Today we have the wonderful
Lynda Kaye Frazier ~ please give her a warm welcome!
Tell us about your latest
book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If so, what are
Rescued from
the Dark is a Romantic Suspense.
This is a story
about an FBI agent, Jason Michaels who goes undercover with the Irish Mob to
get information on their gun smuggling ring. While on assignment he realizes
they have joined forces with a known terrorist group manufacturing drugs. He
searches for information to tie the two together when he finds out they have
kidnapped a fellow agent and the only girl he has ever loved. Jason soon
realizes their using Mercy to perfect their dosage and that his cover has been
blown. He knows he has to save her so takes off a journey that will take him up against his
enemies, peers and the Agency that he loves, but willing to give up to bring
Mercy back to him.
What can we expect from you
in the future?
Rescued from
the Dark is the first book in my Guardian’s of Hope series. It is an eight book
series made up of Special Ops, Navy Seals and FBI Agents who are sanctioned by
the government to do rescues they can’t or are not able to do due to
I am almost
finished with the second book, Last Chance to Run and hope to have it published
by the end of the year.
I also have a
contemporary, Saving JT in the works and just finished outlining the remaining
books in the Guardian’s series. So many more books in the future.
How do we find out about you
and your books?
You can follow
my progress on my website:
And on my blog:
How many readers/fans contact
This is my
first novel so not a big fan base. Just family and friends.. But that’s a great
place to start.
How much of your personality
and life experiences are in your writing?
Mercy has a lot
of my personality built into her character. She loves coffee, is always late
and is very protective of family and friends. The only thing we share on life
experiences is how enclosed areas bother her. I hate it when the elevator
closes. I swear I hold my breath until it opens again.
When did you first think about writing and what prompted you to submit your first ms?
Generally, how long does it take you to write a book? It takes two months for me to complete a rough draft. I am still new to the editing process so I’m slow at it. I think I edit it too much.
When did you first think about writing and what prompted you to submit your first ms?
Generally, how long does it take you to write a book? It takes two months for me to complete a rough draft. I am still new to the editing process so I’m slow at it. I think I edit it too much.
Do you have a set schedule
for writing or do you just go with the flow?
My day job
takes up a lot of my time so I have set aside my evenings from 8 to midnight
for my e-mails, blog updates and writing. I usually wing it on the weekends but
still try to get at least three hours in front of the computer each day.
What is your writing routine
once you start a book?
Once I have my
characters and plot my book basically writes itself. I keep a tape recorder on
me and when I get an idea I record it and feed it into my story when I get
home. I am always working on my story whether it’s in front of the computer or
recording a thought.
Where do you start when
writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?
I do a short
outline then build my characters. Looks, personality and quirks. Then the story
builds around that.
What about your family, do
they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant
My kids are
grown and on their own and once my husband is fed he is happy so the only real
interruption I have is when my cats feel like they need attention and lay
across my keyboard.
What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?
What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?
I read. I love
to read, that’s what started this journey of mine. It’s my escape. I relax with a few chapters each night.
What are your thoughts on love
scenes in romance novels? Do you find them difficult to write?
I only have one
love scene in my book. There is a lot of sexual tension but writing that one
scene was very difficult for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love to read erotic and
would love to write more but alas my Catholic school background will not let
me. When I’m in the middle of attempting to write one I get a mental image of
the Nuns and Priests telling me to get those evil thoughts out of my head.
Someday I will learn how to kick them out of my head.
What kind of research do you
This book dealt
with the Irish Mob and a Terrorist cell. I had many hours on the wide web
searching for information so my plot sounded as real as it could be without
hitting sites that would get me flagged by the US Government.
What does your husband/wife think of your writing?
What does your husband/wife think of your writing?
My family is
very supportive of my writing.
Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
Do you ever ask him/her for advice?
No, can’t even
get him to read my book. He’s only into westerns.
Please tell us about yourself.
I am married with five children and three grandchildren. I love to garden and paint but the one thing you will always catch me doing is reading. My most favorite place to be is on the beach. I have been known to drive 10 hours for a day on the sand. I went to college for Respiratory Therapy back in 1979 and have been a registered ultrasound technician for the last 18 years. I work for a Cardiology group and can honestly say I love my day job. But I love writing more.
Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?
I have always
had a passion for reading, but the one author that influenced me into getting
published was Cindy Gerard. When I finished writing my book I had questions so
I e-mailed her and she was great. She gave me information that put me in the
right direction. She was very kind and answered every one of my dumb questions.
Are you a member of any author groups - RWA, critique groups, etc.?
Are you a member of any author groups - RWA, critique groups, etc.?
I am a member
of RWA, Roses Critique group, Savvy Authors, BTS eMag reviewers.
What do you think of critique
groups in general?
I would be lost without my critique group. I love the different advice I get, and use it as just that, their opinion and advice. I don’t let them change my voice but their great at catching plot errors, story structures problems and flow.
List two authors we would
find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.
Cindy Gerard
and Suzanne Brockman. Love their stories.
Are there any words of
encouragement for unpublished writers?
Don’t ever give
up. You will get critiques that will make you cry and rejection letters. Make
them building blocks for the career you are building.
What do you hope readers take
with them after reading your work?
I put on my calendar the date of the next
release from the authors I read. I want to know that someone loved my story and
was left needing to know what happens next so they put my next release date on
their calendar.
If you came with a warning
label, what would it say?
Never engage in
activity until coffee has been consumed.
Leather or lace? Lace
Black or red? Black
Satin sheets or Egyptian
cotton? Egyptian
Ocean or mountains? Ocean
City life or country life? Country life
Hunky heroes or average Joe? Hunky Heroes
Party life or quiet dinner
for two? Quiet dinner
Dogs or cats? Both
Tell us your favorites.
Dessert ~ Peanut butter cookies
City ~ Houston
Season ~ Summer
Type of hero ~ Take charge and sexy
Type of heroine ~ Confident, courageous, not whimpy
Where can your readers find
Web ~
Twitter ~
Amazon ~
Where’s your favorite place
to hang out online?
I enjoy
Goodreads because I love to read and enjoy finding new authors and recommending
great books to others. But I am also a Facebook junkie.
She has no memory of their love...
Kidnapped by terrorists and
sent into a drug-induced coma, FBI intern Mercedes Kingsley awakes with no
memory of her ordeal—or the intimate interlude that left her pregnant.
Convinced her child was fathered by her ex-fiancé, she walks away from the only
man she has ever loved, determined to make things work with her ex, a man the
FBI suspects is implicated in her abduction.
He knows the truth, but no one will listen...
FBI undercover agent Jason
Michaels remembers what Mercy can’t and those memories are breaking his heart.
Forced to keep his distance from his lover and their unborn child, Jason risks
his life to protect Mercy from a cell of international terrorists who have
vowed to get the secrets locked in her memory, no matter the cost. Can Jason
convince Mercy to trust him until she remembers their past, or will he lose her
to a man who will trap her in a nightmare world of darkness from which there is
no escape?
Buy Links:
Price: Print $9.99 at Black Opal
Books; Amazon and B&N $11.99; eBook $2.99
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Black Opal Books
Release Date: February 16, 2013