Sep 21, 2012

An Interview With Christina Routon

Today we have the wonderful Christina Routon with us for an interview. Please help me welcome her.

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If so, what are they?

Hillbilly Rockstar is a contemporary romance.

Down-and-out country singer Trace Harper parties like there's no tomorrow. When his manager dies, the party's over. Trace discovers he's not just broke, he's $15,000 in debt.

Lisa Jenkins worked with Trace's dead manager and offers him a project that could revive his career - and put $100,000 in his pocket. But there's a catch - Trace must sign a morals clause for the length of the project. 

With nothing to lose, Trace takes Lisa on as his new manager and discovers life away from the party isn't all bad. 

But Lisa isn't exactly who he thinks she is, and when Trace's ex-wife shows up with proof of Lisa's deceit, Trace has to decide if he can trust her with his career - and his heart. 

What can we expect from you in the future?

I'm working on a non-fiction project right now. After that, I'll be working on the sequel to Hillbilly Rockstar. I'll be telling Michelle's story, his co-host from the TV show. I'm also considering a short story featuring his ex-wife, Trixie.

How do we find out about you and your books?

My website is the best place, but I also spend a lot of time on Facebook.

Why did you decide to write romance novels?

I read my first romance novels when I was twelve. An aunt gave me about 200 Harlequin Presents and I read them over the course of the summer. I loved the stories but wanted to know why there weren't any American characters. All characters in the Presents line seemed to be set in Europe or Australia. I wanted to write romantic stories featuring the people and the life I knew best. I'm also a very romantic person and I enjoy telling a story and following it through that first attraction through a happily ever after.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?

I do have a schedule as I work around a day job and a family. The schedule can change, but I always know what I'm working on every day. I alternate between writing and rewriting / editing to keep my focus strong for the project.

What is your writing routine once you start a book?

I jump in and write in a linear fashion. I write after work on weekdays for about two hours and about four hours on Saturday.

Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?

I do make a loose outline detailing what needs to be in each chapter. If I need to research something, I will do that before I begin to write and include information in my outline. I don't stop the writing to research, though. I make notes to myself during the writing process to check on a fact or research something and leave a comment about what type of information needs to be included.

What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?

They generally leave me alone, but if they really need me they know they can interrupt. I've protected my writing time, though, and they have learned that if it's something they just want to share with me or let me know then it can wait until I'm finished for the night.

What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?

I watch TV or movies on Hulu or Netflix with my husband or we play a game. We enjoy role playing games or DVD / board games like Scene It. My son and I will have Doctor Who or Star Trek:TNG marathons.

How do you come up with ideas?

I have more ideas than I have time to write. Sometimes I have what I call story dreams. I'll dream the story from beginning to end, as if I'm watching it play out. Sometimes the details don't make sense since it is a dream, but when I wake up I write down the basic storyline. I also get ideas from song lyrics, a phrase someone says to me, or something random pops into my head during a walk.

What are your thoughts on love scenes in romance novels? Do you find them difficult to write?

I enjoy love scenes in romance novels. I think there's a place for all heat levels. I don't find them difficult to write. I enjoy showing my characters expressing their love for one another.

What does your husband/wife think of your writing?

My husband is very supportive. He reads the manuscripts, brings me tea, listens while I bounce ideas off him. He is wonderful and very supportive of my writing.

Please tell us about yourself (family, hobbies, education, etc.)

I've been married for 22 years to my childhood sweetheart. We have an 18-year-old son. We moved from Georgia to Alabama about three years ago and haven't regretted it. We love the area where we live. We're in the city limits, but it's a quiet, historic neighborhood. We participate in a Christmas event each year. We're all geeky in some way. We love our gadgets, science fiction TV and movies, and role playing games. We have two dogs and a cat. We're pretty laid back but we have a wonderful life.

Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?

Nora Roberts, definitely. I have learned so much from how she writes and tries new things. Sue Grafton and Charlaine Harris are also inspirational to me.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I have a specific goal to reach within the next four years, so within five years I will have reached that goal and most likely set another one. My husband and I are currently working on downsizing our lifestyle and traveling, so in five years we'll be living on the road in an RV, traveling, working, continuing to enjoy our lives.

If you weren't writing, what would you be doing?

I would be creative in some way. It's a part of me and my family. My parents sing and play instruments, two of my brothers play instruments, another brother is a wonderful cook. We're all creative in some way, so I would most likely be playing an instrument or painting. Being creative is what I'm passionate about and I can't wait to do it full-time.

Leather or lace? Lace
Black or red? Black
Satin sheets or Egyptian cotton? Egyptian Cotton
Ocean or mountains? Ocean
City life or country life? Country life
Hunky heroes or average Joe? Average Joe
Party life or quiet dinner for two? Quiet dinner for two
Dogs or cats? cats

I love pizza with spinach, Alfredo sauce and feta cheese.
I'm always ready for a trip somewhere.
When I'm alone, I watch a movie.

Dessert ~ Key Lime Pie
City ~ Gulf Shores, Alabama. Beautiful place to vacation and not as crowded as Panama City.
Season ~ Spring - not too hot, not too cold.
Type of hero ~ Strong, steady, faithful, caring.
Type of heroine ~ Strong, willing to open herself up, speaks her mind, doesn't need a man but chooses one.

Where can your readers find you?

Where’s your favorite place to hang out online?


Excerpt From Hillbilly Rockstar

Awful was not the word for the set Trace Harper performed. Horrible, depressing, deplorable, unpleasant, ugly -- these words were closer to the truth.
It was obvious Trace was drunk. Not tipsy, not buzzed, but high-as-a-kite drunk. He went through the set, forgetting words to songs he'd made famous only a few years before. He stumbled over the stage, laughing at his mistakes. When it came to his final ballad, the most famous of his career, he butchered the chorus that everyone else in the bar knew so well. No one seemed to mind, especially the women in the audience, in particular a bleached blonde in a halter top that barely covered her large breasts. She was standing below the stage, staring up at Trace as if he were a god to be worshipped -- and he seemed pretty happy to accept whatever worship came his way.
Lisa watched him for a few minutes as fans greeted him, asking for pictures and autographs. He seemed to be having the time of his life, and either didn't realize -- or didn't care -- that his performance sucked. He was much different than the man she'd met at the office some years ago when he'd come in for a meeting with Charlie. She'd been new to the agency and to Nashville. Seeing celebrities around town and at work had fascinated her and there were a few times she'd embarrassed herself when speaking to them. It also didn't help that she'd had a huge crush on Trace Harper when he'd first come on the country music scene fifteen years earlier. But that was then, and this was now, and she wasn't a wide-eyed-twenty-something-girl with stars in her eyes anymore.
Well, may as well get this over with. She made her way to the stage as the crowd around him thinned out, ignoring the blonde begging Trace for a picture.
"Sure, honey." Trace flicked his black hat back on his head and put his arm around the woman. "Hey, you." He pointed at Lisa. "Come take our picture, sweetie pie."
"I am not your sweetie pie, Mr. Harper." Lisa said.
"Well, tonight you are, so take our picture."
"Here," the blonde said, her voice high and squeaky. She handed Lisa her cell phone and cuddled closer to Trace, squeezing him around the waist and laying her head on his shoulder. Trace held up his beer and put his arm around the blonde's shoulders. Sighing, Lisa held up the cell phone.
"If I take this picture, can I speak with you for five minutes, Mr. Harper?"
"What is it with the Mr. Harper crap? Sure, whatever, five minutes. Take the picture so I will never forget meeting the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Oh," the blonde cooed, looking up at him and smiling. Lisa hit the button on the phone and took the photo. 
"Take another one, just in case."
"In case of what?" Lisa asked.
"Just in case."
"Last one," Lisa said, and pushed the button just as the woman placed her palms on Trace's cheeks and pulled his mouth to hers. The camera caught the kiss, exactly as Lisa assumed the woman wanted.
"Thank you so much," the blonde said to Trace before taking her phone and heading back to friends, all similarly clad in various tank tops, halter tops, jeans and mini-skirts, at a nearby table.
"Now, what would you like to talk about, sweetie pie?" Trace ambled over to her, waving off a few people that were asking for autographs. "Hold on, folks. I promised this lady five minutes."
With groans and sighs the crowd dispersed, but didn't go very far. Lisa did not understand how people still wanted photos and autographs after his terrible performance, but there they stood, waiting for him to finish talking.
"Mr. Harper, I work for Cahill-Waters Talent Agency. I've been trying to get in touch with you."
"Yeah, Charlie's company. Yeah, sorry, I've had some issues with my cell phone recently. Wait." Trace flicked his hat back on his head again and came closer, his brown eyes focusing on her face, then down her body.
"Do I pass?" She crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her booted foot on the wooden floor.
"I know you from somewhere." He scanned her again and Lisa felt as if she were being inspected from her blonde hair framing her face, down her skinny blue v-neck t-shirt and flared leg jeans to the cowboy boots peeking from the hem. "You were at Charlie's funeral. The blonde in the black dress and boots, with the redhead."
"That's right, I was there." It unnerved her to think of Trace seeing her at the funeral, seeing her now, and even remembering what she'd been wearing that day.
He leaned in closer and she had to uncross her arms to keep him from bumping them. He bent just a little and whispered in her ear.
"I loved that dress on you. I enjoy curves on a woman, and you got 'em in just the right places." He reached down, placing his hands on her hips.
She pushed him away. "Mr. Harper, I am here as a professional. I need to speak to you regarding your representation with Cahill-Waters."
He laughed, taking a step back. "Okay, not interested. I get it. What about my representation? You guys are just going to keep doing whatever you're doing, right?"
Before she could answer, the crowd wanting his autograph had grown and were pushing closer them. A sea of bodies, primarily female, separated them and Lisa was forced to step back to the wall to keep from being crushed.
"Hey, sweetie pie, I'll call you," she thought she heard Trace call out over the noise, then he was gone, trapped in a frenzy of female fans.
Lisa headed back to their table and found Tanya snuggled in the lap of the dark haired man she'd danced with earlier. "Well, I tried."
"You didn't get to talk to him? Oh, this is Doug, by the way." Tanya smiled down at the man and ran a finger over his cheek.
"Hi, Doug. Lisa. I did, but I wasn't able to tell him everything. He hit on me."
"Really?" Tanya looked up at Lisa in surprise.
"Yes, really. Now, can we go? I want to get home and get some sleep." Lisa grabbed her purse and jacket from her chair and slung them over her arm.
"Okay. Bye, Doug." Tanya kissed the man then slid off his lap, taking her purse from the back of the chair as she stood. "I had fun. You got my number?"
"I sure do," Doug said, and winked at the cute redhead. "I'll be calling you later."
"You better." Tanya waved at him before following Lisa out of the bar.
"Looks like you found a friend." Lisa unlocked her sedan and they climbed in, buckling their seat belts.
"Yeah, I did. Too bad you didn't get to speak to Trace. Well, except to get hit on."
"Yeah, too bad." Lisa started the car, but didn't back up right away. She remembered the sound of his voice near her ear, the tickle of his five o'clock shadow on her cheek as he leaned close to her, his warm breath on her neck, the feel of his hands on her hips, and shivered.
"What's wrong?" Tanya asked, noticing her shake.
"Nothing," Lisa said. "Trace is a jerk, that's all. I'm not going to keep trying to call him. I'm going to send the letter to his agent. I have better things to do."
She put the car in reverse and backed out of the lot, heading for home, determined to put Trace Harper out of her mind once and for all.

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Christina Routon is originally from Manchester, Georgia, and currently lives in Alabama with her family. She works from home as a general transcriptionist, which allows her time to write fiction and non-fiction as well as work on her general transcription website. A self-professed geek, she enjoys tabletop role-playing games, watching Doctor Who (David Tennant is her favorite, but Matt Smith is growing on her), and watching anything written or produced by Stephen Moffat or Joss Whedon.

Sep 17, 2012

An Interview with Kristina Knight

Today we have the wonderful Kristina Knight with us. Please welcome her today and share her interview with all your friends.

Where can your readers find you?

Where’s your favorite place to hang out online?


Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If so, what are they?

The Saint's Devilish Deal is a contemporary, reunion romance set in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Esmerelda Quinn has been looking for a place to belong since her parents were killed in a car crash when she was young. The closest thing to home has always been Aunt Constance's villa in Puerto Vallarta, so after a string of dead-end hotellier jobs, she's coming home to run the villa.

Santiago Cruz has called the villa home for as long as he can remember. In between surfing events, Constance has always had a room for him. Color him surprised when Constance decides to retire - and leaves a joint interest in the villa to both Santiago and Esme.

Esme isn't thrilled to share ownership of the villa with the the youngest Cruz brother - especially when she learns Santiago's brother has been after the villa for years. But Santiago has grown up while she's been away at school and soon she finds herself falling for the rich boy down the hall.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I'm hard at work on my next two novels for Crimson Romance, both are books linked to my debut romance, What a Texas Girl Wants. I don't have release dates just yet, but I am loving how the books are turning out!

How do we find out about you and your books?

My website is the best place for news and book updates – I also share excerpts and have a few free reads up on the site. Aside from my official website, I can usually be found on Twitter and Pinterest – I have a sliiiiiight addiction to both!

Why did you decide to write romance novels?

I've had a love affair with romance novels since I was a kid – my mom started me out reading fairy tales, I was a voracious reader of YA romances throughout junior high and traded in YA angst for Harlequin Romances in about 8th grade. I knew I had to try writing my own romance at some point and I'm so glad I did!

How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing?

I hope my personality shines through in my books – I like to have fun, I'm a bit sarcastic and irreverent and I love to try and experience new things. But I've never taken a specific happening and put it into a book. Yet.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?

I have a schedule that goes with the flow! I try to write in the mornings when my daughter is in school, but depending on where I am on a deadline, I may write into the night to stay on track.

Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?

My books usually start with an idea. I'll write a scene that pops into my head and move forward 30 or so pages, just to see where I'm going…and the research begins once I think I have a usable story arc in place.

What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?

They know…but it doesn't stop them! I long for the days when my 4-year-old knows that when Mommy is at her desk it really does mean Do Not Interrupt. Unfortunately, that day is not here. Yet.

What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?

I read. A lot. In the summer months I can be found floating in our pool or out for a drive and I love going for walks and taking in the scenery.

How do you come up with ideas?

Like a lot of other writers, a snatch of conversation can spark an idea…but a lot of times, I'll see a scene or a character in my mind and the story will flow from there.

Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why?

Yes! I think humor is important for life, in general, so why wouldn't it be important in fiction? Humor helps us through tough moments, heart breaks and absolutely wonderful occasions. I think it's the same in fiction – a touch of humor can give a character an edge that constant seriousness just doesn't offer.

Please tell us about yourself (family, hobbies, education, etc.)

I'm married to my own romantic hero – he proposed on a beach at sunset, if you can believe it! We have a wonderful 4 year old daughter who is awesomeness personified…even when she's doing things she shouldn't be doing! I love writing, reading and talking books, but I also sew (moderately well) and can shop like a fiend. Finding a great pair of shoes is a thing to be celebrated in our house! Oh, and I'm terrified of the zombie apocalypse so I keep a baseball bat handy at all times.

What are some of your favorite things to do?

swim, read, go for long drives, investigate new cities and just hang with the family.

List two authors we would find you reading when taking a break from your own writing.

Nora Roberts and Jayne Ann Krentz – both of these amazing writers do things with character that boggle my mind. I just love their work!

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?

On a beach, somewhere warm. I usually think Hawaii, but lately I'm thinking a more secluded place would be great. But I'll take any location that has RadioMan (my husband) and bebe (the kiddo).

What song would best describe your life?

I love music, all sorts. But the song What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong holds a special place in my heart. I try to live that song – seeing beauty in the ordinary – every day.

Leather or lace? – leather. Less chafey
Black or red? - red
Satin sheets or Egyptian cotton? – Egyptian cotton. Sooooo soft!
Ocean or mountains? – Ocean. Love, love, love the water!
City life or country life? – Country…but close enough to the city to enjoy a fun night out from time to time.
Hunky heroes or average Joe? – Hunky, all the way.
Party life or quiet dinner for two? – Quiet dinner for two…with a party thrown in from time to time.
Dogs or cats? – Dogs. Gotta love that unconditional love. Plus, I'm not so sure cats aren't behind that whole zombie apocalypse thing.
Dessert. – cheesecake. Any sort. Except coffee. Coffee-flavored cheesecake is a crime against humanity. Or maybe just a crime against Kristina.
City. – Las Vegas – a little bit of all the fun places on earth!
Season. – Spring – who doesn't love new beginnings?!?
Type of hero. – Alpha but with a bite of humor attached.
Type of heroine. – Strong, feisty and oh-so-slightly sarcastic.

Once upon a time, Kristina Knight spent her days running from car crash to fire to meetings with local police – no she wasn’t a trouble maker, she was a journalist. When the opportunity to write what she wanted arose – business and family/parenting articles – and to focus more energy on the stories in her heard, she jumped at it.

And she’s never looked back. Now she writes articles for magazines and such by day and writes romance novels with spice by night. And any toddler-free, five minute break she has. She lives on Lake Erie with her husband, 3 year old daughter and 20 year old fur-kid. Happily ever after.

Sep 7, 2012

An Interview with Nicky Penttila

Today we have the lovely Nicky Penttila here telling us about her latest book.

Where can your readers find you?

Where’s your favorite place to hang out online? Twitter

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre.

A Note of Scandal is a romantic historical novel that takes place in London just after Waterloo. To help a struggling soldier-friend, Miss Olivia Delancey sells her musical composition to Will Marsh, a hard-driving newspaper publisher, and then falls for him. Unfortunately, he is the first of a new breed of newspaper man – the kind who report just the facts, not the spin and never lies. Olivia struggles to keep her secrets from this unsuitably alluring publisher, and Will fights to find the truth without losing his hold on this bright-eyed angel who has descended into his life. Who will win?

What can we expect from you in the future?

Next month my first novella comes out, Babysitting the Billionaire. After writing historical for a while, it was fun to switch gears and write the way regular people talk today! I hope readers enjoy Washington, DC, as a setting, too, because I've got plenty more stories to tell about it. I also have in the works two regency historical stories in unusual settings: Manchester, England, and Galicia, Spain.

Do your fans' comments and letters influence you in any way?

Yes! Comments help me keep going, especially when I get stuck in low gear. Comments also help me decide which story to tell next; my sisters-in-law love to read romance but prefer contemporaries, and kept telling me so, and look what happened.

Why did you decide to write romance novels?

I spent almost two decades writing and editing for newspapers, where so many of the stories don’t have happy endings. A relentless diet of sad news can wear you down. So when I started learning to write fiction, happy endings were a requirement.

Who has influenced your writing?

I was glad to discover Carla Kelly’s Signet and Harlequin historical romances. She showed me there really was a market for Regency characters who weren’t strictly Society types and for stories that take on the current issues of the day as well as tell a beautiful love story.

After you've written your book and it's been published, do you ever buy it and/or read it?

Sure – I buy each one in one e-version or another, to see how they look “in the wild.” And I must admit I do have to refer to it to recall details like hair and eye color and what makes up each character’s specific voice. I think because of my reporting experience, when I had to become an expert in social policy one day, write an article, then next day fill my brain about space travel and write another, then next day learn about modern art, etc., I have a tendency not to hold onto many details. Apparently, there’s only so much working memory at my disposal!

Which comes first, the story, the characters, or the setting?

It’s been different every time. Olivia in A Note of Scandal was a secondary character who called out for her own story. Babysitting the Billionaire grew out of a visit to the Building Museum in Washington, seeing the workers prepping for a big party and wondering who would be attending.

What do you enjoy most about writing?

Solving the puzzles – getting in words something I see or touch or feel. Also, happy endings!

What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work?

Life is a wondrous work in progress, and we all get second chances.

Please fill the blanks with your favorites!

Dessert: Key lime pie
City: London
Season: Fall
Type of hero: Honorable, strong, complicated but he knows he is and has a sense of humor about it
Type of heroine: Smart, resilient, adventurous, a little dreamy and schemey


Genre: Sensual romantic historical
Author: Nicky Penttila
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-77130-026-1
Page Count: 253

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Major Avery pushed Will’s shoulder to the left. “There, toward the window. Lecturing that vision in blue silk.”

Will saw the woman first. Her delicate elbow was trapped in a black-furred mitt of a hand, apparently that of Mr. Jeremy Mellon, M.P. He had angled himself as if pushing her toward the muddied wall. As he leered over her, she stood very still. Though she stood in profile to him, Will could tell even her eyes remained still. The weak light from the smoke-fogged window gained luster, passing through the gold-blond ringlets framing her face. All her attention was on Mellon.

“Can you believe that waistcoat?” Avery snorted. “Is it puce?”
Will pulled his gaze away from the lady to take in her companion.

“Plum. Latest thing.” His gaze flicked back to the lovelier form.

“Drinking in dear Cousin Olivia?” Avery accepted a mug of over-yeasty ale from the passing barkeep.

“Olivia Delancey?”

“The Honorable. And once my intended. Seems I’ve cocked that up, as well.” He sipped the foam off the top of the ale. “Too bad I can’t invite you to sup with us tonight. Should be a right circus.”

“She hangs so on his words.” Will frowned, and then caught himself. She was not the story; that florid piece of political beef beside her was.

“Can’t you see? Look at her chin. The edge, there, under her ear.” It was pale, but even at a distance he could see a slight tremor. A crack in the chiseled beauty.

“She’s ill?”

“White-hot angry, my friend.” Will tore his gaze from the porcelain lady to raise an eyebrow at him.
“Trust me,” Avery said, “she has had that tiny flaw since she was a dandled babe.”

“Taken advantage of it, have you?” Will’s eyes narrowed, oddly protective. Avery put up his hands in mock surrender.

“Only a very small snake.” He grinned. “Down the back of her dress, at a tea party.”

“And all she did was set her chin?” Ladies were cold, he knew, but that sounded downright frigid.

“At first. Then the screaming started.” Avery pushed into the crowd.

“We’d best remove the poor man from danger, don’t you think?”
Though the room was small, they made slow progress through the swells of men reeking of sour beef, stale beer, and sweat. Wishing to avoid even the appearance of aggression, so swift a complaint to launch against newsmen, Will allowed Avery to lead. But he did not take his gaze from the lady. Mellon’s hand had crept up to her shoulder. Was he pulling her closer?

Will’s hand fisted. He might need to punch his quarry before interviewing him.

“Mellon.” Avery stepped between the couple, allowing the society jewel to take a step back, arm intact. Will stopped short beside her.
When her attention was elsewhere, her round, full lips dominated her face, the bottom line of the lower lip parallel with the soft oval of her jaw line. But no one would notice the rest of her face, or the fragile cream of her skin, when she turned her gaze on them. Eyes like sapphires, expensive and rare. And crackling with anger.

“Avery. A major now? Felicitations.” Mellon latched onto his new prey, pumping Avery’s hand up and down as if to draw water. “I know you’ll agree with me.”

“I have no doubt. What was the question?”

The Diana of Westminster turned her gaze to her cousin. Will forced himself to look away, toward Mellon. His reason for being here.
Then she spoke, and ruined his best efforts.

“Mr. Mellon has been … informing me … of yet another weakness of my sex.” Her musical voice dripped honeyed venom. “We cannot create.” She flicked an eyebrow at her cousin, sharing an unspoken joke.

Nicky Penttila lives in the DC metro area, after working for newspapers in Hartford, San Francisco, and Baltimore. She loves honorable (if a little complicated) heroes and adventurous (if a little dreamy) heroines who may not solve all the world’s problems but not for lack of trying. She is a omnivorous reader, any book is fair game, but she always returns to her first loves, historical fiction and science fiction/fantasy.

Sep 6, 2012

An Interview with Adera Orfanelli

Join us today for an interview with the lovely Adera Orfanelli.

Where can your readers find you?

Where’s your favorite place to hang out online? 

Changeling Press Reader’s Loop

Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If so, what are they?

A Worldly Cage is an erotic science fiction romance with BDSM elements. In it, a high class escort runs away from the man she loves because he wants a more permanent, and equal, relationship between them. When he finds her, she discovers that she has a place in his world.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I have a vampire holiday story coming out from Changeling Press called Drink me Sweetly.

How do we find out about you and your books?

My website is the best place to look.

Why did you decide to write romance novels?

I love writing romance with the happily ever after. I have fun exploring different times and places, and different types of characters, yet finding that they’re all the same in that love conquers all.

Generally, how long does it take you to write a book?

Usually just a couple of weeks since I write shorter novellas.

Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?

I try to write 1000 words a day.

Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?

I just start writing the story. I find it works better than way as I really get into the characters’ heads to decide what comes next.

What about your family, do they know not to bother you when you are writing - or are there constant interruptions?

I generally multi-task, so I am writing while watching television or doing other things.

What do you do to relax and recharge your batteries?


Beyond Bounds
erotic BDSM romance anthology
my novella: A Worldly Cage by Adera Orfanelli
erotic SF BDSM romance

When Ninali found out Sebastian, her handsome dominant lover, was more than wealthy, she’d fled. She loved him, but she’d never be a part of his world. He was one of the political elite back on Earth, and she would always be a high class prostitute. Fleeing Sebastian cost money she didn’t have, and Ninali ends up working in a brothel.

After a long search Sebastian finally found the woman he loved. Without hesitation he purchases her debts—and her. Now, the more difficult task. To convince her that he still wants her and that she can be by his side without shame or fear.

Will Ninali submit to her own desires and Sebastian’s to realize they have a future together or will she simply consider herself caged, albeit in a very fancy one?

Breezler narrowed his brows over his pale eyes. “You’re done.”
Ninali stumbled. She reached for the wall to steady herself. “What?” She sagged her naked body against the cool metal. Only with his words, did she realize Breezler held a small bag and a robe.
He tossed the robe at her. “Put it on. Your contract’s been bought. You’re not mine anymore.”
I never was yours. I just worked for you. She shrugged into the robe, noticing it was a finer weave than the ones in the dorms. Breezler dropped the bag containing the few belongings she’d brought with her and kicked it in her direction.  She opened her mouth to ask who bought her contract, but she didn’t need to know. Not after this afternoon’s performance. She knew exactly who had paid for her. Captain still wanted more than she should give. Only now she had to pay him for the debts she’d accrued getting away from him. Figures.
She nodded once, business-like, then picked up the bag. The door to her left beaconed. It led down a short hall and into the main room. She hadn’t been there since she’d come, cowed and broken, when Breezler had bought her debts. She took a deep breath, nodded, then walked back down the hall, leaving Breezler and the cages behind.
The hall, little more than a short pathway punctuated only by the door to Breezler’s office, opened into the main room. A few chairs, some pillows—she might have been stepping into some professional waiting room instead of the front room of a cage-brothel. There, in the corner, filling the room, was her Captain.
Air whooshed from Ninali’s lungs. Her Captain perused her, from the top of her tousled hair to her bare feet. She wondered what he might see, if he’d notice that she weighed less and had dark shadows under her eyes now. Maybe if she’d let him take care of her, she wouldn’t have those, but if she’d let him take care of her, she also wouldn’t be the woman she was.
Words ran through her mind. You found me. Why did you? What do you want? She kept them inside, not giving him the satisfaction.
Her Captain walked to her, his long strides taking him to her side in a matter of minutes. She held out her wrists, expecting to be cuffed, as she had been when Breezler had bought her debts and pressed into her service.
He shook his head and held out a slender silver chain.
Author Bio: Adera Orfanelli began writing several years ago when she discovered how fun it was to write stories about hot men and adventurous women living and loving in outer space. With the universe to explore, she lets the stars light her way and her imagination play. Now, she sees hot couples everywhere and her stories have moved beyond outer space and into the past, and into our modern day world. Right now, Adera is having fun writing stories her readers will love, and who knows where, or when, she'll write about next?

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