wish Come True This Christmas Night?
Can Cole overcome family meddling and alleviate Annie's fears so they can be a ready-made family?



MFRW: How can readers/fans contact you?
I love, I mean LOVE hearing from my readers. You can, and please do, contact me at Leslie@Lesliesartor.com. And I have a newsletter that comes out, I'd be honored to add you to my mailings.

Connect with Leslie Ann here: WEBSITE  |  FACEBOOK  |  TWITTER  |  PINTEREST  |  BLOG
Leslie is also one of the Five Scribes at www.fivescribes.blogspot.com.

MFRW: List two authors we would find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.
J.D Robb and Audra Harders. Totally different, both wonderful.

Talk to Leslie Ann
What authors do you enjoy reading?

Feb 10, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Beautiful Mistake @Nancy_Corrigan #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Nancy Corrigan released Beautiful Mistake, an Erotic Paranormal Romance, on January 24, 2014 with Ellora's Cave.

Lena will do anything to protect the shifter child her family takes in, even turn herself into bait. Although she knows better than to fall for a shifter, Devin, the man who captures her, is unlike any she’s ever tangled with. Their desire is unquenchable and the draw to him is undeniable, but their relationship is riddled with mistakes and loving him has the potential to destroy her.

After shouldering his twin’s torture, Devin hovers on the verge of insanity. He never thought he’d have a mate or kids of his own until a rescue mission turns deadly. The beautiful female caught in the crosshairs stirs his mating instincts and tames his wild nature. Only her confusion over their intense attraction stops him from finishing their bond, but Devin’s persistent. He’ll convince his stubborn female that he’s the man she’s been waiting for—one passionate encounter at a time.
Get To Know Nancy Corrigan:
Author Website  |  Author Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Feb 7, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Something To Prove @SSchroeder_ #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author Shannyn Schroeder released her newest contemporary romance, Something to Prove, on January 16, 2014 with eKensington Publishing.

Two ambitious people team up to prove themselves to their families—and find there may be more to their partnership than just business…

Elizabeth Brannigan is determined to show her father she’s capable of running the family business. Saving his struggling Chicago bar seems like the perfect project. But she’ll need a little help dealing with the rough crowd. Who better to assist her than the handsome co-owner of a thriving Irish pub? Of course, with so much work to do, there are bound to be a few late nights…

Colin O’Leary’s father passed away before he could prove to him that he wasn’t a screw-up. Now he wants to show his brother he’s responsible enough to own a bar of his own—and Elizabeth may be able to help him. But when their professional aspirations clash, tempers—and passions—flare. Are they mature enough to mix business with pleasure—or will they have to choose between the two?

Get To Know Shannyn:
Author Website  |  Blog  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

Feb 5, 2014

Sassy & Classy #MFRWAuthor @VickiBatman

Like some of her characters, award-winning author, Vicki Batman has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything gal” at a financial services firm--the list is endless.

Writing for several years, she has completed three manuscripts, written essays, and sold many short stories to TRUE LOVE, TRUE ROMANCE, TRUE CONFESSIONS, NOBLE ROMANCE PUBLISHING, LONG AND SHORT REVIEWS, MUSEITUP PUBLISHING, and THE WILD ROSE PRESS.

She is a member of RWA and several writing groups and chapters. In 2004, she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010. She's active on the Plotting Princesses

Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking "What if??"

Today, Vicki Batman keeps it Short & Sweet as she sits down to talk with MFRW about her newest book, a self-published Romantic Comedy, released on February 4, 2014.

From sassy writer Vicki Batman comes three hilarious short reads.

"Bug Stuff"
A co-worker unites with the hunky, new accountant to fight a pesky adversary.

"With This Ring"
The Unimaginable. When Katherine forgets her little black dress for a must-attend event, all turns into something utterly romantic and unforgettable in the end.

"Just Desserts"
A political dinner gone disastrous brings together a reluctant attendee and her handsome seat-mate.

MFRW: Tell us about your latest book. What motivated the story? Where did the idea come from? 
VICKI: Bug Stuff…and other stories follows my other two shortie collections, Man Theory and Little Birdie Who. I'd submitted them to a popular magazine, but they were turned down. A few had nice notations included. The stories weren't bad, just not what they were interested in acquiring because they'd already had something or wanted something specific. I couldn't let them languish; so I decided to indie pub them.

MFRW: Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?
VICKI: I do. For me, writing humor in my stories comes naturally. And it is more real life (at least, with the people who surround me). 

MFRW: What is your writing routine once you start a book?
VICKI: An idea goes Bing! And I take off, usually in dialogue with a smattering of the other stuff as it pops in my head. My first draft is very, very rough. I read over and over and edit and edit to get it perfect for my critique partners. When I get my critique back, I'd hoped all would be good to go, but alas, it never it. So I work and work it again. Then one day, I let go…

MFRW: What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?
VICKI: My family is gone during the day. They don't bother me usually. But when there are those interruptions, I welcome the time with them.

MFRW: What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?
VICKI: Sounds crazy but I always workout. Every single day. I do needlepoint and chill in front of the TV with Handsome.

MFRW: A biography has been written about you. What's the title in six words or less?
VICKI: Sass and Class

Get To Know More about Vicki:

QUICK FACTS about Vicki:
Bubble Baths or Steamy Showers? Shower!
Ocean or mountains? Mountains
Puppies or kittens? I love both-vbg.
Chocolate or Caramel? Chocolate covered caramels. lol

Feb 4, 2014

NEW RELEASE: More Than Magic @DonnaJuneCooper #MFRWauthor

It's Release Day!
MFRW's Featured Author for February, Donna June Cooper ANNOUNCES her NEW RELEASE. More Than Magic, a paranormal romance, is released today with Samhain Publishing.

Books of the Kindling, Book 1
A malignant secret could turn her mountain sanctuary into their tomb.

When DEA agent Nick McKennitt arrives undercover on Woodruff Mountain, the beautiful, edgy owner’s awkward attempts to scare him off tell him something’s afoot, and it’s not her secret patch of rare ginseng.

The last thing Grace Woodruff needs underfoot is a handsome, enigmatic writer recovering from a recent illness. Until an accidental touch unleashes a stunning mystical force and Grace senses the wrath of a malicious blight at the heart of the mountain. Now Grace must choose between her need to hide her gift from the world…and her desire to save Nick’s life.

Warning: This book contains a fiery redhead whose magic cannot be contained and a handsome DEA agent whose final case might give him a second chance at life.

Nick’s face appeared above her, blocking the stars. “Are you going to pass out?”

She laughed and sat back up, nearly bowling him over. “No. Are you?”

He stared at her for a long time. “I think I already did.”

“Well, stop looking at me and look up. We’re here because I promised Pops I’d come here now and again to get my head straight.”

“That will take a lot of visits,” he quipped, then leaned back on his elbows.

“It’s a good thing you’re a guest and I have to be polite to you,” she said.

But Nick had gone quiet, his eyes on the stars.

“Amazing isn’t it?” she said.

He made a noise of assent.

“You should see this meadow in early summer when the rest of the stars show up.”

Nick looked at her. “The rest of the stars?”

“The ones that fly,” Grace said, smiling at the memory. “Pops caught me coming in one summer evening with a mason jar absolutely full of fireflies. I had punched holes in the top and felt as if I had my own personal lantern. I’m sure the fireflies felt differently about it.”

“Did your Pops tell you to let them go?”

“Pops never told us to do anything. Pops told stories. We had to figure out what they meant.”

Meet Donna
My name is DONNA JUNE COOPER and my debut novel, More Than Magic, has just been published this month by Samhain Publishing. I write contemporary paranormal romance with a very subdued and special magic and a definite emphasis on the romance. More Than Magic is the first book in the Books of the Kindling which focus on Woodruff Mountain, the ancient power beneath it, and the family that has hidden its secrets for centuries.

I love being walked by my Jack Russell Terrier (if you know Jacks, you understand). I also love belly dancing (excellent exercise and lots of shiny costumes), going to Renaissance Faires (more costumes!), reading way too much (romance, of course), spending time on too many social networking sites, and writing, writing, writing because I must!

Connect with Donna
Facebook  |   Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Pinterest  |  Website

Feb 3, 2014

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Wolves' Pawn @PJMacLayne #MFRWauthor

MFRW Author P.J. MacLayne released Wolves’ Pawn on January 15, 2014

Dot McKenzie is a lone wolf-shifter on the run, using everything available to her to stay one step ahead of her pursuers. When she is offered a chance for friendship and safety with the Fairwood pack, she accepts.

Gavin Fairwood, reluctant heir for Fairwood pack leadership, is content to let life happen while he waits. Old longings surface when he appoints himself as Dot’s protector and becomes more than a friend.

Dot goes into hiding again when her presence puts the pack and her new friends at risk. When old enemies threaten the destruction of the Fairwood pack, it will take the combined efforts of Dot and Gavin to save it. But can anything save their love and Dot’s life when she becomes a pawn in a pack leader’s deadly game

Get to Know P.J.:
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Feb 1, 2014

#MFRWorg Presents our February Featured Author @DonnaJuneCooper

Meet Donna
My name is DONNA JUNE COOPER and my debut novel, More Than Magic, has just been published this month by Samhain Publishing. I write contemporary paranormal romance with a very subdued and special magic and a definite emphasis on the romance. More Than Magic is the first book in the Books of the Kindling which focus on Woodruff Mountain, the ancient power beneath it, and the family that has hidden its secrets for centuries.

As the granddaughter of a Virginia coal miner and great-great-granddaughter of one of the Muskogee people, I was raised in the shadows of the Appalachian Mountains, in the heavenly hills and valleys of East Tennessee – a gorgeous setting that plays a major role in my writing and my passion for the environment. But I was lured away from my green mountains by an admittedly gorgeous Italian guy, who married me and carried me off to Texas—very flat and very hot Texas. In spite of the heat, I love being walked by my Jack Russell Terrier (if you know Jacks, you understand). I also love belly dancing (excellent exercise and lots of shiny costumes), going to Renaissance Faires (more costumes!), reading way too much (romance, of course), spending time on too many social networking sites, and writing, writing, writing because I must!

Like any child of the Appalachians, I can't stay away from my mountains for long and visit as often as I can. In my books, I take my readers with me for some romance with a touch of magic.

Donna's Writing Day
My writing day starts when Cali says it does. Cali is my Jack Russell who seems to know that I work best in the early morning hours—like 5 a.m. early. So, she considers it her duty, as my co-author, to wake me up at 4:30 a.m. I know! But it actually isn’t a bad approach. It is REALLY quiet at 5 a.m. I can get a lot of mundane things out of the way over my first mug—huge mug—of tea. And then Cali knows she gets her daily walk when the sun comes up.

My daily walks with Cali are also part of my writing toolkit. I tend to come up with ideas, flesh out plots, and work out plot kinks while I’m walking. So I walk with a digital recorder and I probably look like I’m talking to myself a lot of the time, because I am.

Then it’s into my comfy writing clothes (no, not pajamas) and settle in front of my computer with yet another mug of tea. I love my desk. I was lucky enough to work at home during my corporate career and I invested in a huge oak corner unit for my office. Cali’s bed is in here too, of course. And I have one of those weird ergonomic split keyboards and an ergonomic chair (second-hand) that I cannot live without. Something else I can’t live without is music—mainly Pandora and iTunes. When I’m doing marketing things or applying copy edits or writing blog posts, I set Pandora on “Ambient Radio”. And when I’m actually writing, I start up the particular book’s soundtrack on iTunes and get lost in the mountains (and in the streets of Florence and anywhere else my stories take me).

But, as you know, the most important thing in a writer’s life is all the people (and dogs!) who stand behind you and support you in your writing life. Family, friends, beta readers, fellow writers, great editors like Noah Chinn at Samhain, other authors like Holly Lisle—who created a couple of great writing courses that set me on this path, groups like MFRW and others—who offer support and fantastic advice, and, of course, the readers—the most important people of all!

Connect with Donna
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Win with Donna
Enter for a chance to win one of three copies of MORE THAN MAGIC, Books of the Kindling, Book 1.
A malignant secret could turn her mountain sanctuary into their tomb. 
DEA agent Nick McKenzie is sure magic exists—a dangerous drug called Smoky Mountain Magic that’s wreaking havoc in Atlanta. He’s also sure that locating and eliminating the source will kill him. 
When he arrives undercover on Woodruff Mountain, the beautiful owner’s awkward attempts to scare him off tell him something’s afoot, and it’s not her secret patch of ginseng. 
As her dream of seeking medicinal plants in the Amazon fades away, Grace Woodruff struggles to come to terms with a magical gift she didn’t want, and searches desperately for the meaning behind her late grandfather’s final, cryptic message. 
The last thing she needs underfoot is a handsome, enigmatic writer recovering from a recent illness. Until an accidental touch unleashes a stunning mystical force and Grace senses the wrath of a malicious blight at the heart of the mountain. Now Grace must choose between her need to hide her gift from the world…and her desire to save Nick’s life. 
Warning: This book contains a fiery redhead whose magic cannot be contained and a handsome DEA agent whose final case might give him a second chance at life.
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